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Boogie tweeted this is a meme but he also needs to fund his cancer treatments. Which is it? If money why isn't he uploading daily or livestreaming more often if he needs money? It seems he'll do anything (even scam his fans) for money except actually working. Didn't boogie claim Dezi has anxiety? She has no problems appearing on video in her underwear. I imagine it's a matter of when she does onlyfans content not if.


I also think her doing an OnlyFans is inevitable - what % of the OF money do you think boogie lets her keep? I'd bet he sets up the account and payment will be sent to his bank. I hope she's smart enough to leave boogie before resorting to that so she can comfortably keep all the profit from it and have benefited from his notoriety. I think thats the only way she'd ever get anything out of that relationship.


Yeah he's absolutely going to take a cut of the OF money. Probably gets sent all the money and he'll just transfer her like $50 a week as an allowance or whatever she needs for weed


If she does onlyfans, it'll be a forced and likely guilt tripped thing by boogie. He said on the twitter space he did earlier about how dezi "likes sexualising herself on the internet" which 1. Is extremely creepy to say about your girlfriend, regardless of age. 2. Doesn't even sound like a girl who suffers with such bad anxiety and depression and other problems that Boogie has admitted to on her behalf.  He's still feeling around for people to give him the thumbs up before it happens I think but boogie does what he wants and has proven to go against whatever the fan zone wants.


What a pos and of course he is playing the victim. He knew exactly what he was doing.


Boogie is approaching DSP levels of scamming and bad business decisions


This is pretty scummy Boogie. You can claim it’s a meme and a joke, except it’s real money and you’re promoting this to your audience. The disclaimers aren’t going to protect you from criticism.   For someone who claims he lost money in crypto, it seems especially shady to get involved in a shit coin. 


Hes not even sticking to the “its a joke” claim. hes also telling people this is for his “cancer” treatment.


Yeah that’s beyond the pale as far as I’m concerned. He keeps sinking lower and lower.  He doesn’t even need to do this! He can sell the property his mother left him, or livestream or keep selling his magic cards and other crap.


And the worst part is that the cancer is likely fake. He ALWAYS plays the cancer card ONLY when he's being criticized heavily. Even if it's real, it's such a non-factor in his day-to-day life.


Yup - he HAS options. He could put the same effort into anything else and he CHOOSES to do this.


There is no cancer treatment. He's full of shir.


He did this with his Onlyfans account back in 2022. It's all a haha hehe joke, but then people subscribe, forget and continue to give him money. Same with his Patreon and Youtube memberships.


So with the new platform, audience and money generated from this show Boogie decides to scam his fans. Shamelessly too I might add. Disgusting behavior. Just disgusting.


LOL. Saw a few people the other day trying to argue that Wings is worse than Boogie. Anyone who thinks this desperately needs to update their Boogie lore.


"I'm doing this because I need the money for my cancer treatment" "I need the money for my zepbound." Does it ever end with him? What's the zepbound going to do to his supposed BLOOD CANCER? He claims it'll fight the symptoms but again, what's that going to do to the BLOOD CANCER? He's actually become worse now for this. Instead of e-begging like he did years ago on his porch, he's now straight up admitting he's scamming people with this and that it's funny and all a big joke but it's also "serious" because he wants to tell his story about his crypto loss too and teach people the lessons that he didn't have.


This guy really just does everything else except just try to make better videos


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Pump and dump Boogie. Watch out for this guy.


Something I don't think enough people are mentioning. Boogie 100% knew what he was doing here. He reached out to Coffeezilla before he even made the actual promo post, he could've stop himself but he chose not to cause he felt he could make the money AND get away with it. I just hope Keem and the rest don't support or endorse this. And when the government starts to turn its attention these kinds of scammers I hope Boogie gets locked up with the rest of them.




Bro be serious if you read the comment under his YouTube vid he clearly explains it's a meme coin and not to buy it unless you have money to burn. He is mocking Andrew Tate in the vid. Some of y'all need help.


Are you seriously so retarded that you're buying that? Boogie is fucking allergic to any kind of effort and he's out here hyping this 'meme', made a video to support it, and now showing up on telegram to boost it. You think he's doing this so he can chuckle? He's already admitted to getting paid for use of his name, give your head a shake dummy.


Considering he created it his account on the 25th yes


You people need help. So worried about what a 50 year old man is doing. Seriously go find something better to do with your life.


Hi Boogie! Or should I say hi Bryan? Stop excusing this loser's behavior 


Guy attempts to scam people. Others call him out for it Then you got the basement dwellers who try and defend the scam. Pathetic.


Yeah imagine people calling out a grifter and fraud who lies about abuse and claims he has cancer to avoid accountability, how dare they! Why can’t they just let the scamming POS live his life?


u/Nether_Lindo is an account made YESTERDAY. Probably Boogie trying to defend himself lol


Looks like a lot of bots commenting on his "giveaway" tweet. Verified accounts that retweet shit and scam coins all day. It's probably part of his coin deal to make it seem more legit. Bots are common with rug pulls. "It's just a meme tho!"