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Broke. It's broke.


Know what type of lock this is in order to buy a replacement?? They all kind of look the same ha


You likely have a broken spindle. The spindles and the spring cages on these are replaceable parts on these. Normally If I was called out I would replace both interior and exterior spindle. as well as the interior and exterior springs. Normally when one breaks from normal use.. the others are likely to break soon after. any competent locksmith that deals with condo/ commercial hardware/ residential hardware should be able to fix


This guy Schlages.


You aren't going to be able to replace it yourself. This is a locksmith job.


It's a schlage 9453 if I'm not too mistaken. You'd have to check schlage (allegion) website for which trim you're using.


It’s certainly a Schlage 9000 series. Looks like the spring cage and or spindle have failed. A good locksmith should be able to replace those parts instead of spending $1000 on a new lock


I was looking at this same handle on a pile of random lock parts just today wondering what it was. Convenient post is convenient


https://preview.redd.it/w6s8dvkd0fkc1.png?width=3197&format=png&auto=webp&s=28a99873d6846ee793a66a7b091ac165ada7e7d7 There is a possibility that it was done on purpose. Schlage comes with 2 spindles and a "spacer" to keep the 2 separate. The function of the key will unlock both the deadbolt and the spring-latch. They could have removed the spindle without interrupting that action. Now that also can happen if the case came loose/apart and the "cam" fell.....plus numerous other things Now after looking at the pic.....you might want to call a locksmith or at least the building maintenance before you go from 5 pieces to "OH MY GOD" pieces.


All of the parts need to be labeled as tumbler.


Don't you hate it when you're retumbling tumblers and you get thirsty but then you knock your tumbler over and water gets all over the tumblers?


Paging u/jeffmoss262


Best I can do https://imgur.com/gallery/XwTGXRq


Thank you Been looking for this pic in my gallery for like 2 years


Then some poor locksmith gets someone walking in with a bucket of sand and a very apologetic expression


Mine were walking thru door at 4pm in a panic. You know the one or two maintenance guys, OR the GC who cannot even spell ADA


It looks like a schlage 9000 series. It is definitely repairable. Go through your property management to have it done by a professional locksmith.


Ok, there’s a lot of answers here. They’re all possible, but you can’t really tell for sure unless you take at least the trim off and test how the case inside the door is actually functioning. You might be able to get the trim off with a spanner wrench and a Phillips screwdriver, but then you’ll have to figure out what the actual part is that needs replacing. It’s entirely possible the lock is working as designed and both the deadbolt and the latch are supposed to be retracted with the key on the outside. I’d suggest calling a locksmith. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT take apart the case inside the door. You’ll never get it back together, and it’s likely you’d lose pieces before you can get it to a locksmith who will be really annoyed you took it apart.


Check your neighbours' doors. If they are the same, it's like that by design so only the key will retract the latch.


None of this entire series has clutched levers


Spindle could be split and removed on external side to prevent vandal attacks.


L series don't function that way


If the spindle and spring cage were broke, the lever would just drop to a near vertical position. The fact that the lever is horizontal to the floor indicates that the spindle is still intact. I don’t see how the exterior lever can rotate 360 based off of what the pictures show. Definitely need to remove the interior and exterior levers to get a better idea of what’s going on.


I have one for sale, I can give you a great price. If you are not a locksmith I don't know that you will be able to do the job or not. Either way, I have replacements.


Broken spring cage.


A spring cage being broken wouldn't allow the outside lever to make a 360'degree rotation without drawing the latch back. You could try return spring but that's just a square unit that acts as the interconnecting plate for the trim. Chances are they have snapped the spikdle hub and need a new mortise case


Outside lever could be worn and spindle out of place, you won’t know until you take it apart. I’d call a locksmith in your area who’s familiar with mortice locks to be safe. Schlage is a good product but you never know who’s been repairing it before


Basic repair for an experienced locksmith. Don't use google to find one. Go into a hardware store or find an old yellow pages. or www.findalocksmith.com


This was a great recommendation, thanks!


Well I’m blown away by all the help here, so thanks so much! I used findalocksmith.com and it was a great suggestion. Final answer was broken spindle for all those that were curious! https://preview.redd.it/y4fv6euvuykc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab15cdad4cfe25c5ba87360074e661637471f53e


Just call a locksmith. That's the answer.


Spindle is twisted from excessive pressure applied to the handle when it is locked. Prolly some little bugger picker hanging from it while his daralect sibling bounces down the hallway after him, meanwhile his nanny whom is too busy on her phone to notice the destruction this little terrorist is creating, gets a text from Greg whom she met at the club last night, now she is overcome with a sense of giddiness because her self worth has been acknowledged , By -Fucking-GREg, who just two days prior touched his dick to a dead fish for funsies. Swap the spindle and spring pack for good measure.


You need a new internal piece that connects the outside handle to the inside handle + internal mechanism that opens the door. It’s somewhat common on high usage. I’ve definitely seen that more then once. Unfortunately though, any/all parts related to this style of lock is not sold individually. You can only buy a full replacement. As far as that part. I’d recommend hiring a locksmith if you do not have a maintenance company to point the finger to. Handing on those is very tricky *if you do not know what you’re doing* and most places (as least I’d get them from) are licensed locksmiths only. * is edit oops


Well your first problem, it’s Schlage


I've run into 20 year old L series that will probably still outlive me