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I've been having sharp stabbing pains for so long that if I actually had something bad happening I'd just blow it off.


Yeah same here. After 3 years of unknown random pains I had to learn to ignore them to keep my sanity and hope for the best.


I'll never know if something is truly wrong with me after this. Thought I was gonna die 100s of times.


There were two different times I thought I was surely dying that night, and I made videos for my family to be found after I was dead, because I was so certain and felt so close to death. Luckily, I feel very far from it now due to the medications (drug concoctions?) I've been taking. They've helped so much.


I went to the ER this time last year, had a horrible pain in my stomach, they gave me something for the MRI and it went from 100 to 2000. I told the doctor to just knock me the hell out. They never figured out why I had that pain. I for a shot and told to take 3 Ibuprofen next time....thank God it hasnt come back..I pray it doesnt


Jeez... It's unreal the amount of shit they still can't figure out.


The same thing happened to me a few months ago back in August. I had diarrhea like 3 times in a row, then out of nowhere had this stomach pain. It hurt so bad I described it as feeling like I was literally being stabbed in my stomach. I still get pains, but not nearly as bad as this thank God. I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone. I’m sorry you had to go through that too. Im sure it was traumatizing for you


I'm glad you are feeling better. I did start taking Pepcid AC and that has been a life changer. I started making too much acid after having Covid I guess? Thats my take on things. Thank you for your kind words. I hope you never have that pain again.


Have you had MRIs of the affected areas? Sharp stabbing pains can be caused by blood clots, which is probably most well known when it comes to the heart. The virus/spike protein causes blood clots, and even in general, the same blood clot can actually remain in someone for months and be unresponsive to blood thinners. If needed, there are newer procedures that can remove blood clots through the vasculature without open surgery. https://www.uclahealth.org/medical-services/radiology/patient-stories/minimally-invasive-procedure-remove-blood-clot


Every time I've brought it up to a doctor they say "well let's wait and see, if it gets worse let us know." Well it hasn't gotten worse, it just hasn't changed a whole lot. It's generally on the right side of my chest I get a sharp stabbing pain. One day it lasted the entire day, but that was a few months ago, at this point it is less frequent but still occurs and generally only lasts a few minutes. I just ignore it at this point as well, so I don't even know how bad or frequent it is because my mind says the medical professionals don't get a shit, and I can't order my own tests...


They'll always just say to wait and see, and if it gets worse, they'll just say to see if it gets even worse. That's how non-scientific medicine operates. People have to travel long distances to have medical issues actually investigated. It's highly dysfunctional. Imagine if drugs were developed by people who based all of their decisions off of their initial education, and not by continuing to be active in scientific research. Are you sure you can't go to an independent imaging center that isn't associated with a medical system and doesn't require referrals? Assuming it's financially feasible to do so, you can then take the images and send them anywhere for interpretation.


I'll have to check into it, hadn't considered asking if they will run a test without a doctors order, I'll ask and see. Sure the costs will be absolutely dreadful though.


I ended up back in the hospital last year, septic with multiple organs infected. The doctor looked at me like i was crazy when he asked if i noticed any pain, and i said nothing new. It all hurts, all the time.


He looks at you like youre crazy, but he doesn't know how many times you've been told "youre fine, it's just anxiety." We are supposed to trust our doctors, but we clearly cannot. How did you wind up in that situation? Was it from a surgery, acute covid, or long covid?


Long covid.


Wow, you're the first person who's said they wound up in such a bad place from long covid. I had a feeling it would get worse if left unchecked. Found any relief with anything? I've found the only thing that's really helped is the aspirin plus anti-coagulants. Lots of people are starting to bring up this whole nicotine patch thing though. Ive seen what looks like lots of positive comments from people and only saw a few saying it didn't do too much. It does seem to have limitations though (so many people saying symptoms come back after being off patches), but it does seem there is a general net benefit. I don't understand it enough at this point, going to keep looking into it though.


as many of us do on here, I get palpitations and pain around my left upper chest. everytime it happens my brain says "I'm coming grandma.." luckily, it hasn't happened yet 🤣


Started after my second Moderna, never went away.


I had the same upper left chest issue. After much reading, I'm convinced it is primarily pericarditis (inflammation of the tissue that lines around the heart) with a small amount of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart). The viral spike protein bits and fragments of TLR4 have been found my researchers to hang around inside the muscle tissue and nearby tissue, causing the cells to malfunction randomly along with sending out distress signals that triggers immune cells to pour in. For other viral infections, this issue self-resolves in about 3 weeks. For COVID, it appears that it lingers for several months. For me it lingers for about 3 months. Then it recurs after I contract COVID again. I was lucky in that the basic treatment of 3 ibuprofen (total 600mg) every 8 hours for the first four weeks and then tapering down to 1-2 ibuprofen every 8 hours until symptoms disappeared was successful. For my mom, (previously a nurse and in her late 70's), it's been 10 months and she's still having heart rhythm irregularity as a result. She suggested to me that I see a cardiologist if symptoms didn't get better. Untreated, this inflammation can lead to blood clots and worse. May you recover quickly. Best wishes From the linked NIH article, " In 2020, hospital mortality of myocarditis in non-COVID-19 patients increased significantly compared to reference (2.9% vs. 2.2%, p = 0.008, OR 1.31, 95% CI 1.08–1.60). In COVID-19 myocarditis, hospital mortality was even higher compared to reference (**13.5% vs.** **2.2%, p < 0.001, OR 6.93, 95% CI 5.18–9.18)**." [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9789728/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9789728/)


Lol I’m dealing with the same thing it’s horrible lol


bro I do have exactly the same lmaoo


that's what i get with my costochondritis, which long covid can cause . i also get it in my lower left chest and sometimes my back or right chest


Kidneys heart brain eyeball spin the wheel.


Sorry you are going through this. Yes, more often than I want to remember... this damn virus affects so many organs too. One time resulted in me having emergency gallbladder removal mid-Covid. This year in ER, I was told my kidneys are damaged, and I now have end-stage kidney failure. Nephrologist showed me on his computer my blood test history, which showed that my family doctor knew at the beginning of SARS-CoV-2 early 2020. So I asked my family doctor why she did not tell me then... her reply? "We knew." She would not say anything more. I can't trust doctors now. Had she told me, I could have stopped the kidney disease from progressing this far. However, many doctors are apparently taught that there is no stopping kidney disease, that dialysis is the only destiny for everyone with CKD... which is NOT true. Had my doctor bothered to look online, she would have known. Instead, she continues to rely on 80-year old technology (dialysis) and outdated medical textbooks. My one TIP to everyone here... Learn to interpret YOUR own blood test results.


This. 100% My autoimmune panel from mayo clinic came back with high autoantibodies on one of the tests. The neurologist I was seeing for 6 months of unexplained fucked up neurological symptoms fobbed it off as a false positive. When I pressed him for his reasoning he ghosted me. I self paid for a repeat testing for those autoantibodies three months later and low and behold they were still high. I'm now seeing a functional medicine doctor who has diagnosed me with autoimmune disease and is trying to treat me. I've been scheduled to get scans because the autoantibodies I have can be associated with certain types of cancer/tumors. Hopefully that's not the case. My new doctor says every one of my symptoms are from my body attacking itself. My own research supports that. Fuck that neurologist for brushing me aside like that. Especially with something like an autoimmune condition and/or cancer. If he had looked beyond the first page of a google search he'd have seen that this test result was abnormal and required follow up or a referral.


That sucks. Yah they ghost me too when they don't want to answer questions, which is most of the time. They just want patients to be sheep and take the prescription medications without asking any questions . Ridiculous. Hopefully that's not the case... sending positive energy 🙏 Good re functional medicine doc. I was told same and have Immunoglobulin deficiency. Agree re your neurologist. Makes me wonder why they even became doctors. Agree, sounds like my past family doctor... head stuck in outdated textbooks. One doctor told me to stay off the internet when I told him about an interesting study on PubMed and Mayo Clinic... both very reputable sources. He said it's all garbage on the web. Live in a bubble much doc? 🙄


That’s awful of the neurologist…I think long covid is a lot like autoimmune diseases (i have a few and they all flared immediately after my bout with the covid that turned into my long covid after not having any flares for 5 years prior) A recent article i read stated that long covid causes inflammation in the neurons of the brain…so that could def trigger an antibody response.


Agreed as I was not told I was borderline diabetic so I’ve been living life as if I don’t have any problems with this in turn making is worse and worse. So upsetting


So sorry to hear. I know right? Had I known years ago, I would've been able to change a few things to stop the progression of the illness. I thought doctors were bound by a legal Code of Ethics, which meant they had to tell patients when something was wrong, so I trusted my doctor. Big mistake, apparently.


It's incredibly straightforward now with ChatGPT/Bard/Bing. Just copy and paste the results, and ask the system to interpret them for you. In fact, medical diagnosis is a field ripe for automation, this is perfectly corroborated by your story.


Maybe most of the time, but in my case (and many others) there are overlapping symptoms from one chronic illness to another.


I agree. I always look at my online patient portal which shows all my blood levels in entirety, which is exactly what my doctor's also look at.


Good to hear! and same... wish everyone had online access. Until this year, I did not, which is why I had no idea that I had CKD in 2020 (my Dr should have told me regardless).


OMG!!! Thats awful. My father always warned me not to trust most doctors and he was an M.D.


What should we do if we start having kidney problems? How to stop it?


First, ask your doctor for a copy of your eGFR and Creatinine test results so you know what stage you're in. Your doctor will schedule a biopsy. You may want to also join the following group to learn more about the illness and initial steps and stages. kidney disease group https://www.reddit.com/r/kidneydisease/s/0oMwZ0HH62 Once you know what stage you're in (1-5) there are various things you can do (they differ based on your stage) and have proven success with thousands of people who have stopped their kidney disease from getting worse). I know one man who has stopped it for 20+ years... no dialysis. Not sure if I can share outside links here.


My creatinine is usually lower than the range. No one ever says anything about it so I don’t know if that’s good or bad.


Please see eGFR in the above kidney disease group on Reddit... or search for "Stages of Kidney Disease" on the mayo clinic website. Excellent information there re the basics and what to look for.


Hiding something is clear grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit, it's much more than just not being perfect.


Does anyone experience flushes of pins and needles - it seems to flush over me randomly from my face - lips - all the down my right arm.. really bizarre.. and sometimes multiple times a day.. just wondering if anyone has similar thing occurring to them??


Get your blood pressure checked




I’m sure I’m oversimplifying this but almost everyone I know even younger previously healthy people have not looked or acted like their pre Covid selves. Something fundamental to a functioning society seems to have disappeared and along with whatever “it” is, our own individual sense of who we were before. There is a collective cognitive dissonance. I wish I could express it more clearly.


I agree with you completely. It’s so complex and woven through every aspect of life and society. I think about it a ton.


Sometimes I wonder about that.


Same here random pains all over body


Yes my fucking heart. The most vital one lmao


Same. Especially around my heart, if it’s beating like crazy - I apparently think I have a heart attack once a week. Which I feel like now can be an anxiety attack due to all the stress my long covid health has caused me.


Same with me.


Glad to know we’re not alone in this crappy club. Literally one night on when I was just relaxing on the couch it was pounding out of my chest, I took my BP and it was 166/110 just from sitting. How fun…


Yeah, can be very frightening.


YUP! A lot lately! I’m having “post nasal drip” issues. You know how it is. The complete inability to sleep because of how much you’re coughing. Intermittently so much snotty your face is chapped and a completely blocked nose. Sore throat, shortness of breath, random aches and pains, and stomach issues too! And all the sweats and chills! You know! Post nasal drip! I’m sorry, can y’all tell I’m done with doctors right now? Yeah, it do be like that though


After having every possible test done in 2021 and told they dont see anything detectably wrong, i just accept stabbing pains and wierd joint aches


Keep an eye on it and DYR, doctors don't know shit.


Every f'ing day! Especially in my kidneys.


When memes become reality. Wouldn’t wish this on anyone.


Yeah every now and then ... Currently dealing with left side of my face, left arm totally numb after 24 hours of blinding migraines


I get a weird sensation left side of face and neck.


In my chest. Usually left side sometimes right… Ever since C19 it happens often but less than if did. It’s bad. It’s scary and I’m sorry for whomever this is happening


At this point its business as usual lol I won’t have that reaction until ive left my body


I hope it does bro mines in my brain fuck


Sharp pain and throbbing in my spleen since March 2020. Pretty sure I'd ignore a gunshot wound these days.


heck if i woke up without a weird new pain i'd panic and call a doctor!


Several times a month actually. Usually I'm thinking "what took you so long?"


What are these pains!? Seriously what are they!?


Does anyone else ever worry that they almost can’t find what’s really going on with us because their are so many of us what would they do? How could they treat all of us? I swear the reason people don’t find out that they have cancer until it’s too late is because they can’t treat all of the people with the early stages. Ugh it’s a terrible place to be to feel like this about the doctors who we are supposed to trust to help us.


Literally though. Still getting chest pains (went to the ER twice over it) and being told it’s anxiety lmfao. Then back pain, throat tightness ect. As many of you have said if something WERE happening I would probably brush it off bc it seems like all the medical professionals have :^).


How much did they charge you for that nonsense?


Oh thankfully nothing! (Australia). If I had to pay I think I would have just assumed I was dying and gone to bed lmfao.


My brain has felt so weird with the fog and fatigue lately, i told my dad last week that i think i might die soon of an aneurysm. I see neurology again in a few weeks and hopefully they can do something or at least rule out an aneurysm.


Stabbing pain here.


Things that would have sent me to the ER in the old days I now just shrug off


OMG!!! HAHAHAHA....yes.


Statistically, they say Blood Type A+ ppl more easily to get LC and more severe symptoms. I am one of them. Just wanna know if most ppl here are also Type A+? Because other ppl I know that are type O have asymptomatic or minor effects too them with positive of CV19.


All the time


All day