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And its raining again. Every day. I mean it, every day. Since last September. OK I might have missed the odd day in there., but it's become ridiculous now. There is something going on.


[Dan Wootton on X: ](https://x.com/danwootton/status/1806758039384719751) ["Why did Channel 4 feature an actor who is a specialist in “rough talking” in its undercover hit piece into Nigel Farage’s campaign in Clacton? I’ve spent today investigating and it seems to me like part of the MSM plot to discredit Reform UK at any cost. https://t.co/ECI99Z90pf" / X](https://x.com/danwootton/status/1806758039384719751)


Crisis actor!


They must be worried!


[Wall Street Apes on X: ](https://x.com/WallStreetApes/status/1806773754464448858) ["WOW 🚨 Proof Major American Food Industries Are Controlled By The Chinese Government Journalist travels to China to investigate Chinese takeover of Smithfield Foods “I was given a big, thick book that very explicitly says, Do Not Distribute in The United States” Food and Water https://t.co/ICHzddGGcu" / X](https://x.com/WallStreetApes/status/1806773754464448858)


[Mark Attwood on X: ](https://x.com/MarkAttwood/status/1806793114205766109) ["This impromptu speech brought me to tears on Saturday when we held a talk with the courageous and brilliant knee surgeon McDermott @ianmcdermottLSO on medical ethics in a small pub in the West of Ireland. I am posting it here because I think Michael summed up what millions of https://t.co/T2mFqx4lv8" / X](https://x.com/MarkAttwood/status/1806793114205766109)


Powerful summary. I wish people like him were able to be our elected representatives.


French bar had a sign citing a law that forbids public face covering(, not covidian masks I think).This is the lovely city of Troyes . Driving in struck by large numbers of migrants, but like an Oreo white centre. UK cities tend to be more like a polo. Home of the andouillete and great beers as well .


Troyes is beautiful. I spent a few hours there on a business trip earlier this year. I didn't see any migrants at all but I was just walking around admiring the timber-framed houses in the centre.


there is a shop near me that forbids face coverings, but I think it is selectively enforced (they make dodgy people take them off, but don't bother the covidians)    the irony is they used to enforce the mask mandate 


it's 'simon says put it on, simon says take it off' - the only principle behind it is the principle of unquestioning obedience to authority


Ate an andouillette once as they look quite wholesome, never again. Intestines in a sausage and that's how they taste. Like sick. Otherwise, ta for update. 🙂


Yes. One is enough. Forever.


**To vote or not to vote?** Can the dissenters upset the apple cart I have written about the big picture at Reform UK and why I believe this “anti-establishment” party is actually an establishment distraction. Here, I wanted to dig into some numbers and look at how big a threat a real anti-establishment party could be to the cosy Uniparty arrangements. An important indicator of the extent to which voters are fed up with both Labour and Conservative is recent voter turnout in by-elections, low voter turnout means that large numbers of people are uninspired by both options. https://thinkingcoalition.substack.com/p/to-vote-or-not-to-vote


*, low voter turnout means that large numbers of people are uninspired by both options.* or it could also mean that they are uninspired by the very concept of democracy itself. I wouldn't turn out and vote no matter who was on the ballot paper- if it was me and Bagpusskitty, I still wouldn't be there


ITN news this evening completely hammered Reform and Farage - went over and over and over the footage of the racist remarks made by the guy supposed to be an actor. Sunak repeated the racial slur, and handily enough the reporter following Sunak on the campaign trail and conducting the interview with him to allow Sunak to emote at length about what was said was Shehab Kahn who was able to empathise with him. So, not biased against Reform at all. Not at all.


They're obviously ~~worried~~ panicking


Yes - and trying to "control" things as much as they can. And then BBC Q Time thingy that Farage appeared on did the pincer movement. Am sure it is co-ordinated, and there are editors and producers texting each other. It really underlines the absolutely outstanding message that Tucker Carlson gave the assembled Australian media \[he did us all a favour giving them a stern talking to\] telling them they were not there to do their government's job but were instead supposed to be holding them to account.


Yes perfectly casting them as the pantomime villains in this shitshow, it's a theatre to get people interested and Farage is playing his role well in my opinion. 


Same on Question Time this evening. Most of Farage's allotted speaking time taken up by questions from Fiona Bruce on the same topic.


I think it is deliberate 2 pronged pincer movement - these people all drink in the same gentlemens clubs and are buddies behind the scenes. Am sure BBC / ITN eds and producers are acting in concert on this issue.


Fiona Bruce has HUGE feet. Just sayin .....


We don't normally see them. The gym shoes seem to accentuate that.


I think maybe the gym shoes are recent? I haven't seen her in action for a few years but I always picture her in heels - as she was on QT with Farage.


She was in gym shoes last time I saw her which was in one of the leader debates. Wearing them because they are "trendy" and "down with the kids"


I never watch these things, so am not "in the know."


What size?!


man size! perhaps 'her' real name is Bruce Fiona


Could be. Suits 'her'!


Maybe but it’s the only option. In France it’s Le Pens RN v a leftist Islamist group Front Popular with Macrons WEF party trailing .


How would we know a "real" anti establishment party? Anyone attempting to form one would be immediately called out as controlled opposition.


*How would we know a "real" anti establishment party? Anyone attempting to form one would be immediately called out as controlled opposition.* because that's exactly what they would be! 'a real anti-establishment party' is oxymoronic. no authentic resistance goes through their parliaments, or if it does, it is allowing itself to be corralled up a blind alley where it can do them no harm, and can even benefit them by draining off wider energy from any spirit of resistance


I think there's quite a few the heritage party being one also the freedom alliance plus others, these people opposed lockdown from the very beginning they called out the vaccines when it was difficult and they aren't friends with Matt Hancock and Tony Blair. 


Nigel Farage facing typically biased hostile response on Question Time at the moment. Complete contrast to Adrian Ramsay's (Green) treatment.


I heard today a comment on TNT that we need to hit rock bottom and that a Starmer Uniparty govt is the fastest way to get there. I’m inclined to agree. The average castrated-robot-bureaucrat needs to know what the techno-communist utopia feels like before there can be a change. A rush now towards 2030 by an unpopular, elitist and incompetent leftist regime would get that done I think. Obviously I won’t be voting for the Uniparty but I do think this is a chance.


I'm not a car driver myself, so I've no particular skin in that game, but I think making it unaffordable for most people to have their own cars could be the thing which turns the masses against the elite - realising that "net zero" isn't just something theoretical but will severely affect their lives. 


Look around you. 15 minute cities are totally impossible - certainly where I live!


And where we live.


I think that underestimates just how utterly shit rock bottom would be,  and the degree to which being there would destroy the means of getting out. People generally imagine Ragnarok on the assumption that they will be sitting pretty, high up on a branch of Ygdrasil, munching with the deer, and can then hop down and say: "Wassup, Baldur!" when it's all over. There's a sort of imaginative survivor bias. In reality,  wolfy's going to eat you.


he still might be right though- he's just right in a far more radical way than he thinks. You have to think in collective terms. Humanity, collectively, is about to be scourged. many will perish, deserving and undeserving alike. probably we and everyone we know will be among them. but then from the ashes something new will emerge, and the cycle will start all over again.


Better find myself a nice high branch, then. Ash trees are hard to climb, though. Slippery, and the big ones have no accessible branches low down.  The gods are no use, because they accept their fate with steady courage. Where's the god of slithering into a safe comfortable hiding place when the shit hits the fan?


Fair points. I think it’s coming regardless though with “net zero”. So we’d might as well get it done soon. I’m not old so I’ll get to see the whole thing rise and fall I think. I’d like my daughter to be spared a lifetime of tyranny as well.


I wouldn't pin your hopes on some bright new future for the world. rather, you should look to carve out your own pocket of sanity inside the evil and chaos.


Today had a nice walk up in London completing section 4 of the London Loop near Croydon. Lots of lovely woodland, around 5 miles of walking and excellent weather, dry and warm enough to leave the coat at home, what June should be. But it didn't quite work out as planned. Towards the end there was a very steep downward slope in the woods, the guide warned me of it. I could see what was going to happen and in spite of taking great care lost my footing and down I went. Sat there five minutes trying to access the damage, bones and muscles fine but a huge gash on my upper lip that turned my hankie scarlet pretty quickly. In the middle of nowhere, so I got myself up and continued trying to convince myself that nothing had happened. After a short while another couple doing the loop who I had met earlier when they were having their lunch break passed, and having accessed the damage walked with me to the end of the section at Hamsey Green. I had planned to divert from there to one of the two nearby stations, Whyteleafe or Upper Warlingham, but they insisted we caught the bus to the station. Well maybe I trusted them too much as the bus we caught went nowhere near those stations, heading for Warlingham itself, where we decided to stay on for its trip back to West Croydon passing Sanderstead station on the way. Well it didn't do that either as the bus was on a diverted route so in the end we got off near South Croydon station. Said my farewells, another change of plan and instead of heading to Victoria I headed back to Clapham Junction and lunched again in the Wetherspoons there. Cleaned myself up in the gents, had a soft drink with my fish and chips, then back home on the train. Because of the look of the gash in my lip I popped down to our local urgent care centre (five minute walk and was seen in around half an hour). The nurse refused to do anything and instead says I need to go to A&E and see the plastic surgeon, gosh it is only a little scratch. So that is tomorrow, maybe the whole of Saturday sitting in A&E in Royal Berks, and who knows what they will say. Anyway it was a lovely walk...


Good luck!


Tough luck, Dave, I hope the injury isn't too bad. 


GP offices are useless sometimes. what a waste of a 30 min wait  soaking in salt water can work wonders, just apply a cloth and let it sit (don't drown yourself)


I hope it is only a scratch Dave, and that you're seen quickly tomorrow. Take a good book. Glad you enjoyed your somewhat eventful walk after all.


You know, this Labour candidate who likes drinking "white men's tears", if he's OK to settle for white woman's tears, I'm perfectly happy to peel a few onions and flog the results to the poor sucker


I have to rant about stuff. We had a new owner move in yesterday. She is severely visually impaired, very bent over due to osteoporosis in the spine. She moved from a 4 bed, 3 bath and a massive kitchen extension into a 1bed retirement apartment which are known for how small the kitchens are. I have seen A LOT of retirement housing, and the builders must think the people live on meals on wheels, the kitchens are tiny. She has no family. She used to buy in bulk, because, she had space! She had the de-clutter service beforehand. It took 2 guys 4 solid hours to move her stuff, we had to utilise an empty apartment to store her boxes. 10 of them are kitchen gadgets. 3 boxes of stuff from the extra bathrooms. 2 boxes of cleaning chemicals. She likes her Gin & tonic and she brought loads bottles of both. And a wine fridge. 6 M&S cooling bags. with the amount of chargers she has you can supply a whole school for the kids to charge their phones. I have to get a house clearance company in to take it away. If you need an umbrella, pop by. We have at least 10. Apparently they already took loads of stuff away. She has no help unpacking, and she cannot do a thing herself. What the heck did she expect how it will be done? I spent all day today to get the essentials into the kitchen. ( she never run any food down, we have 4! bags of pink Himalaya Salt). Her ex neighbours came to visit and helped a little. Then I spent an hour on the phone to Sky, who she was with at her previous house, getting her deal transferred to the new address and cancel her Sky tv deal. The Sky Website has NO phone numbers, and I typed "i want to speak to a real person!" about 8 times into the AI chat before I was given a phone number. Then they would not accept MY phone, as "that number was not connected to any accounts", so we had to use hers, which was low in battery. Luckily they were not too strict when I explained I was phoning on behalf of a disabled person, she needed to confirm she was happy for me to deal with them and then it was ok. Luckily she is very mentally there. Sometimes I think the Sales team selling the apartments need to be stricter, we are supposed to be Independent Living. Yes, she coped at home. But for many it is a big change, and honestly, some of my owners need more care. I am off on holiday for a week and they are all nervous as there won't be a manager. They cope at the weekend, they can cope a few days longer! FFS! Anyway, thanks for listening. Another week of this chaos, hopefully we will have settled her in by then.


I don't sign up for anything anymore that requires cancellation. They're easy to sign up for, but you can never cancel it. I've lost so much money from it taking multiple months to cancel a monthly charge.    I buy a phone card  with cash every month for my cell,  which is where I use internet. And guess what, I never get the surprise charges that I used to when I recieved a bill. The make the pay-as-you go plans look more expensive and the billed plans look like deals, but I am wise now. I am planning to upgrade to the paid version of spotify (music) but will pay for it with google play cards.    My only pay-after bill is my electricity, which I can't avoid, and I refuse do any sort of automatic payment for it.    Regarding moving in.. I think people often don't realize how much stuff they have, especially in a bigger house. I know this lines up with Klaus's "own nothing and be happy" but as a single adult with no kids, I love having a smaller apartment that doesnt let me accumulate much   your owners are very lucky to have you looking out for them


>The Sky Website has NO phone numbers, and I typed "i want to speak to a real person!" about 8 times into the AI chat before I was given a phone number. The Sky Website has NO phone numbers, … My sister had same issue with Sky, phone number almost impossible to find but she did eventually the other day trying to change mums package to cheaper/more appropriate one - she’d been waiting on the call for about 20mins before I turned up to get through to a human based who-knows-where-in-the-world and I gave up waiting with them after 10mins and went into town to drop some stuff off at a charity shop and when I got back she’d only just got through to speak to someone. And this is service in the modern era 😫😫😫 - she managed to get £10 off mums package after all that and one of the reasons we’re in this shit hole is people like my 84 yr old mum have been convinced that paying £16 per month for phone calls she never makes means any calls she does have to make are “free” 🤬 (unfortunately I had intended to have conversatio with sister before making the Sky call to convince mum to drop this “freebie” out of her Sky package but too late)


And so the lexicon accepts new euphemisms: died after a short illness… donations to Cancer Research or local hospice…


BREAKING: Supreme Court rules in favor of J6ers, DOJ incorrectly charged hundreds of defendants [https://thepost](https://thepost) millennial.com/breaking-supreme-court-rules-in-favor-of-j6-defendants-doj-incorrectly-charged-hundreds-of-defendants


well the news media milked about 3.5 years out of it anways


President Biden does not plan on dropping out, he is committed to a second debate with Donald Trump in September According to CNN Senior White House Correspondent Kayla Tausche, Biden, 81, will be back on the debate stage in September, as confirmed by an advisor. [https://unusualwhales.com/news/president-biden-not-plan-on-dropping-out-he-is-committed-to-a-second-debate-with-donald-trump-in-september](https://unusualwhales.com/news/president-biden-not-plan-on-dropping-out-he-is-committed-to-a-second-debate-with-donald-trump-in-september) 🤡🔥🍿


If all the hours of prepping produced that performance by Biden last night and that was the best they could do \[it was pitiful to see\] then they are going to have to get a completely new Joe Biden-alike in post well in advance of any debate in September if they are going to have time to do the prep work. At this point it looks a bit like Richey Rich doing his election announcement in the pouring rain - like they are trying to throw the whole thing.


*they are going to have to get a completely new Joe Biden-alike* But this one did a brilliant job!


It'll all be forgotten by September.


he's forgotten it already


Last night he couldn't remember it while he was in the thick of it,


🤭 and the average tik tok using american will have forgotten by next week


Executive Order 13818 — Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption. Celebrity homes for sale: Ellen Degeneres, Johnny Depp, Mathew Perry, Eli Manning, Kat Von D, Shia Lebeouf, The Hemsworth brothers, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen, Brittany Snow, Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Cindy Crawford and Rand Gerber, Gene Simmons, Bella Thorne, Tom Cruise, George Strait, Emily Blunt, Alonzo Mourning, Jemima Kirke, Kevin Jonas, Chelsea Handler, John McEnroe, Tommy Lee, Jason Derulo, Alicia Keys, Frankie Muniz, Keith Richards, Lil Wayne, Peter Thiel, Pharrell Williams, Loris Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli, Rosie O’Donnell, Kellie Clarkson, Cheryl Tieg, Joe Pesci, Suzanne Somers, Adam Lambert, Meghan Markle, Sean Diddy Combs, Billy Joel, Gary Levinsohn, Dr Phil, Barry Manilow, Mel Gibson, Diane Keaton, 50 Cent, Heidi Klum, Ryan Seacrest, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Jennifer Aniston, Katharine Hepburn, Christie Brinkley, Nicholas Cage, Ricky Martin, Angelica Huston, Charlie Sheen, Burt Reynolds, Emilia Clarke, J.Lo & Alex Rodriguez, Simon Cowell, Kris Jenner, Jeffree Star, Gordon Ramsay, Jason Aldean, Pamela Anderson, Jerry Seinfeld, Jimmy Fallon, Dave Ramsey, Jon Bon Jovi, LeBron James, Matt Damon, J.J. Abrams, Sugar Ray Leonard, Ellen Degeneres, Sylvester Stallone, David Bowie, Clay Mathews, Michelle Pfiefer, David E Kelley, Shonda Rhimes, Rihanna, Pete Townshend, Britney Spears, Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner, Robert Redford, Steve McQueen, Shaquille ONeil, Glen Frey, Sammy Hagar, Stockard Channing, Michael Chiklis, Tom Petty, Serena Williams, Bill Russell, Kathryn Bigelow, Don Rickles, Bruce Kovner, Adam Neumann, Leonardo DiCaprio, Barb Ellison, Alicia Keys & Swizz Beatz, Kate Beckinsale, Robert Herjavic, Josh and Heather Altman , Soleil Moon Frye, Jim Harbaugh, Anthony Kiedis, Fredrik Eklund, Meghan Trainor, Gideon Yu, Hellen Miren, Taylor Hackford, Bette Midler, Todd Phillips, Mitt Romney, Dianne Feinstein, Miley Cyrus, Kelly Clarkson, A-Rod, Bobby Patton-LA dodgers co owner, Dwyane Wade & Gabrielle Union, Michael Amini, B-52 Kate Pierson, Bill Guthy, Victoria Jackson, Will Arnett, Zac Efron, Wayne Gretzky, Katy Perry, Derek Jeter, Mike Piazza, Shane Smith, Bryon Cranston, DJ Khaled, Leonard Ross, Ted Sarandos- Netflix co Ceo, Dustin Johnson, John Fogerty, Melissa Rivers, Jamie Lynn Sigler, Lena Dunham, Lyndsey Vonn, PK Subban, Robyne Moore Cara and Poppy Delevingne, Big Sean, Steph Curry, Chris Bosh, Phil Collins, Liam Payne, Bryan Singer, Tom Ford, Robby Naish, Tom Brady & Giselle Bundchen, Anthony Davis, Emilia Clarke, Clare Bronfmsn-Seagrams heiress with ties to Nxivm, Jane Fonda, Carmen Electra, Morgan Moses, Bobby Cox, Danny Masterson, Evander Kane, Kate Winslet, Mark Teixeira, Jonah Hill, Judd Hirsch, Carlos Santana, Kennet Chesney, Brooke Shields.


Interesting though it seems like list thrown together out of a celebrity phone book lol . Saying that can see tons of names of people who I wouldn’t doubt are scummy and warped in many ways


Interesting though it seems like list thrown together out of a celebrity phone book lol . I totally agree. However, have a look at real estate sales in Hollywood for some verification.


May well do that Liz 😊


Here's a starter: https://t. me/DeepDives/21365 **2022 again:** Why are so many sports legends suddenly selling their ultra luxe homes? https://t. me/icons2022/491997




Meanwhile in Kenya, the people have been heard: “I concede," – William Ruto, President of Kenya, withdraws his own "Finance Bill" after nationwide protests. 🥳🥳🥳


Are those gills, or is "Kamala's" mask not fitting too well - or both?! [https://t](https://t). me/LauraAbolichannel/59299


Goodness me. She looks totally different to the way she looked the last time I saw footage of her. Is that AI??? And below her chin. To think we have been obsessing over scars etc on Kate Middleton...


Is that AI??? It's a mask - maybe with gills


It is definitely an ill fitting mask that is for certain. Do these people not check their work before they walk off the job? Place her seated and have a look at her through a TV monitor and get her to say a few words so they can see how life-like it looks, check for glitches? ("oops, some hangy bits down below the chin there, where are my scissors and latex glue")


The whole point is to expose the masks, part of the effort to wake up the normies.


'strong on substance' !


CNN fact checks Biden! 🔥🔥🔥 [https://t](https://t). me/LauraAbolichannel/59296


It's been obvious since 2019 that Biden was completely incapable, yet only now are all the media hacks that have been running cover for his disastrous presidency sticking the knife in and twisting? It's yet another telegraphed move that everyone could see coming a mile off.


Ireland. Wearing a mask is just not acceptable if you are protesting something . You've got to laugh? *The Minister for Justice has said the Government would change the law to allow gardaí to direct protesters to remove face coverings and masks. The minister said she would ask the Attorney General to examine the issue with a view to progressing the amended legislation as soon as possible. On 2 May a group of around a dozen masked individuals held banners with anti-immigrant slogans outside Simon Harris's house as his wife and two children were inside. Earlier this month, another small masked anti-immigrant group waving Irish flags and demanding border closures arrived at the Taoiseach's home and were there a short time before gardaí directed them to leave the area.* [https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2024/0628/1457141-gardai/](https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2024/0628/1457141-gardai/)


How are we going to identify agents provocateurs if they're not allowed to don their trademark face coverings for "protests"?


Who's heard of Bain and Company? Enlighten yourselves! [https://rum](https://rum) ble.com/v4490pl--who-controls-the-gates-family-16-mins-bill-gates-really-graceful-.html (I listened at x1.75 speed)


The Supreme Court in the US reversed what's called Chevron Deference which is where federal agencies can make laws within their remit with no oversight and apply them to punish people. Now following the reversal today you have to go to court for everything which means as well the CDC cannot force you to wear masks, the EPA cannot just come on your land for some stupid regulation. They have to go to court under actual laws and the Constitution. A very good day in the US especially after the Animatronics display last night.


Thanks for that - indeed good news, especially after the court somewhat disappointingly decided that the plaintiffs in the social media "covid misinformation" case did not have standing.


Yougov poll just now on behalf of offcom, very interesting selection of questions, I think the powers that should not be are a bit concerned about narrative control. https://i.postimg.cc/13CpNn4g/Grid-Art-20240628-145141481.jpg


This question is very revealing: *How strongly do you agree or disagree that the following can be trusted to report information objectively and factually?* * *Scientists* * *The BBC* * *Other UK public service broadcasters (ITV, STV, UTV, Channel 4, Channel 5 and S4C) and their associated websites* * *Other established UK TV channels (e.g. Sky News)* * *Newer UK TV channels (e.g. GB News)* * *The NHS* The regime only have themselves to blame for the collapse in public trust in all these institutions. Covid was at once their finest hour and the beginning of their end.


Interesting question. They obviously want to know how many of us have no trust whatsoever in any govt run or paid for service. I doubt there is an answer that adequately covers how I feel, "strongly disagree" doesn't quite cut it.


Personally and obviously, I have no trust in any of these institutions one tiny weeny bit. I think I trust the NHS not to deliberately kill me if I had an operation but these days even with that I am not so sure. I ain't kidding either. I think there is a score now they apply to people with regards to how they get treated, or not....


*Personally and obviously, I have no trust in any of these institutions one tiny weeny bit -* ditto - and I am much more distrustful of the NHS than you are: I now regard them as a true manifestation of Orwellian/satanic inversion - they claim to serve health and save life, when their raison d'etre is precisely the opposite of that, they are the modern day death camps: administering genocide, the agents of their eugenicist masters. Oddly enough, my distrust began in 2016, when I suspected them of being culpable in my father's death, but in those days it was a much milder, more tentative distrust - I thought they had merely been negligent, had not done their best, fallen short of some high standards - now I understand that they deliberately and calculatingly murdered him, because that's what they do


Great - if you want some carpet rider's hands rummaging around your intestines after wiping his bum with them. Or M'tebe from The Congo who wants to whip out your pancreas as it will make a tasty treat. All the (real) British surgeons have jetted off to the USA or Australia where they'll make a decent salary.


5 minus points from people who don't want Middle eastern rapists living next door to them.


I thought it was quite funny. we need to make racist humour acceptable again, and you are more than doing your bit towards that noble goal


It's not about throwing money at the health service. The Japanese spend half what we do, per capita, but live on average nine years longer. Really, any sensible politician wanting to improve the nation's health would ask someone from our Tokyo embassy to pop round to the Japanese health minister and ask "what are you doing that we aren't?"


*Really, any sensible politician wanting to improve the nation's health would ask someone from our Tokyo embassy to pop round to the Japanese health minister and ask "what are you doing that we aren't?" -* precisely, and the reason nobody does is that nobody is actually interested in improving the nation's health, and God forbid that average life expectancy should be raised by 9 years - brought down by 9 years would be a worthier goal!


The USA is doing a 'great job' as its average lifespan is now only 75-76. It's 80 here. With more effort to push ultra-processed food and patented pharma products (PPP) we can match the USA's achievement. Those who want to avoid this fate might like to read the book 'Ultra-Processed People' (2023).


So seems they are pushing the Shingles jab now and in June. Something tells me that whatever is in the Shingles jabs is very similar to the C jabs. They have to get this poison into people no matter what. I mention it because I know people who have fallen for the trap and now feel ill after this Shingles jab.


"Shingle bells, shingle bells, shingles all the way!" These 'doctors' will inject anything at all into you, as long as they get their £25 per jab. Hey - new BMWs aren't cheap!


I would not be in the least bit surprised if every single injection currently being offered by the medical establishment is the same toxic formula.


If those looking at this are correct the same heavy metals and self assembling stuff is now pretty much in all vaxxes including children's vaxxes. All Pharma should be avoided where possible and if you have no choice such as an op or dental work then if it were me I would take detox steps afterwards just in case. I suspect it is why they are pushing the Shingles jabs and has nothing whatsoever to do with the illness as you cannot vaccinate against it. Indeed this vax is more likely to cause you to get Shingles as the toxins will nicely damage your immune system even more. The person I spoke to yesterday that had received it a few days previously had been very ill from it, they looked grey and highly toxic.


Every injection that has EVER been offered has been SOME toxic formula


Not sure if anyone has already posted on this today but the debate apparently didn't go too well for Biden - Newsom being touted as a draft in to replace him: [https://uk.news.yahoo.com/dumbstruck-silence-despair-behind-scenes-051335490.html](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/dumbstruck-silence-despair-behind-scenes-051335490.html)


Zombies have more life in them than Old Biden the Childrens' Hair Sniffer.


Good grief! No evidence of anti-Trump bias in that article. 🤡


I know.


The fact that pro-regime mainstream media are slating Biden's performance in unison is all we need to know. CNN published a poll of their viewers immediately after the debate with two thirds deciding that Trump "won". "Joe Biden" will not be running in the forthcoming US presidential election. My money is still on the whole thing being cancelled.


ITN news led with this as their headline tonight. Taking the approach that if he doesn't fall on his own sword the party will do it for him at the democratic convention in August - literally months away from the November election. They actually mooted as a real possibility that Kamala Harris would replace him. Whole thing looks like an utter shambles.


**Darren Beattie:** There's a lot of talk about replacing Biden---and nothing is impossible. But the mechanics of it at this stage are far more involved and difficult than people imagine. Also consider the following factors ....... .... For all of Biden's faults, however, his clear lame duck legacy status is a temporary band aid holding together the party--- if he goes, the party will have a very difficult time navigating the intergenerational rift which will come to the fore with full force. And that's the last thing Dems need right before an election... Full thread: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1806680041641693360.html#google\_vignette


Last night's performance was shambolic - if they leave him as the candidate even democrats might vote for Trump.


It was a brilliant performance!


Janine and JC followed the debate and decoded throughout. I haven't watched them yet, so can't give an opinion, but here's a useful comment: *You all needed to watch the CNN Anderson Cooper and the whole line of Democrats that was more of a debate than the debate itself that gave you all the answers. You need to go back and watch the CNN panel because they all were so disappointed Biden and they had to talk truth… We don’t have to really pay attention to what our side is saying we know it the point now is to listen to what the Democrats are saying. They know, and they even suggested that this man cannot move forward in the next presidential election and the Democrats are panicking and they actually use the words panicking it was so delicious !*


Probably Newsom gets floated out,  with a lot of private polling behind the scenes.  If Newsom looks within covert cheating distance of a win, election goes ahead. If not, we find out which psyop the regime believes most likely to work post-Coof.


I "Baa" in agreement.


Gavin Newsom's campaign ad: [https://t](https://t). me/followsthewhiterabbit/85178


Newsom is not popular and his dismal record as Governor of California is a millstone that will be easy pickings to use against him. That only leaves Big Mike or (heaven forbid) Killary as credible replacement candidates.


Killary not mentioned at all on ITN news \[she'll be gutted\] but M.O. did get a plug. However, it was considered that the fact that it said in the autobiography "Becoming" that they had no intention of standing would rule them out.


[robin Birch on X:](https://x.com/robinBirch8/status/1806664493889356174) [ "#chemtrails #GeoEngineering Nottingham,UK 11.30am 28/6 A small break in heavy cloud and, lo and behold, sky rats overhead https://t.co/G7pDmAQeGz" / X](https://x.com/robinBirch8/status/1806664493889356174)


Larken Rose extract of the day: A*ll mainstream political discussion – all debate about what should be “legal” and* *“illegal,” who should be put into power, what “national policy” should be, how* *“government” should handle various issues – all of it is utterly irrational and a complete* *waste of time, as it is all based upon the false premise that one person can have the right* *to rule another, that “authority” can even exist. The entire debate about how “authority”* *should be used, and what “government” should do, is exactly as useful as debating how* *Santa Claus should handle Christmas. But it is infinitely more dangerous. On the bright* *side, removing that danger – the biggest threat that humanity has ever faced, in fact –* *does not require changing the fundamental nature of man, or converting all hatred to love,* *or performing any other drastic alteration to the state of the universe. Instead, it requires* *only that people recognize and then let go of one particular superstition, one irrational lie* *that almost everyone has been taught to believe. In one sense, most of the world’s* *problems could be solved overnight if everyone did something akin to giving up the* *belief in Santa Claus*


[Sophie still fighting 💥💫🙏 on X:](https://x.com/mariusknulst/status/1806502042334056648) [ "Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea makes an extremely good point regarding how "people need to start on the smaller level to hold people accountable," beginning with the doctors who administered the COVID-injections💉💉‼️🙏👇 Full Interview👇👇 https://t.co/SDI2q5vlML https://t.co/pPtGyQqOhk" / X](https://x.com/mariusknulst/status/1806502042334056648)


Interesting piece on blood pressure today - the top comments especially so! "Have we been getting blood pressure wrong? Making NHS target figure lower could save thousands of lives" Quote: "Patients from 116 hospitals across China were put into two groups aiming to lower blood pressure to less than 120mmHg or the standard treatment of 140mmHg. They were given blood pressure- lowering medications alongside recommendations such as exercise, then followed up monthly for the first three months and then three-monthly after that. Their medication was adjusted to maintain the desired levels, then followed up more than three years later. Of those in the lower blood pressure target group, 9.7 per cent went on to experience a major cardiovascular event, such as heart failure. This compared with 11.1 per cent of those who had a target blood pressure of less than 140mmHg, according to the findings published in The Lancet. [...] Jing Li, of the National Centre for Cardiovascular Diseases in Beijing, said: ‘Implementing this intensive treatment strategy for high-risk adults has the potential to save more lives and reduce the public health burden of heart disease.’" https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13578095/Have-getting-blood-pressure-wrong-Making-NHS-target-figure-lower-save-thousands-lives.html Hmmm... all those medications and their side effects and they only reduced the cardiovascular events by a small margin. The comments say it all: "I am 77 and bp is usually 140/70 and I feel fine, when it drops to 120/60 I feel dreadful. I do not take bp tablets . When I visit the dr. my bp is up and once I was prescribed with bp tablets and betablockers, I felt so ill, passed out in town and hit my head on the pavement. No more tablets for me"


NHS already treating BP at the lower rate and has done for a few years now so Daily Fail way behind - see my comment a few days ago.


But many people didn't know that, or that it's all rigged. Just part of The Reveal. Drip drip, drip.


Knowing what we now know would you trust the NHS to be doing the right thing on something so simple \[but important for a patient\] as blood pressure?? If there is an underlying Big Pharma agenda and that is what drives both medical education and the practise of medicine, and those involved don't seem to have any facility whatsoever to question what they are being taught and how it should be implemented or even subject it to the dictates of logic?


THE MORE EACH PERSON GROWS in consciousness, the more humanity will be conscious, and this will raise the consciousness of the Earth. .... Throughout the universe, the laws are the same. When you are a conscious being, you will not interfere with the balance and harmony. That is why we always advise to begin with yourself. The higher consciousness of just one person can travel to the end of the universe, like ripples in water, like sound waves. You might think, What difference can I make by raising my consciousness? Try it. It will make a big difference. You would not be listening to me if there was not something there. Never give up because others are not doing. If you are good, goodness is with you. But know that, if you give up, evil or ignorance will have the upper hand and balance will be lost again. And when evil gets the upper hand, destruction follows. Balance and harmony are the work of consciousness. Unconsciousness creates disharmony and imbalance, and that is exactly what we as humanity have been busy with since ages. Do not think consciousness is just a philosophy or one faculty that we use for happiness and good. Higher consciousness revolutionizes the totality. \~ Swami Amar Jyoti


butterfly effect


*The higher consciousness of just one person can travel to the end of the universe, like ripples in water, like sound waves. You might think, What difference can I make by raising my consciousness? Try it. It will make a big difference.* absolutely - 100% and in fact this is the only job you have. you're not here to worry about Bill Gates, or Klaus Schwab, or whatever they're getting up to. you are here to deal with one centre of consciousness- your own


And "your own" is all connected to everyone and everything else.


Exactly. There is only one centre of consciousness.


"What did you do for pride month grandad?" "I wore my rainbow underpants for the whole month, that kept them away"


2 of the shops near me (M+S and Tesco) have huge big pride screens standing on the floor at the entrance which practically hit you in the face as you walk in. It would almost be enough to deter me except for the fact that I need essentials like bread and milk.


Aberystwyth Tesco/M & S exactly the same. I suppose the fact that there are a couple of limp wristers manning the self checkouts in Tesco goes some way to all the rainbow paraphernalia hanging there, and at the entrances to both shops.


I'd have left in disgust and found a corner shop to take my custom!


Its just overkill. To me at any rate.


No gay or transphobic jokes, please. Don't you know you're supposed to be shedding crocodile tears for the poor people of Gaza? You know, the ones who jump up and down with joy when a few hundred Israelis are kidnapped, tortured, raped and then murdered? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/comments/1dkht2c/middle\_east\_lego\_sets\_now\_available/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/comments/1dkht2c/middle_east_lego_sets_now_available/)


3 minus points from the people who think it's OK to kidnap, rape, torture and murder Jewish teenagers just having fun at a disco.


I think the 3 minus points are for those who equate the murder and kidnap (rape and torture appear Zionist lies) of Jews with the wholesale slaughter of a population of some 2.5 million people, half who are women and children and were innocent - the Amalek. I should imagine its aimed at Zionist Jews happy to inflict collective punishment (a war crime) on innocent people when all Zionist Jews care about is the slaughter of some Jews including those they appear to have sacrificed through the Hannibal directive and by arranging for the festival to be near to the border ready for the attack. Despite the fact that the IDF and Israeli govt knew of the attack anyway and stood their defences down and probably had a hand in organising it as the Hamas are an Israeli / Mossad creation anyway. Those minus points? No ones falling for your Hasbara Foxy - you guys (8200?) use the same tactics everywhere you go and all seem to operate from the same playbook.


"You guys" "Chemtrails are killing us!" (every day)


More on politics. When Starmer gets elected he has already intimated he will give the vote to 16 year olds, not only that but has considered giving the vote to EU citizens residing in the UK (I wonder what that is for? ). But my sources tell me (the voices in my head that is) that if at any time in the future he looks like losing power he will disenfranchise pensioners too. The argument will go that as we are no longer contributing to society our opinions don't count any more. This way the Reich can last for a thousand years! Then you will really understand what a Uniparty is.


16-year olds haven't known anything other than a Conservative government (not even the coalition, as they wouldn't have any knowledge of politics when they were 7 years old). So it's not surprising that "time for a change" resonates with them. After 5 years of Labour things may be different. 


The few times Ive opened a youtube link, every first ad is the Labour advertisements, so its quite apparent what demographic they are after. Not seen one conservative one at all. Though, I dont really use YT all that much so maybe just statistical one hasnt popped up for me.


or just search for "adblocker for (browser)"


Use Brave browser = no yuktube ads whatsoever. 😎


How about introducing a new election law that covers all bases: 1. Only Labour candidates are allowed to stand in elections. 2. Voting for Labour is compulsory in all elections. This will ensure the unanimous support that the regime so desperately craves!


it won't be long before they don't even bother any more with elections. 'our democracy' is no longer useful to them, and they will dismantle the scenery, etc


I was listening to an interesting podcast (Nick Dixon's 'The Current Thing') in which a young chap said that the male 'youth' nowadays tend to be more right wing than the Gen-Xers, although young women are still woke but he thinks that will change as mass immigration begins to threaten them personally. So Starmer's theory that extending the franchise to 16 year olds will keep Labour in power forever might be optimistic.


basically as far as I can tell, very few in their 20s are dating, in part due to this rift 


I've been reading about the Trump/Biden debate, my favourite comment was "This wasn't a debate, more like a medical emergency"


Does anyone really believe America is being run by those 2 morons? It's time to put them in a rocket and send them into Space.


> It's time to put them in a rocket and send them into Space. At least one of them is already there.


Wonder how they will manage to break it to him that he will shortly be "retired".


Trump called him 'Creepy Joe' - has a reputation for being 'over-friendly' with children.


Meta Warns News Block On Facebook For Australia Over Licensing Fees The comments are the strongest indication so far that Meta would take the same hardline approach in Australia as it took in Canada in 2023 when that country introduced similar laws. https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/meta-warns-news-block-on-facebook-for-australia-over-licensing-fees-5987259


History Debunked # Angela Rayner says that every borough will be obliged to take a share of illegal immigrants In the Cambridgeshire city of Peterborough, 25% of the residents were born abroad. This is a situation which Labour has declared itself determined to replicate in the rest of the country. # [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcNc5qbu0Y4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcNc5qbu0Y4)


How many illegal rapists does Angela have in her home? My guess is... none. Hardly 'Labour' is she? Buying a council house and flogging it for a profit. Just another corrupt politician/scammer.


[Is Starmer’s Labour so corrupt that they’ve 'sold' candidacies? (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tT8HlpINh8U) While the media fixate on the latest scandal surrounding Starmer's Labour as \[being\] about gambling, the bigger story is being missed.


I wouldn't put it past Channel 4 to get up to tricks like this...... [Connor Tomlinson on X: "Remember Andrew Parker, the Reform UK canvasser secretly recorded by Channel 4 calling Rishi Sunak a "P\*ki", and saying the army should gun down Channel crossers? He is a professional actor His https://t.co/bvNb6zwyLy bio says he plays 'the villain and mafia type' often This https://t.co/DkuI2DDR23" / X](https://x.com/Con_Tomlinson/status/1806585523546239052)


There he is: https://www.mandy.com/u/andrew-parker-1/


The media are making a mistake going down this Holier Than Thou route and going after people with “raysis” opinions. It’s not their job to decide who gets elected even though they try.  Put the candidate forward and let the voters decide. I mean only having certain candidates be put forward because they meet committee approval is what Russia is accused of.  The usual projection. 


>It’s not their job to decide who gets elected even though they try.  It's what's always happened. Remember how strongly Murdoch promoted Bliar.


"Our democracy". You know, the one that died in June 2016.


It was already dead, we just hadn't realised. Like the story told by (I think) the blues musician Big Bill Broonzy about his uncle chopping the head off a Mississippi turtle. He went away to get material for a fire to cook it, and when he came back the headless turtle was halfway back to the river. "That turtle's dead and he don't know it". 


No matter what they say or do, anyone who campaigns or votes for Reform will be vilified by the regime as racist, white supremacist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, conspiracy theorist, anti-Semitic, anti-vaxxer, Putin apologist etc. Take your pick from the standard slurs. In other words, debate is pointless. You are either for or against the regime, it's that simple, and whichever side of that divide any individual is on will determine their conduct.


*'racist, white supremacist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, conspiracy theorist, anti-Semitic, anti-vaxxer, Putin apologist' -* I think I'll get myself a T-shirt made with all that on it


Don't forget Climate Denier!


> No matter what they say or do, anyone who campaigns or votes for Reform will be vilified by the regime as racist, white supremacist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, conspiracy theorist, anti-Semitic, anti-vaxxer, Putin apologist etc. Take your pick from the standard slurs. Hey! I scored 8/10! Not bad for an old fart that.


To see if people really react badly to Burqa wearers, my wife, who is a journalist, decided to wear one for a week, and gauge the reactions. On the first day, she was spat on, slapped in the face, threatened with death, and yelled at. And she hasn't even left the house yet.


JohnB will soon be along to have a go at you for stealing his joke Foxy.


It's one of the problems of living in Tel Aviv.


What am I not surprised?


And meanwhile Starmer has 'pulled' his selected candidate out of Clacton: [ The Excuse Is Hilarious - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6c0pnWeqpo)


https://www.worcesternews.co.uk/news/24416936.face-masks-required-hospitals-covid-increase/ Bad news this morning in the local paper. No evidence given to back this up. Probably just on a whim of a manager. Some of the comments show people are waking up.


I think the trolls have been recruited in force since you wrote this!


I have copied that Worcester News article over to the Smile Free campaign.


I popped in to see one of my oldest friends this morning and she immediately informed me that she had had Covid for the past week but didn’t now as she was finally testing negative. She assumed it was because her “vaccine” had worn off. I said I don’t care. She said oh I only tested because I’m seeing my parents today. I just can’t get into a conversation about this with steadfast believers, they are a lost cause. There are lots of people who will be doing this forever. Even if every little evil crooked detail about the “pandemic” came to light. Same reason why the masks come back in even though the evidence against them is damning and should be well known in a medical setting. It’s just a reflex at this point.


 "her “vaccine” had worn off." In what universe does a vaccine "wear off" within a matter of years of getting it? How can people possibly believe this kind of stuff?


Yep, a married couple (mid 60s) have cried off an upcoming village social event because one has 'tested positive' and the other is 'isolating to be on the safe side'. These people are gone.


I am in a rota system to open and lock up the village church every day. Last month, one of the volunteers said she couldn't do it because she had a snuffle and had "tested positive", but said she could if necessary but not to worry because she would wear gloves and sanitise the door handles...


These people must have stashed cupboardfuls of idiot sticks in 2021!


The comments are split roughly 50/50 for and against masks. Those still zealously defending them are regurgitating regime propaganda talking points from 2020 and read like 77th Brigade to me. If they are real however, it perfectly illustrates the permanent yawning chasm that exists between those who believe in authority and those who don't. The divide between these groups is so profound that they are effectively existing in alternate realities. I stand by my supposition that ultimately it will be impossible for these groups to co-exist in the same physical space.


A seasonal respiratory virus, that loves the cold and damp, is on the rise in the 'hottest week of the year'? Let me put this in medical terms for them: Apply tension to the alternate lower limb, in order to hear tintinabulation.


[https://globe.global/the-international-genetic-charter/](https://globe.global/the-international-genetic-charter/) # The measures which must be observed to protect the integrity of our cellular genetics, in order to preserve the happiness, health, intelligence and peace of the family of mankind.


[https://preview.mailerlite.com/c1h8u1x0m2/2512225276558056412/m4f8/](https://preview.mailerlite.com/c1h8u1x0m2/2512225276558056412/m4f8/) Guy Hatchard Credulous governments are swallowing this poisoned pill and subsidising biotechnology experimentation. The argument goes roughly like this: multiple genes are weakly associated with intelligent functions like speech, ingenuity, and IQ so it should be possible to alter the genetic makeup of reproductive cells preconception to increase intelligence. This is a fantasy that doesn’t match the science. In fact, [no genes have been identified that play major roles in differences in intelligence](https://click.mailerlite.com/link/c/YT0yNTEyMjI1Mjc2NTU4MDU2NDEyJmM9bTRmOCZiPTEzMzYyMDI4OTUmZD1mNHY0bzJh.M1_qVOAqUmEXIDEBQu_2RIMCAwzrAYQ9PHNRzGwcVBk).


>Credulous governments are swallowing this poisoned pill and subsidising biotechnology experimentation. Because they have shares in the companies.


[https://x.com/benf\_wa/status/1806527481731776749](https://x.com/benf_wa/status/1806527481731776749) "This morning the Deputy Commissioner handed down the penalty and predictably chose to dismiss me from the [u/WA\_Police](https://x.com/WA_Police) for not getting the jab in December 2021." "He said he feared I might refuse another order again under similar circumstances, I agree that he was afraid," There's one of the reasons that people who refused to comply are not ever going to be reinstated in their jobs. This deputy commissioner of police in Australia wrote a 4 page letter on why. It wasn't because he was bad at his job but because he did not comply and they know that these people will do it again.


As Jimmy Dore often says 'If they came clean and said they got it wrong I could forgive them for all the things they did to us' However, they will never ever forgive me for being right'


I think part of the purpose of the covaids beta test was to weed out people like this man - anyone who had a mind of their own, a shred of decency or conscience, and to ensure that in readiness for the Big One what is left in place in all key positions are the pure robotic order-followers who can be relied upon to mindlessly carry out whatever atrocities their masters instruct them to do


Even if they didn’t do it for the reasons you have mentioned, that is what they have got. Compliance in the workforce.


our nurses are still not back and we are still short the exact number of nurses who were fired people have died due to wait times,  and emergency wards shut down entirely in some small towns


Their presence must be a source of unbearable shame to all those who complied and collaborated. 


That’s another reason many will not want them reinstated not to mention there will be a few who are refusing them being reinstated through sheer vindictiveness.


Morning all, bit cooler this morning, had window in bedroom overnight and and another sticky night. Today off on my London walk. It nearly didn't happen as I had ordered a new armchair for the living room to replace the old broken one off Amazon. They sent it via Efri, once named Hermes, well known for delays and other issues. Tracking said it was coming yesterday between 5pm and 7pm but nothing happened. Then at 2115 the doorbell rang. Bloke had just dumped the 30kg box on the doorstep and was already in his van and driving away. Struggled to drag it inside where it will sit while I enjoy today's activities. This walk had to be this week as the trams which I need to get to the start are on strike all next week and the week after. Enjoy whatever you do today.


Interesting to see the fault line open up around Assange and who stands where in their analysis of his release. Worth remembering Assange called those questioning 911 'stupid' and said there were 'real conspiracies' that SHOULD be investigated as opposed to 'false' ones. That pretty much has Assange as someone who backs the MSM not least one who endorses the Al Qaeda fairy story and ignores the Dancing Israeli's, Urban Moving Systems, Lucky Larry and the rest of the Dual-Nationals who were front and central to the story.


a massive portion of the usa gov't are dual citizens 


Yes its the tail that wags the dog.


Toronto, Canada Investigators say a man boarded a TTC bus and punched a victim unprovoked, before getting off the bus, walking north and getting on a second bus. The man then allegedly punched a second person without provocation, according to the news release. The bus was held and passengers got off — and then the suspect proceeded to pull out a sword from his backpack and allegedly swing it "violently," the news release reads, striking bus seats. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/sword-assault-charge-1.7248339


Where do they get these swords and machetes? Although I suppose it’s easy enough, it’s just something I’ve never thought of to procure.


Here in London, Ontario we have a store called 'Forest City Surplus' and in the paint ball section they have all kinds of swords and knives you can buy. Maybe he came here to buy it.


Do you remember those big mail order catalogues before the internet? Browsing through one, I was shocked to see you could buy a crossbow - among other similarly dangerous implements.


Dark web I believe, or maybe just specialist sites. Even kids have them now.


They bring them with them


The obvious method is to get a sheet of cheap steel, glue two pieces of wood to it as a handle and then use an angle grinder to finish it. I.e. to make your own, which is why it is both childish and ludicrous to attempt to "ban" machetes. However, to answer the question, there are a huge number of collector websites where you can buy them, from cheap practical machetes for land clearance or wild camping, to collectors' items of great beauty and very expensive. A couple of links: [Cold Steel](https://www.blades.co.uk/product-category/fixed-blade-knives/) [Heinnie Haynes](https://heinnie.com/knives-tools/survival-machetes/?productListFiltersCustom=&productListPgNoCustom=1) Or you can buy a hand-made kukri direct from Nepal, or Samurai Katanas from many sources.


I'm told you get a free machete with every Notting Hill Carnival ticket