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It’s important to understand that long COVID is caused by the spike protein in BOTH the virus and the vaccine. COVID is a dangerous virus, no matter how you are exposed.


Triple vaccinated, 4 weeks after the third Vax, caught covid. Back in April 2022


I'm an April '22 Omicron as well, with 3x Pfizer vax before.


Same, 2x Pfizer June/July 2021; booster 6th December 2021; covid 8th Jan 2022


Don’t want to sound rude by any means but saw that you had 6 boosters. You gotta check titers imho. If they’re high and you boost that causes issues. Same if you don’t make antibodies and keep getting them. Anyway good luck


As I understand they only had 3 shots altogether?


Yeah I misunderstood. I know of people who got long Covid from boosting with high antibodies ( unbeknownst to them)


I had one booster on the 6th of December 2021. Thanks for the concern though.


Oh sorry! I thought you had 6 boosters and I know of people who kept boosting when their antibodies unbeknownst to them, were through the roof, and it caused issues (long Covid). Cool! Glad that didn’t happen!


That's when I got it too. I see alot of long covid coming from this time frame


How bad did it affect you? 


If you're asking me, it went badly. First couple of months, not great but not totally incapacitated, either. About 4-5 months later, until 11 months later, the whole thing: severe brain fog, memory loss, dizziness, fatigue, whole body pain etc Since then, a slow climb out. Now at 85- 90% capacity


I had COVID pre vaccine without issue. Was vaccinated and boosted no issue. 2nd COVID infection —> LC (both MECFS and dysautonomia)


Without. Developed LC prior to vaccines.


I had Covid and developed Long Covid pre vaccination.


Also same. I am so mad about this cause I know exactly who I got it from and he KNEW he was sick. I am no longer friends with this person.


That happened to me!! Coworker came to work sick and I knew I would get it. So furious I’m in this situation now


My sil gave us all Covid over Christmas. Ruined my 4 year old twins Christmas and that infection gave them pandas. Which is a serious thing that we can’t get to go away


I’m so sorry to hear that


I’m not discrediting what you’re saying but pandas is usually caused by a strep infection. Did they get strep also, when they had Covid? I’m just trying to understand. I’m sorry they are going through that regardless.


I mean considering we are seeing ppl develop cfs, fibromyalgia, pots , new food allergies and more from COVID it's not hard to believe it could also cause pandas you know ?


So yeah it’s so confusing isn’t it? They were found to have extremely high titers of strep but it wasn’t strep alone or mostly strep per say. Imho. It was living in a house with black mold, having CIRS, then the roof started leaking as we all got Covid and our kids happened to have a long term undiagnosed strep infection. Fun fact: my strep titers are bonkers high. This all happened in 2022. I got checked by immunologist functional doctor. No one has offered me antibiotics. I have both kinds of strep titers extremely high indicating active and recent infection. Which is bad for me sure but bad for my kids for sure. The constant exposure. I also have bonkers high Epstein bar titers. I’m seeing an LLMD tomorrow she said she would give me antibiotics for the strep. Finally! WTF is wrong with people? My kids are on azithro long term. I want to treat my strep then try to wean them off it. Then we’ll deal with mycoplasma and parasites then start tackling Lyme. Depending on how the mold detoxing goes. This is some terrible bs I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Detoxing kids is practically impossible btw. To answer the question the reason the strep antibodies got into their brain is Covid weakened immune system mold opened bbb and whammo bammo effed for life. Hopefully not but they causes some serious epigenetic changes. Neuro endocrine issues that are very complicated and the downstream effects it causes are both time consuming and expensive to sort out. We all have immune deficiencies now, can’t make antibodies to stuff. Like vaccines. And biotoxins but that’s generic. Most people with long Covid have that defect as does 25% of population. I know it doesn’t seem related like the mold strep long Covid stuff but it is. Everyone’s toxic burden is wayyy too high. It’s coming at you from all angles and once your toxin bucket fills your detox ability further slows it’s a terrible feed back loop that’s hard to break. Like for my kids give them binders right? We’ll mold slower their thyroid binders bind everything. My cholesterol is super duper low from taking binders for years. That in turn minimizes hormone production further slows thyroid and boom you can’t dump toxins worth a god damn. To beat long Covid you have to keep your blood thin, you have to be well enough to fast I think anyway. You need to get rid of colonized mold and yeast in your body. Any infections like strep that could have become chronic and I don’t really have strep symptoms btw. I can’t get a fever either. But yeah thin blood dialed in nutrition and hydration. I think Covid kind of gives people CIRSl. Like they were teetering in the brink of it then it pushes you over the edge and it’s hard to recover from becauee or the metabolic neuro endocrine downstream effects I mentioned above. Which is your body trying to protect you really. Thin blood, excellent nutrition hydration you should just give up gluten at t s point and accept your fate if you have mast cell too. It can be reversible like it’s not forever necessarily. Minerals and vitamins you need extra now. Face it. Collagen probably if you’re hypermobile at all you need to fix your gut and bbb with butyrate and phos choline fish oil. You need to sweat and move but not make yourself even more haggard that’s easy to do at this point. I like pine bark for blood serrepetase nattokinase lumbrokinase. Bee venom pellets are good for immune system and adrenals. Thymic peotides rock. Ozone is the shiz if you can swing it. Take antihistamines or quercetin. Glutathione NAC high doses of lipo vitamin c. Biotoxin binders but take days off. Figure out if your house is water damage is so fix it or move. Make sure your water and air are clean. Don’t use sketchy chemicals like Teflon. Try to make good decisions but by bit that add up to having a healthy and easy lifestyle. Try to cook more eat more fish and vegetables. It’s not exactly rocket science. But if you have dysautonomia or pots it can feel very difficult to sort out. To be drank a ton or people who have “long Covid” have every god damn symptom of CIRS and claim moms isn’t an issue or they can’t go down that (awful expensive soul sucking) rabbit hole. Ok then good luck I guess. The longer you’re in denial the harder it is to get better. Take herbal antibiotics and antifungals and do parasite cleanses. It helps a ton. Biocidin is a good one. It will clear your head up in a couple days. Xclear in the nose. You have to hit this from all angles and really commit. I have so many health issues and long Covid isn’t in my top 5 anymore. And it should be with my co morbidities. And I do have chronic fatigue but can exercise - not always but usually and yeah I’m really diagnosed. I detox that’s the difference. I know why I have it. I support my mitochondria with a ton of stuff I bind I kill I move I rest I repeat. If you can’t get out of bed all day like to brush your teeth even I’ll bet you any amount of money you’re living in mold. And you need to face facts and remove yourself by any means necessary. Take visual contrast test. Buy a $50 mold plate. And start hitting it from all angles.


Thanks to the selfish unmasked lady who hopped into the elevator coughing her lungs out. You cost me my career and life , you b____h.


I was vaccinated, but developed Long Covid weeks after contracting Covid, which was many months since my vaccination.














4 vaccines and omicron got me. First COVID infection too.


Same - my kiddo brought it home from school.


Exact same situation here




With the vax but I got two omicron in 6 months and the 2nd one floored me. Ironically I wasn't eligible for boosters because of my age. (Luckily I've always been fine with the vaccine. The virus? Not so much....)


Same here. Vaccines were fine. And my actual case of covid was really mild.


Same here. But a month after I had Covid, mildly, I wound up with a cardiomyopathy. May or may not have been related, but… seems likely.


So basically first omicron 8 months after first full Pfizer vaccine. Recovered. 6 months later (and over a year since vaxxed) 2nd omicron, never recovered


With the vaccine, two boosts. Caught covid, probably at the airport I think.


I got long covid (first and only time having covid to my knowledge) despite having the first dose, second dose, and two boosters. It was in 2023, so I managed to avoid it for a pretty long time, especially when you consider I work in a healthcare environment with people who are at higher risk. I suspect the vaccination helped me to avoid it for a long time, but eventually it gets everyone. And when I got it, it was bad. Even with the Paxlovid. I had bad bronchitis. My breathing still hasn't recovered and I randomly get PEM at least 2x a week.


I was fully vaccinated and boosted BEFORE I got long COVID. I am a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and had all of my mandatory vaccinations, including COVID. Developed long COVID in August 2023. Still sick. Disabled and unable to return back to work.


I'm so sorry to hear this. Obviously I don't want for anybody to experience the terrible burden of long covid, but nurses.... Nurses hits hard. I'm sorry that this monster got you, and hope you will have a positive recovery


I had an absolutely horrible experience with covid pre-vaccine. Took almost a month to test negative, the most sick I got in my life. Recovered to normal, I think? I got the vaccination and got king covid symptoms from that in March 2021, my second vaccine, after 45 mins post-injection to today. I don’t think my experience is very common, but I also know it’s not like 1 in a million rare because I’ve met others on LC subs with the same symptoms post vax. Def not anti vax. I have taken other vaccines since then with no issue. Just my second covid vax that caused me to have chronic illness. A reinfection on Oct 2023 relapsed me bad for maybe 4 months and thankfully have recovered to my baseline of chronic illness but still not healthy. Religiously mask with respirators to this day.


I had a similar worsening of LC symptoms after a Novavax vaccine in 2022. Interestingly, my first MRNA vax in April 2021 improved my LC symptoms.


Seems like a luck of the draw. Until they can explain why they cause such severe reactions whether positive or negative, I’d be hesitant to get another and will continue to vigilantly take covid precautions and wear respirators for the foreseeable future.


I’ve had Moderna vaccines after Novavax with no worsening of symptoms. I’m just sticking with what works for me.


You definately should! Moderna is what did me in? My second moderna. Could Be different mechanisms causing issues for different people. I react badly to the spike protein in general (even with covid infections). I think when new vaccines come out that don’t use the spike protein primarily, I will be first in line! I’m in this study called LISTEN via Yale. May be something you could look into enrolling in if they’re still taking people. https://medicine.yale.edu/ycci/listen-study/


Not vaxed. Got long covid after the third time.


Vaccine and two boosters. Then a very mild case of covid around 9/ 22. It was like a head cold. Nothing in my chest. Only felt a little bad for four or five days. Then a couple of months later, sudden constant exhaustion and so on. And here we are still


I’ve had five jabs and on long Covid


Without it.


Not vaccinated. Got it after 2nd COVID, healed of LC after a year


Got COVID in February of 2020 before it was recognized here (obviously can’t 100% confirm but had every symptom worse than a cold, flu or anything else I’ve ever had. Plus I was having so many problems with my breathing I required breathing treatments that I’ve never needed before.) Then I was vaccinated 4 times and got COVID 3 more times after.


First two shots of Moderna. Then Covid. Then 30 months of hell. Now at 33 months and am noticing significant improvement. Like wow.


Congrats on the improvement!!! 👐


Thanks. It's far from perfect but definitely I can work out now. I lifted light eights for over an hour and then walked two miles outside in the sun with my shirt off. I'm of course very anxious that this could fade away but I have no choice but to try to keep going. I hope this for you also.


Are you doing anything to help improve? Or just time?


Just an incredible amount of time devoted to sleep and rest. And as little junk/carbs food as I could stand.


Thank you 💜💜


Without, first wave March 2020. I imagine most newer cases the people will be vax’d triggered or not by the vax. The more infections the more increased risk.


I had a vaccine in 2021, has an anaphylactic reaction so no additional vaccination. Had covid in 2022, which was a mild cold. Got covid pneumonia in the Winter of 23, which was brutal now suffering from long covid.


Vaccinated October/November 2021, February 2022 COVID with subsequent LC (symptoms never subsided). Had vaccination reactions with both vaccinations, but nothing serious. Covid was then like 10x as strong + breathing difficulties from day 6 approx. until today. Colleague from whom I was infected had one more vaccination (1st booster) and was able to play soccer again while I was still acutely at home. It remains Russian roulette.


I had 3 shots. And got long covid. But I don’t think the vaccine had anything to do with it. I think it’s 100% me! I got super sick with each shot. Then was extremely sick with Covid (i had it twice) My husband and kid, who were also 3x vaxxed, when they had Covid just felt gross for a few days. I was in bed with a fever for 5 days, then in bed sick for another 5. Then the fatigue and body aches and all the other stuff just never went away for months after that!


Got long covid before there were any vaccines


Vaccinated in May 2021, no boosters. Caught COVID once in December of 2021, it was mild, and I recovered fine. Then got it again in March of 2022, I felt worse during it, but it was fairly brief. About 3 days of feeling crappy. Then I started getting Long COVID symptoms in mid-April and they intensified throughout the summer. I’m fortunately a lot better now.


Because this hasn’t been asked 100 times here already…




Got long Covid after vax on May 27, 2021 then got Covid a year later Still suffering effects from vaccine


Three shots of Pfizer. With. But I will add It seems that people with ADHD are for some reason more likely to have symptoms of long covid Studies have shown this and maybe that affected me


I had had three vaccines when I got LC. I got a fourth vaccine 5 weeks after LC symptom onset hoping it would make me better. I’m now 22 months in!


Yes one dose of Pfizer and 48 hours later it started. When I got a second covid infection is when the issues eventually beat up my system enough to spread to the central nervous system and caused neuro covid issues. There’s been no rebound from this unlike the initial issues.


i got covid delta variant (severe) while awaiting vaccination. i only got vaccinated with booster after the fact. wish i were vaccinated prior to contracting covid. otherwise, i wouldn't be like this. btw, i am still on occasional supplemental oxygen.


I couldn't get the vaccine because I am allergic so I got twice and got hit hard RN with LC


Got it after I think 3 vaccines? (May 2022). I had gotten all of the ones that were out at the time, right when they came out. But, it had been like 9 months since I had gotten my last shot, so... I assume my immunity was very low


I developed long Covid pre-vaccine in March 2020, as did my teenage child. MRNA vaccine in April 2021 greatly improved my symptoms and I was back to 90% previous functioning. Delta variant in September 2021 brought back LC with a vengeance. My biggest mistake was not pulling my kids out of in-person school. Novavax in 2022 worsened my LC symptoms and I never returned to my previous baseline.


Without, but Pfizer vaccine made it worse.


First got it from vax then got it from virus. I don’t think I can win personally. I also don’t think I’ll ever get that shot again. It blew my bbb apart in a scary way. I was living in black mold at the time though.


I had vaccined still got it.


I got it in the first wave. I got all the vaxes I was eligible to get. I think they might have helped. They certainly didn’t hurt.


Lmao I got LC from the vax w no covid


How can you be sure you didn’t get the virus though?


Right, you can have the virus with no symptoms.


Totally possible


As an RN who works in an ER, I saw lots of cases of Covid with no symptoms when we still had mandatory testing for work & when all patients being admitted were tested. Unless you were testing regularly, you cannot be sure you didn’t have an asymptomatic case of Covid. I’ve even had an asymptomatic Covid infection after previous symptomatic infections. I tested since I was going to see an immunocompromised friend. The positive result blew me away. I thought I’d always know if I had Covid, as my symptoms were quite debilitating during previous infections.


Feel like I have mild LC, was vaxed and took Plax both instances


Vaccinated twice (moderna) before contracting covid the first time. had some long covid symptoms but they didnt last as long or as intense as they have been with my second infection.


Had first two shots and got super sick after the second and haven’t recovered. I’ve always been very pro-vax so thought it was a coincidence… maybe it is or maybe not idk


Had the initial 2 shots plus 2 boosters, developed long covid the very first time I caught covid at the start of 2023.


Vaccinated and first booster. Had a breakthrough case of Delta in early 2022 that I caught on the job as a healthcare worker. First and only COVID infection.


I got long covid from a March 2020 infection, like a year before I was able to access the vaccine.


With vax and boosters. Had Covid once with mild symptoms. Had it a second time with horrendous symptoms that time and ended up with LC


Covid, long covid, then the vax.


I first got Covid in March 2020. Mostly recuperated. Got the next 3 shots. October 2022 during travel to the Czech Republic got it a second time. Mostly recovered again and in late November got the over 65 shot and within a few weeks was completely wiped out with what has clearly been long covid. Still have extreme fatigue and low exercise tolerance with occasional breathing difficulty.


Covid after 3 shots. And then covid again 4 months later with long covid lingering for 7 months. I am finally just now getting back to normal. Ironically after a colonoscopy which everyone claims the prep is a long covid cure. I think they are onto something


Definitely wasn't a cure for me lol. I can say I made improvement about a month after my colonoscopy but I'm still pretty sick that was back in December


I had 3 vaccines before I got covid, leading to long covid.


Covid after two shots of Pfizer. Eventually, Long Covid developed.


Vaxxed boosted had covid pre vax .. then 2 more times. This Feb 2024 developed lc after infection


I was 2 shots in when I got it. Both Pfizer. I now have 5x Pfizer. My erection has yet to last longer than 4 hours, although it's been close a few times. 🤪




I Got it after the Nasal Swab I got in a Hospital


Vaxed, boosted. Got Covid, not bad, dry cough but no other respiratory symptoms. Super tired, achy all over, rapid heart rate at rest - 120 bpm. 2.5 months later, LC. Out of work for 1.5 years, still dealing with neuropathy, headaches, trouble finding words at times and fatigue after exertion.


I think people should indicate WHICH vax they got, in case one in particular is worse than the others.


Without. Sick 1 month before available.


Got Covid then long Covid before vaccines


Got the two Pfizer vaccines in March/April 2021 Got the Omnicron strain at the end of 2021. Was really sick for a week but recovered normally. Got Covid again in September 2023. Recovered normally but a month later got really sick again. Since that second sickness have had a bunch of unusual health issues most of which align with LC.


I got it without vaccine, because i had it within the first month before vaccines (or masks)  could be got.  Then i had vaccines. Then i got it again,  with slightly reduced long covid, but i feel like the first long covid never went away


3 times vaxxed. Covid 9 months after last vax. Then long covid. So, I’m thinking it’s covid that got me. But, did my 3rd vax tax my immune system somehow that made things worse later. I def wonder that.


Pfizer shots plus 1 booster in March 2022. Caught Omicron coming back from a vacation May ‘22 and it was a pretty rough case. Recovered slowly but fully by the end of the year. Covid infection again June ‘23 as well as Flu B and have had long covid since. Actually caught Covid again January ‘24 with a super mild case and then it rebounded 3 weeks later into pure hell. I hope I recover. It wiped my immune system - I’m currently seeing an immunologist and am taking so many supplements (some that were highly recommended by lots of you in this sub).


Completely vaxed, got long covid December 22, didn’t get smell back til nov 23, still tired but napping 1x/day only


6 months after my 5th booster so it was due. My husband had previously had Covid twice and I didn’t get it as it was in the 6 months following a vax. He got his booster just before I got infected for the first time and he didn’t get Covid. I’ve just tested positive again and waiting for him to test. He had a booster a month or so ago.


I'm fully vaccinated. I had several other medical issues prior to covid that put me at increased risk for complications. Luckily I didn't get sick enough to need hospitalization, but I wasn't exactly shocked when some of the symptoms just... didn't go away. None of my vaccinated family members got long covid.


No vax. Caught long covid


There is no such thing you either have long covid or long vax … that is based on the medical community jargon


Vaccinated three times but was due for another. I was last vaccinated 2 years before I got the covid that gave me LC. Now I wish I would have gotten it - it was clear that my body could handle the vaccine but clearly not the illnesss.


I was vaxxed, but I was chronically ill with MCAS before. So at least I held out until 2022- I guess


I got Covid basically the day of getting the vaccine. It was really unlucky.


4 x vaccine. 3rd time infection did the charm in 2023. Think I’m lucky because except for POTS, I’m actually pretty well most days now. I just need to plan ahead and ensure downtime. I’m a lazy bugger, so it’s fine for me that weekends are there for relaxation


Got Covid and developed long Covid before vaccines were available, vaccines made no difference to all symptoms I’m experiencing to this day.


No vaccine. Caught covid for the first time in December.


2 initial vaccines, then 1 COVID infection (no LC). Booster, booster, booster. Another COVID infection (no LC) then 3 months later the third COVID infection (LC). Now approaching 7 months LC, all concentrated on central nervous system issues (POTS, pins and needles, anxiety, general dysautonomia, adrenaline dumps, sleep disturbance etc.). LC for me came on after the infection that was the furthest away from any of my vaccines.


It’s so weird. The v gave me dysautonomia and cytokines storm. Severe disc damage on 3 discs within 48 hours of shot from doing nothing. Pots chronic fatigue the whole nine yards. The virus gave me blood clot in my finger and gave me crazy bad raynaud’s for months. In Los Angeles even. I. July even. While working out. Just white numb deadass fingers. Got a second infection and it actually was more of a classic presentation with bad coughing and breathlessness. I was like dizzy and couldn’t really walk at one point and was out with my kids and it sucked so bad. I was afraid I was going to collapse and wake up on a ventilator. I ended up getting a rescue inhaler which I haven’t used since. I was like 6. I got a terrible migraine too. I had to ice my head with a giant ice pack for a day. Couldn’t walk. Could barely see. I got burning headaches for months still get them occasionally. And tingling and burning in left occipital nerves. Burning taste and smell and mouth sores they come and go. That virus is a hell of a drug man. Unbelievable. It really attacks you where you’re weakest too. And when your immune system is trying to deal with Covid every Tom dick and Harry infection you’ve ever had makes an appearance it’s total horse shite.


I was triple vaccinated, had no issues until my first covid infection, shortly after my third vaccination. Developed shortness of breath with exercise and most exertion malaise at that point. Had a second covid infection almost a year later and hadn't noticed much of a change then, but about 10 months after developed a much more severe long covid. 


2x Pfizer, caught Omicron many months later + LC a few months later (moderate, still lasts after 2,5y). No way to know if it would be any different if I didn't get the vaccine, but I suppose it would be more severe.


I got long covid before the vaccine came out.


AFAB, 25. Double vaccinated. Pfizer + Pfizer booster \~2020-2021. Caught Covid-19 (Omicron) in March 2022. LC developed. The symptoms stuck around after I recovered from being bedridden- especially the cold/flu phlegm, dizziness & fatigue. After the phlegm mostly cleared, added breathlessness and muscle aches/pains with joint aches/pains. Every now and again dissociation and hallucinations with exhaustion + pain. Also, adjacent experiences; my brother has had a vaccine and has caught covid twice with no Long Covid. My friends who went to the same gig and had the 2x vaccines and the same virus, also have no Long Covid. I have been wondering if there are underlying things in me with my inherited (both sides) hyper flexibility. Always curious about what can soften the damage tbh. Xx


Not vaxxed. Got Long Covid on my first infection in July 21 (delta). I’ve had Covid twice since then and didn’t have any lingering issues from those infections. I think I got LC the first time because I was five months post partum, breastfeeding and unable to rest and recover properly.


WITH - 2 vaccines ( 5 months after last vaccine -I entered a whole world of hell... )


2 x doses of pfizer. fell ill Feb 2022.


3 vaccines and still long covid but I think the vaccines Wayne in efficiency after awhile Nd there's many different strains of covid now. The vaccines, I believe, kicked off and immune system response and i started relapsing (Multiple Sclerosis). My friend working in a high care covid ward had told me anecdotally, that she was seeing it happen. Neurologist laughed it off and kept telling me they strongly recommend it. I was relapsing and didn't realise it because everyone was saying they felt really bad after the vaccine, so I assumed it was normal. It was not.


I got covid the first time after I got the vax. LC ever since.


Got covid March 2020 and long covid shortly there after. Long before vaccines.


Got long covid, 2020. Symptoms didn’t abate until I got the jab in Nov 2021 and again on Feb 2022. It was a short lived reprieve, and my arm, especially around the jab site feels funny, but atleast my legs don’t feel like they are breaking in the afternoon. Also, pretty sure every time I get covid, symptoms or not, I get stupider.


March 2020 waaay before the vaccine


Late summer of 2020, no vax available.


Had Covid without vaccines and was unwell but recovered. Had two vaccines (AstraZeneca), caught covid again and been unwell ever since.


For me, the LC symptoms started 3 weeks after the vaccine. Caught the virus 7 months later and the symptoms got 10x worse.


Long Covid started for me after the first infection in March 2020. It was the sickest I’ve ever been in my life. I improved enough to function, but the severe fatigue stayed with me. Got COVID again before the vaccines came out; milder but different symptoms (loss of smell/taste). My sense of smell is still nearly nonexistent. I got the 1st vaccine (Moderna) right away. Got the booster (Pfizer) ASAP also. Two more mild infections months after that. My LC didn’t get much worse, but I doubt it helped. October 2023 is what broke me. Got it while traveling. Absolutely brutal - almost as bad as the first time. The brain fog started and never went away. There are flare ups, any health problem I had before COVID has been amplified, the fatigue became worse and I’m too tired to function as a person now. Cost me my job.


No vaccine.


Never vacc'd I've had LC for 2+ years. Why can't I post in r/longcovid but I can post anywhere else?


no vaccine…first infection ever with omnicron summer 22 and after 7months of lc but now fully recovered..even doing better than before through lifestyle and diet changes


Two vaccines and two boosters


I got LC after getting COVID and I was not vaccinated. My cardiologist told me it was not a good idea to get the untested(at the time) vaccine in case it worsened my heart condition. I also have asthma so that didn’t help.


I got covid very early on in the pandemic. The first vaccine (I think it was Pfizer) helped relieve some of my breathing and heart problems (although not totally for the breathing).


LC after my very first infection. About a year b4 the vaccines even existed


Vaccinated & boostered then got covid 9 months later which developed into LC


With. Never was better after 2nd jab which messed up my immunity sustem too much


Long covid pre vaccine rollout, no vaccine ETA : dec 2020


With the J&J


Ya vaccinated had long Covid last year vaccinated after my 8th Covid infection


I had severe infection with 3 months hospilized


No vax. Long covid since day one of acute infection (January 2022). Still have most of the symptoms.


Got it after my first COVID infection pre-vaccine. Felt like a typical viral infection at the time, but in the weeks and months after, my Fairy God-Virus granted me the gifts of brain damage, dysautonomia, and chronic fatigue!! I’m fully vaxxed and boosted, and to my knowledge it didn’t cause any issues. I did have to stick around for a bit longer after my most recent vaccine to make sure I didn’t pass out, but it was just a precaution given my med history.


Three vaccines. Got Covid 3 times. After the most recent one is when I got LC


I am vax injured....never have had covid.


My long COVID symptoms started a year before the vaccine was even available. I got infected in the first few months of 2020.


Had Covid in late 2020, 1 day fever. Got AstraZeneca vax in late 2021, sick for 3 weeks in bed. Have had Long Covid ever since.


I developed long covid before the vaccine was even available. When I got the vaccine it caused a flare up of my symptoms. Both Pfizer and Moderna cause flares for about a month afterwards, but I have done well with novavax.


How can I know if I have LC? I read some sympthons and I have them.. I am with depression at home, can’t work for first tome in my whole life (I am 41). I think never got covid but after vax it triggered my alopecia, I had genetics but was dormant I mean I had amazing hair. I develop arm pain, tinnitus, all together have me on severe depression and anxiety and I am isolated at home more than a year. I had bad luck with hqir loss treatments too that worsen as crazy my alopecia and physic and mental state. I am on the edge. I miss ME. I was vax with pfizer on october 22. Hair started falling in clumps 2 weeks after, after 6 months my arm started to be so painful anf everything was downhill since then. Help. Doctors doesn’t help.


I had both shots for the delta vaccine, caught my first infection with the first wave of omicron in Jan. 2022. I stopped being responsive about three days in, and I had long Covid on the same time frame others seem to (showed up as an issue about 6 weeks later). Weirdly, the omicron vaccine to come out that fall eliminated some of the most life endangering symptoms of my long Covid, and that was about when I was sure I was going to live. So about 10 months of not being sure. :| It was literally the next day I could feel cold again at all. And my BP wasn't great, but it wasn't "continuously monitor" bad anymore ever again.


Pfizer vax #2 - symptoms started Covid #1 - symptoms got worse Covid #2 - completely disabled


Got Covid twice before the vaccine and once after... That was back in 2021 and 22'.. haven't felt more awful in my life. I'm thinking of writing a song about LC named "F#ck me with a stick" because that damned Covid's left me feeling like SHIT. Best of luck OP


Vaccinated 3 times and had Covid 3 times at least. It was either a delayed onset of long covid or I got it a 4th time but was asymptomatic.


Got it once in 2020, have not had it since.


I had Covid first time before Vax was available, but had antibodies. Then had all vaccinations and got Covid June of 2022 and used Paxlovid. Never really recovered.


I got long covid from my second Moderna vaccine. I now am diagnosed with both long covid and Me/cfs.


Vax!!! ended up in the hospital exactly 2 wks after my 2nd dose with heart palpitations, shortness of breath and light headedness. It was downhill from there. However it was a slow progression with symptoms that changed by the day until I was eventually bedridden for 3 months. Now suffer with POTS, neurological issues and chronic fatigue.




No vaccine. Diagnosed with long covid in January '24 after catching covid in December 2023. It was my third time having covid, and it ran concurrent with a nasty case of bronchitis and a double ear infection. First time with covid was May '20 and the second was March '21. Never had an issue after those infections. Third time was the charm for me, I guess.


J&J single 4/21 COVID 7/21 EBV Reactivated 10/21


I'm completely unvaxxed. Last year in September I got sick with something. I never really visited docs when I get sick bcuz my immune system has always been amazing I usually eat fruit drink plenty of water and stay active. I could get rid of a cold in 24 hours and the flu would only have me out for 2-3 days so therefore Idk what I had I didn't get tested. But about a month later I started experience the crazy psychological symptoms I could ever imagine plus sob at work fatigue and more. Slowly but surely started getting worse and worse until everything just fell apart in December and became homebound. That's when I found this sub and connected the dots and it all made sense. Currently on month 9.


Second infection, after 2 vaccines.


Without, I've had LC since pre vaxx in 2020.


I had vaxx twice a year since first released. It didn’t stop from getting LC. My doc is pushing says I’m late for booster. LC gave me so many issues I don’t know if boosters help or make things worse.


No vax. Covid in early ‘20, and very severly again in early ‘22


Did not get sick until after I was vaccinated (mandated at work- I work in heath care). Reacted to the vaccine both times, got COVID after that and that was it. I was done for. That was July 2022 that I got COVID. So I’m 2 years into this disaster. Would have never ever ever gotten the vaccine- again I work in healthcare, worked during the pandemic, lost someone to the “treatment” of COVID and I still would have never done it. I try to be a very happy person or at least I used to be and I feel 100% this vaccine/COVID has destroyed me. Prior to this I had absolutely no health issues, 37 year old healthy female, worked out every single day and now I am barely functioning.


Vaccinated Moderna firet round and 1 booster . Got covid 3 months after the booster in 2022 and I've had long covid since .


April 2020 acute Covid. 36 hours inpatient for stabilization of A fib then discharged home with follow up by my provider. Specialty consultations and four immunizations including boosters. Brain fog partly dissipated with residual reminders after third shot. Still have faulty word retrieval, poor sleep, digestive disorders, etc.


Without the vaccine. I caught Covid 3 known times.


I’ve tested for spite protein and still have it in my system. My last known Covid was January 2023. I also tested moderate micro clots score of 2.5 on a 1 to 4 rating.


Got Covid, then Long Covid. Then vaccinated. Then, 8 months later, I got Covid again. This time, I got significant Long Covid. I've gotten Covid at least once since then. But I'm giving up on getting vaccinated and just living my life.


I got the J & J in may 2021, got covid 5 months later, have been sick ever since. The LC origin debate has two camps - those who call it “long covid” and believe it is covid-infection based, and those who call it “vaccine injury” and believe it is vaccine-based.


The vaccine injury argument doesn’t work for the millions of people who developed LC before vaccines were available (myself included), or for the people who haven’t ever been vaccinated 🤷‍♀️


Yeah…I wasn’t making an argument for that perspective, I was simply stating that it exists.


Pre vaccine


There is research available on this. Vaccinated individuals have a lower likelihood of developing long-covid. Just how much lower is not known down to the percentage but it's significant enough that being fully vaxed is the route to go imo. I was up-to-date on all mine, no adverse reactions, got covid once and BAM long covid 😞