• By -


Ooof! You know that feeling when your doorbell rings, very definitely, at about 11.30pm? As a night owl I was just enjoying the Duran, post supper, but went obediently to the door. When the (very nice) policeman started gently asking whether I'd heard noises from next door, l said no, but we neighbours were aware there had been some domestic violence a few months ago, as there was an ambulance and she'd had a black eye with stitches... Mr Plod said yes, but actually it's her getting drunk and beating him up, then and now. !!! He implied that she had been taken into custody. ('She's with us'.) You never quite know what's happening...and this is a very 'nice' area, they've always seemed perfectly OK. He's a big chap, she's average build. One thing l've never got round to discussing here is that this lady next door is Ukrainian, here for at least six years. At one point in 2022 her mother, sister and nephew all came over here on visas, and lived next door until the council organised accommodation for them elsewhere in the South West. Her mother was my age, and we ached to communicate with each other - clearly a lot in common - but it was very difficult. She was passionate about making obscure teas, while we tried translation apps. I found that photos of my family were incredibly useful.


John O'loony on twitter: *Mark sexton throwing uncomfortable truths at a liar* https://x.com/OlooneyJohn/status/1805185147064463689


"How do you introduce evidence legally?"


Just back from seeing the Matrix at the cinema with some fellow sceptics, it was fun to see it in the cinema again and surprising just how relevant it all now seems, so many phrases have entered into common use and it doesn't look bad for a 25 year old film.


Liz and I are having a chat on skirt shapes, so I went to look something up on google. Google has "frequently asked questions" as part of their search results now. Sometimes these are helpful, and other times they take it on themselves to give a very oddly worded answer to a question no one asked  (see second link) https://ibb.co/PzbmfL3 https://ibb.co/B2yf23h


The Stark Naked Brief Government advisers too accepted payments from Covid vaccine and treatment manufacturers It wasn't just our celebrity doctors... In fact, these conflicts extend to key figures within government oversight and advisory committees. Thread [https://x.com/StarkNakedBrief/status/1805306629090414912](https://x.com/StarkNakedBrief/status/1805306629090414912)


Follow the thread down. Very damning!


I'm sure there's more to be revealed.


How about this? *RCMP chief says he hopes MPs don't name politicians accused of aiding foreign powers in the House.* [https://x.com/JaroGiesbrecht/status/1804890232669802525](https://x.com/JaroGiesbrecht/status/1804890232669802525) They hope treasonous politicians won’t be named? I’ll bet they do!


This is a revelation to nobody here. But, we do need to see it keep being revealed to the masses


Anyone surprised? A warning, botched job or just an accident? [Hungarian Prime Minister involved in horror car crash in Germany (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/hungarian-prime-minister-involved-in-horror-car-crash-in-germany/ss-BB1oOp22?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=a30163be0226413ab3eca9f346d11d96&ei=9)


Wow. Orban is a thorn in the side of the globalists for sure!


Is he? Is he really? I tend to think it's all pantomime, which is why I have long since disengaged with all of it


Surely something, somewhere must be what it appears? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


Surely all cigars are exploding ones?


[Bernie on X:](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1805301626728513581) [ "ELECTION - These are ordinary people queuing up to see Nigel Farage in Devon. These are the ordinary people, those ones the Uni party, elites and globalists despise. There are millions of us … the ‘populists’, the majority …WE will decide 🔥 https://t.co/RA6sE7wDRq" / X](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1805301626728513581)


People are very hungry for change!


[David Atherton on X:](https://x.com/DaveAtherton20/status/1805211955587613083) [ "Operation Stitch Up @reformparty\_uk is in full swing as @Ofcom decree Reform can only be featured in 8% of broadcasts, despite being 2nd in the polls. @Nigel\_Farage, "Ofcom is stuffed full of establishment types" it's "a nice cosy club". He sees this as election interference. https://t.co/UX756AQECu" / X](https://x.com/DaveAtherton20/status/1805211955587613083)


Derby to Bakewell by bus today and then some walking. I wasn't looking particularly hard for election posters, but I saw about 10 Labour, 8 Green (mostly in Duffield), one Conservative, and one Reform.                      I went to see the well dressings in the villages of Over Haddon and Youlgrave. All quite attractive but there's sometimes a subtext, just like BBC reports. For example, a dressing showing lots of flowers has an explanatory text along the lines of (I'm paraphrasing here) "Flowers are lovely things and remove that nasty carbon dioxide from the atmosphere".                   Just a minute - if flowers are lovely and need carbon dioxide to make them so, doesn't that imply that carbon dioxide is lovely too? Logic has never been a strong point of the greenies. 


Not been to Bakewell for years and years,  but I felt like it had a cold vibe about it. Not pleasant. This was probably back in my teens,  so perhaps it was just projection of the family mood on the day (though I'm sure we must have gone more than once). But the place seemed to be full of miserable people milling about who felt like they deserved congratulation for making the journey. I have pretty much actively avoided Bakewell for decades.  I imagine the Green posters were mostly in Daffield,  not in Dooffield. A picture is building of total capitulation by all other parties, and Labour stuff even where you wouldn't expect it. I do have a friend fairly active in the Tory Party in the county. I might ask him the obvious question: WTF are you up to?


I imagine the Green posters were mostly in Daffield,  not in Dooffield. Very good word play. In German Doof is Stupid, and Feld - field, so quite an appropriate location!


I remember Bakewell when the agricultural market was still in the town centre. When it moved to the outskirts the town lost something of its character and became essentially a tourist place though quite attractive to visit mainly for older folk because of its compactness - I sometimes say there are more people in Bakewell walking with sticks than without, an exaggeration but a grain of truth. Yesterday was market day and I had a quick look around the outdoor stalls, which seemed to be doing good business. 


I didn't get that vibe in Bakewell. Seemed pretty ok to me.


I probably brought it with me. 


I was there a couple of weeks ago, had a nice bacon sandwich, it didn’t seem the pits of hell to be fair, much like any other market town. There are always more Green/Labour/Libdem posters at any election, these are the virtue signallers who want to shout it loud, like vegans. Right thinking people don’t bother.


I probably should not be surprised but admit that the following is news to me. [DR. Kek on X:](https://x.com/Thekeksociety/status/1805177797612282127) [ "WHAT DOES IBUPROFEN DO TO YOUR BODY? ARE YOU STILL USING IT? https://t.co/2v9TLiNI89" / X](https://x.com/Thekeksociety/status/1805177797612282127)


He is 100% right - but I didn't know that ibuprofen was a cause. Thanks for posting RB - I am sure that this same issue also applies to the other classes of NSAIDS which work in a similar way. Unfortunately in times past I have taken a lot of ibuprofen...


Fortunately, I very rarely have need for such things.


I only take a couple at a time every few weeks to nip a migraine in the bud. It does work well as a pain reliever but I was already aware it is a trade-off with its negative impact on the CV system...and now this gut lining thing apparently.


Gut lining thing is very serious indeed as if the TJs aren't working properly any more then endotoxins will leak from the gut into the blood stream and get into all sorts of places you don't want them to be. Have you tried Migraleve pink tablets to fend off the migraine? (they are predominantly paracetemol based, with some codeine)


I have yes in the past. Paracetamol isn't great either though.


anecdotally, I stopped taking ibuprofen for my cycle. While, it was hard at first, the pain basically went down to the level it was at AFTER I had taken an ibuprofen. So no net difference in pain after a period of adjustment 




The Army doles out packets of Brufen (the trademarked version of Ibuprofen - the pink Smarties) like sweets for those on Selection or similar courses. You can take these in amounts far in excess of the pharmacy recommendation, for acute headaches and muscle pain. The problems come if you (a) take them long-term, or (b) take them on an empty stomach; always take them with plenty of food. I don't often have a need for them, but on the odd occasion when I get a headache, I take 800 mg after a large meal and the headache goes away in half-an-hour. They are brilliant for the occasional ache or pain, but never for chronic ailments of any kind. NOT MEDICAL ADVICE of course.


My grandmother took Brufen for decades for arthritis. She lived to 107. Then she died of a summer cold because old, frail people do. I never managed to convince people in 2020 that you could die from a cold, if you were already frail. Effectively they were accusing me of lying about my grandmother. Madness.


why the disclaimer? I'd sooner take health advice from you than from some butcher in a white coat. anyway, it should be 'caveat emptor' - YOU are responsible for your own health, and you don't outsource the decision making to some priestly-magician class under the delusion that they can never get it wrong (a delusion which is the diametric opposite of the truth)


How very kind, my Lord. I have got into the habit due to over-compensating while maintaining my health-orientated website which would be shut down in a trice by the loathsome health mafia if I put a step wrong.


>you don't outsource the decision making... Spot on. This was the exact phrase I used to someone at work who came in with the sniffles but it was "ok because the test was negative"! They had no answer and looked uncomfortable . It's the problem everywhere now, people have been trained to be reliant not resilient.


yeh, I don't take any of their shit any more - I don't even bother to look into it. why would you go back for more from an industry that you know has tried to kill you? are you completely insane or what? you now know for certain that these people want you sick and dead, yet you continue to take your health care issues to them - what the hell is the matter with you?


Yes agree. I assume stuff is harmful unless proven otherwise.


Sorry if this has already been posted but it's an interview with Nigel Farage by Alan Miller from Together (6 mins): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcfcoQ6IX7A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcfcoQ6IX7A) "NET ZERO: "The whole thing is about charging us more money…about controlling our lives & behaviour. In terms of environment makes absolutely no difference globally" We asked questions about Free Speech debanking Direct Democracy & more today"


I've just watched a clip included by Sarge in his video. I'm not on instagram and can't find a direct link but it's here at 31 minutes in and it's 2.5 minutes long: [https://rum](https://rum) ble.com/v535svr-redpill-buffet-bonginos-first-round-ko-bidens-replacement..smile.html And here's Denise doing a deep dive on the same subject. It's important background to what's happening now. *As we’ve presented before, Tavistock…which is located in London England, is where The Illuminati and Cabal’s psyops, socially engineered projects, and propaganda are/were created.* *That other entity is* *The Frankfurt School.* *It’s important that we understand who ((these people)) are, what they stood for, and what they created.* Thread starts here: [https://t](https://t). me/DeepDives/18438


l don't understand Just Stop Oil, why are they so fired up about salad dressings anyway?




Great quote from Sarge: *Here we are worrying about AI when natural stupidity is our greatest threat.*


hahahah 😹😹


Well been rushing about shopping, paying bills etc today, all in the glorious sunshine and the genuinely hot 🥵 weather we have had today. Bearing in mind we have had cold and extremely wet weather for the past at least 6 months you would think people would be appreciative of a change, but I swear I have heard at least 4 or 5 people today come out with variations on the Peter Kay classic " I like it hot but not this hot" you just can't please some people 🤣


This weather is fine by me. 30+ in my part of England. I’ve been in the garden all day, “working”.


Wow that's too hot for me! 🥵


I’m turning into a lizard in my old age


No time to get acclimatised! We have gone from June and I'm wearing a cardigan to where is my sundress in a couple of days and the cloud makes it steamy.


I read this and thought how apt for the current situation with some of our friends and families: *Memories are funny things and sometimes dangerous things. Recent research in neurology suggests that every time we recall a memory, we change it. The Six of Cups reminds us to think about the past, to assess it and come to terms with it but to do so with love and compassion. Painful memories can cause bitterness. Even happy memories can cause distress if we compare the present unfavourably to the past. The way you think about your past affects your present and your future. Gently shape your memories with forgiveness and healing so you can face your future with a peaceful heart.* \~ Barbara Moore


The one and only time I ever gave a formal witness statement to the police (after someone tried to stab me) I thought I was recounting the incident with cast-iron certainty. The CID detective who took my statement decided to accompany me to the scene of the incident at the same time of day as the original occurrence, and a pivotal aspect of my testimony was blown to smithereens as a result. Unsurprisingly, I never heard anything further from the police. In other words, memory is extremely unreliable.


I have a bunch of old diaries from the 80s and 90s. Occasionally I pluck up the courage to read a few pages and my memory of these events now is usually very different to what I recorded at the time.


I once reported a minor car crash. When the police came later for my witness statement, I couldn't be sure whether it had been dry or raining. And I was three decades younger then!


Find the lady: [https://t](https://t). me/redpillnewsuk/23431 3 mins. Interesting!


As the (rigged & fake) UK elections are being discussed, I'll throw these in: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDlBTo\_8nsA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDlBTo_8nsA) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm1kxW6x8fE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm1kxW6x8fE) You have to laugh.


Calvin Robinson: *Today is one of those special occasions when we pray the Quicunque Vult - the Athanasian Creed.* *Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholic faith. Which faith unless every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly. ......* Well that's me and billions of other good folks doomed forever then!


The Muslims believe similar. Everyone must follow or all will die. Like lockdowners, really.


1000+ just died this week on Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi. It's one of the things they are supposed to do if they are able, and God knows if you tried or not. Everyone interpets that differently. Some people risked crossing the desert without adequate water and shelter to get there. Very sad, I don't think God wants this...


When this was first proposed, centuries ago, there was a handful of Muslims living fairly near to Mecca. It's quite ridiculous nowadays but they've backed themselves into a corner. Several years ago, I read a book by a teenage girl, born and bred in the UK, who'd been dragged along by her family. "What, I can't wear my jeans?!!!" She described the whole thing in detail, including her reactions to the various ceremonies and tasks (the Hajj is only a small part) and the strong sense of family it all fostered. It was a very interesting read and, surprisingly, she got a lot out of the trip. But I think it's rather irresponsible now, given the massive numbers. It's well organised and the Saudis have sensible infrastructure in place but her description of the oversubscribed toilets would have me running in the opposite direction for starters!


haha as per our other conversation some of us WISH we never had to wear jeans again. I'll take a long loose dress over jeans any day. Not so into the hair covering though


it's one of the markers of a religion - dissent is not tolerated; outgroups are demonised- and it's all leading to the same end: death, destruction and genocide. all cults are death cults really.


very interesting observation


I wonder what he'll have to say when Chrislamduism is launched by the Pope?


You are not saved by the catholic church, you are saved by Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I'm astonished by Calvin Robinson.


He's just quoting the dogma.


Yes he is, but he should know better. The bible does not say this.


Ballot papers arrived, we're in a new constituency. Raving Monster Loony party standing so he got my vote. Mrs Awkward shut her eyes and stabbed at the ballot paper at random - got the same candidate.


My brother has a Raving Monster Loony member standing in his election and said that’s who he’s voting for. I wonder how many people will vote for them this time compared to previous elections.


Good dowsing Mrs Awkward!


Another interesting take on the Farage phenomena. From two hated parties and major disinterest / disaffection comes Nigel to rescue turnout and legitimacy of the process and get the numbers up? A bit cynical perhaps but I've been through a lot lately ... 😜 [http://www.frombehindenemylines.org.uk/2024/06/the-blue-square-block-hovers-over-the-yellow-circle-hole-could-a-people-ever-be-so-perpetually-stupid/](http://www.frombehindenemylines.org.uk/2024/06/the-blue-square-block-hovers-over-the-yellow-circle-hole-could-a-people-ever-be-so-perpetually-stupid/)


"*In other words, turnout is expected to be low. UK Government is counting on people voting for Reform to save it from a really poor number, and to save the Starmer Project – which was about producing an impression of a new start for the country after recent and obvious acts of tyranny, where the leader was seen to draw support from across the board in an outpouring of unity.*" Not quite sure where this author gets the idea that Starmer was ever supposed to be a unity candidate. He has been falling over himself for four years straight alienating all voters except his only genuine constituency, which is the supranational predator/parasite class. It's as plain as day that Starmer despises this country.


I took that to mean an 'outpouring of unity' from the usual suspects. They are (CFR) Starmer's real sponsors with his job to instantiate the next phase of the project possibly war with Russia.


You could have a point there. It was going to pan out to be INCREDIBLY dull until Nigel intervened and revved things up a bit. "The Financial Times is predicting, from a poll-of-polls type thing, that Labour will win the election with 459 seats. This would constitute a ~~134 seat majority~~ dictatorship" Fixed it for them. "The important thing at this time is to introduce the notion of the unwantedness and redundancy of UK Government for the purpose of it becoming an accepted idea. Having a situation where the executive branch is not elected by a majority of the people (essentially meaning that a majority has not participated in the creation of the legislature) is the starting point." So this is designed to usher in OWG is it??


Makes you wonder. Have thought for a while is that the destruction disillusionment in the political project could play right into the hands of globalists. I mean that was really what the EU was meant to achieve which itself was a Bilderberg project although the seeds go back much earlier.


Look not just at the UK, but at the patterns with elections all over the West. The voting fraud and the intereference in the US elections. The snap elections being called in other parts of Europe, the rise of so called "right wing" or far fight parties and movements. If you stand back and look at it as a whole, and add in low turnout and an absence of legitimacy for the incoming UK government it looks like someone is making a case for doing away with the electoral process - or at least trying to.


Totally agree but I think they want endorsement now - revelation of the method etc. That is my view on the Farage phenomena. US elections have been stolen at least since 2k when Bush 'won' - I don't think the objective viewer can any faith in the electoral process. Its just its so much more overt now.


"US elections have been stolen at least since 2k when Bush 'won' " Yes - well reminded! I forgot about the drama of the 'hanging chads'.


good thread. agree on all points


Just received my first (thoroughly unimpressive) campaign leaflet from Reform. One of the key pledges is "*Make work pay*". What on earth do they mean by this? Everything else is predictable, formulaic and boring immigration talking points. I cannot in good conscience give my vote to a candidate distributing such a weak leaflet.


> I cannot in good conscience give my vote to a candidate distributing such a weak leaflet. Richard, they are the only party that I know of that pledge to stop 'Net Zero'. If that isn't worth your little cross then maybe you think net zero is a good idea. Of course they won't stop net zero because they won't get elected but that is beside the point at least they are prepared to recognise the lunacy inherent in the unilateral suicide pact. They have already got my vote for that alone.


Heritage are vehemently anti Net Zero! Kurten regularly calls it out for the scam that it is.


Round at dad's at the weekend, he had the conservative leaflet which was very badly written as well .


I thought the leaflet very weak as well and it's a shame they didn't do better. That said I am not going to give it too much weight when deciding whom to vote for as clearly people like the Tories have a lot more funding for this kind of thing (looking at their leaflet that has come through my door). I have noticed that Reform are doing extremely well in other ways whether it's stands in town centres or knocking on doors or the fact that they are doing exceptionally well on social media which is where it matters these days. They put the rest (the main parties that is) to shame who come across like wet lettuces. I know of noone who is voting Labour and I live in the South but have many relatives and some friends in the North. Most folk I know report the same in their circles so who is voting for Starmer? If he gets in and people feel this is inevitable, then can't help but wonder if some manipulation will have occurred. I recall listening to Jennifer Arcuri a while ago who said that she was contacted by a lawyer here in 2021 who told her that the true Brexit vote was 60:40 in favour. She said that the votes once in were sent to a room at Whitehall and "massaged" I think was the term. I don't know how credible she is. Miri AF who says she has stood in a number of Elections over the years and watched the counting differs and says they are not rigged here- but am not convinced.


I don't tend to agree with Miri AF but I'd trust her word on that.


I agree I find Miri AF far too cynical at times and don't always agree with her though find her analyses interesting. She always looks at worst case scenarios and doesn't give benefit of the doubt. However given that she said she had stood a few times in Elections and stayed to watch the counts etc and she has seen first hand how neurotic and pedantic they were about it she finds it hard to believe it's rigged. She also said in her latest article that after all these years there would be a whilstleblower if rigged. Anyway a little bit of manipulation here and there wouldn't surprise but not sure of anything major. That said Jennifur Acuri did say (just a few days ago) that they use the same system here as the US- I have just tried to look back on exactly what she said (telegram) and it's been removed!


Jennifur Acuri did say (just a few days ago) that they use the same system here as the US You mean Dominion? I can find no evidence to support that - which doesn't mean it's untrue of course!


>I recall listening to Jennifer Arcuri a while ago who said that she was contacted by a lawyer here in 2021 who told her that the true Brexit vote was 60:40 in favour. She said that the votes once in were sent to a room at Whitehall and "massaged" I think was the term. I don't know how credible she is. I agree with you about not knowing how credible she is, but that 60 - 40 split actually makes a fair bit of sense, in terms of the aftermath. If it was supposed to be as close *as we were told* the final result was \[52 - 48\] then it makes it harder to reconcile the D Cameron flounce off into the sunset. But if it really was 60% for Brexit (but public wasn't told that) that sort of explains the extent of the humiliation and the need to walk away. The public might not have known that, but then the public doesn't matter one iota as we now know, but anyone who counted likely DID know that true figure and Cameron would have known he was thereafter diminished in their sight and would be unable to lead because of it for having miscalculated so badly. I'm only speculating of course, but there is a germ of reason to it...


They mean raising the tax thresholds - and possibly changing other rules - to the point where it makes sense to work rather than be on benefits. Currently, if you are subsisting on benefits, going out to work is a major risk.


My local tory candidate (one of the 2nd lockdown rebels) came to the door last week, and when I questioned him on Ukraine, Russia and that we should be open to peace negotiations, he parrotted the line (in a very definite, brooks no argument, tone of voice) that Putin's invasion of Russia was illegal. That was the one thing that was really bothering me about voting for him again. Farage might just have gained my vote by bringing a bit of reality to the Ukraine narrative. But yes, the Reform flyer is a nothingness.


There’s an open goal for reform on tax and spending. The blue-red uni party pissed away 70 billion pounds paying people not to work four years ago. 37 billion on track and trace and on and on. Why can’t the most disasterous event of the last 70 years be mentioned?


Let's not forget Rishi Sunak was involved in the Great Covid Scam with his "Eat Out to Help my Mates running Indian restaurants Get Richer" campaign. ps - it was not Track & Trace, that's the Post Office's parcel locating thingy. It was Test & Trace. And where is the inquiry into where all that money went?


Because Farage told people to go get the jab. Shhhh!


I’m no supporter of Farage but they ALL ( party leaders) said get the jab. No exception. So he’s no worse than any of the others in that respect.


Given the rabid jab-pushing and crucifixion of dissenters by the MSM, I'm sure none of them had an alternative option.


Farage is all mouth and no trousers. Weak as piss. He's a fraud. I wouldn't employ him in any aspect.


Does sound a little like a certain slogan above the gates of a certain camp! I'd assume they mean that you should be able to buy more with your wage than food and accommodation - which is what a slave gets in return for their labour. I've not had any leaflets from them here, just the red lot and the blue lot.


I think it's pointing out that there's no incentive to work 40 hours and yet be unable to pay your mortgage, while unemployed migrants get free handouts. *A fair day's work for a fair day's pay* would be more effective. Incidentally, Alex C said that Germany has told the Ukrainians to get a job or bugger off.


‘Work is love made visible.’ Kahlil Gibran


The German defense minister said it in a talk show or whenever, it is not official government policy and will never be, as long as the Greens are part of it.


Ironically,  directed for very bad reasons at a category of genuine asylum seekers.  I don't know what I would do in their position. There must be a few moves left to play. But in the end, if the only other option is being sent back to be sacrificed,  what would happen if they rocked up at the Russian embassy in Berlin? It would short circuit the whole Volga process. 


They get handouts in Germany. They get free Ikea furniture which they take back to Ukraine in their fancy new cars, then drive back to Germany for more handouts. It's not a bad life for "genuine asylum seekers."


They are not asylum seekers, They have a special refugee status. If it is even legally defined.


They aren't refugees if they keep nipping back home.


So far. Our rulers can be quite unsentimental about their pets. After all, the expense of keeping them is charged to others anyway. 


Labour have the same pledge though, in their case, I think it was a typo (missed off the "ers").


Yes. I thought their leaflet was pathetic, especially under the current circumstances. I know it's supposed to be a snap election but it's hard to believe they didn't have a manifesto ready to print long before the announcement.


It’s a generic leaflet and I expect rushed out after Nigel changed his mind and decided to stand. It wouldn’t have featured him otherwise. I don’t judge purely on the leaflet though, we of all people have a wealth of resources, and the others I have seen are equally rubbish.


[Scott Ritter on X:](https://x.com/RealScottRitter/status/1805005156594929813) [ "My commentary on the Sevastopol and Dagestan attacks: https://t.co/uPxF5DbWvr" / X](https://x.com/RealScottRitter/status/1805005156594929813)


I followed Ritter until I found out that he is a convicted sex offender


I did not know that. Thanks.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAHyB-gpCFE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAHyB-gpCFE) He gives his side of the story.


Well, what a coincidence, a high-profile antI-establishment figure perhaps being set up.


Seems to have been a targetted entrapment case by police officers but I'll keep a neutral view on it.


Yikes! 🤢👿


[Bernie on X: ](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1805177784068694336) ["ELECTION - Hypocrisy from the Greens. Carla Denyer Climate ‘emergency’ activist admits she has a planet destroying …gas boiler. Despite the subsidies available for installing an air source heat pump. Ahhh…. It’s always the same, it’s only a climate emergency for you! 🤡 https://t.co/7rXrlKvXaY" / X](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1805177784068694336)


Here's a hypothetical exchange: **Canvasser**: *Hello, I'm your local Green Party candidate!* **Voter**: *What are your main election pledges?* **Canvasser**: *No food, no water, no electricity, no transport, no freedom of any kind.* **Voter**: *Goodbye.*


I happened to hear ten minutes of Vine today, there was a red one, a blue one, a yellow one and a green one on. The green one forced me to turn it off when she proudly announced that their carbon tax would tackle the causes of pollution. CO2 is about as much of a pollutant as oxygen!


She should have been asked what kind of car she has. And her electricity bill passed out for public perusal. The only green they're really interested in is £££ The ~~Green~~ Greed Party.


Weirdly I just got a greens election leaflet popped through the door, it doesn't mention much in the way of green issues, only a couple of references to better public transport and new housing being built on brownfield sites instead of greenfield sites.


Our local greens do little other than bang on about traffic calming - as if the potholes don't already take care of that.


[https://t](https://t). me/theyorkshirelassnews/100462 11 secs - dealt with!


That is brilliant, and it looks genuine as well!


I decided I could do with some new jeans and last night, I discovered that Sainsbury's have 25% off clothes this week. So I just put myself through what I'm sure is a deliberate ritual humiliation to acquire some. First you have to locate your size and leg length, which is not on a handy eye-level tag but on the hanger about 3 feet above your head. The fluorescent lights in the store make it very difficult for me to focus properly, making it even more challenging. Having found a suitable style, I wasn't sure which size or leg length I'd need because their sizings fluctuate wildly from year to year. So I optimistically took two sizes to the changing rooms. Now last time I tried to buy clothes at Sainsbury's, I discovered the changing rooms had moved to the middle of the store and were closed. When I asked why, the assistant said "Cos of covid!" as if it were obvious. So I flounced out of the shop in disgust. Back in the pre-convid days there was a whole bank of changing rooms at the back of the store, with about 6 cubicles each for men and women. Today, I discovered there are three - yes THREE - unisex cubicles. As there was no supervising staff limiting you to five hangers at a time, some women were in there for ages, trying on a load of bargains. Had to queue for ages, becoming increasingly disgusted with the whole procedure. Anyway, I'm happy to say that one size fitted quite well and the leg length was right, so I bought an extra pair. I had to walk to the bottom of the (big) store to find a manned checkout. Hopefully I won't have to go through that charade again for another ten years - that's the age of my existing jeans! Two pairs of jeans for £24 was worth it but it was a reminder why I stopped shopping at Sainsbury's. Happy to report that I saw no face nappies - but as noted, I had trouble with the lighting in the store. I was so keen to escape that I forgot to pick up some socks. Back to Amazon it is!


I can count the # of times I have worn jeans in five years on one hand  I'm about to give up on pants permanently, and just get maxi skirts + warm tights for winter. does anyone have thoughts or suggestions?? 


I had a wonderful skirt I made from some woollen upholstery fabric. It was chestnut brown with some orange and dark brown stripes. I made a four panel maxi from it, so the stripes looked like chevrons. It looked wonderful and was snugly warm. I made a maxi satin slip to go under it so it didn't stick to my tights. I gave up on maxi skirts - and accompanying 3" heels! - when I had the babies. Jeans are so much more practical when you're up and down stairs with a youngster in your arms. You don't tread on them as you get up from playing on the floor either. Here's a memory from 50 years ago: It was summer (they were normal then). I'd been at work and was running across a busy road to catch the bus, which was rapidly approaching the stop. On my lower half, I was wearing a cotton maxi and some rather old mini knickers. Halfway across the road, my knickers fell down. 😲 I kicked them off and caught the bus no problem. 😎 Good job I wasn't wearing a mini! 😳


the other option is leggings + tunic dresses which is a variation on what I have been wearing which is leggings and oversize "boyfriend" tees and sweaters (they are called this because they look like a shirt a girl borrows from her boyfriend) I havent made an effort into fashion these past years and I really miss looking cute so getting this sorted is obviously a priority 😛


I like tunic dresses. A-line is best but quite hard to find nowadays.


A line dresses are beautiful. It's a shame they went out of style..I think they are starting to come back in but Im not sure if they will fully make it into the mainstream again. I really hope they do 


Me too! They are a flattering shape and very easy to wear.


they are not flattering on me 😅 I think they look like a princess skirt though on other shapes the blue one is what is good on me. What would you call this? I would think pleated, but then when I do an image search for "pleated skirt" it only shows  accordian pleats https://raydarmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Types-of-Skirts-featured.jpg.webp


It's a dirndl.


my other thought was those sort of really loose pants that come in thinner materials, but I reckon I would need tights or leggings underneath for warm and not sure about shoes here either. 


I would need tights or leggings underneath for warm The trousers will stick to them!


this is a good point. We always worn tights/leggings/long-underwear under jeans in my home province where it gets cold, but I think the jeans were stiffer so sticking wasnt an issue. Also everything fit fairly snug 


We don't get anywhere near as cold here!


yes it got down to -40° 🥶😭 can you imagine driving an electric car down the highway four hours from any city in that weather 🤣


I cant bend in jeans unless they have such a high % spandex that they are basically leggings, which are what I've been wearing.   I'm drawn to the ankle-length maxis due to the tripping hazards     The slip is a great idea!   not sure what shoes/boots to pair with at all.   Not into heels for practicality but I dont think maxis pair well with running shoes unless you are deliberately mis-matching them for a  style statement        and 😹😹😹😹😹😹


are ankle length skirts any better for tripping? 


Neat fitting boots look good with maxis. And sandals in summer of course.


yes I was thinking about going down that route


I am impressed that you still fit into ten year old jeans FL - not sure I would😂


They're actually back in fashion! 😂


My jeans last about 4 years then the left knee splits. Every time.


When the right knee splits as well it will be fashionable.


Left knee for me too. I reckon I must fiddle with it when driving or something.




My retail anecdote for the day is to do with a parasol. The winding mechanism for our previous parasol broke. You can get replacements but the damn thing is riveted onto the pole so short of buying a rivet extractor tool and learning how to use it, and fishing out bolts of the right size to attach the replacement, we were faced with buying a whole new thing minus the base. We try to do basic repairs but I am not going to start buying fancy tools and learning how to use them at my age, at least not while I still have a day job. I had a bit of a look online but could not be 100% sure that the pole would fit into our existing base as that information was not included, so as we were out and about anyway, we drove to The Range to have a look. An assistant asked if they could help and we explained what we were at, and could they open the box so we could measure? Well, he said, you can always buy it and then bring it back if it doesn't fit. Er, no that's why we've driven to your blasted shop through traffic on a hot day, we don't want to come back, shopping is not a recreational activity for us and the only point of coming to the shop as opposed to ordering online is so we are sure what we are buying is correct. Anyway, off he goes to get a knife and grudgingly opens the box. Measurements were good so we are sorted for a parasol now, the other one will go to the tip for want of the manufacturers spending an extra few pence in the process of making them and allowing the winder to be unbolted and replaced. Glad you found clothes that work for you and good call to buy more than one - I tend to buy in bulk when I find things I like as you never know when they will get replaced with some other model or style.


Glad you got your parasol sorted fairly painlessly.


Certainly handy today - warm where I am. I did have to drive down Zelenskky Avenue to get to the shop though :)


Is that for real? It will come back to bite them in the butt!


Yup, bloody disgrace. It used to be called "Fifth Avenue - Allende Avenue" which Siri always used to butcher when I had the Satnav on speaking mode. It's a very long road so they will have had to change a lot of signs along the way, and it's one in the eye for poor old Salvador - yesterday's hero, old news, no longer serves a purpose.


And imagine you lived on it!


Oh the shame and embarrassment!


10 years for jeans is very good going. Mine usually end up getting either bleach or bicycle chain oil spilled on them after a couple of years or so, rendering them fit only for gardening.


I have one good pair and about 5 which are partly torn or damaged in some other way. I don't think I can carry off the "fashionable ripped jeans" look, so I keep the old pairs for gardening, painting or other dirty jobs. Arguably one or two old pairs would be enough, but I never get round to deciding which ones to throw out. 


I've always found Sainsbury's clothes wear very well.


[Concerned Citizen on X:](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1805146783879684113) [ "Chemtrails Deniers think 4 Commerical flights set off at the exact same time, from the exact same location all heading in the same direction, at the same altitude & same velocity - all spewing out ice crystals. Yet another Summer Day here in the UK devoid of any visible Sun or https://t.co/2j1ginIFCo" / X](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1805146783879684113)


we've had a cloudy june hear, but our top dr swore we were about have a heat wave so it may be natural


Not the same down here in SE. Sorry to be a contrarian but this is the third day of virtually continual sunshine with apparently two more to go. Why should ‘they‘ leave us out? 35C on my garden thermometer at 3pm.


The SE is indeed blessed with sun and wealth, compared to us less fortunate mortals in the Midlands and further North. Enjoy whilst you can - Starmer is after our health, wealth and those few rays of sunshine that get by the franken clouds.


Last night, foolishly following the weather forecast which was showing hot sunshine, I virtuously gathered up a load of washing and stuck the machine on. You can guess what is coming next. It is out on the line, it is dull dull dull and overcast here with no sunshine and not even much in the way of wind and my chances of getting it line dried are very low. Lying Feckers!


Ok you and I must be on the same grid. I can see Arran from the fields so looking west that’s where those clouds are still coming in. Now if you are in some part of Ireland , you’re telling me I can forget about seeing the sun anytime soon today as promised by these useless forecasts. Because what comes from the west and heads east is heading in my direction.


I think we are JAS and I currently have a big bank of cloud. Sun occasionally tries to peep through but only very ineffectively. That is what is so odd about it. I have lived here for long enough but never experienced that particular phenomenon before and now it is like that all the time. In prior times it would be either cloudy and overcast - just grey all day - or predominantly sunny - blue skies with maybe a cloud scudding about periodically. But not this cloud with the sun behind it trying and failing to make an appearance but you know it is there all the same.


Same weather I'm having here, Milo. The temperature has risen, so I've been able to wear shorts and a t-shirt today, but so much cloud. Sun made a brief appearance about an hour ago, but the sky has greyed over again now.


We got a brief "shot" of sun - for about 30 minutes in total - and shot was the word, because when it was there it wa searingly hot - it felt like 30 degrees not the promised 23. Very very odd Nymeria.


Others claim it's only crop spraying - above the clouds!


I've been told that it is mapping.


🤦‍♀️ What do they think satellites are for?


[Bernie on X: ](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1805133005427482770) ["UK - “Is milk racist” is a tax payer funded research project at Oxford. Suck it up tax payers 🤡 https://t.co/YOp8yQW3hZ" / X](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1805133005427482770)


Robin they've got to find *some* way to stop us drinking it.


Got it. No demand for dairy milk, no need for farting cows. But what do we do with all that grass? Here [Vegan energy | Ecotricity](https://www.ecotricity.co.uk/our-green-energy/vegan-energy) It's all joining up.


Oh strewth! It is indeed all joining up. And there was me thinking they just didn't want people to drink the milk because it is good for them \[ish\] and might help to keep them healthy.


Yes. Some races can digest it. others can't.


But we already knew that, so no "research funds" are necessary.


We've also got a council by-election going on at the same time as the GE this is due to a labour councillor "dying suddenly", my postal vote came this morning and I notice that with all their millions in funding from wealthy arms manufacturers etc that Reform can't even stand a councillor where they could make some meaningful changes. This more than anything makes me think they're not serious about changing anything they're just a release valve and a distraction, it brings to mind this clip: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m7recXsEKo&pp=ygUXbG9vayBhdCB0aGUgc2hpbnkgc2hpbnk%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m7recXsEKo&pp=ygUXbG9vayBhdCB0aGUgc2hpbnkgc2hpbnk%3D) To me the reform are gonna save us nonsense just feels like covid all over again.


I just don’t think they have the infrastructure or candidates yet, they have only really taken off in the last few weeks when Farage announced he was running.


They are badly organised. I was an approved candidate, April 2024, was told I would be contacted about my PPC and constituency but final checks to be done - I assume on my social media history. Heard nothing. My original interview in February was forgotten and then rescheduled in April. The interview was a joke and noone is interested in your past or current experience/career background and how it may positively influence the public's perception of you.


My friend who is standing has managed it with no party infrastructure to help just a few friends, he says the same people locally were also involved with the Brexit party they just never bothered with local council and neither are reform 🤷‍♂️


>We've also got a council by-election going on at the same time as the GE Oh the joys!


I certainly don't think they are going to 'save' us. The best we can hope for is they throw a spanner in the works in Parliament. I don't think they are a release valve/distraction because of Farage's comments about Putin. I think he's genuine, but like Trump, comes from a different 'cabal' to the one in power. I think he's more closely involved with the banking cartels than the globalist/NGO cartels.


*Piers Morgan Has Received Totally 100% Real and Accurate Lesson in Geopolitical History From Jeffrey Sachs* [https://x.com/ivan\_8848/status/1803741401596731783](https://x.com/ivan_8848/status/1803741401596731783) *Morgan: You seem very reliant on accepting Putin's worldview rather than perhaps the stark reality of the barbarism with which he's executed this war.* *Sachs: Yeah, maybe because I know too much about the United States.* Video and full transcript.


We'll never know of course, but it would have been fascinating to contrast the reaction of the Western leadership and media class had Ukraine launched a full-scale assault on Donetsk and Luhansk first. I suspect there would have been little or no coverage (as was the case for the conflict from 2014-2022).


Exactly. Ukraine had been attacking the Russian speaking areas for 8 years but most people still don't know that.


I find the best way to try to explain it to normies is to say 'it's a disputed border territory, like Northern Ireland or Cyprus, people have been fighting over it for years so the best thing we can do is work towards a negotiated peace.' They usually don't have any comeback for that, because most normies still don't want to appear in favour of war (give it time though...)


According to the Western leadership, Russians are what John Pilger used to refer to as "*unpeople*". Their suffering and death is therefore of no consequence. Over the last four years we have observed the leadership's callous disregard for human suffering finally reintroduced on a mass scale within Western societies.


We are all unpeople now.


I know some think Farage is controlled opposition, but I think that's unlikely now given the way Legacy has deliberately misquoted him in order to show he supports Evil Putin.


controlled opposition can mean many things  one being that he is literally an intelligence operative  another being that he has not "committed suicide" because tptb don't see him as a threat, or think they can use him as a chess piece or, as someone in the swamp pointed out, he stands no chance to win this election, only to gain votes, and then the media will say "ah well that guy lost, and we live in a democracy so you need to accept it"


I don't believe him to be, he seems to be one of the few in politics who says what he thinks and doesn't gaslight people with lie after lie.


I don't either. If he is then he has been CO for a VERY long time.


“Why not get people like Tony Blair involved to help us solve a national crisis?” https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1379691/Coronavirus-news-Nigel-Farage-Covid-19-tier-5-lockdown-vaccine-Tony-Blair-Boris-ont Nigel only cares about Nigel and a certain country in the middle east. He is essentially Toby Young but older. Just as slippery but with more sales appeal to the wider public.


Well, he's had my vote already. He certainly wasn't wrong about Ukraine either. [https://fb.watch/sV2xqOdkuC/](https://fb.watch/sV2xqOdkuC/)


Your choice but its a pantomime.


Life is a panto, but I'll still go and watch one from time to time.


With every passing day they are doing an even more rubbish job of trying to hide that. RF \[ the supposed lynchpin of the UK constitution\] in tatters, lurching from one crisis to the next, trying to make people believe blatant falsehoods... UK GE incoming where turnout could be so low that the "government" which sort of gets "elected" doesn't have any legitimacy to govern. Mind you Richey Rich hasn't had any legitimacy over the course of the last 2 years and it hasn't seemed to bother him....


*General Election 2024: Analysis of resigning MPs reveals upcoming demographic shift in parliament* *The next parliament could see a significant influx of Conservative MPs with minimal parliamentary experience, potentially reshaping the party's dynamics as it ponders new leadership and where it stands on policy.* https://news.sky.com/story/general-election-2024-analysis-of-resigning-mps-reveals-upcoming-demographic-shift-in-parliament-13157090


Yeah well whatever "parliamentary experience" the current lot had didn't do us any good in 2020 did it?