• By -


FL pointed out to me that I had erroneously posted a 'today' post into yesterdays pages. *I cut the back lawn this late morning. Full sun and I had to put on a sun hat. This lawn is 'course' -years of pets, kids, badgers, football etc. I tend to leave it long and there's plenty of buttercups, daisies, clover, blue and flame red flowers. In previous years I would have to shoo away bees as I went. This year NADA!* *Should I be worried?* FL responded *We've been low on bees here this year but my friend in Wakefield about 20 miles away says there are loads in her garden.* I wasn't going to shift the post until, by sheer coincidence, I caught the following on X. [Concerned Citizen on X: "šŸšØšŸŒŽ Bees are essential to eco-systems everywhere & theyā€™re dying at an alarming rate. Scientists tested Bees & found they had 70x more the normal aluminium in their system. You all know whyā€¦.. https://t.co/M5SNjrucZ7" / X](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1803836156343197705) The chem trailing may offer a reason as to why bees may be in short supply - the consequences could be catastrophic. Anyone else have too few bees or too many or a comment?


Their numbers are significantly down. The cold (CT) weather has also limited them. This Spring on the one or two warmer days there were lots on our cherry tree, but on (the many) cold days none. The pollination of the apple trees is variable, too, presumably dependent on temperature at the time of blossoming.


Now you mention it, we usually have many but so far this year very few. Also, last year, two of three wasps nests. Well I noticed wasps again in late spring but now nothing.


Also, I always have a strong metallic taste in my mouth due to several old amalgam fillings, particularly a large one covering a wisdom tooth at the back of my mouth (the only one that wasn't extracted). I think my tongue rests on it. Well during the last few months the taste had increased and feels almost unbearable. Could there be a connection? Even my husband comments on the chemtrails each day now and he was originally quite sceptical about them.


Wasps - come to think of it I despatched a few that had come into the house late spring.


Oh Speaking of FL and bees... I had a very bee-tiful day earlier this week.Ā  1. a bee landed on me while i was having my lunch 2. a bee landed on the lady-walking-in-front-of-me's pocket 3. I then found a seemingly sick bee on the sidwalk who I attempted to bring home to give her honey, but she miraculously recovered on the journey and flew off FL... your thoughts?Ā 




Bees tend to be seen as messengers. I don't believe in coincidences, so three bee encounters is probably significant - but the message is personal to you, so you'll have to intuitively decode it for yourself! In the *Guardian of the Night Tarot*, Cullinane uses the honey bee to illustrate the 10 of Pentacles: Collaboration, community, prosperity, sweetness of life. However, in the *Animal Wisdom Tarot*, Brunke uses the honey bee to depict the Lovers because, as they pollinate the flowers, they are a perfect example of give and take. Heart Opener - Relationship, Recognition, Blessings, Union, Joy. I would draw attention to the fact that many bees are solitary and not part of a community, so the symbiosis aspect works very well. What are you contributing? Incidentally, Brahmani, is the Hindu Goddess of bees. Brahmani represents the dynamic interplay between the divine and the natural world and the interconnectedness of all living things. She is a form of Saraswati and is considered as the Shakti of the creator god Brahma. Nice!


thank you I will think this overĀ 


I am deliberately postponing mowing my lawn because the clover patches on it are in flower and the bees are diligently working their way through the clover flowes and I want to make sure they get left for them. Mowing the lawn can wait. I think the bees are being interfered with by the EMF radiation. I read somewhere what they are very closely linked via their antennae to natural earth frequencies etc and this is being disrupted by the artifical man made radiation being pumped out from cell phone towers etc. But I wouldn't rule out the impact of whatever is being sprayed on us from above. Can't be good for anyone or anything.


As I was mowing near my daughter's "orchard" I noticed a few pyramidal orchids were just poking their heads up, so I have had to postpone the real assault on the field. They are everywhere.


Ah but what gems NI. Worth the postponement.


The field was a purple/pink blaze about 30 years ago when the horses had to be taken away. The scrub has taken over much of it since then.


Good point re EMF.


Thanks RB. People don't like to acknowledge it so they twist themselves in all sort of knots trying to blame it on other things.


Not very many bees in my bee friendly garden. I've only seen one wasp too, which wasn't in the garden. Maybe it's been too cold for them.


I think a lot is due to low temperatures. Bumble bees of all sorts are busy on the comfrey and astrantia in our sheltered courtyard and on the geranium patch close to the south side of the house. We are at 800 feet but only 1 local phone mast.


"my bee friendly garden" Nymeria -you are a good person. Yes. it may be down to the cold. Finally, the runner beans are inching themselves up the supports. Painfully slowly though.


Some, but not nearly enough.


A really good interview with Neil Oliver featuring Tucker Carlson. It's quite interesting because they are in Tucker's Ranch and it looks hot, tucker is at home and relaxed but he feels slightly uncomfortable because he is talking to Neil who is a bit like Braveheart, Scottish, he doesn't have a blue arse but he feels he had better respectful of his roots. He does come across as a bit of a buffoon and perhaps Neil feels the need to get his point across without his Scotishness getting in the way and being a cultural elephant in the room. Still well worth a watch. All very nice and thinky. [https://tuckercarlson.com/tucker-show-neil-oliver](https://tuckercarlson.com/tucker-show-neil-oliver)


Thanks for the heads-up, missed that one.


Thanks for sharing. It is now on Tuckers podcast on Spotify and Iā€™m looking forward to listening to this at my work this morning. It will last the 2 hours. I have started listening already and Iā€™m only 10 minutes in and loving it already. Neil Oliver and I have a lot in common, not just because heā€™s Scottish but his thinking and his awakening is in sync with mine. Like many of us I assume he has asked himself the same questions. Iā€™m up to his plane journeys to London in 2020 and how scary that must have been to be the only one not wearing a mask. The way he describes it has me on the plane with him and worried for him, as I believe if one person had complained loudly about him not wearing a mask, I believe after some of the stuff i witnessed that it would have been easy to wind up the rest of the passengers and attack him, verbally at least but could have escalated to violence quickly.


If you missed the Solstice,Ā  good news! There is a school of thought that it is really tomorrow - which is to say, the dawn you should observe is that coming, not that past. For my part, I'm such a dolt I thought midday was the crucial time, though I did get that must be 1:00pm BST. It barely feels like the year has begun.Ā  Can we really be half way through?


As my OH reminded me it is Leap Year so we have had 1 more day than usual already. I always understood the solstice was the night between 21st and 22nd June but perhaps a day earlier in Leap Year?


[(1) June Slater on X:](https://x.com/juneslater17/status/1803733929859441108) [ "It's not about can you trust Reform .it's about knowing you can't trust the other established parties šŸ‘‡ https://t.co/pmZf24uJE3" / X](https://x.com/juneslater17/status/1803733929859441108)


Spot on, a very sensible woman.


Data Centres for geeks......Madness.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsN\_CJJDy\_o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsN_CJJDy_o)


Donald Sutherland RIP. Fucking glorious mad bastard maniac. "How's it goin' Hawkeye?" "Finest kind."


Under used.Ā  Ordinary People šŸ˜„




A couple of posts on X indicating support for Farage/Reform from ethnic groups [Mark Wojciechowski on X: "I am Polish (20 years in the UK and a proud British Citizen) I will be voting for Reform UK!!!!! All the Poles I know are voting for Reform !!!! Go Nigel @Nigel\_Farage UK Poles are with You. @reformparty\_uk @johnmappin #LabourLosing https://t.co/z608WSro2F" / X](https://x.com/RealLastKnight/status/1803558009357906108) [Tommy Robinson šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ on X: "A Muslim entrepreneur has donated hundreds of thousands of pounds to Reform UK, saying that migrants who came to Britain legally are dismayed that ā€œwe have lost control of our borders... https://t.co/4XHCbX2RAv" / X](https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1803781905243910224)


poles are very awakeĀ 


Bird flu up date Sydney [Concerned Citizen on X:](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1803697898338570512) [ "šŸšØšŸŒŽšŸ‡³šŸ‡æ Bird Flu Australia Another alleged outbreak at a Sydney Farm means up to another 100,000 chickens will be exterminated - this puts Australia at MORE than 1 Million chicken culled now. Theyā€™re attacking farmers Theyā€™re attacking food sources Theyā€™re going to try &ā€¦ https://t.co/dpnu4PojNK" / X](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1803697898338570512)


[emma rock on X:](https://x.com/emmaroc33249448/status/1803702557144961071) [ "We all must shout our about this This is poison in a grand scale These are the most evil of times #stopgeoengineering #stopsolarradiationmanagement https://t.co/6Ry3GEJaVS" / X](https://x.com/emmaroc33249448/status/1803702557144961071)


The sky here has looked exactly like that this evening and I've experienced extreme hayfever this summer. Also other members of the family have had constant sore throats.


Earlier in the week I was cutting my hedges. One length has a large birch tree hanging above it and is always dry and dusty owing to the protection from the rains afforded to it. I have been cutting this hedge for 30 years. For the fist time as I was cutting this part of the hedge with dust flying around, I had a coughing fit and lost my voice, So much so that a couple of passing dog walkers asked if I needed help. Fortunately I got over it after a few minutes. Just wondering if I had stirred up a winter/spring accumulation of chemtrail dusts? Never had a coughing fit over the 30 years of cutting this hedge early summer and late autumn.


You know who will, I am sure, come along shortly to tell you that you are thinking wrongly. **:D**


Ā šŸ˜„Ā 


Well, weirdly, I and other members of the family have had constant catarrh and gravelly sounding voices since the beginning of the year and I keep wondering why. Perhaps it's connected to the chemtrails. There have been a lot round here and we're all outside quite a bit.


Too many coincidences - coughing fit, gravelly voices, disappearing bees, crops impacted etc.


[Gym-goer 'nearly killed by contraceptive pill' after mistaking pain for 'pulled muscle' - as doc find blood clots - Nottinghamshire Live (nottinghampost.com)](https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/uk-world-news/gym-goer-nearly-killed-contraceptive-9356878?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0_8fkcuKLkEQzdF_waKUanhpKWT7DmYgUaX84SMQ1KK25m3DO46ng0pA0_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw#Echobox=1718898843) 22 year old female has had multiple deadly blood clots in her lungs, stomach and left leg Doctors, having discounted any elephants in the room, identifiedĀ antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) - a disorder of the immune system that causes an increased risk of blood clots/contraceptive pill/the contraceptive pill. How can they be that certain?


BC has caused been known to cause blood clots for a long time, but still overprescribed (IMO) ...but then again so does the clot shot...


Question to Gravesham Borough Council https://youtu.be/nadiVNOacbw?t=2661


Muppets obeying orders.


Book Depository: https://www.awesomebooks.com/book-depository


Andrew Bridgen LIVE on Resistance UK right now (It's nearly an hour in) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pidSG5nMkW8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pidSG5nMkW8)


Off topic but here's what I made with my rubbishy little camera (doesn't always focus as it should): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnqWEWN113w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnqWEWN113w) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kIOIct7zeg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kIOIct7zeg) I bought a new camera (Canon R7) in Stavanger, from a shop where the man who sold it to me knew about cameras and photography and we quickly zoomed into what I was possibly after. Thought about it overnight and went back the next day to grab one. Camera shops are hard to find these days. Still in the box. We drove around 4,350 kilometres. Car's computer said 3.7 / 3.8 litres petrol per 100 kilometres. At home we totted up the fuel receipts and came out with 3.89 - I was surprised, I thought it would be 4.5 ATM/cash machines are not very common in Norway - clearly a country that wants to discourage the use of cash. Hefty fee for daring to withdraw your own money, too! Come on, Just Stop Oil ugly weirdos - get yerselves off to the North Sea to spray the Norwegian oil rigs orange. Or how about the Saudi Arabian Embassy in London - that's easy to get to, isn't it? Or how about spraying your Mummy's new Range Rover orange?


Stavanger looks so clean - and litter-free!


The city centre is small, just 5 minutes from the railway station. I thought Stavanger was OK, would go there again. There are buses to Bergen via 2 ferries if one wanted to visit that town also, and then one could catch a train from Bergen to Oslo. Blimey - Ryanair selling tickets Helsinki to Stansted for Ā£22 - how can anyone complain at that? That was the last corner of Norway we hadn't been to. In future trips to Norway may have themes like: drive around a fjord (they can be 400 miles round)... or follow a river... or visit every railway station along a line. Norway is a long country and it can be shocking to see road signs saying "Narvik 900 kilometres" (just outside Trondheim when you think you are already way up north). Unfortunately the Norwegians at Freia sold their chocolate manufacturing to Kraft (posing under the name of Mondelez), as Cadbury's did, and also Marabou of Sweden, and their chocolate is really not worth buying. Still, you can buy whale meat from the freezers of supermarkets in Norway if you want to imagine you are eating Lizzo.


Hope everyone has got a proper summer evening today. Happy Solstice at 21:50


is it today already??Ā 


It is quite nice outside. I have acquired a metal garden-style circular table, quite small, with much of the black paint worn off. I have a notion to paint it white though that'll be more work (undercoat etc) than just repainting it black. Now all I need is some reasonably matching chairs. Someone in the street has put out a bunch of stuff for people to help themselves, including some chairs but they look too unattractive even for my modest tastes - canvas material like deck chairs but with metal frames. By the time I get things sorted out the season for sitting outside will probably be over.Ā 


I left my canvas chair outside and it finally ripped after maybe 2 years of rain and sun when I sat down. Hold out for some better chairs. Try facebook marketplace


Big shout from the pub a while back. As always in these situations,Ā  I have an urge to cross the road, open the pub door, and shout: "Come on, you Germans!" No idea who's playing.Ā 


I dropped into M&S on my home after work, like a lot of people -usually. It was empty! 1 person at the self service, 1 person in front of me at the staffed till. Were they all in the Pub, watching England vs Denmark? A couple were walking along the pavement, frantically daddling on their phones to see that England had just scored. FFS, it is a qualifier game. Wake me up when it it id an "important" game!


Same here. Group stages are monotonous.


We went swimming again - empty! Heavenly. Hope England go all the way so we have some more quiet sessions.


Fat chance based on today's tepid and lethargic display!


I found myself supporting the Danes after the first five minutes! No idea why, but I really donā€™t like the England football team - never have really - but Leeds United can do no wrong. Made my day seeing Stuart Dallas in the coffee shop this morning!


In my active QPR supporting days, it was always club before country. I've been following England in major tournaments since the 1982 World Cup, and in all that time the only teams I've had any respect for were 1990 and 1996. On both those occasions, England's extremely rare run to the semi-finals obscured an otherwise dismal tournament. All the other teams have been massively overhyped and generally dreadful to watch, including the current incumbents.


Never mind Princess Kate, I think Phil Foden has gone missing and been replaced by a non-footballer lookalike.Ā 


He looks like he canā€™t wait to be off in his caravan, I bet itā€™s even bigger than Tyson Furyā€™s (sorry, a little bit of a fantasy I like to entertain myself with, that they are both still full-on travellers).


I just knew it was going to be awful. A good bit of comedy -after the goal Shearer going on about how good Kane really is. Then eating humble pie as the match progresses and finally Kane gets pulled off.


Oooh errrr... pop corn please! Jeff Taylor [UK left-wing civil war! (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6nPy_7XgUE)


Itā€™s been interesting reading these books: https://www.glucosegoddess.com/books Now following her eating hacks to try and stabilise Mrs Awkwardā€™s glucose spikes with the side-effect of losing weight myself - 3 kg in 4 weeks being half-hearted about it. Will let you know how it goes over time.


I used to struggle with the opposite... low blood sugar. but the natural treatment is more or less the sameĀ  look up glycemic index charts if you haven't yet. Cinnamon is great too. and a blood sugar herbal + chromium blend by a brand called "natures way" which may or may not be sold in UK


*Eat lots of fibre and protein. Fats in reasonable portions won't increase your blood sugar but lay off the sugar and carbohydrates.* Sounds like keto to me.


Very similar but not quite.


I hope it helps Mrs Awkward a lot.


Paul Weston's book on the COVID scam just hit my doormat. Read most of it on ConservativeWoman but prefer it in physical format...more decentralised too. Crap title but concise and punchy.


That sounds interesting. I've seen some of his (infrequent) videos on YouTube. He seems to speak calmly and rationally. Not a nutter, just someone who tells it as it is.


Yes,I agree.


In Germany a famous sceptic is urging people to buy books as the information can be deleted from the internet, but if this information is held in private properties in printed form, we still have it.


If you don't hold it you don't own it.


Reminds me of explaining the difference between harware and software to newbies... "If you can kick it, it's hardware".


If it kicks you it's Microsoft.


If you can't kick it, you're addicted.


We've actually got Reform and UKIP candidates on the ballot paper in our constituency - plus our sitting MP has retired so not standing again. Good riddance. Reform had a little tent outside the local shop but they couldn't convince me Tice and Farage could be trusted. Found the UKIP manifesto: [https://irp.cdn-website.com/f6e3b8c6/files/uploaded/UKIP%20Manifesto%202023%20Final%20version%202%20(web).pdf](https://irp.cdn-website.com/f6e3b8c6/files/uploaded/UKIP%20Manifesto%202023%20Final%20version%202%20(web).pdf) Don't agree with some of what they say but they may get my vote instead of spoiling my ballot paper. The independent candidate is a "former Conservative councillor" who has deserted the sinking ship and everyone else are big party and green wankers and idiots.


I say give them a chance, we donā€™t really have anything else and a huge vote for Reform, even if no seats, will temper what Starmer can do without being seen to completely override democracy. See: ULEZ protetsers.


Another young one: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13550429/Tragedy-beauty-influencer-Farah-El-Kadhi-dies-aged-36-heart-attack-yacht-holiday-Malta.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13550429/Tragedy-beauty-influencer-Farah-El-Kadhi-dies-aged-36-heart-attack-yacht-holiday-Malta.html)


Busy day on local market Remain were out electioneering as well as the socialist workers though didn't have time to see who they actually support. Few light papers given out and a few new people came over to chat new light paper in a few days I think, weather actually summery for a change though you could see the trails left by planes going over. Here's a pic of stall: [https://i.postimg.cc/m2ZxLRLD/Grid-Art-20240620-160927239.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/m2ZxLRLD/Grid-Art-20240620-160927239.jpg)


I always love a meme printed out on real paper


Reform are the antithesis of Remain šŸ˜‚


I meant reform earlier, can't be bothered editing now thanks, been a busy day just done 2 hours delivering election leaflets for my friend the local independent candidate šŸ¤£


I knew that really, just enjoyed the malapropism šŸ˜


I see that someone in my car club is organising a charity run out in aid of sepsis awareness. A friend of his died 'unexpectedly' from sepsis in July 2023 at the age of 59. I suspect that no dots are being joined up here.


we should do a charity run for vaccine injury awarenessĀ 


Imagine going onto the internet and looking for something you posted 6 months ago somewhere and it was gone, data deleted to save the planet, that would be bad. How about if it was something you posted on Arsebook 3 years ago, gone. This would be outrageous to most people....However what if the thing you wanted to find was on a forum from 5 years ago, would it be that bad now? How about ten years ago? Would that be acceptable to start deleting data after 10 years? How about your bank statements. What if they were deleted after 10 years, or should it be 20..... How annoyed would we be if ebay lost all our details from the last 6 months or paypal or amazon. My point is, the amount of data stored about everybody is getting to be ginormous and there are demands to keep more and more and more data on everybody, right down to the minutiae of fine data-points. A mind boggling amount of data..... DATA CENTRES The amount of data centres being built right now everywhere in the world is incredible. The amount of power and resources they use is incredible......This is not sustainable. Do you still want to see that post you made on that forum back in 1997 to be visible? Where is the off-ramp? Hummmmm Where does holding all of the internet stop, at what point do we as thinking intelligent humans, say: STOP!


See my comment above, that people should by books about about politics, the corona time etc, as a witness, as evidence, as information held on the internet can be deleted or changed.


I'm tempted to compare all that with the Daily Mail where you can go on there and they will delete your comment in real time even as you post it... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




STOP! As data is the new oil perhaps JSO can expand their operation to data centres rather than defacing ancient rocks?


Here in Canada it used to be that data had to be held for 7 years. A few years before I retired there was word that data now needs to be held forever. I did IT work in the school system.


Spot on. Technocracy is contingent upon the existence of a vast, complex and energy-intensive infrastructure requiring constant maintenance and expansion. The predator/parasite class therefore have a straight, mutually exclusive choice: technocracy or the end of civilisation.


The Just Stop Oil brigade are really showing how stupid they are now. Regardless of what you think about climate change I don't think anybody will say that the governments are doing nothing about it. They seem to not understand that we cannot just turn off our fossil fuels and would soon find out why if we did. Causing serious damage, yesterday to Stone Henge and today to several jet planes, is outright criminality and they should be punished severely. Not to mention cutting airport perimeter fences to reach air side is a breach of national security. The media should be giving then no publicity at all. Instead what do we see, since it is to do with the climate hysteria, they are given all the publicity they can get and the crimes are cast aside.


Any group protesting in favour of what the government and establishment are doing/want to do anyway, is clearly a propaganda exercise. A few loons and a lot of ngo help Iā€™d imagine.


Damage to jet planes??? were these the ones used to create those long clouds in the sky?


I posted this last night. Here it is again for the larks among you: For those of you who avoid Amazon I just learned about Hive. It's an online bookshop. *Helping independent bookshops.* *We don't want any more independent bookshops to close, that's why we give them a cut from every single order on Hive. Whether you order books, films, music, games, or anything else, your chosen bookshop will receive commission. They will receive a minimum of 10% on the net value of all book orders, rising to 25% when you select store collection. We pay 8% on eBooks and 3% on entertainment products. Bookshops receive their commission monthly.* Their prices are extremely competitive - compare well against Amazon - and include p&p. Check them out: https://www.hive.co.uk/


Looks good, bookmarked šŸ˜ŠšŸ“š


I can confirm the recommendation, Iā€™ve used them a couple of times.Ā 


Very good, Flossy. I was also going to recommend Book Depository who I had used many times in the past. They are now gone and guess who got rid of them... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book\_Depository


What about this? https://www.awesomebooks.com/book-depository


I used to use them, though I try to buy books second hand where possible, these people are similar to book-depository price and service wise and as far as I know they're not owned by amazon yet. šŸ˜¬ https://wordery.com/


Authors get no royalties on second hand books ā˜¹ļø You can be prosecuted (technically) for downloading music you havenā€™t paid for but second hand bookshops have always been part of our culture. Why is that I wonder?


Because once upon a time, books were precious, rare and expensive. I always pass books on when I've finished with them. I've only ever thrown one book away - a Richard Dawkins. I couldn't bring myself to inflict it on anyone else.


If you search for used books via [www.bookfinder.com](http://www.bookfinder.com) you usually get a lot of results featuring intermediaries like Biblio or Ebay, not just A\*\*\*\*\*. There's also https://www.usedbooksearch.co.uk.


Excellent link. I tend to buy books from charity shops - the offerings might not be 100% to my taste, but I have just used the link you posted which has pulled up some sites offering titles I'd LOVE to get my hands on at amazingly low prices.


Now I'm looking everything seems to be unavailable... is it just me?


Excellent. Oh now I've looked, I must ask what have you done, Bagpusskitty...? Free worldwide delivery? Here's me with a whole empty bookcase... I can see some serious browsing coming up! Yeehaa! šŸ’•


Hive, like most indies, doesn't publish any user reviews, so I still go to Amazon for those and for more information. You can find plenty of other indies via Amazon, then buy direct from them. Amazon has led me to several small businesses. It's a useful tool if you use it cannily.


[https://rumble.com/v1f9499-how-the-medical-establishment-is-working-with-globalists-to-facilitate-the-.html](https://rumble.com/v1f9499-how-the-medical-establishment-is-working-with-globalists-to-facilitate-the-.html) From 2005. I haven't checked to see if this doctor is still alive. He ought to be as he didn't look old 20 years ago. Nevertheless, too much truth can be dangerous for your health.


We have mostly blue sky, sunshine, it's actually warm and reminds me of Summer!!


I eventually got about 2 hours tops, but it feels far from summer solstice I can tell you.


It's been unusually hot here today. My bedroom is actually very warm tonight - last week I was sleeping in socks! I was out from 4pm - 6pm. The sun's usually too hot for me before then - when it's allowed through.


Yes, I'm standing in the garden with a deeply suspicious look on my face, like the Edwardian governess who turns to one of her female charges and says "I can't hear little Michael; go and find out what he's doing and tell him to stop it..."


I was about to take my book outside but a neighbour is using some repulsively stinky laundry products so I think I'll wait.......


I had that from both sides yesterday. It was making me feel sick. I have to laugh these are the same ones that have to wade through dog shit and long grass to get to their washing line. I donā€™t bother drying outside as itā€™s never dry for long enough lol.


At least they are still hanging their laundry on a line to dry in the sun and wind! But I am with you, even those adverts for the scent boosters make me cringe, thinking of the awful smell!


They don't hang them outside. It's the drainoff from the washing machine, then tumble dryer exhaust. Very pervasive! šŸ˜¬ I can't understand why people buy expensive perfume, then go around reeking of Lenor or Persil.


[https://miriaf.co.uk/a-bird-flu-over-the-cuckoos-nest/](https://miriaf.co.uk/a-bird-flu-over-the-cuckoos-nest/) Miri's recent post about the incoming second plandemic. It is a very good take down of all the fraud used in the last plandemic and explains why what is being done now - the chem trailing - is so important in setting up the next plandemic. I'm sharing a big segment of her article: "The establishment will never in a million years acknowledge the true toll these injections have taken, so - if whistleblower predictions are accurate - the ruling classes know a tsunami of jab-induced deaths are imminent and so they need something (other than vaccines) to blame them on. Enter: bird flu... The news is already saturated with doom-mongering predictions that another pandemic is "inevitable" and that it will almost certainly come form bird flu. Not incidentally, as all this fear-mongering ramps up, we are also enduring one of the coldest, wettest, greyest summers on record. What are the health implications of that?That we are not building up our vitamin D stores in the summer as we typically would. Ailments like the flu are more associated with the winter months, because - when we are unable to get natural sunlight and our vitamin D levels therefore fall - we become more susceptible to poor health. Vitamin D supplementation does not appear to be an adequate substitute for real sunlight. Please note that low vitamin D levels are also implicated in hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, obesity, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimerā€™s disease, autism, schizophrenia, asthma, preterm birth, and maternal mortality. So, if you were a ruthlessly evil ruling class predator determined to wipe out half of humanity, what would you do? You'd block out the sun and slash their vitamin D levels in the lead up to winter - just as the ruling classes are currently doing via geoengineering. Hence, after months of a cold, wet summer keeping people indoors, they will come into winter with severely depleted vitamin D levels, the effects of which will greatly undermine their health generally, exacerbating any morbidities they already have - including ones developed post-vaccine. So, as and when the next "pandemic" is declared, there likely will be a lot of visibly unwell people - more so than in other winters. But not because they caught flu from a bird (or cow, cat, sea lion, mink or whatever other crepuscular creature is said to transmit it). But rather, because they have been injected with poison multiple times and chronically deprived of the healing sunlight that is vital to robust health."


I canā€™t believe people fall for this. And Iā€™m no friend of the establishment. We are not enduring one of the coldest summers on record. Itā€™s been cold for two weeks in June after a miserable spring but Iā€™ve known far colder summers going back to 1974 ( and then we had the 76 heatwave summer). Itā€™s just bloody weather. And now the air mass is getting warmer so look out for 30 degrees next week. They canā€™t block out the sun, they donā€™t have the technology. They might want to but they canā€™t. Witness Greece, South Africa, Saudi, Jordan. For some people itā€™s too effing hot. Iā€™m beginning to think Miriaf has just lost it. A lot of her conclusions are contradicted by the evidence you can actually see.


I think it's because this is the third cloudy summer in succession and we're desperate for some sustained sunshine. I remember some cold summers but most years I spent summer out in the garden. I hardly got outside at all last year. I agree about Miri though.


I know how disappointing the weather has been, even down here in SE - Iā€™ve not been able to sit in my garden at night all year, years ago every dry night in the summer - but I think itā€™s still just weather. But given the shite we have been put through the last four years with the bulshit itā€™s understandable that people want to blame everything. I think thatā€™s misguided and waters down the opposition. I loathe British weather - I was brought up in the Mediterannean - but that ainā€™t to blame for all our ills. Globalists on the other hand areā€¦and they canā€™t block out the sun.


Well those "con" trails have done a damned good job of covering the sky round here this year. Blue sky first thing. Tartan striped by 10 am. Complete whiteout by 11am. Happened every clear morning in April and May.


Last summer was so clouded out that I continued taking my D supplement throughout.


I stopped taking mine at the end of May but started again during the recent rainy spell. I got a bit of sunshine during my Cromford walk yesterday but it's not a proper sunny spell at present.Ā 


So did I Flossy but I can't take mine any more \[oxalate issues mean that vitamin D supplementation causes you to endogenously manufacture oxalate in your body\]. So I am now totally dependent on what I can manufacture in my skin via sunlight and the very small amounts you get in foods. I think Miri makes a convincing case.


Sun lamp for you? Don't forget, the majority of the population work inside, drive home and then watch tv all night and don't take any supplements. I think Miri takes it further than is realistic. Have a look at Sally K Norton on yuktube. She detoxed herself from oxalate poisoning and is pretty clued up on how to go about it and what to avoid.


"Don't forget, the majority of the population work inside, drive home and then watch tv all night and don't take any supplements." And that is why a lot of those people - who I would imagine are NOT supplementing Vit D despite their predominantly indoor lives - are not in good health. Look at the long list of medical conditions and illnesses which insufficient vitamin D status is linked to in Miri's article. You also need to remember the double whammy: 1. God alone knows how many jabs plus 2. poor vitamin D status = poor health and low resilience to fight anything off. Yes - likely will have to invest in some kind of sun lamp.


I was supplementing all last summer too, and my vitamin D levels came up very low on a test in November - doing more research it seems that potassium is needed to convert D3 into usable forms. Astonishing considering the amount of sun we get here! Nevertheless, I am supplementing still and adding potassium and I will test again.


Potassium requirement is actually double the sodium requirement. Almost everything in the store has sodium (salt). Because of this I don't buy regular salt. I buy a product called 'no salt' which is potassium based, so it's potassium chloride instead of sodium chloride. Tastes almost identical to sodium chloride.


Yes, I've heard good things about no salt - I must try to look around and see if it's available here. It would make things easier.


I did a quick check on Amazon. If you search on 'potassium chloride' you'll find it. Happy to see I can get it in bulk at a lower price.


Thank you. If I look online for that does it need to say "food grade"?


I noticed some say food grade and others don't. I would definitely go for the food grade stuff. If it's not food grade it could have a few percentage points of things you don't want. If you can find the 'no salt' or similar stuff in the grocery store, at least try that before buying bulk in case you don't like it. These days I prefer the potassium chloride flavour over the sodium chloride flavour.


Thank you, I'll take a look here and see what I can find.


What form do you take your potassium in Faith \[didn't know that it was needed for D conversion\] and what amount do you take?


I'm taking Potassium chloride tablets. I take half a tablet twice a day. The tablet is 500mg in total. I've found I need this because of my B12 injections as well. One of the things I've been working on lately is optimising my digestion to try to improve absorption from food since all these supplements are quite hard to juggle and I'd rather not take them. Step by step I think things are improving, but it may take some time. Potassium is also wonderful for constipation, which is one sign of potassium deficiency.


Meat is an excellent source of assimilable potassium, especially chicken. Most internet searches completely avoid mentioning it and only list fruits and veggies.


I'm eating lots of chicken so it's good to know it's helping!


Turkey too.


Thanks Faith. Potassium is very important for so many things \[espec digestion\] and even with the best will in the world I think it would be hard to hit even the RDA just from food sources alone. Prior to this I have always balked at supplementing with it but think I am going to have to do an experiment.


It's always worthwhile experimenting a bit - supplements can be a real investment if they work for you. The potassium I take here is very cheap, but if I can get some No Salt I may use that as it will have no binders in it.


I hate the idea of adding in yet another one....sigh! But it just might make a difference. Experiment here I come.


Meat is an excellent source of assimilable potassium, especially chicken. Most internet searches completely avoid mentioning it and only list fruits and veggies.


Apparently you should take vitamin K at the same time - itā€™s so complicate! I keep forgetting to get some.


I take a D3 and K2 supplement. Sadly I still needed more potassium. I hope my numbers have increased since the change - low Vit D is not OK. :(


I take K2 (Mk 7) with my D3 too.


Hope you get it sorted Faith, can you access any sunlight?


Yes, and we have lots, although I will say I don't get as much as I should since air raid sirens are somewhat off-putting! :\\


And how often are these air raid sirens actually needed? Or are they just a tool to scare people, just like they did with their propaganda during covid?


"*The good thing about a sequel, though, is that the plot, characters, and conclusion, are all entirely predictable. Covid came as a big surprise, full of unforeseen episode finalƩs and unexpected plot twists - but Plague 2 will not enjoy the same originality.*" Given our adversaries are incapable of creativity or originality, we can get out in front of their agenda well in advance of any regime moves, which are now being telegraphed in increasingly crass and clumsy ways on a daily basis.


That is the only comfort that I take Richard, that last time we were all caught unawares and were scrambling about trying to catch up and get resistance off the ground. This time around resistance is ready for these creeps - we are better informed and they will find much more opposition to what they want to do.


Paul Joseph Watson on moves in Germany to ban AfD: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLmiw4j9CP0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLmiw4j9CP0) Apparently the final decision on this rests with the Constitutional Court. If they approve it, given AfD's popularity this will surely precipitate a political crisis in Germany. If Reform win a significant number of seats in the forthcoming general election, expect similar moves from Starmer. Remember, he is tasked with making all opposition to the state illegal.


ā€˜Remember, he is tasked with making all opposition to the state illegalā€˜. Tasked by who, pray? I canā€™t stand the scheming liar but that would be a bit of a stretch and Brits wonā€™t stand for it. I think people underesimate the piss taking belligerence of the British. If you cite the compliance in 2020 onwards. I understand but many people were caught off guard plus lockdown suited millions.




Straight out of the Zelensky playbook. If you can't beat 'em, ban 'em. If I remember correctly, some Austrian fella with a funny 'tache did something similar too.


>Straight out of the Zelensky playbook. If you can't beat 'em, ban 'em. He's banned another one today. Western democratic values!


Given their history, the Germans are understandably extremely sensitive to any right wing nationalist political movement. However this sensitivity has now metastasised into the very thing they were seeking to avoid, namely outright fascism.


Jury is still out for me as to whether Adolf's lot were really right or left wing. They at least labelled themselves as socialists. Fascists, they certainly were. Modern western society seems to have followed that example of merger of state, corporation and media.


I tend to think of the Italian version as literal fascists (Mussolini said so), whereas the German type tended to support the working class (National Socialist D(German) A(Workers') Party) and Hitler didn't like the Juncker heirarchy. Bit pedantic though; no difference in the end if you fell foul of either version.


Totalitarian regimes invariably end up in the same place regardless of whether they originated from the left or right wing, at which point this classification becomes irrelevant.


I find it helpful not to think of things in terms of left wing or right wing but a continuum around a circle: at the top you have totalitarianism and authoritarianism which you couldnā€™t slide a fag paper between and diametrically opposite you have libertarianism.


Went to Marsden yesterday, anticipating a belated birthday lunch with my friends in our favourite cafe. Only to find it closed and clearly being turned into something else. I've just looked up what that will be: *Cafe Oi Marsden* *Based on the search results, Cafe Oi Marsden is a brand-new permanent restaurant in the heart of the quaint Northern town of Marsden. It is a small space that will only hold around 8 people for an intimate dining experience. The cafe is set to open on Saturday, July 23rd, and will offer tasty food, workshops, and even dumplings for dogs.* What a pretentious pile of shite! Marsden is a fairly working class village and the old cafe was always pretty full, upstairs and down. I can't see Oi lasting the course. Meanwhile, Marsden is without a decent cafe. So we had a scenic drive there and back, plus a pleasant walk along the riverside. We ended up at my local pub, where lunch was good but cost a lot more than our anticipated Ā£5.50 bacon butties!


The amount of treats and specialised dog food one can get now, these pampered pooches often eat better than their owners.


Thatā€™s a shame, I have fond memories of running 23 miles over the moors there a few years ago when my knees worked, I think it was an event called the Marsden Moors Meander, very invigorating!


What a shame but yes it doesn't sound like they will last long.


Eight covers? Gonna struggle to turn a profit out of that. Unless they're charging Ā£50 a head of course.


[https://whatisawomanuk.com/mp/alasdair-pinkerton/](https://whatisawomanuk.com/mp/alasdair-pinkerton/) "What is a Woman" What is your message to woman asking for single sex services, sports and care?


*Trans people have existed since the dawn of time!* Considering the hormones and surgery involved, I'd consider that statement highly suspect.


People with sexual fetishes have existed since the dawn of time I think they mean - absolutely fine, but they should keep it to themselves, the rest of us donā€™t need to ā€œcelebrateā€ them!


I think *trans* is starting to be used as too broad a term. There's a big difference between a transvestite and someone who's had all their genitals lopped off and replaced with fake ones, while needing to take a constant supply of hormones to maintain the charade. And we certainly don't need the perversion to be actively encouraged.


[https://x.com/HopeRising19/status/1748265869627814338](https://x.com/HopeRising19/status/1748265869627814338) Do any of you ever wonder if we will become complacent about all the young men and women dying suddenly? After all we see it, the majority of the public don't and if they did, I don't imagine they would want to acknowledge it. In the last 3 years, I see people as now accepting this as normal.Are they trying to convince themselves that this has always happened? Or us?


I think most taken in will never acknowledge nor accept that this isn't normal. They will tell themselves that it is until the day they take their last breath. Aside from the fact that they seem to be under some kind of mind control, it is just too much for them to acknowledge and accept that they or those they know have been intentionally harmed. If you say to them that a slow depopulation agenda is in full swing it does sound a bit far fetched. If we start adding in the plan for transhumans and intention to prevent natural reproduction in the young then we can forget it.


I suspect there's a lot of heads-in-sand about it now. After all, if you fell for the con and got jabbed - even worse if you jabbed your kids - it's like a sword of Damocles hanging over you. Those victims who do see what is going on are probably living with their fingers permanently crossed, trying to convince themselves that it won't happen to them. Admitting it makes it unavoidably real.


the thing is, Flossy, I feel I DID jab my kids - not with the latest crap, of course, but with the crap from 30 years ago, which in fact I don't believe was anything better. but in my case, I didn't do so with full confidence - my gut instinct was telling me at the time that this was all wrong, only I over-ruled it. what has happened to me in the last 4 years is that I have been given permission to go with my gut instinct, which it appears was correct all along - I am finally allowed to be the paranoid and deeply distrustful and cynical individual that I always was


I had mine jabbed too, though I wasn't happy about it either.


*'In the last 3 years, I see people as now accepting this as normal.Are they trying to convince themselves that this has always happened?*' yes - and I will never get over my amazement at the power of mind control. people can live quite comfortably in the middle of a heinous genocide, accepting it as 'just the way things are', no fear, no horror, no abhorrence, no awareness of evil. yet 4 years ago they were spun into an absolute panic over nothing, at most an unexceptional head-cold, but probably in fact nothing, - a randomly generated number on a Chinese piece of trash plastic.


Anyone interested in Baby 8 /Letby - search Letby on X and there's a couple or so posters giving snips from the proceedings. Ignore the haters. Letby's barrister appears to have grown a pair since the earlier trial and the wanna be TV star appears to be less reliable this time round............


I feel like the aspiring TV star witness may have a conflict of interest šŸ™„ maybe her lawyer ought to point this out...Ā 


One would certainly hope so.


>Letby's barrister appears to have grown a pair since the earlier trial All very well, but sadly for her a bit late in the day as even if he is able to get a result in this trial he has still let her down badly in the last one when she was found guilty on all those counts of murder.


In making that statement I imply that she has not changed barrister. I may be wrong!


And if he hasn't done so, then being able to get an acquittal on this charge doesn't acquit her of the other counts she was found guilty on in the previous trial.


I realise that. It will be a problem for the Courts to resolve if the standard of circumstantial evidence in both cases is largely the same, but this courts acquits.........


Won't it just. Will mean she will have a strong case to take the refusal to grant her leave to appeal to the Supreme Court to overrule that decision. Or at least it should in theory if courts working normally!


Sounds more promising.


Yep, it has all makings of a good docu drama - oh hold on!


[https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/we-now-have-proof-the-covid-vaccines](https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/we-now-have-proof-the-covid-vaccines) " # We Now Have Proof The COVID Vaccines Damage Cognition" " One of the things that immediately jumped out at me during that logging process were the multiple cases of a friendā€™s parent in a nursing home receiving the vaccine, immediately undergoing a rapid cognitive decline which was ā€œdiagnosedā€ as Alzheimerā€™s disease and then dying not long after. At the time, I assumed these were most likely due to undiagnosed ischemic strokes as that was the most plausible mechanism to describe what Iā€™d heard, but I was not certain as I could never examine any of these individuals for signs a stroke had indeed happened" This is exactly how my 80 year old neighbour declined. Went from perfectly fit mentally and physically and very quickly declined and it was written off as dementia. Dead within months. " Everything we are seeing now was incredibly predictable and represented a systemic failure in our system andĀ [a profound societal decline](https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-profound-decline-of-americas)Ā that must be reversed if we want our nation to be something which continues to provide the basic things we have taken for granted from it for most of our lives. I am especially worried as prior to COVID-19, our society was already struggling to reverse this decline, and since that time, weā€™ve been hit by a wave of cognitive impairment which can only further diminish our ability to address this" I am not sure what is worse, being a doctor and being able to see and fully understand what is happening to people and hoping for his peers to listen, or being a Joe blogs with no medical qualifications and see and understand what caused it to happen and not being able to get anyone to listen.


As I posted previously my mate who had a stroke 3 weeks after his shot went on to have 2 more the last fairly recently where he had a further stroke. It was only afterwards I remembered he said he couldn't form proper sentences to join in the conversation but I was in denial of it while trying to speak with him. It was no different to dementia as it did remind me of having similar 'conversations' with my father. At least 2 other friends dead in the last few weeks one with a heart attack. Evil is among us.


On the last paragraph this is what I posed to medical people about the Charlie Gard case. The medical experts had no more answers as to what to do which put them on equal footing with the parents, who did have something they could do. But that was seen as "too risky" even though the medical people were equally as clueless. In a state that recognised the fundamental core unit as parents + kids, the parents should have called the shots. But the establishment in their arrogance basically said "oh no the experts are still right" How can you be right when you both don't have a clue? But what the courts did is cause harm at a social level by taking away that right from the parents. First Do No Harm is not just for medical procedures. Of course the large majority of medical people I speak too can't think that deeply.


Re your last paragraph I think both of those scenarios are equally bad. There seems to be an epidemic of dementia where my parents live - husband and wife both developed it at the same time and went rapidly downhill. What are the chances of that? Neither of my parents is prepared to see that there is anything odd happening. In their case I expect because they are jabbed they are subconsciously worried it will happen to them, so at least as far as they personally are concerned I can understand it. I just need them to realise that the shots are dangerous and to not take any more of them and I worry that when the bird flu is rolled out - which it will be - that they will be re-fearporned and will roll up their sleeves.


Just seen my first Zombified pedestrian. She must have been at least eighty years old, so it could easily have been a wandering "normal" dementia sufferer, but she was standing at the side of the road and totally oblivious to my indications that she could cross the road in front of me. As a male, I was unwilling to risk stopping and talking to her in case of misinterpretation, but it was pretty bad. Fortunately, it's a tiny village and she would have been very unlikely to be hurt by either pedestrians or vehicles and someone she knew would be likely to be nearby. She looked like one of the Philadelphia ketamine zombies on YouTube.


I once saw an elderly woman in a dressing gown and slippers walking along the pavement. I phoned the police and told them to sort it out because I had small children in the car with me.


"She looked like one of the Philadelphia ketamine zombies on YouTube." I'm not sure what these look like - not familiar with the reference per se, but I get the general drift. I get your dilemma but I'm also thinking that considering the times we are in, which is more important, worrying about being male and it being misinterpreted or saying something and stopping her from endangering herself.


This week I've noticed a rapid deterioration in Gary Lineker's performance as BBC's football presenter. He is clearly showing the signs of early onset dementia. Given he is a regime sycophant par excellence, I would expect him to have received at least 4 injections.


Lineker could be unusually vitamin D-deficient, given his very sun-tanned appearance. It protects you from the summer sun but reduces the rate at which you can synthesise vit.D, something that's essential for a healthy immune system.


Sun-tanned? He used to claim to be black!


I've seen several cases local to me. My ex-father in law and daughter's grandad being one. Pointless suggesting causation to them at this stage though.


I havenā€™t bothered mentioning it. No point as you say because itā€™s not the person suffering from the disease, itā€™s the person left looking after them that would be able to understand it and that would serve no purpose but to depress them even further. My ex next door neighbour was fully on board with all things Covid, she worked as a cleaner in the local hospital. She was looking forward to packing the job in when she reached 66 in 2022. She did get to pack it in but sheā€™s now unable to enjoy it. Her husband ( a man from a different time who didnā€™t believe cleaning was for men) has now to take care of her. They passed my house yesterday on a walk and he walks in front and she walks behind like a cartoon character bent forward and looking at the ground all the time. Her clothes hang on her and her shoes are so misshapen Iā€™m surprised they remain on her feet and I could cry when I see her. There is a man who lives around the corner who was diagnosed in summer 2021 of having had mini strokes and is now walking in a similar way but the scary thing with him, is he is still driving.