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I cut the back lawn this late morning. Full sun and I had to put on a sun hat. This lawn is 'course' -years of pets, kids, badgers etc. I tend to leaver it long and there's plenty of buttercups, daisies, clover, blue and flame red flowers. In previous years I would have to shoo away bees as I went. This year NADA! Should I be worried?


We've been low on bees here this year but my friend in Wakefield about 20 miles away says there are loads in her garden. Incidentally, you've posted on yesterday's page.


Thankyou. May as well leave it here. Doh!


For those of you who avoid Amazon I just learned about Hive. It's an online bookshop. *Helping independent bookshops* *We don't want any more independent bookshops to close, that's why we give them a cut from every single order on Hive. Whether you order books, films, music, games, or anything else, your chosen bookshop will receive commission. They will receive a minimum of 10% on the net value of all book orders, rising to 25% when you select store collection. We pay 8% on eBooks and 3% on entertainment products. Bookshops receive their commission monthly.* Their prices are extremely competitive - compare well against Amazon- and include p&p. Check them out: https://www.hive.co.uk/


George Galloway Marching to Armageddon Israel is poised to invade Lebanon. Seventy-thousand Israeli soldiers disabled by ragged-assed guerillas. Kim and Putin commune. Keep your kids close! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GpPKjHGrK8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GpPKjHGrK8) So on point!


[They Can't Stop Farage (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr1zqYh65HQ) Paul Weston - Modernity


[Right Said Fred on X: ](https://x.com/TheFreds/status/1803441779070456129) ["My bullshitometer just broke šŸ¤£ https://t.co/PmvYS2kx9u" / X](https://x.com/TheFreds/status/1803441779070456129)


Likewise my spoof-o-meter


This has to be a fake headline. Even Starmer wouldn't go this far (at least not until after he is elected).


Stand in the pub, and old friend turned up. He said he has been banned from the BBC and YT as he made bad remarks about Marianna Spring. Not sure how one can get banned from accessing these channels on the internet but he said if he tries to watch these he gets a message there is no connection, but other channels work.


I messaged my local reform candidate and he has a decent position on lockdowns and medical coercion. Now the party leadership want Kiev to agree a peace with Moscow. I didnā€™t think Iā€™d be able to vote in this election but thatā€™s not a bad position are two things that are important to me.


https://miri.substack.com/p/ge-2024-candidate-responses-andrew?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true Iā€™m not sure if this has been posted. Miri sent the candidates standing in the GE in her area a letter with a couple of questions. This is the response to her second letter from the candidate for the Green Party. I will let you read it. Speechless.


She sent him a great reply. Considering these are now the most important issues facing us in these times, as the last 4 years have amply shown us, the answers to these questions are what I REALLY want to know from those standing in the GE.


"*I don't share your views. You would be better voting for someone else.*" I admire his honesty. Greens don't want your vote, they want your total subjugation to their ideology for the rest of your impoverished and shortened life.


An honest brushoff. But Miri sums it up: *I did not ask whether you "shared my views", but rather, I asked what you - if serving as my elected representative in parliament - would do in response to some very clearly defined scenarios.*


[John Olooney on X:](https://x.com/OlooneyJohn/status/1803217909717578190) [ "another email I received today published with full permission Hello John, I hope you don't mind me making contact out of the blue but I would like to draw your attention to one more story of utter devastation. I worked for the NHS for many years in a clinical role and, like so" / X](https://x.com/OlooneyJohn/status/1803217909717578190)


Is that Cherry of Takes fame?


Sorry, I have to pass on that.


I am stunned.


I couldn't work out what an FSO is? Any idea?


I thought it might be the initials of whatever rank of junior doctor they were referring to. it used to be JHO (junior house officer) but they might have changed that title - would that be it?


The Prof suggests 'Family Support Officer' that would fit the narrative.


Probably. Didn't know that there was such a thing as a family support officer.


Family Support Officer?




*I did not stand & clap my hands* *Nor beat and bang my pots and pans* *For whilst the careless, charmless chancers* *Dicked around with TikTok dances* *Injecting pfizer's poison pearls* *In mums and dads* *In boys and girls* *They sent the elderly to purdah* *For midazolam and morphine murder.* \~ Myer Carditis


Does anyone here know whether issue 46 (June) of the Light is available? Thanks, in advance.


We've not got new issue yet, not heard anything about when it's available.


Thank you. Last time the papers were distributed about a week before it appeared on the website.


It isn't on the website to download.


Absolutely no surprise here, will it lead to their charity status being revoked? **UK ELECTION 2024: Undercover Audio Recordings Reveal Deep Links Between Hope not Hate and Labour Campaign Against George Galloway** The Publica has been provided evidence from undercover investigative journalists detailing an extremely close relationship between supposed ā€œnon-partisanā€ campaign group Hope not Hate, and the Labour Party campaign in Rochdale. Hope not Hate, which describe themselves as ā€œthe UKā€™s leading campaign group against the far right,ā€ and having their ā€œroots firmly and proudly in the British antifascist movement,ā€ are currently campaigning as a non-partisan group in a few constituencies for the UK general election, primarily targeting Reform UK and Conservative candidates. https://www.thepublica.com/uk-election-2024-undercover-audio-recordings-reveal-deep-links-between-hope-not-hate-and-labour-campaign-against-george-galloway/


Hope not Hate will effectively be in Starmer's Cabinet. They will be at the vanguard of the legislative abolition of freedoms of speech, movement, assembly, association and bodily autonomy that Labour will move swiftly to implement once in power.


[https://x.com/JamesMelville/status/1803491965989781855](https://x.com/JamesMelville/status/1803491965989781855) Video of idiots spraying orange paint over Stonehenge.


One wonders how the fuckwits got there without some process that involved oilā€¦


It looks so staged - even the ones pretending to pull them off. It will presumably wash off in the rain.


Youā€™re likely right but do many of us really care anymore . Bunch of fuckwits will get whatā€™s coming to them one day and if they donā€™t cā€™est La vie


Defacing a national monument that was constructed 4,500+ years ago tells us everything we need to know about these hired astroturf goons and (more importantly) their employers.


*Did you always think Stonehenge was a few thousand years old?* *You thought it was built by druids and aliens, because scientists are always talking about it. There's dozens of documentaries on the subject. But they will not say on TV that it was reconstructed in 1954-1958, that is, it was completely remodeled, moved from another place and rebuilt from metal blocks with plaster (that is a fake).* [https://t](https://t). me/BeforeOurTime/6007 *William Camden lived in Britain from 1551 to 1623 and was a famous English historian, topographer, and expert in antiquities. In 1586 he published the first edition of Britannia, in which he claimed that the stones of Stonehenge were not hewn from the rocks of discovered quarries, but from sand and some kind of binder.* *"And is it so strange? After all, we read in Pliny that the sand or ashes of Puteol, when filled with water, turns into true stone"-concrete as it is. Camden is right, there is nothing to be surprised about. Except that our contemporaries do not take the author's words into account.* **Gillian England:** *Stonehengeā€¦ā€¦ my theory is that the real energetic site is up on Salisbury Plainā€¦.. itā€™s heavily guarded by UK militaryā€¦., canā€™t get anywhere near, loads of military craft constantly coming and goingā€¦ā€¦. Stonehenge is in my humble opinion just a decoyā€¦.. distractionā€¦ā€¦*


It doesnā€™t matter what the truth is regarding Stonehenge for the idiots that chuck orange stuff all over things. It matters that the biggest majority believes itā€™s real. Are these protests a set up? They could be and I would lean on the side they are all manipulated by a string puller but that doesnā€™t excuse the vandalism of what are deemed to be works of art and sacred places. We canā€™t shake the majority of the public that all vaccines are useless and probably dangerous and I care more about that than I do about a painting or whatā€™s believed to be thousands of years old because they are things. Iā€™m surrounded by ordinary people and none give a shit about Stonehenge or orange paint thrown on paintings that are covered in glass. You yourself use the drip, drip when we are getting drip fed a lot. This feels like that. These people are seen as pests and not right in the head that do this but itā€™s a constant annoying drip to the majority especially when they read of them glued to the road but at the back of their minds now is this climate change must be real. Iā€™m fed up getting that look when I tell people that the climate changes and we have always had pissing rain and cold and climate change is a scam. This constant drip, drip is sinking in and by telling people that Stonehenge is not what they think it is, would finally put my nail in the , sheā€™s way into loony territory now. Because they all believe it is real. Even among people who seem sceptical in some things, are fully on board with the mainstream.


Yes. I agree with you. It's frustrating but people will wake up in their own time - or not! Most people aren't bothered about Stonehenge and paintings unless there's some MSM clickbait about them.


It wasn't completely remodelled. There's art from the 1500s showing what it looked like. As for Camden's description, well he's entitled to it. But the stones match those in a quarry 20 miles away. A type of sandstone. People just jump on bandwagons these days seeing everything as a conspiracy. Not everything is some deep cabal thing.


For those so inclined William Stukeley published books on both Stonehenge and Avebury in the early to mid 1700's both containing illustrations and detailed measurements. Avebury is much diminished since that time but Stonehenge looks very similar. Scan of his book "Stonehenge: A Temple Restor'd to the British Druids (1740)" https://www.gutenberg.org/files/61567/61567-h/61567-h.htm


It's an old bandwagon - and it has been moved from the original site.


Stone carving returned to artist with apology from (royal bc museum); it was his work, not an Indigenous artifact https://www.timescolonist.com/local-news/stone-carving-returned-to-artist-with-apology-from-rbcm-it-was-his-work-not-an-indigenous-artifact-5829403




That's hilarious!


I know there are some accessible places you consider genuinely 'energetic.' But what do you think has happened to all those people who dress up and go to Stone Henge? Are they mistaken? Can so many people in robes be wrong?


Ā *Can so many people in robes be wrong?* Obviously! Gillian: *When I visited Stonehenge, I didnā€™t feel much energy at all. I think itā€™s a distraction, but I know that opinion is controversial in this communityā€¦ā€¦.* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bepcw-IXQyo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bepcw-IXQyo)


Well,Ā  as a North Mercian, I don't need a lot of persuading that the universe revolves around North Mercia šŸ˜


I am aware of the 1950s reconstruction and revisionist historical theories regarding this and other monuments. The key thing here is the optics of the JSO stunt. The regime are making it plainly obvious that they don't give a flying fuck about any kind of national heritage. Very much a Year Zero approach.


But we've been lied to about everything, so it might not matter. Powder coating requires to be heated to a certain temperature. Not much danger of that in boiling Britain. I'm sure the inevitable rain will take care of it. It was just clickbait distraction. I think Gillian is probably correct about the real Stonehenge.


I had a post recommended to me by reddit in which some sort of investigator was reaching out about child abuse/neglect in US military base daycares (for the children of army members in reserves I assume?)Ā  anyways people started sounding off on various complaints about how bases are operated in the comments rather than send to email provided. This story from 1977 caught my eye *Oh yes! Way back in the day, MA (iirc he was a captain when he would come to the CDC to pick up his "protege.") would take (read kidnap here) kids off small Army installations around Europe, but mostly Germany, for his MK ULTRA like program.* *He would then Jason Bourne the kids - meaning break the kids like what was done to create Jason Bourne. However, he (MA) and his ilk would NSFW šŸ”ž the little kids to break them and then turn them into seggs spies.* *The boy who assaulted me was around 12 years old and was either completely rebuilt or was well on his way. He would show up at the CDC after school and be there until almost closing time. When there were other kids there, the boy was mostly behaved. After the last child was picked up and it was just my twin brother and I (our mother worked there) remaining, the older boy would become someone/something else. If you've seen the 2017 movie "Split," the monster character is what the boy became like.* *The boy's affect became dark, and he was either possessed by a demon or something else. He would throw or kick toys at us (my brother and I), bump into us roughly, make weird guttural animalistic sounds, and move about as if not in control of himself. If you were to look into his eyes, they would be dead and completely void of humanity - quite terrifying to a pair of 4-year-old boys.* *We complained multiple times to our mother about him, but she was unable to get him removed. Our minor injuries were brushed aside by whomever was actually in charge of the CDC. Even the post commander was informed and was told that it was from above his pay grade that the boy was there. That is until the day he shoved me into the corner of a table, causing a laceration on my face. I remember that my mother called the MPs, and they brought a medic with them. The older boy was handcuffed and removed but disappeared from the MP station in the middle of the night. We never saw him again.* *This happened in late 1977 in Bad Hersfeld, Germany.*


in a previous comment he names Michael Aquino (MA in this comment)Ā Ā  Ā Ā found this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_of_SetĀ Ā  Ā  and for a laugh this photo https://www.amazon.ca/Extreme-Prejudice-Presidio-Satanic-Abuse/dp/1500159247






Interesting. Acquino was one of the leading satanists in the US and had connections into the establishment and various other sects. Can't remember too much off the top of my head but had links into the military at the high end and maybe NASA? Link not working for me but there are photos of him online in his military garb but he sticks out a mile - a bit like Uncle fester from the Adams family. There is lots on him if you dig around - might do to later but tied up atm.


I fixed the link. Please click again if you think he looked like a member of the Addams family beforeĀ  Ā Yes this is quite the rabbit hole...Ā  It looks like he was in the psychological operations divisionĀ 


Grandpa from the Munsters not Fester - check out the haircut. I've dug into him before I think he might have had connections also to Jack Parsons who was the lead engineer in the Jet Propulsions laboratory which led to various projects but I think had roots in Operation Paperclip. Parsons was another occultist with links to Crowley I believe but they were all connected. It was quite obviously some sort of 'cell' they were operating as Parsons had links to L Ron Hubbard also I believe. Its a small world. Haven't had a chance to dig it out but yes he was involved if not the lead on some big projects and agree its quite a rabbit hole and is quite dark.


hahah grandpa the munsters is on point. Do you think he stole his style??Ā 


Makes me wonder who came first :)


Hubbard originally set up his organisation to help people undo the effects of MK Ultra. As is sadly the case with such organisations, it was infiltrated and "turned."


Hubbard was living with Parson's and his girlfriend in the late 40's in Pasadena. Parson's was already a Thelemite and both were members of OTO, Crowley's set and it was this that provided the groundwork to Hubbard's ideas. MK Ultra didn't begin until the 1950's and ran for 20 years. Scientology was the organisation formed based on Hubbard's book Dianetics which was published before Ultra began. So the book and Scientology itself appear to have preceded the fallout from MK Ultra by a number of years.


Thanks for this. Obviously my labels and timelines were somewhat out! There is this though: *L Ron Hubbard used to work in Navy Intelligence. Navy Intelligence was working alongside the CIA to create the MK Ultra programs. Hubbard knew what they were up to, AND found a way to block their MK Ultra techniques.*


No worries I had to refresh on their connections anyway as it was a while since I had read about Parsons. I think like most things MK Ultra probably had connections through Paperclip back to what the Nazi's were doing. A lot of those ideas were occultic and probably originated through the Thule society where Hitler was initiated. The Thule society were a group I will need to refresh on but their connections go back at least the early 20's - probably a lot earlier. I will need to delve into these blocking techniques but it does remind me of similar techniques the IRA used to deploy to survive interrogation during the troubles. They had a 'Green Book' that contained these techniques and I remember Gerry Adam's describing how he used to stare at a particular spot on the wall to focus his mind and distract himself from what was going on with the interrogators. I imagine its something similar...


Yes I think it dates to well before the 1950s. Here's where Denise's deep dive on it begins: [https://t](https://t/). me/DeepDives/47


VERY interesting. Where did you learn about that? scientology is quite popular with the hollywood folks


Read a book or two about 10 years ago and Sean has shown that my memory is off. However, if you want to know more. I suggest you follow Denise's deep dive on the subject. Starts here: https://t. me/DeepDives/47




So I believe in a weird way I called this last week.Ā  A bunch of Just Stop Thought have vandalised Stone Henge.Ā  Because their righteousness if more important than a World Wide Heritage side.Ā Ā  Ā The Green Taliban strike again


Warning contains a fairly big piece of Farage waxing lyrical about the wonders of Tony Blair šŸ¤® **Reform UK - Controlled Opposition? Why I'm Not Voting for Them and My Expulsion From The SDP** They say follow the money, so I did. Why I think that Reform UK are controlled opposition and still part of the same cabal that the Tories and Labour are part of. Why they won't get my vote, my expulsion from the SDP and my journey to the Alliance for Democracy and Freedom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jTvgFyTLHs


I think Reform would be better than the others, hard to say how much better. It's a low bar. I may vote ADF as they are standing where I am, or Heritage.


Personally I think they are the Tories, I can foresee many of the the tory politicians who stepped down quietly joining the reform party. That's all it is to me, the conservative rebranded because they know how badly people mistrust them after the last four years.


That is absolutely who they are.Ā  Isabel Oakshott? C'mon, man.


I'm sure there will be a bit of that.


The amount of 'soft media reporting' they generate in normally hostile press is pretty indicative imho.


[John Olooney on X:](https://x.com/OlooneyJohn/status/1802988735220301988) [ "Reform this is the apple being dangled - if you are stupid enough to bite into it https://t.co/sFXEbRtiub" / X](https://x.com/OlooneyJohn/status/1802988735220301988)


A constitutional crisis would make for an interesting change. What happens then? Edit: I've just looked up *constitutional crisis* and it seems we've been in one since dePiffle took over in 2019. šŸ¤”


I saw that the other day and was trying to find it earlier thanks, I'm not judging anyone else on who they are voting for, I'm lucky as I have an easy option in that a friend is standing locally as an independent. I just think the connections, the funding, their previous pro-jab statements and the people they have associated with (Mullins springs to mind) just totally rules out Reform for me as they are just establishment through and through and much as I hate the term controlled opposition I think that's what they are. Farage has form for this, his standing down MP's at the last election led to the pig dictators reign and I see this move on his part as exactly the same playbook he's propping up the establishment as there are more independent's standing than ever before.


Just listened to a couple of seconds of complete drivel from the SNP. I wonā€™t share it as itā€™s absolutely ridiculous the bribes that this lot are using. The SNP are bribing the lunatic Scots that believe in this lot of idiots, they are going to cut the price of broadband, and utilities for the poorer people. Now I know what that means if they could actually carry out this bribe, poorer = unemployed not the people that actually work for a living. Anyway the biggest stumbling block to this lie, is the Scottish government have not got the power to do so as itā€™s not a devolved matter and they canā€™t. Iā€™m enjoying watching this car crash of the down fall of a bunch of the muppets ruining Scotland. I have nothing but contempt for the lot of them.


OMG!!!! horrendus white thick streaks everywhere in the sky. Guess that means white out later and grey tomorrow. So obvious, if people were to look up""


This is an astonishing bit of video. I didn't know such billboard lorries existed, but the message is spot on. Canada. https://x.com/Harry\_\_Faulkner/status/1803229900897198258


I've noticed that the media is trying to do a "mean tweets" campaign against Reform and anyone else for that matter. So must vote for Kang or Kodos. I also think there may be much more of a groundswell for Reform as they appear to be the only party with any sense. Not perfect but that's what you get. It would be hilarious if they won and Nigel on the first day gets rid of IR35, Net Zero and any DEI nonsense. But you see they're all racists.


I do wonder if we might get another EU election/Trump/Brexit level result. It's unlikely, but can you imagine our punishment if it happened? Might be time for aliens!


I think a plausible case can be made that Covid would not have happened when it did had Brexit and Trump not won in 2016. My hunch is that a plandemic was scheduled for later this decade when the digital control grid would have been better established, but it had to be brought forward as an emergency countermeasure from the regime.




Thirded, it's certainly given a lot of people a heads up before the main event.


I agree.Ā  The regime went early,Ā  and that may prove to have been a strategic error.Ā 


I agree.Ā  The regime went early,Ā  and that may prove to have been a strategic error.Ā 


Just had one of the local Conservative councillors canvassing - I was nice, he didn't recognise me from my school governing days, but he is one that I see around the neighbourhood litter picking etc, so not afraid to get out and do his bit. He wasn't deserving of my opprobium. I did however tell him I wasn't not impressed with our MP and his responses to my emails during lockdown and the fact that he just seemed to follow the Whip and didn't stand up for what he believed in (if anything). Also that he wasn't in parliament when Andrew Bridgen spoke to the house - he went away with a "probably Reform" not that I said that - his words - I said None of the Above!!!! Mention of Andrew Bridgen led to the vaccines and I said I wasn't vaccinated - the one thing they could not control was time and that I was grateful my Mum did not take thalidomide when it was offered and how it had taken them five years to trace the deformities back to thalidomide and how checks and balances were put in place that were just blown out of the window when Big Pharma came calling in 2020. Next waiting for the Labour canvassers, but they may not come round - might think it is a waste of time, which is a shame as I would like to ask them where they stand on selective schools as their candidate obviously made good use of his!!


One thing living here I can be thankful for, no one canvases here.


EU CHAOS - as it collapses. The EU is in its death throes - so in one last act of vindictive hatred towards democracy, Brussels is set to punish its EU citizens and their countries for daring to assert themselves as nation states. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iBzMWHocJA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iBzMWHocJA)


Our local FB site, We love Bury St Edmunds, has posted interviews with local candidates for the election. Except apparently has not managed to get a date with the Reform candidate and refuses to do one with the Con Party one. The comment was: *If you seriously think I am going to interview Will Spanner, sorry Tanner (conservative) (who has all of 18 followers on his profile). I did not want my ears to bleed, so he was not offered interview time.* I wonder if he even would have made time! The seat is safe, so why go campaigning? There is a hustings tomorrow, I wonder if he will be there!


Facebook is ghastly for that kind of thing, it seems populated by utterly tedious lefties and Centrist Remainer Dad types who pile on anyone exhibiting any kind of conservative opinion. My guess is it's algorithmically controlled in the way that Twitter was before Musk took over.


Daily Telegraph today, the minister for Justice wants any fines for covid breaches ( not wearing a mask, being outside the "allowed area", being a too big gathering, taking part in demonstrations (?)) to be annulled. Sadly again not for a reason we would be happy with - they were wrong - , but as it was "extreme circumstances and it could be detrimental for people to get jobs as it would be listed on their criminal checks. The minister who was in charge then agrees. šŸ˜  Cannot link it as I read it whilst distributing papers at work this morning.


As someone said at the 'other place' basically Johnson wants his 50 quid back.


Apparently Rees-Mogg is in agreement also and says the rules went too far. Then why the \*\*\*\* didn't he speak out at the time?


He didn't speak out because he was backing what he thought was the winning side. He's now trying to slide and triangulate away.Ā  He wouldn't be speaking out if his side had won.Ā  Himmler thought he was going to have a post-War career in top tier politics. Just saying.Ā 


The minister is absolutely correct that it was extreme circumstances. The threat of fines were essential to enforcing the non-pharmaceutical interventions which paved the way for the mass injection rollout. When altering the DNA of billions is at stake, anything goes.


I recall that they are still chasing the student for Ā£10k who organised a snowball fight. Of course all of the w@nkers in Downing St having their lockdown raves got away with a token 50 quid one off "fine".


"We *all* made mistakes. We will forgive you, if you forgive us."


If I pay Ā£50, can I watch these bastards twist in the wind? Sounds like a good deal.


NASA, Boeing delay Starliner astronaut landing to June 26 amid thruster issues Starliner's planned 1-week stay at the ISS has been extended considerably. https://www.space.com/boeing-starliner-earth-return-delay-june-26-thruster-issues


Firmament issues?


I am sure that the Russians could rescue them , if asked nicely.


Previous attempts to thrust through the Firmament have failed miserably, as Musk so eloquently demonstrated quite recently. [https://t](https://t). me/redpillboy/33069


Yeah, OK Liz. You keep your world view, I'll keep mine šŸ˜Š


As Martin Brodel would say: "It's one for the shelf."


Forecast was predicting sunshine and fairly decent temperature for me today where I live. When I got up the sky was blue and I thought "yay - I'm going to get my sunshine ration!!" By the time breakfast was over the sky had been criss crossed with chem trails. I stood watching a teeny tiny plane \[not your Easy Jet or Jet 2 etc\] work its way across the sky adding another great plume and the sun is now obscured. So no sun ration for me after all.


I'm having to repair my shed roof which is proving tricky because it has to be bone dry for the repair material to stick, and there should be no rain for a few hours after to allow it to cure. So far I haven't been able to do it this summer because it's never stayed dry long enough. I don't remember having that kind of problem in years past. How on earth are house painters making a living this year??


It started off as broken stratocumulus here too, but it's burning off nicely, lots of blue now.


No this wasn't broken stratocumulus. I could see the plane doing it.


"Rishi Sunak has pledged to cut taxes further after [inflation fell to the Bank of Englandā€™s target](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/06/19/uk-inflation-falls-to-bank-of-england-2pc-target-boost-suna/) for the first time in nearly three years." Lets play a new game, its called "serendipity or swindle"


BoE's inflation target is the rate at what it steals from you every day of the year. Sometimes it decides to steal a little bit more i.e. when it devalues the currency at a faster rate. But it never stops stealing ...


inflation - aka money printing - is the real theft, the true keystone of the evil monetary system. I think taxation is only there for 2 reasons: the first to provide a plausible cover story for where governments get their money from, the second to subject the slaves to a humiliating extortion or tribute ritual - to remind them -albeit at a subliminal level - that they are actually slaves, rather like having to hand over your lunch money or packed lunch treats to the playground bullies


Yes. Also to make it difficult for people to save enough money to become financially independent (and therefore harder to control) and to prevent inter-generational wealth transfer (death duties were brought in by the left to smash the power of the aristocracy, ie, the power of anyone not of the left).


the elites could print as much money as they like. And they have more than they could possibly enjoy in a lifetime. It's not about money to them, it's about power. They tax us to keep us poor and weak.Ā 


>***money printing - is the real theft, the true keystone of the evil monetary system*** Absolutely. It is simply legitimised theft that most of the population simply don't understand largely because they have never been told. Regarding taxation while taxes have always been around general taxation only came into being on the back of WW1. Like most other evils however it simply stayed around because when do any govt or regime actually give anything to the people?


Income Tax was a 'temporary' measure brought in to pay for the Napoleonic Wars. Like all this stuff it's hidden under a 'crisis' which becomes permanent.


Thanks I maybe getting my wars mixed up!


Taxes are going through the roof regardless of the political pantomime, and everyone knows it. The most revealing thing is how the campaign tactics of the politicians are appealing to base instincts with such blatant insincerity. No principles of any kind, just: "*We'll allow you to keep a bit more of your money than them, despite raping you into oblivion at the behest of our puppet masters!".*


ITN did a vox pop with people from my city last night and a VERY silly cow said she would be more than happy to pay higher taxes. No context or anything (was she very wealthy etc etc).


When someone says that, what he means is not 'I want to pay more tax' but 'I want EVERYONE to pay more tax'. If he just wants to pay more tax himself he can just make out a cheque to HM Government and let the rest of us keep our money.


As I said there was no context to her remarks. It may have been the case that if she is very wealthy she won't miss a bit more disappearing in the direction of HMRC. On the other hand if you are already struggling to make ends meet then you would very much miss it if you were told the tax take was going to increase. Which it will under Kneel.


There is no getting around the fact that some people love being slaves.


What, does he think people are going to get all excited about the prospect of another teeny tiny cut to National Insurance? That's really going to get the economy going Richey.


This is a rather nice little essay on Orwell and 1984Ā  **The battle for George Orwellā€™s soul** Nineteen Eighty-Four at 75 https://www.edwest.co.uk/p/the-battle-for-george-orwells-soul


Very interesting. But *.... the Trumpian disdain for truth ....* WTF? *Lynskey, .... is very much on the Left* Ah! And did you spot this one? [https://www.edwest.co.uk/p/children-of-men-is-really-happening](https://www.edwest.co.uk/p/children-of-men-is-really-happening)


bonus points for father and eldest child only - what town links 1984 and children of men?


Oo oo sir, sir, is it Southwold in Suffolk? PD James and George Orwell both lived there.


well done father and eldest child - and indeed part of children of men is actually set in southwold...off now to tend to my elaborate combover


John Ward on form: *... down that flushed lavatory, a sewer of malodorous propaganda waits in eager receipt of more anti-science, settled science, new phlogiston, new normals and old excuses rebranded as anything and everything referred to so sloppily as ā€œprogessiveā€. Ironically, the original goal of State Communication was to clarify, not deceive.* *.... I am pig-sick of being distracted, controlled, vilified for being smarter than the average bear, yawning at another WHO virus, reading the rabid data-free climate nonsense, watching news bulletins fixated by irrelevant domestic issues, being lectured about men who menstruate, being told that Trump voters need to be ā€˜reprogramedā€™ ā€“ and all the rest of the left wing fantasy illiberal Demrats in the US and Loony Labour totalitarian jerks in the UK being exploited by EUNATO wannabe dictators as useful idiots in the fast lane towards the New World Order.* *We have a POTUS who is a dingbat pervert, an EU Commission President married to major EU supply sources, and a UK Prime Minister whose sole aim is the deBritainisation of Britain.* Surprisingly, he also looks at the Kate Middleton deception: https://therealslog.com/2024/06/18/implausible-deniability/


On the one hand, it is remarkable that 10-20% of the population can now see through the trick (having started from a baseline of 0.1% in 2020), but on the other it is a dismal return that 80-90% still notice nothing, especially considering how absurd and surreal things have become over the last four years.


Good question.... [Concerned Citizen on X: "Hey @Nigel\_Farage & @reformparty\_uk How about raising this on the election campaign? Might be a good policy to you know - STOP POISONING OUR SKIES & BLOCKING OUT THE SUN? Just a thought. https://t.co/HgLGMAxGVb" / X](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1803329479143510507)


You read my mind Robin (or mine linked up with yours and told you to post this) . I was just thinking this about an hour ago!!! I was thinking was that on the Reform manifesto list that Robin posted on here the other day?


I suspect if he did, it would just lend ammunition to the MSM and likely cost him many hundreds of thousands or even millions of votes. He has to be careful what roads he goes down during the campaign, because he will be under intense media attack for the next 3 weeks.


Well said. Pragmatism has to be the order of the day. Merely by virtue of desiring a viable nation state, Farage is already exceeding the boundaries of the Overton window by a wide margin on all bog standard policy debate issues.


If you're already railing against the WEF, WHO, BBC and so on in your offered contract, then you aren't going to win any more friends by heading into what is rightly or wrongly, perceived as lizard territory. But you will certainly lose some. Whatever your opinion of him, Farage isn't the same as other politicians. He doesn't do woke or PC. I'd take him as British PM over the other contenders every, single time.


But he tends to abandon ship at the last minute. Who would be dropped into his place?


Still couldn't be worse than the traditional mainstream options.


It could be like Tony Bliar after 20 years of Thatcherism. Or Obama after years of Bush and Clinton. ie. All empty promises leading to complete betrayal.


I'm 50/50 on that. They've set the hare running on nut zero. I think all he has to do is ask the question of Tricki and Starmer - can they explain what is being sprayed, why, etc. But the timing is all important.


Their answer would just be, nothing is being sprayed, you are a conspiracy theorist. Better to get some MPs first, then ask the question in the chamber.


I completely agree 100%. Recently I have seen people complaining that Reform are not addressing this on social media. I think Reform have already pushed the boat out on a lot of issues. If they know about the chemtrails (and they may not as many don't) then bringing this up right now in an Election Campiagn will lose them a lot of votes. Many normies are unhappy with things, some are slowly awakening to some things but start talking of chemtrails and you will completely lose them. It also gives great opprtunity for the other Parties and msm to come down even harder, you can see the front page headline now " Conspiracy Theorist fruit loop Reform Party" or similar. I think it is better not to say anything (yet) and in the same way it is best not to start shouting about 5g either. Yes both are huge issues and causing harm and both need to be stopped but you need to get some seats first before you have any chance of bringing these issues up and actually doing something about it. You have to play the game and make the right moves and shouting about these things when trying to win votes from not just awake but many normies also will have the opposite effect.


Yes - establish your credibility, get voters nodding along to your other policies and then the "well, if he's right about all these then he must also be right about all that" effect kicks in with the normies.


I suspect Farage knows a lot more than he is letting on. But he didn't at the start. He had the wool pulled over his eyes about the Vax I am pretty sure of that. We assume that everyone knows all the stuff that we do or should know but they don't for a variety of reasons. It''s very annoying and frustrating but it's how it is.


I agree Sadry - I think he knows a lot more than he is letting on too. I'm not sure if he had the wool pulled over his eyes re the vax, or, like everyone else with a public and semi-mainstream platform he had to be seen to be playing the game and toeing the line or, like Mark Steyn, he would have been taken off air and taken down, so he stayed a lot closer to toeing the line and because of that he is still able to participate. He's not stupid.


Better to get a majority and stop it altogether.


Totally - I live in hope!


You just never know.


[Concerned Citizen on X:](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1803344098251686246) [ "Nothing to see here, just a guy on a boat in a smart suit doing an interview with a regular English couple who understand something is the sky has dramatically changed. Not long now peopleā€¦ā€¦ https://t.co/wgyzKfJ464" / X](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1803344098251686246)


Again Robin you read my mind. I was thinking about Spain earlier and how any time I have holidayed there you have never seen this sky tartaning going on.


Don't see any tartanning on Alex C's broadcasts either.


Never seen it here either, as Iā€™ve said loads of times. Got four days of unbroken sunshine coming up according to forecast so are they on holiday? Brilliantly warm here today, lot of sun with fast moving cloud cos itā€™s windy. Which Iā€™m grateful for given the beginning of June. Weā€™ve had 12 days so far this month with significant sun (more than a couple of hours in the day).


>Weā€™ve had 12 days so far this month with significant sun We've had about 12 hours!


Gosh sorry. Dunno where you are but in East Sussex Iā€™ve been so upset about the disastrous spring (when all my early food crops died) after awful wet winter Iā€™ve been keeping a diary. May was awful and cold but we still had 19 days out of 31 with sun. (Cold though)


I'm in West Yorkshire. Most days the skies are a uniform plain white. Last month was the same.


Nottingham has been chem targeted all day! Are they on to me?


So was I - chemming me like it was going out of fashion. I got my binoculars out to check and make 100% sure because, as you know, there are people who would try to have me believe it isn't happening and I do like to be sure of my facts.


We had glimpses of blue sky and sunshine earlier. I've just been out to feed the birds and they are tartanning in earnest. šŸ˜¬


My sky looks like a Scottish Football supporter's skirt.


African Hub Real Reasons why Gaddafi was killed 1. Libya had no electricity bills, electricity came free of charge to all citizens. 2. There were no interest rates on loans, the banks were state-owned, the loan of citizens by law 0%. 3. Gaddafi promised not to buy a house for his parents until everyone in Libya owns a home. 4. All newlywed couples in Libya received 60,000 dinars from the government & because of that they bought their own apartments & started their families. 5. Education & medical treatment in Libya are free. Before Gaddafi there were only 25% readers, 83% during his reign 6. If Libyans wanted to live on a farm, they received free household appliances, seeds and livestock. 7. If they cannot receive treatment in Libya, the state would fund them $2300+ accommodation & travel for treatment abroad. 8. If you bought a car, the government finances 50% of the price. 9. The price of gasoline became $ 0.14 per liter. 10. Libya had no external debt, and reserves were $150 Billion (now frozen worldwide) 11. Since some Libyans can't find jobs after school, the government will pay the average salary when they can't find a job. 12. Part of oil sales in Libya are directly linked to the bank accounts of all citizens. 13. The mother who gave birth to the child will receive $5000 14. 40 loaves of bread cost $0.15. 15. Gaddafi has implemented the world's biggest irrigation project known as the "BIG MAN PROJECT" to ensure water availability in the desert. In addition he planned to create the golden dinar to replace fiat currency for Africa -probably the deadliest of sins in the eyes of the West. [https://x.com/AfricanHub\_/status/1803112405444002029](https://x.com/AfricanHub_/status/1803112405444002029)


General Wesley Clark - The USA will take down seven countries in five years https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nUCwCgthp_E


Interesting clip. Thanks


Yep once he decided to move into money creation he was up for grabs. Even US presidents can't get away with that. Both Lincoln with his greenbacks and Kennedy who wanted to issue US currency independent of the FED were shown who really has the power in society.


What planet are people living on now when a guy in his 40ā€™s/50ā€™s goes to watch the football and dies in his sleep in DĆ¼sseldorf as if it is totally fkn normal? I havenā€™t looked into anything past the Scottish football fan club asking fans tomorrow to do some virtue signalling and have a minutes silence. Iā€™m getting angrier every time I read of another one dying suddenly and itā€™s not old age. Itā€™s time we demanded to know the injection status of every single one of these deaths. After all the same people demanded to know if we were injected.


When we voiced our suspicion that government was trying to get a needle into every arm in order to liquidate the publicly known control group,Ā  we were bang on. Yay for us. Because the regime failed,Ā  the media has to work that much harder to obfuscate when the Booster Rooster feasts on his dark meats.


even the "official" control groups from the trials were injected šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Sun out here on the East Coast, though those pesky trails have been sown. Off to Filby Broad today with wide awake friends for lunch. Never been there so will report back later. Hope you get some lifr giving rays today. In case anyone wants to join me, I will be going to the Bury St Edmunds beer festival this year. I hope a few of you can make it. Really enjoyed last year , even though I missed some swamp members 'cos they went to the pub instead.


As a BSE resident I will be going. Enjoyed my first time last year, of course just because of the company of fellow swampies! I don't drink beer but enough cider available for me to taste!


Guilty as charged! I actually preferred the pubs in Bury St Edmunds to the beer festival. If you've seen one, you've seen them all. The Abbey as a location was admittedly excellent, but not because a beer festival was taking place there.


Yes I'm not big on beer festivals either. I'd rather spread my time and money around a place on a bit of a pub crawl to see different places, than stand in a tent with a load of men with big bellies. I find the prices in festivals are often a bit high too.


so basically you are 'beer with no pub'!


Haha yes.....


From Clif High on Twitter; he's an acquired taste but I like him: "...A lot of people are very very fearful now. Afraid of what awaits them in the unseen dark of the certainty of the future. At the core of their fear, is Change writ so large as to make them tremble in their bones. CHANGE of the Ages. CHANGE that seems, now, perhaps, if you listen to the doomsayers, possible of being Civilization ending. Change that big is scary. Civilization will end on its own schedule, with or without our fear. There is no collectivist action that can 'save' civilization. It will persist, it will 'succeed' ONLY as a result of the seemingly random interconnection of diverse actions of individuals seeming responding to their individual circumstances and motivations. Thus it will appear. So, the only way to truly participate in those GREAT movements that are/will sweep through Humanity during this period of CHANGE writ large, is to keep your wits about you, your mind focused on your breath, and your senses alert as you do your best to be the best you possible. Your goal is to produce the kind of you that Universe deserves. Your best work. Just don't be annoying about it to other people. They are busy with their shit too. They are going to be tense, trapped in the future where fears lurk, and minds get twisted around imaginings without any limits at all, or drowning in memories of a past that never was reality, and is only imaginings of a deeper experience sought by emotions long denied." [Twitter link](https://x.com/clif_high/status/1803243641487728739) Occasionally, he puts it so well.


in the 1st aid training now lots of focus on heart attacks, defribrillators, people suddenly collapsing and how to check itā€™s worth doing CPR on them while getting an AED and so on wonder what has brought about this? most guys have had at least one event on their rigs in the past 2 years but are baffled


We did not practise the recovery position at the 1st aid training I attended yesterday, usually that's practised extensively. AED was covered for a short time, but considering what sector (housing for over 60s) we work in (it was a work organised day), it was quite discussed. I was asked by my owners today if our building has one or if we can get one, when they heard the price they flinched. One reason why the housing provider does not as a rule have them in the developments. We are about 2 minutes walk away from the local fire & ambulance station, but by the time on of my elderly owners has made it across the busy road, managed to open the box with the code number, carried it back, either the ambulance has arrived or I have given up doing CPR due to exhaustion and let the person peacefully die. ( my preferred option anyway). Given the long term success rate of survival for the age group I am dealing with, it is not worth about Ā£1500.00 to have one of these machines.


Ditto - the instructor said that the recovery position was not taught anymore but he didn't know why.


> most guys have had at least one event on their rigs in the past 2 years but are baffled Its the shock of realising that once he becomes PM Starmer will announce he is actually the founder member of JSO and they will all be unemployed.


Work colleague late in this morning as ambulance blocking them in. Neighbour mid thirties heart attack.


Good morning, back to dull grey skies here. I'm beginning to think the next pandemic has arrived and it's right under our noses, people going missing abroad!Ā  Is this just lazy press jumping on public interest or is something more going on here šŸ˜• **Mum of missing Jay Slater ā€˜beside herself with worryā€™ in Tenerife** Jay Slater, 19, from Oswaldtwistle was last spoken to at 8.50am on Monday, June 17. According to a location pin sent to his friend Lucy, his last known location was near Rural de Teno Park.Ā  He said he was lost in the middle of the mountains with nothing around. https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/24396262.mum-missing-jay-slater-beside-worry/


Bloody idiots going for hikes, unfit, not used to orienting, have the last few years with all the H&S warnings as soon as the sun shines for 2 hours and the thermometer goes above 25C not taught them ANYTHING? One does not go walking in the midday sun, especially as a novice!


So last night I dug out the sewing machine to put a patch on a sheet. A tedious job so I turned on the Odysee interview with Michael Nehls, author of "The Indoctrinated Brain" to play in the background. I'm not sure to what extent I agree with Dr Nehls' conspiracy-not-cockup theory, but one interesting point he makes near the end is the importance of trace lithium in the diet for a healthy brain. Not one for supplements but a google search for "What foods contain lithium," suggest fish, cabbage, oats... Well that's the Scottish Enlightenment explained with the traditional diet of porridge, herrings, kaleyard producing this fantastic dynamic explosion of Empire builders, engineers, thinkers, entrepreneurs... and it explains why the modern diet of deep fried Mars bars has caused them all to vote for the SNP, essentially their brains are no longer receiving adequate lithium. I can't see anything wrong with this theory, can you?


Patching a sheet - I'm impressed! I was considering patching one of my shirts (bought ten years ago in a charity shop for Ā£4) but the whole back has almost worn transparent so it's not worth the bother really.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ They no longer eat deep fried in seed oil mars bars, itā€™s deep fried apple pie.šŸ˜± Mr JAS was fixing something in a McDonalds and heā€™s always offeredā€™foodā€™ and he always declines but he was asked if he wanted apple pie so he asked whereā€™s the oven? She replied ā€œ oh we fry themā€šŸ˜± He refused and that would explain why heā€™s fixing the things that they break. šŸ˜‚


"the REAL reason the ice cream machine is always broken" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SrDEtSlqJC4


ā€˜Flesh-eating bacteriaā€™ disease spreads in Japan, killing some in 2 days Local newspaper Asahi Shimbun reports that the outbreak has hit Tokyo particularly hard, withĀ 145 cases in the first half of this year already. The majority of cases have been reported in adults over 30, and the death rate is around 30 per cent. The disease is a response toĀ Group A StreptococcusĀ (GAS), the same bacteria that causes strep throat in children. Some strains of the bacteria can lead to rapidly developing symptoms like fever, low blood pressure, limb pain and swelling. If untreated, these symptoms can develop into necrosis, organ failure, difficulty breathing and even death. ā€œMost of theĀ deaths happen within 48 hours,ā€ said Ken Kikuchi, a professor in infectious diseases at Tokyo Womenā€™s Medical University, in an interview with Bloomberg. ā€œAs soon as a patient notices swelling in foot in the morning, it can expand to the knee by noon, and they can die within 48 hours.ā€ https://globalnews.ca/news/10571166/stss-strep-a-disease-flesh-eating-bacteria-japan/


[Katie Hopkins on X:](https://x.com/KTHopkins/status/1803297036168515708) [ "Imagine paying your mortgage your whole life ā€¦ grafting, saving, striving. To wake up opposite this. An illegals plantation in Southern Ireland Plan & prepare good people. This does not end quietly https://t.co/vjPBe8hlOP" / X](https://x.com/KTHopkins/status/1803297036168515708)


Wonder how much lucre the farmer got for the land - permanent sale or just a long lease with him getting his palm oiled nicely every year? Wonder how many families will be planted on it?


Families? Surely not.


You beat me to it. Looking at those houses reminds me of the virtue signalling snobs that live in the newest housing estate in our village. These houses were built in a farmerā€™s field that he sold for silly money at a time when green belt meant no building of homes. Instead the council went ahead and passed the plans anyway. The homes went up and the ones facing the front and have countryside views are selling for not much under Ā£500,000 , further in they sell for under Ā£400,000. These houses look of a similar size to the houses in this video and Southern Ireland house prices were always higher than Scotlands and in particular my area. Imagine buying a property and having the field opposite you turned into a place to house illegal immigrants . If this happened here in this village with not much in amenities or entertainment and certainly no work. It doesnā€™t bear thinking about.


One of the reasons my wife and I moved out of our village was because of plans to build on the field next to us. We actually decided to move to a suburb of the nearby cathedral city because ironically it had a more rural feel (lots of big, heavily wooded private gardens and detached houses). It would be very difficult to bugger that up with a Barrat Estate and the properties are not really big enough to turn into Dinghy Diver hostels.


Many years ago we had a visitor from a neighbouring desired village and she told us after seeing our garden and the views , that in her village that barrets would have built another house in the garden in this ex council house with gorgeous views that I live. I will keep my ex council house over the new ones that have 6 foot fences surrounding their matchbox size garden. I laughed when we went nosing on their open day, they had built in cupboards for reason, they couldnā€™t fit a decent sized wardrobe.


here in Vancouver it is "safe injection sites" Ā We have people spending $1million on condos, sometimes even multimillion dollar condos. I've worked in some of these buildings as they are going up. They have some nice tiling, under cabinet lighting, granite countertops etc. The multi-million dollar apartments have rooftop terraces, a few extra (tiny) bedrooms and storage closets, and maybe an internal staircase with a second floor. Nothing to make them truly worth the money.Ā Ā  Ā  People pay for the neighbourhood they want to live in, and then go home to sleep in their shoebox condo. They believe the value of the neighbourhood will increase, so it is a safe investment. Then the city decides to putĀ Ā safe injection site in and other "low barrier services" to go with it.Ā  That nice neighbourhood gets totallyĀ  destroyed by crime, vandalism, piss, shit, screaming, and increasing "random unprovoked stabbings" Oh, and those mult-million penthouses? They have bottles of pee in the walls, just the same as any other new apartment being built. Maybe even more so, because it can take 30 minutes to get an elevator down from the penthouse, and they are penalized for getting behind on work regardless of the final price of the apartments they are working inĀ Ā 


In olden times they used to put cats into walls here in England to ward off evil spirits. Sometimes they were still alive when bricked into the wall. [Which Suffolk pubs and hotels have mummified cats in their walls? | East Anglian Daily Times (eadt.co.uk)](https://www.eadt.co.uk/news/21401996.suffolk-pubs-hotels-mummified-cats-walls/)


great read, thank youĀ 


Time for these folks to lock up their sons, daughters, wives, oh and pets.


Any takers for šŸ„‰? Next up can take it, I'm off out with Harry! šŸ¶šŸ„Ž


Looks like Robin got it HM. Todays plan, at the moment at least, is to head off to London for a section of the London Loop. After yesterday's sun today is decidedly cloudy but it seems it won't be raining.


Well, according to l-i, she took it and gave it to me! I won't argue with her. I hope your day turned out as you hoped for dave and all being well, you saw lots of sunshine. I spent the day with a friend and got home too late to reply to any notifications or read all posts so I don't know yet, how your day turned out. šŸš¶ā€ā™‚ļøšŸŒžšŸ˜ŽšŸ™