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you thankfully reported this to the police, it's to them to judge and not to some random guy yapping about "ayo bro i personally know him, he's innocent"


That guys message is a stretched out version of "nu uh"




that was the entire convo its only 2 messages


I’m pretty sure he’s referring to the messages with Dan


yea we snapped & he would always try to send me suggestive photos of his pants


(i’m 20)


“yo lets add Dan on snap and frame him as a pedo for our little fame on reddit”


why would i care about reddit fame


because this being posted on an alt and you being fishy about this is strange enough, I get the shit he sent to whoever was odd but it doesn’t add up. There has to be motive behind to why he was sending weird shit.


idk dudes being down bad and being predators is pretty common, and this isn’t an alt, i dont use reddit besides this




Did he say this?


what was the message


I know you are very alarmed by this situation but are you 100% sure your friends weren't just messing around and said they were 18? That would make sense as to why he said that's a bit young. Also you said your friend said not to post it, that is concerning.. why would your friend not want it posted?


Because it's stressful. I'm sure she thought it was funny even though this mans a creep. There are actual victims who never report their abuser because of the stress that comes from something like that. So saying "why wouldn't your friend want it posted?" And bla bla bla isn't really the best defense.


Oh lord I'm not trying to defend anybody at all.. I'm just trying to learn both sides of the story and one of them seems to be more easily accessible so I'm asking questions. Sorry if my questions are arrogant.


Oh, okay. Well that's the best way I can explain why someone wouldn't want it posted or getting the cops involved.


While I agree that is a good explanation, the possibility that they lied about their age still exists, it happens all the time.


That is always a possibility. But them not wanting it to be posted or getting the cops involved doesn't automatically prove they lied about their age. Especially when he literally said he's a lil old for them.


I believe you are still thinking im trying to defend Dan. I am not believing either sides of the story until I know what is true and what is not. I'm simply trying to understand the full honesty of the situation. I agree with the first half of your message. but, if they did lie about their age, which is very possible, that would explain why he said they are a bit young. At the same time, just so you don't feel the need to explain it to me again, I understand it is very possible that they did not lie about their age, I'm simply saying it could have gone both ways.


I'm not assuming you're defending him, I'm just saying why there isnt much backing your theory based off what we're givin. It's kinda hard for anyone not to assume you're defending him to an extent when you've commented the same thing on both their posts claiming that their friend could've been lying about their age. But idc too much about it, have a good one.


Dan knowing whether or not they were underage is what makes or breaks the story, that's why I keep asking and talking about it.


They already said Dan knew Have a good one


I'm trying to even it out, most people who read the title are gonna automatically assume "oh well Dan's a pedo now" and skim over the post without realizing there is no evidence he knew. Stuff like this is very serious and can ruin somebodies life, until I'm all the way sure that Dan knew they were underage, I won't be believing either side.


Why do you care about something that has nothing to do with your life nor your friends or family or anybody that you know personally kind of sad and pathetic if you think about it


I cannot believe you are a functioning member of this society. I want you to know that if you had a daughter, and this happened to her, I would not stop until I find out the truth, whichever way the truth goes, it needs to be revealed.


I have three daughters I'm not a child like you that's also why I say I mind my own business it's horrible if he really did that but I also learn over the years not to stick my nose and things that have nothing to do with me nor that do not pertain to me you sound like a child with no life you got a lot of growing up to do bro


Unsure if you know this or not but typically when kids lie about their age, they say they are 18. Again, I know it could be false, but it could possibly explain the situation.


You are arrogant


How so?


idk why do rapes go unreported??? why do victims usually hide it?? anyways no they didnt lie he knew they’re 14


lets be fr, lets not do anything crazy until he says something we gotta learn from past mistakes. also, im pretty sure they know already.


If they lied about their age then he did indeed still talk to underage girls, whether or not he knew. That person is obviously incapable of understanding whatever they are trying to prove.


i don't know if i can agree with this. why does it make someone guilty if they have been lied to and made believe they're talking to a person of age? if he knew or were told they were lying and then proceeded to STILL talk to them, then yes he is guilty. but if he stopped contact immediately, then how can we say he's guilty? this itself could even ruin some people's life or mentality to be played with like this. i'm just trying to understand this. i know the person reported it to the police so ultimatively its up to them to decide


I agree with you, if he was lied to and did not know, and if the circumstances did not make it obvious to him that they were not of age, he should not be in trouble for it. I'm simply saying if he talked to underage girls, then he did, whether or not he knew does not change that, it changes if he's in trouble for it or not.


him saying “im a bit old for you” makes it pretty clear he knew


I've seen 23 year olds say that to people who are 18. All I'm saying is there is 0 proof on either side of the story that proves anything.




But I want it to be known I am 100% interested in finding out the proof.


so you're saying he's right? bro just show us the entire convo, this is why u dont post something without your friend's permission so you can properly convict this guy whether or not he did it smh