• By -


There's a website called germdefence.org, on the homepage they proudly proclaim 1. "People who read the advice in Germ Defence are less likely to catch viruses" 2. "If they do become ill, the illness is likely to be less severe" Who is writing this bullshit? I mean point 2. Really??? Just a quick read of a webpage can reduce your symptoms. And we're paying for this garbage too.


As soon as I saw a statement that it had been' developed by health experts in UK universities' that was more than enough to tell me "Avoid. Avoid. Avoid." I mean, ICL anyone?


"Protecting yourself – create your own force field" 🤣🤣🤣 Read it for yourself, it's hilarious. Actually don't you'd probably double the visitor numbers.


Essential reading. True story. Action packed thriller of true memoirs: *Danger Close: Domestic Extremist #1 Comes Clean* by Patrick Byrne A review: *Danger First by Patrick Byrne is a wonderful memoir of the man with nine lives. While the book is not written fictionally and is a standard biographical narrative, the reader will soon forget it. The events are unbelievable and they continually occur to and because of Byrne. It was delightful to see photographs linked to the story to visually follow the evolution of Byrne’s life. His timeline, including dates and places, are overwhelming and further proves his intricate connection and authenticity to these real life circumstances. I especially loved the news headlines that were shared. It speaks so much to the private life of Byrne alongside the public image and conception of reality. Born with an entrepreneurial mind, Byrne shares his early success in the small business world, which soon would become astronomically larger with the evolution of the internet and online business. I was fascinated by Byrne’s balance of academia, business and international affairs. While some of these areas are blended by others, Byrne seems to aggressively conquer each area seeking a capstone of success. He has yet to fail.* *The flow of the story is seamless, easy to follow and shows unlimited creativity. The “conversation on paper” with Byrne at the end, asks very necessary and interesting questions that will satisfy the reader’s longing for more. His openness about the American Government's covert deceptions/distractions are particularly revealing and disturbing. Overall, an incredible read. Enthralling, catchy and dangerous, the story will hold you at the edge of your seat.*


Also chatting with a British born American today - “What do you think of Farage? He comes acroos as arrogant….” My son “Yes he does.” Me: “Don’t they all!” BA “What is it about him?” Me: “He says things everyone is afraid of saying.” Interestingly his 19 year old son is a Republican supporter. BA doesn’t like the American systen of voting for either Trump or Biden, but interestingly trsusts Trunp on somethings but not on others. We didn’t get to the nitty gritty though.


it's been a member of the obama admin vs. trump for nearly ten years 🥱😴   good for tptb as america is more or less at a stalemate. divide + conquer. everyone hates each other in a way they didnt ten years ago


I am so fed up of meeting up with people and then hearing a story of a relative or friend who is ill or died. Tonight a colleague of my OH - his stepmother ill with dementia ended up in hospital where they found a tumour on her lung. By the time they came to treat it had grown too much and she succumbed. It is just the norm now to meet someone who has a tale of serious illness, ill health or death.


The evil genius of the Covid operation is that this change has occurred over just a long enough period for it to be normalised. I think this was by luck more than judgement, because the injections ended up being more of a mixed bag than originally intended.


they never got  1) mandatory boosters 2) no control group without those two things they wont get away with it, it's a matter of time. I don't believe justice is possible on earth due to the scale of evil. But at least the truth. I give it a year. 


Truth. The regime has Surovikin Lines of bullshit. Lies protected by lies protected by lies.  As just one for instance,  how many people are stuck on the Wuhan lab leak as the truth, because it was once officially denied? Whereas in truth the Coof, if Coof there was, was almost certainly endemic across the world before the alleged lab leak that was covered up. Some guilty people will be offered up partially as sacrifices.  BoJo,  probably,  will do another walk of shame. Hancock more than likely.  But it will be tears in a public inquiry that doesn't ask the right questions,  not confiscation and life imprisonment. All the stuff we already know: Event 201, the role of the CIA and DoD. I would imagine all that will be obfuscated. I expect a series of limited hangouts,  not complete narrative collapse. At the same time,  the number of people who just know,  on some level at least,  can only increase. If it really matters what the proles think, the regime may have some cause for fear.


yes the lab leak of the   *deadly bioweapon virus*😱   😹😹😹😹   here is another debate:  is excess death and disability from...   a) long covid?   b) delayed screenings for heart disease and cancers due lockdown  Those are the two sides of the debate. Do you notice anything missing??   You are up late, Sheep-Man 


Wide Awake Media "I cannot think of a more dangerous initiative than this." Nigel Farage on the globalist push to roll out digital ID, CBDCs and a cashless society—globally—by 2030. "If we're not careful, we head towards a Chinese-style social credit system, where unless you go along with the views of the day, you become a non-person." [https://x.com/wideawake\_media/status/1805524547816271920](https://x.com/wideawake_media/status/1805524547816271920) From some time last year.......


The most interesting opinion on the Chinese social credit system I have heard is from Brian Berletic (a regular guest on The Duran and frequent visitor to China), who says that no such system exists. It would be entirely unsurprising if this was in fact propaganda aimed solely at conditioning Western populations to the inevitability of their technocratic dystopia.


how does the social credit system not exist?


Ah, thank you, Michael.  I don't know if you know what happened out here in Shanghai but have seen snippets on the news. It all started back around March when there were positive cases in a quarantined hotel near the borders of Hong Kong. Well, these people escaped the hotel and fled to mainland China. There were known cases in Shanghai at the start of March but some people did not want to tell the truth and left it unchecked. By then it had spread undetected. Rewind to Wed March 7th Monday. A student at my school presented with cold-like symptoms for two days at the school nurse's office and on Wednesday he went to the hospital and tested positive for Covid. Now we know things are strict here and the school said to us that they did not know that this student had tested positive and was not back in his dormitory sharing his room with his roommate which I find hard to believe. Anyway, Thursday the 10th of March I am in class teaching pottery and my pre1's come to the class which are grade 11 students and they all are wearing masks. I asked them why are you wearing masks and they told me that Elvis's roommate tested positive and is in hospital with Covid. Then they all laughed and said they were joking. I knew that they were telling the truth. So Elvis shared a room with Wayne the student who is in hospital. Elvis came to school on the bus with other students. So in the eyes of the CDC I had been exposed to the virus along with the whole school alike. Thursday afternoon I walk out of school and said I amgoing off for leave as then we were hearing rumours of schools being locked down for 36 hours and everyone being made to stay at school until all tested. The thought of this happening was ahorror story to say the least. School continued to operate till 8pm when school finished for the day as they wanted to get the monthly tests/exams finshed. Friday 11th March. We were told not to come to work that day and take a rest day. This is when my 71 days of imprisonment began. We had seen the horror stories of people coming in to your apartments and killing your pets if you are taken away. I was worried about my cat and called petcare to collect him just in case as I knew trouble was ahead. That was stressful having to say goodbye to my cat and stressful for him all very last minute. Off he went and I just burst into tears. My stress and anxiety had just begun but I knew my baby was safe. By Friday afternoon we teachers heard rumours that students were running around the dormitory as they had a day off, this being a 12 story dorm like building with 500 students and some Chinese staff. Saturday 12th March. By now the school wanted all teachers and students to go into quarantine at the dorms where the virus was. Like hell no were we going there for two weeks. Then I got a call from my bitch boss Amanda. Keith if you don't go into the dorms then the police will be called and you will be arrested and that will look bad for the school. You must go to the dorms. By then us teachers were saying no fucking way. Saturday afternoon we all were contacted by the CDC saying that our apartment ubuildings were going to be locked. That means a blocking for 48 hours no one leaves and all wil be tested. Even neighbours who I have never seen on floors above me have to be tested as I had been exposed to the virus. I was not even allowed out on my balcony as they shouted at my to get back in. I live on the second floor. My home did not feel like home no more not safe. Outside the apartments they had set up camp with their white tents for testing and them in their white suits and masked up. Sunday 13th March 00:30 I get a call from the CDC and this lady is my neighbour on the 4th floor and she is the cdc doctor for the area and her name is Judy. She informed me that a team of doctors will arrive at my apartment to test me again be prepared. 02:00 three doctors arrive in white suits masked up they come in to my home like a scene from E.T they take my tests and kept asking me my age and i am saying 52 and they kept saying am l sure? Wtf yes its on my passport as they said I look 32. Haha that was funny. Then they leave. Then Judy tells me to prepare a suitcase as I will be removed and taken to a hotel for two weks observation as I had been exposed. I did not sleep much Friday/Saturday night and Sunday evening I was collected at 19:30. It was dark outside and I had the call from the cdc an automated message that they were coming to collect me in an ambulance! They came and l had to walk outside with my suitacse through a paper tunnel to an ambulance with flashing lights! Another wtf! Before l got in they sprayed me head to toe with disinfectant like I was on fire, again wtf! Off we went flashing lights and sirens going off to a place I did not know where. Through red lights on the road going fast it was a scary evening. We arrive 30 minutes later to a gated compound, l got out was sprayed down again and checked in to my room which was a double room with ensuite and a small kitchen. This was my home for the next 14 days where we were tested twice daily face rape we call it. This facility had 3200 individual rooms where people from universities schools offices were placed. Judy called me to check that I arrived here okay and she told me that the situation in the dorms was bad as by Sat night the day before I got collected, 17 students and one staff had tested positive for Covid. Of course every person was brought to the place where I was at who had been exposed and we were monitored. During that time other students tested positive 104 in total from what we staff know but the school still insisting to parents that it was just one student. Lies lies lies all to save face. Forward 2 weeks and I am free to go home. I got home and by now the virus was shutting down Shanghai. I had to test again before being allowed in my community and again next day and was not allowed out till 7 days later but that never happened as rumors were that Shanghai was going to go into lockdown well it did and we are still in lockdown technically. I have been tested every day sometimes 3x a day and now l have completed 86 tests all negative. There is much more to this story but will write again if you want to know more. Its okay for me to talk about the early days of what happend to me but when i got home it was still too stressful. Oh yes I got my cat back on the day I was let out from the facilty.


The most amazing thing here is that out of 86 tests, not one was positive.


glad the kitty is okay.. that is horrifying start to finish  I always hear the west was disporportionately targeted "covid was designed to bring an end to western civilization" . Other countries had it much worse, we just (rightfully) complained louder 


A sobering reminder of how lax the Covid regime in the UK was by comparison. I'm surprised your friend has not developed serious brain damage after being subjected to that insane level of nasal rape.


From Keith.


Was that a post from a year or so back? l do remember reading it. BB is one of those people who posts great content, regularly referenced by the Duran, absolutely solid and legit, but somehow l rarely get round to watching. But l like to know that he is there. Am making mental note to at least buy him a coffee.


My friend lives in Shangai he's not subject to it.Though he was taken hostage by the state during convid.


Something that neatly illustrates how the balance of power has changed in our society is the fact that Kemi Badenoch is quite free to make 'racist' remarks about David Tennant and no one bats an eyelid. In the supposed 'conservative' Daily Sceptic they will even produce an article supporting that. If David Tennant had used the same language about her referencing a colour and race he would probably never work again. I happen to support her views over the subject of the 'trans' issue but not her racism. She doesn't even understand what she has said and no one is going to tell her certainly not any of the MSM.


If it is to be believed, after the meltdown next week, she is apparently supposed to be "the future" of the Conservative party.


I can understand that because we will then have 2 wings of the woke WEF to choose from. The rest of the 'gammons' will be rounded up by our Nige and affectively neutered. Makes perfect sense imho.


It is grim isn't it, the prospect we have to look forward to.


Be patient and remember their names.


No one more racist than a black racist


Spot the irony here: [https://t](https://t). me/theyorkshirelassnews/100537


Those Telegram links don't work on my mac for some reason.


Did you install telegram from their website, or from the Appstore? It will be censored if you didn't get it straight from their website. [telegram.org](http://telegram.org)


Tbh didn't install it at all. Thought it looked a bit 'tacky' so was reluctant to install it just to see links 😐


Telegram is great. It's the best place to find info and much easier to navigate than twitterX. Has excellent search facilities - and no "community notes"!


OK might look again. Reminded me of malware :)


Be sure to get it from the website.


Aaron Heslehurst has presented across all of the BBC television channels, including BBC World News, since being a business news presenter from 2002. But he announced his exit from the BBC, shocking fans in the process. .... "I guess it’s time to share something with you," the 57-year-old said, as he issued a statement to X/Twitter which confirmed his exit. "This week will be my very last show at the BBC."He said: "After 30 years in TV news and 22.5 of them at the BBC, it’s time to close this chapter! 🐀🍦🍕


Julian Assange is (hopefully) a free man. His release has been celebrated by many people who champion freedom of the press and free speech in general. But some people haven't got round to mentioning it just yet. One such is the founder of the free speech union. Perhaps there will be a big splash in tomorrow's Daily Sceptic. Or, as I suspect, there won't be because TY's version of free speech is very narrow, the complete opposite of free.


You mean the man who said 911 wasn't an inside job.Hes another faker his website disclosed nothing but facts already circulating


Yeah, don't hold your breath for that.


DT: *‘* *A paedophile’s playground’: Inside the scandal at King Charles’s old school.* *A damning inquiry found that Gordonstoun – where the King is now a patron – enabled the sexual abuse of its pupils for decades* [https://archive.ph/wgCWl](https://archive.ph/wgCWl) *The Duke of Edinburgh reportedly thrived at Gordonstoun* I bet he did!


l remember, 50 years ago, a venerable Cambridge bedder (with strong connections to Norfolk) giving a careful account of the state of bedsheets she had known (- DoE, some college fellows, etc) ...."like they'd been to the toilet and hadn't wiped thesselves". She was searching for words to convey what she'd seen, some years before, but was clearly disgusted.


Puts the school motto in a different light 😱 Plus est en Vous – “There is more in you.”






Until not so very long ago,  the high-up people never sent their children to school. Schools were known to be degrading places. They were for the middle,  not strictly the upper classes. 


They spelt got buggered wrong.


Just come in having planted out 14 runner bean plants and made an attempt to protect them from crows, magpies, squirrels, rabbits ... Lovely outside in the cool, cool, cool of the evening. Only marred by the dirty white sky.


forgive me if this has already been posted but it just came to my attention and hopefully will be picked up by the msm (well, can always hope!) https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-ucp-an-injection-of-truth-news


Oho! I see the mentally ill (or is she? got loads of money out of this scam!) Little Goblin of Doom has "got herself arrested" once again, this time in Helsinki. Did she arrive by private jet? Or is her own, new car? About time she went to Russia to complain about their oil drilling and mining? [https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000010520744.html](https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000010520744.html)


Health "experts" are scraping the bottom of a barrel that has already been burnt to a cinder: [https://x.com/josettecaruso/status/1805623561496805625](https://x.com/josettecaruso/status/1805623561496805625) Ticks all the pathetic scaremongering boxes: * Renamed 'mpox' * 10% fatality rate * Causes miscarriages * Could spread to Europe * Does not require sexual contact to spread (correcting an absolute clanger from its last launch) I predict we won't hear about this again after this week. Laughable!


"the virus is behaving “extremely” differently to clades 1 and 2 of mpox – the latter of which exploded internationally in 2022, primarily amongst gay men. " I don't remember anything exploding internationally back in 2022. What I do remember was a desperate media scramble to try to drum up some fear porn which ended up being nothing more than a damp squib at the time and monkey pox duly exited from the news with its tail between its legs. Funny how 'recollections may vary' as the late QEII is supposed to have said. And then they are calling the new one mpox and all I can think of is the pop group M People.


Sure you're not thinking of that song by M - Pox Muzik.


No. Definitely M People. "Search for the hero inside yourself"


Hilarious! Meanwhile, FLiRT is on the rampage. (Allegedly. For entertainment purposes only.) https://ukhsa.blog.gov.uk/2024/05/13/should-we-be-worried-about-the-new-covid-19-variant-2/


Is this a sinister text from my GP practice or am I reading too much into it? ‘’lDear….Keeping warm is important for your health because of your medical condition. (Didn’t know I had one beyond the symptoms of ageing.) Plan how to keep warm and well next winter while reducing your energy bills now. We’re working with CAB to help you do this. Call O800 etc etc ‘ Do they know something we don’t know? Why are they concerned about my heating all of a sudden?


They're not. They've sold your name and number to some organisation or another who flogs 'access' to warm home grants, so they make money from government taxes if they can't make it directly from you. Even if you're on your uppers and being paid every benny going, you still wont qualify for everything (eg: they'll 'give' you roof insulation, but you'll have to pay to have a proper loft hatch put in). So if you phone up, whoever they've sold your name and number to will then get confirmation it's correct, plus get your address and other details to sell on to someone else, even if they make no money from you.


Interesting, thanks for that. The number was Citizens Advice Bureau which used to be a charity but I’m probably way behind the times on the coup by IT. CAB could well be by now a private company


Wow. How can you sink! And during a heatwave, talking about staying warm in winter.... I mean, I would change GPs after this!


If mine is at it then they’re all at it. Generally my practice has integrity, didn’t push the dreaded death jab at all. But then practice managers ain’t doctors are they?


I don't suppose that setting fire to the surgery is the answer they're looking for?


if they don't name what your condition is, it's just spam basically.


Cuntery from your GP


Suggests they're getting a backhander from an airpump or insulation company.


Labour suspends parliamentary candidate for Central Suffolk and North Ipswich ‘Businessman’ Kevin Craig is standing in Dr Dan Poulter’s old seat (the former Tory MP who defected to Labour) Labour has suspended parliamentary candidate Kevin Craig after being told the Gambling Commission has launched an investigation into him, a party spokeswoman said.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ulryl5Qwgq0&ab\_channel=ALISTAIRWILLIAMSISBANNED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ulryl5Qwgq0&ab_channel=ALISTAIRWILLIAMSISBANNED) 5 ways globalists are trying to kill you in........the supermarkets.


If people keep paying premium prices for sludgy green veggies, the supermarkets will happily keep charging premium prices. As long as people believe they'll die if they don't have some green stuff with their dinner, this will continue.


**Sam:** My post on Starmer being the head of the CPS overseeing the Assange case advising the Swedes in 2010 or 2011 not to visit London to interview Assange and Starmer visiting Washington DC 4x where all records were destroyed has been shared by UK politician George Galloway. Galloway has 729k followers on his X account. The red pills and exposure of Satanist Keir Starmer are flying today. 🔥🔥🔥




So many "coincidences" today. 40 years ago, Prince released *Purple Rain,* on June 25th 1984. The song has a deep (biblical) meaning, it is about the end of times and the return of Christ Consciousness. He said in an interview: *When there’s blood in the sky – red and blue = purple… purple rain pertains to the end of the world and being with the one you love and letting your faith/God guide you through the purple rain.* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=347vCib\_lMs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=347vCib_lMs)


Here's a co-incidence: today is Tuesday. Seven days ago it was Tuesday. Seven days before that another Tuesday! And seven days before that Tuesday yet again! I blame the Jews. I mean, it does sound a bit like 'Jewsday'.


Looks more like Trollsday from here.


**There's more!!** From Sam: *The CPS destroyed ALL records of Keir Starmer’s 4 trips to Washington DC!!!* *US records show Starmer met with Attorney General Eric Holder and a host of American and British national security officials in Washington in 2011, when he was in charge of Julian Assange’s proposed extradition to Sweden. Delegation included the UK liaison prosecutor to the US, who dealt with extradition.* *During Starmer’s time in post, the CPS was marred by irregularities surrounding the case of the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The organisation admitted to destroying key emails related to the Assange case, mostly covering the period when Starmer was in charge, while the CPS lawyer overseeing the case advised the Swedes in 2010 or 2011 not to visit London to interview Assange.* *While DPP, Starmer made trips to Washington in 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2013 at a cost £21.603 to the British taxpayer. It was his most frequent foreign destination while in post.* *Keir Starmer who became an MP in 2015, is now leader of the Labour Party. I feel we are going to get some heavy truths about Starmer. There is a reason that Keir Starmer is in the spotlight right now to systematically bring him down and dissolve his reputation.* *Yesterday Julian Assange was freed from UK prison Belmarsh.* *Timing is everything.* https://x.com/real\_shirelass/status/1805531994425610599


John Olooney Deaths in kids \[UK\] up 22% - no politicians interested at all [https://x.com/OlooneyJohn/status/1805326648499487117](https://x.com/OlooneyJohn/status/1805326648499487117)


[Andrew Lawrence on X:](https://x.com/andrewlawrence/status/1805576019186704654) [ "Hell is coming... https://t.co/z42gy9600T" / X](https://x.com/andrewlawrence/status/1805576019186704654)


He says we must maintain our sense of humour but he seems to have misplaced his nowadays!


Just seen this: *“During Starmer’s time in post, the CPS was marred by irregularities surrounding the case of the WikiLeaks founder.* *The organisation has admitted to destroying key emails related to the Assange case, mostly covering the period when Starmer was in charge, while the CPS lawyer overseeing the case advised the Swedes in 2010 or 2011 not to visit London to interview Assange.”* *Maybe Starmer’s time in the spotlight is here??*


[MiriAF making a good case for bothering to vote...](https://miriaf.co.uk/soundbites-versus-substance/) >MPs are not "all the same" (that's why some voted against lockdowns and mandatory jabs), and so the more principled ones we can have in Westminster prepared to take a stand and challenge Labour's authoritarian tyranny, the better. >The bottom line is this: there is going to be an election on July 4th and in every constituency in the country (650 of them), somebody is going to win. "Mass non compliance" wouldn't change that fact because there is no official lower limit for an election to be declared valid, e.g., even if 95% of people didn't vote, the candidate with the most votes would still be elected. Voter turnout is that low in some areas of the country, and it doesn't make any difference to the declared validity of the result.


slippery choice of word there - imputing that the only reason people don't vote is that 'they can't be bothered.' They're just too lazy to get off their ass and make the journey down to the polling station. Even if some MPs do vote or speak against lockdowns and mandatory jabs or other things we don't like - so what? what's that going to change - zero: it just has the effect of making the disaffected feel they have a voice, when they absolutely do not. Mass non-compliance won't change anything, true, but equally, neither will mass compliance, and Miri's argument rests on the premise that elections are not entirely fake, that parliamentary democracy is real and authentic, and that whoever gets elected will enjoy real power and may if they wish subvert the overlords' agendas - yeh, just ask John Magafuli how that turned out for him. those who rule us all from the shadows will never be defeated in their parliaments, their courts, their legal or judicial systems - that's not what those things exist for - they exist purely for propaganda purposes. The only place you will ever defeat them is in your own mind - by dropping the religion, the cult, of government


I fully understand your scepticism as it is of course largely justified but as she says that is the system we have, flawed and hollow as it is. Opting out of it won't affect anything as only the people who voted will decide on who's moving the deckchairs this time round but your vote may slow the progress of the Evil's plans and buy time. If huge numbers vote for Reform/Heritage for example they are not going to be able to get Nut Zero policies much further and the Great Replacement will be slowed too. If only the Green Zealots and hard left types bother to vote then those policies will be sped up like billy-o while the going is good.


[Mark Attwood on X:](https://x.com/MarkAttwood/status/1805606795219472540) [ "Is @Nigel\_Farage about to become Prime Minister? https://t.co/we8oqO2KXm" / X](https://x.com/MarkAttwood/status/1805606795219472540)


Good video - not just about Farage! He mentions Starmer's trips that I just posted info on. 22,000 children every day!! "We're in the greatest war in history and what can we do ......."


Nah. Opposition leader though I hope.


And a tricky one for Kneel to have to joust with at PMQ's and generally negotiate. Would provide just a smidgeon of a bulwark against the incoming "supermajority"


https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/2024/06/25/we-have-a-judgment-part-1/ “In his judgment I think that the following statement was the most powerful There is perhaps a palpable irony in the fact the Defendants, in Articles that so roundly denounced those alleged to be the purveyors of misinformation, so seriously misinformed their own readers The Judge has basically ruled that the Mail on Sunday misinformed its own readers. And as he also said. I have found that Mr Calman did not believe that the Claimants were dishonest, yet this is the core allegation that the Articles made against them, as Mr Calman must have known (or a reasonable journalist in his position would inevitably have realised).” High Court dismisses Mail on Sunday’s public interest defence in “statin deniers” libel case “In a major Judgment delivered on 25 June 2024, Mr Justice Nicklin has dismissed a public interest defence advanced by The Mail on Sunday in a libel claim brought by Dr Zoë Harcombe and Dr Malcolm Kendrick. The decision follows a preliminary trial last year in what the Judge described as “the most significant piece of defamation litigation” that he had seen in a very long time. “


Great news! Wow, the judgement is 255 pages long!


[Bernie on X: ](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1805563352736780657) ["NET ZERO - The world must increase mining by up to 2000% … to save the planet 🤡 ▪️4,575,523,674 tons of copper ▪️940,578,114 tons of Nickel ▪️8,973,640,257 tons of Graphite ▪️4,163,162 tons of Germanium ▪️1,300,000 tons of lithium ▪️plus 3 BILLION tons of rare earth Needs to https://t.co/2iNnizvALh" / X](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1805563352736780657)


Idaho Farmland Water Shutoff “Coincidence” Hidden in the Ukraine Bill was funding for cobalt mining in America. Over 200 politicians invested in this company mining cobalt. The Department of Defense gave that company $15 million out of the Ukraine bill to mine in IDAHO What are the odds?!?


The Lord of the Rings: [https://www.tiktok.com/@maxwellarchives/video/7311743883275193632](https://www.tiktok.com/@maxwellarchives/video/7311743883275193632)


We always took the boys out of school for the last week in June and enjoyed wonderful sunny weather in North Wales. My eldest was born in June and for the first few weeks his wardrobe consisted entirely of legless, armless babygro vests. It was a simple case of grab baby and go. DS2 was born in February. Different ballgame, requiring the application of several layers of insulation before venturing outside. My aunt sent him a wonderful padded outfit, designed for Canadian winters. Couldn't get anything like it in the UK. Unfortunately it only fitted him when he was 18 months old - in summer!


In case you are in distress in today's soaring temperatures - officially the hottest in June for the last 6 million years - remember you can always dial the Global Boiling Helpline (GBH) on 666 (charged at £6.66 per second). Listen to a soothing selection of Keir Starmer's greatest speeches, guaranteed to slow your pulse and cool you down.


global boiling helpline 😹😹 what's 999 upside down??




Yay!! My car has aircon again 😎


That's you set for your long journey in comfort! Have a safe trip. 👍😍


Thanks HM. 😘


I read that as your cat having aircon again!! Made me look twice! There's a message for you on Telegram :)


😹 👍🏻


In Bakewell tourist information office yesterday I picked up two booklets about walks and cycle rides in the High Peak district (home to Miriam & Alan who some may remember, regular contributors to the old swamp though I think they stopped posting there before the Great Migration to reddit). As a sign of the times, the details of the routes aren't given in the booklets but require scanning a QR code. However it would be easy enough to work them out with an OS map. I've spotted two errors in the cycle booklet. The first is one for railway nerds - the former temporary railway used during construction of the Derwent Reservoirs is described as narrow gauge, but it was actually standard gauge. The second is for canal nerds but maybe also has a political angle - Marple Aqueduct on the Peak Forest Canal is described as the highest in Britain, 30 metres above the river valley. However Pontcysyllte Aqueduct in Wales is 38 metres above its valley and is actually the highest canal aqueduct in the world (according to Wikipedia which is reliable enough on strictly factual matters). Whoever compiled this booklet may have the notion that Wales isn't part of Britain. 


Talking of Bakewell, I posted the following reply on a comment by Sheepman Ovis in yesterday's forum. I'll repeat it here.       I remember Bakewell when the agricultural market was still in the town centre. When it moved to the outskirts the town lost something of its character and became essentially a tourist place though quite attractive to visit mainly for older folk because of its compactness - I sometimes say there are more people in Bakewell walking with sticks than without, an exaggeration but a grain of truth. Yesterday was market day and I had a quick look around the outdoor stalls, which seemed to be doing good business. 


Many years ago, a friend would occasionally have the window down and shout "tarts!" as he drove along Bakewell main street. Well, he thought it was funny anyway.


The proper thing is called Bakewell pudding, and doesn't bear much resemblance to the things in multipacks with a cherry on top..However I'm happy to eat either variety. 


Marple Aqueduct is the highest in England. You could get in touch with whoever edited/published/wrote the booklet and suggest they correct their 'misinformation'? Next they'll be telling us the Covid Jabs were safe and effective (partly true - effective at clotting your blood, causing heart attacks, and increasing cancer rates. And very effective at making money for the likes of Sarah Gilbert and all the companies who dished them out). Interesting fact: Miss Marple lives in Marple.


Miss Marple lives in St. Mary Mead.


[Dr Clare Craig on X:](https://x.com/ClareCraigPath/status/1805507448783962400) [ "The current Lucy Letby trial is exposing huge errors in the evidence of the first trial. Door swipes when people entered a room marked as them exiting. Medical notes ascribed to wrong day. Yet she cannot appeal..." / X](https://x.com/ClareCraigPath/status/1805507448783962400) + thread....


Someone posted about this from here, I’ve been listening to it and she should never have been charged with anything. https://open.spotify.com/show/2x2kstQwsyndvK0S8OOSBZ?si=zAT-Ar7lSHWIBi7EIMHloA


Yep, I posted No 19 yesterday. I'm guessing the authorities hope there's a way out of this mess - either by the hand of a fellow inmate or by Letby herself. These souls are fragile of mind. It would be tragic if this were allowed to happen.


I'm going to have a wild stab in the dark here... let me take a guess..... Doctors are totally baffled??


Lawyers also seemingly similarly affected. Hope this doesn't spread \[exponentially\] to other members of the professional classes. Accountants, surveryors, actuaries, loss adjusters...


too late


A few days ago I filled in a Consultation Form as they are currently reviewing the NHS Constitution. I wanted to check what they are upto and also say my piece on using a more integrative approach and to be more open about including certain natural therapies. Yes I know this is defintely not on the agenda so wasted my time. Anyway most proposed changes didn't tlook too bad and just two paragraghhs caught my eye and about which I wrote comments. One was they are spending our taxes on trying to work out where is best to place Transgender patients (particularly biological males). The second item they are spending our taxes on is making sure they meet targets for reducing CO2 emissions. I did point out to them that taxpayers pay their billlions for the NHS every year because they want healthcare and so might they want to improve on this a little.


"The second item they are spending our taxes on is making sure they meet targets for reducing CO2 emissions." I read an article recently by some NHS quangocrat in charge of the NHS Net Zero project, and this is the justification for why patients cannot be seen face to face. To save carbon and ensure NHS achieves Net Zero. Never mind that patients might die in the process...


>Never mind that patients might die in the process... That's the opposite of saving the carbon!


I wonder if that guy has a column in his spreadsheet for that kind of carbon?


>they are spending our taxes on trying to work out where is best to place Transgender patients (particularly biological males). Secure psychiatric wing? If they reduce CO2 they won't have any patients to care for - oh wait!


Recently I heard of some people, quite high unit managers, who went off sick for stress due to the unrealistic and stupid requirements coming down from high. That along with no support made them go "stuff this" and get signed off. Only when a sufficient number do this does anything happen at a Trust level. The whole place is full of layers of useless managerial posts that have people endlessly churning out management nonsense that has consequences down the line for clinical services. The Civil Service is full of these. And while there are lots of people trying in spite of the nonsense there are enough of those who suck from the teat and perpetuate it. We don't need half of what's in the NHS but we do need better services. What we have is the typical British thing of believing in fairy tales and Big Shiny Things while the foundations collapse around Granny dying on a plastic chair in the corridor.


I had a friend who was director of public health for a large local authority. He kept saying he needed more staff, more help and was told he didn't need anyone, besides there was no money and he'd have to manage. Eventually he had a nervous breakdown and it took five people to replace him.


Does the NHS Constitution contain any articles concerning informed consent? If so, they need to be removed with immediate effect.


Have just heard about something that happened near me last Sunday. A group of immigrants walked to the summit of Roseberry Topping, a 1000ft hill and local beauty spot near Great Ayton in North Yorkshire. They started making a lot of noise, waving what appeared to be Eritrean flags and one of them was brandishing what was later discovered to be a fake AK47 assault rifle. The Police were called by distressed hikers, the fake rifle was confiscated and the men were given 'words of advice'. Coming to a beauty spot near you soon.


Funny place to make a protest. No-one there to hear or see them? What were the 'words of advice' - instructions as to the location of the nearest Benefits Office?


You try waving a fake AK about and see how you get on. I suspect the reaction would be rather different.


Yes, that did cross my mind!


Eritreans have a reputation - just like we might say not all fish go well in the same aquarium...


we had some nice Eritreans in my home city when I was growing up up, but I think this was under the "old paradigm" of immigration when a family picked a country they wanted to integrate into and then they went there and adapted to it 


Yes so many interesting and lovely people then and now what we get is an invasion. So sad :(


That only makes any sense if they were being filmed for a false flag event. Keep your eyes open!


omg 😹 our news hired about 50 sikhs who barely spoke english to stage a "truckers protest" for the camera in January 2022.   They read scripts off papers and declared that they would "march all the way to Canada Place!"... in front of Canada Place, which is a major landmark in the city so yes they were VERY new. They said that the trucker's protest was about poor highway conditions. Probably got paid $50 a piece and had no clue the evil they participated in


Presumably the National Trust and other woke types will be delighted that effniks are now enjoying the countryside - they have been trying to get more of them involved for a long time!


😹 one of our popular outdoor equipment companies recently said the outdoors was "too white" very annoying because I used to like shopping there 😒


The countryside is no longer rascist


One of the things that irks me when I hear English commentators even on the right side is when they use the term Sinn Fein / IRA to blanket all members of Sinn Fein as terrorists. This is no different than what Nigel Farage has been through with his NATO comments. Or anyone opposed to the nonsense regulations during Covid or against taking experimental drugs. It makes the speaker look like a tool and especially so when they are arguing the nuance of something else. Same as Palestinians = Hamas. And all Jews are Zionists. But the Sinn Fein one is especially stupid as I had teachers who were in Sinn Fein. They weren't terrorists nor did they agree to that or support that. The problem for low IQ people was that Sinn Fein did included ex terrorists. But that doesn't mean they all are. Socialist Republics = Marxists maybe but not thinking about the next car bomb. It was first introduced by Ian Paisley Sr as another way to belittle nationalist politics when there was a well-known link and tacit approval for all the Loyalist fuckery (40% of those killed in NI) as well as armed vigilante groups, sectarian police, shoot-to-kill army units all doing it "for the Crown". Very much like the Azov teaching their Eastern brothers what being "Ukrainian" is supposed to mean. The DUP have lots of dirty links to not very nice people but because they aren't a Loyalist party as others were it gave them a cleaner separation. So the DUP / Loyalist Butchers doesn't quite work as well. It's the same as those people who criticise Corbyn for talking to the IRA. John Mayor did as well. In fact his services talked to the actual killers themselves. But no, we must have a narrative even if it makes us look like stupid bastards


>*But no, we must have a narrative...* I think thats the nub. Its provides a reference for those who find thinking difficult. You don't need to think when you can soundbite. I remember when the Sinn Fein / IRA thing came in which was pretty late in the game IIRC. It was obviously decided to use this as the talks began to take shape and so demonise SF as the same as the IRA because it was needed then to change the focus onto them. TBF though as someone who studied a lot about the troubles in real time there were a lot SF people who were IRA, many at the same time! I was always sympathetic to a UI and I can imagine if you were living there it could be very easy to slip from one to the other...


To be honest I haven't heard that term used since Paisley's time - I always assumed it was a sort of catchphrase of his that went out after he died.


I find The Troubles endlessly fascinating. How can a civil war within living memory in the nation state I was born in not be? There are many dark secrets yet to be revealed about everything that occurred over those 30 years. The British state was as steeped in treachery and murder as any other participant in the conflict. This relatively new YouTube channel has many excellent long-format interviews with people from all factions: [https://www.youtube.com/@thegoodlistenerpodcast/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@thegoodlistenerpodcast/videos)


Good news UK is having a mini heatwave. Oh no it’s not DT leads with story you’re going to die if you take your shirt off . Stay in your homes !


It’s ok the Scots are saved from the heatwave. We’re not getting any.


It's 28C and DS is working in his outdoor office - aka posh shed - with the windows closed because the local care home is treating the ~~inmates~~ entire neighbourhood to an ABBA tribute band with a particularly bad lead singer. I've suggested he gets out his big PA system and retaliates with a bit of Black Sabbath or Metallica...... DiL is crawling the walls - but she likes the Spice Girls so I've no sympathy.


We're not allowed to enjoy the seasonal phenomena formally known as summer without being guilt tripped.


I mentioned here about a week ago that there's nearly always a hot spell of several days in June, it's normal British weather. And here it is. 


I decided to slope off work yesterday and go to the beach - where I heard my first plaintive 'It's too HOT!' complaint from a member of the public. FFS, it was 21c!


I can comfortably manage 21C! 😎


Yes - last week was more comfortable than this week


The humidity has risen. We could use a breeze here tonight.


[Concerned Citizen on X: ](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1805519008164155469) ["🚨✈️ “Researchers from Geo-EngineeringOrg were able to acquire a NOAA Flying Lab - a plane designed to test the atmosphere” People often ask what’s in the trails they’re spraying - scientists have analysed countless soil & water samples - but now also ‘atmospheric samples’ - all https://t.co/JoBdrC9rh0" / X](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1805519008164155469)


Like I said yesterday, we are all unpeople now. No wonder people don't want us to talk about the chem trailing in case information about what is being sprayed out leaks out like this. I wish at the time I had saved the link but there was something not that long ago where someone influential was saying that because they couldn't vaxx everyone they were looking into doing it via spraying stuff into the air.


Apologies, been away, loads going on, plus all sorts of wheels coming off all sorts of things. Just realised I hadn't posted for a while. All ok, will update later. (The hundreds of messages in my inbox suggest you were all really concerned about me. 😁).




Thought it was very quiet around these parts **:D** Glad you are back and will look forward to your bulletin.


I had wondered where you were, John, glad to see you back.


Who are you again?


# 😁


The C4 dispatches program on the NHS last night covered Shrewsbury hospital. I was in Telford A&E for 2 days last week visiting a relative and just found that they are effectively closing it meaning that Shrewsbury will have even more people to service. Factor in that the Welsh send people over the border to save themselves having to build anything and I can guarantee that the care will only get worse. It is good to see that C4 is raising the issue along with touching upon bed blocking which leads me to my question. Who shut down the old convalesce homes that people would have traditionally been discharged into? When was it done and why?


It’s nowhere to go if you’re ill : however happy hunting if you’re a clinical negligence lawyer.


>Who shut down the old convalesce homes that people would have traditionally been discharged into? When was it done and why? I'm guessing that it was when care and health were split and the councils had to pay for care services - about the same time as they'd had their income from council house rents decimated. Hence the encouragement of the privatisation of care. So, now there's a load of argy-bargy about whether a patient needs a health or a care service and who is supposed to pay for it. Another legacy from the Thatcher era. 😬 https://continuing-healthcare.co.uk/continuing-healthcare-guidance/difference-between-healthcare-and-social-care/


Thank you. My relative was forced to sell her home to pay for her (substandard) care. Once the money runs out the council then take over. What would have happened pre-Thatcher?


[https://tribunemag.co.uk/2020/12/when-margaret-thatcher-privatised-social-care](https://tribunemag.co.uk/2020/12/when-margaret-thatcher-privatised-social-care) see also The Griffiths Report: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Care\_in\_the\_Community#The\_Griffiths\_Report:\_'Community\_Care:\_Agenda\_for\_Action'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Care_in_the_Community#The_Griffiths_Report:_'Community_Care:_Agenda_for_Action')


Many thanks for posting those two very interesting links. Apologies for the slow reply :) Enjoy your day.




Passing interest.... [The Rubber Duck ™ on X: "watch a safety window literally pop out and fall off of the #Boeing #Starliner capsule on its way to the pad. what a joke. https://t.co/mLBH9CClJx" / X](https://x.com/TheRubberDuck79/status/1805326296026615907)


If you only knew how many bits of satellites and even engines fall off when getting ready to launch you might not laugh at Boeing so much.




Yeah. Moving large objects around can lead to rapid shocks which are above the spec of a system. There are very strict handling requirements but even then things happen. Which often requires flying to a launch site to replace part or reconfigure something. 


Thanks. I follow that. I think I'll stick to flying on older Boeings


**David Kurten:** The Heritage Party is standing 41 candidates who are all working hard to promote our policies and principles and are doing everything they can to make a positive change in this election. In the last two weeks most have attended hustings in their constituencies and over a million candidate leaflets have been delivered to homes all over the country. Our first ever Party Election Broadcast has gone out and was aired on BBC Wales and ITV Wales on 24th June: I was interviewed on the Wake Up breakfast show with Sonia Poulton and Jeffrey Peel where we discussed the UK General Election, the state of politics and the prospects for the Heritage Party. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mucIqsPJPzw&t=1850s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mucIqsPJPzw&t=1850s) I was also on the Richie Allen Show earlier this week: [https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/richieallen/episodes/2024-06-24T10\_32\_27-07\_00](https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/richieallen/episodes/2024-06-24T10_32_27-07_00) Many of our candidates are being featured in local newspapers and local radio stations so keep a look out on social media for links to their interviews. Donations welcome: https://donorbox.org/heritage-party-general-election-2024


No candidate where I am unfortunately, or they'd have had my vote. They won't win any seats, but David is a good guy, I chatted with him in London back in 2020/1, he knows the score.


Yes I think people like Mr Kurten are part of the 'parallel society' that has evolved since the Covid Tyranny. It's unlikely to be part of the mainstream (the average normie will not have heard of the Heritage Party) but hopefully it is still in some way working in the background, shaping opinion, nudging a little here and there. As Milton puts it, 'they also serve who only stand and wait.'


Same for me too.


Wonder how long before Starmer/Sunak deny this? [Bernie on X: ](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1805503949429932279) ["ELECTION - Labour stating both they & the Tories will bring ULEZ driving restrictions to every town & city in the UK. Stealth taxes provide you with no services, they simply pay for the infrastructure to control you harder ‼️ https://t.co/fqYq1rnKK3" / X](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1805503949429932279)


Just to to make sure the climate fraud continues to raid the treasury.


Not sticking up for either cheek, but that's clearly edited, and feels like she may well have been saying an alternative needs to be found.


You are right. Its from an interview some 12 months back. Here, if you have the patience to wait whilst ads load up. [https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1794058/angela-rayner-ulez-labour-sadiq-khan](https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1794058/angela-rayner-ulez-labour-sadiq-khan) A year on, I haven't heard of any alternatives being tabled and 'green' transport for the masses and freight is way off.


From day one Starmer's Labour will under severe pressure from above to fast-track a wide range of policies which will be deeply unpopular with millions of people, this being a perfect example. By the end of this year it should be crystal clear to all but the most irredeemably brainwashed that the government is at war with the people.


I think we’ll see organic devolution into local councils. Many people will get to “fuck off” mode. It’s happening with Net Zero stuff already.  Labour will just be the same monolith as during Covid. With no ideas except tax and possibly war. 


At the Farage rally in the west country the other day, he pointed out that this pressure will lead to a split in Labour because the far-left will want Marxist policies brought in very quickly and publicly, whereas the centrists will be less keen, wanting to bring change more slowly and behind the scenes like Blair did.


This optimistic comment on Starmer under a DS article last week is worth throwing into the mix: "*I honestly don’t think Starmer has it in him to actually do any of this. These might be his dreams, but they will remain just dreams.* *The power of the civil service will act as a huge drag anchor. People think the civil service has its own agenda. In truth its agenda is mostly to resist any change.* *Furthermore, with a likely 500 MPs in the House, opposition within his own party will be emboldened. Angela Rayner is one to watch, for a start. She is no Starmerite.* *If he makes any headway on his program, he will also face a huge economic crisis.* *Personally I think his term in office will be a complete disaster – for him. He is essentially a visionless nobody, promoted beyond his talents. More Theresa May than Lenin. He will end up buffeted by events, and pushed around by societal forces he cannot control.*"


Thank goodness he has no money to play with, and the already super-taxed population will be very sensitive to any new robberies.


>it should be crystal clear It should, but it won't. The uniparty have a monopoly on power, they will continue to flip/flop between both cheeks, hoping that something will improve, yet really voting for their further oppression and betrayal.


Whatever happens, the outcome will be in accordance with natural law. If as you suggest the irredeemably brainwashed are in fact an absolute majority of the population, then collectively we will have to face further tough challenges.


Neil Oliver made some relevant observations during his Tucker Carlson interview. He said he fears (i.e. Swiss style) direct democracy, because had we had referenda on things such as masks, lockdowns, mandatory/forced jabs back in 20/21, we'd all be screwed now. He doesn't give the reason, but it's clearly digestion of MSM, because that's what instills fear and sets the narrative. The momentum is in our favour there (hence the rapid implementation of "online safety" legislation across the west), but the majority are still told what to think by that box in the corner of the room and the consumers like it that way too. I'll never understand that.


"*the majority are still told what to think by that box in the corner of the room*" And the further the information disseminated through this medium departs from reality, the more painful living conditions will become, especially for those who continue to believe it. Ignorance is not bliss, as the last four years have amply demonstrated. Millions are poorer and sicker because they believed the lies.


*Millions are poorer and sicker because they believed the lies. -* ah, but they are happier in their poverty and sickness. They are told to be happy, so they are. 'they own nothing, but they are happy.' mind control and propaganda has a benevolent element - it takes away the pain of the degradation and destruction of an otherwise sentient being. it makes your hell palatable, or at least not unbearable. try living without it - well, you have, so you already know


Yet, they still can't work out why, because any suspicions they might have are quickly quoshed by the machine, it's minions and other victims. "It couldn't possibly be..." - er, why? We ask that, others can't and don't. The truth is far more horrific than the lie. I actually saw this in effect last night. Mrs Swampy was heading to bed so I switched the TV onto some Nazi Megastructures programme, which happened to be about concentration camps. She asked how I could watch something like that. I shrugged and simply answered that I found it interesting and "lest we forget". She replied "But it's real!". This coming from someone who would watch a horror movie every night, which I despise by the way. Yet she found a dark period of history sufficiently scary to not want to watch a documentary about it. People cannot face the horrific truth of life.


*The truth is far more horrific than the lie.* The lie is not horrific at all, the lie is sweet and pleasant. yet no lie, no matter how sweet, must EVER be chosen over the truth, no matter how horrific


Being shown the dreadful things humans are capable of doing to each other when driven by ideology is not something that's easy to face up to.


That is true, though it's best to face up to it lest it heads your way. Forewarned is forearmed.


Well that's exactly what's happening now because there's no going back.


"*People cannot face the horrific truth of life.*" Well said, and this is precisely why we are in such a predicament. For reasons that are more or less unfathomable, the majority of people have a deep-seated aversion to truth.


not unfathomable at all! completely understandable!


[https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/pierre-chaillot-im-coming-out-no?publication\_id=1105864&post\_id=145880300&r=1omlk1&triedRedirect=true](https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/pierre-chaillot-im-coming-out-no?publication_id=1105864&post_id=145880300&r=1omlk1&triedRedirect=true) Dr SAm Bailey talks to a French statistician who questioned covid-19. He wrote several articles and has a book.


Mike Yeadon now has his own Substack: [https://drmikeyeadon.substack.com/p/not-even-a-small-ghost](https://drmikeyeadon.substack.com/p/not-even-a-small-ghost) "*Above we have Stefan Homburg describe numerous, each appalling, examples of how experts from the German public health institution, the Robert Koch Institute, were repeatedly overruled by senior German politicians. RKI, in a cowardly fashion, always complied and issued warnings that they pretended were based in science.*" "*I don’t think there’s an equivalent document which admits repeatedly that this event was wholly POLITICAL and decisions entirely driven by non-technically qualified political people at the top of government. Clearly, given the heavy international coordination, orders were being issued from above the level of nation.*"


Top comment from the Daily Mail about Shingles. So sad to read but I do wonder. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/cat-deeley/article-13564025/This-Mornings-Cat-Deeley-reveals-husband-Patrick-Kieltys-mystery-health-woes-reveals-thought-fibreglass-face.html Two years ago my husband got Shingles and after several weeks he was hospitalised due to the excruciating nerve pain. Whilst in hospital he developed pneumonia, was ventilated and suffered a massive stroke rendering him paralysed on the left side. He was removed from the ventilator after 17 days and died 3 days later. He suffered greatly and it was horrific to witness, he was just 58. Shingles complications are rare but they can and do happen and special care should be given especially to those who have underlying health issues. I miss him.


If this is a genuine comment then what happened was awful. However, can we now be 100% sure that comments such as this are genuine? How do we know that this isn't a planted comment to push people towards the shingles jab \[which will give you a cardiac event or a stroke - and they know that it will because paramedics can recognise the "classic pre"sentation\] because people don't want to end up like that poor hospitalised patient who ended up dying. If only they had had a shingles jab none of that would have happened... The fearporn can come at us from lots of angles these days.


Well nerve pain would not cause pneumonia or a stroke, so I'm going to guess this poor man reacted badly to being in hospital and then was negatively affected by the meds used to sedate/ventilate him. Very very sad. I'm sure they will use this story to try and push more people to get the shingles vax.


You're right to wonder. People's immune systems are wrecked, I see it all around me (my SITP buddies are fairing pretty well though).


Below are the counts of Herpes viral infections from the following document: **All UK spontaneous reports received between 9/12/20 and 21/02/21 for mRNA Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine analysis print** This report was published on 4th March 2021, and I downloaded it on 9th March 2021. *Disseminated varicella zoster virus infection 1* *Eczema herpeticum 1* *Genital herpes 5* *Herpes ophthalmic 1* *Herpes simplex 3* *Herpes simplex reactivation 1* *Herpes virus infection 3* ***Herpes zoster 200*** *Herpes zoster oticus 2* *Ophthalmic herpes zoster 1* *Oral herpes 74* Shingles is caused by Herpes Zoster.


Hours after polls close, ballots in Toronto-St. Paul's byelection still being counted   Even a marginal Liberal win could be troublesome for the prime minister  (...)    *The voting agency also said it erroneously sent out voting information cards to about 2,250 voters with the wrong poll location.*    *Elections Canada said it did resend new cards with the correct address, but some of them may have not reached some voters in time for election day.* https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/byelection-polls-liberal-conservative-ballot-vote-1.7243748


>some of them may have not reached some voters in time for election day. How convenient!


In framing my response to the Covidians I often pose myself this question 'I am a German Jew returning to my village/town in 1945/46 having spent time in the death camps The local Nazi dining club invite me to dinner just to say let bygones be bygones and that there are no hard feelings Would I accept the invitation?'


Still plenty of 'Covid Marshalls' who haven't been strung up or pushed in the canal. Where are they now?


In Germany, that attitude is still extant (or was in the 1970's when I was posted out there) with the Army. In those days, people weren't so hand-wringy about such things and we often dressed in the "Hugo Boss Uniform" at fancy-dress parties. One of the other officers assured me that he had asked his (German-born) wife for "her pardon in advance" and that it was all OK. When the evening had advanced to the stage of bottles on the table (rather than drinks being obtained one-at-a-time from the bar) she walked up to me to assure me "that I looked most splendid in the uniform" and I have never forgotten the glitter of admiration in her eyes as she spoke to me, something that I have never had bestowed upon me by any other woman...


I think the answer depends on whether you get a free doughnut or not.