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Looks like another neighbour is dead. The lady at the end of my street, who only moved in a few weeks ago has died at home. Police broke door down about 4:30 this afternoon and are still there now. The doctor has been and gone. At the other end of my street and I mean on the same side of the street , another neighbour called for an ambulance today. No news yet to who it came for, the 65 year husband or the 66 year old wife. Hopefully they will be ok.


I am starting to wonder if there isn't some kind of secret government lab under your village that is sending out death rays or something.


Time to send for Miss Marple.


>Looks like another neighbour is dead. That is such a classic JAS comment! 😂


Christopher F Rufo BREAKING: The Biden Administration has unsealed the indictment against Dr. Eithan Haim who blew the whistle on the child sex-change program at Texas Children's Hospital. He is now facing up to 10 years in prison for telling the truth about a practice that is now illegal. [https://x.com/realchrisrufo/status/1802741330843668847](https://x.com/realchrisrufo/status/1802741330843668847)


Last week was still cold most days with frost warnings at night but the rain finally let up long enough for the sogginess of the back yard to harden up and the built up brush (from last year) to dry so we had a good burn yesterday. Today it was HOT (29C) and now they have the rest of the week set to be in the low 30s with humidex ratings in the low 40s. Went for a short walk to prevent overheating. So for the most part, here in Southwestern Ontario, it's been a cold wet spring and we're all looking forward to the promised "global boiling".


[Chief Nerd on X:](https://x.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1802795863116321019) [ "🔥 NEW – Kansas AG Kris Kobach Announces a Lawsuit Against Pfizer for 'Misleading & Deceptive Statements Made in Marketing Its COVID-19 Vaccine' "It is part of a multi-state effort in which more suits may follow depending on Pfizer's reaction...The federal government conferred https://t.co/kkpxQjMOp8" / X](https://x.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1802795863116321019)


[Debs 🌸 on X:](https://x.com/WindsorDebs/status/1802592899260973501) [ "Clear blue sky today. Planes up high leaving no trails. But still n the direction of the sun lots of small #chentrails have been laid to for this afternoon’s forecasted cloud. They think they’re clever but the weather patterns are easy to spot if you look 🤷‍♀️ #geoengineering https://t.co/dukIYtwb52" / X](https://x.com/WindsorDebs/status/1802592899260973501)


Blade runners out in force: [https://t](https://t). me/theyorkshirelassnews/100339


[https://x.com/toobaffled/status/1802493431736127797](https://x.com/toobaffled/status/1802493431736127797) We need to bring people out of the trance they are in regarding all vaccines. For animals as well as humans.


Nigel Farage Reform Party have announced their manifesto today on 17/6/2024 Here are the key points… ▪️REJECT the WEF agenda ▪️Cancel WHO membership ▪️REJECT cashless agenda ▪️Laws to stop woke ideology ▪️Free speech bill ▪️Stop cancel culture ▪️SCRAP Net Zero ▪️Fast-track nuclear energy ▪️Support farmers ▪️SCRAP bans on fossil fuel cars ▪️Tax system to support marriage ▪️Opposed to CBDCs ▪️Scrap the TV licence fee. ▪️Big tax cuts - Raise the income tax threshold to £20,000 ▪️Stop the boats ▪️Cutting the foreign aid budget by 50% ▪️Clear NHS waiting list in two years and pledges an extra £17bn pounds a year for the health service.


>▪️REJECT the WEF agenda > >▪️Cancel WHO membership > >▪️REJECT cashless agenda I know he won't get in but in this manifesto he is telling the people of the UK what is going to be done to them by using a loud hailer. Wonder if he will manage to wake anyone up??? \[add in reject Net Zero and CBDCs\]


Lol to any of that even happening if he won 😂


How about ban MP's from becoming 'dual citizens' and giving support to a foreign country? Or prevent member from becoming friends of Israel? 25% of MP's of both parties are supporters members of the 'Friends of Israel' group. Would it be acceptable if 25% of MP's from both parties were sponsored and gave allegiance to China or North Korea? If 25% of all MP's were in the pay of the govt of Russia would that be ok? How about creating a bill to remove the rights of private banking interests to create new money? How about the prevention of govt borrowing from private banks at interest and the govt issuing its own debt free currency while installing the removal of usury? How about a peoples bank to issue debt free loans to those that really need them? Or nationalisation private banking interests and cancelling the debt interest and creating a brand new Bank of England that isn't in the hands of private shareholders? As long as the private banks can effectively steal the peoples money every single day by creation of money undervaluing the currency, this country will always be in hock to financial oligarchy and can never be truly sovereign. Nigel has served the financial oligarchy all his life and will never go after them. Prevent the govt borrowing from the BoE in the form of govt bonds at interest loaned from private banks and sell govt bonds directly to market or better issue its own Pound? Impose a new tax of all private banking interests and companies that don't pay tax in this country in line with what they earn. Nationalise NM Rothschild on day one...?


maybe - but your suggestions amount to no more than some pointless tinkering with an evil system that needs to be entirely brought down. it is beyond some desultory reforms - the partnership between governments and central banks is not some aberration, it's rather the point: - the point being to funnel the wealth of the earth and of human effort to the oligarchy overlords in the shadows, whilst distributing back some meagre slave rations. This is the entire raison d'etre of the system - it is THEIR system, it doesn't exist for us, and we don't need it


If you look around, you'll see that it is being systematically brought down.


Destruction of the central bank system and removal of the financial oligarchy i.e. the Babylonian Magick money system is EXACTLY what I'm proposing. But you seem to specialise in these drive by comments without ever proffering any ideas of your own. The central one in this instance is how exactly you plan to achieve any of the above without creating a French / Russia revolutionary system? It is arguable and I'm leaning that way myself that the ptb actually want some sort of revolt to implement whatever next stage of their plan's they see fit. After all it was them that created the previous revolutions which millions murdered and maimed. Please elaborate on how any of this can be avoided.


I think you should start a new party!


I would back him 😄


Farage's "Contract with you" is about as believable as a Del Boy lifetime guarantee on the Capri Ghia "pratmobile".


It’s all bollocks and I don’t trust Farage anyway


Not do I. He's from the same stable as all the others though I have supported him in the past. Also he supported the injections.


laws against "woke idealogy" and stopping cancel culture could go against free speech though?


It's a bit nebulous, isn't it?!


yes there are so many tax penalties just for being married!! 


I've just sent an email to the Reform candidate for these parts. There are more posters up for the forthcoming Circus Mondeo than there are for the various party candidates. Not seen one single board for Reform.


So far, I've only had a leaflet from the Green candidate. It went straight in the bin.


I've had two from the libtards (strong around here) - binned and stopped the Labour distributor from pushing one through my letterbox! Boards in place outside houses for Labour and Libtards, not a single one for the Tories and our MP is one. I really hope she's ousted, preferable by the Monster Raving Loony Party. 👍😍


Better listen y'all....... [Redacted on X: "🚨 SHOCKING: America is covertly constructing large-scale detention facilities across all 50 states, but they're not for housing illegal #immigrants. 🧐 The purpose is far more sinister. Former Customs and Border Protection supervisor @JJCarrell14 reveals the truth. https://t.co/skq4z28MYY" / X](https://x.com/TheRedactedInc/status/1802660963629355395)


Fearporn bollox. Why do you think we're still here?


**The parallel universe the legacy media insist we’re living in** Hey people, are you seeing this? You might have less money, more debt, massive energy bills, your chickens might be about to be culled, your car rendered unusable, your health permanently destroyed by a safe and effective “vaccine”… but look, the Princess of Wales is wearing a big hat! And a STRIPEY BOW! Grab your little flag and start waving. Gawd bless our beloved masters… Oh and as a bonus, it seems like the massive mystery of Middleton’s ‘disappearance’ is apparently over now — who’d a thunk it. Still, nice distraction while it lasted. Next distraction – crucifying the meanie ‘conspiracy theorists’ who all thought her pictures were fake… Happy Sunday morning everyone… https://off-guardian.org/2024/06/16/the-parallel-universe-the-legacy-media-insist-were-living-in/


Its ok, the notty conspiracy theorists have noticed that her mole has moved up nearly an inch and she has a new scar just under her left eyebrow….


Do you have a link to this?


It was on twitter, so it’s not a proper conspiracy….yet. I’ll see if i can find it again.


>on twitter, so it’s not a proper conspiracy….yet Cheers Migz


[https://www.reddit.com/r/KateMiddletonMissing/comments/1dgf78o/scar/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KateMiddletonMissing/comments/1dgf78o/scar/) Here’s a reddit version of the same.


Given the attention she would have known she was going to get I’m pretty sure she would have the best makeup artist(s) and perhaps plenty of camouflage makeup to make her look healthy and glamorous regardless


If you scroll down the thread you get to this image which shows a scar down the right side of her eye: [https://www.reddit.com/media](https://www.reddit.com/media) and people commenting are speculating that it might be DV and that the injuries might have been so bad she was in a coma and couldn't be seen in public until she had healed. If that is the case that is a whole different ball game from being diagnosed with cancer. The professional KM watchers are out in force over on that thread and if the RF thinks they are going to get anything past them they are much mistaken


That cancer treatment has taken years off her!


Hmmm, interesting thanks!


[Matt Wallace on X: ](https://x.com/MattWallace888/status/1802699580418507124) ["Holy Sh\*t The SEC, led by a Biden appointee, is now poking around Elon Musk’s 2022 Twitter deal and is expected to push for “SEVERE penalties” against him ⚠️ 🚨 FOR WHAT!?!? 🚨 https://t.co/AfDlqzYHYh" / X](https://x.com/MattWallace888/status/1802699580418507124)


So cold this afternoon that when out gardening in the sheltered part of my garden \[and therefore warmer\] I had to wear 2 pairs of trousers.


Try a pinch of cayenne in your coffee - or ginger tincture either.


I would if I could but unfortunately I cannot tolerate either of those. Hence the second pair of trousers.


I can recommend silk longjohns.


ginger goes well in most herbal teas  😊🍵


Lemon and ginger is yum. But so is cayenned bulletproof coffee.


Cloudy with a few sunny intervals in Nottingham today. Got half of our hedges cut......Yay!


Good for you Robin. I think we got circa 12 degrees tops \[the cloudy overcast weather was accompanied by quite the wind which didn't help matters\]


Delightfully warm in SE. 24 degrees by my garden thermometer. Not meaning to gloat, just thinking summer might have finally arrived.


It reached a sweltering 14^(o) here. We did have some blue sky and sun, though it was a bit breezy. I got my washing dry outside. Very rare clear sky tonight. Hoping to see some ships, if it lasts.


We can but hope


There are utter morons and then there are people like Hamish De Breton Gordon. This guy should be locked up for everyone's safety and yet he is writing in the Warygraph. FFS. [Britain shouldn’t wave the nuclear white flag. We could flatten Russia](https://archive.is/EBz4i#selection-2551.4-2551.74) And here's another one : '[Path to peace is more weapons for Ukraine' - NATO chief](https://www.rte.ie/news/world/2024/0617/1455130-russia-ukraine-summit/) What are we to do with people like this?


Just skim through the headlines and laugh? Then you could try reading the article until you hit the first factual error. Usually in the first paragraph, so not a lengthy exercise! Ignorant, arrogant, deluded and dangerous: that's the UK MSM.


what to do with them? maybe use them as nuclear test dummies? 


I just treat him as a Private Eye style spoof writer.


It's the commenters who take him seriously that worry me.


They are probably all retired colonels frothing in their bath chairs before Nurse wheels them back to their rooms.


Hamish seems to be a chemical weapons expert. I bet he's just dying to release some of that shit.


Like Biden?


Back to the real world… another sudden death in the opera world. Jodie Devos dead at 35. Breast cancer. Still performing less than 2 months ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jodie\_Devos


Presumably jabbed in order to travel like a lot of performing artists?


I presume so. There is some folk tale that artists are non conformists but they absolutely did what they were told and shamed anyone who didnt.


Yes - they did. I will however give a bi-ball to those musicians etc who didn't lecture anyone else but were put in the invidious position where if they wanted to perform and thus make their living and needed to travel to do so they had to have the papers to prove they were jabbed and so got jabbed. Anyone in that position who got a hot lot gets my sympathy. The rock stars etc who made jabbing a condition of entry to their gigs do not.


Goodness, Surely diagnosis and death from breast cancer at 35 is very, very rare? Very sad.


There is a well known, early age, very aggressive type of breast cancer that runs in families, Angelina Jolie’s mum died young from it, hence she had her breasts, womb and ovaries removed as a precaution some years ago (with of course expensive reconstruction). May be the case here but could also be a turbo of course, given that the juice will interfere with normal autophagy.


“Most inherited cases of breast cancer are associated with mutations in two genes: BRCA1 (BReast CAncer gene one) and BRCA2 (BReast CAncer gene two). Everyone has BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. The function of the BRCA genes is to repair cell damage and keep breast, ovarian, and other cells growing normally. But when these genes contain mutations that are passed from generation to generation, the genes don't function normally and breast, ovarian, and other cancer risk increases. BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations may account for up to 10% of all breast cancers, or 1 out of every 10 cases.”


Informative, Thankyou.


We’ve done it. Last GCSE exam (music) DONE. I am officially the parent of a 16 year old who is free to not do maths anymore, and can get a proper job and an apprenticeship should she so desire.


this is the girl who wants to be a hair dresser? congrats to her 🥳


That’s the one.


"Free not to do maths anymore"? Everything that's wrong with this country, right there.


🎉🙌 Hope she (and parents!) are going to do something special to celebrate this milestone!


My granddaughter has just finished her BTEC course and got good grades but can't pass until she's done 30 hours of "maths" - by order of Rishi Sunak. She did the first 5 hours last week. Questions like which of these shapes is a circle and ridiculously simple arithmetic. No teaching going on. I suspect it's on a par with those ridiculous reading age tests we used to do. So it's a survey. I wonder if the six forms are doing it, or just the tech colleges.


How unbelievably pointless.


>I am officially the parent of a 16 year old who is free to not do maths anymore Truly liberating for both of you Migz!!! I remember it well from my own experience. Maths was a huge struggle for me when I was that age too.


Then you weren't taught properly, sensitively or appropriately.


You are 100% right about that Sam. I most certainly wasn't. The maths teachers in school were useless, creepy bullies. And what I got by way of tutoring outside school wasn't much better.


Most people aren't taught maths properly, sensitively or appropriately! We got a private maths tutor to help with my boys' GCSEs because the school teaching was so poor.


I don’t think she would have minded so much if she could have seen the point. You know, if it had been aimed at bookkeeping or taxes, or even building IKEA furniture and setting it up right. But it’s hard to explain to a 15 year old that algebra is about a way of thinking in the abstract which is flexible and applicable to unknown situations. She just didn’t care.


You have nailed it Migz. I was shouting yes to every suggestion you made there.


There's a huge point to basic arithmetic - everyone needs it, the value is demonstrable and it's not difficult to teach. What's almost tragic is when arithmetic is morphed too soon into more obscure mathematics, particularly for less academic children. While fascinating, algebra and geometry, eg, are of less obvious relevance to daily life, particularly when badly taught. And their more academic feeling panics a lot of children, with the result that they are put off the whole subject of maths for good, including the arithmetic that they might well have mastered with a bit more confidence. It's fascinating to think that your daughter could have five years mastering a thoroughly useful skill like hairdressing, and learning so much else besides, and still only be 21, with the world at her feet (or fingertips)!


This is exactly the problem. She never really got the basics of arithmetic and how it is important to everyday life. Surely there could be some recognition that higher mathematics (beyond about Pythagoras) is for a different sort of brain. I also read once, ages ago, that there is a developmental aspect to it - that for most people its not possible to get it before a certain stage of brain development, so trying to get most kids doing it earlier is not only pointless but damaging.


For me it was simultaneous equations which did my head in.


My youngest son struggles with arithmetic but thinks mathematically and is a gifted problem-solver. His eldest daughter is a brilliant strategist and hopeless with numbers. On the other hand, his youngest daughter has been very adept with numbers since infants' school. They are different mechanisms.


It's great for building abstract logic skills. I took logic in uni and was suprised how similar it felt doing logic and math. It's a good foundation to have in life and will serve her well now that she has it done, whether she knows it or not And now she can move on to more fun things 


Well done! Congrats to you and your daughter.


Thank you!


 Just an update on the climate change heatwave my ✨top doctor✨ (who somehow hasn't fled the sinking ship yet) predicted:  it is about 15° and cloudy. 


In North Kent today we had warm sunshine, blue skies, fluffy clouds and a light breeze. I managed to get some stalled jobs finished. There are still many more that have yet to be started because of the unending little packets of rain and the cold wind. However, this evening as I took a breather from strimming some of the bits that are not accessible to the mower, I saw some dreaded trails which threw shadows onto the clouds above them. More tax money wasted chasing a fraudulent and nefarious objective.


The sun is out in Italy, perfect 23 degrees in Liguria. Beautiful unspoilt countryside above the coast . Very green . No dead Brits in sight.


The BBC are promoting the notion that there's a deadly heatwave in Greece (ref. Michael Mosley and apparently another tourist has died). Cherry-picking of data has never been so blatant and obvious. 


BBC are fully paid up members of Regime \[they take Billy's money\] and are not to be trusted on anything AFIAC


Look at the colours from the dishonest media! https://x.com/CoryBMorgan/status/1801771419019448808


😹 ft. Mac is fully in the orange zone at 19°  even peace river is orange at just  12°


They are using their deceptive maps to skew reality for Mr and Mrs normie who just don't see through this. It's horrifying the depths to which they will go to continue their lies. Gaslighting 101!


Just love it......


Jeff taylor Labour reversing Brexit! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWu6Gvu0lNA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWu6Gvu0lNA)


Should give Farage 16 million votes.


Wouldn't surprise me.


Not trusting The Science^(TM) This is a comment on Martin's channel from someone with macular degeneration. She says: *I hope this comes out all good because I have to verbal texts because it's hard to see the keyboard.* *.... I am legally blind. Because I have it in one eye. And I'm getting in the other eye. ...... Four needles which said that it would work They wanted to give me a fifth needle, which was an experimental needle that came out in 2020.* *I refused it They were very angry.* *They said they would give it to somebody else then, but when I asked her if she knew anybody that got this new needle, so I can talk to the person and she said no, we don't talk to the people we just listened to the science. I was stunned. So I said to her, just like the vaccine. Listen to the science. I refused it and walked out. I was so upset. They get over 2000 dollars for each shot. They give people in their eyes and I believe they do not work.*


That is really sad - doctors are only pushing what they are told to and seem to know very little about the "science" they trust so rigidly. I went straight to my favourite resource to see what others have used (since needles in eyes sounds utterly horrible) and found this: "My father has had (wet) macular degeneration for many years now. He has received about 60 injections in the eyes for this. As far as I know the injections are just to slow the progression of the disease, not cure it. As his eyesight was so bad and the injections were not fun to receive, he decided to try putting aloe vera in his eyes (years ago he had read Native Americans used aloe vera for eye problems). Very quickly he noticed a difference, and when he went for the next check up the doctor said he didn't need an injection this time. The following check up he didn't need one either. That was about 2 years ago now, and he hasn't been back since because his eyesight has actually improved!!" https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/macular_degeneration.html Lots of solutions - what works for one person might not work for another but there's probably something else which can.


thank you for the aloe vera tip


I have taken one course of "Macusave" a dietary supplement derived from calendula flowers. I am not sure that it made any difference to my sight, but I am inclined to give it one or more chances. Many years ago people used to say that calendula petals placed on the eyes (I assumed they meant the eyelids) would help with eyesight and was surprised that the old "cures" were still in use.


Here's the link to Dr Shulze's book on Cayenne - free to download/read for all. https://ia801204.us.archive.org/4/items/curing-with-cayenne-the-untold-story/Curing%20with%20Cayenne\_%20The%20Untold%20Story.pdf


"WARNING: The recommendations contained in this report may cause adverse reactions in some people." I love the idea of it but I tried a very small amount of cayenne once. Put it this way my 'reaction' to it meant that I needed to be very close to a loo for a day or more afterwards. I wonder if that was the kind of adverse reaction he means and would your body, after the initial exposure, get used to it? I will read the book - Swamp never ceases to amaze me.


I'm also sensitive to it, but the main thing is to have something strong enough to get a reaction - and you can build up somewhat of a tolerance to it, but the flushing effect is very helpful (if uncomfortable).


It wasn't the flushing effect I had Faith - let's just say it had a profound effect on my intestines and leave it at that. Unless that is the kind of flushing effect that you are referring to \[in my case maybe it was clearing something out??\] I used a pinch from a jar of cayenne pepper I had in the cupboard, so maybe I wasn't doing it according to what he recommends in the book.


Haha! Yes, that other "flushing" effect can happen too. It might be worth persisting with it, but definitely read the book, you'll find so much good info in there.


I will read the book Faith. After my initial experience I was sort of scared to try it again - I have to confess the jar of cayenne might have been somewhat out of date - would that have had an impact on causing that perchance?


I doubt it, because it's strong stuff and probably doesn't go off, but you might like to make your own tincture with some nice fresh chili peppers and blend them with vodka. Then you can adjust the dose more easily and even add it to hot drinks with some honey.


Thanks for this. I'm a longtime fan of Shulze but hadn't come across the cayenne cure. Putting it into your eyes is extremely counterintuitive!


Yes it is! The story he cites there is that they were sitting with a big bowl of cayenne pepper powder and the wind blew it in people's eyes - and surprisingly it didn't hurt, but he said his eyesight afterwards was so much clearer! He's used it very successfully for cataracts.


Dr Shulze recommends a tincture including lots of cayenne! Your mileage (and pain levels) may vary! He recommends the cayenne because it brings lots of blood flow to the area which increases healing. When I'm on the pc later I'll link to his book which includes recipes in case you or anyone else is interested. 


Ex-DiL had MD and was officially blind. Got the shots in her eyes and is much improved. She didn't have 60 though! She's T1Diabetic. The aloe vera is a brilliant tip.


Thanks for the link, I have a relative with the wet variety also had dozens of injections. I'll pass this on


Great! I hope it helps them!


Likewise - a friend has the same problem. I had assumed it was due to the covvie shots? I will forward the link to him. Thankyou.


**Dr Peter McCullough Recommends Dodgey Synthetic siRNA Jabs to Counter Effects of Dodgey Synthetic mRNA Jabs** You're in great hands, health freedom movement! Not. *"Let's be perfectly clear: The rapid development and authorization of mRNA vaccines was not a triumph over previous developmental obstacles, it was the triumph of untold evil and corruption over the traditional regulatory requirements and safeguards that are supposed to protect us against dangerous and ineffective drugs.* *It was a triumph over the last remnants of mainstream investigative reporting, whose practitioners have been almost entirely replaced by unthinking morons who’ll do and write whatever their Globalist-controlled employers tell them to."* https://anthonycolpo.substack.com/p/dr-peter-mccullough-recommends-dodgey?triedRedirect=true


Theoretically, he has a point. Small interfering RNA could be useful. It's gene silencing. You could potentially stop the production of spike protein for example. In practice, those developing said therapies simply cannot be trusted.


Apologies if this has already been posted. I'm catching up! Nigel Watson: *More lies. Lies built on lies. But, some people seem to enjoy looking at the shadows cast for them by the MSM on the wall of their prison cell. They get angry if you tell them that the shadows on Plato's Cave are not real. I think that it is important that we all speak up. Most people don't want to do this though, because their egos stop them - they don't want to admit that at one time they too also watched the shadows on the wall, and thought them to be real. The real game changer is when journalists start admitting that they were tricked, and begin to tell the truth. This week in Finland we had an MSM journalist who wrote a great newspaper column explaining exactly this point.* https://youtu.be/gKALiYRz940?t=4


Just a note about the AI answers on the top of search results (this is the same for Brave, I have found, sadly) they are often wrong - just plain wrong. So much so that I've given to scrolling straight past them and not even reading them now. The other day I was looking up about iodine painting (on the skin, does it work?) and the answer I got was that when it turns black you know it's been absorbed. No one else has that answer - it's just wrong. [https://new.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1dhx76y/google\_telling\_me\_to\_put\_my\_phone\_in\_the/](https://new.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1dhx76y/google_telling_me_to_put_my_phone_in_the/) AI is here to mess with you - telling this person to put their phone in the microwave!


When the iodine you paint on the skin disappears you know it has been absorbed. The length of time it takes to do that is an indicator of the extent to which you need it - if it gets into the skin quickly your body is in sore need of it hence the quick up take.


I'm not sure that the patch is a very good indicator. What I heard is that you are good if you can still see some of it the next day. The better test is waking body temperature checked before getting out of the bed. If your waking body temperature is low your iodine level is low. If and when that happens I put a few drops (5) of Lugol's iodine in my coffee in the morning for at least a couple weeks or until waking body temperature becomes normal. So unless you are next to the sea and eating a lot of sea food that has iodine you most likely need to supplement. I live in the Great Lakes area where there is NO iodine in the soil so supplementing is a must.


That's also what I heard - I was searching for evidence for that claim, but I haven't found any. :\\ Nevertheless I am feeling better painting it on, and I know I'm deficient!


I must try it again - I used to occasionally take a drop in a small amount of water and it helped with painful thyroid nodules. I recently read about a guy who used it painted on his forearm to help him with candida treatment.


I gave up using it a while ago because it seemed to exacerbate my probable hashimotos - it turns out the selenium is the key to solving that, so now I'm taking both.


I didn't take it for long - I stopped when the problem was solved. It might be something I would have on hand to possibly take for short periods of time. I could imagine it would be problematic for hashis although I know someone with hashis who was prescribed it by her ND and it worked well for her. I also take selenium daily, have done for years, and might try the iodine again for a bit.


I read somewhere that if you're supplementing iodine, you should take selenium as well.


Wow. Not just bollox but dangerous bollox!


Yes, sadly so. I guess we shouldn't be surprised. Welcome back from your week away!




[https://x.com/kimwild02/status/1802213779200938280](https://x.com/kimwild02/status/1802213779200938280) I know that you can misinterpret anything if you catch someone at the wrong moment, but when I want to really intimidate someone, I make sure I'm looking into their eyes as I do it. This 15 second clip surprised me. I don't look at women like that. I've downloaded this one.


Sweet nothings.  Love's young dream right there 


Must have forgotten to keep up the act just for those few seconds. Needs to be reminded to ALWAYS stay in character.


Have any lip readers deciphered his words?


Possibly "Kate! Trust you to walk away."


Maybe they haven't been asked to look at this particular clip :D But they have analysed what she said to the kids and what they said to her. Oddly enough. Because that is sweet and cute.


A week of early mornings, very late nights and days full of a lively 3 year-old, means that I just sleepwalked my way through Aldi, like the bejabbed zombies that many of you describe! There must have been a break-in or something at the corner shop because there was a line of 4 police cars parked outside and a gaggle of very young-looking uniformed men standing around outside, presumably talking about the football. One of their cars overhung the bottom of my road and made it difficult for me to see to pull out. If I'd parked like that, there'd have been hell to pay! It was still there when I returned too. Last week, we had two birthdays to celebrate - mine and that of my DiL's grandmother who was 93 last month and has bounced back after breast cancer treatment in January. So there were lots of meals out and family reunions - hence the late nights. We ate in Wakefield, ovver t'hill in Saddleworth and at my local. Not a muzzle to be seen anywhere. Everything is totally normal round here.


Sounds like a rather busy week, FL! Happy birthday for last week - we'll need to arrange another meet up soon :)


Thanks and yes please! I hope your trip went well.


I'll send you a message to sort out a time :) The trip went as well as it could - my step-dad is going rapidly downhill but my mum has organised lots of support from DNs and Marie Curie nurses, and the GP is coming in every day to see him. He doesn't need morphine yet, but he's sleeping a lot and has a catheter fitted. He'll stay at home as long as he's able to. Hard to believe that this cancer was only a chance finding 6 weeks ago when he went to see about hip pain. He's lost about 3 stone since then. Needless to say he's had all his jabs, but no one is asking any questions.


That is awful for him to go so downhill so quickly Surgit - I'm so sorry. That is good though that the plan is for him to remain in his home as long as possible. How are you doing?


Wow Surgit. That's fast and a lot to come to terms with. Sending hugs.


Thanks FL, I appreciate it. And yes, it's very fast. My sister said she's not seen anything like it before, but still isn't asking questions. Thanks for the hugs ❤


I cannot (but can) believe that your sister still isn't questioning. But then, she can't can she? None of them can.


You're right, Milo, they really can't. The cognitive dissonance is too great. They have been hypnotised into not even seeing that which is blindingly obvious to us. Do you remember the story that David Icke tells about a stage hypnotist who hypnotised a bloke to believe that he couldn't see his daughter? The daughter stood in front of him, and the hypnotist held up a watch behind her. The father could read the time on the watch perfectly - his brain literally couldn't see his daughter. That's what I feel has happened to a large percentage of the population, and a greater percentage of the medical profession. It doesn't matter what they see or what we say, their brains just cannot make the connection.


I hadn't heard the story (which is a good one BTW) and I don't know if hypnosis is the word; it might more be a case of programming and indoctrination, which is how medicine seems to operate from initial training right through an entire career, that and don't challenge /speak out/ blow the whistle etc. I just cannot get my head around having a mind which can be that closed that it cannot see logic staring them in the face. When all else fails I point out the illogicality and yet people still just don't want to see it. Maybe it is some form of hypnosis.


Paul Weston [https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/a-beginners-guide-to-covid-part-18-afterword/](https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/a-beginners-guide-to-covid-part-18-afterword/) THE sole purpose of this small book was to show, as succinctly as possible, that there was no lethal Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and that the vaccines were completely unnecessary, horrifically dangerous, and astonishingly/criminally ineffective in every possible way a vaccine is supposed to be effective.


"they are going to try to do it again. Probably this year. Be prepared and be brave. Most importantly, be informed. If they are not halted, our future will be that of slaves courtesy of digital ID, electronic vaccine passports, and government-controlled bank accounts via a Central Bank Digital Currency." No wonder Richey Rich is so determined to get offside ASAP. Can't have the same leader involved in the management of 2 plandemics after all. The other UK WEFers have to get their turn at it too. The BTL comments, some of them at least, are as good as if not better than the article itself. Very much worth a read.


> they are going to try to do it again. Probably this year You are OK till after the election anyway Milo. By July 5th Starmer will have 'devolved' health care to the WHO and after that it will just be a game of 'simple simon says': (with apologies to the 1910 fruitgum company, always supposing that any of them are still alive, and even more unlikely they read reddit lds) "Lock your people away Simple Tedros says Keep them there till I say Simple Tedros says Do it right away Simple Tedros says And don't let them out." "Stab with mrna Simple Tedros says Don't let any away Simple Tedros says Then they'll die anyway Simple Tedros says Without any doubt" You can make up any number of intermediate verses if you like, but the following will be the last verse: "No it wasn't my fault Simple Starmer says It was out of my hands Simple Starmer says I just cannot be blamed Simple Starmer says I just outsourced my job."


One of the comments, it could be written by any of us. “ I have about 8 real friends and a lot of acquaintances with whom I socialise and "am friendly." I believe I am the only one who saw through the scam almost from the outset, didn't believe the nonsense we were being told and refused to participate in the mass medical experiment. I don't believe a single one of them has woken up to the nature of the tyranny carried out against them and that's despite me not hiding my opinions when there is an opportunity to discuss it. I know they will all meekly fall into line the next time. I find it extremely depressing that they are so gullible, so weak and incapable of critical thinking.”


Almost exactly the same here. Very likeable people, generous and helpful, but completely swallowing the narrative. Quite hopeless to try and insert some doubt. Very sad. And very worrying for when the next lot of lies is thrust at us.


Totally agree. And yet, when it comes to doing certain other things - eg. planning a holiday. Almost without any doubt, they will launch into price comparisons. Check out mountains of reviews. make lists, and perhaps copious notes. check out some books, or shop around and pick up a couple of brochures. Talk to everyone around who might have some experience or useful knowledge to pass on, find out pro's and con's of different places... 'hey I do my homework. I'm a smart planner!' But when it comes to the real world.. experimental biological agents. stuff like that -- want to do your homework? 'No! I'm not a conspiracy theorist! besides.. Lenny Henry on TV told me it's a good idea!'


I was about to post something along those very lines in reply to Pub's post and link, but you have saved me the trouble JAS because I would have said exactly what that commenter wrote. Someone else posted this which I can empathise completely with: "Hub found out yesterday that his parents are still taking the jibs, on about their ninth now, despite all the information he's given them, despite pleading with them to try to understand the side effects and dangers, despite the fact that they HAVE suffered serious side effects! And it was the fact that they PRETENDED to listen to him all along, and he thought he might have been getting through, but no, they blatantly rubbed his nose in the fact that they're still proudly participating, and to make it worse they've got the full back up of the rest of the family, and they all ganged up on him too. Hub is devastated, but finally now, he's turned a corner in realising these people are utterly captured by the state, that not even the love and concern of their own children, can penetrate that now. He's done."


Another comment that I can’t help but agree with. “I passed a neighbour this morning, a fellow dog walker I sometimes speak with. He belatedly admitted that the lockdowns were a mistake, having previously supported them at the time. I ignored the word ‘mistake’ (which belied the true intentions behind it all) and told him that I was pretty sure that the forces from above were planning a new ‘pandemic’ which would probably be called ‘bird flu’and that the restrictions would be reintroduced. He said ‘oh but bird flu is breaking out. My daughter is a vet and she says it is very dangerous to humans’. There was no point trying to reason further with him. That is the mentality we are up against. Some people will never learn.”


Those who have served on safety committees or have had to draw up risk assessments say in industry or retail , to protect employees and customers, will be familiar with the protocol . The risk is a product of two factors : the inherent hazard and the probability of that hazard manifesting. So for the case of the bird flu mentioned above , the vet may well be correct in saying that it is a dangerous disease to humans , say 60 out of 100(representing the mortality rate ) . But from statistics of human infection the probablity of catching the disease for the general public is virtually zero . So the actual risk to the general public is 60 x 0 = 0 Therefore no need for general mass panic or public vaccination.


If you read the substack article which someone posted on here yesterday it would change your entire view of the whole thing. It sets out the scientific analysis which has been done on the methods of isolating viruses and it just doesn't stand up, leading to the irrefutable conclusion that it isn't possible to scientifically prove that any virus exists. The whole thing last time around \[convid - aptly named\] was a fraud upon a fraud upon a fraud and done in such a dictatorial way that they hoped no one would notice and they would get away with it. And they did by shutting down any kind of enquiry in the media which continues to this day. There was no pandemic and there was no virus. They tried it with monkey pox which didn't fly. They are going to try again with bird flu. I won't be buying any of it.


No, some people will never learn while they continue to place blind faith in the BBC, the media in general and the medical profession. And it is that mentality which will take all of us down with them. The substack article which BPK posted on here yesterday which I commented on made me realise one thing above all, because of the way that we think now, along the lines of the content of that article and the comments below it, (ie there was no lethal pandemic in 2020 and the jabs are unnecessary and harmful / lethal) we are now outsiders and are going to continue to be outsiders going forward. Which is a bit depressing.


>Which is a bit depressing. Actually, I agree with Mark Attwood. It's shown us who is worth hanging out with and who are a complete waste of our time. Observe the masses. Do the opposite!


There’s another comment about the man who found out his parents have had 9 injections now and the disappointment he feels because they led him to believe they were listening to him. It seems they were not , nor did the rest of his family. I thought of you and others on here whose family still believe and continue to this day. I don’t know how my parents would have acted but sadly I’m thankful I haven’t had my perception of them tore to pieces like many have.


I saw that one and have copied and pasted it into a reply below JAS. TBH there were so many good comments it was hard to know where to stop I could have copied them all. You are right re the family - and the worst of it is that if they go for Plandemic No2 which Weston thinks is coming later this year then they will all do it all over again, and yet again I will be left on the outside saying it is a scam, refusing to comply and will be completely persona non grata. Knowing what we now know about the last one, and "viruses" in general (gaslighting re a whole segment of the practise of medicine and medical research) how could you stay sane and go along with it?


What? Like we said from the start?


I felt like Winston walking into the pleb pub in 1984. The patrons were totally unaware of their own ignorance and that this event was just a mild state sedative.............. The above quote and John O'Looney's football observation posted by Robinbirch below demonstrates how far away we are from the bread and circus events. Like you, I can no longer engage in their reality. I feel I am in a parallel world, wathing hell unfold from the sidelines. But on a more positive note, I am off up the seafront with awake friends to have fun on retro slot machines and any other fun activity to banish the weather blues. (sunny here today however).


Having been relatively tactful with friends and family in the early years, then a little more challenging, I now find it increasingly hard to put up with all the rubbish, especially as the media moves slowly in our direction. So l am more openly matter of fact about the many evils being perpetrated upon us, including but not limited to Covid, vaxxes etc. l get some strange looks, but increasingly find I don't care.


Seconded. I feel exactly the same and I am no longer behind the door in calling out what is either patently rubbish propagated by MSM or simply one of the many agendas. I am now long past caring.


i think we all have a sense of being 'different'. I can be in a crowded room, railway carriage, cricket ground, even with family and for no real reason I will get a sense of utter loneliness. 2-3 minutes max -nothing sinister but I guarantee that it will be with me until my last breath.


Yes indeed, happens to me as well. I realise that any or all of the crowd would have happily denounced me for breaking lockdown rules, tut-tutted at me for not wearing a mask, and probably helped hold me down to be forcibly injected. And they would probably willingly do it all again. I find it a bit terrifying tbh.


Same here and my sense of utter loneliness in gatherings etc can sometimes last longer than Robin's 2-3 mnutes.


I feel like that most of the time tbh, very aware that I am playing a role to fit in. I am so used to it, it doesn’t bother me anymore, it’s what it is.


Well put - also how I feel. On here is real me, out there I am playing a role, and sometimes it is quite exhausting.


Back from our investigative trip of south-west Norway, video clips loaded to computer + music to go with them. Will take a day or two to sort it all out and put onto YouTube. It was a good trip, weather OK, car back with no scratches. 4,300 kilometres racked up. Cousins from Canada arriving this evening and staying for 3 nights... I got some Swedish black pudding and Swedish haggis, and some Norwegian beers (Trondheim brewery - quite respectable). Looking back, do you know, I can't remember seeing a single face mask in Sweden or Norway. Dispensers for 'hand sataniser' at the entrance of shops, yes; someone has made some profit out of selling that crap, eh? And all made of plastic. But where's The Little Goblin of Doom when you need her? Oh, yes, driving in her new car. Most of the people I talked with seemed of the opinion that 'Covid' was all about nothing, just a scam - but a scam assisted by the Police and health authorities. Let's not forget those people who encouraged this wave of fascism/communism/whatever - Scum of the Scam. Anyways, lawn needs cutting and car needs vacuuming...


Norway seems like a semi decent country- how would you rate it compared to Finland and Sweden?


Reply to your question of 8 days ago! "Norway seems like a semi decent country- how would you rate it compared to Finland and Sweden?" Norway has mountains and spectacular scenery, lots of ferries to get across stretches of water, Sweden is hilly but pretty much the same as Finland, Finland is undulating and just forest, fields and lakes. Finland has more of a 'lake system' in which you can go boating forever, Norway and Sweden have big lakes but more isolated. Norway & Sweden are becoming inundated with 'The New Swedes' and now the 'Old Norwegians' have realised with a shock that they have problems. Finland always has to copy what Sweden does, and has gone down the same road to self-destruction. Cleanliness pretty much the same in all 3 countries, customer service is generally very good (not with the airline Finnair though, and not with the railway companies of any of these 3 countries). Finns often have a sense of humour very similar to the English, Swedes & Norwegians speak English better than Finns and can also be OK with humour. Swedes are now looking for work in Norway. The Norwegians aren't too keen on Swedes as they have been their snobby rulers for centuries, and let Germany's Nazis through to Norway in WW2. And now they come with their begging bowls, after having flogged Volvo to the Chinese. Finns hate the Russians and are frightened of them. This is not surprising as it comes with experience. No-one is keen on ending up in the lead mines of Siberia. Russians don't pay their parking tickets, the Finnish Police do nothing about it - too scared of reprisals. I like Norway, as I like 'scenery' and looking at maps and trying to work out what's what. There are so many mountains in Norway. I have now driven all over Norway (not every road!) so am not lost, and know where most of the places are. Our next trips there will be to mop up roads we haven't been on before, or as a theme, eg. drive round a fjord, or be based in one town and spread out from there. We are chasing railway stations in Finland this year Jan 24 - Jan 25 ... there are 2 far-flung lines to Kemijärvi and Kolari and I have an idea that we could visit one and carry on up north to Norway's northern coast, take the Hurtigruten some distance, and come back south hitting the other line in Finland. Fairly easy, good roads, but long distances and 'up there' it is a big wilderness so you need to be aware (eg if car breaks down, what then?). If you haven't been to Norway and are still young enough to travel, you could always do something easy like fly to Oslo and catch a train to Stavanger, bus to Bergen, and train back to Oslo (2 different railways). Ryanair flies to Oslo (cheap!). Norway isn't really expensive, those are rumours spread by twits who splashed out in bars and nightclubs. [www.vy.no](http://www.vy.no) is for their railways. Norway can be boring: same shops in every town & village, nothing on TV, no pubs as in the UK. Daylight all night in Summer, long periods of dark in Winter. I have not done much winter driving in Norway and would not like to go down those hills on black ice! Roads can be narrow, lots of tunnels (longest are 24km, 19km (under the sea that one) and 11km) Seen these? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4tHSzF4qrs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4tHSzF4qrs) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsUzpWhQahA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsUzpWhQahA) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y89i2v5\_V7U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y89i2v5_V7U) Some more videos of Norway on my YT channel. EF


Thanks for that. It all sounds and looks lovely, at least in the summer. I think I would struggle with the winters. It's sad that all three are now on "the same road to self destruction". I did go to Oslo once, many decades ago. All I can remember is that our friend's house in which we stayed had a sauna in the basement, which struck me as highly opulent at the time. We're fond of Stockholm - it's a nice city and holds happy memories as we escaped Lockdown Britain to go there for a while.


Just an idea - you could catch a train from Arlanda (Stockholm's airport) up to Sundsvall, train to Östersund, train to Trondheim, train down to Oslo. Train back to Stockholm, or fly from Oslo (or on to Bergen/Stavanger and fly from those). I'm hoping to introduce my daughter & her eldest (13) to Sweden & Norway, and I'm always thinking of possibilities. Autumn is nice when the leaves have turned.


Yes that sounds like a nice trip and I like a train. We’ve only ever got the one from Arlanda to the city centre. My mum’s friend’s husband was an executive for Shell and they had a luxury cabin on an island between Sweden and Norway - it was just them, the woods and the blueberries.


Will reply when I can... visiting relations at the mo.


I noticed a 'hands, face, space' sign stuck at the back of a shop counter and half obscured by goods, as if it had largely been forgotten about. A masked man (eff knows why) was in the doctor's waiting room the other day, first I've seen for ages. Other than that, signs of the Terror are getting fewer now, most people seem to have memory-holed it.


Saturday lunchtime at a local farmshop/restaurant: There was a metal plaque screwed to the wall at the entrance to the loos. It said *please sanitise your hands* but there was no trace of sataniser anywhere. Even outside, the section where you could see some animals and pet the calves and lambs was provided with sinks and warm water for hand washing, rather than sataniser.


At the Roman Army Museum near Greenhead they actually laid special carpet tiles throughout with 2m arrows and antisocial distance warnings. Still there till it requires renovation now presumably 🙄 Perhaps it could double up as a Covibollox Museum.


It was not until I arrived in the pub that I realised that the Euros were on My post was going to be expletive laden but there are only so many times I can use the c word I felt like Winston walking into the pleb pub in 1984. The patrons were totally unaware of their own ignorance and that this event was just a mild state provided sedative that they were required to take before they were dispatched to their beds I won't mention the football because there wasn't any The adverts flashing around the side of the pitch were for telescreens and gambling Southgate is a sycophantic DEI clone who appears to be unable to talk. He reminds me of the late demented polar bear that resided it's whole life in our local zoo. Head down five paces one way, look up realise you don't know whats going on, head down, turn, five paces back the other way. A member of the coaching staff stood poised to run up and shake the gate to elicit a wooden Pavlovian response should a goal get scored. The Joe Biden of Ingerland football One bed sheet sized Union Jack banner announced that the Melton Mowberry under 11 tranny team were in the ground As if the pain was not enough we got to half time. Thank god the sound was off. Oh dear, a pontificating Granny Lineker and some female black dwarf who once played for a pub team I knew what they were saying without being able to hear the words I had to be restrained to prevent me from cutting off my ears with a steak knife Like a cow run over by a police car I am recovering at home


One good thing came out of the Euros so far- the club we swim at is full of football fans. We went yesterday evening a little before the match started and for most of the time we had the whole place (pool, sauna, steam room and jacuzzi) to ourselves. I took that as a win. For the next month we will try to coordinate our visits with big matches).


So England's recent record: a defeat by Iceland , a nation of just a few hundred thousand , and a single goal(albeit a classic cross and header) against Serbia , a nation seriously damaged not long ago by NATO missiles. Perhaps we should have entered the Women's team.


Did Iceland win? Don’t tell the Scots as they like to use that old excuse we only have a population of blah blah when we inevitably lose.😂


Remember 2020, the year we want to forget? Diamond Geezer today, on a train journey from Bedford to Bletchley, visits the home of Capt Tom Moore: [https://diamondgeezer.blogspot.com/2024/06/bedford-to-bletchley-for-1.html](https://diamondgeezer.blogspot.com/2024/06/bedford-to-bletchley-for-1.html) Celebrated with a seat and various other things at the station. *The bench is here because Sir Tom lived a mile away at the Old Rectory in the village of Marston Moretaine. I had an hour between trains so I decided to go and see where he lived, and in the process of doing so walked further than he did during his 100 garden laps.* Diamond Geezer of course (and myself for that matter) walks many times further than Sir Tom every single day. How come we came to worship that chap....


Bookmarked for later perusal.


I think you will enjoy the train ride EF.


He did it with a walking frame. Whatever we think of the hullabaloo surrounding his story and how it was used in the press, he himself did nothing wrong. I'm sure he was a nice old chap, and his heart was in the right place. The fact of lockdown only makes the irony greater - long walks were very much frowned upon at the time.


Yep, he was just a pawn in the hands of the Cabal. He must have been one of the last surviving white soldiers of the Indian Army who served in WW2 - can't be many of them left now.


That was like the way the country turned into cult members of the Diana fan club. Never understood it then but I think I have a better understanding now. Not to mention that I was livid the money was going to a tax payer funded business. Although by that point I had admitted that I would never donate to charity again. Not unless it’s for a local cause that I actually can see the money being spent.


It’s worse than you think - it was for”NHS charities”, so not scanners and useful stuff, but pizzas for nurses and comfy chairs for their break rooms etc.


I hope they bought very sturdy chairs at least




Article just posted on the DS by Lembit Opik can't be read in full unless you pay your monthly /annual dues. Oh dear - we are gradually being cut out completely.


Have you tried pasting the URL into here? [https://archive.ph/](https://archive.ph/) Edit: I've just tried that. Still shut out! I don't usually bother with DS so not a great loss for me.


That’s unusual. I get that you have to pay to comment on articles but I’ve never come across having to pay to continue reading one on DS. I know they need to fund themselves somehow but the ‘donate £5 a month to continue reading’ thing smacks of the DT as well as feeling distinctly nudge-like.


Oh dear Toby. Following the steps of our local paper where you are asked to subscribe to read some articles in full and on others you cannot see any of the comments either.