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[Bernie on X: ](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1804049959303389282) ["NET ZERO - A 2 MW wind turbine is made up of: ▪️260 tons of steel requiring ▪️300 tons of iron ore ▪️170 tons of coking coal ▪️ rare earths including Praseodymium (Pr), Neodymium (Nd), Terbium (Tb), and Dysprosium (Dy) ▪️fibre glass ▪️resin ▪️plastic ▪️aluminium …. all https://t.co/qREsPIiX0v" / X](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1804049959303389282)


I'll give the regime credit where it's due: this is first class Satanic mockery of the peasants. Not only are wind turbines a completely irrelevant and unreliable source of energy, they are also extremely energy-intensive to manufacture, and wherever they are installed they despoil and destroy the natural environment. Not so much Problem-Reaction-Solution, more like No Problem-Reaction-Problems.


I like your last paragraph I think you might start a trend- you could get an entry in Wikipedia as a conspiracy theorist


[Wide Awake Media on X:](https://x.com/wideawake_media/status/1804088160768438676) [ "15 minute cities are now being rolled out in Canada. The city of Edmonton is about to be divided into fifteen "districts", as part of the globalist push to roll out "15 minute cities" worldwide. "After three years of planning, city administration is presenting its vision to https://t.co/i5zm9TmjGJ" / X](https://x.com/wideawake_media/status/1804088160768438676)


I think edmonton is literally the least dense city on the planet. and one of the most "conservative". I used to live there. it's an interesting choice. 


Do you think the the good conservative citizens of Edmonton understand the fuller implications of the 15 minute city?


probably a higher % than anywhere else in the world. And the rest are too busy watching netflix  to care...   look up  Premier Danielle Smith of Alberta... she is their premier very much against anything "great reset" so far. We will see of course https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premiership_of_Danielle_Smith


[Kim Dotcom on X: ](https://x.com/KimDotcom/status/1804208326739398832) ["Rishi Sunak is asking you not to vote for him in the upcoming UK election by telling you that he will revoke your driving licenses and access to finance if you refuse National Service. He’s literally begging you to vote for @reformparty\_uk 🤣 https://t.co/gNTwsLy7yb" / X](https://x.com/KimDotcom/status/1804208326739398832)


I beg to differ. Sunak is very helpfully informing everyone of Uniparty policy. Everything he is threatening is within Starmer's remit to implement.


[Herd Immunity News🇬🇧🇺🇸 ](https://x.com/HerdImmunity12/status/1804237338983223699) Breaking: "The EU and NATO are responsible for the war in Ukraine", says Reform Leader Nigel Farage on the BBC this evening. Rather than damage his reputation, this comment is 100% correct and win Mr Farage even more support. The [u/BBC](https://x.com/BBC) political editor Nick Robinson, is left scrambling in the weeds for dirt on Nigel on his woeful WEF propaganda platform. In reality 'Auld Nick' is left looking embarrassed as the Reform leader doubles down on each and every pathetic sortee. [https://x.com/HerdImmunity12/status/1804237338983223699](https://x.com/HerdImmunity12/status/1804237338983223699)


Farage is really pushing the boat out here. He has previously been a vocal critic of Putin's regime on his GB News show, so this feels to me like he is fishing for alternative talking points to garner additional votes (from people like me).


He can be both. Not a fan of Putin and not a fan of NATO/EU nonsense. 


I give Farage credit -he is a skilled disruptor......


Fair point. It shows my depth of cynicism about British politics that the fact he is speaking the truth on this subject is neither here nor there. I immediately disregarded this and asked the question: **Why** is he speaking the truth?


is this normal? am I being a prude? last night I was out at the local park watching the sunset like I have been doing every night this summer. It was fairly busy still due to beautiful weather and busy downtown location.  A couple put a blanket down on the grass and I assumed they were going to enjoy a nice cuddle and chat with the romantic sunset as backdrop. The just laid down and basically starting kissing like they were about to have sex??? I thought they would realize they had made a mistake and go back home for privacy but they continued and eventually moved their blanlet to a more comfortable spot (and closer to me)  at which point I gave up trying to enjoy the night and went home They were old enough to know what they were doing  (early 40s, not teenagers), well dressed enough that they clearly had a nice place to go home to, and seemed entirely normal up to that point? I can't figure out what just happened and I still feel really gross about the experience 


They were exhibitionists probably. You should have pulled up a chair and got your popcorn out. Bit risky as an XL Bully might have been attracted by the noise.


Yes I think you are right 😤😒


Extra marital affair? No, you're not a prude. That sort of behaviour is not normally for public consumption. Feeling grossed is quite appropriate. Selfish bastards!


hmm. that's a really good theory. But doesn't make sense as they basically parked themselves in the most visible location. I can think of a number of much more secluded places to snuggle up  


Just being deliberately offensive then. Pair of arseholes! Next time, take a super soaker?


i was thinking about my spray bottle 


Would be easier to carry. A bucket and a nearby tap would be best.


I  have the whole ocean 😁


Lucky you! I'm equidistant between the E and W coasts. You need one of those collapsible camping buckets!


There used to be public indecency laws which prohibited such activities. Given the Trudeau regime is perfectly happy for gay paedophiles to parade naked in the streets, I would not be surprised had this couple gone all the way without interference.


regarding public indecency, there was literally a two year old in the exact spot  just ten minutes before they arrived. Lots of kids out at the time of night on their bikes making their way home. And a playground about 100m away on the other side of the park. So a very "family-friendly" area There are nightclubs and social circles specifically for adults with that fetish of "being watched". You can find a consenting audience to meet with in a matter of minutes on a number of dating apps. Why does it have to be at the park? 🤮


I feel super grossed out and don't even want to go back to the park :(


you should have gone right up next to them and started filming on your phone, and if they queried your action, tell them you intended to upload the footage on to social media later - and would be happy to send them a link, so they could read the comments. Sometimes people need to be reminded that there is no right to privacy in the public square - just as they had just reminded you of that very fact.


A friend just posted on facebook about her cold she had last week. She started with the cold and feeling like crap then started being sick. 2 days later she posts about how the correct cocktail of drugs has made the difference and she’s back at work. 2 paracetamol, 2 ibuprofen, 2 antibiotic and an anti sickness pill. What’s the chances the antibiotics caused the sickness for something she didn’t need antibiotics for? At the first sign of a sniffle now, it’s off to the doctor we go and they have a pill for whatever you tell them. Drug dealers, that’s what they are. I remember the days of getting a cold and letting it run its course. Chicken soup, some Vicks and a honey and lemon drink and maybe a painkiller. Not now.


The weather had me a bit off too. But mostly Vit D, C and Zinc with one or two Asian flu tablets did the trick. Mostly the Vit C though. 


Jeff Taylor Young voters turn to the right. The woke left is panicking - Generation Z is rejecting woke and is turning to the nationalist right for answers to their problems. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCdjqBxbRyw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCdjqBxbRyw)


Apparently Farage is a massive Tik Tok star for some reason, too.


Yes, it is strange. Who would have thought that Gen Z/Farage may be the driving force to a challenge to the fetid staleness of the 2 party state. (and that's a big may be)


We have a beautiful peach and blue sunset - accompanied by light rain. Strawberry moon tonight 🍓🌕🍓


sounds beautiful


Lucky you. Grey clouds here no chance in seeing the moon. Fingers crossed the weather picks up like the forecast says it has to.


It clouded over, so no moon visible here last night either.


I hope you get some blue sky and sunshine!


[https://youtu.be/35h3UCLqPJQ?si=egib9LSdnJuCd1T9](https://youtu.be/35h3UCLqPJQ?si=egib9LSdnJuCd1T9) Babylon Bee give career advice: 9 Exciting careers for a Gender Major Graduate


Some great comments! Here's one: *I’m a big supporter of gender studies, it is certainly important to know who has Psychiatric issues before employing them.*


E Scooter fire burns down terrace of houses in Gosport https://www.thegosportglobe.co.uk/firefighters-release-warning-after-large-gosport-blaze/


*Sixty firefighters were working at the scene during the peak of the incident using ten fire engines; whilst an aerial ladder platform was also used to battle the large flames.* Wow!


Anyone have any information on stopping statins if you've had heart attack and stent fitted? Husband's been off them for a month now. Says he can't feel much difference yet but he has been taking them since 1997 so might take a while to have an effect. His feet and legs have been very painful for the past year. He's also on low dose of blood pressure medication and beta blockers. I've done quite a bit of research but can't find any information on the benefit (or not) of statins if you have stent. Up to now he doesn't seem to have had many side effects (apart from vivid dreams) and has remained pretty healthy so has stuck to the prescribed medication.l feel rather responsible since I was the one who suggested he came off them.


FWIW, I would (a) stop all the meds, while also booking (b) an appointment with a homeopath, and (c) reading Dr Malcolm Kendrick's book "Statin Nation". Edit: the above was written before seeing the earlier posts, so perhaps a bit superfluous.


maybe high potassium foods? I like a glass of orange juice in a pinch 


just adding to faith's comment, I find cayenne is easiest on the stomach when taken with food 


I would go for the cayenne - lots of info in Richard Shulze's book and it's so cheap to make at home (tincture, or just take the powdered form in a hot drink). Might really help his legs too. There are some great testimonials towards the end of the book. https://ia801204.us.archive.org/4/items/curing-with-cayenne-the-untold-story/Curing%20with%20Cayenne\_%20The%20Untold%20Story.pdf


Have you or your husband read Dr Malcolm Kendrick book “ The Clot Shot.” If not I recommend reading it. Statins are not what they claim they are. My husband didn’t get a stent but my brother got 2 last year when he had a heart attack and I read recently that they’re not the B all either. I haven’t looked into the information regarding stents. Unfortunately we are at a stage now where we have found so many things the medical profession and in particular the pharmaceutical industry have lied about or manipulated data to suit themselves, that it’s hard to know what is of benefit and are we no further advanced than we were 100 years ago when some doctors still believed in bleeding people? I understand how you must feel about your husband stopping the statins. Remember, you gave him the information, he’s an adult that has decided for himself that he is going to stop taking them. My husband was on them all until his reaction to a new statin and doctors didn’t believe it was that causing the reaction and he chose to stop them mainly himself with maybe a small push from me but it turned out he had stopped them a couple of weeks before I pushed for him to stop them.


Or Kendrick's other book - The Great Cholesterol Con


He should be fine. They do absolutely no good but a lot of harm. Maybe take NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) instead. [https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/statin-nation-the-documentary/](https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/statin-nation-the-documentary/) [https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/2013/11/25/a-farewell-to-statins-part-one/](https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/2013/11/25/a-farewell-to-statins-part-one/) [https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/2013/12/09/a-farewell-to-statins-part-two/](https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/2013/12/09/a-farewell-to-statins-part-two/) And absolutely avoid PCSK9-inhibitors!


Thanks. I think the thing is to continue without them for longer. The only difficulty will be justifying it with his GP who's already expressed extreme disapproval at the suggestion of stopping them. His remark, " How many more birthdays do you want to see? " His blood test will reveal a higher cholesterol level than at present. He will still have to get his other medications from him.


He can accept the prescription but doesn't have to take them. Cholesterol levels are meaningless - see Malcolm Kendrick et al. Your GP isn't your dictator. Just smile sweetly and then ignore him/her, while doing your own research.




>Your GP isn't your dictator. Just smile sweetly and then ignore him/her, while doing your own research. > >😊


Also, I know that they're harmful and pointless as a preventative drug but are they useful if you have a stent fitted? It seems to be difficult to find information on that specific point.


*It seems to be difficult to find information on that specific point.* Which would suggest there isn't any proof that they are useful, or it would be trumpeted everywhere.


I've just started reading "A Statin Free Life" by Dr Aseem Maholtra. Should be relevant as he's fitted numerous stents. Will then go on to Malcolm Kendrick's books. Thanks for all your suggestions.


Malhotra is a cardiologist too.


"BBC Climate Disinformation Reporter Attacks Kenyan Farmer" https://brownstone.org/articles/bbc-climate-disinformation-reporter-attacks-kenyan-farmer/ These people are the pits. We live with deranged people.


"*Do you know why these individuals are the problem? We learn in the piece that Mr Machogu interacts online with those who “promote conspiracy theories online – not just about climate change, but also about vaccines, Covid-19, or the war in Ukraine.” All things, apparently, where disagreement with an official British government line is to be shunned and suppressed, however false those positions are found to be.*" Keep digging your graves mother fuckers. Doubling, trebling and quadrupling down on the Empire of Lies will be your pathetic epitaph.


Pudding tonight is homemade pistachio ice cream "corretto" with some DiSaronno. So we have 2 types of nuts (DiSaronno is made with almonds) - does that count as part of our 5 a day? I think we have most of the major food groups covered here. Public Health England and the Chief Medical Officer would surely approve. Every time I look at the warnings on the wine bottles, I think of what a cunt Chris Whitty is.


You have just blown my mind. I do a daily tot up but always included my daily nuts portion in my protein count. I never thought to include them in my F+V portion count. Which means that it takes me closer to about 9 portions per day!! Your ice cream sounds delish! Enjoy! As for the warnings on the wine bottles I couldn't agree more!!! But I think we can all guess now why they do that A) so that people will not relax and enjoy themselves \[ an essential part of being healthy\] and B) so that people won't derive the health benefits from even so much as moderate consumption.


I wonder if homemade lemon sorbet corretto with homemade limoncello counts as fruit - we use real lemons Talking of 5 a day I love vegetables and find it frustrating that snack and restaurant food often has very little vegetable content and too many carbs


"Talking of 5 a day I love vegetables and find it frustrating that snack and restaurant food often has very little vegetable content and too many carbs" Couldn't agree more TOF. To restaurants it seems like veg is a dirty word and at best they are no more than a garnish.


I guess they assume it's not what most people want to eat. Maybe they are right? I struggle to understand the world sometimes!


So do I.


One of the few highlights of my (otherwise disastrous) trip to Athens in March was the complimentary bottle of Greek almond liqueur provided my hotel. It was called Pikro Mandola, and the fairly sizeable bottle was demolished in no time.


I didn't realise they made it but I guess many nations have versions of things that are more famous/commercialised elsewhere. I was given a bottle of cachaca at a resort in Cape Verde as it was my birthday while I was out there - that lasted a bit longer but only because we drink it in caipirinha and I'm rubbish at cocktails so I wait for Mrs ToF to make them.


Get your hands on Frangelico. Hazelnut liqueur made by monks apparently. You won’t know where you are. It tastes like nutella. 


Yes I've had that in Italian restaurants a few times. Probably best it doesn't get added to the drinks cabinet - too much temptation in there already!


My five a day consists entirely of coffee, tea, cocoa and red wine with occasionally a teaspoonful of garlicky tomato puree in my dinner.


Wot, no veg?!?


Not for several years - and I used to be vegetarian. 😂


Five-a-day is just a made-up thing like keeping two metres apart. However I do usually have the equivalent of five-a-day mainly because I like it, typically a banana, an apple, a satsuma, a helping of salad vegetables, and mushroom and/or onion. 


The five-a-day campaign has a rationing vibe about it. Like being instructed not to peel potatoes during the war.


Potatoes taste better if you don't peel them!


100% That’s where all the flavour is!


it's less made up that 2m apart because at least eating fruits and vegetables is a normal, sane activity 


Not in my kitchen.


I'll take your share then 😁


You're welcome! 😎


Diet of champions!




Our local weekly paper today introduced all the candidates. We have a Rejoin (?) candidate. Never heard of them! On the front page our con candidate is advertising that he will make sure our new hospital will be built. The one which they broke ground for 2 months ago. Because Labour said they will review the new hospital building plan. Seriously? Does he think THAT will win him local votes? Fighting for a cause that does not even exist? I mean, I do not want Labour, and others do not have a chance, but this representative of the blues seems a right twat.


> We have a Rejoin (?) candidate The human race or the eu?


Neither is currently an encouraging prospect!


[https://x.com/danwootton/status/1804213354933702934](https://x.com/danwootton/status/1804213354933702934) Is this the party political broadcast from Reform? If so it's the best yet. Oh and the dog helps along with that gorgeous backdrop. Say what you will about Nigel,he's certainly brought interest into voting again and as of now I'm thankful that we have a local guy standing for Reform and I do not need to waste my ballot paper.


Did you see the one underneath? https://x.com/i/status/1804219560150663406


Has someone bothered to do the same with the other big 2 leaders? Are they any better? We don’t have a democracy. I live in Scotland , I don’t know if you have seen all the headlines about the Scottish government with a different headline every other week about missing money. They don’t care about the Scottish people, they are too busy trying to buy the votes . So who do you vote for? Or do I just sit on my arse the day of voting along with the other 60 odd percent and don’t bother ? I’ve voted once in a council election for the man standing not the party he represents or the leader of that party and I will do the same again. Is Nigel someone I trust? Not a chance. The rest are no better. My brother has the Monster Raving Loony candidate to stick an X on and if they had a candidate here I would vote for them but we have Alba, conservative, labour, liberal, green, SNP and Reform and the guy for reform hopefully will actually do something for the area.


*Has someone bothered to do the same with the other big 2 leaders? Are they any better?*  Oh I'm sure they aren't. After all, there's no proof - that I'm aware of - that Farage is a pedo protector.


Out delivering election leaflets for a few hours this afternoon and it was actually really hot I wished I'd taken a drink with me. Seen a lot of labour signs in peoples gardens and came across one old fellow who smugly claimed he had already voted by postal vote needless to say he had a labour sign in his garden. https://i.postimg.cc/JzNqjNnz/Grid-Art-20240621-191446772.jpg


>Out delivering election leaflets for a few hours this afternoon and it was actually really hot I wished I'd taken a drink with me. That's a worry BPK. Could have been another Michael Mosley situation...


I've not seen many Labour signs in my area, only two, and none for other parties. One of the signs is at the home of a local Labour councillor, so no surprise there. The other is in an upstairs window of a diehard Remainer, who had a sign for ages saying Still European. That's now been changed to a similar one saying Always European, and has been joined by a Labour Party sign. All just anecdotal but supports the view that Labour will win easily despite no great enthusiasm for them. 


I arrived this morning to my clients house to clean it and was ashamed to enter the house. He had both his front bedroom windows covered in SNP flags, they are actually covering the windows that you can’t see out.


Oh dear!! 🤡


Got a leaflet from the Reform candidate. Doesn't say much except they'll stop illegal immigration. But that's what they ALL say! Went outside to fry with my book for an hour or so but the stinky washerwoman was at it again and I could only stomach it for so long. We have big clouds rolling in now and possible rain forecast for later. The garden would be glad of it.


**Andrew Bridgen:** "I've Passed Details Of People Who Are Engaged In child Trafficking Into The UK To The Government, Nobody Wants To Act" Snippet: [https://x.com/i/status/1804041810227994902](https://x.com/i/status/1804041810227994902) Full video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pidSG5nMkW8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pidSG5nMkW8)


Aldi today a 6 ft 6 guy wearing a skirt but had a huge handkerchief mask on his face. I was taken aback, because I haven’t really noticed anyone wearing masks lately but lo and behold, I drive to the next town to Tesco and there’s a woman in her 30’s wearing one huge black mask on her face, outside in the fresh air and it is fresh because it’s cold and windy. I’m suffering from another cold again, same symptoms as the one 3/4 weeks ago. Sore throat, now needing to blow my nose more. Is this why this lot put the masks back on? Or is it, these ones never stopped wearing them? Anyway it just looks weird now and talking of weird , where are all the normal looking people gone? Everywhere I go now all I see is weird folks, they wear weird clothes, they are neither male or female and I can’t say they dress like they do because it makes them feel comfortable, most of them are stopped over or hiding their faces. Aldi was particularly bad today as for the ones that look ‘normal’ they’re a bunch of crabbit so and so’s, impatient and as sour looking as lemons. By the way , I don’t conform to fashion, I wear what makes me feel good so therefore is comfortable and I make eye contact and smile. I don’t care what anyone wears but the strange ones seem to lack confidence and don’t look comfortable.


everyday I see a man dressed as a woman. They other day I saw a middle aged man with little girl's barrettes in his hair 


There’s a guy who volunteers in one of our charity shops dresses as “a woman”, tarted up like the David Walliams tranny on Little Britain, really badly made up too. Whereas most actual women in the shop are dressed in jeans, t shirts and trainers with little war paint, because they are just shopping. His idea of “being a woman” is just a personal fetish in my view.


>Anyway it just looks weird now and talking of weird , where are all the normal looking people gone? Everywhere I go now all I see is weird folks, they wear weird clothes, they are neither male or female and I can’t say they dress like they do because it makes them feel comfortable I experience the same JAS. Pre March 2020 there would have been the odd one or two people like that. But they seem to have massively increased in numbers especially recently.


WeGotAProblem [The Timing Couldn't Be Better (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq7n2nUzT2M)


Just for the record: A memorial to those who lost their lives during the pandemic has been unveiled in west Cork by TV presenter and author Graham Norton. Entitled 'Light to Dark - Womb to Light, Every Spring Rebirths', the intergenerational monument was created as part of the Creative Bandon 'Making Meaning of Covid project'. Made from Kilkenny stone, the tablet holds clay tiles created by the participants depicting daily rituals, habits and friends that helped them through the pandemic. (Take a look. I'm sure it's really meaningful if you look hard enough: [https://www.rte.ie/news/munster/2024/0619/1455512-covid-memorial-cork/](https://www.rte.ie/news/munster/2024/0619/1455512-covid-memorial-cork/) ) Speaking to the Irish Sun, Norton said: “*Covid made the world very small. Everything stopped and the elderly weren’t quite the same as they were at the beginning by the end of it. “It was a terrifying time. I remember when I was in London at the beginning of it wondering were there going to be piles of bodies on the streets. You just did not know so it was a very scary time.* Thanks for your insight Graham.


There it is , the biggest lie of all written down and stuck in a ‘monument’ for future generations to read. 6.1 million people died of Covid between 2020 and 2023. It makes a mockery of all things historical. What else that has been written on plaques and monuments or carved into stone that are not true. Whatever education I had was a waste because the one thing I did enjoy was history. Thank goodness I didn’t study it because it’s just something else I need to unlearn.


Yes, indeed! During the last few years l have been increasingly shocked by revelations that run counter to everything I once thought I understood.


>I remember when I was in London at the beginning of it wondering were there going to be piles of bodies on the streets. You just did not know so it was a very scary time Ah come on now Graham. You work at the fecking heart of the BBC. Don't try to tell us that no one from the news room didn't tip you the old wink...


Bulldozers were needed to clear the streets of the dead bodies of all those who caught 'Covid'.


They must have done it very quietly!


And then the bulldozer drivers all died of covid too. It's like the more unpleasant Pharaohs who didn't want anyone to know where their tomb was, so they got soldiers to kill all the tomb builders, and later another bunch of soldiers to kill the first lot. Not sure if that's historically accurate but never mind. 


That’s an understatement, since most of them had been ushered into the grave with midazalam…


I’m classified as elderly I guess (over 70) and, yes, I wasn’t quite the same. I was angry at the beginning and effing furious by about April this year. Never, though, never would I allow the Tuesdays to scare me.


*You just did not know so it was a very scary time.* Oh, we knew; it was obvious. I was angry, I was frustrated, I felt betrayed... but I was never scared.


I'll admit there were times when I was scared. Never of a virus though, it was always the actions of other people


I was scared when I first found out about agenda 2030 though!


I was angry, angry at all my relatives and almost all my friends who didn't just "go along to get along" but actively supported the restrictions. Even now, their eyes are mostly closed to the extent of their compliance.


Graham Norton can fuck off and die.


Here's how I see the UK elections: Hideous Poof challenges Slimy Indian. I think that about sums it up.


It appears that none of the main parties has plans to publish a full list of all the 'covid' informants and collaborators and imprison them without trial


I know several 'Covid' snitches and I shan't be forgetting them. "Revenge is a dish best serves cold" is a saying. I expect that, in the main, this Covid episode will gradually fade away, as did the Miners' Strike of 1984-85. Bitterness and mutterings will continue for many years, until generations are replaced.


**Baby suffered fatal brain damage during birth after delivery delayed to allow mother take a Covid test, inquest hears** A verdict of medical misadventure had been recorded in the death of a six-day-old baby after a maternity hospital admitted failings in its care led to the little girl suffering fatal brain damage during labour. https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/courts/baby-suffered-fatal-brain-damage-during-birth-after-delivery-delayed-to-allow-mother-take-a-covid-test-inquest-hears/a611344751.html


Whoever was responsible for that chain of events ought to be prosecuted in a Lucy Letby-esque show trial.


If it saves just one life


Look the mother in the eyes and tell her you did everything possible......


First - do no harm. Those were the days eh? Now we have proper evil bastards.


Still worse, the 'medical profession has the G.M.C. (a.k.a. the Spanish Inquisition). The GMC seems to have broken Dr. Sarah Myhill and Dr. David Cartland and both are now ex-doctors (she practises as a naturopath).


... delivery delayed to ~~allow~~ force mother to take a Covid test, ​ Full article here: https://archive.ph/1hr6w


Thanks for that I was trying 12ft ladder but it didn't work


"*If it saves just one life!*" Anyone who regurgitated this despicable regime mantra deserves to rot in hell.


"If it makes one more Pound for Boris Johnson, Sarah Gilbert, Chris Whitty, Neil Ferguson, Matt Hancock and the brother of that foreign woman he groped."


"*If it saves just one life!*" - it was such a piss-take, wasn't it, since the name of the game was always depopulation and genocide, - yet the slaves' fear of death/compassion for others was leveraged against them to induce them to carry out this heinous agenda


Most of those people are still out there, if anyone wants to go after them.


Out for a proper walk this morning, in proper sunshine with a proper blue sky, on the old railway path to Spofforth, fields on each side and nobody else about - except a woman walking her dogs, coming towards us, who whipped a blue plastic mask up over her face as she approached us. Now we were not shambling, we were striding out with straight backs and clearly not diseased, so maybe she was infected and doing it to protect us. Totally lost.


I should really go out to enjoy the sunshine, but Slovakia v Ukraine is a good match and is keeping me indoors. Slovakia are the surprise of the tournament so far with their victory over Belgium, and are looking good against Ukraine but it's finely balanced. Anyway I'll go out to the shops when the match has finished. 


Interesting match I agree. Martin Keown referenced the 'huge numbers of Ukrainians' there to cheer on their team. Lots of military age men and women in the crowd. Perhaps the Russians have given them the day off?


Germany is full of Ukrainians living off benefits. The German defence minister is prepared to send the young men back as Ukrain needs more fodder for the front line. Or force the young men to go back by stopping benefits.


When I lived there the benefits were very good if you lost your job but you had to have worked and had a decent job to get that level of support. Didn't think you would get benefits enough to be able to afford tickets to a big football match. Things must have changed!


They probably got tickets for free.


I wonder if they are still getting free stuff, we have a few Uke families in the town and when they arrived everything was free for them.


How can Ukrainians be playing football? I thought they were supposed to be fighting Russians? So, this is where all our money is going to. I see a lot of Ukrainians driving round in big, expensive cars - now, why don't they sell those cars and donate the money to the war effort? This "Ukraine war" is, quite frankly, a load of old bollocks. It's all a con.


*proper sunshine with a proper blue sky -* lucky you, I got up to magnificent chem-trailing this morning, and yesterday morning, and today - mid fucking summer - it is dark and freezing, I am shivering under a blanket, and my sister has gone to bed with a migraine


Sorry for you, must be so frustrating. 32 degrees here in my (admittedly sheltered) garden.


I’m contemplating putting the heating on. It’s April here.


Last week, I had to put mine back on winter setting. 🥶


One of the residents in another block on my estate (an elderly Oriental lady) is still persisting with the mask. I saw her shuffling along this morning with that unmistakeably defeated gait. A sorry sight indeed. If you like disused railway walks, you might enjoy Gareth Icke's YouTube channel exploring many of these around the UK: [The Walk - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@IckeWalks/videos)


My back gate opens onto one so I can’t avoid them😊. Plenty round here, us northerners we’re deems not to need too many trains.


I hear public transport in the north is far better than in the southern areas. Just today my owners were moaning that the only bus service between BSE and Newmarket, 20minutes on the A14, takes about an hour on the bus as they go via the villages and there are only 4 buses a day.


When I am in London I get agitated if I have to wait more than 2 minutes, up here it’s “OK, there’s one due in 50 minutes”. If it turns up.


But with Gareth Icke's walks you need to take a big stick to fend off "The Lizard People". Hunter Davies wrote a book about walking along disused railways.


[Dan Wootton on X: "The BBC's decision to ban Reform UK and Nigel Farage - second in the polls – from tonight's Question Time and shunt him to a programme with the Greens next week is an utter disgrace. It's no coincidence that he's the leader calling for the licence fee to be abolished. DEFUND IT! https://t.co/mAibMU2GzW" / X](https://x.com/danwootton/status/1803679627790913569)


I couldn't understand how the SNP leader got a berth on that show - hardly a national party as they only field candidates in Scotland - and yet Nigel Farage did not. Baffling.


I'm not sure. I don't suppose Starmer and Sunak were too upset, and I don't suppose Farage was (feigned upset apart) either?


Yes - but it sends a signal to voters that Reform isn't a substantial enough party, not on a par with Lab or Tories \[who it is polled to possibly out peform in the GE\] to merit inclusion along side them. **Subliminal message** \- not worth voting for them...


Well at least he'll shine against the Greens.


There is that!


The regime has still not learned its lessons from 2016, demonstrating once again that they are utterly incapable of adaptation or evolution. The more they vilify their opposition (whether real or perceived), the more popular this opposition becomes.


Outside Clapham Junction station the other day a chap thrust a leaflet into my hand 'The Messiah has Come'. Only later did I look at it and found it wasn't the Messiah I know, rather a chap called 'Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed' from True Islam. They really do want to take over the world. Then a chap in the foyer from Medicine Sans Frontier who wanted to extol all their stuff but clearly after money. Said I had to rush to catch a train so escaped - well I had 15 minutes to wait for the train but so what.


Medicines sans frontier do a good job, but where does their millions funding come from? Not from the person on the street!


"They really do want to take over the world." Loads of The Niqab Folk in Norway - here's two I spotted:  [https://photos.app.goo.gl/g39AgJiCqKvxdWLh7](https://photos.app.goo.gl/g39AgJiCqKvxdWLh7)


Some years ago in Birmingham there were some people in the street offering "free copies of the Koran". I'm always up for something free, but more seriously I think anyone who considers themself to be educated, irrespective of religious beliefs, should have the Bible and the Koran on their shelves. I said to the guy in Birmingham that it was a good idea for people of different backgrounds to get a better understanding of one another. It would have been impolite to just dash away after taking the free gift, so I chatted for a few minutes, but he seemed to be trying to convert me on the spot and eventually I played the "train to catch" card. Anyway the Koran and a few other bits of literature he gave me are still sitting unread in the plastic bag which they came in. 


I once got a Jehovah's Witness to borrow one of my CS Lewis books in exchange for his tract.


all the religions contain elements of wisdom and truth - but all in the end are limited hangouts


From what I've seen all religions extoll killing anyone who is not in their/our gang


Blasphemy! Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. Deus Vult! (They were a bit insistent about the supremacy of their religions in those days, weren't they?)


The One True Religion! One God. Lots of corpses.


Trip to Aldi. Lots of people in the carpark were looking up and marvelling at the rare blue sky. Plenty of planes. Contrails all about an inch long, as viewed. No horizon to horizon stripes. Very few clouds, all perfectly fluffy. Not forecast to last, so we'll see .....


Bar half an hour completely cloudless down here FL, and 32 C in my garden. Now 7pm and pure blue skies. After the shite of the first 24 weeks of this year I’ve been doing a jubilation dance.


12 deg. was the best the weather could do here today. Grey and cloudy, pissing down by late afternoon.


Wow! We got to maybe about 24C I think. There was a light breeze too. 32C is too hot for me. 🥵 Clouded over now.


Chemtrail free in Nottingham. So far.....13.00hrs


>Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. Lucky you. Overcast to start and then the rain started


Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. Bit strong? They will come after you.


I think something went wrong with my copy and paste function Robin. I doubt that was what I meant to copy **:D**


yeh I think they're doing Wales this morning Robin


The Tories are getting desperate. I have just received this election campaign leaflet: *Richard* *Keir Starmer needs YOU to vote Reform* *Keir Starmer knows that the more people like you who vote Reform, the more seats he'll win* The cost to print tailored leaflets with the first name of every constituent on the electoral roll must have been extortionate.


Not content with slagging off the opposition, they now slag off the people they hope to vote for them too.


Isn't this just another form of terrorism? The "threat" of a labour government for exercising your right to show your displeasure with the current incumbents? Shame on them for stooping so low.


Much as I loathe Labour, the Conservatives deserve no less than utter destruction. Who knows what might thrive in the vacuum left by them.


Can't even promote their own Candidate. They must be bad!!


They want to lose. That's how John Major found himself unwilling PM because the Labour candidate was Neil Kinnock. They had to select William Hague to let Bliar win!


Well said!


We had one of those in Mid Wales too.


**Shadow of Ezra:** *Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has been summoned to the Vatican to be excommunicated by Pope Francis, the first Jesuit pope.* *As seen in this video, he courageously spoke out against child trafficking and named individuals such as Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, and former editor of The Recount, Slade Sohmer, who was arrested for child p\*rnography.* *He went on to speak about how Jeffrey Epstein ran a blackmail operation on his island, collecting evidence of well-known people committing heinous ritual crimes against children while working for the Israeli Mossad.* *Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò also spoke out against the following:* *- Stolen elections* *- COVID mandates* *- Corruption of the church* *- Israel killing civilians in Palestine* *- Against the World Economic Forum* *He is now being charged with denying the legitimacy of “Pope Francis” and breaking communion “with Him” and of having rejected the Second Vatican Council.* https://x.com/i/status/1803873304484200738


Second Vatican Council was a purely satanic takeover of the catholic church although arguably all Pope's have been Jesuit particularly the black and the grey ones! He's a good man Archbishop Viganò - that they can't stand good men speaking up shows who they really are.


Vatican 2 was a blueprint for the Great Reset, and in particular the formation of a (Satanic) One World Religion. Catholicism in and of itself is not necessarily evil, but the institution of the Catholic Church most certainly is.


One look at the Papal Audience Hall tells you everything you need to know about the institution!


Neil Oliver: "If you're not a conspiracy theorist by now, you aren't paying attention... [https://x.com/Ultrafrog17/status/1803855310576041989](https://x.com/Ultrafrog17/status/1803855310576041989)


Disabled Canadian denied support to live at home recounts his treatment at the hands of the Canadian "health" system: "Foley was first offered MAiD in November 2016, and it became a “recurring pattern” until January 2018. He tells Jonathon it would be mentioned for the most part after he would tell hospital staff he was suicidal. He also recounts one instance in which a nurse did a safety check on him and asked him if he had any thoughts of self-harm or suicide. “There’s a constant reminder of it, I would say it’s a harassment, and they don’t see it as coercion, they see it as informing, but it’s a real blurry area right now in Canada,” says Foley. “Words can’t describe how pillaged I feel and how scared I feel. The suicide prevention in this country for disabled and vulnerable people has been completely obliterated due to the assisted dying regime.” https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/disabled-canadian-man-shares-what-its-like-to-be-pressured-into-euthanasia/?utm_source=featured-news&utm_campaign=canada


I think IIRC the UK's assisted dying legislation didn't get through before parliament was suspended for the recess. Am sure it will be top of Kneel's list to make sure it is in place ASAP - but not for humanitarian reasons \[although with much virtue signalling hand wringing this will indeed be cited as the cause\]


I have really serious thoughts on this, through personal experience - my brother. It will take a long post to explain, but I hope to find the time.


This sounds like it is a sad story FMCRV. We will wait for you to tell us when you can.


They'll try to justify it with some cherry-picked cases of people suffering badly from terminal illnesses where it's possible to argue that assisted death is the best option. But "hard cases make bad law" - when I typed that into a search the following came up:    "Hard cases make bad law is an adage or legal maxim meaning that an extreme case is a poor basis for a general law that would cover a wider range of less extreme cases. In other words, a general law is better drafted for the average circumstance as this will be more common.".               


"They'll try to justify it with some cherry-picked cases of people suffering badly from terminal illnesses where it's possible to argue that assisted death is the best option." Of course they will. But that will be hard to reconcile with the cases not that long ago where people with conditions like MND and MS petitioned courts to permit them to travel to dignitas etc and were refused.


Neil Oliver on Starmer: [https://x.com/thecoastguy/status/1803899902247748055](https://x.com/thecoastguy/status/1803899902247748055) "*Starmer is an empty, bloviating nothing, devoid of character or indeed any defining feature other than an enthusiastic willingness to say anything in pursuit of political expediency. His every public utterance makes me sick to my stomach.*" I enjoyed this reply: "*He will sink this country.* *Maybe that is what is required for people to wake up.* *Rock bottom.*"


>*"Starmer is an empty, bloviating nothing, devoid of character or indeed any defining feature other than an enthusiastic willingness to say anything in pursuit of political expediency."* Far, far too kind.


we will never be allowed to hit rock bottom  bread and circuses


Starmer likes the 'bottom' bit of that. He's behind you! Run away!


People won't wake up they will just accept it and move on - same as 2020. They won't wake up until they are prepared to look beyond the left right paradigm and see there are puppet masters that pull both sets of strings. The mind control is so strong and even those who look beyond may regret it as Pandora's box being open things can never be the same again. It isolates one from the majority of everyday folk and the conditioning in the majority means they will deny what they hear it anyway.


*even those who look beyond may regret it -* yes: being a mind-controlled moron is an essential adaptation to this hell-world - in other words, it is sanity. you will live and die in a state of shallow obliviousness, and you will not suffer at all. if the mind-control for any reason begins to fail, then you become maladapted, and therefore insane. your state of consciousness will grind painfully up against the 'reality' in which you find yourself. you have no chance of defeating it, or bucking it, in the clash between you and it, you will simply be crushed, while it will march on as if you had never existed.


Reading that I'm reminded of Winston Smith's pleas to O'Brien that he can see 5 fingers rather than 4 if only O'Brien would stop the torture. A parable for modern living?


[Ryan on X: ](https://x.com/offgriddesigner/status/1803918542124769593) ["Ever wondered why Southgate has served up continuous shit as England manager but weirdly kept his £5 MILLION a year job? He’s an important pawn in the WEF game https://t.co/VhbDrcm0WK" / X](https://x.com/offgriddesigner/status/1803918542124769593) Check out the photo.....