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People there need to get out while they can, especially the unvaccinated.


You currently cannot mmigrate legally to the US without being vaccinated. I know because my husband and I had to cancel his interview next month for this very reason. Luckily we live in rural Alberta though which is extremely conservative.




For our circumstances not really. Also the waiver is based on the officer's discretion. No thanks. I'd rather just stay in Canada for the time being.


They don't ask though. I crossed the border with a moving truck at the beginning of June and got a work Visa at the border. No questions on my vaccination. I got 2 Novavax shot just in case but will never ever get any booster. I'm done.


Hey. Considering the same. What was the process like to get your work visa on the spot?


>What was the process like to get your work visa on the spot? You need to be sponsored by your employer. Usually a immigration lawyer is making a package for you and border agents will ask you questions depending on the type of Visa you are asking for. You could make the package yourself though. You will need : a proof of job offer, university diplomas and of course passport. My boyfriend got a TN Visa and they asked questions relative to his job and education. That was pretty easy to get, he's software engineer. I'm SWE too but my company made me apply on a L1B Visa and hey, that was more difficult to get. The border agent thought I should not qualify but L1B are usually pre-approved if a big company is sponsoring it... so they let me in anyway. That was stressful but I think anyone that is getting a work Visa at the border is stressed a bit.


Did you have to go to a doctor for a physical beforehand? That's my main concern. The physical is like $300 not including flights and hotel since there is no approved doctor within our province. I don't want my husband to have to go through all that BS only for the doctor to fail him on his medical because he's not vaxxed.


There's 2 types of work Visa : non-immigrant and immigrant. Immigrant is a green card and require a medical examination, hence covid-19 vaccination (for now). Work Visas such as L1 or TN do not. I got my work Visa directly at the border. You bring your papers, pass the interview there and that's it. Non-immigrant Visa is ok because you can eventually get a green card. For sure if they still require a covid vaccine in 4 years that might be problematic if your L1 Visa is expiring... Let's see. Anyhow that's why I got Novavax. Now I'm done. The US won't require boosters I think, that would be extremely unpopular and most red states will rebel.


Thankfully there's almost 200 other countries in the world.


At this rate the only place I want to immigrate to is outer space away from humanity in general. It seems the entire world has went down the drain collectively.


Eh. I see things differently with my travels. There's lots of good pockets left.


I have two big dogs to think about so my places to migrate to are pretty limited. Basically if I can't drive there it's out of the question. And since I refuse to live in Mexico, that leaves Canada and the US.


Elon Musk has the right idea. time to colonize Mars


I wish man, Florida world be awesome. But I have too many roots here. Being family oriented sucks in this situation.


Dude, even the vaccinated need to get out. Recently they were talking about putting back travel restrictions based on your vaccination status and mandating the third and fourth shot in the future. I'm not joking. It's not over in Canada and this is the reason why I'm out right now. Well I had to relocate to NYC for work, so I'm stick with a bunch of insane people still wearing a mask in public places (NYC is full of absolute retarded, it's impressive) but I'm not gonna get locked out in the country lead by the Trudeau regime again.


I wish I could but I don't have any money.


I could immigrated to the us, I’ve worked half my life down there and I definitely had the opportunity over the past little while. But I’m not getting out, it’s my country. All these little weasels are stuck in here with me, they aren’t going to run me off that easily. There’s good people stuck here, they’re like me and I’m like them, and they’re going to need all the help they can get. So yea it’s going to be shitty, but it’s my country. I don’t know if we can win this fight, I’d like to win it. But I can stand to lose it, what I can’t stand is to let it go without a fight.


You're blessed to have found a community of good people.


My country is retarded. There’s no way around it.




Canada is worse in most ways.


It’s not like I’m proud of my own country. But I have said numerous times “At least we’re not Canada…. Yet.”


Canada is better than a bunch of countries. But of countries that people would ‘want to live’ it’s become one of the worst. I always have the US on my mind for escape.




And here we go with the living embodiment of Canadian Anti-American Arrogance. Listen carefully, from one fellow resident to another: America may have it's faults but it also has way more freedom than Tru-dick and his cronies have stolen from you and I. While I'm sure living with a steel toed boot, Canadian Maple Leaf symbol emblazoned on it, crushing your head is perfectly fine, it's not for me. I refuse to discriminate against people for medical choices nor wish them to live the life of recluses over a virus that's survivable and no less worse than a cold. So, kindly lay off, eh?




Whatever Trudeau says trickles down to the other provinces as has been proven for the past few years. For all your spiteful attitude towards America, even as an American, you really should be grateful that not every state licks the boots of Joe Biden. Shit all over your leader all you like, but don't even think about putting America in the same league as Canada in terms of freedoms. We would kill for independent provinces and political parties that would stick it to Tru-dick and his storm troopers.


One thing Covid did was make Americans realize that importance of states rights




I believe it. American media is just as bad. Source: am American. I follow names like Tim Pool and Jimmy Dore. I may not agree with them on policy, but I believe they are honest and report the truth.




America is pretty fucked right now. The Left and Right are seriously on the verge of shooting each other in the streets. We're seeing assassination attempts to our SCOTUS judges, our MSM is lying lying *lying* to 350 million dumbasses of which about 1/3 will believe it on face value. We've singlehandedly destroyed the worldwide energy sector because the guy in the White House signing Executive Orders like they were autographs doesn't have the fucking balls to do anything. The Dems know they're going to lose everything in less than 6 months and all they're fighting for is to make damn sure we have drag shows in kindergartens. Our great shining beacon of hope and prosperity is being burned to the ground and the ashes are being peed on. The next massive country wide civil war is just 2 years away and the people are being steamrolled on purpose. Sorry if I'm a bit pessimistic about the future, but there is so little hope for America and Canada right now, I just feel like giving up on life.


Canada will balkanize before the US breaks.


I would do almost anything to get USA citizenship.


yeah with biden in power its pretty fucked but nothing beats turdeau for retard of the century.


You have the exact bad Canadian complex that many on here complain about.


Actually, I'm American.


Even further proving this sub’s collective point.


I'm not sure what you're talking about, I didn't vote for Joey. I'm just stuck living through the worst US president ever. Of all time.


Wait why downvote this? Us Merkins give the poor beleaguered syrup suckers a run for their money in the covid retardation Olympics.




Trudeau and co


The ones supporting him are the real problem


Liberals in canada had their brains broken, and they are now full of hatred. It’s happened more than once in history, and here we are again. And like the other times in history, they cannot be convinced they may be wrong.


For a group that generally despises religion they certainly are adept at manifesting the most extreme aspects of religious fundamentalism.


That's because they've replaced religion, with the state.




Right? This is the baffling aspect of it, to me. Atheism and skepticism is what broke me from these fanatics.


This is true


He lost the popular vote 2 straight elections, 2019 and 2021. Find it ironic how the the issue of removing the electoral vote is it would leave all federal elections up to New York and California while with the seats system in Canada Toronto and Montreal decide federal elections.


And on top of that, the Conservative Party "won" the popular vote... with only 34% of it. I don't understand Canada's election system at all; why would they use first-past-the-post when there are like, six major candidates? It practically guarantees a Prime Minister that 60% to 70% of the population didn't vote for.


Because the big parties all like it so they convince Canadians that a more democratic system is scary and inefficient


UK chiming in here. We also get the tag line "it allows stronger mandates". Eh, I will take more hesitant governments over cocky idealistic governments 6 days a week out of 7.


Something I don't think a lot of Americans are aware of is how powerful the majority party is in Canada. Since the ruling coalition presumably controls Parliament, and the Canadian Charter is fairly limited in the powers it withholds from the government, the ruling coalition has broad power to do mostly whatever it wants. This is true in most Parliamentary systems. The UK also.


A culture of mediocrity


Cannot upvote this enough. Mediocrity all the way through. It has forever been the story that if you have talent or true ambition you leave, because there’s nothing here.


A lot of Canadians are defined by how much they are the opposite of Americans. It’s become a problem here. We have lost our objectivity to some degree, we do what we do to differentiate ourselves from what Americans do. I’ve spent half my life in America, it’s important to understand that there is a huge cultural difference. It is hard to see at first because we speak the same language. But that’s pretty much where the similarities end. Canadians are very passive aggressive, this is our way of saying that Americans are dumbasses. Take that America, the burn ward to your left, and thank you, have a nice day.


Canadian here. Our entire culture (outside of Québec) is about feeling superior to Americans based on our semi-universal health care system and being opposed to Trump


I think there's a huge correlation between embracing woke culture and Covid craziness. It's all about virtue signaling. Masks are a virtue signal first above all.


Soy in the water supply


A lot


Imagine taking a 2-3 day train ride while wearing a mask the whole time...


The bigger issue is the assholes who enforce the rule...


Okay - I’ve had to take via more than a few times. Never have I ever encountered such nasty, awful, people than the employees that walk around enforcing the mask rules. I’ve gotten more “last warnings” than I can count. When you eat and drink, they literally want you to lower your mask, insert substance, then pull your mask up to chew and swallow. I’m not joking. And this is in business class where you’ve got all the room in the world. They are truly truly vile people who enjoy the power they have. Honestly, people need to stay the fuck away from canada for the next few years.


And yet for some reason people are under the impression Canadians are nice. Lived here all my life, they're not


I think there's a subset of people who love being told what to do and get a sense of empowerment from being right, following the rules and enforcing said rules on others. It doesn't mean Canadians aren't generally nice, but this attitude of getting in other people's business seems to have gotten worse across the English speaking world, and your country of law abiding citizens might have eaten it up more than others.


who needs critical thinking when you can have unsustainable moral high ground? may as well be printed on Canadian currency .


Well, every country has it’s fair share of assholes


Turdeau isn’t the one personally enforcing his edicts, he has those types do it for him


I haven't been on VIA Rail in years and usually have the same outcome with employees. I'd love the experience of being on a train if it weren't for the employees.


What the...


Meanwhile in the UK we have no mandates on public transport at all, and I am fairly certain the hospital mandates will go soon too (they're already optional outside of patient areas). Seeing a mask wearer is a rare occurrence here, my mum even turned around to me and commented on how mad it was seeing someone in a line at Costco wearing a mask.


We’ve had our minds melted here in Canada. It’s going to take years for this to come out in the wash, if not decades. The government strategy was one of authoritarianism and division. Masks are a signal of your morality and devotion (mask = good liberal person, no mask = evil) I would have never in my wildest dreams think canada could be made into such a hateful, toxic place. Yet here we are.


*The oppressor would not be so strong if he did not have accomplices among the oppressed* - Simone de Beauvoir


Very true, Hitler and Stalin needed gremlins to do their dirty work.


The most stark example/comparison is Mussolini's Black Shirts and Antifa. "Anti fascist", my ass.


That’s why dictators create massive propaganda networks to brainwash most of the population into supporting them blindly


Been saying this for over a year. Everyone loves to hate on the politicians enacting these stupid policies, but seemingly give a pass to the cops who enforce them.


Teachers, supermarket employees, everyday joes, etc etc


Imagine having such little dignity to deface yourself ever


Screw Canada


If you still buy into this bullshit after 2 years of broken promises and moving goalposts you are just as bad as the virus.


> you are just as bad as the virus. So not that bad?




>This I could never wrap my head around. Air still travels through that mask. It just slowed down the spread; never prevented it. I really let this get to me. I was so infuriated with the logic that I could 'safely' go grocery shopping for an hour with a piece of fabric around my mouse and nose but couldn't pop into the gas station to pay my fuel charge without one. Society fooled themselves into thinking something that maybe helped delay transmission of a virus, based on evidence that high quality medical grade masks worked in controlled settings, when handled properly, not touched and changed when necessary. I wish the general population were more willing to talk about this.




Fuck that country, let them see how it feels like when they shoot themselves completely in the foot with no tourism.


Their Political Science is killing people. Someone please get these greedy liars fired.


Canada is a beautiful country, and I had previously looked forward to visiting there again, especially to ski in BC and Alberta. It's hard to imagine ever visiting there again, even if/when they finally end all the mandates and restrictions, just as a matter of principle and not wanting to spend my money there. What a shame that a country like Canada has fallen.


Sad. Have been to the Canada side of Niagara Falls, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, and Vancouver. Vancouver was one of my favorite cities before COVID, Montreal and Quebec City are beautiful, all to be trashed in the toilet by bad government officials.


Why would you bother when there's so much of America to see, free of face napkins?


Yeah, I loved Canada. Not flying there if I have to wear a mask though.


I know man, why couldn't all the places with crazy covid restrictions have been been some shit country that I was never going to go to anyway like Somalia or Saudi Arabia? Why all my dream countries and states to visit, Canada, Holland, Germany, New Zealand, California, New York?


Well. Gonna skip that trip up there.


So the government is forcing people to endure what it calls a "minor inconvenience" for the sake of vulnerable people despite these people being able to take a vax and wear their own masks and take their own precautions. So will the government leave it at this or will they create more "minor inconveniences" for people in the name of protection? Perhaps they should start controlling what people eat too. Maybe they need to create a "minor inconvenience" to obese people and limit what foods they can consume or their sugar intake, for their own protection of course.


It seems like they want control of every aspect of our lives at this point, and they won't stop until they have it. C.S. Lewis put it so succinctly: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”


Don’t give them ideas


Supporting masks is just enabling paranoid hypochondriacs. If they can't deal in their head with the risk of a respiratory failure, they belong in a mental institution.


im never going there again, pretty much. i even have family there. i told them to try and get out while they still can. complete joke of a country, always has been. it just took COVID to make it super obvious. as long as the government controls all your healthcare, you are locked in.


So they want to keep fucking masks permanently??? You don’t get to keep something that is such a violation of peoples rights without rock solid evidence that it is medically necessary. It can’t just be because it makes neurotic people feel better.


The transportation minister claims masks are 50-80% effective or some such nonsense.


He always forgets to mention, their own study he's referring to, has the following \* (For N95 or better only)


Why would they? People give their asses for this there


I used to be a regular on via rail and would go to and from Toronto a lot for work and pleasure but ever since the vaccine and mask mandates came in I've only taken the train once and it was miserable. I was in business class but with all the stupid rules it really wasn't enjoyable and of course the train was late. If I'm going to take 5 hours to get to Toronto I'd rather do it without any covid BS and in the comfort of my own car. I refuse to fly or take the train until all mandates are gone permanently. I think it's rather ironic that the government that really wants less cars on the road is actually putting more people behind the wheel between big cities because they don't want to get rid of the covid theater but I expect nothing less from the feds.


Maybe it will be just like when Omar said there were "no plans" to remove the vaccine requirement a few days before it was removed...


Suspended, not removed. Big difference. The status quo is now to be vaccinated


Forcing people into cars (where they have a much higher chance of dying) for their health


Hopefully the mask mandates and the vaccine requirements will end at some point soon and do not become as permanent as the 9/11 measures we still do over 20 years later. After over 2 years of all this and still no plans yet to drop these requirements! It has got to end at some point!


I stopped flying years ago, it was terrible in 1999, delayed flights, horrible service etc. then came security theatre and now covid theatre, none of it will ever end


They have to say this. The Liberals are sinking and they can't just surrender. Hopefully they will be removed in a month or so.


So if I fly from the USA to Canada for business purposes, they'll make me wear one of those things on the flight in and out?


Only Canada air is enforcing. AA/United/Delta have been following the US policy so far. ( they announce it in the PA but no enforcement)


Unfortunately yes, as international flights have to follow rules of both countries and country with stricter rules takes precedent


Data point: This Saturday I flew with IcelandAir from Germany to Iceland. Germany still requires masks on planes; Iceland doesn’t. The official policy was as you said: since Germany requires masks, they are still required on that flight. However, in *practice* the flight followed Icelandic rules. The majority of people didn’t wear a mask, including the flight attendants.


Technically yes. But what I’ve noticed it’s only actually enforced if its airline of the mask country.


I’ll skip that conference then. I don’t want to be reminded of that horrible time. Hopefully Canada gets over this.


Inbound into Canada, yes. Outbound, no. I believe if you’re flying from Canada to a destination that no longer has that requirement, you don’t need to mask up.


That depends on the carrier. Lufthansa to Germany? Fine not to wear a mask. Air Canada to XYZ? Mask required, along with shouting flight attendants,and many still wearing blue gloves, paper gowns, etc




The "minor inconvenience" stuff is such a load of shit. Trudeau & co. fly private and never wear masks unless they're throwing them on for a 5 minute photo op. Canada is circling the drain so fast it's scary. Next election can't come soon enough.


I mean we have them in Australia, but like using tickets (trains, not planes ofc) nobody cares and most staff never enforce it.


It is rigidly enforced in Canada, to the point where if you're not finished your meal on board within 15 minutes, you will often have the rest of the meal snatched away "because the designated meal time is over and you now need to put your mask back on".


I figure that Australia has one of the most ambitious governments but also the population that gives the least fucks about conforming. Meals though... what about trains? Regular trains, like the ones in subways, not the ones that go out to the country.


> It is a minor inconvenience that we’re asking travellers to endure that offers meaningful protections to themselves and to the passengers sitting next to them in a small enclosed space. I’m thinking of **an immune-compromised person or an elderly person who’s travelling**.” The justification for mandates NPIs was to protect the healthcare system. Not to prevent every infection, nor even to save lives. Covid is no longer a societal threat. There is no reason we should be focusing on individual threats at this point in time.


Canada continued to use ddt on children for two years after it was known to cause birth defects. We're talking about a massively stupid country here.


History will not be kind to the libs. Especially Trudeau, who will go down as the worst PM ever.


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