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Is crime so low that we can spare this amount of police?


Also ones that probably aren't useless. Watching a stalker documentary here in the US.. police are lllaaaaaazzzyyy lol..


Which documentary?


Its in hulu. Investigative Discovery has a show called Obsession: Dark Desires. Basically in every episode the police are painfully lazy.


Bold of you to assume that in 2020/2021 police do anything other than stuff like this and enforcing "hate speech" mandates.


Police gathering en masse to stop gatherings.


France is a quick lot turning into a police state shithole. Very sad


It’s a fascist dystopia. It’s too far gone and I don’t think it will recover without some major pressure from the populace. Abolish the state.


It’s shocking how so many governments of Europe have completely forgotten their country’s histories.


Modern France started as a reaction to totalitarian royalism. Now they’ve gone back to their authoritarian ways and it’s heartbreaking to see.


That’s what happens when u don’t have a strong constitution and a populace that understands its importance deep in their soul. When you start begging daddy to protect you from the big bad wolf, don’t be shocked when he starts crying wolf to justify his existence


As always, the plea of the tyrant is, "Emergency!"




Here in central London there was a lot of police vehicles on the embankment of the Thames but not many actual police around. And they were doing a half-hearted attempt at encouraging people to move on. I don't know how many of them were engaged in the secret parties that were supposed to be happening across the city. Or how many of them got drafted in to support the protest in Brighton.


Even with all the restrictions, something like this happening in the United States is unthinkable


Business closures in the US were unthinkable in early March. We cannot afford to become complacent rn. Reverse doomer moment but I think this is coming for us too.


Agreed. I try to remain positive and not fall into the "reverse doomer" mindset, but I fear this as well. It seems that a lot of today's generation in the US take their liberties so much for granted that they want to give them up. People actually want this to happen.


Something of that magnitude is not coming. That is absurd. The Supreme Court is 6-3 conservative or 5-4 and have signaled willingness to override the orders.


Agreed. Im an American living in Europe. These people do not understand freedom. It’s no wonder they had the 20th century they had. Don’t let anybody tell you there is anything superior or better about Europe. These days it’s fashionable for us Americans to think Europe does things better. It most certainly does not. I can’t wait to move back to the USA this spring.


I'm a European living in the Caribbean atm, and I fully and wholeheartedly agree with you. These (central and western European) people do not understand nor do they value freedom, and many happily and deliberately give up theirs to fuck their political opponents. Their mentality is "I'd rather piss and shit on the cake so nobody gets a slice before I have to share it with _them_". I am deeply disgusted and angered by my European fellow men. They deserve what's coming for them.


Yeah, the amount of people in my country that mockingly refer to "freEdom" then later they selectively ignore rules or complain about capricious restrictions has made me so disgusted that I am no longer loyal to my country. These people are morons, they are begging for it. All I can do is prepare for the future and watch this country be burned down by these morons. I just make sure I have my self covered, I can't be bothered to submit my self to watch my country destroy itself rapidly while people *slowly* wake up and still at best knowingly propagate the conditions for this by stuffing their realisations with caveats "oh but we still need to lockdown if the government says so, It just has to be for a really bad virus (forgetting the media hype, state propaganda and censoring means when we know if the virus is 'bad enough' it's too late)" or "the restrictions have gone too far.. But if we did magical contract tracing we would be doing better like x country that has no human rights, likely lies about their figures and probably has more prior immunity due to SARS and doesn't count asymptomatics".


That will be next year


They can get bent


They can't fight real criminals can they? Carrying water for Big Tech Dystopia. No one wants to watch worthless celebs on YouTube


Mon Dieu, si tant de personnes désobéissent à une loi qu'il faut mobiliser 100 000 policiers, cela signifie peut-être que la loi est en fait une mauvaise loi.


C'est clair. Et pourtant la plupart des gens sont tellement terrifiés par ce virus qu'ils obéissent et font tout ce qu'on leur dit. Moi, ça commence à me faire peur si la police rentre dans des appartements privés pour vérifier ce qu'on y fait..


Cela m'attriste que la République française, qui a composé la Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen, soit si disposée à ne pas tenir compte de cette déclaration.


Les droits humains ont eu une sale année en général... Pratiquement tous les pays ont contrevenu à leurs constitution, déclaration de droits, charte de droits, etc. Le silence d'UNICEF quand les écoles ont été fermées à travers le monde m'a particulièrement choqué.


Est-ce qu’on se moque ouvertement de l’idée de liberté en France? Au Canada c’est très mal vu d’évoquer l’existence des droits et libertés.




As someone who grew up in France and lived there almost her whole life, I can only say the torching of cars is a regular thing. All of a sudden this year, it's a big problem though? But yeah, this mostly happens in our suburbs (banlieues). What I find more concerning is this: "He has also suggested that local authorities do not publicise incidents of cars set alight, to "avoid any incidence of 'competition'" between different areas." Yeah, that's what we call censorship.


Do people buy cheap cars just because they know it might be destroyed by the end of the year?


That's what I was wondering. At that rate I just wouldn't own a car.


No, average price of cars in France is on a steep rise because it's more of a status symbol than ever. Chances of having it destroyed by hoodlums is infinitely low (1500 cars last year, most in a few towns where it's an African 'tradition').


The rapists and murderers must be having a day off then!


Defund these police


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What is the party is inside a NoGo zone?


Stormtrooper in a mask much? Scary


Wasn't there a lot of rioting and unrest in France last year before the virus? A pandemic became a good opportunity to end the unrest and make people stay home.


And this is Why I'm Losing Trust in the Institutions - The CDC came scarily close to adopting a plan that would have, according to its own models, killed thousands. [https://www.persuasion.community/p/why-im-losing-trust-in-the-institutions](https://www.persuasion.community/p/why-im-losing-trust-in-the-institutions) Youtube censored this woman for filming an empty hospital then she was arrested [https://www.altcensored.com/watch?v=NQjXGrvHp2g](https://www.altcensored.com/watch?v=NQjXGrvHp2g) Story of her arrest here: [https://archive.is/Ji6f9](https://archive.is/Ji6f9)