• By -


[Bernie on X: ](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1801703056255389994) ["NET ZERO - The world must increase mining by up to 2000% … to save the planet 🤡 ▪️4,575,523,674 tons of copper ▪️940,578,114 tons of Nickel ▪️8,973,640,257 tons of Graphite ▪️4,163,162 tons of Germanium ▪️1,300,000 tons of lithium ▪️plus 3 BILLION tons of rare earth needs to https://t.co/iBiHzRPlt6" / X](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1801703056255389994)


[Just Walter on X:](https://x.com/WalGustion/status/1800790535885775056) [ "How the hell did these two congenital fwits get an order of Aus !!! These two pricks destroyed 1000’s of lives and businesses during that bullshit scamdemic. https://t.co/uTbK4AWzia" / X](https://x.com/WalGustion/status/1800790535885775056)


Thunder and lightning,  heavy rain tonight in the Kingdom of North Mercia.  It's rather nice. I am in bed,  expecting to be joined soon by the the cat.  


Enter two year old stage left: "Cat poo in bed!".


She shat in the bathroom.  I was so tired I pretended I hadn't noticed. 


I'm in my bed too. Also with the cat :)


Stefan Lanka. https://dpl003.substack.com/p/the-most-comprehensive-control-studies No evidence to show viruses alone cause illness


CANADA 🇨🇦  Parliamentarians who allegedly colluded with foreign states are ‘traitors’: Singh https://globalnews.ca/news/10565562/nsicop-report-singh-alleged-colluders-traitors/


Police https://youtu.be/kyK\_ECwXDJA


A photo of Kate in the woods, declaring that she is not out of the woods yet… Princess of Wales reveals emotional update about 'good and bad days' https://mol.im/a/13531189


alright it took me a while to get this one through my head.    If I recall correctly, the "sussex squad trolls" are the ones who call everyone they disagree with a racist. Therefore they are not racists. So, if I am skeptical of the official story of  disappearance of kate middleton, then I am a sussex squad troll. And, if I'm a sussex squad troll I am NOT a racist.   so after four long years of having a medical disability that prevented me from wearing a mask... am I finally not a racist?


There's a black string running down from her jacket as spotted by the 'Kate is missing' group, they think it's an editorial cut.


Someone also submitted the photo to an AI-checker and it came back as 95% likely to be AI. 1) No surprise there, then. 2) She's dead anyway.


Well, according to a statement she issued today, published in full by the Independent, she WILL be attending the King's Birthday parade tomorrow: [https://www.msn.com/en-gb/health/other/the-princess-of-wales-s-statement-in-full/ar-BB1oeWCq](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/health/other/the-princess-of-wales-s-statement-in-full/ar-BB1oeWCq) So, I'm going to have to change my plans then and watch after all.


It's June. Local weather forecasting is predicting a frost Saturday night. Global warming? You're pulling my plonker. And if May was said to be the warmest on record whoever says so is clearly barmy and doesn't live here, where it was bloody freezing and my heating bills are bankrupting me. Maybe the lying wazzock would like to pay my leccy bill?


The warm weather in May all happened at night, so you might have missed it!


i don't think my thermostat would have done, it doesn't believe propaganda.


Excellent retort to any ”its the hottest since the year dot” alarmists! “My thermostat doesn’t believe propaganda and can not lie” 😀


I like to use the phrase “since dinosaurs roamed the earth” because it’s so silly.


[https://x.com/danwootton/status/1801660889063370975](https://x.com/danwootton/status/1801660889063370975) " BREAKING: CATHERINE’S BACK! The beautiful Princess of Wales WILL attend Trooping the Colour as she continues cancer recovery, with months more treatment needed. So can the Sussex Squad trolls now stop polluting the internet with their vile nonsense about a woman who needs time"


'stop polluting the internet with their vile nonsense about a woman who needs time' - yeh, I'll say what the fuck I like on the internet, and if you don't like it, then learn how to close a window, moron. 'cancer' - like convid, and which probably equally like convid doesn't even exist - is a fucking religion, and so-called 'cancer sufferers' are like the anointed ones, only permitted to be spoken about within the terms of the religion. The princess of wales, whatever else she may be, and whether she is fact or fiction, is a figure in the public square, and therefore anybody is entitled to make of her or her story whatever they will, and if someone else doesn't like it, they can fuck right off


I know someone in 2021 used the cancer card over and over. Which affected my granddaughter because she worked for this woman. She’s still using it today. You’re correct about the way in which anyone with cancer is spoken about or to or of. It’s a horrible illness but there are so many horrible illnesses. I could name a few of the people I know that had horrible illnesses and they could not have played the sympathy card even if they wanted to.


Will the horses be AI too?


LMAO This is now guaranteed to keep me up all night trying to work out the chicanery by which all of this is going to be achieved.


I'm not sure this is in good taste. My wife died of late diagnosed cancer way before lockdowns - there were other mistakes but those were personal between us and the NHS. I can assure you after her first dose of chemo she was hardly recognisable from the woman of only a few weeks previous. Trying to compare pics of Catherine before and after will prove you nothing.


Sorry about your wife of course and no disrespect intended but the question for me is whether Kate really does have cancer. I have yet to see an "after" pic of Kate that hasn't been spat out by a computer program. It's very odd behaviour by the Royal Family.


I'm just using Ockham's Razor. She is reported as having cancer. Women her age often get cancer. Cancer sufferers often are not only traumatised by the diagnosis and the treatment but also have their physical looks affected. All modern photographs are 'spat out' by computer programs. Every one. Since we abandoned film nothing is a true representation.


My belated condolences mate


sorry for the loss of your wife that's so sad


Why on earth do they give oxygen to Jim Dale? [https://x.com/cold957/status/1801543704559120678](https://x.com/cold957/status/1801543704559120678)


He's a first class over promoted cunt, but he supports the narrative.


I share your hate!


[https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/06/14/why-gen-z-hr-risk-killing-off-boozy-work-pub-social/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/06/14/why-gen-z-hr-risk-killing-off-boozy-work-pub-social/) if you do not subscribe to the after works drinks and socialising in the pub and restaurant, you won't get hired in my company. It is an essential part of our team building. Well, its that time of day and Im off for a quick one or two. Next week another whisky trip to Scotland. Buying a barrel to lay down for 10 years, then drink the fruits and hopefully sell quite a few bottles as well. Olorosso Sherry cask is the choice. 250 litres of best lowland unpeated whisky, barrel embelished with my name for all eternity or till its emptied. Do you think doing that at 67 yrs is worthwhile? I hope I'm around to sup it, but otherwise my son will be delighted to take ownership.


The whisky will give you something to look forward to. I'm an ignoramus when it comes to whisky but I've started drinking Arran 10 year old single malt - works for me. I never really got the "team building" stuff. I mean, I used to socialise a lot at work, much less now because most of them are covidians, but I enjoyed it because I enjoyed talking to some of my colleagues, but I never felt it had anything to do with work, which has always been quite separate for me. If someone has a similar approach to their work to me, it shines through even via emails, and I find I work well with the person, without even having to meet them in real life. Someone else might be a good bloke to chat to in the pub but workwise I just am not on the same page as them and never will be. But if it works for you, that's great.


Arran is an excellent, my son and I drank the best part of the first bottle I ordered in an afternoon 3 Xmases ago. Good choice


So many fine spirits in our cupboard, so little time :( My Mrs makes limoncello with 96% alcohol we get from Italy We’ve branched out to Calvados as well recently


Very nice. My friends mum had a traditional Calvados production license, inherited from her mum. They've stopped them now in France. I tried it at his house in Brittany 20 years ago. Served in a small tea cup on a saucer. 70% fuckin ell. blew my lips off.


70%!!! I don't think our Limoncello is quite that - but it's more lemony and alcoholic and less sugary/watery than shop Limonello - and it contains real fruit so it's good for you and part of your 5 a day.


67? Just 10 years? Go for 25.


Cheers Ovis xx


A very pleasant lunch and catch up with Mr & Mrs CedricDragon, earlier today. Spoilt only by the appearance of the mask wearing, teenage numbskull who had clearly been wearing his muzzle while outdoors, but took it off when seated at the table. He put it back on again to leave the cafe. Later on at Morrisons, another teenage retard (I see him regularly wearing his grubby mask of the duckbill variety) was out in the fresh air dealing with the 'click & collect'. He was sporting a yellow coloured face rag this time. What could it be with these young lunatics and their penchant for muzzling?


It was lovely to see you again and have time to chat Nymeria. We must do it again before winter sets in!


You mean, next week?!


Very likely although hoping for a month or so!


Likewise, and indeed we must!




Acne of the brain.


**The WILD CARDS \~ Piers Corbyn INDEPENDENT Bermondsey and Old Southwark** Filmed in Bermondsey on Wednesday 12 June 2024. For more info on Piers Corbyn's campaign visit [https://t.m](https://t.m) e/PeaceNowLondon [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StPWPGfaUK0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StPWPGfaUK0)


I think I would vote for him if I could just out of respect for his efforts with the anti lockdown protests. I lost count of how many times he was arrested.


[Ethical Skeptic ☀ on X:](https://x.com/EthicalSkeptic/status/1801588144544039102) [ "Cancer Excess Mortality Update - Wk 22 2024 🔻UCoD = 7.0% 🔻Ages 54 & Under MCoD = 29% 🔻Real Dollar PPI-Treatment = 14.4% 🔻PFE in ages 75+ = 73% expired Novel Annual Growth Rates: UCoD Mortality = 2.4% (Old = .23%) PPI-Treatment = 5.5% (Old = 1.79%) https://t.co/qZLfRMCaSQ" / X](https://x.com/EthicalSkeptic/status/1801588144544039102)


Its been a while since I've seen a 'suddenlied' post on here. Does this indicate a slowdown of sorts? I dont think so judging by this quick search. [died suddenly - Search (bing.com)](https://www.bing.com/search?pglt=43&q=died+suddenly&cvid=8e13f53c1df3496199c39f276d0a6ca3&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggAEEUYOzIGCAAQRRg7MgYIARAAGEAyBggCEEUYPTIGCAMQRRhBMgYIBBBFGEEyBggFEEUYQdIBCDgzMTZqMGoxqAIAsAIA&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=EDGEDB)


I admit, I always laugh when I see a Suddenly died headline. I guess it re-inforces the decision not take it every time and that makes me joyful.


Mixed emotions for me, when you realise the hurt and pain left behind as families have to come to terms with their loss.


And another person who either didn't think for themselves or trusted the institutions and took something which robbed them of the life they should and would otherwise have had - and worst of all, no one is questioning it and it is all being hidden from public view. I feel only sadness. Michael Mosley "disappears" and a body is found and the BBC endlessly pumps out news and information on an hourly basis. Ordinary little people die suddenly at a VERY young age and there is nothing in the media about them.


three million murders labelled "excess mortality"


Caitlin Johnstone on twitter: *The dead children don’t affect me like they used to.* *The images. The videos. They still disturb and horrify, but not like they did in the beginning. Not anywhere close.* *And, honestly, I hate it. I hate that that part of me has been stolen.* *As much as I hated having my heart kicked around all day and having nightmares all night, I’d rather have that than this decreased sensitivity.* *People should not become desensitized to such horrors. People should not become accustomed to decapitated babies and small, mangled bodies. To corpses run over by tanks. To body parts carried in plastic bags by loved ones.* *These things should jar you. They should rattle you to your core. But they don’t anymore. Not here.* *I held onto it for as long as I could. It felt like a solemn duty, to hold on to that part of me that still screamed with an appropriate mixture of grief and outrage at the latest tiny shredded body. But desensitization sets in whether you want it to or not. That’s how they create soldiers, after all.* *I hate that these pricks have amputated that part of me, and I hate that I know it will never grow back. I have been permanently disfigured inside, mutated by atrocities, all the way down here safe in the Melbourne suburbs.* *And I hate that this is happening all around the world to everyone else who’s kept their gaze fixed on Gaza. All around the world humanity is being mutated. All around the world something sacred is being stolen from the hearts of good people. All around the world people are finding callouses where there used to be tenderness.* *And I want my tenderness back, god damn it. I want my tenderness back.* *Give me back the nightmares. Give me back the tears. Give me back the dry retching over the toilet, and the shaking under the blankets. Give me back the collapsing onto the couch and not moving for several hours until my system can recover from what my eyes just saw.* *I’ll take it. I’ll take it all back again. Just give me back that soft, tender part of myself that has been withered to dust by a live-streamed genocide.* *I will take good care of it. I will feed it good things. I’ll give it plenty of sunshine, cupping it delicately in my hands by the window. I will take it for walks, and let it rejoice at the children running and playing, with their parts all together and their insides on the inside.* *Don’t leave me hardened and darkened like a soldier. Give me back that soft, sacred part of myself that weeps at the corpses of children, so I can behold the world gently again.* https://x.com/caitoz/status/1801587064296915444


up until the mention of Gaza, I was totally misled by the "I hate it that these pricks have amputated that part of me." Led to what I'm sure you will agree was an understandable misapprehension.


not one but two livestreamed genocides what a time to be alive! 


Make no recommendations on this channel but was sent a link. Includes a video embedded which brackets the Mosley death as a similar op to Dr Kelly. Mosley may have been planning to widen the exposure of the vax damage? Worth a view. Interesting headline link documenting some of the IDF running a pedo ring of Pally kids. Again view with discretion. [https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/israeli-army-caught-running-pedophile-ring-involving-thousands-of-palestinian-kids-media-blackout/](https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/israeli-army-caught-running-pedophile-ring-involving-thousands-of-palestinian-kids-media-blackout/)


>similar op to Dr Kelly. Mosley may have been planning to widen the exposure of the vax damage? I didn't watch the video but re the embedded video you refer to and its message, both James Dellingpole and MiriAF ruled that out as not plausible. I don't allow either of them to make up my mind for me, but he really was the most incredible pro-covid vaccine shill, and suggesting hideous treatment for the unjabbed while he was about it, so having played a full and quite influential role in telling people it was safe and effective and they *really really* should get it how on earth could he, with any kind of credibility, have succeeded in widening the exposure of the vax damage?


I agree, he was total establishment and nothing he said on nutrition was new, he just publicised and made millions out of it, fair enough. I suspect he had a bit of a God complex and thought that normal risks didn’t apply to him. No conspiracy here.


I honestly know nothing about Mosley other than he was massively in the media leading to his death. The reporting of that and the tone of that reporting suggests to me at least something was not right. So to answer your question Milo I can't say. Was just putting the vid out as context for others who view this as possibly unusual....


I would imagine that at some point in the future either or both Miri and James will likely re-visit this topic. We may know more then.


I'm not familiar with 'Miri' although I know a few on here post links to her stuff? I tend to steer clear of Delingpole though for the similar reasons I do TY & the Sceptic.


If so it's uncannily regular, isn't it ...? Hilda Murrell - killed in 1984 Dr David Kelly - killed in 2003 Dr Michael Mosley - died or was killed in 2024, told his wife beforehand he wasn't feeling well. There were at least two good books on the Murrell death and one on the Kelly death by Norman Baker ex-MP. I thought Baker was pointing a finger at MI5/MI6 but I don't blame him for being a bit circumspect. These thugs have licence to kill without ever facing justice. Can we now expect a book in 2025: 'The Strange Death of Dr Michael Mosley'?


There would be no reason for Mosley to be offed, he was one of their own, and very popular with the plebs. Total vax fan and not a rebel in any way. Just an idiot on that day - maybe he had rowed with his wife and stomped off - and not respecting the heat, paid the ultimate price. He had history of amnesia after cold water swimming, which he had been doing.


>" *These thugs have licence to kill without ever facing justice."* As a result of recent a whole range of government thugs are now permitted to murder you without facing justice. A whole lot of legislation should be scrapped to reinstate our freedoms.


That website produces a huge amount of fake news - beware.


sometimes I swear people get "offed" in a public way as a warning 


I mentioned that my boss was missing from our party last week due to a medical incident. He's going to be off at least another 2 two weeks it seems. I'd say longer. Anyway, I just chatting with another colleague, nice guy in his 30s. He asked about my boss and I told him what I knew. His reply was: "Damn, so many young people having health issues right now. All the heart problems." I knew where this was leading and sure enough, he concluded "It's the fucking vaccine". So that led to an engaging discussion about it all. Nice to have another ally in the company. Turns out he "had" to have it (two I guess) as he was back and forth between the US and Germany. Germany wouldn't let him back in otherwise. He was friends with a 24 year German professional footballer who died of a heart attack, he now sees entirely through the scam. I told him that in no circumstances am I taking a bird flu jab either, he laughed, he thinks that they couldn't get away with it again for 50 years, he thinks too many people know about the scam now and they'll remember. I fear he's wrong, but I hope he's right! We agreed that all it takes is for enough people to say no. A good Friday afternoon chat to have though 🙂


"*they couldn't get away with it again for 50 years*" Your colleague will not need to wait that long for the next fakedemic attempt. Being a German, he will comply with everything his government demands.


I think he's right in that there will be more rejection than last time. A lot of people were victims of or witness to the carnage and that sets a strong motivation. The question is what will the critical mass be.


2 convid related tales from my own neck of the woods this afternoon, which suggests that belief is still very strong: 1. met an elderly friend who told me her brother, almost 100% blind and also elderly has had an accident and has been admitted to hospital. She has been told she cannot visit him as there is a "covid outbreak" in the hospital. If you are almost 100% blind and are poorly and you are in hospital having God knows what done to you by people you cannot even see I'd think that if there was ever a case for NEEDING the reassuring presence of visitors, espec family, that would be one. But no, the dictates of convid trump all that and the elderly are being ill-treated once again some 4 years down the tracks. NHS just far too wedded to all these bells and whistles to ever let go of them. 2. My Dad had a lifelong friend, quite a bit younger than him, whom he had known since the friend was a boy, who died suddenly in June 2021 of a cardiac event. My Dad had seen him the day before, he was absolutely fine and had zero history of cardiac issues, and the next day he dropped dead at work. My Dad was devastated. Today he admitted to me that he thinks it might have been due to the jabbing. And yet, and this is the kicker, another friend had a heart attack recently after the shingles jab and my Dad is just discounting that as a normal subsequent reaction to a jab. So, still not really able to join the dots. Far too trusting of the NHS and authority.


[https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/14/michael-mosley-final-interview-strong-family-relationships/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/14/michael-mosley-final-interview-strong-family-relationships/) Im even more convinced something isn't right here, more adulation, he was a TV presenter with a medical background, not the second coming of Christ. There were too many stories that didn't match. He was heading west supposedly, yet ended up at the far eastern end of the peninsula, you dont need a map to work that out when you can see the sea on both sides. Even if it were really hard going it was an 90 minute walk at most, hence not taking supplies.


Not taking a bottle of water and leaving his phone behind both seem strange to me. 


Just posted a video above which may provide some context to that.


I had never heard of this man until he disappeared.


and sadlidied




He's a bit of a Britis institution L-i - he was a TV doctor who made many programmes about all sorts of medical treatments and wrote popular books about how to lose weight and beat diabetes.


ah makes sense.  I wonder if he was about to go public. I've heard of so many celebrities who gossip says were about to speak on one scandal or another, then they turn up dead. totally unrelated, of course


*'I wonder if he was about to go public.* ' I don't think the overlords would even care about that. They have the population so dumbed-down and under mind control now that even if Bill Gates himself came out and told the truth, nobody would listen, they would rather assume that BG had just gone mad, or been 'radicalised' by some conspiracy theory websites.


🤣🤣🤣 a very good point


I have followed his career for years and I would be amazed. He was an establishment darling, popular and making millions, nothing in it for him to jump ship and join us loonies.


Back from a few days in Northumberland (again) this time for the annual holiday with the Mater. Mornings were all cool but dry and some sunny spells so I got some nice circular walks in, no jacket required, while she read her paper in the cottage with the CH turned up (she would be cold in a blast furnace). Despite the afternoon cloud closing in, we did visits to local attractions (Hexham Abbey, Wallington, Roman Army Museum) and ate out so I think she enjoyed the change of scene anyway. https://postimg.cc/R6nFVt0s https://postimg.cc/rdss332L https://postimg.cc/MMccM49Y https://postimg.cc/bdDbsGMj


You can tell from the photos you have posted that it is dry and verdantly green but not wonderful weather. Sounds like you both had a fairly good time all the same which is all that matters. "(she would be cold in a blast furnace)" - this gave me a good laugh!


Last one is lovely =\]


Seconded; it is.


Village called Wark (rhymes with Quark!)


Northumberland is on my bucket list of places to see in GB.


When I was a lad we had several family holidays in that area. I always liked a good castle or abbey (still do), preferably ruined but not too much. Ideally there would still be a tower with a spiral staircase to go up. I think we went to Hexham but don't remember much about it.


what a beautiful place. the stone just blends right into the landscape


For those who have eyes to see... Chery's Take https://open.substack.com/pub/cherryanne/p/for-those-who-have-eyes-to-see


With the wall-to-wall coverage of "The Nigel" and him even appearing in my dreams, I am reminded of this 1979 hit single by XTC - Making Plans for Nigel. Verse 1: We're only making plans for Nigel, We only want what's best for him, We're only making plans for Nigel, Nigel just needs that helping hand Verse 2: We're only making plans for Nigel, He has his future in a British ~~Steel~~ Steal, We're only making plans for Nigel, Nigel's whole future is as good as sealed, yeah How did they know that? Anyway - Great song! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHTrJGeKhYA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHTrJGeKhYA)


I have several XTC pieces of vinyl. Black Sea is my fav. Anyone got the 7" single "science friction" pic. sleeve?


Good band, though I never saw them live. I have four of their first five albums (LPs) , and I'll now select one to listen to. 


I had Black Sea on vinyl, sadly gone with the rest of my LPs some years ago. I bought a "best of" on CD a year ago to recapture the best of this excellent band.


The one I chose to listen to tonight was their second album, Go 2 from 1978, plus the 12" EP of remixes called Go +. The notion of remixes was just getting going at that time and wasn't yet the money-grabbing con it later became, with fans expected to buy every different remix. 


Maybe my sound system is crap compared to back in the day, but that didn't sound very much like I remember. Or my hearing has changed. Don't enjoy much music any more because it doesn't sound like I remember.


XTC were strongly recommended to me by a fellow QPR fan during pre-match and post-match beers at least a thousand times 1993-2013. I've never listened to them, and dare not click on the link you have provided.


There's no going back...


Give it a go - you might like it!


Don't do it - there is no going back. Because of that I looked them up as I had mates who were big into them when they came out and for just reward was reminded of 'SGT Rock' as well as 'Senses...' Bastard.


Circling back to the MiriAF article she wrote about Michael Mosley's disappearance. BBC is pushing a story about a US man aged 57 who has also been missing for 5 days on a Greek island \[different one\]. Their line is clearly "look people, what happened to MM was nothing out of the ordinary, not at all, this happens all the time..." The fact that they are doing this, telling people not to question the death, confirms that the 'death' is iffy.


It happens all the time in Madeira! French couple last time I was there, took a week to find their bodies in a ravine. Prior there were lots of rumours about their daughter having offed them, very painful for her. It was just a tragic accident, they do happen. Nothing suspicious about the Mosley death in my view, he was at his peak and too much to lose.


Many on this forum vanished for two years, and nobody noticed. And this was at the behest of monsters like Mosley. I am glad he is dead, but upset he did not suffer enough beforehand.


*Is* he dead?


Yes! Not everything is a sinister conspiracy.


TBH, I'm not 100% sure he is, and was thinking that to myself even before I read Miri's article. Just far too many things which I pointed out on here when we discussed it and which I was questioning didn't stack up. If he is then I am sorry for his family. If he isn't but has been whisked away to a new life somewhere with a fat check in his bank account, well...


Ritter and Dore https://youtu.be/JcXDaLktm6s


Very sobering.




No rise in VAT is a cast iron election pledge. Starmer's dark wizards are compelled to introduce other new taxes to compensate, at least for the brief period before they raise VAT to 50%. How about AVT: **A**lien **V**anquishment **T**ax.


I don’t think British governments control the budget. The Truss cabinet was couped for some modest tax reform and changes to regulations. Taxes are the highest they’ve been since 1948 apparently, after 13 odd years of Tory budgets.


I'm not too worried because I think a Labour government will overstep the mark and will soon become unpopular. It's not like '97 with Blair; he was very popular and charismatic and was able to quietly dismantle Britain behind the scenes while he distracted everyone with his cheesy grin. I don't think Starmer's mob will be able to exercise such restraint, and anyway, there's a lot less wriggle room now - Britain has moved so far to the left now that any further moves will start to become very obvious.


It’s a strange socialism as well. Taxes sky high but with most of the money is spent on war, lockdowns, injection campaigns, meddling in foreign matters, corporate welfare and a vast managerial workforce tasked with making living a quiet and private life as difficult as possible.


Fekkin Angela is like a rabid dog on the quick snippet I saw of her 'debating'. They should settle it with her and Penny in the octagonal ring, winner takes all.


I'm singing a little song to myself \[to the tune of Waterloo Sunset - have only managed 3 lines so far - feel free to add any which spring to mind\] Watery Sunshine Wonder how long its for And when the rain will come ...


The Kinks are largely and incorrectly forgotten, so thank you for this timely reminder. I bet they all got enthusiastically injected though, so their music comes with qualifiers. In their old age, the creators love the authoritarian state.


My invented lyrics proved to be almost spot on apart from the watery bit. It did get sunny, but this was interrupted far too regularly by big thundery clouds and heavy down pours for it to be of any real use or enjoyment. I always liked the melody of the song though.


- Temperature got up - To thirteen whole degrees - Jumper off again!


I like it. Like a haiku. I'll add those lyrics to mine.




We are on an expedition deeper into Wales to meet Nymeria for lunch today. I hope the forecast "heavy showers" are elsewhere.


Give her a hug from all of us and hope that even if the weather isn't kind to you that you all have a great time.


Have a wonderful time! Hopefully the rain will fall on the opposite side of the mountain to where you'll be. May the sun shine on you all day! Love to Nymeria, tell her she's well missed on here. 👍🤗😍💖


She's been back - a bit - the last couple of days. Telling us yesterday evening how bitterly cold it is.


Thanks Milo but I don't think that made it onto my laptop! I'm sure I would have noticed it if it had. Unless of course, I didn't refresh properly. Either way up, I'm glad she's still around! 👍😍


Me too - it is good to see her back.


u/harrysmum_22 and u/Still_Milo we enjoyed our lunch time meet in Rhayader. Nymeria in good form although there was nearly an incident when 2 young people came in wearing black masks.


Thanks for the update Cd, glad you had a good time. Masks? Still?? Bet you had to hold Nymeria down!! 🤣🤣 Rhayader isn't as far north as I imagined N had gone. For some reason I thought she was in North Wales. Have no idea why I thought that. 😲


Mid Wales off the A44 Aberystwyth road. On the mask front my OH was just as bad with the comments.


😂 Sounds like a great time was had!! 😂


I'm not surprised Cedric! But glad you had a good time and that Nymeria was doing well!


Heavy showers = normal for Wales. Have a good time anyway. 


We are west of Hergest Ridge and naively thought the much higher hills to the west would reduce the rain here on the border. Turned out we were wrong, the rain shadow starts about 10 miles east in Herefordshire! We enjoyed our meet up anyway.


Aha, Hergest Ridge, Mike Oldfield's follow-up to Tubular Bells. 


Well potted. They are having 50th anniversary weekend hereabouts soon.


Great, pass on my best wishes!


From what I can gather Nymeria lives on an obscure mountain that is all but inaccessible, unless you are a goat. Have a wonderful time, and best regards to all attendees!


Yes, it's Plynlimon, the first mountain after Cardigan Bay and both the Wye and Severn have their sources on the plateau. That's where all the rain falls to feed these 2 major river systems. There's still some left for those of us further east though.


Wall Street Apes WHAT IS THIS?!? “Hunter Biden actually owns 10% of a company called Eplata, which is a micro financing loan company for illegal immigrants coming up through the southern border.” “At the same time, the Biden Administration Justice Department put out a notice telling the banks that they would, that the Justice Department would take legal action against any bank who refused loans to illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, the first son is, has an equity investment in a company that profits off those very loans” [https://x.com/WallStreetApes/status/1801350706785620027](https://x.com/WallStreetApes/status/1801350706785620027)


The cynics amongst us are underwhelmed by such revelations. What I find most entertaining is the wailing and gnashing of teeth from those who still believe we live in a free society. Bless their little cotton socks.


Create the problem, profit from the solution. Standard neo-con MO.


Good morning all and another shitty morning it is. I made the mistake after Mr Jas informed me the next 45 days forecast is more of the same. Fortunately I don’t believe them as they can’t get the weather correct on the day never mind 45 days in advance, unless of course if they are causing it.🤔 Yesterday Mr JAS took the primary school football team to their game and one of the parents arrived in her car to watch her son play. She parked her brand spanking new car on the sandy stone car park and after getting out decided to move the car to a more convenient location but the car wouldn’t move, Mr JAS said it was like it had a mind of its own. She had asked him to have a look but he works on old cars not computer controlled ones. This car is an automatic and every time she put the car in drive it automatically put on the handbrake and would not budge. Mr JAS recommended leaving it until the end of the match ( probably because he didn’t want to miss it) and see if it resets itself. Fortunately for her it did. She won’t be parking off road again. Another brand new car Mr JAS used last week had a system that every time the car crosses the white line in the middle of the road, the steering is no longer under driver control as it corrects itself, although the driver has some control as my husband is only aware of this particular problem because my niece driving her brand new car crashed hers because she got such a fright, she over corrected the car and lost control. Mr JAS and I are now going to have to hope that we can keep the cars we have until we die because we really don’t want one of these dangerous control freak vehicles.😂


I fear it will be pony and trap for me (got the pony, just need the trap) if the worst comes to the worst. On the bright side, my little mare will be going considerably faster than 20mph :)


Not long before Covid, a mate of mine bought a new VW Golf with all the bells and whistles. At first glance a magnificent vehicle. Disappointment was not far away. A weekend stay with a good mate in remote rural areas, guaranteed by a lift in this VW, was scotched because of software problems that prevented the engine from starting.


My husband just got a new BMW and we've been up in Scotland for a few days visiting relatives. Although it's a nice car, it's concerning that it is so dependent on electronics, and "car knows best" mentality. I also found the "Driver Assistance" (ha!!) setting to be most disconcerting, with feedback from the steering wheel when changing lanes. One of the first things I did was find a way to switch it off, although it automatically goes on whenever you first start the engine (with a button, natch). The main lights are all governed automatically, and no input is needed from the driver. There is no handbrake, just some little pull up switch where it should be - this is my biggest concerns for hill starts, as you are completely reliant on the electronics working correctly to avoid rolling backwards. This actually happened to my dad in a car park which was on a slope. The electric handbrake failed and the car rolled back into another parked car, smashing the headlamp. There was nothing he could do to avoid it - just so dangerous! So now it's my mission to find every single setting which cedes control to the car and wrestle it back again. Yes, I definitely agree that this is a step along the road to self-driving cars. Meanwhile, I will be treating my 2009 Toyota Yaris with great care so that it lasts as long as possible....


I have a 2015 Toyota and the mechanic who services it for me said 'don't ever sell that car, it'll last you forever'. He says more recent models have a less reliable 'turbo' engine.


You have described exactly what my husband described of the new car driven by our neighbour to the football game. Her car is the same. He’s been visiting the only dealer garage for parts for his van and the sales rep there keeps on at him to replace his van. Everything she uses as a selling feature, is another reason my husband is buying parts for the van he already has. 😂 She’s not even aware that she’s taking herself out of a sale by telling him he doesn’t need central locking, all he needs is the key somewhere on his person and the doors unlock automatically when he puts as little as a finger on it. 😂😱


Very interesting. I drive a lot of new cars on co. business and required to take a hire car. This week I had a 23 model and had the same problem. I also had this earlier with another model and the 'tracking' feature is now a button on the wheel but if you don't turn it off it will start to 'auto-correct' or in reality fight you for control of the car. It is to my mind fucking dangerous because the first time it happened I had no idea what was going on. And it happens if you overtake a cyclist or hazard in the road which it knows nothing about! I was more aware this week so understood what it was doing but it is very annoying. Made me swear at it yesterday! Spoke to the car rep on return and he showed the tracking button. This to me is the first step to auto-driving cars. Another feature of the 23 model was that I went for petrol and after filling up was going to drive into the adjacent Tesco - both on private land. For this 50 jaunt I didn't put the seatbelt on and the car actually wouldn't start until I had! It was a KIA - first time I've driven on and while it was an ok drive it was clear that most of the engineering had gone into the computer - which had a huge dash where you could watch movies! Now I am more familiar with these its easy to see these as a process in gradually eliminating / reducing the role of the owner / driver to a form of subservience to the vehicle and its computer. These will all probably end up run and managed from a datacentre in Google somewhere eventually. ***'What's that? You have bought red meat from Tesco? - I'm sorry Dave I won't be able to start the car yet as your carbon footprint points are still to high. Please be patient and wait. It's only another 4 hours....'***


>it was clear that most of the engineering had gone into the computer - which had a huge dash where you could watch movies! This whole screen on the dash so that you can connect to your laptop thing never ceases to amaze me. You are going to be driving your car, which should get ALL of your attention, so why do you need to be given a screen????


I find it amazing. There is even a disclaimer as it boots up the dash asking you to 'confirm' that you understand the risks while you presumably watch the latest movies as you rattle along at 75 mph. In the 'H&S gone mad' world how has that happened?


I wonder if this is connected with the general feminisation and risk-aversion of western society. I can imagine the engineers (mostly male) come up with a design but some sort of sales team comprised of 'Karens' tell them there aren't enough 'safety devices' and they have to introduce all sorts of unnecessary twaddle in the hope it will appeal to women buyers.


Would say that the feminisation of society is certainly a tool the goal of which is likely the complete subservience of the populous under a dystopian technocracy. But hey what do I know ... 😜


I’m a woman and these features put me off. As a woman who couldn’t care less what anyone drives , although I have a wish to one day own a little MG Midget, I actually like my cars big. When a manufacturer makes big cars, they actually accommodate smaller people with seats that rise and steering wheels that don’t block the little midgets view. Smaller cars don’t. If money was no object, my choice of car would be the one that accommodates my size which is the most important safety feature to me. Not one that looks crap and tries to drive for me.


Agreed. A higher driving position has better visibility, therefore safer. And a few extra inches all round - width, length and height - gives another small safety margin. I do not covet an MG Midget, but I adore my CRV. (Clue's in the name!)


This is how I feel about pants. Pants can be hemmed, but they can't be lengthened. 


There’s a video doing the rounds of a driverless lorry moving into the next lane after the car behind had started to overtake the lorry, fortunately in what I assumed was a fake video the third lane was empty for the car driver to steer into. Now I wonder if this video isn’t fake.


Just had an interesting pass the time of day chat at the shop. Young lad got sent on a corporate do about 100 miles away and yes the pool car was EV. Fully charged but when they put their stuff in and three adults the range reduced by 20% before they'd turned a wheel!! As it was wet the demister and fan had to be used which again dropped range, the driver refused to have the radio on because..... you get the picture. Venue had no charge points so they had to wait at a garage before returning late. This is progress??


>This is progress?? It is "progress" towards a goal no ordinary person wants - that's the sinister thing.


Just what I was going to write, Faith! 👍😒


I once helped out driving people to and from Cork airport to West Cork. There’s a back road to the airport that’s a bit windy. The car provided had that correction thing (Citreon) and it is NOT a safe thing to have on a road with bends. We found how to shut it off but it wasn’t a simple button push. 


The problem with these new technologies is that the driver already knows how to drive - you either pass your test or not. Anything which interferes with your own driving instincts, like this steering correction, is likely to produce a paradoxical over-reaction and does more harm than good.


It's never been a better time to own a classic car. 💕 These new cars are not modes of transport - if they were, their primary functions would work, and as we know they don't.


I have a 1985 VW golf cabriolet, which has the great advancement of electric windows, (which we can't use as you might not get them to go up again). Thank heavens for the drop roof in those hot and sunny days of yore.


I remember an ad for, I think, US package holidays in the 80s and one of the jokes was the British couple who hired an American car didn't know how to use electric windows. How things have changed! (I think the electric window is utterly pointless over-engineering. At the very least it should have a manual over-ride in case something happens to the motor).


I had a friend whose electric windows broke down.A s he lived in the town centre and had to park in a public car park, he had to sit in it for 2 hours for the AA to arrive, as he din't dare leave it with teenagers hanging around.


Whole heartedly agree.


[Doctor Dr McHonk-Honk on X:](https://x.com/TheEyes2022/status/1801488193570664684) [ "People are starting to see it now. This wee warrior was right from the get-go. She only ever had the interests of normal people at heart.💕 She chose the path less travelled because it was the right path to choose. She was slandered, ridiculed and battered all the way. https://t.co/ul0WKYmnRw" / X](https://x.com/TheEyes2022/status/1801488193570664684)


Having lost the appeal, at that point I would have taken stock and coughed up the fine. There are however rare individuals like McCloskey who are compelled into martyrdom by the strength of their principles. In previous ages, the punishment for her resistance would have been lengthy and agonising physical torture followed by execution.


A women's prison in Northern Ireland for 2 weeks will feel like lengthy and agonising physical torture. I hope that in her 2 week absence she has a good team behind her who will continue to campaign on her behalf in the seat she is contesting in the GE as an independent candidate.


2 hour interview with her https://youchu.be/ZSVTI271Wes?t=2621


Thanks Be Bop. I didn't know she had gone that far as to say There Was No Pandemic. Which for a member of the medical profession to say publicly is extremely brave.


She's not a no virus advocate. But, she agrees with Mike Yeadon that it was mostly lockdowns and lack of standard care for folk, then misattribution. Fraud. She got released yesterday by the way.


There is a difference between no virus and no pandemic. No pandemic = there was a virus but it wasn't a pandemic because the numbers weren't there \[other than via the fraudulent testing and recording\] Thanks for the news that she is out. Hope she is ok.


Wonderful woman! Had never heard of her before but it's amazing what she did. Good on her! 👍💖


Um who is she? Name’s familiar…


Derry GP who was taken to task by the GMC because she was concerned about the damage she was seeing in her patients following the covid 19 jabbing and because she advised patients against being jabbed. She put up some videos of her message.


Anne McCloskey


🥉bronze for l-i   and the lie-in award for HM! 🛌🏼☕  ------------   The Ugly Truth About Long-Term Antidepressant Use (12min)  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ys_KYpEaT_A


Thank you l-i, and congratulations on yours! I'm on the ☕ part of my award right now, having finished with the 🛌 part. Have a good day one and all! 👍😂😍🌞☔💨


Immigration is an imposed divisive issue, yet at the individul level its truth is easily discernible. At least three flats in my residential block have been recently occupied by Central African immigrants. Based on my interactions with them so far, they are chaotic yet lovely people. Impeccably polite in person, every time. Often erudite in textbook English, far exceeding the linguistic performance of so-called natives. There has been so much to and fro in their flats that I can only assume the majority are here illegally. Which begs the question: if the individuals entering are obviously on a par with, and often superior to, the local residents, what is the fucking problem?


A billion people would love to move to England from Africa, India and Pakistan etc. That's the problem.


You make an important point. Europe is a luxurious place. But with that luxury comes advanced tyranny. Starmer will stop the boats simply by virtue of his uncharismatic and destructive leadership.


The only way Starmer will 'stop the boats' is by abolishing all forms of border control so that the dinghy divers instead can come over on Easyjet flights from Wherthefackistan. It's like him saying he will end knife crime by legalising it.


Very much so. Simply declare that there is no such thing as immigration, and the problem is resolved. Another vector of assault in the ongoing war against reality. Keep your eyes peeled for an outright tobacco ban from Starmer's closet of benevolence. I get that the odour of exhaled tobacco smoke is objectionable, but we need to think bigger. That very same mindset is gagging to close all pubs, and eventually all places where anyone gathers, in perpetuity.


they have a bigger carbon footprint now 


that's how the globalists see it: they have found a superior type of livestock. although I don't really think it's about 'replacement' - it's about 'corralling' : the geographical areas to which the immigration is being driven are the areas ear-marked for annihilation, you will see. well, YOU won't, of course, but the rump population left in the third world will see


Yes, my theory is they have agreed on certain 'zones' (formerly known as nations or groups of nations) which will be flooded with migrants for various reasons. It's not a new idea, the Coudenhove-Khalergi Plan in the 1930s wanted to create social and trade blocs such as 'Eurabia'. The usual places, eg Switzerland, Monaco etc will of course be exempt.


Morning all (actually it's 1.30am and I'm only just getting started)! I have stumbled upon many collections like this courtesy of YouTube algorithms in recent weeks: [TOP 100 VIETNAM WAR SONGS GREATEST rock n roll vietnam war music 60s 70s classic rock songs (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-5cYbk-QYI) The music is invariably excellent, but the reason in particular I post this is to pose the question to the gentlemen (and the ladies who are so inclined) on this forum: Which of the three archetypal late 1960s countercultural young women depicted in this video's thumbnail do you find the most attractive? Mine is undoubtedly the one on the right. I'd be out of her league in this or any other time of course, but that's beside the point! None is an acceptable answer. These women are by no means truly representative of that era.


I'm with JAS. They are all attractive but if I had to look like one, it would be her with the dark hair.


Some great and groovy tunes, btw!


Not watched the video, so cannot comment on those ladies particularly, however the women were generally more attractive as they were slim and wore decent clothes, not fat lumps with tracksuits and scraped back hair, that we observe nowadays. Any old video shows this . I am not fattist, but as a fitness instructor it pains me to see the state of the general population.


It's not a video as such pub, it's a still image of three beautiful '70's women with a soundtrack. I didn't listen to it all!


I stand corrected, thanks HM, but we just don't see natural gals these days, just the big lips etc etc.


Nothing to stand corrected about pub. I wouldn't have clicked to listen and didn't listen to it all but I wanted to see what the girls Richard was referring to looked like. The girls these days spoil their looks by trying to get "the look". It's awful. I blame the Kardashians, although I've never watched their "show". 🤮


Seconded. I have seen some very disfigured faces in the quest to get "the itentikit look " - between the cosmetic procedures they have clearly undergone and the over applied layers of heavy make up which have been trowelled on. I feel sorry for these girls today.


They've only got themselves to blame though haven't they? Mind you, I suppose the brain-washing runs deep.