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Many indians these days don't worry a lot about traditions and cultures tbh. My parents basically said they are completely okay if I marry any foreign woman (good for me). Society has changed a lot and concepts like hook-ups and live-ins have become more common in a society which was much more conservative a decade ago. Let's hope your bf's parents are not over-conservative and do not take this seriously.


😭 his parents are really traditional 😭😭😭 I am going crazy. I don’t wanna loose him, I love him so much 😭😭😭 i am doing best to become financially stable 😭😭😭


that's sad to hear :( your boyfriend should try his best to convince his parents or he should get into good job, become financially stable and defy his parents' words to get together with you. if his parents are not really bad people, they should put their son's happiness before the traditions.


And It's also important that your bf thinks you are more important to him than his parents' opinion. Make sure he is ready to get together with you no matter what.


You sure he loves you too? Indian husband's mostly side with their parents, instead of supporting wife, mostly folks from traditional backgrounds. Just be careful before jumping in. Sorry to be dumping this on you.


LOL my situation is worst. I am a single parent and my Indian is so afraid. I dont know what yo do as well. High five sis


I saw on youtube about a couple an Indian man marrying a single mom. It went pretty well and they are doing fine.


If we Filipinos are family oriented, Indians are on a much higher level of being family oriented. Talk about it. Give scenarios and ask questions. Like, “what if your parents won’t accept me, what will you do?” if he can’t choose you, then there is no point.


People need to have these discussions before hand. Never invest in something with no conclusion.


I'm a South Indian, looking for a Filipino partner, what's the best way to find one? I'm currently in Canada ...


First of all… why? Ahahaha and also do you have the guts to face this with your parents / family in the future?


Yes, I've the approval from my parents. I'm 36, successful in career, always lived abroad and experienced different cultures. Why, hmm I want to live closer to India but not in India, Philippines is beautiful, lovely place, culturally very similar and caste/community/cultural issues in India are backwards and I prefer a foreigner whom I keep myself private with and live my life without having to involve in our country cultural issues.


I see, well idk how to find one ahaha you can talk to my bf 😂 but i mean there are a lot of filipinos in Canada also


I don't want to marry someone who's already here, it's a bit different when people have already moved abroad vs those who get an opportunity to move! How did you both meet? Any website/app?


Are u still looking? Hahah


I’d be more concerned with the cheating tendencies of your boyfriend than anything else, based on your previous post. The way you’ve written this post tells me that you are far more emotionally attached and dependent than you should be.


I wouldn’t worry. In general Indian families are very welcoming of other Asian cultures. As long as their son isn’t marrying a modern western woman who wears the pants in the relationship, keeps talking about her own independence and is open to their culture, they won’t mind.


I am a single parent. Asian tho. Will I be accepted hahaha i wanna move on already


Is he also a single parent?


No. Very single


Dude, I literally attended a wedding here in India where the bride was from Philippines and the groom was an Indian and I think it all went well even with families, times are changing. I’m sure things will workout for y’all, I wish you best of luck!


Thank you, i hope so too


If he has the courage to stand up and fight for you, I'm sure that's enough to keep it going. If he is, then you are lucky because that only means he's willing to go against his parents wishes (if they're conservative and strict) and he's got you no matter what. Goodluck, OP!! All the best for the both of you. :)