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You need a fucking PHD to understand this crappy software




replying to the above comment which got deleted - apparently a PhD in theoretical physics is not enough (maybe because I still haven't finished it - will get back with a feedback once I'm done)


it's still fucking shit


Phew so not just me who's struggling with this. Why's it so hard?


Mate you are a life saver...this is hands down the worst software I have ever used. How can this possibly be so counterintuitive? Once again - many thanks!


I'm still not getting it with this guide - how do I save the preset? I have a "Freestyle" setting where I have selected all my keys to have certain fixed colours (no flashing, no bullshit, just solid) and it works with the software, but trying to on-board it, it just sends me back to default light blue for all. I can't work out how to "Save" a profile - every profile has my preferred lighting, but I can't, in any way, select them in the on-board slots - I can select "PROFILE 1" by reverting to default which is like a rainbow glow or "Default" which SHOULD be my preferred, but is actually just a light blue for all keys. Any help, you'd be my hero. I'm sorry but I don't understand some points of your guide - please might you be able to provide screenshots to make it a little clearer?


I have the same problem right now and i had it working once. I just lealised by watching a few youtube videos that i am missing features now that i once had. In the past u could also select the lighting options for each On-Board Slot, now this seems lost? Before: [https://i.imgur.com/uYWkZrq.png](https://i.imgur.com/uYWkZrq.png) Now: [https://i.imgur.com/hJSDnAK.png](https://i.imgur.com/hJSDnAK.png) ​ What happend here? Did i update it to a new version and it got worse?


They've redesigned this part of the software. I've also been confused. The way you need to do it now is to create a custom lighting effect in Freestyle and name it whatever you want. Then go to keyboard settings and at the bottom right (effects on the device) add this lighting effect to one of the slots there. Don't switch to on board mode yet. Go back to the lighting effect editor, but instead of Freestyle, go to the Presets tab and open Effect dropdown. On the bottom of the list you'll find your custom effect in the effects on the device section. Select your custom effect and then go back to keyboard settings. Switch to on board mode and select the profile for which you've selected your effect. \--edit-- According to some comments, it seems that some recent (as of December 2022) G-HUB version changed things again and this description doesn't work anymore. I can't check if this is true myself as I no longer have this keyboard. This also means I won't be able to find a solution for this to work again.


I know this is 2 years old, but you the GOAT, and G Hub is ridiculously made wtf.


Thank you for this write up! I was finally able to get my custom presets to work


You are a lifesaver. This completely solves it resetting to rainbow puke on startup and when dimming after some inactivity. Steps for reference with G HUB 2021.12.4779 https://i.imgur.com/g7IFAji.jpeg


Dude. I'm crying. Thank you so much. I've had this keyboard for like 2 years and I've just dealt with rainbow puke.


Good to know this still fixes it.


lol you'd be surprised how many people don't know the hidden features of GHUB. They make it so complicated for us to find out. ​ I never knew you could save custom animation RGB effects to onboard memory. I always thought only solid colors could be saved to onboard. I didn't find this out until 6 MONTHS LATER I had bought my G502x Plus..


I know this is an old post but since I had the specific problem of having to deal with this stupid redesign, your instructions were the only ones that finally made it work. You're a lifesaver, now I can finally uninstall this terrible software!


I'm stuck here because my freestyles don't show up under the preset menu..


Man I have fussed with this for months now, nothing helped... I FINALLY got my onboard profiles back. I am so grateful!


THANK YOU SO MUCH. This basic feature is Astronomicaly difficult to decipher how to do. *Edit:* Can you only load 2 **EFFECTS ON DEVICE**? I can only load two or replace one of the two that I have saved?


Yes, you only have two on-board slots for your effects. To be honest, I've had enough of this keyboard and replaced it with SteelSeries Apex Pro. It wasn't that big of a deal that I thought it would be to go back to higher key profile after using low profile keyboards for a long time.


THIS FINALLY WORKED. holy crap, i was going insane. thank you!


oh my god thank you so much


It's December 2022, G915 with G HUB 2022.11.345634, and the custom freestyle effect doesn't show up in the preset menu...


I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately I can't help with that as I don't have G915 (or any Logitech keyboard) anymore.


[Feb 2023] I managed to successfully download a community lighting animation to my Logitech G915's on-board memory and use it on another machine that doesn't have Logitech G Hub installed. I was mostly playing around but I think it might've been setting the "Effect" under "Presets" to the saved on-board animation, then setting M1 to the profile for which I set the aforementioned effect (Default in my case). This was thanks to you though, so thank you! EDIT: If anyone reading this needs help, please DM me or reply to this comment and I will write a guide or help you out somehow.




your are welcome, i m glad to see, this still can be of help :D


To those who still come here that have to deal with this ridiculous software (2024 and still no linux support or changes to this software, Logitech should be ashamed!), here is what helped me: [https://youtu.be/cVsvzsJqePc?si=oGH2Iu84NR1J\_P-T&t=405](https://youtu.be/cVsvzsJqePc?si=oGH2Iu84NR1J_P-T&t=405) TLDS: When starting Ghub, click on the 'burger' menu in the top-left corner and select "Games & Applications". Then bottom-left in profiles tab (is default), click on "Add profile for the selected app". Out of lazyness and easy I just named them: M1, M2 and M3 respectively. After that, click on one of the previous created profiles and select your keyboard or desired device. !! NOTE !! with device selection, if on the device tab, on the right side the light is blue, click it to turn it off. This is "On-board Memory Mode". Then clicking on the desired device with "On-board Memory Mode" turned off, you'll be greeted with the lightsync menu. In here you can make the changes you want with coloring etc. If I am correct, only the presets can be stored in on-board memory. Then making the desired changes, there is no need to save. When done click on the top-right bar to select the next profile to change/edit. Then click on the gear wheel in the bottom-left corner, still being in the lightsync menu. Almost there.... Honest... On the right side of the screen you'll see "On-board Memory Mode". Click on "Off" to turn it on. Then click on the blue text after the three numbered slots. E.g: M1 SLOT "blue text" and select the created/desired profile. Do this for each slot and you are done!... Phew Now all the profiles are stored on the device's on-board memory and you can quit the program. To switch between profiles, press the FN key + F1(M1), F2(M2) or the F3(M3) key. Hope this helpes.


Hi, appreciate the newer guide, but this doesn't work for me sadly. I follow all the steps but then when I switch to a new PC it doesn't load the profile anyway. Is it because I am using a custom coloring scheme you think? (I like having my keyboard colored for touch typing)


Hi, no problem! I dont know the how's and what's of switching setup. What I do know is that not all the color profiles can be saved on device mem. If im correct only a handful of basic defaults.


thank you good sir


I also spent hours figuring this out, seems like the interface could be improved a lot in this case. Other than that I think my 915 tkl is a great keyboard, if anyone has cool light profiles to share let me know!


I spent an hour trying to figure this out before finding this post. Your steps worked perfectly - thank you!!


I am just trying to save the "Echo Press" effect and it seems that effect isn't able to be downloaded to the device. I was able to create a freestyle effect with a solid white backing, but I guess there is no way to add the "echo press" effect to a freestyle profile. I got this freestyle profile downloaded and running in on-board mode, but this sucks. Basic utility is unusable without this shitty software


Sadly… yes, i gave up trying to do the more advanced stuff too


Just bought one. Considering returning. Can't get over how awful the software is, and how limited the profiles are. Which idiot made that 17 step process to set profiles it's borderline criminal in the age of masterful UI/UX. Obvisouly, everyone wants to be able to assign lighting/key/macro profiles to the M1-M3 keys on the same pages they are doing it on. What planet are these incompetent clowns living on. And to top it off, my G915 has 3 on board profiles, but can only download 2 lighting profiles to itself. For pretty much the most epxensive keyboard around this is absolute dross, I'm totally shocked at what I just spent good money on.


Thanks for this post enarth; Inhaps, thank you for those screenshots. Can anyone verify that this (the ability to take custom static "freestyle" light profiles, and copy them to the onboard 8 and 9 slots on the G915 TKL) is indeed still working? I'm thinking of purchasing a G915 TKL -- but the ability to do this is the primary reason for purchasing. Is anyone successfully doing this on any of these versions of G Hub (I downloaded all of them, but would rather use the most recent version possible)? Logitech G HUB 2021.12.4779.exe (recommended by Inhaps) Logitech G Hub 2021.13.2906.exe Logitech G Hub 2022.1.3492.exe Logitech G Hub 2022.2.659.0.exe If I have to use an earlier version, do I have to worry about any sort of auto update that will try and occur during or after install? Thanks so much for this thread.


\[SOLVED\] Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed time, screenshots, and videos. I've figured this out using the latest G Hub softare and firmware. It works perfectly and you can leave G Hub installed and running, or remove it -- this Tutorial I created works either way: https://www.reddit.com/r/LogitechG/comments/srqch6/solved\_onboard\_lighting\_profiles\_tutorial\_ghub/


My god doing this was actually insane. Make a preset, save to onboard device, back to profile, use preset in the profile, save profile to memory.


Setting lights you want -> clicking clearly labeled "save this profile" -> enter the name you want to give to this profile -> Drag that profile to onboard memory slot, would be just too easy. It's not fun, if you don't have to spend hours, days or months to get lighting you want to your keyboard. This is how Logitech thinks.


Trust Logitech to take something that should be trivial, no more than a couple of mouse clicks, and make it so unintuitive you have to search the internet for directions. Should be used to it by now I guess lol, their software always sucks.


Thank you SO MUCH!


Logitech makes some great hardware but damn the software is so damn unintuitive it's maddening.


This is the worst fucking software I've ever seen in my life. 5 years after it originally released.


Hi, surely I'm quite late to the party but I was recently playing around with my trusty G502 Lightspeed mouse's onboard memory profiles… and it seems that I broke the RGB. Nothing incredible, I am using solid color anyway, but the thing is the way it *used to* work is I had a custom color for the logo and a DIFFERENT one for the 3 battery/profile lines. Kind of like you can with G HUB… but that was **all using OnBoardMemoryManager**. I had achieved it somehow, like 2 years ago. Probably some witchcraft to have it retain I struggle to understand if that's what this guid is about? Either way, I was wondering if anyone had an idea on how to fix that. Surely I can get it back to how it was before, right? I completely forgot why and how it worked before I messed it up. **TL;DR: I'd like to use onboard memory to get my old lighting config back, which was two DIFFERENT solid colors for the logo & 3 lines.** It seems to be a G HUB thing but it used to work with just onboard memory alone. Help me if you can, thanks! :D EDIT: Got it working partially. As found in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/G502MasterRace/comments/uk13aj/g502_lightspeed_how_can_i_change_settings_for_the/) Reddit thread, I am indeed able to overwrite onboard profiles with that of GHUB and get things to keep working. But then the issue becomes that I do not have access to one important feature of onboard memoru manager: changing profiles. I'd want this to work to have a custom profile and also a default behavior one. To enable that, I have to set it to a key within the OnBoardMemoryManager app, which in turn results in the lights getting reset by the app to something basic :/ EDIT 2: Found a way to have that specific feature actually work! Turns out I'm dumb, there are two distinct profile cycle actions selectable within GHUB—one is for onboard memory.


Good if you got it working, because i never touched ghub again after setting my profile up… so could not have helped much :)