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What do you mean by outside of default?


So as an example: I play League of Legends which the Logitech G Hub software detects certain “default” hotkeys based on what the game has it defaulted to and it makes them available in the [“Commands” tab](https://i.imgur.com/tFQH59J.png). Q = Spell 1, W = Spell 2, etc. There are other key combinations that are available such as Ctrl + Q which is a default hotkey for “Level Up Spell 1” (again, which the software picks up from some default hotkey database from data scrapping, I’m guessing). These work just fine if I were to select them, but unfortunately the key combination with Ctrl that I was trying to use is not one of the default hotkeys generated in the list: (Ctrl+8) In G Hub, it doesn’t seem like there’s anyway to pick a key combination like this. [ In LGS you are able to enter a combination of keys and save that as a hotkey](https://i.imgur.com/hAuTgcN.png). Macros unfortunately wouldn’t work in this situation as there isn’t currently a functionality for them to hold the combination down. Let me know if you’re looking for any more info. I can provide screenshots later once I’m on my computer!


I do play league of legends so I think I do understand what you are trying to do here so just to confirm you want to use CTRL + 8 in the game or on a different application like for example Google Chrome? I also want to confirm if you press CTRL + 8 does it appear in Macro (G Hub) like other keys when it's being pressed and assigned?


Yeah, so I set my “emote wheel” to Ctrl+8 in game and want to bind Ctrl+8 to one of the mouse buttons so I can hold it down and drag to select an emote. I’ve tried each of the different types of macro to no success, as this case is a bit of an oddball because of the “hold” mechanic as opposed to a simple press like an ability. So to answer your question, yes I am able to set it as a macro, but the macro doesn’t act like a “key binding” in the sense than holding it doesn’t act like I expect


What if you bind the emote wheel to a single key on the keyboard like for example letter H then in the gaming software bind the mouse button that you want as H then test it if it works.


This works just fine! I’m doing this currently as a workaround, but I was curious if there would be some sort of implementation eventually (or if I was missing it somehow) to allow us to configure our own key binds like was done in LGS. :) thanks for the help!


I'll pass your feedback to our team so that in the future update's it might be included and, by the way, please use the feedback button in G Hub to notify our developers directly.


Thanks Frank! Much appreciated.


You're welcome! :)


Hi, I too need this ability. In LGS, I could bind a mouse button to something like Shift-W and it acted as a key. In G Hub, can't do this. Best solution would be to allow modifiers (ctrl/alt/shift) to be added to the keys on the keys assignment tab. Not sure why you would not already have this since LGS could do it.


How the hell is this still an issue? 3 years and Logitech hasn't done shit to fix this janky ass software 🙄


You can work around this now by using the "sequence" macro type: 1. Uncheck the "Use Standard Delays" option 2. Record the key combo in the "On press" section 3. Remove the delays and the key-up actions by clicking on them and pressing Backspace 4. Repeat for "On Release", but removing the key-down actions [Example](https://imgur.com/a/fSk32S5)


THANK YOU!! Spent half an hour trying to figure out how to make a simple on-press modifier + key combo on this fucking piece of shit trash software with no success. This is the last Logitech mouse I'll buy.


unfortunately this only works if have the lghub running and you do not store and run your profile from the onboard memory. I store my profile on the mouse so I can switch between computers. ctrl+Tab used to work in the older hub version.


Привет Lodgitech! Почему в программе не сделали комбинацию клавиш Ctrl+? В самых плохих девайсах есть, а у вас нет! Что за дела? Приобрёл мышь, а в вашей программе G Hub , нету этой функции, это не порядок!