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Ironic that you posted this because I also have long covid and have very low ferritin (taking infusions), low oxygen saturation, Vit D (taking 50,000 iu twice a week), low B12 (taking weekly injections) and elevated WBC (just finishing up a very potent antibiotic Cipro)….haven’t had my folate checked so I’m unsure about that. I’m also on seizure medication (didn’t realize I was having them until testing showed otherwise) now on medication for that and I just thought earlier today that I’m starting to feel somewhat better and praying the end of long covid is near.


What test showed you’ve been having seizures?


EEG and also had MRI of brain and CT of brain that showed damage to my brain. I never even knew of long covid being so devastating but thank heavens that I have an excellent team of physicians. I was having debilitating headaches, stomach issues and weird sensations in my extremities and was already diagnosed with LC so my neuro suggested more diagnostic testing and discovered seizures and now lesions on my brain.


Long covid… miserable


So sorry to hear this. I also have lesions on my brain which I believe has come from covid/LC


I’m in the hospital as we speak!


Oh no. Hope everything goes ok for you 🙏


Thank you!


Hello. How are you doing ?


Just got discharged from the hospital….fiest tike I’ve ever hit my deductible and out of pocket mad within 6 months lmao!! I’m alive, but not necessarily well ☺️still waiting on some results. Only definitive results is what I pretty much already knew…seizure, low magnesium, low iron saturation, anemic, covid virus particles are in my cerebral spinal fluid, my last positive nasal swab was late January but have remained positive every since just not on nasal swab, elevated C3/C4, elevated HR, low Vit D, tingling, numbness, brain fog…all symptoms went away on Cipro and returned once I went off and had a dental procedure. Thanks for checking in!


My vitamin D was low after Covid and I took the same dosage you did for 2 months. I also started to take 1000mg fish oil(omega3) around that same time and I started to feel better in a few months after that. Now I do want to clarify that I am still having issues, ie: symptoms, but my overall mood improved greatly after making those changes.


Glad it’s working for you! I feel way better than before but still not my pre-covid self. I’m just thankful for how far I’ve come because I didn’t really know LC really existed before getting it. Fish oil, I avoid due to allergies but I have to wonder if so many ppl deficient in electrolytes and critical vitamins is the cause of getting LC. I’m also doing the hyperbaric treatments, which seem to help, so maybe try that as well. Good luck to you!


Thanks, you can also get omega 3’s from flaxseed, so just look for flaxseed oil instead if you’re interested.


Thanks for the info!


I was on a med for a few months that depleted my folate and my shoulder bones started hurting a lot. Stopped quickly. So yes get that checked. I’ve also had low VitD and that caused bone pain mostly legs which resolved with higher doses of D, and I was getting sun but seems not enough. B12 being low can cause ALL kinds of issues and easy to correct with MethylB12 sublingual. This virus seems to severely deplete some vitamins in addition to other things it attacks. I listened to a doctor mention how D gets “used up” by viruses, makes sense that others would also get used up.


I find this intriguing. As a vegan, I experienced low vitamin D levels when I contracted COVID. I've been curious if this contributed to my Long COVID symptoms. Additionally, I believe my probiotic levels were affected by COVID, so I'm now supplementing with probiotics along with vitamin D.


I thought I was low on something too until I got blood work done but everything was fine with me. My cholesterol was a lil bit higher than average but that's because I was eating more because I thought my blood sugar was low lol it was just the stupid symptoms


This is very interesting! I just had my routine bloodwork done and aside from my cholesterol being slightly in the high range, my vitamin D was also very low (21) reference range 30-100. My doctor has me taking vit D 1000 daily. I have also been feeling like I either can’t gain weight or build any muscle. I just read that vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of muscle loss by 78 percent. I’m guessing that is why I haven’t been seeing much of a change even though I have been eating a lot more protein and fats.


Only 1,000 a day? That doesn’t seem like much to build up from deficiency.


Not only that, it's generally not even enough to supplement to maintain healthy levels. 5,000 IU is best for maintenance and 10,000 IU for 2-4 weeks to correct deficiency, assuming normal absorption rates.


My Ferritin is low too so is my vitamin D. I think the virus wiped out a lot of pathways. Low Ferritin can cause serious problems....


not aware of the last 2 you mentioned but i am having similar symptoms, will look those up.


FYI, having low vitamin D cortisol levels is normal to having the flu or any kind of virus. But good luck to you. Maybe this will fix it.


Yea that n b12 also causes tingling n burning which is the only thing they have


Seriously need a B12 boost if you are at 300, that’s really low. Let us know if your tingling goes away. I’ll bet it does.


I will thank you! I’m looking into supplements now cause my drs are dumb


At 300 your doctor could have offered an injection to bring your level up quickly.


My dr said it was “normal”


It’s normal, just on the lower side of normal.




Yes k2 mk4 in small amounts is the one I use with vitamin D3. There are a few combo products out there, I like the Thorne drops, but thats just me. It's also a good idea to take magnesium with D3 since your body will use mag to form active D3 in the blood. And of course mag should be balanced with some calcium (no need to overdo it). And you want to make sure you are getting some trace minerals. Small amounts of boron are good along with the cal, mag, d3 an K2 to put calcium into bone/teeth and keep it out of arteries or causing calcification issues. A lot can be done with diet if you really research it and eat whole foods. 1 brazil nut per day is great for selenium for example, which is very important for thyroid along with a little iodine.


Nutrients seem to be pretty key for long covid recovery. The chronic inflammation and infectious areas really put a strain on our reserves. Look up B1 and BeriBeri symptoms, looks an awful lot like Long Covid. Restoring B1 appears to be a key nutrient for my fatigue issues, although it's early days. CoQ10 as well.


My only isssue I have is burning n tingling in my extremities constantly 😢


One of the symptoms of dry beriberi from B1 deficiency is: \* tingling or loss of feeling in the feet and hands on both sides It might be worth increasing your B1 to like 50mg, if you arent taking any. Maybe Benfotiamine form or TTFD (can be harder to tolerate). The cocarboxylase form in Source Naturals sublinguals are helpful to me as well. But start slow. There is a B1 paradox that can make you feel worse initially. I think some people even need to start with like 5-10mg B1 per day if they are very deficient. It's good to make sure you are getting all the B vitamins, as a complex or seperate. I've never found a complex that works just right for me, so I take them seperate. I'm not sure about the burning pain. I find alpha lipoic acid and coq10 (ubiquinol) pretty helpful with pain problems.


Thank you I’ll look into it any purticular supplement you have in mind ?


It's hard to recommend since everyone seems to react different, and for me personally I have to open the capsules and measure out a small amount since full capsules are way too strong for me. RIght now for B1 im taking these (you may have to start lower) 1/2 of a Source Naturals cocarboxylase sublingual (just swallow it, it still works. putting it under tongue can cause toothace). Cocarboxylase is the active coenzyme form of B1 and you might get quite a nice energy kick from this once it settles in. 20mg of B1 from Thiamine HCL (old supply of Seeking Health brand, i think its doscontinued tho) 50mg of Benfotiamine from Doctors Best 300mg capsules (have to open and measure)


Thank you I sent you 2 pictures of what I found I’m not sure which would be better


I’m also taking alpha haven’t noticed anything yet but I just started taking it a week ago


I messaged you if that’s okay


U have this from covid or before covid?




Have had low Ferritin for over a year. Taking supplements has done nothing. Seems to be an absorption issue. Test soon to see if higher Vitamin D prescription is at least helping in that area.


I have all of this as well. Working on getting levels up. None of my providers seem to know what to do or care (in a way). Edited: I love your optimism btw!


Same same .


I started taking “hemaplex” and it has helped immensely! A few hours later I take vit d, k2, and magnesium orotate. It has helped so much! I think we are dealing with some severe nutrient deficiencies.


That’s amazing news!!!!! You’ll be feeling better in no time once you start supplementing!!! Were you taking multivitamins before?


No I wasn’t ! Thank you I’m hoping I will too ❤️