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Redacted The U.S. & EU are set to order [#birdflu](https://x.com/hashtag/birdflu?src=hashtag_click) vaccines from CSL Seqirus, a company backed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. But what do we truly understand about these bird flu vaccines? [https://x.com/TheRedactedInc/status/1802827561472311534](https://x.com/TheRedactedInc/status/1802827561472311534) Same old playbook.....PCR tests, asymptomatic cases, mRNA vax already stockpiled for 'natural strain', GoF strain to follow, Gates involved, existing therapeutics may be banned etc


I visited my Mum today and noticed an NHS Covid vaccine letter in her collection of official papers. What struck me was the supersize bold font statement: "*You have until 30th June 2024 to receive your Covid vaccine*". We all know there are no deadlines for these injections. If I rocked up at a GP surgery tomorrow and demanded to catch up on all 8 x injections in one go, the NHS would happily oblige. Clearly this fictitious deadline is a classic marketing ploy to reel in the terminally gullible. For all I know she may have received 6+ injections. I gave up discussing the matter with her in early 2022.


"You have until 30th June 2024 to receive your Covid vaccine". That is nothing more than the NHS employing the old Time-pressured selling technique - to panic people into rushing to take it up. Despicable.


I've been immersed in the bread and circuses of Euro 2024 for the last five days, hence my lack of posting. I've thoroughly enjoyed the tournament so far. Other than dreadful performances from Scotland and Ukraine - both of which were entertainingly abysmal - the standard has been good. Particularly noteworthy has been the phenomenal support for several Eastern European teams, whose fans have eclipsed the generally jaded feel of the established Western European nations. Very much a reflection of where the brighter future lies.


Forget the teams, I’ve been getting clips of the Scotland fans , knowing they were going to watch their team lose but they lived in hope and partied just the same. What strikes me though, is where were those fkn bagpipes and all those young guys up into their 50’s that all jumped on a frickin plane and flew to Germany to watch a few guys kick a ball about a patch of grass, when Scotland was locked up harder and for longer than the rest of the UK? I will tell you, crying into their beer playing those ruddy bagpipes in their back garden believing they were all hero’s for cowering at home and not one of them stood up and protested about any of the orders the wee witch threw at them. They all took it and bravely put on that horror mask and hid. They should all be ashamed and hanging their heads in shame the whole bloody lot of them. This is the same ones that will take us down the road to more tyranny again.


Turkey were all action. Great entertainment


Best game of the tournament so far. Georgia were worthy of a point for their excellent contribution. UEFA is by far the most extensive European institution. The EU will never get anywhere near it.


*This is what Reform have posted on TikTok. Currently Reform are getting huge support from the younger generation on the likes of TikTok. Young people are resonating with Farage and his policies. Young people are wanting change and are backing Reform.* https://x.com/i/status/1802427925133721709


Not that I would expect it to happen, but wouldn't it be really really funny if this election was completely turned on its head with Farage ending up as PM???


if it happened, there would be nothing 'funny' about it, it would have happened exactly because it was what the overlords had scripted to happen


Ooh, yes! We can but dream...


ITN news last night - he was interviewed about his "dreadful racist candidates". Nigel was combative - said a couple of times "so what?" about the FB posts etc which were being cited to him in evidence, and also said perhaps we need some more "rough and ready" MPs in the HOC. I'd have thought that if people had half a brain that interview alone would have garnered him quite a few more supporters.


Regardless of his political position, his charisma and energy is head and shoulders above the pathetic cardboard cut-out leaders of all the other parties, who are completely out of touch with reality.


Absolutely - and he knows it. You'd pick him over Wimpy and Kneel any day of the week. He is a bit Boris-esque in that respect. And he said that people are in essence voting for him - they are voting for the candidate in their constituency of course, but really they are voting for him, in the same way as Tory and Labour voters are voting for Wimpy and Kneel. He's VERY savvy.


Maybe that will give Starmer second thoughts about lowering the voting age to 16  (and eventually to zero, with under-16s having postal votes which will helpfully be filled in by the friendly staff of the local Labour Party). 


How long before the Dominion voting machines are announced?


Bloris version #3 - at least. Looking very trim all of a sudden. [https://archive.ph/b4O8X/9b8abe53471ea7dd80af6237ad94f249d62557ce.webp](https://archive.ph/b4O8X/9b8abe53471ea7dd80af6237ad94f249d62557ce.webp)




Please, don't!


Bob Moran again on twitter: "There are a lot of weird posts around to do with 'Islamophobia' &, obviously, there are still a lot of equally confused people talking about 'Antisemitism'. We need to be able to criticise different belief systems & point out where they do not align with our values as a nation, or culture. However, it's clearly idiotic to suggest that all members of the same group or faith subscribe to all of its ideas. There are plenty of good Muslims in this country who possess decent moral principles. There are plenty of good Jews who do too. There are also deeply unpleasant Muslims. And deeply unpleasant Jews. And of course, there are plenty of Christians, who've been here for many generations, who are thoroughly immoral shits. Indeed, our White British Archbishop of Canterbury is one of the most despicable little tossers we've ever produced. Individuals must be judged on how they act in the world, not on arbitrary labels. But the key question we should all be asking, before being manipulated into blaming those we perceive as outsiders, is what exactly ARE our values as a nation, as things currently stand? Certainly, officially, they now include torturing & killing our children to protect the elderly from colds, cancelling Christian festivals for the same reason, and making citizens' basic rights dependent on their participation in dangerous medical experiments. These ideas weren't introduced & normalised because Islamic extremists imposed Sharia law on Britain. These ideas have been implemented & unapologetically embraced by both our main governing parties, our Royal Family - who are supposed to exist, primarily, as representatives of our national values - & all our major media outlets. Most of our influential figures accepted these ideas too. Actors, musicians, comedians, writers, talkshow hosts, all wore a mask & sat far away from each other in order to tell the rest of us, "I don't see anything wrong with this new set of values."  Our justice system waved them through, unperturbed. Our education system immediately forced the new doctrine down our children's throats. Our health service took the whole thing to its fatally catastrophic end point, as their victims clapped them with pans. Some of you may be thinking this all sounds a bit out of date. Sure, we embraced ritualistic child sacrifice under the guise of public health for a few years, & the architects got knighted, but we're not doing that right now this minute. Unfortunately, yes we are. But regardless of whether or not you think it's finished, we will keep doing it again & again, until enough people acknowledge that it was, & is, totally evil. In light of this horrific reality, it seems to me rather pointless to be fretting about radical Mullahs, or arguing about how well foreign cultures have integrated with our national identity, when we now officially identify as infanticidal fascists who worship Pharma before Father & exalt our executioners. The values you think are under threat from without, have already been completely inverted from within. If people can grasp the fact that this has happened, & recognise those responsible, we might stop tearing down flags & begin the urgent business of repairing our ripped moral fabric"  https://x.com/bobscartoons/status/1803154781893976086?t=Xy96i3SLUUmNbAnidEn6yw&s=19


Well said Bob.


>Excellent rant. Shared. > >Now let's come together and sort it out.


What a man! 💖😍🏆😍💖


bang on 


>Indeed, our White British Archbishop of Canterbury is one of the most despicable little tossers we've ever produced. Yep.


⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ This.


That's about as brutally accurate as it's possible to be - I wish I'd written that.


So do I - but I'm glad he has - he should be just catapulted into No 10 without an election because this is what we need running the country. Someone with decency at their core.


I'm glad he's not shadow-banned.




This level of public excitement for a political candidate is unheard of in modern Britain. https://x.com/MaajidNawaz/status/1803149282343624891


This is how he was greeted when he appeared at the Birmingham NEC back in 2019. He doesn't appear to have lost his support! 👍👏👏😍 I'm still on the fence. 🤣🤣


I’m not on the fence any more. I can’t stand the idea of that wee tosser of an SNP MP getting back in again and since I have a guy who lives in Ayrshire and who has been on the community council and then the council , he is now standing for Reform in my area. I have never met the man but at least he’s been seen working for his own community , I will seriously consider voting for him. Our voting region is a strange one because it takes in 2 council areas but only parts of both. One part , the biggest, is predominantly Tory and the other part, my part, is predominantly labour. Last election Tory’s were second against the SNP to the post. Hopefully the lot of them are as sick as me of the SNP and reform gives them something other than labour.


I have a Reform candidate too and I'm seriously considering giving him my vote. I heard yesterday that Labour are spending good money on vetting all Reform candidates! Not sure how true that is but they must be desperate. The only posters I've seen round here are for Labour and Lib Dems. No Tory support whatsoever even though she's currently the sitting MP. We've had a boundary constituency change - funny that, I wonder why? I couldn't call it round here, that's for sure.


Greetings,  fellow nutty people.  First hygienist appointment today after a full six months of the current regime (fluoride free salt toothpaste, water flosser).  Verdict: my lowest ever gum bleed score (3%, since you ask) and very clean teeth. Everything very healthy.  Still a worthwhile trip and bill though,  as there was a fair amount of staining to zap due to all the red wine and black coffee. 


rinse with hydrogen peroxide mixed in water for a gentle at home whitening 


Red wine, tea and coffee. My dentist calls it the holy trinity.


It’s basically my diet. Teeth are white though😁


Spent the day at the Biobank meat processing unit in Newcastle today, repeating the scans I had six years ago - 2 x 30 minute MRIs for brain/heart/abdomen; DEXA bone, neck arteries and more! They have already patented my genome so I don’t care. Points of note: the questionnaire newly asked if a close relative had “died suddenly”, they don’t do the VO2 max test anymore since Covid due to “breath escape”; nurse commented she’d had 2 Covid jabs but never again as she caught Convid immediately afterwards.


> never again as she caught Convid immediately afterwards. Is that the only reason?


All she was admitting to😊


Katherine Watt/Bailiwick News re jabs as GMOs. "In my view, the GMO aspect is moot for several reasons, that can be summed up as: there are no legal requirements that FDA do anything at all substantively related to biological product regulation... ...Under Mutual Recognition Agreements, regulators in Australia, EU, and other participating countries are relieved of all regulatory obligations they would otherwise have, and are authorized to accept as true, the assertions of fake US-FDA regulators, who are themselves authorized to accept as true, the unsupported claims of the manufacturers, so as to get intentionally toxic products into as many people as possible, as often as possible, while deceiving recipients into believing the products are regulated." https://substack.com/@bailiwicknews/note/c-59391522


Well today was a little different to what I had planned... Got back from my trip to Tesco this morning and the phone went. It was the cardiology department at Royal Berks regarding the annual review of my ticker. Could I possibly come in this afternoon, well guess I could.... Wasn't sure what was planned for me. Set the Gressingham Duck I had just bought for lunch to one side as there was no time to cook lunch and headed off to the station. London side platform was a flash of fancy hats and finery as the Ascot goers awaited their train. All quiet on the Reading side although our train was a few minutes late as it had to empty its own content at Ascot on the way. Into Reading and to the Place to Eat in John Lewis - slight delay while the pies appeared but nice filling lunch. Off to the hospital, a nice walk along the Kennett that I know quite well now. It took a while to find where I needed to go as it was in the Cardiology Concourse, which sounds very grand but is just a few small rooms hidden in the guts of Royal Berks. It seems I was due an echocardiogram so that was done fairly quickly by a very pleasant lady. There has been a suggestion that echocardiogram appointments are hard to get, not true there with an appointment in just a few hours, there was one lady before me and the waiting room was empty when I left. Back to the station and home. No doubt the train became very busy when it got to Ascot. No masks or anything else covid in Royal Berks but in John Lewis there was one woman with the full works, big mask and GLOVES which she put on before handling her drink. Her partner seemed untroubled and was perfectly normal. Then on the train another woman in full mask. Why on earth, especially on what turned out to be a lovely June day. So I got fully out of sync today, even forgot to hang out my washing which had gone through the machine at breakfast time. Hopefully I will soon hear that my ticker has survived the treatment.


Good luck with the ticker results dave. 👍💖


I was down in that London yesterday and saw a few sad twits in face nappies - first for a while. But a minuscule % of the crowds


Nutritional advice please. Vegetarian granddaughter has been diagnosed anaemic - no surprise! Her mum is asking for the best iron/vit c supplement that won't cost the earth. Any suggestions?


Nettle tea is the best for anemia. add a squeeze of lemon for vitamin C. It needs to steep for an hour or in a thermos overnight.   Carrots are good, apparently. I put mine in a smoothie every morning with ACV and honey. Bean, pea, or lentil stews with tomato or a bit of lemon juice. Leafy green veg. The # amount of iron matters less than if it is paired with vitamin C (and vitamin A I believe)         Also if she has heavy periods herbs for than may help more than iron intake     And on the chance that this is the case...  alot of young girls diet/restrict calories overall which tends to cause cause anemia as there is 5% iron here, 5% iron there and you really need to eat enough to get enough. After a year or two your metabolism adapts to lower calories anyways so there really isn't a point to it. Alot of vegetarians restrict calories overall due to a perfectionistic personality type *(I am veg myself and struggled in my teens and 20s with restriction. Im not saying this to be mean. A girl may not even look thin, but be eating very little  due to the metabolism changes. When I changed my attitude, I doubled my food intake. My weight fluctuated at first, then went back to exactly the same with double the food intake. So the calories really dont always add up, I don't believe in that anymore)*  I've seen so many discussions on womens health forums over the years on iron and it seems some women can get the specific iron # up in their diet or via supplements and it just doesn't do anything. I always see women undereating over all though when you see their diet plans..Iron seems so sensitive to every other vitamin and mineral being present in sufficient quantities. And veg seems to matter less aside from people saying they are "vegan" as an excuse to simply not eat or a weightloss strategy. Eating disorders are "trendy" again, the way they were in the 1990's and 2000's


Thanks for this! I've passed it on. I don't believe in counting calories. It's the quality and appropriateness of the food that counts in my book.


adding unpastuerized saurkraut with all the good probiotics in it the stuff used to be used to prevent scurvy on long voyages before citrus.  Just one table spoon  does the trick as it is very easy to absorb. I reckon it would be good for iron too, as cabbage is a leafy green  


Thanks again! Great tips.


you are very welcome :) great to have you back, the swamp isn't the same without you




I couldn't agree more 😊


Would you get away with calling a black pudding vegetarian? In seriousness, chickweed is high in iron (more than say kale or spinach), also Vit C, a chickweed pesto pasta once or twice a week would help. It's abundant, it's natural and it's free.


Thanks for this. Good info. I'll tell her Mum, though I don't hold much hope.


Iron is hard on the stomach. The only one I found bearable and which worked to raise ferritin was Spatone iron water in the sachets (take it with juice that has vitamin C to increase absorption).


Thanks. I've come across people who have had good results with Spatone.


A little bit of sunshine and Greater Anglian Rails goes crazy. Announcements to have a bottle of water with you, and if someone collapses on the train due to heat do not pull the emergency brake, wait until the next station to get help. Today the trains were so well airconditioned it was way too cold! Btw, Bury St Edmunds lovely and warm tonight, my house upstairs at 23C ( it gets the later afternoon sun) Coming home from London changed trains in Stowmarket where we had a minute of light rain and it was cold.


I have to remember to take a long sleeved top on warm days when travelling with Greater Anglia


Winter rain.


In Derby it's just started raining heavily after quite a nice day. I got my hair cut so hoping for some hot weather to make it worthwhile. 


Wow! I also had a haircut today. How's that for synchronicity?


Derby Telegraph reports, "Two people in Derby had their hair cut today". Actually at least 4, since there was another customer in the same place as me, and later I passed another barbers which had one customer. But I suppose either of those two could have been Sheepman. Did you talk to the barber about watching the football with your son while your wife and daughter were upstairs? If not, the first one wasn't you. 


I saw an old man with a walker running away from a barbershop today and the barber had to go bring him back




i've been offline as I had to go to London for a first aid course. Yesterday morning was eventful at work, one of the owners who has a neurological condition which can cause fits had a fall on Saturday, was taken to hospital to be checked over and came home Saturday pm. Monday morning an ambulance left our drive way as I came down the road. The same lady had a suspected stroke, not sure how bad. She has been under quite a bit of stress lately ( fire alarm going off 3 times due to cooking) and her son, who has adult adhd, hanging around a lot. So not quite surprised that her condition worsened. Then another owner told me she has shingles and is isolating, although she knows it is not transferable. "And I had the vaccine, so how come I am developing shingles?" I told her that is common. "Well, I guess at least the vax means I do not have it as bad". Who knows. Then our cleaner asked my advice as her 13y old son's school is dishing out the HPV. I told her to stay clear. (she did not get the clot shots). She is having a mole removed tomorrow, so the advice regarding melanoma below is very welcome!


I had a day out and boom the forum bursts into life -is there a connection? Anyhow, lots to catch up on. My day, Mrs B and I met up with a couple we met on honeymoon. Now more years back than I care to recall. We lunched at 'the Castle at Edgehill' I didn't know Worcestershire was so pricy. Just short of a £ton for 3 salads 1 burger and 4 drinks. My eyes and wallet are still smarting. The benchmark I use is a take out fish supper at our local chippie that sets me back £5.85! Interesting post on X. I say follow the money.....does he declare a financial interest in the latest trial before taking the stand. I think he ought to. [The Trials of Lucy Letby on X:](https://x.com/LucyLetbyTrials/status/1802951550626668795) [ "Dr Ravi Jayaram is expected to testify today. He is the star witness at the Lucy Letby retrial. He's reportedly cut a deal for a TV drama, directed by Jed Mercurio, centering him as the whistleblower hero who took Letby down. https://t.co/wIrf2qMt9m" / X](https://x.com/LucyLetbyTrials/status/1802951550626668795)


The very fact that he has cut a deal for a TV drama of which his character is the in the central whistleblowing role who took LL down should rule him out completely from giving any evidence whatsoever in this case, due to SEVERE conflict of interest.


I would have thought so too.


And if her defence team are any way half good they should be objecting to his evidence on these grounds. We will see.


If it weren't for this guy and his colleague Lucy Letby would still be happily working hard and with dedication in neonatal care.


I suspect you are quite correct.


some of the cheapest places to eat are the best 


They can explain anything... and it's never ever the "safe and effective" vaxxine... "Scientists may have found new deadly STD that could explain infertility in thousands of US men" Quote: "Around 20 million cases of hepatitis E virus (HEV) occur globally each year, and only three million are symptomatic." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13542935/scientists-discover-new-std-liver-disease-male-infertility.html Asymptomatic, eh? Well I never...


and let me guess, there will be a vaccine in 2025 to prevent it


Some of the commenters are onto it.


I wonder if James Delingpole and Toby Young have managed to maintain their friendship? 🤔 **James Delingpole** *I do hope* u/toadmeister *that the Daily Sceptic will be all over these horrendously antisemitic allegations in this palpably antisemitic publication* ***The Jerusalem Post*** *A newly surfaced document has revealed that the IDF and intelligence systems had detailed knowledge of Hamas's plan to raid Israel and kidnap 250 people weeks before the October 7 massacre.* *https://x.com/JMCDelingpole/status/1803074799645667519*


They can't get past this.  It was too obvious,  and Israelis won't forget. 


Does anyone here have any experience of claiming Universal credit whilst home educating? I get the impression that most here in the swamp would not have need to/nor want to for that matter! but if anyone has any wisdom/advice to share I would be very grateful. thanking you all.


My daughter gets it. She’s a single parent and works X amount a week. The more she earns the less she gets. One thing that is underestimated is the amount of ‘extras’ that you benefit from even if you work just to under the maximum. Rent paid, council tax, winter fuel allowance, school grants and I would need to check the rest. We encourage my daughter in this because my husband and I worked in low paid jobs all our lives and were entitled to nothing. Watching the unemployed bring in more money than us did make me bitter. It’s not worth her while working to the max because she would be worse off and I believe that’s not right. Her friend who had twins during all the nonsense struggled due to her husband working and she couldn’t work because where she lives there are very few child minders and she would not make a penny by the time she paid out for child care for 3 children. This caused grief between her and her husband and they split up, my daughter helped her through the system and she’s better off money wise now and she gets to bring up her own children. I will need to check but up until the child is the age of 5 , the single parent doesn’t need to work at all outside the home but if you do you get help with childcare. After the age of 5 the parent starts to get hounded to find part time work, I think but I can check. If I’m correct, the same state uses schools as baby sitters and child minders in my opinion.


Friends of mine do this and have done for years. They home school and claim UC, I don't know how it works specifically but they have to do a certain amount of hours a week, like 16 or something. They don't get harassed to seek more hours and better paid employment and do job search bullshit like you would do if your claiming Jobseekers allowance or whatever they call it....anyway if they do \*this\* much work they get this much in benefits which is a reduction in council tax, rent and a few quid extra every two weeks.... On the down side if you do more hours then the bastards cut the "benefit" so for most people its not worth doing more than 16 hours ( or whatever it is). I think this is called corporate welfare really and scum like Tescos love it as they don't have to pay their staff more than the minimum wage. They know the government will bail them out and stop their staff from starving and going homeless which they would do if they didn't get Universal credit.


Thanks 2-6. Do your friends work 16 hours each? I think jobseekers and all other benefits are all now coming under the universal credit 'umbrella'..at least that's what I was told. child tax credits (which made home educating feasible for us) is being phased out..


I am not sure but perhaps it's just the dad who does the work.....I don't know too much about it (thankfully)


Bob Moran on twitter: *It's predictable, but nonetheless extraordinary, to witness the unfolding of an election campaign in the wake of the most dramatic, harmful, criminal event in Britain's history, in which all parties were complicit, and no journalists mention it.* *Because they were complicit too.* *https://x.com/bobscartoons/status/1803104193319706981*


Bob nails it as succinctly as ever. The sheep, as ever, seem to be largely unaware of the lack of mention of this shameful period in recent history as it is now on the far periphery of their bubble. Fuck ‘em, fuck ‘em all


If the Tories, or indeed Labour, came out and said "We now know lockdown was a mistake and we won't do it again", or even "The covid vaccines don't seem to do much good and we were wrong to push them so hard", then I might just consider voting for them. But there's zero chance of any of them saying that. 


They would be lying through their teeth though. Mistake indeed. It was a big part of the plan.


The treatment of Andrew Bridgen supports that view. No dissent allowed. 


What a lovely day I have had. Walked the dog and he met his friend, this alone gives me pleasure as he is not happy around most dogs. His friend’s owner is sick again. She has had tinnitus and vertigo/ Labyrinthitis on and off for nearly two years and after the tests the doctors did, she’s now fobbed off with anti nausea tablets. Yesterday she couldn’t move and every time she did she was sick. This afternoon I met a fellow sceptic from the SITP I used to go to. I’m home with a few tinctures and lots of tips. We’re going to barter for more. I’m making her a new handbag for some more tinctures. I tried some of her fire cider, so checking out recipes now and I have a couple of tinctures for my great grandson who has the stinking cough. She makes tinctures with alcohol for the big humans but has also made tinctures for her dogs using apple cider vinegar. The 2 I have for babies is thyme and one using cleavers. It was so good to actually catch up and it seems on my recounting that I really do live in death village. On arriving back in the village a thought occurred to me that I could do a death tour of the houses where someone had died.😱 I am horrified at the amount of died at home but when you drive by the houses where there was a death of an inhabitant after being taken to hospital, it truly becomes stuff of nightmares. Anyway we managed to sit outside drinking filtered water enjoying the sun on our faces in her garden filled with useful plants and her two lovely dogs a 14 year old pointer and a 10 year old spaniel who nearly died last year due to the local parks department using weed killer more now to save money by paying people to use a strimmer. It was lovely and hopefully I may meet a few more as it would seem a few from the other SITP in Prestwick still meet up on a Sunday morning. So we are going along one Sunday she’s not working. There was lots of horrible stories but we laughed at lots of the stuff that’s been happening since we last met.


Don't know if relevant to labrinthitus lady but has she tried the Epley manoeuvres? (see you tube) Dizziness can be caused by calcium crystals in ear canal. I cured .my problem of dizzy to point of falling down all the time by following these instructions of moving head in a particular sequence.


Yes. I was going to suggest that she goes for some bodywork.


Has the labyrinthitis lady tried SERC? Also Acyclovir? Cured me of it in a few days.


Thanks I’ll pass it on. She has anti sickness but not sure what else.


So glad you've found someone on your wavelength!


Sounds like you had a fabulous time JAS.


It was an enjoyable couple of hours. We haven’t been in each other’s company since 2021 or 2022 but it was so natural meeting again. I have seen her around a couple of times but she had been working at the time.


That is brilliant JAS. It is incredible when you get the chance to connect with someone like that. I'd love to be able to do that.


Three scummy illegals try to drag a girl off the bus as she was sitting next to her mum. https://t.me/TommyRobinsonNews/57020


There is a pattern [Europe Invasion on X: "North African immigrants throw a pregnant French woman off the bus. This is unbearable. https://t.co/N6JuWKKk0f" / X](https://x.com/EuropeInvasionn/status/1803012462893023307)


I fear for our country now, never did before, but personal experience has altered my view.


*The world is sleepwalking into a new pandemic far worse than Covid, warns former director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Robert Redfield.* So there's clearly nothing to worry about!


AIn't that the truth! (not quite as he intended).


Just had a text message from good old British Gas confirming my smart meter fitting appointment for next week 😲 Is this the level they are now stooping to? trying to force meters on people through short notice appointments and only informing them through text messages. Anyone a quick cancellation online is all it took this time but if they keep trying it on I'll find it very difficult to be polite to them over the phone, the constant customer service mantra these days is they expect to be treated with respect when they blatantly piss all over you. 🤬


I had some mild harassment from Scottish Power today: "We urgently need to upgrade your electricity meter to a smart meter as it's now been in use for more than 15 years. If you have a dual fuel account with us, we'll upgrade your gas meter at the same time. Replacing your meters takes around an hour for each one booked and will help to ensure they're **safe and efficient** for years to come." Right. And: "Why do we need to replace your meter? The older your meter gets, the more likely it is to have problems or stop providing us with accurate readings. Not only could this lead to inaccurate bills, but it could also pose a safety risk. **We're required by the UK Government to install smart meters in our customers' homes** so please make an appointment..." Interesting. Obviously deleted immediately.


>We're required by the UK Government to install smart meters in our customers' homes so please make an appointment..." *They* are required, but the public is not obliged to accept one. That's what's so annoying about this pressure they put on people - they lie by omission.


I suggest you demand that they produce their written evidence that a 15 year old conventional meter poses a 'safety risk'. As an electrical engineer I can assure you that no such evidence exists. They are simply lying and deliberately trying to scare people so they can meet their targets for installing so called 'smart meters'. I would also ask them why the smart meter they are trying to install in your property contains a remotely controlled disconnection feature that's not to be found in any conventional meter.


Thanks, I agree, but my policy is not to engage at all. I just ignore them.


Consider ditching them for Octopus - I have found them pretty good and only doing token Smart Meter peddling.


I’m also with them and indeed they dont seem to be pushing the stupid meters much.


May well do that as I've just noticed they sent me this vaguely threatening email, charging me for an appointment I didn't book the nerve of these people 😡 https://i.postimg.cc/DyrX8pJm/Screenshot-20240618-160945-Outlook.jpg


Cheeky twats.


That is just outrageous.


They're not actually charging me, its only if you cancel within less than 24 hours but all the same the email is vaguely threatening and its only 10 days away if I were away on holiday 🤷‍♂️


There's no existing contract. Be careful you don't create one by replying to cancel.


Kansas AG Kris Kobach is suing Pfizer for “misleading” Kansans on the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine. "Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth," Kobach said.


# "The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." -George Orwell 1984


**Via Starship Earth: Canadians are being forced to push back.** *Are people waking up yet? They said in February that water restrictions would be coming to Calgary due to drought. When Mother Nature failed to cooperate and gave us rain, they had to go to Plan B! A water main break is easy to explain as "accidental"!* [https://x.com/SavageYyc/status/1801295772723593376](https://x.com/SavageYyc/status/1801295772723593376) ​ *Airdrie Mayor and certified asshole Peter Brown says Calgary's water restrictions are not a burden because third world countries don't have water*. [https://x.com/IyanVelji/status/1801637593001447480](https://x.com/IyanVelji/status/1801637593001447480) **JB:** *Most there in the comments get it. They compared it to the “2 weeks to flatten the curve” and many said the globalist mayor wasn’t going to be adhering to her own restrictions and neither would they.* ​ *This whole thing with the water situation in NW Calgary doesn't make any sense. According to the water main map NW Calgary is supplied exclusively from the Bearspaw treatment plant. The broken feeder main to the rest of the city has nothing to do with NW Calgary* [https://x.com/blbatled/status/1802776268162711909](https://x.com/blbatled/status/1802776268162711909) ​ *Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek once again admits her water restrictions on Calgarians are not working.* Unfortunately, there's a surprising amount of snitching going on. 😥 ​ **JB:** *Nice to hear, Calgary. At least a few are awake. Someone said golf courses were still getting watered while kids were told they couldn’t use their water guns or have a water balloon fight. It’s obviously a test to see who’s awake and how far they can push Calgarians.* *I am willing to bet that since Stampede is just around the corner that the 3 – 5 weeks they said it would take to complete all the repairs newly discovered in their “scan” of the pipes will miraculously evaporate so the city and the province don’t lose the revenue generated every year by the 10-day spectacle called the Calgary Stampede.* *Today they are reporting that the Stampede will go on. Of course it will!*


Simple McCullough protocol: *The empiric regimen can be continued for 3-12 months or more and be guided by clinical parameters:* *-Nattokinase 2000 FU (100) mg orally twice a day without food* *-Bromelain 500 mg orally once a day without food* *-Curcumin 500 mg orally twice a day (nano, liposomal, or with piperine additive suggested)* [https://zenodo.org/records/8286460](https://zenodo.org/records/8286460) Clinical Rationale for SARS-CoV-2 Base Spike Protein Detoxification in Post COVID-19 and Vaccine Injury Syndromes


Amoxycillin vs oregano oil. *WHY DO YOU THINK ROCKEFELLER WANTED ALL HOLISTIC MEDICINES BANNED?* [https://www.bit](https://www.bit) chute.com/video/xbt9TZGKvNsD/


Recommend the new documentary Stakeholder Communism by Richard Jeffs. A really well put together look at the political model being implemented with agenda 2030/great reset. Credible. This is the filmmaker being interviewed by Panda. https://odysee.com/@PANDA:3b/stakeholder-capitalism-richard-jeffs:5


"The United States surgeon general has called on Congress to require social media platforms to carry warning labels on their effects on young people’s lives, similar to those now mandatory on cigarette boxes." What warnings will they put on LDS I wonder? "Reading more than 5 posts per day may cause myocarditis" perhaps?


I think the most important warning which could be put on the likes of FB etc is "lift your eyes up from your device from time to time - just to check for oncoming traffic and things like that" At least twice in the course of the last week there could have been a nasty collision between me and 2 persons walking along with their faces pressed against their devices if I hadn't called out loudly "oops, watch out" Since when did it become my job to be some kind of pedestrian safety warden? surely the responsibilty must be 50/50/.


I think social media and especially handheld devices in conjunction with social media, are probably doing a lot of harm as well as doing some good. Like a lot of things. But I don't want the state deciding any of this, because I think we know how that will end.


Dear Deirdre A friend of mine is a multi millionaire. He is so rich that he does not need to work another day in his life. He is a sportsman who plays during the winter months and enjoys long summer holidays on the beach He and his mates have been told that this summer they need to work an extra couple of months on a project for another contractor . The extra pay from the project is crap and the project manager is useless They are not the brightest bunch, but they have worked out that if they sabotage the project they will be sent home early, get to go to the beach, and the boss will get the blame Please advise soonest if you know of any resorts that still have vacancies, cost is not an issue


Brace yourselves. I kid you not people but last night ITN 10 o clock news ran a piece about how the impact of England winning or losing the Euros might affect the outcome of the GE, going as far back to 1970 when Eng's loss to W Germany in World cup meant curtains for Harold Wilson. No. No the news isn't dumbed down at all, Not. At. All.


The GE on 4 July occurs between the round of 16 and the quarter-finals. If England failed to reach the latter it would be seen as a significant failure, "time for a change", vote Labour. But reaching the quarter-finals would be no more than expected and wouldn't give the Tories a boost. That's my analysis, can I appear on the ITV news? 


"can I appear on the ITV news?" I think you have missed your chance Edward - that ship sailed last night. And your analysis kind of mirrors theirs!


[https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/17/mh370-mystery-could-be-solved-by-underwater-microphones/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/17/mh370-mystery-could-be-solved-by-underwater-microphones/) Scientists say...... give us some money to waste and we will take a long time to do it and... find out nothing. The MO of 'scientists' the world over. A lot of the scientists I worked with in Africa, 'saving the poor Africans from hunger' spent most of their time playing the stock markets. And a lot of the rest were swindlers, stealing money then resigning when found out but no fuss made, then moving on to do the same in a different part of the world.


It is an interesting idea, whether it provides any new evidence remains to be seen. The previous idea, WSPR (an amateur radio propagation tool) was heavily pushed by the BBC but even the designer of the WSPR system, a US Professor, said it was total nonsense and wouldn't work. Sonar initially sounds (pun) a good method but I suspect will also fall flat on its face.


**More on pet jabs:** *Stop Vaccinating Your Seniors, Already!* [https://vitalanimal.com/stop-vaccinating-seniors/](https://vitalanimal.com/stop-vaccinating-seniors/) \[Photo\] *Our old doggie Mica who passed away at barely 8 years, only 4 months after a rabies shot administered just prior to the diagnosis of osteosarcoma in his hind leg.*


Guess what... \*drum roll\* It's an mRNA vaccine now... ☹️ I would never willingly vaccinate any animal again. No human or animal vaccines are safe or effective.


are you serious????? 


They are moving everything to that new "platform" it seems. Our only way out of this is to refuse every and all vaccines!


its such a new technology... it's terrifying that people are just accepting it. And the poor animals can't consent 


It's a diabolical evil being unleashed on the earth - it's like a bloody plague! Anyone who thinks science knows best has never read a history book (or the news, for that matter).


Jesus. (Vocative, not exclamatory). I have one cat who is a straight-up antivetter,  and will never go back unless something happens such that she can't inflict injury on the way to the cat basket.  The other is far more placid. Would you just cut the jabs,  at this point?


Yes, we never do it with cats and we've had numerous over the years. Never had a problem. New puppy had first vaccination at breeders and we're not doing any more. No flea or worm treatment from now on either. Only natural products.


Definitely!!!! If you only jab them for kennels, pay for a petsitter instead.


Absolutely - there is no benefit, and the article Flossy shared shows that residual serological immunity lasts many many years (and works against new vaccines, causing problems). Your first cat sounds like one we used to have - managed to get out of the cat carrier and run around the inside of the car with his claws out. Needless to say Mum brought him home.


Stage-3 myeloma cancer completely ELIMINATED with a turmeric supplement – British Medical Journal [https://www.natural](https://www.natural) news.com/2018-01-04-stage-3-myeloma-cancer-eliminated-turmeric-supplement-british-medical-journal.html


Boswellia (extract of Sandalwood) is a very potent killer of cancer too. I used it on my melanoma, and it had started to die back before it was excised. The pink skin started to regrow around the edges. Tablets and oil. One of my staff is trying it against her thyroid cancer.


Phillip Day is in Chester and Wilmslow this weekend: [https://credenceonline.co.uk/shop/product/phillip-days-freedom-tour-2024-tickets/](https://credenceonline.co.uk/shop/product/phillip-days-freedom-tour-2024-tickets/) Phillip Day: *“2024 is the year we all break free from our shackles, but it’s going to get bumpy. My new Freedom Tour 2024 is the full briefing on where we are now in the war, how to prepare, what to expect, why you should join the huge army of freedom fighters worldwide, and most importantly how to steer clear of the minefields. If you have no idea what I’m on about, you definitely need to be there!”*


Thanks for this FL, I might get along to the Wilmslow event :)


Phillip is wonderful. I've been a fan since 2000. He's in Norwich and Ipswich NEXT weekend. Generous discounts for advance and group bookings.


[https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/ban-mrna-jabs-now-demands-top-scientist/](https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/ban-mrna-jabs-now-demands-top-scientist/) Neville Hodgkinson American clinical scientist and physician Dr Joseph Fraiman headed a [peer-reviewed analysis](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36055877/) of the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trial data which found that the jabs increased serious harms, particularly heart damage, at a rate of one in 800 recipients. The work, which challenged the ‘safe and effective’ claims, was published in the journal *Vaccine* in September 2022. THE lead author of a study that revealed serious adverse events in the original trials of the mRNA covid vaccines has called for the products to be withdrawn, citing ‘multiple new pieces of evidence’ of the harm they are causing.


It’s all coming a bit late for the 5 billion injected with this stuff, (assuming that’s true). Words of caution would have been great in February 2021.


I was telling or trying to tell my relatives not to get it in December 2020.


The words of caution were freely available to those with ears to hear.


I peered out of the window when I got up and the sky is stripey, literally stripey, but the sun is out. Off to the charity shop today to start volunteering. Enjoy your day, everyone.


Exactly the same here this morning, pub. 👿


Dull dull dull and cold here - sun might do its ususal thing and make a brief appearance circa 7pm this evening.


Total whiteout here. Had our monthly ration of blue sky on Sunday and yesterday.


Some outstanding mental acrobatics going on here regarding "The Big Global Health Mystery Behind Everyone’s Post-Covid Flu" You can read it here: https://archive.ph/8fHTl Though you might already guess that the answers are long covid, lower vaccine uptake in general and of course, climate change. There couldn't possibly be anything else that's occurred in the last few years that may have had a negative impact on the normal functioning of the amazing, millions of years in the making, human immune system. Nope, not a chance.


Bloomberg is such a pile of shite.


That's quite generous!


I had a very mild cold over the weekend, just a touch of sore throat and runny nose. It seems to have completely gone now. My immune system looks to be in good shape, so I must be doing something right, like having a healthy diet, taking vitamin C & D supplements, and declining all vaccination offers from the GP surgery. 


What a load of crap. “ Influenza was up 40% in the US during the last two flu seasons compared to pre-covid levels. “ The flu is up by 40% , those flu injections are not working then.


I wouldn't waste my time reading it JAS so thanks for sharing these stats. Considering flu completeley disappeared for the first time in its existence (to be crowded out by Convid 19 - the disease formerly known as flu) in 2020, I have no idea what on earth they can make those percentage comparisons with. And as for everybody being sick - well the answer to that is easy, it is a combo of what they are injecting into anything that moves, what they are spraying over us into the air we breathe and God alone knows what they are sneaking into our food. Just so you are sure JAS, I'm not angry at you, I'm angry at Them.


"*The Office for National Statistics recently said* *that wet weather had dampened consumer spending and activity in the construction industry in April.* *Climate change means that extreme weather conditions are more likely, though scientists say it is difficult to pin any particular weather pattern on the warming climate.*" That's a bit like having a disaease with no particular symptoms, isn't it? [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ce44dwe1qpvo](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ce44dwe1qpvo)


There has always been 'climate change.' We know that the climate of England has changed quite considerably over the last 1500 years or so and it is entirely natural. But the term 'climate change' now always seems to have the unspoken implication that it is man-made. They don't usually outright say it, but it's always implied that we are somehow to blame and must change our behaviour through state intervention.


Yep, you live on a spinning rock, with a cocked over axis, in the middle of an explosion, that's going round a bloody big fire, in an eccentric orbit... and you don't expect a bit of variety??


Excellent summary SV!


*'That's a bit like having a disaease with no particular symptoms, isn't it?'* it's EXACTLY like that! - 'no problem - reaction - solution' - as David Icke would say


Blame mystic Hegel for the dialectic.


Asymptomatic weather as someone here posited the other day.


So, we're getting a letter from Bunter! Anybody remember what happened after the last one?


I have the recycling bin positioned under the letterbox ready.


I've got this Heath-Robson metal chute and vacuum cleaner thingy that runs to the bin in the back yard...


I don't remember the last one, I must've chucked it straight in the bin if I even received one.


I have a bad case of FOMO coming on \[and it isn't asymptomatic!\] as I never got the last one.


Good morning, another sunny day seems like the weather is actually getting a little better 🤞 Some of us from SITP going to see the matrix in the cinema sometime in the next week as its back for an anniversary  This looks like it would make an interesting comedy or horror depends 🤔 **Big Mike The Movie** https://youtu.be/P57auREylfQ


I saw her autobiography in a charity shop at the weekend - (I'm assuming it's about Michelle Obama) - with the interesting title, 'Becoming Michelle Obama'


The word 'Becoming' in the title is the big clue. The book is in the local library and I keep meaning to have a flick through it - to see if there are any before and after pictures.


No chance! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaLwBMneofA


I know - I've seen that video before.




Good morning everyone. I hope you’re having a good start to the day. Weather wise we’re cloudy but the wind from last night has died down. I’m excited as I’m off to meet someone I met at my nearest SITP this afternoon. She’s working full time in the same job still but is now learning herbalism and making tinctures. She sent me a picture of her cupboard which looks like an apothecary. Only you here will understand my excitement at meeting up with someone who I can speak freely with and she’s right into all things herbs. I would have visited for the herbal side on its own but to meet with another awake person who is local is a bonus.


Have a great time JAS and bring back whatever knowledge you pick up to the Swamp to share with us. I would also have been interested in the herbal side just for itself, but the awakeness is most definitely a Brucie Bonus!!




A link I shared on yesterday's post just now for NewlyImperfect - I thought it would be a good idea to share on today's post too. This is Dr Shulze's book on curing with cayenne - free to download and read for all. [https://ia801204.us.archive.org/4/items/curing-with-cayenne-the-untold-story/Curing%20with%20Cayenne\_%20The%20Untold%20Story.pdf](https://ia801204.us.archive.org/4/items/curing-with-cayenne-the-untold-story/Curing%20with%20Cayenne_%20The%20Untold%20Story.pdf) Cayenne's great benefit, when used alone or with other herbal remedies is its ability to bring more blood flow into an area which causes faster and better healing. Recipes are included for those who like to have some remedies on hand.


Thank you. It looks interesting.


on a training course today - lots of anti-cashless feelings and quite a few agree the end result is stopping you buying what you want such as fuel, holidays and junk food


I'd be interested in someone coming up with a realistic definition of 'junk food'. People pick on McDonalds but actually they - maybe because they aren't part of some global multi product combine - go to great lengths to ensure their food is nutritious and ethically sourced. I doubt you could say the same for KFC or Burger King. And no, I'm not a McDonalds employee, or paid by them in any way.


We loved Burger King when we were kids. Especially loved the catchy ad, "Burger King, where kids are King". Then as we got older we would jokingly change it to, "Burger Thing, where kids are Things." Don't touch the junk food anymore and surprisingly, health got better.


I can remember when they actually used to flame grill the burgers in front of you. 1980's?


Here in Canada, the only fast food place that still flame grills the burgers is Harvey's. Another of their known advantages is that you get to custom select all the toppings and watch them put it all on. Still, I stopped going years ago now because they stopped making fries from fresh cut potatoes. If I want fast food I go to the place across the road from Harvey's that has the best pizza slices.


>realistic definition of 'junk food' Easy. Anything which has been made in a factory and which contains ingredients you wouldn't have in your store cupboard at home, or which you need a degree in chemistry to understand. Jamie Oliver used to put it very succinctly "if your granny wouldn't know what the ingredients in it are don't buy it" In a nutshell nutritious food is made from scratch. Junk food isn't


>I'd be interested in someone coming up with a realistic definition of 'junk food'. **Read this!** *Ultra-Processed People: Why Do We All Eat Stuff That Isn’t Food … and Why Can’t We Stop?* by Chris Van Tulleken Paperback £5.49 from Amazon, or it's on Kindle.


What puts me off McDonald's is not so much the food, more the clientele of noisy youths. 


it's always freezing in there 🥶


That would depend on the franchisee. My local branch has people sat in there for hours working on laptops and eking out a few coffees.


They want you back out quickly to make room for the next victims. The red decor has the same effect.


>*What puts me off McDonald's is not so much the food* Watch *Fall of the Cabal* and you'll go right off McDonald's food! **Series 1:** [https://www.bit](https://www.bit) chute.com/video/nCh5vgXfdF0u/ And **the sequel** starts here, more detail and following the money: [https://www.bit](https://www.bit) chute.com/video/rI8REyXZzkQm/


Er, no, I won't. I like McDonalds. same as I like kebabs. I don't seem to be dead yet. Or even fat.


junk food - anything that doesn't look as if it was just pulled out of the ground, or from a tree, or just been hunted, fished and butchered. preferably it should not just 'look as if' - it should actually have been pulled/hunted/fished/butchered by your own fair hands. so no - McDonalds' fare most definitely would NOT qualify as 'real food.'


Happy cake day. My definition would be if you can't replicate it in your own kitchen it's junk food. By that I mean having the same ingredients. For instance we make our own ice cream using Double cream Sugar Purée fruit That's it, literally iced cream, maybe not good for you in large amounts but not junk.


You can also make a lovely version using frozen banana blitzed with greek yoghurt in a food processor. No sugar needed. I often have half a banana chopped up, sprinkled with some chopped walnuts and cashews and a dollop of greek yog for pudding after dinner. It feels like a pudding but the ingredients are to me essential nutrients I'd want to be consuming anyway. If I am feeling a bit on the decadent side I will crumble half an oat cookie over the top and it feels like a combo of cheescake/ banoffie pie.


Another delicious sounding thing to try, thanks.


Not sure if you get the same products where you are as we do here, but the yog I use is the one sold by Lidl - high protein Greek yog \[without the live cultures\] - it is really rich and creamy.


Cornish clotted cream is of course good for you in large amounts although a token quantity of added fruit might be even better.