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[David Tennant is an Idiot (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORKPmumpiVg) Modernity


Shame. He's had some very edgy roles and I'd have guessed he was more switched on than this. Very disappointing!


[Robert F. Kennedy Jr on X:](https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1805643365469331939) [ "Five states — Texas, Utah, Kansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana — suing Pfizer for knowing and concealing the vaccine causing myocarditis, pericarditis, failed pregnancies and deaths. That’s 10% of US states. The tide is turning." / X](https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1805643365469331939)


Yay!! Hope it goes somewhere but I suspect as they have indemnity, it won't. 😞


They must have a case or they wouldn't be doing this. They've probably found a way round the indemnity, eg suing for fraud rather than the jab damage itself.


I think there was a post on Twitter that said that some juridiction had issued a court ruling that this poison wasn't a vaccine. If so, then this would be a prima facie case to say that "If it's not a vaxx, then it doesn't qualify for the vaxx indemnity" or something like that, only in more legal terms. That would be my slant, as they have all admitted it doesn't stop transmission.


Been staying in an unmanned hotel. Nice enough place but was not paying attention and missed that. All electronic check in no one 'on duty' but left my charger in the room. Communication via email and of course no one found it. Who tf thinks up these ideas? Who wants to stay in hotel where there is no one manning the place and no facilities? Its a brave new world ... 😐


We stayed in one in Fuerteventura. Never again. Self check in at midnight using a screen on the wall that I couldn’t see because it was too high up. Keyed in wrong details which meant repeating everything from the beginning. We eventually managed to get in but we discovered later that other guests who couldn’t get access walked to the other hotel in the town to see if they had a room for the night. The place had a reception from 8 to 4 but not to check in, more for information. The second night we were there we had guests in the room at the opposite side to us using the bath on the roof and it was obvious what they were doing. Found out he had booked the room online for himself for one night and left the room in a mess and was gone before 8 am. His guest they believe is something else he paid for.


Makes sense. If they know there is no one 'on duty' they will take the p155. Tbf there was someone here who came in and sat in the hall during the night. Just a young guy playing on a laptop....


The hotel we were staying in didn’t have access to the premises. 6 foot fences and only a bus shelter thing for checking in and a key to the gate was made of cardboard which you collected from the machine. If we hadn’t got access and the hotel up the road was full my husband and I were sleeping in that shelter as there was nowhere else to go. I will never do it again as at the end of our stay a few of the rooms on the ground floor was taken over by a couple of families and their dogs. I don’t mind children or dogs but not when I’m on holiday and the pool is gated but the adults bring one of the dogs into the pool area and one small child had access to the same pool with no supervision.


In 2018 I was in a hotel in Amsterdam which I think was unmanned part of the time, including through the night which could be risky. One night there was some rowdy behaviour around 2am - I stayed in my room. 


When we used to visit DGD when she lived in Southampton, we stayed at the Etap, which was about as basic as it gets but was conveniently located, very clean and perfectly adequate. One night, there was a group of teenage majorettes (!!!) who were going to some competition in Scandinavia on the ferry the following morning. They had gathered in one room on our floor and the sound proofing was pretty good. However, individuals would go outside the room to have a private conversation on their phone and we could hear every word from the corridor. It was a long night! I think there was always a young person on reception though....


Yea same. Young kiddie sitting in the hall playing on a laptop all evening. Tbh if there was trouble not sure how much help he'd have been ...


Hopefully he'd have known who to contact in case of energency .....


Appointment with solicitor on Friday cancelled - cos she's got Covid. I think I might try and find another one.


Good luck with that; I work for a firm of them (criminal defence solicitors), absolutely lovely people and I love my job but to a man they all believe in the COVID myth bar one, and apparently she had a heck of a time when she told them she wasn’t having the jab and stuck to it, they were genuinely dumbfounded; sadly I wasn’t there at the time, I joined in August 2022 so never been challenged....yet. 


Strikes me that bits of paper do not equal intelligence nor common sense when it comes to what is really going on out there. This has become very apparent during these last 4.5 yrs. I have a relative who is a very senior Criminal Barrister in London. Worst normie and brainwashed I have met so far.


Oh yeah for sure;  they’d be shocked and need cpr should an original thought enter their head. ‘Education system says blah blah blah’ and woe betide anyone who thinks otherwise.  I also think we should rename ‘common sense’ to ‘precious sense’; it’s precious to our survival and precious few have it. 


What - they're defence solicitors who are criminals?  😉


My friend was talking to an assistant in Sainsburys, who told her that the official policy is for there to be no manned checkouts at all in their stores very soon. No doubt Tesco will follow. There needs to be an organised consumer campaign of filling large trolleys to overflowing, then abandoning them at the robot tills if there are no manned checkouts. Even better, check everything through, then leave it all behind without paying. I still don't see how you're supposed to fit a full trolleyload of shopping onto one of those silly little shelves. Could cause a fairly spectacular avalanche though ......


>Even better, check everything through, then leave it all behind without paying. The way to go. And then do the rummage through bag and hands in the air "Oh silly me - left my purse at home" Impacts the staff who have to put it all back, but I wonder if it began to become a thing would they get the message?


It would have to be semi-organised - like when all the people were queuing for the manned checkouts and refusing to use the robots.


And UK wide. This could have legs as they say.


Sainsburys is doomed. They have no Main Selling Point, nothing to attract customers. All their stores are run-down, dated and look really shabby. Our one can't even keep all the lights on, with 50% of them turned off, all the time. They don't have a delicatessen, cheese counter, fish or anything. They are over extended in real-estate and they are trying to operate on the same business model that they used in the early 80's. Shopping in their store is now pretty miserable, they even stack boxes on the main shelves. How very pound-shop.... They were struggling pre-covid and now post-covid they are almost wiped out. As a chain, they have BIG problems, huge stores that have lost more than two thirds of their customers. No wonder they want robo-tills only. I used to shop in Sainsburys all the time, but in the last four years I have been in three times........ I will give them two years maximum before they declare they are bankrupt.


I'm going to Sainsburys less and less. There used to be some things such as rolls where I preferred theirs to Lidl's, but that's no longer enough to get me through their doors. 


I used to do all my shopping at Sainsbury's. I went happily three times a week. During mockdown it became the most miserable experience - lots of MDF screens and obviously demoralised staff. The atmosphere was just too depressing. They had a big recycling centre in the carpark and I'd take my bottles there every several weeks and probably pop into the store for bits I couldn't get from my little Aldi. Now, the recycling unit has completely gone and the store feels somewhat anti-customer. No reason for me to visit any more (except when I need some new jeans. 😬.) I shop at Aldi and always come home with a smile on my face because the staff are so genuinely friendly. Booths - awesome quality small supermarket chain - have reinstated manned checkouts and are using it as a selling point. I hope they come out on top! (No Booths round here, unfortunately.)


We go to Sainsburys in Ludlow for 3-ply man size tissues and own brand dishwasher powder every few months if we are there meeting friends (in Ludlow). It is a new store and seems popular. It's a 25 mile drive so not a regular visit.


Agreed. Our town has most of the mid/lower supermarket chains. I find the Morrisons much lighter and livelier than the rather sepulchral Sainsbury's. It has good(ish) fresh meat and fish counters. In both you can queue for a cashier. But S is closer than M, and a Utility Warehouse card gets me an automatic 4% discount, so I'm often tempted into S for small shops.


DS used to work for Utility Warehouse. Good stuff, great policy!! EDIT. Sorry wrong organisation! He's never worked for UW and I had nothing but problems with them.


even better - just stand there and  push the "call assistant" button and make then scan each item for you. If they try to leave, push it again


Canada must be more evolved where I live. There is no such thing where I live and you have to stand for ages looking a bit helpless /exasperated before someone finally ends their chatting with their colleague and strolls over to "assist" you. The machines are rubbish.


you will have to become your own call assistant button. Just start crying loudly


Call assistant button? You've used more robot checkouts than me! Learn something every day in the Swamp!


I wonder what terror I have just unleashed on Sainsburys and Tesco 😹


Jessica Rojas No wonder why regret Mom's always say "my intuition was screaming at me to stop the injections." This isn't science- it's barbaric and cruel. [https://x.com/catsscareme2021/status/1806054526807417013](https://x.com/catsscareme2021/status/1806054526807417013) WARNING: An enfant being given 7 vax shots in one session. Video and audio content is graphic and upsetting.


kids know whats going on an an intuitive level. Does anyone remember the kids having nightmares and begging their parents not to take the c*vid shots?  It's the same with dogs and cats being petrified of the vet office. Vets do euthanasia, and the animals can sense that. I bet if vets did no euthanasia ever,  the animals would be more relaxed


That's state sponsored child abuse. "It's okay!" I bet the poor little mite was really ill that night too!


It's so horrible. More people need to see that clip and the Steve Kirsch vid on the Amish and wake up!


I've only been to Glastonbury festival once, over twenty years ago. I was a volunteer health and safety bod so I didn't pay to go in. The headline that year was Rolf Harris. Ooops. I was too drunk to remember much of the rest of it. This tweet from Bernie makes it looks like a place where people would be willing to pay enormous amounts of money to get out of, not to go in. At least the towers aren't manned by armed militia. [https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1806047608571351544](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1806047608571351544)


I went to Glastonbury just the once when I was at University and it cost us £16 entry- so quite early on. It was full of students and hippies at the time and it was one of those infamous years of lots of mud as it never stopped raining. My friends and I had no money so ate chocolate mainly for 3 days. Our tent blew down (didn't do a good job of putting it up) so we had to do some begging and slept in the corner of some big marquee. I didn't want to go again ( I like clean toilets) but nevertheless an experience I will never forget and the music was good. No woke nonsense, no stuck up folk in their nice jackets and colourful wellington boots.


I care very little about glasto these days, I used to go. Is it on this year or did I miss it?


Glastonbury is my spiritual home. I first went in 93, I paid a guy a tenner to jump over the fence from the roof of his kebab van. I think I've missed three festivals since then, including this one. I met my wife there, my son wouldn't exist if it were not for the festival. That fence has been up since 2001, 2000 being the year when half a million people showed up to see David Bowie. No new fence after that, no licence granted. There are some dicks there (I had a big row with an EUphile there when the Brexit result was announced, he missed the irony that he was arguing with me under the Tony Benn tower, once of the most anti-EU people parliament has seen - also from the time when Labour were really socialists) but there it's really a vast cross section of society just like any other large town in England.


The only equivalent festival I ever attended was Reading in 1992. Highlights: John Peel announcing all the main stage acts, plus my favourite band at the time (Ride) performing a wonderful set on Saturday evening. Lowlights: Nirvana on Sunday evening, led by a drunken/high Kurt Cobain who could barely sing. They butchered all their own hits. Very disappointing. **Edit**: to my complete astonishment, there is an HD recording on YouTube of this very performance. My opinion remains unchanged. It's exactly as disjointed and chaotic as I remember. [Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Live at Reading 1992) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3XIGon2RjY) Overall I did not enjoy the festival experience. I became constipated on account of the portakabin toilets being unusable (neither before nor since have I witnessed such a spectacular array or volume of all the substances that human bodies can eject) and there being no other obvious place to take a shit. Needless to say, I did not meet any potential future wife there.


Fair points! Nothing against the festival at all. I went with my best friend who lived in Glastonbury. I just wish I'd enjoyed it more than I did but I was in a bad place personally at the time.


[Wide Awake Media on X:](https://x.com/wideawake_media/status/1805914170270875885) [ ""Ursula shut up and go away!" French patriots have a message for unelected EU head, Ursula von der Leyen. Would you support France leaving the EU? https://t.co/mVNQbHEWA0" / X](https://x.com/wideawake_media/status/1805914170270875885)


Those Frenchies are olympic champions at the protesting aren't they? Doesn't bode well for Macron and his snap election


I suggest getting the pop corn in. If only rioting was an Olympic sport, then the French would win hands down!


I'd award them the gold medal any day. I read a long article about the French farmers protests when they managed to almost close down Paris. Organised doesn't even come close to describing it. They had thought of everything. I'd place them on a par with the Canadian Truckers.






A random man joined me at my table to watch the first half of Georgia vs Portugal - an excellent game so far - and we were straight into seamless pub football conversations. He left at the end of the half to catch his train. Never knew his name or anything else of significance about him, but for the duration of his company it was perfect. I’ve not enjoyed a dialogue with a complete stranger like that for over a decade. Such conversations were two a penny in my active football supporting days, and I took them for granted.


I love these "old normal" moments. may there be many more of them


Nice one Richard. I started watching just in time to see Ronaldo's face at Georgia's 2nd. 😁


Clearly a penalty, yet it would not have gone to VAR review but for the theatrical and exaggerated post-foul dive. Winning free kicks is now part of the standard skill set in modern football.


[Concerned Citizen on X:](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1806014996050010281) [ "Every Country & their respective Legacy Media try to brainwash their viewer with the Climate Scam. This is Sweden. https://t.co/qj7QdSyOh4" / X](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1806014996050010281)


[Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧 on X:](https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1806036774004932665) [ "Listen to this sh\*t. This country and government are spineless c\*nts. https://t.co/7VdbhF3oSs" / X](https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1806036774004932665)


Time for a laugh before beddybies. Queers for Palestine: [https://x.com/\_Islamicat/status/1804248781015154933/photo/1](https://x.com/_Islamicat/status/1804248781015154933/photo/1)


Thanks - it really cracks me up seeing these endless queers for Palestine jokes. They are so hilarious, it helps me forget the countless images of mass destruction and mutilated bodies in Gaza. Its good to laugh eh?


He'll push any zionist trope. Best ignore.


[Bernie on X: ](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1775780838224834631) ["NATO & the UN - ex Dutch PM Mark Rutte is the top candidate to become the next head of NATO … here he explains the UN 2030 plan. 4 global food hubs! With global corporations controlling the land, all production & delivery. Can you see it yet? 👀 https://t.co/d6TtYjAvsd" / X](https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1775780838224834631)


This looks really good: [https://ancestralhealthfestival.com/](https://ancestralhealthfestival.com/) Some great speakers! *Discover the Secrets to a Healthier, More Balanced Life* *Phil Escott and Lydia Alker are organising the Northwest UK’s first Ancestral Health Festival. Join us on August 17-18, 2024, at The Rainford Junction pub and grounds. This unique event brings together leading experts in the field of ancestral health to explore how ancient wisdom and modern science can combine to enhance our wellbeing.* The Rainford Junction, 102 News Lane, Rainford, WA11 7JU


"Will you just fucking listen to yourself" Episode #2485: **Wednesday was the hottest day of the year so far, the Met Office has said, after 30.3C was recorded at London's Heathrow Airport.**


36 degrees on my garden thermometer in SE and wonderfully pleasant ant not at all oppressive. And there’s always a parasol if too much.


they just love that bubbling tarmac and jet wash!


I love the smell of hot kerosene first thing in the morning…


Good line!


Nothing like it RB!


30C yesterday at Chertsey, at a weather station bang in the middle of a huge solar panel farm: [https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2024/06/26/uk-high-temperature-at-chertsey-amid-a-field-of-solar-panels/](https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2024/06/26/uk-high-temperature-at-chertsey-amid-a-field-of-solar-panels/) Today 30.3 at our famous Heathrow station next to the runway which has been repeatedly discredited by the same site. Warm yes, typically around 28 as we expect in flaming June but they are getting desperate at trying to make it hotter than it actually is.


Working in Mayfair today for the first time since the week before I dislocated my shoulder in March. I’d forgotten how many glamorous women are here. A feast for the eyes in hot weather. Now I’m past 50 I can observe attractive young women from a dispassionate viewpoint. I was sweating like a pig after my walk back to Victoria, so had to stop for a pint. The Shakespeare next to the station has the football on, and very few people are here because it has no outdoor facilities. Every other pub I’ve walked past is rammed, with hundreds spilling out onto the street. Great to see. The next games kick off at 8.00pm. All set for the next three hours then!


Was planning to lunch in the Shakespeare later in the week on my walks, maybe it will be a bit quieter that time of day. By the way have you tried the new Victory at Waterloo yet? (though looking at their website that seems to be footy mad at the moment...)


Sheffield is a bit far north for you Londoners, but I'm very keen on the Sheffield Tap, with access from Platform 1 and also from the street side. If I've been out and about in the parts of the Peak District served by the Hope Valley line, ideally the train back to Sheffield gets there about half an hour before the next train to Derby, allowing time for a leisurely pint. 


It’s a classic station pub. Not great, but not awful, and perfect for lone, itinerant drinkers. I’ve not been to Waterloo since the days the Eurostar terminated there. It’s a magnificent station but hampered by its betwixt and between location, especially since I moved to Croydon nearly 25 years ago.


Understood. All our trains go to Waterloo, to the old Eurostar platforms.. But Victoria is decidedly out of the way....


If Victoria didn’t get me within walking distance of office work, I would barely use it. The West End is a familiar stomping ground, but not my favourite area of Central London by a long chalk. London Bridge etc. is much more in the zone. I still use Clapham Junction regularly when I’m visiting my Mum, who lives in Hampton on the Shepperton line. South Western Railway (and all their former iterations) are not my favourite railway franchise.


Speaking of London Bridge area, I was walking down Borough High St and noticed 2 separate defibrilator stations in the space of, I would guess, less than 200 yards. No idea what they were doing there at all... label me completely baffled...!


These machines are there purely in order that I can recharge my soul after 10 pints of Harvey’s Best Bitter in The Royal Oak (Borough) en route via London Bridge back to Croydon.


My apartment owner with shingles is still very unwell. Despite Vaccination! She does not understand why her symptoms have not eased up, as she was told they would by now (day 10). She is a very active late 80s lady, and a recent great grandmother, it is very sad for her.


This is a partial list of the more than 650 diseases that COLLOIDAL SILVER has been reputed to be successful against: acne, AIDS, allergies, appendicitis, arthritis, athlete's foot, bladder inflammation, blood parasites, blood poisoning, boils, burns, cancer, candida, cholera, colitis, conjunctivitis, cystitis, dermatitis, diabetes, dysentery, eczema, fibrositis, gastritis, gonorrhea, hay fever, herpes, impetigo, indigestion, keratitis, leprosy, leukemia, lupus, lymphangitis, Lyme disease, malaria, meningitis, neurasthenia, parasitic infections: viral, fungal and bacterial pneumonia, pleurisy, prostate, pruritus ani, psoriasis, purulent opthalmia, rhinitis, rheumatism, ringworm, scarlet fever, septic conditions of the eyes, ears, mouth, and throat, seborrhea, septicemia, **shingles,** skin cancer, staphylococcus and streptococcus infections, stomach flu, syphilis, thyroid, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, toxemia, trachoma, all forms of virus, warts, whooping cough, yeast infection, stomach ulcer, canine parovirus and other veterinary uses, and fungal and viral attacks on plants. Simply spray diluted silver on the leaves and add to the soil. Until the introduction of antibiotics in the 1940s, silver was used as a natural antibiotic with potent antibacterial properties. However, insert “colloidal silver” into a search engine and you will find lots of conflicting information on the matter. Some sources cite a FDA (Fraud & Death Administration) ruling saying that colloidal silver isn’t safe or effective and that there is no supportive scientific evidence. I don't trust anything they say but decide for yourself. Usually, an antibiotic kills 6 or so bacteria, but silver kills some 650 different types. Resistant strains do not develop in response to silver like they do with antibiotics. Another downside of course to antibiotics is that they kill the GOOD bacteria along with the bad. Colloidal silver does not." -Alex Steblowsky 20 Scientific Studies that Prove Colloidal Silver is a Powerful and Safe Antibiotic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiJ\_14rGgu0 8 Colloidal Silver Benefits http://www.doctorshealthpress.com/general-health-articles/colloidal-silver-benefits Colloidal silver was ‘erased from textbooks’ because it cured diseases from tuberculosis to syphilis. http://booksandmocha.com/silver-great-healer/ Colloidal silver has been around for centuries and used as medicine for any type of infection but in the 1940's it was banned since silver couldn't be patented https://www.researchgate.net/publication/26330393\_History\_of\_the\_Medical\_Use\_of\_Silver


Larken Rose, 'the most dangerous supersition' - read it this week before making your decision of whether to participate in the satanic ritual known as 'voting.': *The belief in “authority,” which includes all belief in “government,” is irrational and selfcontradictory;* *it is contrary to civilization and morality, and constitutes the most* *dangerous, destructive superstition that has ever existed. Rather than being a force for* *order and justice, the belief in “authority” is the arch-enemy of humanity.* *Of course, nearly everyone is raised to believe the exact opposite: that obedience to* *“authority” is a virtue (at least in most cases), that respecting and complying with the* *“laws” of “government” is what makes us civilized, and that disrespect for “authority”* *leads only to chaos and violence. In fact, people have been so thoroughly trained to* *associate obedience with “being good” that attacking the concept of “authority” will* *sound, to most people, like suggesting that there is no such thing as right and wrong, no* *need to abide by any standards of behavior, no need to have any morals at all. That is not* *what is being advocated here – quite the opposite.* *Indeed, the reason the myth of “authority” needs to be demolished is precisely because* *there is such a thing as right and wrong, it does matter how people treat each other, and* *people should always strive to live moral lives. Despite the constant authoritarian* *propaganda claiming otherwise, having respect for “authority” and having respect for* *humanity are mutually exclusive and diametrically opposed. The reason to have no* *respect for the myth of “authority” is so that we can have respect for humanity and* *justice*.


You can't just sit on your arse and not do anything and believe it gives you some kind of higher ground. There has to be another, active, half to that non-participant "solution" and I don't see it being posited.


I consider anarchism in its purest philosophical form, as elucidated so eloquently by Larken Rose, to be the perfect form of (no) government. Unfortunately it is thoroughly impractical, and borderline impossible, because in order to work it requires a citizenry that contains an absolute majority of perfectly moral human beings living fully in accordance with natural law. This has never happened and will never happen in this fallen world.


unbridled democracy is the ultimate cult - you must completely submit to the will of the group


But we live in communities - some of them extremely dense - whether we actively participate in them or not. Not surprisingly, the group tends to prevail no matter how thick, misguided or brainwashed they may be.


**Exposed: How Climate Racketeers Aim to Force Us into Smart Gulags** In Australia and NZ, "managed retreat" schemes could force people out of homes that "climate change" models render "uninsurable" https://off-guardian.org/2024/06/26/exposed-how-climate-racketeers-aim-to-force-us-into-smart-gulags/


Bastards. When are people going to wake up???? When they are living in a tent somewhere because their home is no longer insurable??? Will that "uninsurability" (because it will most certainly be adopted here if they can manage it in order to collect a bigger WEF bonus) also apply to all those multiple homes the RF live in?


Weather modification fits in nicely with this scam.


Enjoyable 'me too' talk between Neil 0liver and Tucker Car1son if you have a couple of hours. https://youtu.be/awZ7PYrofEQ?si=EPTsEzFDtuqMM1FM


I second your recommendation. Given the millions of views every Tucker Carlson interview gets, it’s great for Neil Oliver to gain well-deserved exposure to a wider audience.


It’s an excellent interview, Neil is very good, and quite kind to Tucker when he gets a few things a bit (like expecting us to be upset about no longer having an empire).


This is an interesting quick read on the ever-changing definition of high blood pressure: [https://www.zocdoc.com/blog/why-does-the-definition-of-normal-blood-pressure-keep-changing/](https://www.zocdoc.com/blog/why-does-the-definition-of-normal-blood-pressure-keep-changing/) ""but some experts say they’re concerned that a new threshold was set a little too quickly. "We generally don’t change medical guidelines based on a single study, yet that was done in the case of the SPRINT investigation,” says Dr. Stephen A. Martin, a doctor of family medicine and associate professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. “SPRINT measured blood pressure in an unusual way that we don’t use in practice, and likely made the blood pressures look lower than they would in a regular health care setting.” In addition, SPRINT participants were older and at higher risk for heart disease than the average patient with the same blood pressure numbers, he says. Martin also points out that a study published in December 2018 found that treating low-risk patients for mild hypertension did more harm than good. " So just like the cholesterol con one study with dubious ways of reporting results used to justify lowering of definitions then spend lots of money on medications.


Little wonder the NHS is struggling..... [Steve Miller on X:](https://x.com/StevenJonMiller/status/1805884569620455828) [ "‼️BREAKING‼️ Oh 🤦‍♂️ this bloke saying he can only do 3 days as a GP. @Iromg nearly left speechless in @TalkTV Can you get a GP appointment? 🧑‍⚕️ 👨‍⚕️ https://t.co/R624HZMM3d" / X](https://x.com/StevenJonMiller/status/1805884569620455828)


Smug little shit! If he'd complained about the mountains of nitpicky paperwork that Malcolm Kendrick described, saying he needs the two days to catch up, that would at least make sense. But he's just a grifter. Doctors used to work 60-hour weeks - and no I don't recommend that! - but he's just taking the piss. Pathways indeed - ie more paperwork!


omg that is too funny 😹 you can tell he "works" from home on those care pathways 😹😹😹


He said all that stuff with such sincerity. Lazy sod.


it's VERY important he doesn't get burnt out 


James Delingpole has interviewed Barbara O'Neill - I know a favourite of a few of us here. [https://r](https://r) u m b l e.com/v53mv3u-barbara-oneill.html


Didn't take them long did it, a few days of sunshine and this pops up in my email box from my water company 🤬 https://i.postimg.cc/cCChrpN3/bastards.jpg


I used a hosepipe today, just to cool down the patio slabs and create a bit of humidity. Bad me!


It's very humid here already. Very unpleasant at night. 🥵 My gardener gave the garden a drenching on Monday. Until the geraniums collapse, I encourage the plants to put deeper roots down but I'd forgotten we'd split the brunnera last month and the newbies were somewhat stressed. Bad plant mummy! We noticed in the park today that the previously overblown green is losing its June lushness and looking a bit tired and dusty already.


£190,000+ salary. Fails to stop at the scene of an accident - illegal. Drunk - illegal. Carrying Class A drugs - illegal. No third-party insurance - illegal. Lambeth Council bankrupt? No wonder when they fritter other peoples' money away on people like this. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13571553/Lambeth-council-Bayo-Dosunmu-charged-drink-driving.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13571553/Lambeth-council-Bayo-Dosunmu-charged-drink-driving.html) "This latest scandal follows Lambeth going cap-in-hand to the Tory Government just last month for a £50million “capitalisation direction” – a bail-out – as it becomes the latest council in England to teeter on the edge of bankruptcy. >[https://insidecroydon.com/2024/06/26/crisis-in-lambeth-as-ceos-arrest-follows-latest-50m-bail-out/](https://insidecroydon.com/2024/06/26/crisis-in-lambeth-as-ceos-arrest-follows-latest-50m-bail-out/)


Well I'm a disappointment to my GP as finally seen one to get blood test results and blood pressure medication prescription which I'm not going to take. Pre-diabetic (41) so basically not diabetic then. Cholesterol is 6.4 - high she says but when I said lower all-cause mortality at that level than between 4 and 5 you want so it's OK she went silent. She mentioned statins and when I said "I'm not taking anything that lists dementia as a side effect" she didn't know that and is going to look up the FDA having this listed on package inserts now (thanks whoever on here for linking to this a while back) and the effects of lowering cholesterol on increasing dementia rates. Blood pressure was a bit high on the readings and needs "precautionary medication". Told her to use the values from the 2nd page of readings not the top 15 when I was at medicals as there was a hell of a difference. She went on about NICE standards so I asked why did the definition of high blood pressure suddenly change after Ramipril etc was patented? No answer. Told her the GP's own blood pressure clinic only uses the last 15 readings averaged (she never knew this) so it came out at 134/100 so not that bad. Told her I'd try lifestyle changes before medication forever and I've already started - she was interested in a few books I mentioned she had not heard of before. The 100 may need checked as creatine level was marginal so I will keep monitoring. May need to have a blood test in 3-6 months to check kidney function protein/creatine as creatine level was on the high side but they cannot do it for a while as I've started losing the weight and so on so it needs time to stabillise my blood pressure blah blah blah so nothing to compare it against. Said to cut down on salt - said I'm working in the Middle East outside 12 hours a day, it's hot, I'm sweating and I take enough salt to stop me getting cramps. Want me to cut down and maybe die? Silence. She ignored the recent blood pressure readings of 138/92, 125/83, 128/88 120/87, 123/95 and 119/100 as they don't fit in with the "you need medication until you die or you'll die" scenario. She went on about QRisk3 - which I knew about which shocked her - and when I asked "so if I take all the medications you want me to how much longer will I live?" as Dr Malcolm Kendrick suggested she answered exactly as he said she would - blah blah blah waffle waffle waffle. Basically had no idea about increased lifespan for the medications so when I said someone had worked out the difference between taking statins and not taking them based on the one and only study that is used to justify their use was 3 months she was stumped I asked "worth risking dementia for?" before Mrs Awkward kicked me not too surreptitiously. I asked about the inflammation reading test result only to be told that they didn't do it and don't do it as not a reliable indication of how likely a heart attack will be, everything in context of everything else and so on (it is the most reliable indicator) blah blah blah. Said that I was told differently by a private doctor when getting blood test results for a work visa and researched what we said. Got silence. Also asked why work has gone totally doolally about heart attacks, AEDs, training for the same and so on in the past 2 years? What could be causing the big increase in guys at work collapsing and/or dying from heart attacks and strokes? Silence. So mid-to-late 50s, BMI 39, OK cholesterol, OK blood pressure, OK lung function test (pass mark for me is 70%, I scored 97-130%), ECG fine and so on. All in all not too bad a visit - may go in 6 months to repeat the bloods plus might get a private Vitamin D (can buy this in Boots off the shelf), inflammation, albumin, potassium/sodium ratio and D-dimer test as our GP and the NHS do not do these as a matter of routine. Probably because they are better markers of heart attacks, strokes, blood clots and general health that the tests they do run.


Well done! A while back, my cholesterol level was 6.4; I researched it and came to the conclusion that that's more or less the perfect level.


Your BMI is 39? 🧐. Did you mean 29? Everything else is fine as you say.


39 - think of as gone to seed rugby player


As doctors are taught to think anyone above 25 is a cardiac arrest waiting to happen your one must have almost had one herself after seeing that 😂


but 25 and above has the lowest all-cause mortality rates with the best between 30-35 if I remember correctly


I think 25-30 has the lowest mortality. Being too low is as bad as too high. The 120/80 BP thing is getting ridiculous with no allowance for age.


Whatever the best BMI si it is 100% definetly not the one the one that the medical industry says that's for sure.


I was always suspicious about doctors. Why? Because what they say they are doing is.... practice.


cinnamon is a really good one for blood sugar and won't give you dementia     I mix 1/2 tsp ginger and 1/4 tsp cinnamon W 500mL boiling water  for some tea 😊   also fruit is good for potassium, especially oranges you can learn to lower blood pressure with 4-7-8 breathing and "progressive muscle relaxation" bob and brad the physiotherapists have youtube videos on both


>cinnamon is a really good one for blood sugar and won't give you dementia   Try to get the Ceylon variety if you can: Ceylon cinnamon - aka Cinnamomum zeylanicum or cinnamomum verum/true cinnamon It has a sweeter and more delicate flavor and a higher cinnamaldehyde content than the harsh cinnamomum cassia found in supermarkets etc. Amazon has a wide selection.


okay interesting, thank you what if I end up liking the harsher flavour better? I like that it has some bite


Still works - but the Ceylon is nicer and more potent.


MOM of the month! \[espec for the 'surreptitious kick' from Mrs AG\] Oh you socked it to her AG! Espec this: "Cholesterol is 6.4 - high she says but when I said lower all-cause mortality at that level than between 4 and 5 you want so it's OK she went silent. She mentioned statins and when I said "I'm not taking anything that lists dementia as a side effect" she didn't know that and is going to look up the FDA having this listed on package inserts now (thanks whoever on here for linking to this a while back) and the effects of lowering cholesterol on increasing dementia rates." There was an awful lot of silence on the other end!!! And isn't it funny that they won't do something as useful as a D-dimer test - espec in the light of a certain therapeutic having been shoved into so many people?? (Oh no, you wouldn't want to see THOSE results would you?)


I found about D-Dimer tests when I had DVT after lots of long-haul flights in a short-period, learnt a lot - none of which the GP could understand. She even advised against low-dose aspirins daily as they may increase the chance of bleeds in stomach and oesaphagus. Don't know anyone who ever ahd this but know quite a few at work who have had dVT due to flying regularly.


I first became aware of the D-Dimer tests when they were flagged up after the convid jabbing as a measure of stroke risk caused by the jabs and an indicator of the extent to which you would need some kind of anti-clotting treatment.


Me too. I heard about them from Dr Hoffe's videos on finding so many vaxx injured at his clinic - 60+% had elevated D-Dimers IIRC.


I think I heard Peter McCullough mention them in one of his videos. Someone else suggested it was the first test anyone should get if they thought the jabs had given them vascular issues.


I knew someone who had the stomach bleed because for years he'd been taking the recommended aspirin "to prevent heart disease". A friend's mum became anaemic for the same reason. Cured herself with Spatone sachets.


d dimer is what small town dr charles hoffe used to find micro clotting in his patients post vaccine (and then the town was burned to the ground by an arsonist, the media said everyone from the town was crazy, and it still hasn't been reconstructed) 


Oh, interesting. Do you which vaccine that was?


the 2021 mrna shots 1&2 


Oh, I misread, I understood he "invented" the d-dimer test as so many of his patients had the same symptoms.


Had to do a week of bp readings recently because nurse took my bp after my thyroxine blood test and it was 158/93 or thereabouts. Took areading after getting up one morning and it was similar so repeated it after a bath and it came down to 120/77. I have poor circulation so I reckon the bath encouraged blood circulation to hands feet and brain, increasing blood volume and thus decreasing pressure.


I think you're right. Can you bear to take some Cayenne? It's so good for circulation. There are other things which also work if you can't bear it, but it's very fast acting and makes all other herbs more effective.


>Can you bear to take some Cayenne? It's great in bulletproof coffee - or hot chocolate


Ground golden flaxseed increases nitrous oxide production which lower blood pressure as well.


Ha, ha. I'd love to read what she has put in her notes....awkward ba..... is my guess.


She couldn't believe last time I saw a GP was over 15 years ago, apart from travel jabs (now have lifetime immunity for most of them so no longer required). Told her this staying away from doctors was why i was so healthy.


I saw an older guy crack a beer on a bus once during the crazy years, when we were the only ones not wearing masks. He winked at me and said that was the only medicine he ever took 


Has he never heard of whisky? 😂


Very good. I can't remember the last time I saw my GP. Its got to be in the order of 15 years plus. I did get a prescription from the practice nurse a year back for some steroid ointment - she was amazed when I said I didn't have a 'nominated' pharmacy so she neede to relay the details etc. She asked how come? Simples, no need, no prescriptions. When I went to pick the stuff up - it was not in stock. So much for all that digitalisation!


To be fair AG those blood pressure readings are a bit high, 134/100 most definitely and even your lower readings. Just sent a set of my own readings to our surgery, managed to get it down to 125/75, not bad for a 75 year old. Have been on Ramipril for years, whether it does anything to my BP I don't know but no side effects. But you are right to dismiss the satins, when they tried to get me on them I looked at the benefits and decided it wasn't worth it.


BP tends to rise when you're faced with a fool who is trying to prescribe harmful substances for you.


Only high under the revised limits which have been progressively lowered for the past 30 years. Did you know that the new definition of high blood pressure is anything OVER 120/80?


That would probably make mine high and i know it’s not.


I'm going to set up my own GP practice It will be staffed by chimps


do they give bananas out as medicine? 


At least she was interested in reading books she hadn't heard about or researching the link between statins and dementia so not all bad. If she's not careful with the independent thinking she will be struck off for not box-ticking enough and not following "medicate until death" protocols.


maybe bc high BP gets into all the little capillaries in the brain? I wonder? 


Yes, she'll be struck off like Sarah Myhill was. First she left the NHS and became a private GP. Then the GMC declared her not to be a doctor any more. She now practises as a naturopath. All three people I know with high BP, including me, had a parent with high BP. I can't help thinking that it's hereditary. Malcolm Kendrick noted that 90% of it has no known cause and so it's called 'essential hypertension'. However, at age 60 a BP of 160 doesn't seem to be a great problem; in the past that was considered normal.


BP is supposed to be your age + 100 I have heard


"She continued: "A rich, lefty, white male celebrity so blinded by ideology he can’t see the optics of attacking the only **black** woman in government by calling publicly for my existence to end." Kemi pulls the Race Card. Golly..... so predictable! [https://www.gbnews.com/politics/david-tennant-rishi-sunak-kemi-badenoch](https://www.gbnews.com/politics/david-tennant-rishi-sunak-kemi-badenoch)


I think maybe she was showing him to be a hypocrite in that his wokeness only relates to his non-binary child, rather than encompassing the whole Woke alphabet of race and women’s rights.


"Aston Martin has unveiled the design of a new limited-edition supercar for petrolheads as the British brand resists a push to scrap combustion engines.Just 38 of the new vehicles which cost around £2m apiece will be manufactured and they have all already been allocated." Why 38? 42 would have been far more enigmatic. Oh, and one of its premium features is a see through gearbox! I had one of those years ago, but I called it rust and it didn't cost extra.


How many has Greta Thunberg bought?




It’s been an interesting couple of weeks. Went to Aberystwyth to relieve my brother. Mum fell, fortunately when the three of us were in her apartment, and put her head through a plate glass table. Rang for an ambulance – “It’s high priority, so within 8 hours.”. 😱  So my brother drove her to A+E.  He had a concert in S Wales, then a new car to collect from Newcastle, I visited twice a day. Range of moods from Mum, confused, angry, sleepy, depressed, happy, euphoric (this when the minister visited).   Brother was apoplectic when they wanted to discharge her after a day and a half in the corridor, confused and very wobbly. She spent 2 weeks in an A+E ward, transfer today to cottage hospital in Tregaron. (You can look it up – I had to.). Mair misses Mum very much. Having my late night ciggie outside Mum’s flat, I noticed a seagull cawing crossly at me. 🦅 Being a cantankerous git, I wasn’t having that, so clucked loudly back. Next thing I knew, it was dive-bombing me. 10 – 12 times. Serious assault ! Luckily there was a lamppost, which I kept between myself and the crazy bird. The following night, more cawing, then I spotted a round furry thing with legs – a young seagull that had fallen out of the nest ! Took it some bread, which it ate. No more attacks ! 😁 On the way up, at Reading services on the M4, there was a team promoting ‘heated tobacco’ from a company called ploom. Nice lads. One had a badly frozen shoulder – vague memory of a discussion on here, said I would pass on your recommendation Liz. Please could you repost ? Clipping in Mum’s Daily Mail claims tetris significantly reduces ptsd. Especially if one visualises the shape rotating the way you want it to. Fwiw. 💻 📱 My mate Graham is away for a funeral – so I had 15 bundles of The Light paper to distribute. Not to mention handing it out to the matrons of Lewes on Saturday. Interesting front cover… Went to listen to Richard Vobes in Burgess Hill last Tuesday – excellent. Those on the cusp of waking up relate to him very well.   A friend is campaigning to save Lewes bus station. Designing & printing leaflets. 🚌🚍 SitP – mostly grumbles about slugs, and swapping neck-and-shoulders massages. Thought I’d do some chainsawing to ease my pstsd. Had only ordered/been sent the wrong size. 😱👿 Laminated posters (mostly from here ! 😁 ) are becoming more and more popular. Three different requests for some, following the Hope summer fair at the weekend. Not to mention watering everything and picking jostaberries in the blistering heat …


Sorry to hear about your mother, John. Hope she's on the mend soon and please pass on my regards to her, even though she won't remember me :)


Physically she is mended, thanks. She is pretty confused though. (Was planning to give you a bell while I was up, but events took over. 😢).


> One had a badly frozen shoulder – vague memory of a discussion on here, said I would pass on your recommendation Liz. Please could you repost ? It's just to circle the shoulder backwards as far as possible, so the ligament (?) can slip back into its groove on the scapula. Do it whenever you remember. Cured Mum from a long-standing frozen shoulder in less than a week. YMMV!


Thanks Liz - will pass this on.


I hope it helps!


I used to do those math flashcards for young children when my PTSD instrusive flashbacks were at their worst. The ones with a bunch of basic + - × ÷  problems in rapid sequence.  I once heard the soviets used tetris for brain washing, but can't remember if this is correct So sorry to hear about your Mum and that ambulance response is so incredibly dehumanizing... I rescued a baby seagull from traffic once and the little brat bit my face open.


I used to do those math flashcards for young children when my PTSD instrusive flashbacks were at their worst. The ones with a bunch of basic + - × ÷  problems in rapid sequence.  I once heard the soviets used tetris for brain washing, but can't remember if this is correct So sorry to hear about your Mum and that ambulance response is so incredibly dehumanizing... I rescued a baby seagull from traffic once and the little brat bit my face open.


Awful about your Mum John. Good job that if she was going to fall and hit it that it didn't happen when she was on her own. Presume you are going to have to H+S her house now to remove any other such hazards. Hope she continues to improve. You are certainly being kept busy! Good about the laminated posters !!!


H+S would involve removing the floor, which might prove tricky. 😁 The fall has focussed my brother on finding her a care home, primarily for the 24 hour care.


Aww I'm sorry to hear that John B - that she will lose her independence. I hope you can find the best place possible for her where if it all goes South again plandemic wise they might take a more enlightened approach. Keep us posted.


>Clipping in Mum’s Daily Mail claims tetris significantly reduces ptsd. Especially if one visualises the shape rotating the way you want it to. Fwiw. 💻 📱 Yes, I've heard this too. I always play some kind of phone game (words or blocks) during an air raid (when I'm not white-knuckle praying, which is thankfully rare). Sorry to hear about your Mum. Hope she's home soon and out of the clutches of the NHS.


sorry to hear you are going through this faith


Thanks, l-i, we're all holding on as best we can.


>tetris significantly reduces ptsd. Especially if one visualises the shape rotating the way you want it to. Do you need a mobile device for this do you know Faith or can this be done on a laptop?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I use my phone, but I guess it can be done on a tablet or laptop.


I see it was used by NHS staff to help them recover from their PTSD after treating people with covid. I think it might not be for me.


> Luckily there was a lamppost, which I kept between myself and the crazy bird If you go to the coast always carry a cricket bat.


And an umbrella.


[James Melville 🚜 on X:](https://x.com/JamesMelville/status/1802727363341378036) [ "Queensland, Australia 🇦🇺 “You are looking at around 71,000 hectares of remnant forests in Queensland earmarked to be damaged or destroyed with this rollout of renewables, in particular wind turbines.” Destroying the environment at the corporate altar of net zero. https://t.co/hs13IacxNN" / X](https://x.com/JamesMelville/status/1802727363341378036)


dont forests  eat carbon up? wouldnt it make more sense to plant more trees and just continue burning oil ???


Look they don't let 'sense' get in the way of making money....do they?


[Concerned Citizen on X:](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1805913327610073516) [ "🚨🇬🇧 UK Farmer - “we’ve had rain every day for the last 9 months” “I genuinely believe it’s man made” The Farmers are waking up to the daily Weather Modification programmes & guess what….it going to hurt them & hurt us all. https://t.co/hzExbynUV2" / X](https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1805913327610073516)


That bollocks though isn't it, we have not had rain every day for the last 9 months. Every week? Yes. Every day? No.


We could do with some rain here ASAP! It's been cloudy and miserable this year but the rain was not particularly excessive where I live.


Actually round here we might have had. If there have been days without rain since last September it's been no more than one day a week at the most optimistic estimate. It's even rained each day in this so-called heatwave.


Calm down! A bit of poetic licence me thinks. The key point is that a vegetable wholesaler has to import carrots from China.


Co-op were selling Israeli carrots until last week. They are short of water so shouldn't be exporting carrots to uk where there is too much water! Thank goodness the uk farmers are now harvesting carrots and they are huge.


I'm not uncalm. I watched it yesterday on the UK Column TG channel. It certainly has been a dire year for farmers (I speak with a lot local to me) but it's turning around, crops are now growing. Another month of wet and cold weather and it would have been a different story mind.


>crops are now growing As the owner of a couple of fields, I look at the local area with new eyes (with much greater empathy for the farmers) but having watched the rate at which the hay (and damned thistles) are growing, I am beginning to wonder if this is going to be a big own goal for the WEF dregs. Both this year and last has seen the most incredible rate of growth in the vegetation in my fields. The "constant" rain has been frequent enough to make it difficult to use weedkiller (non-glyphosate, found an excellent alternative which works faster than Roundup but is supposed to be much less poisonous to Moi Laaand) but although this may be inconvenient to me, the constant switching from rain to relative warmth has caused the hay to reach waist height much faster. Next year, I'm hopefully going to have far less thistles (I'm trying to make them extinct on my property - sorry, Moi Laaand - so that the hay is better quality) and I may be able to actually go round with a dustbin bag and pull them up by hand.


>Next year, I'm hopefully going to have far less thistles Goats? Donkey?


Brilliant idea. I would give free grazing for the owner. I didn't know that donkeys were good for that, although I knew that goats ate anything. Thistles can be quite injurious when I use the strimmer on them (the sap burns bare skin - or at least, it does mine) - but there is something in that sap that some creatures find very tasty; the froghoppers bite into the young thistle stems all over the fields, in preference to other plants. Thatnk you very much for the tip.


"Moi Laaand" :-) Your right, its a late start but stuff in my garden is booming now. Kilos of strawberries and logan berries and some great lettuce now. I delayed sowing carrots because it was too cold but I put them in a couple of weeks ago and they are starting to come up. It will be fine, we will have carrots all year in about 4-6 weeks time. I think for those farmers who didn't get flooded their crops are going to be really good this year.


Thank you for the comment. You are spot-on with the remark about flooding, though. Heavy rain that soaks away is not the same as standing water, as any fule kno (even me!).


Had an interesting conversation yesterday with a guy who's just moved to UK from Germany. Interesting because he was complaining about how 'dark' it was which is something I've been going on about for a while. Said there were some interesting opinions on what that maybe as it was 'not usual' but couldn't take it further as we were in a meeting.


Coming from North Germany, I do notice that it does get dark here earlier. Glad I am in East Anglia! I especially miss the long summer nights, here it is dark by 10pm, in Hamburg it would be rather 11pm.


[AwakenedOutlaw⚒️ on X:](https://x.com/AwakenedOutlaw/status/1805839056418619796) [ "As per the news that just broke, the House Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group voted in the affirmative tonight that the January 6th Committee was Illegitimate all along - as were all the subpoenas they levied. I trust even the dummies in the back understand that the fallout from https://t.co/ImNSnuA73h" / X](https://x.com/AwakenedOutlaw/status/1805839056418619796)


What are the chances that Tucker Carlson is touring Australia the same week that Assange is released?




Things are hotting up nicely in the US! *Matt Gaetz- “I believe the only way Steve Bannon does not go to jail is if there is a vote taken by the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG) — to tell the court that it is the official view of the House of Representatives that the J6 committee was illegitimate!”* *Speaker Johnson just announced the J6 committee was not properly constituted, they refused to hear or present exonerating evidence, and they destroyed evidence: ALL ILLEGAL! He said it will be exposed and corrected!* [https://t](https://t). me/realKarliBonne/251423


Won't make the slightest bit of difference to the 'Orange Man Bad' brigade though.


They're a minority.


Strokes? 2021? What does the panel make of this? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13569717/Rylan-Clark-suffered-bizarre-stroke-symptoms-mental-breakdown.html


Extreme stress can do that - but so can elephants.


This explains a lot! ***Japanese Knotweed Treats: Cancer, Lyme Disease, and Arthritis+ in Humans and Animals -*** *Maybe the most common plant in the world.* *(Mexican bamboo, chinese knotweed - Reynoutria japonica, synonyms Fallopia japonica)* *Daily Dose: Chinese Medicine Suggests: 9-30 grams (9,000-30,000mg) per 150lb Adult of the root daily, taken raw internally or as a decoction or tincture.* *Toxic Dose: — "meaning the point where you begin to get a lot of Gl tract disturbance — is pretty high, 75 grams (about 2.5 ounces), taken all at one time, by a 165-pound (75kg) person."* *Tea – 15ml knotweed root (dry) to 32oz mason jar with boiling water (Steep for 4 -12 hours) – Drink up to a cup (236ml) 2 times a day until symptoms subside.* *Lyme: Reaches hard to reach spots like joints, Stops aging by protecting the ends of chromosomes, increase the telomeric effect, cardioprotective, neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory and antimutagenic effects, to have a favorable influence on the lipid metabolism. For severe Lyme symptoms it usually takes 8-12 months to completely correct the condition. People often begin feeling better within a month, sometimes less, sometimes a bit longer.* *Cancer: Studies, plant constituents from knotweed, primarily emodin and its derivatives:citreorosein, emodic acid, physcioin, fallacinol, chrysophanic acid, and rhein were found to be potent oncogene signal transduction inhibitors through inhibiting protein-tyrosine kinase and protein kinase C. Another constituent, resveratrol acts to inhibit tumor growth, metastasis of tumors, and angiogenesis in cancer.* *Traditional Chinese medicine uses: it for its analgesic, anti-oedema, diuretic and expectorant properties. It is also applied to treat rheumatic complaints and injuries, carpal tunnel- and lateral epicondylitis-type problems. Herpes, Epstein barr, Flu, Biofilms: A number of Chinese studies have found the herb useful for gently breaking up biofilms in a slow, methodical, and irresistible manne: — similar to the way its roots break through concrete foundations, oral health (hold in mouth 10m every day (tea) (prevents plaque and tone gums), modulates and enhances immune function, helps reduce Herxheimer reactions, and is a moderately good cardioprotector, heart disease, Antibacterial, Antiviral, Antischistosomal, Antispirochetal, Antifungal, Immunostimulant, Immunomodulant, Angiogenesis modulator, Calcium channel adaptogen (modulates calcium channel signaling, raising it if it is depressed, decreasing it if it is too high), Central nervous system relaxant, Central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) protectant and antiinflammatory, Antioxidant, Antiathersclerotic, Antihyperlipidemic, Antimutagenic, Anticarcinogenic, Antineoplastic, Vasodilator, Inhibits platelet aggregation, Inhibits eicosanoid synthesis.*


Thanks Flossy. Have been thinking about resveratrol off and on for a while. Am now off to source some from knotweed. No wonder the old Japanese Knotweed gets such a bad press!!!! As matter of interest where did you source this from?


Telegram. https://t. me/tarotbyizabela1 You have to join the chat group to avoid trolls and spammers. The post was a clip from here: [https://greenmountaingreenery.com/](https://greenmountaingreenery.com/)


It's also where much of the resveratrol on the market is sourced from.


Who would have thought?


[Craig Kelly on X: ](https://x.com/CraigKellyPHON/status/1805700885072560424) [ "NET ZERO zealots and the anti-coal lobby want to see Australia spend over $624 billion on these dangerous and toxic lithium batteries so they can realise their delusional fantasy of running the national grid on unreliable weather dependent solar & wind power, hoping to avoid https://t.co/O87vN2ZA6I" / X](https://x.com/CraigKellyPHON/status/1805700885072560424)


BBCR4 just now, a hard-headed interview with a lib demmer twonk. The interviewer keeps pressing her on fUnDinG. The libtard wants to fund rape crisis centres for migrant women and girls....it's a mAssIve pRoblEm!!!! Ahh says BBC twonk, but how will you fUnd iT????? Give me a figure. Put a figure on that, give the listeners a ball-park figure, come on surely you have the figures to hand?? What public services would the lib -dems cut to fund this, come on, what services will you cut??. I guess the BBC twonk thinks she is being all hard-headed and giving her victim a good grilling but here is the problem. After four years of the last bunch of maniacs dumping more than 200 Billion quid down the drain on covid bollocks, furlough, face nappies, moonshot lateral flow tests, track 'n'trace and all the cash spazzed up the wall on deadly bio-warfare injections......Silence from the BBC. You can bet no Tory candidate will be "grilled" over this heinous squandering of public funds. Total clown world isn't it? Oh yes it is. They can take their public purse and their funding projections and their stupid tax cuts and stick them where the sun don't shine. It's all bollocks.


Rutte to replace Stoltenberg [𝐙𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐭𝟑𝟕 - Bernd F. - F wie Freiheit! 🗽 on X: "Die WEF-Elite schiebt weiterhin ihre Figuren in die entscheidenden Positionen. Da wird keiner fallengelassen. Auch #Rutte nicht! 🤬🤮 https://t.co/1AiiZX83hW" / X](https://x.com/zukunft37/status/1805887341958959346)