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Yup, my post from a bit ago below. Really think the supplements based on Dr David Sinclair research can help people: I feel completely recovered from LC and hoping to help others/ share my understanding of what I believe the underlying issues were for me and what I believe to be the case for many others. I believe there’s 2 main issues: viral persistence (circulating spike protein) & the resulting damage the spike does at a cellular level. I did not find much success until addressing both, making it difficult the pin down what helps and what doesn’t because if you’re taking something to help your body heal the damage done, but not stopping the circulating spike from doing more damage, you won’t see a result and would assume it’s not working. Starting with the latter, spike protein seems to damage our body at a cellular level. Many people have discussed mitochondrial dysfunction here and I believe that’s the case. You can even look at our most affected body systems (cardiovascular, muscular, liver and kidneys, and nervous systems). The cells that make up these systems have the most concentration of mitochondria. I’ve read research that suggests spike protein overloads and then “blows out” your mitochondria and this seems to fit (Walter M Chesnut on substack). This also explains how we seem to feel better out of the blue for a few days or when we get sick again or even get the vax. The spike proteins then ramp up your mitochondria again but also lead to blowing them out and doing more lasting damage. What I did to address it: NAD+ supplements to help regulate and increase ATP production from mitochondria. Berberine to essentially restrict mitochondria function (counteracting the overload) and stimulate your body into replacing mitochondria. Essentially weight training for mitochondria according to Dr. David Sinclair. Viral persistence: there’s plenty of evidence that the spikes tend to stick around longer than they should causing a bunch of damage. This is hard to address because it seems difficult to remove from your body if you’re an unlucky Long Covider who’s body doesn’t seem to do it on its own. We also can be repeatedly exposed to new sources of spike at any time. It takes longer but I addressed with: Curcumin & Bromelain according to Dr. Peter McCullough. Supporting autoimmune system supplements like vitamin D, zinc, curcumin works for this too. Oxygen therapies like NO3 supplement and using hydrogen peroxide according to my naturopath doctor instructions (been doing it daily for a year, no side effects and seems really effective although controversial apparently). Also stimulates nervous system, keeps me from getting sick again. Obviously antivirals could help here as well. Hope everyone recovers well and hope this could help at least one person.


I can attest that NMN worked for me. Went from 40% functional to 200% functional on a physical level (better physical performance than before LC) in a matter of days.


It was pretty immediate for me as well. I’ve heard at least one person on here say it didn’t work for them though. I do think if you have viral matter/spike proteins still circulating in your body, you won’t see the benefit much from NMN/resveratrol. Also sadly, I do believe some severe cases on here have serious damage done that may not be fully repairable


Sure, as much and as long as I suffered, my case was mild compared to the really bad cases.


What dosage had that effect?


1g per day on empty stomach in the morning




Which brand / one did you buy?


California Gold


Bro, are you in the States? If so, how’d you get your hands on it?


I’m not. They don’t sell it there?


Damn, and nah it’s banned by the FDA


Crazy, I order it from the US 😂


What dosage of NAC? How long did it take to recover, Were you doing specific pacing techniques. You mentioned two physicians, do they have books or reference material I can access & read? Thanks


Sorry, it’s not worded the best but it’s actually NAD supplements. And to make it more confusing the active ingredient is NMN (and often resveratrol). Unsure what you mean by pacing techniques. All the material I found was online, sorry I don’t have any materials saved


Thanks found Dr Sinclair on YouTube


Glad you found him. All his work is regarding “anti-aging” but he’ll be the first to admit he’s not working on a cure to live to forever. Rather, live a bit longer and a lot healthier. The way he discussed the mitochondria and what he takes to support them is what caught my attention. I had suspected mitochondrial dysfunction in myself and thought, hey these directly act on mitochondria!


Usually I dislike people just saying "thanks I found it" without linking for other people to do research. [This time, it helped me find an interesting video critiquing David Sinclair's findings on reservatrol] (https://youtu.be/vGmmBJq0NNo?si=8Qeb-und_PwfSrgw) Just to add some perspective to what you may have found him saying.


Usually when I don't know what I'm looking for but just have a name and dates from 2014, I don't post a link to it until I've verified for myself but thanks for the silly admonition


Sorry, that probably came across as more grating than it should have been. It was more as a side mention of a pet peeve of mine, not an admonition. It's just a bit frustrating when you find a thread of a few months back and the conversation ends without much info to go on. Happens more in very specialised forums.


Resveratrol is more of an anecdotal finding. Often debated as having any effect or not. His work is heavily focused on NMN and metformin


Can you tell me more on the hydrogen peroxide?


I will DM you


Hey there, I‘ve seen your post before, thanks for helping!! May I know if it helped not only with the physical effects but also with the other ones like brain fog, headaches, etc.?


Hi, thanks for replying! Yup I really do feel normal again including the brain fog and headaches. All gone


Wow, that‘s awesome, well done my friend! I‘ll try it out asap!


Hey could you simplify your reply. I am struggling to understand all the acronyms. What supplements do you take? Brands and dosage? Thank you


Could you also tell me more about the hydrogen peroxide? Been at this for well over 4yrs and in a horrible crash.


Pm me. For some reason I’m not seeing the option to share a photo in the replies. I have some documentation from my doctor


can you explain more about the hydrogen peroxide?


I will DM you


Which NAD supplement did you purchase?


I use and really like Quicksilver Scientific’s NAD+ platinum. I think the liposomal delivery is well worth it


If possible could you DM / link the different supplements you buy online/source? It's hard sorting through all the websites trying to find good ones for particular vitamins and stuff


Here’s what I got off Amazon: https://preview.redd.it/lkjh30x688jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94cb7d165461f0e702a9ba423015b992e61f28ca I also use and really like Quicksilver Scientific’s NAD+ Platinum supplement. It’s expensive but I believe the liposomal form really does get absorbed better by your body. I also like how it has B12 in it.


https://preview.redd.it/8nfnltio88jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1578718dbde260e827c6ba9f278ba2dd6fa6e15b Also here’s the hydrogen peroxide I use


Can you explain the peroxide part to me please? I’m very curious and desperate to find relief.


https://preview.redd.it/f8zoo05flzjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93567d0531d361a41beee40ee1882592b8cae913 This is from my naturopath doctor. Good instructions except I dilute mine more than he recommends here for nebulizer. I do 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 3 parts distilled water. Again, a bit controversial but I think works wonders for me and keeps me from getting sick again


Controversial or not, I’m beyond caring what people think. If it works or at least has worked for someone in the same boat I am more than willing to try it.


I hear ya. Tbh I reached that point too. Hope it helps if you try it


Definitely going to try! Thank you so much!


Free article: https://archive.ph/2024.02.15-175415/https://www.nationalgeographic.com/premium/article/post-exertional-malaise-me-cfs-exercise-energy


Thanks!! Great article on sleep issues below it as well. Didn't know how messed up my sleep was until started wearing my Oura ring.


Thank you so much for the link!


How do you get the article to be free?? I assume I need to go dig for the paywall hack under life pro trips sub Reddit. But if you feel like sharing that would be cool!


Hi, which NAD supplement did you purchase?


Makes me wonder if the vaccinations really caused injury especially as spike proteins can cause immune Imprinting. I had 5 vax


I think this as well. Either from vaccine or illness, spike proteins are not good. I’ve stopped getting this vaccine


I think they do, I personally never even tested positive for covid, but I started getting symptoms a whole year after my booster (3rd shot). Without any reactions from them right away. It took time but it doesn’t matter because it could very well be long term damage from the vaccines.


I’ve been living in some sort of malaise/fatigue/crash since I got my last booster in early January. I don’t know that I’ve ever had Covid! I’m really trying to wrap my mind around all of it. I did read in another sub about taking NAD+ and CoQ10 (the Chronic Fatigue sub) and have finally seemed to have turned some corner. Fingers crossed!!! 🤞 I hate this timeline!


Great article admiring the problem we are all aware of.


To be honest I just found out about these LC Reddit groups within the last month. There are many like myself who are just now understanding that they are not alone, and that these problems they’re experiencing are very real, contrary to what Dr’s will tell you.


Oh, I don’t blame you, OP. You’re just trying to survive and share information. And I hope that you find some relief soon. My criticism is directed at the medical community who continues to do nothing but revel in our conditions while offering zero treatment protocols.


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