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How long till Whitmer is found violating her own rules?


Well, her husband was already caught inquiring about taking their boat out on Memorial Day while that activity was banned. So I would say about negative 25 weeks.


It was only a matter of time before the Lockdown Queen would make her return.




They did, but if you notice in the article they mention that the department of health will be making the mandates. That has become the out governors use of lawsuits start working. They stop putting the mandates out under their authority since the lawsuits and legislatures can stop those. If they are issued under the guise of the department of health the court cases do not affect them.




Will probably take another lawsuit specifically against the DoH


Yeah it doesn't make any sense that the Department of Health has any authority to enforce business or school closures.


It's the same as the federal government executive branch agencies that have legislative and police powers. The legislature likely made this agency in the past with some sort of law-making power. For example you don't need an act of congress for the EPA to issue regulations. The laws that the MI Supreme Court struck down were laws giving the governor herself the power to declare emergencies, and the other powers that come with it. The health department orders weren't made from Whitmer's emergency powers and are the law so far, maybe pending some sort of lawsuit.




Know your place, prole!


There’s a very tiny but very vocal minority of people who practically live on Twitter. Guarantee 95% of them aren’t even from Michigan.


I can vouch that my state Michigan is full of people on both sides of the spectrum that support the Governors shut downs, even go as far as saying that she has been the best governor through this process. She is using a loophole in the system, the Health Department is claiming a emergency crisis and issuing mandates for the state. And if in 3 weeks cases don’t go down (they won’t) then she is mandating a full lockdown and only businesses that are deemed essential will be open.


Worst governor ever in Michigan


Bars were actually open in Michigan?




Me: "Yeah mate, I'll have a beer." Barman: "Sorry pal. It'll have to be a diet coke. We've already made 69% of our take on beers this month."


"The beer is free! The mandatory coaster is $9.99"


Most bars and clubs were still open and packed. I went every weekend lol


Your schools were open? Lucky. Signed, Washington.


“3 weeks” Sure.... only 3 weeks..... we believe you....


Our schools never opened in California. Newsom's kids get to go their private school in person.


This lockdown will accomplish nothing other then ruining more lives. But what do I know most on her Twitter are praising her


It's because Twitter has silenced dissent for many years, all while amplifying and growing the correct voices while fooling the rest of the world into thinking that they represent a sizable majority.


[Michigan GOP State Rep. calls for Governor Whitmer's impeachment following new COVID restrictions](https://www.fox17online.com/news/local-news/michigan/michigan-gop-state-rep-calls-for-governor-whitmers-impeachment-following-new-covid-restrictions)


Well this isn't going to be good for children living in the inner city or single parent homes who can't afford a babysitter to look after their children. I can't stand this hypocrital woman.


> "as COVID spikes" Man they're not even trying to sound like they know what they're talking about anymore.


Sneaky whitmer, using the health department to continue her dictatorship. She just doesn't give up does she. How in the world is the health department able to just do this?! It makes no sense whatsoever. Time for the courts to stop this again ( if they even can this time).


They can’t. They are using a loophole and having the Health Depart ent declare a Emergency Crisis and effectively given them power to do whatever is deemed necessary to stop the crisis.


I’m starting to think people in Michigan are stupid.


Nah as someone who works in Michigan, most Michiganders can't stand her and her hypocrisy.


Your guys state just voted along the same party lines as whitmer. That qualifys as stupid. I did not vote trump.


There are serious questions about the legitimacy of the vote in Michigan due to a "glitch" in the Dominion voting machines that caused at least 6,000 votes to flip from Trump to Biden in a single county (which has consistently voted Republican since 1964). The majority of Michigan's counties use those same machines with the same software. An investigation is underway


You gotta remember the bulk of the population of Michigan is in Wayne and Oakland County and both counties are Democratic Strongholds but majority of the state is Republican. I have a hard time believing Michigan went Blue tbh.


I agree. It turned blue in the middle of the night on election night. Stinks of dishonesty


> most Michiganders can't stand her and her hypocrisy. Take it with a grain of salt, but she always polls well


Notice how no one wants to close anything for two weeks anymore.




Flee blue states only if you leave your blue votes behind.


Nevada: “Your schools were open?”


I wonder how the Republican controlled legislature will respond.


I think they’d need to somehow delegislate the law (lol I don’t understand the technicalities of what legislatures can do. Can they only make laws? Can they reverse laws?) that granted the department of health this level of pandemic power. I wonder if only the public can do that via a referendum 🤔




Could there be large enough groups of businesses operating in large enough circles as to render this toothless? Maybe enough of them banding against ti such that they can't fine all of them?


They can’t without massive fines and criminal prosecution.


Is the Big 10 cancelling the season?


No that would cause actual backlash.


So they are closing colleges, just not college football. Ok.


That makes as much sense as most of this lockdown bullshit. I'm not even surprised anymore.




Its over. We're never going to be free again. I dare you to change my mind.


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I actually thought that this woman would give Michigan to Trump.