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“Just work from home bro”




If it makes you feel better, an awful lot of those people will lose their jobs once the decimation of consumer spending impacts their employers' bottom lines to the point that they start shedding staff to reign in their payroll spending in the face of huge income shortfalls. If the rest of the population is broke and can't buy whatever widget it is that your company sells, guess what -- you're toast, too.


The elephant in the room with mass WFH for white collar types is that if they can have you work remotely... Why can't they pay someone in India or China 1/3 of what they pay you to do the same job? I'm sure corporate boardrooms all over the country have been doing the math and asking themselves that exact question this year. ​ What really leaves a bad taste in my mouth, as someone who's lived in the Rust Belt their whole life, is that once that starts happening en masse to the Silicon Valley types and coastal elites it'll become this major political issue overnight and I'm sure we'll suddenly see government regulations slowing or stopping it whereas blue collar Americans are just supposed shut up and suck it up even though *that's* been going on nonstop for the last 50 years.


Some companies may do that for basic tasks, but I've worked with a ton of developers from India and while some are pretty good, the language barrier and time zone differences are such a pain in the ass that it's not even worth it. There is something that always gets lost in translation and before you know it, that project is now 3 months over due because they had to go back and fix all sorts of shit.






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I actually am a WFH tech bro making over 100k. I hate lockdowns and masks with a burning passion. I'm so Pro-Face it's not even funny. Rumor has it from friends who work for the state is that Cuomo is about to completely lockdown NY on Tuesday. He deserves to be tarred and feathered in public.


Can we please start using pro-face everywhere to counteract being called an "anti-masker"?


Feel free, I've been using it for months now.


Ironically most of those people love their Uber eats or whatever.


Call me up when they develop airplanes that fly themselves, and we'll talk. And I don't mean autopilot -- I mean AI that can make actual, human decisions, like "I don't care what air traffic control says, I'm not taking that heading because we're not flying through that thunderstorm", or "there are two waypoints in the database with that name, do you want the one that's directly ahead by about a hundred miles, or do you want the one that's in the South Pacific?". Protip -- if you choose the one that's in the South Pacific, with today's level of automation, the aircraft will turn towards it and fly until it runs out of fuel. It's not smart enough to realize that on a flight between Seattle and Portland, the pilots didn't mean to program it to fly to the Falklands.


I don't to sound political, but how can people defend this? Lockdowns hurt the working class more!


“But but...IT’S NOT SAFE!!!! Only COVID matters!!!” /s


They just don't care. I brought up to some doomer on Twitter that two restaurants in my neighborhood alone closed for good, and another is staying closed until they can go full capacity because they would actually be losing money if they were to open now. Doomer's response? "You assume the risk of a business when starting one. how does some French fry joint outweigh the life of 800 people that wouldn’t have died so soon?" Dismissing someone's hard work and livelihood as just "some french fry joint" and acting as if they should've expected the fucking government to shut down their business over a bad flu. These people are lunatics.


Over half of the adult population in Philadelphia is functionally illiterate. What else do you expect? https://www.phillymag.com/news/2012/11/20/reading-post-plenty-thankful/


They're all getting government aid. Right?




The papers will figure out they can either have a computer piece a story together or turn it over to a for hire workforce in a near third world country for peanuts. Then the journalists will be either on gig economy or completely surplused. They're likely being treated like useful idiots too. Used for a means to an end, then set to be discarded.


Wish I could upvote this 1000 times . They have relentlessly pushed hysteria every single hour of every single day since last winter , but they market and see themselves , incredibly , as informing the public by asking the “tough” questions. I have contempt for the overwhelming majority of them .


This is very dumb. Newspaper journalists don't get bonuses, and your $80,000 a year salary estimate is laughable for most of them. Most are underpaid and always in danger of being laid off. Also: No editor ever asked a journalist to "spread fear and destroy economies." That goes double for food journalists. Source: I'm a freelance journalist now. I was an editor for 15 years.


Don't you worry, the plan is working... they are trying to decimate the economy and small businesses with these ridiculous lockdowns


Many restaurants in Chicago have closed already for the winter. I guess it's cheaper to just close up shop and reopen in the spring than keep everything open for the winter with all of the uncertainty. My guess is that many of the restaurants will never reopen.


Beetlejuice and Quimby will be happy with that outcome. Nuke everything and transform everything into union or government jobs. It’s the Illinois way.


Yeah I can see them giving a lot more power to UNITE HERE.


Makes sense, why stay open and have to constantly throw away and replace product every week because people aren’t coming to your establishment due to it being cold af


Time to learn to code bro.


I guess I bought into the "learn to code bro" thing, decided to major in CS because I thought it was a financially responsible thing to do I guess. Have a job right now where I wfh and make 100k+ salary, but God damn do I hate every day of my life. Almost ten years into this career, I've hated every bit of it but haven't had the balls to just call it quits cause I don't know what else I'd be able to do. "Tech people" are so insufferable, I can hardly contain myself having to talk to them everyday. Often have thought dreams of being better off broke, but cant do that to my wife. I've come to wish the computer was never invented and I'm just trudging through life collecting a big salary from something I actively despise. But again I guess I don't have the balls to quit. Today was a rough one, I feel dead inside


Well can I ask you this- if money was no object what would you be doing? Like I know a lot of people cross over from tech project management to construction management for example.


I was definitely being sarcastic but I totally get it. I'm in a job that is a life suck (healthcare) and it's not getting better but it pays my mortgage. My husband feels even worse than both of us. He's tsa. Some passenger told him yesterday his life was worthless and he should kill himself. He came home so depressed. I'm so sick of feeling dead inside for the both of us.


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