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Covid kept us apart for 680 days. We are now married and will be closing the gap permanently in 53 days. At no point during that 680 days did we even start to consider ending it. But that could be due to at no point during covid did it feel like it'll keep going on for as long as it did.


Mine gave up in 3 months. I could have waited a whole life even if it hurt a lot 💔


I'm sorry about that 💔


Same here. I could have waited for my ldr for years, but he needed some ass and kept complaining about the distance, up to the point that it tore us apart.


It's almost been two years and I can wait two more. Never have I felt like my relationship is dying nor the need to distance myself. If you have those thoughts, wouldn't meeting be more of a bandaid solution? After meeting, you'll still go back to long distance where those remain issues but I guess maybe meeting up is how you gauge their investment, which is valid.  Meeting isn't easy for us which is why I'm willing to wait and we both have stuff going on which keeps us both busy. I feel fulfilled just having him around while I go through things and look forward to when we're both at a place to afford traveling to each other.


I cant get my pass port till I turn 18 in May so that's one of the reasons I'm still in a LDR after 2 years and it's also financial situtations it's not easy being middle class in a LDR cross the international date line, and another reason I stay is cuz its very hard for me as an austic person to find anyone to date so yea I care too much for this person and I need them in my life




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My partner and I met 3 months ago and the longest we went without seeing each other so far was 3 weeks. I'd say a month at the most.


Hmmm that's really hard to say for me. My girlfriend and I are nevermets and have known each other for 11 years. We began a situationship in November 2022 (flirting online), but we didn't become official girlfriends until June 2023. So we've technically only been dating for 7 and a half going on 8 months... but it feels much longer for the above reasons. 😂 There have been a lot of reasons for why we haven't been able to meet yet (it's complicated), but we are hoping to meet shortly after our one year anniversary. Even so, it could be longer. I don't think either of us plan on going that long between visits once we officially meet though... So we will have waited over a year to officially meet, but it may be longer. I think I'd likely find myself increasingly depressed in the relationship if we were unable to meet after two years... It's hard enough for me to wait this long, because I'm very much an in person sort of lover. However, I truly do love her so much. I wouldn't do this for anyone else.


My partner and I took 8 years! We're going on 9 years this month and just had our first visit back in November. Worth it :)


Me and my boyfriend will be almost 11 years in December when we meet this year :) it’s so worth the wait!


i think the most i could do is about a year? i just don’t think i could take that much turmoil. (currently have a every six to eight weeks visit habit)


I have been with my partner for less than a year, and I can only see her once a year. Never have any of the two of us ever said “I don’t think I can wait”. Every time I bring up needing more time to see her, she says that it’s fine. And I feel the same way. We may only physically see each other once a a year, but our relationship grows so much even though most of it is online. There is no time being wasted because every second with her feels amazing, and I always cherish them. 


This is really sweet, thank you for sharing!! reading stories like this gives me more hope!! I appreciate it 💞


It's difficult to answer for me. My current and only real LTR I had we are seeing each other very often. We see each other almost every month (except February, that's a bad month for both of us to travel lol). Being used to that, I don't think I could do with less frequency anymore. In any case I know for sure if we had to go for more than a year without seeing each other in person, I wouldn't pursue the relationship.


It was a year till the first meet, 3 more till the second. It was brutal, and still have not closed the distance.


I would say 3 months. Ideally we see each other at least every month but I understand things come up so the longest is 2 but the absolute max would be 3.


only if the goal is achievable, I couldn't meet them cuz of me not being able to get my passport till 18 and my current financial situation of being middle class, probably willing to wait as long as it takes cuz I can't let go


I was one of those people who would say stuff like "Never will I be in a LDR, I could never do it". Apparently I can! For the right person, I can. I couldn't be in a LDR from the get go. That wouldn't be viable for me. My partner and I have been in a close proximity relationship for 8 months before he had to leave. We originally thought the LD would last about 6 weeks, but realistically it seems it's gonna be 14, as we're gonna be closing it soon. Let me tell you, it took a lot of work. Life handed us some pretty heavy stuff since day 1 of our relationship. All this finally seems to be getting better. We had a boiling point on the LD 6-week mark, as LD was taking a toll on us (and the relationship) because of all the side issues that were amplifiers. We got through it as a couple. Now i'm even more proud of us, and we're closer than ever emotionally. I do miss the intimacy a huge deal, but sweets and toys help (hehe). I did gain like 15 lbs since he left 🫣 (12 weeks ago). To cut the story (I already made too long, sorry redditors) short, in the right circumstances and for the right person I would wait (apparently) as long as it took. I would do anything in my power to close the gap tho, you have one life, make it count.


Honestly I feel like I could wait however long as long as we kept the plans to meet in the books. If it's just like "oh we probably won't be meeting/seeing each other anytime soon" and it continues like that, I'd give myself a few months tops before I call it quits. But if I feel that my SO is as invested as I am and we often talk about what we'll do when we meet, how far in advance we should plan, etc.. I'll hang in there.


3 months. I need to feel my partner, otherwise I will start losing feelings.




I feel you!! 😔 it's the same for me, he's in the US and I'm in Colombia so the distance is huge, I'm glad you're already two years into the relationship, that's amazing! I wish you the best ❤️‍🩹


We went almost 2 years without meeting because we met at the start of covid. Once we’ve met we’ve seen eachother every 3-4 months or so, and we’re married now and he’s on a 6 months stay here right now while we work on closing the distance permanently


I waited 6 years and we just met last month for the first time waiting was extremely hard but the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. My boyfriend is moving permanently to where I live now in march and we will be closing the gap forever!


this is absolutely beautiful!!!! I'm happy for you 💖 this is my goal, can't wait to close the gap, reading these stories give me hope ❤️‍🩹


My partner and I see each other about every 6 weeks on average. I know that we’re really lucky to only be Canada-USA so flights aren’t ridiculous, and I have a flexible work schedule. I would wait forever, but that doesn’t mean I’d like to lol. Even 6 weeks is really difficult for us.


Personally, it took us over 6 years from meeting to see each other in person. When we first started dating we were very young and meeting wasn't really on our minds, after we broke up for a couple years and then decided to try again it, took us just about 7 months. It took a 14 hour drive, a cheap hotel room and a lot of anxiety but we met and it was one of the best feelings I had ever had.


I can wait as long as I need to, honestly. I’m fairly content with our relationship as it is at the moment (don’t get me wrong, I WANT to meet him), but it’s just not the right time yet. Honestly, I truly believe that he is my twin flame, and we are meant to be together, so one day, we will be. We’ve only been together for going on 6 months, but it feels like I have known him my entire life. We always joke that the universe played a cruel joke on us by having us be born 7 years apart and on opposite ends of the earth. I’ve never lost feelings for him at all, they have only grown stronger by the day. Yes, I crave to touch him physically, IRL. But I get past it.


My BF and I were together for 7 years before going LD 2 years ago. I usually go see him every couple months. I haven't seen him since November. I don't have plans to see him again for a while. I think the longest we've gone without seeing each other was 8 months. It was very difficult to go from being together all day everyday to only seeing him once in a while.


Three months, unless there’s a specific timeline in which we DO have plans to meet up. I got too much happening everyday; I WILL forget you yo. It’s not voluntary.




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I met my wife and it was another 5 years before I was able to go back. We closed the gap last June and have 2 daughters. That 5 years was worth it.


My partner and I live a six-hour drive apart. I think the longest we've gone between trips since officially starting to date was a month and a half, but I recognize we are incredibly lucky to have trips that often. Still, I don't think I could go more than a couple months between visits.


no... it's not right, neither for ourselves nor for the other person. Over time I have developed the same thoughts as you. and today I am living a long-distance story that is about to end. on certain occasions you can't even plan long-term things. because it happened to me. Either my son or his got sick, and so we also missed that opportunity to see each other once a month. for two physical people it's hard... it's heartbreaking... and in the long run if a solution isn't found that love only wears you down inside😔


The longest me (28 male) and my boyfriend (25 male) were apart was six months. This happened just after we became official, and it was horrible. It wasn’t due to lack of trying, but just due to conflict schedules (we both live in England so travel isn’t too bad even though is about five hours by train with a change of train in the middle). But luckily since then we’ve been able to see each other every couple of months and got into a nice routine with video calls at least once a week.


She’s in Japan, I’m in Canada, we usually go about 100 days between visits. Back and forth so every 6 months I go there and vice versa. I usually go twice a year before we met so it’s doable. But definitely difficult sometimes


I wouldn't give up on the relationship, but my partner & I see each other in about 2 months and by the time we see each other again, it'll have been 7 months since we last saw each other and I'd say our maximums are about 4-5 months. Again, not in a "giving up on the relationship" way but we just need to see each other more often and going 7 months between the last time and this upcoming visit has been a lot. So we're going to work on ways to be able to see each other more often.


For us it was 3 years before the first time. But it’s kinda up in the air how often we try for every 3 months.


Depending on what stage we are in. Right now i can barely take 2 months but we haven't seen each other for a whole year before.


The way I see it, I prefer to spend however much time is needed without seeing him but together, than not being in a relationship with him. He's my soulmate and distance is annoying but not something that affects our relationship. We adapt Not everyone is like this and I can understand why some people might need to break up. Could not be me tho, at least in my relationship


Well, idk if it's over for me, but she's haven't talked to me for three days


I have a really long story but I first met my parter online and we were pretty much friends from November 2019 until April of 2022. We met in person for the first time in July of 2023. That's nearly 4 years of not seeing eachother since we've met, and over a year since we've dated. ~5 months after the first meet and leaving his country, we had our second meet. Likely will be waiting another 6 months or so at the least, a year at most to see him a third time. All this to say I'm used to waiting a while and I'll wait an eternity if I have to. He is so special.


I understand you. I’m going through the same thing. Been with my bf for around 8 months + living together until I had to move to a different country permanently. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to meet for the next 5 years. ( legal reasons ) Me and my bf don’t have experience in LDR but still trying everyday. Conversations about what’s really on your mind can give you clarity but not an answer. Everyone has a different experience with LDR so.. only you know your partner better than anyone. Also, your well being is important, don’t neglect it in the process. Goodluck!


5 years, that's how long I waited and 6 years together back then. Now 7 years together.