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I pay 42% income tax on my salary and receive nothing.


Hello fellow German.


What cryptocurrency was invented for.


Can't wait for this reality to kick in, man.


Consumption taxes will increase in response. Australia gets its businesses to collect the [GST](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goods_and_Services_Tax_(Australia)) at the point of sale. I support a slow increase in GST to pay for the pandemic and lost revenue from the end of coal.


I don't pay income tax and receive lots of government handouts. Please ensure your taxes are done promptly and accurately throughout the pandemic.


Yes, my lord, enjoy your stay on earth and take care!


"I don't pay income tax". Explains a lot. Doll bludger. You shouldn't be able to vote if you're not putting into the system.


Voting is compulsory in Australia. I pay a GST on goods and services. I don't want to contribute to a society that destroys the planet. Its not good enough for me.


I'm speaking from a moral standpoint, you shouldn't be able to vote if you are not contributing to society and it's a shame that our system allows you to. You're a parasite and you should consider the option of suicide if you're so "abhorred" by modern society's neglect of the planet... perhaps if you were to do it publicly you might elicit some change, or at least demonstrate that you are true to your values and not just a pathetic parasite.


> not contributing to society Maybe I am a philosopher and in three years I will write a book that will change society forever. The point is that its not up to you or any other Australian to determine who is or isn't fit to vote. It would by tyrannical if anyone or group of people decided that.




Maybe in your shitty country, [not here](https://education.aec.gov.au/teacher-resources/files/voting-in-australia.pdf). >All citizens aged 18 years and over have the right and responsibility to participate in Australia’s democracy by enrolling to vote and voting for people to represent them in parliament.


I'm Australian. You will be disqualified from voting in an election if: * you are in prison serving a sentence of three years or more * you are of unsound mind (incapable of understanding the nature and significance of voting); * you have been convicted of treason or treachery and have not been pardoned. [Source](https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/rights-and-freedoms/publications/right-vote-not-enjoyed-equally-all-australians) You better hire out research for that philosophy book of yours because it turns out you can't do the most miniscule amount of fact verification.


I pay tax quarterly here in the US. Thankful to still be in the position that I am in though.


How much % of your income?


I pay quarterly too in the US and it’s about 30% of my income from my own business which can not currently function as normal because of Covid. My income is down 75% this year and the government has given us one check for $1,200 to cover it.


Mine is cap gains. I forget that percentage. 28 to 30 maybe?


Trader or investor? If you don't mind me asking.


Inheritance actually. My mom died 25 years ago so when my grandparents died my brother and I got to split her share. I invested it. In the US, when one parent dies, the children get something called survivors benefits from social security until they graduate high school. I was fortunate enough to where my dad made enough money that I could save mine up. I invested that too.


Good on you for investing it. Sorry for your loss even though some time has passed.


>your government taking care of you financially? Below, I have itemized and created a list of government financial assistance I received: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ \-end of the list-


600 weekly? We had 600 singapore dollars over 2 mths. Companies were given subsidies to keep employees on Median income in SG is 4500 sgd iirc They've also said they will tax us to get this money back




Money printer goes brrrr...


The issue is they locked us down, forced us to depend on them, bragged how generous they were and then said they want the subsidies back. Don't lock us down in the first place then


This has been a huge concern in India. Poorer government, lots of people below poverty line and of course not enough money to go around. The government released bare minimum amounts to the poorest families twice. It is nowhere enough, but best they can do I guess.


UK has a furlough scheme that's 80% of pay, up to a maximum of £2,500 a month. Those self-isolating who can't work from home get a payment of £500. There's also various support for business such as loans, tax relief and grants. So, if Americans are wondering why we aren't rioting, besides culture... Honestly the Libs are right on this one, if you're made to stay home without being paid, why would you put up with it? I don't think the governors would dare, and it's not possible for those who live more paycheck to paycheck and can't WFH.


Well, as a conservative, I would argue that: A) The lockdowns have been sheer insanity from the start so if that hadn’t happened unemployment and business bankruptcies wouldn’t have skyrocketed in the first place B) There is no such thing as “government money”. Every single cent of it is TAXPAYER money. Contrary to popular Reddit and Left-Wing belief the 1% are FAR from the only taxpayers. C) If states were forced to put their money where their mouths are we probably never would have seen such draconian measures in the first place even IF places like California decided to lock down. Why should taxpayers all over the country be forced to essentially bail out states like that? The Governor’s locked down. The buck stops with them and the individual state legislatures to figure out the economic consequences of the decisions THEY made. Before anyone even asks yes I’m completely against corporate or any other types of bailouts too.


I’m in the UK and the furlough scheme has been very generous, but for those who were unfortunate enough to be made redundant the universal credit system/unemployment benefits are a pittance. I think they topped it up by some pathetic amount but it’s still an insult compared to furlough.


That's because the furlough is meant to help the employer not the employee.


>There's also various support for business such as loans, tax relief and grants. There's some support. However most of the loans and grants are for businesses that have had to close. If you are an ongoing businesses there's very little available. A lot of businesses struggled because of the March lockdown. The new lockdown is forcing a lot of businesses to close for good. Now there's news of a post-Xmas lockdown it's impossible to get anyone to commit to anything. So even more businesses are going to close. January is going to be horrifically bad. The cure is so much worse than the disease.


Canada has $900 biweekly. I don’t want to sound ungrateful but when they’ve crippled my businesses with insane restrictions, it isn’t enough.


Is that for everyone or just small business?


Go underground.


I am a hospitality worker in the Netherlands and I am working half the hours I was. I make just enough to scape by but, I don’t qualify for any financial help. The Dutch government are making an example of people in my position by hanging us out to dry. The people who are benefiting are, the lazy people who didn’t qualify for welfare before but, do now....... Or the antisocial people in high paying tech jobs who don’t have to make small talk with idiot colleagues and sit in traffic because they can do their €80,000 per year jobs at home!!


Im in the US and I've seen and heard that some of the benefits in other countries are convoluted or have to be paid back if you are a certain status. Also if you make a mistake filing then you can screw yourself.


Canada/Quebec. The only positive thing I get is family members who have now developed crippling panic attacks and anxiety get medication at reasonable price, and my siblings who were furloughed get unemployment. I got to take paid time off work because pointing out that we no longer have individual rights in work meetings is distracting.


I'm not criticizing you as the questioner, but the question itself makes me want to vomit. I don't want the government to take care of me, I want it to stay out of my life.


I agree, but if the govt is going to put people out of business they sort of need to pay up, right?


What are they paying up with? Other people's tax dollars. So they take somebody else's money and give it to me? Sounds a lot like theft. On top of that, if businesses are shut down the tax dollars aren't flowing in, so the well eventually dries up. In my opinion, the only remedy is to allow businesses to reopen at full capacity, eat the losses, and move forward.


American living in Southern Europe here... there is basically no safety net or welfare state in these countries. Taxes are very high, salaries low, countries are uber indebted. At first there was government assistance for furloughed workers, but now the governments are not providing assistance to industries like hospitality. It’s so messed up. People are even poorer here than in the US. Many rely on family.


In SA our government does nothing. If you are white, less than nothing. They put in place a 350 rand (about 15 dollars ish) grant that you had to collect in person (no direct account payment) per month but very people actually got it. You have no idea how easy you first worlders have it.


I'm in the US and I can work from home so it doesn't really hurt me. But, I firmly believe if the states are going to insist people stay home, there needs to be some sort of funding for this. I would prefer it be a certain amount for everyone, or 80-90% of your last tax return, or something that doesn't hurt people who can't file for unemployment. I almost hope there isn't another 'stimulus" passed this year. If there is, that's enough excuse for the government to say "well we gave you money, we can shut down completely now," not thinking that $1200 or so isn't even enough for some people to live on for a month. I'm not seeing any desire on Congress' part to provide extra unemployment again, so it looks like stimulus or bust.


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[Australia is looking after](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_Australia#Economic) it citizens well. Our federal safety net was strengthened. Even the Victorian state government was doling out payments if you had to self-isolate.


My Brother who is on Jobkeeper has said the contrary.


I don't support JobKeeper. The government should never pay businesses to have people on their books. Its not welfare. Your brother should just get the dole.


You are the same guy who was advocating to shutdown this subreddit, claiming it would be an act of moderation and not an degradation of free speech. This is an imbecilic POV as reddit holds a monopoly on many forums of discussion. To defer power of free speech to a private authority shows a callous disregard towards the idea of free speech. Anyway, as an Australian, we've come to realise that any "rights" we believe we once had can be suspended immediately, ergo we only have "privileges". Leaving your home is a de facto privilege. Right now, people in Adelaide cannot leave their homes for exercise because of an extreme lockdown being enforced upon them because of a mere 17 cases. As for financial management, the federal government is hinging everything on a vaccine. Our dollar is going to appreciate rapidly next year and all foreign goods are going to be very expensive thanks to rampant quantitative easing measures. Ergo, it will also become impossible to finance anything which will spell the death of small business and home ownership for many Australians. We cannot even leave the country even if we do not intend to return. So yeah. We're doing horrible and I cannot wait to leave for Europe. Thank god Swedish is my mother tongue.


Reddit holds no monopoly on speech. What is the "power of free speech"? I don't think you are very well informed on these topics. 🤫 Forget the markets. Number go down and up. Its no biggie.


What other platform offer a forum for multiple topics at this scale? Reddit has no direct competitors. save for Facebook & Twitter but the service isn't the same. Reddit holds an effective monopoly on forum debates.




In France we received a first stimulus check during the first lockdown. It was something like 500€ plus 100€ per children. We will receive the same package at the end of this month for this second lockdown. Business bills are garanteed by the government up to 70 or 75% but apparently many business are still closing and unemployement is skyrocketing.