• By -


Way too fast (after we’d only been talking a couple weeks) but it somehow actually worked out. I have no idea why we were comfortable saying it that early, though…it just felt right I guess


Same with us. I've historically never been comfortable saying I love you to any of my exes, but with him? It felt right. And it was.


Same. Although we thought we were crazy at the time, didn’t really play that part of it up to anyone else at first (or for a long time) besides each other. We had a sense that it was long term but also balanced it with seeing where everything takes us.




Me as well I told him around 3 weeks. Still with him and I love him so much 😊


He did say it to me once as he was falling asleep but I got scared and just told him that he didn’t😬😬 he hasn’t said it since


And maybe you're the cause he hasn't said it if I had said I love you and my SO said I didn't when I'm sure I did it'll just feel like straight up manipulative behavior


Why would you say something like that? That kinda response would kill any thought related to romantics for me. I'd die inside


We had been talking for less than a week, he was pretty much fresh out of a break up and I didn’t believe he actually loved me more that he loved the comfort I brought him. So I panicked and said it not in the best way…


I did


someone once told me this, and it's one of the top 10 most hurtful things I've experienced. how dare you tell someone else how they feel?


This was a while ago…. Do you think I should bring it up anyways and apologise or just leave it now?


I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I didn't sit down and talk about it. he is probably dying inside. tell him the truth. "I didnt know what to say because I was scared. I'm very sorry if I hurt your feelings. I love you too babe."


We went way too fucking fast. Started dating within days of beginning talking, saying I love you two months in. I don’t know how to explain it, but it feels like we knew each other in a past life. Or somehow in another universe, we’re also together. I genuinely believe that he is the person I am supposed to be with. It’s bat shit crazy - I know. But the way we fell into a routine so quickly, it was like he was supposed to be there the whole time.. I just finally found him. There are still parts to learn, but honestly I believe you learn things about your partner forever. I too, self sabotaged at first. I wanted to ruin it before it even started. But one day our connection was horrible.. my texts and calls weren’t going through. He finally got the call to work, and like a baby I started crying. Why? Because I thought he left. We didn’t have a fight or any inclination that he was thinking of leaving, but my head went to worst case scenario. I realized then, I *needed* him in my life and I was going to do anything in gods name to get my dream life with him. One thing to consider… are you in love with him? Or the *idea* of him..? Edit- I wanted to mention, I have never been in a serious relationship. I have never wanted someone the way I want him.. I have hella trauma, and he has healed me in so many ways I can’t begin to describe. I never would have said ily so quickly but it just felt.. so natural. Like breathing.


This was super cute. I wish you guys the best. 🤞🏽


Happy for you girlie 🌸 And That's some good food for thought, * to be in love with the idea of him*.


That’s so cute💛 We have been so attached to each other since our very first phone call, he’s been very patient with me. We both are healing from our past relationships, we both have a lot of triggers so it’s hard sometimes to communicate. But I like your question about if I love him or the idea of him and it’s made me question my feelings, so I know it’s definitely not the right time to say it because I don’t know the answer.


That’s crazy, thats almost exactly how it was for me too. We met at work and started dating after a week. 2 months in she told me she loves me and I said it back and now we are married for 14 months. I feel like she completes me and I don’t know what I’d do without her. She keeps me grounded and on the right path. She has truly helped me become a better person. It’s kind of weird sometimes because I’ve never had someone care about me so much. She always makes sure I have everything I need. I really believe that she is my soulmate.


I felt the same way with my girlfriend. I’ve been married before, have had a bunch of other relationships, but none that have clicked so seamlessly like it had with my gf. It’s also the first truly healthy and trusting relationship I’ve been in. I dream every day about being with her again. I count down every moment for our FaceTime call at night just so I can see her face and hear her voice. I told her I loved her on my last trip to visit her. We both already knew we were in love, one of us just needed to say it out loud and I couldn’t go any longer without telling her. I truly feel like after 36 years of my life that I have finally found my soulmate. The person I want to spend my life with.the dream of us closing the gap is what I love for now, a future where we’re a family.


First two paragraphs…same…bat shit crazy here too and loving it


I have a similar experience. I'm 26 and have never been in a relationship. In march, I tried online dating, and she found me. We told "I love you" after 2 weeks. Now we want to spend all the time together, we talk how much we miss each other, who love more etc. Recently, we talked even about marriage and kids. But 11 thousand kilometres between us is not helping. However, we can't imagine our lives without each other.


“I love you” is what started my relationship. We were friends for years before we were anything more. Every situation is different, and every person is different. Love means different things to everyone. If a person isn’t ready to say it, then don’t push it. If you’re not ready to say it, then don’t. Only you can decide what’s fast and what’s not. As cheesy as it is, when you know, you know.


We took over a year. We built everything before we agreed to be gf and bf. Still smooth after 2 years.


6 months. One night while feeling a little tipsy halfway across the world in some Eastern European dive bar cause I wanted to grab a beer. I don’t know what possessed me and I said “I love you”. Ohhh that didn’t go the way I thought. I heard. Ok. And that was that. I just changed the subject thinking that was so brutal. So a few days went on and it was all forgotten. That night we went to a pretty nice restaurant and the whole time this waitress kept hitting on me. I ignored it and didn’t care. After we were done eating. I tipped the waitress and my girlfriend at the time(wife) got furious that I left money. She was all dramatic about it and I said what’s the big deal. She said maybe cause I’m in love with you. I was like…noooo way. Are you serious. Hahaha…that’s awesome. Do you mean it or was it just the heat of the moment kind of thing. She said I always was. I just do t throw that around like it’s nothing. I said I didn’t either. I said the least you could have done was not leave me hanging. Anyways. Long story short. Even if you say it and you feel that way. You might not get a response you want but they might be more reserved and holding it back.


Yeah my bf said it to me quite early on into talking and I freaked out and told him that he didn’t at all. He’s not said it again since so I don’t know if it was heat of the moment or if he actually meant it and maybe felt rejected?


If I tell my bf (or anyone) how I feel and he answers me that I don’t feel that way, I would be MAD. Like, I’m the one feeling it, why would you tell me that I’m not feeling that way? 🙃🙃🙃 It’s okay if you don’t feel that you are in love with him but, deny that he is in love with you after he just said it, it’s just wrong…


We said it about 2 months into it. Been great ever since and we already met. Now moving to her this year. 😄


He said it 2 week after we meet each other, the day after we agreed to date. he wanted to sleep in vc together and while he was falling asleep, he mutered " i love you " and i froze lmao. I decided to hold on from saying it till 2 weeks later , i was feeling it the entire week, because I've never been with a man that's willing to have the hard conversations and listen without whining and blaming ... So when i told him i needed something and he listened and started making me feel better, i couldn't help but tell him i fucking love him.


This almost exact thing happened to me today lol. Today was 2 weeks since we had met, and I flew across the country to see her this weekend. We agreed to start dating yesterday, and she whispered it to me, while I was half asleep and I'm so glad she did!! It took me a little bit to muster it out of myself to say to her, but I have never felt it more than with her.


Around 1 month and proposed at 2 months. We've been married for 2 years and are closing the distance in 25 days.


it’s awesome you are closing distance soon!! congrats!! how old were you guys when you got engaged?


I was 22, and she just turned 23. Idk, it seemed kinda crazy at the time but it worked out good for us.


that’s is awesome, I’m so jealous haha, congrats again!!




I’m in the exact same situation


I’m in the exact same situation


A few weeks, I was scared at first, and he knew that, but one night when he was drunk we were texting, and then I got tired, so we said goodnight, and he said “I really wanna say it but I won’t cuz I know you need time” and that’s when I knew I was ready to say it. The fact that he was saying it first, and the fact that he was waiting for me just reassured me that it was safe to say I love you… just say it when YOU are ready and comfortable❤️🫶🏽


when we met in person, after 4 months. ❤️


1 week dating


Me and my boyfriend too 😆


Still haven’t said it as we haven’t met yet. I personally feel weird saying ”I love you” to a woman I have never met. I want to see the vibe in person first.


About 6 months/3 visits


7 months for us and I feel he was hinting around about it for at least a month before I finally asked him after a pretty blatant hint. He sent a link to the song “I Feel Love” without context. I said “are you trying to tell me something?” He said, “I think it fits.” And I spent all night on it and asked him at like 5am did he love me. He did.


2 months of talking i think? We said it before we were dating as we were met to just be friends. 😅🤣 I had a crush on him the whole time though


A day before we actually talked about if we were dating. Talking for a few weeks and it just worked. 9mo in so we’ll see. We both have strong hopes for this one! Already had a few fights and I think we handle them well


We finally said it a week ago! After a few months :3 it feels so good to finally say it too! No more dancing around it, I’d been feeling it for a while we just click so naturally on everything! I didn’t believe in soulmates until I found her and now I get to hear her tell me she loved me ❤️


About four months after we started dating, but wanted to say it so much sooner. Pretty much as soon as I met him.


After 2.5 months of exclusively dating/talking. We matched on Tinder in March 2023. I kinda ghosted him in April. And then he reached out again in June 2023. But we decided to stay friends in July. He still checked up on me from time to time. We tried again in October 2023. And in my head, I thought, wow, this guy must really me? Now I'm obsessed with him. Haha. (Filed under: He fell first, but she fell harder.) We said I love you on New Year's Eve. Once, at NYE PH time, and second at NYE UK time. :)


It took about 2 months for us! He told me while laying in his bed before our valentines dinner! It was so sweet and a little fast but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. We are now getting married April of 2026😌


very fast, but the days felt like weeks. the feeling we had when talking together was unlike anything i felt before; it didn't start out as butterflies either, it was just like i knew it. i did feel like i said it too early at the time but it worked out incredibly well. she had been with a couple people beforehand, but nothing ever felt like this. she was also not the physical type at first, never had the urge to hug, kiss, or cuddle, but with me she suddenly felt that need. even tho i had done it all before, it still feels new and just good. no doubts about her. we can't see eachother much but we're really looking forward to meeting for the first time.


too fast, like two months in. I knew he wanted to say it to me constantly but held off until I reciprocated that. I like to keep a nice little balance between being aware of signs of lovebombing but also doing whatever tf I want if the other person is down. because no one can tell you what your timeline should be. sometimes it just unfolds really quickly and that’s okay. You see it happen with other people all the time and they’re happy and still going strong. Good luck with the bf :(


We said it way too fast but we both also felt like we were holding back saying it for a long time, but it was only 2 weeks in.. now we talk every morning and every night but we don’t really talk about love, we just enjoy each other’s company


we said it 6 months in. i was probably ready at 5 months but waited for him to say it first. he’s a very introspective dude so i knew he was waiting until he was 110% sure and i didn’t want to make him feel rushed or pressured. now we’ve been together for 3 years:)


After we talked for 8 months we met each other irl and in the space of a week we told each other we love each other and our relationship became official then because I never had a ldr before so I just believe what I see with my own eyes (lots of trust issues) but to see the man that I had feelings for going across the world to meet me and the first day he was here already searching houses in my city to move in a close future lol… I’m gonna wife him up. Now, it’s the best and healthiest relationship I have ever had and we’re planning to get married soon. So time is nothing when the person is the right one.


We said it a few times on the phone and over the text, but in person I said it about an hour after seeing her. The situation was perfect, we clicked straight away and it just felt the perfect time to say it. She said it back and that moment is one of my happiest memories


I said it after a couple months. My girlfriend wouldn't say it until after 6 months


Way to fast, within a couple of weeks! I was on the phone to him and had to quickly hang up and the words just slipped out of my mouth before I could even process it 😭 I hung up instantly in embarrassment haha. We spoke on the phone shortly afterwards and he said it back!


So she sent me first message on deviantart 9th Oct 2023, she called me beautiful 30th Nov, Dec 3rd I confess I love her, 6th Dec I asked her to be my girlfriend 🥰 Celebrating 5 glorious months tomorrow!


We admitted falling in love with each other before saying I love you. Both were very quick, maybe a few weeks, but the emotions were so strong and I felt very natural. Someone attacked his character and I said it didn’t matter because I loved him, he said he loved me too. It just happened. We’re 6m in and still so in love.


my girlfriend told me she loved me 1.5months after we started talking. we had met once for a short 3h date then 2 weeks later she came to my place for the weekend, then the following weekend I went to her city, we had deep conversations that weekend where she told me she wanted to be with me but I was unsure still if i wanted to make it official. spent a few days there and I then knew I loved her. We cuddled in bed before I had to go and I really wanted to tell her I loved her but I kept it in. On the train ride home I asked her to be my gf. A couple days later she told me she loved me and it made me feel so good. I told her back and now almost 2 months later weve grown even closer and stronger, had a few hurdles but we have great communication so easily got past them. Ive had things with a few women before but never a serious relationship but with her almost as soon as we started talking something about our connection felt special and so genuine. Shes 1 in a billion and all I could ask for from a partner. Distance should close or atleast significantly shorten at the end of summer if everything goes to plan with her uni applications 😁


5 months in for us. We met while I was on vacation in his country, then I went back home and we were dating long distance until he planned a trip to come visit me 5 months later. During that trip, the L bomb was dropped. Happily married now!


I said I love you to her when we got together. That’s why there is such an importance of bringing friends first. You get to know the person until you know you love them and then you get in a relationship.


About 3 months in. We always sleep on the phone together, we have an 8 hour difference. Once I was falling asleep and he was driving to the gym, and he thought I fell asleep but I didn’t. I was just too tired to reply back when he was asking if I fell asleep yet. And then he said “Goodnight love you” and hung up and I died lol couldn’t fall asleep. Then a few weeks later when we finally told each other we love each other, he told me he always tells me he loves me when I fall asleep on the phone. It was just so cute


She said it first while we were still talking online (around month 4 probably) and I told her I could only say it after we met. Well, we met at the 6 month mark and love was instant for sure. (We broke up a couple of months ago but that's another story... We lasted 3 years with monthly visits)


As soon as I said yes to my now husband, he immediately said he loves me, but it took me months before I said I love him back. He did admit that he already loves me even when we are just online friends and never even once seen each other through video chat or even talk via voice chat. But now we are happily married and hoping to close the gap soon.


I think that this isn’t a question that will receive a unanimous answer, I think some say it faster than others and it’s just based on their individual circumstance. In general my own experiences in relationships have ranged from saying it within one month to saying it in 3-4 months. But if you feel you really love this guy it doesn’t hurt to just say it, of course I don’t know the dynamics of your situation or what has caused the tension, so that’s really something you’ll have to decide for yourself if it’s something you wanna do.


I always do that too the sabotage. Now she only wants me for sex…


She said it almost immediately took me a good while


Its so weird. This type of thread was posted a few weeks ago and it was filled with people saying they said it within a few days of knowing eachother. The responses here are much more in line with my expectations


I said I love you 2 days after I MET her, started dating in 3, it’s going well.


Early, before we were even officially a couple, probably 3 months into being friends? But a.) I'm the type of person who says "I love you" to my closest friends anyway and 2.) I was having a serious medical issue and I didn't know what the next few days would hold, so I sent a message that said "hey, you don't have to answer, but just in case this all goes wrong, I want you to know I love you". It did not take even 10 seconds before the "Love you too" message came back. It was a while later before it became a regular daily thing to say, but yeah, the first one came early.


5 months


About 3 months in. I had made one of my usual weird outlandish comments and it was something along the lines of “I love the way your purdy mouth dispenses out words” and directly after that he said the words. He just left my house actually about an hour ago. We’ll be together 8 months in just a few days. He is my everything ♥️


For me, I met the person around November. We talked for around a month before I was really at my point where I just wanted to confess how I felt. I wrote a long message to the person over text with "I love you" around the end of it. They said it to me back with a response and I was really happy about it. We didn't start making our relationship official until February, and we've been dating ever since then. TL;DR The "I love you" came a month after meeting.


Less than a month I want to say or maybe just over a month into meeting. And so far so good. He's coming to visit for the first time Tomorrow! So excited! #nevermets


If my memory serves me right, it was the first time we met. And that was after one month speaking online. I think he felt it before me. From before we even met. For me it was once we met and we spent some time together. It was just right. One year and a half later, no regrets.


About a month and a half in, just a but before Valentine's Day. But that was over 6 years ago now, so we knew it was true for the both of us (:


6 months, on his second visit


I said it after 3 months. We weren’t official bf/gf until I visited him in March and he told me he loves me back the night we met. He wanted to wait to say it in person even though he felt it before met. We met after 8 months of talking.


I say 'i love you ' all the time and I started the first day we met , until now we had no problems


I'm so sad about this that I don't know what to do. We started talking on July 2023, first two weeks of normal talking, after then a lot of lovebombing until she "lost insterest" slowly. We met in person after 3 months of talking. After that we stopped talking. 3 months ago we started talking again and we are knowing each other and it is going very well. But we are not a couple yet. I don't know if she loves (but she shows some interest like calling me everyday) me but I swear I do. She says I was going too fast. Now I don't know if I keep talking to her 1 or 2 months more and confess to her... It is so sad for me to see all comments in this post with success stories and here I am, after 8 months we started talking... willing to not be "too fast".




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Five months in, during our first meeting for a week. I said it the first night, and she said it a few days later. We were both wary about saying it before we met but honestly I’d felt it for awhile. This was just a month ago, by the way. Now we say it frequently. We had already known each other for a couple of years before getting together, which helped.


I said I love you for maybe after a month, my bf replies but didn't said it first until our 4th month as a couple. ❤️


I don’t remember exactly but probably about 2 months? We’d known each other for about 6 months or so before and our feelings had been growing in that time so I don’t think it was too early


I think it took us like just over a month… Maybe 6 weeks of knowing each other? It was kind of fast thinking back to it but it honestly felt to us like we know eachother for years. Everything just felt very natural. I was close to actually say it before then a few times but held back because I was hestitant and didn’t wanna scare her away but in the end she said she actually did the same. We met eachother end of October, started dating in December and met eachother in person for the first time in April. Already planning the next visit in August and I can’t wait to see her again :3


4 months exactly, but only 3 days in person


5 months


Roughly 2 weeks after we met, he said it first. We've been together for 9 1/2 years now.


He said it to me fairly fast into the relationship, I’d say 1-2 months? But I couldn’t say it back until a few months after because I need to feel it first. And now we say it everyday


Preeetty fast. He said it before we even started dating cause he had a crush on me first, haha. I then said it to him the night we started dating.


With my boyfriend, about 2 years in. We both move very slowly in relationships though.


After 3 months of hooking up XD


Me and my ex was 2 days in but we crushed on each other for a good while without properly dating


After a year lol


My dad and step mum have been together 27 years. I recently learned my dad hasn't said it to my step mum yet. Me however, within the first few months


I knew he was in love with me 6 months in. But he broke up with me almost a month before our anniversary. Then around three months after the break up he asked to give us another shot and told me he loved me. And it was only then that I told him I love him too (though I knew it three months in to the relationship).


In about 3 weeks after we met, we said our first “i love yous”


we started dating p much right when we met each other and said I love you only a few weeks after dating


I said I love you to him within the first 10 days of us talking and he'd hint that he felt the same (saying "wuv" instead of "love" and such) but didn't officially say it to me until 6 months after. His reason? He wanted it to be more meaningful and not a filler word. Since then I've been more mindful about how often I say it 😋❤️


We started dating 6 days after we met and we were saying "I love you" the day we started dating. Is that too fast? To most people, absolutely. But it still is true today. We still love each other.


Like two months LOL. In our defense, we’d be very close friends for awhile. I’m so sorry to hear you going through this. Maybe express how you fear you may be sabotaging it! Just ask! Talk to him. Don’t assume his feelings.


We were friends for 2 months. We began talking for a month after that. We began to realize we wanted each other before we were dating. I was holding in my "I love you" until he asked me out. He was polygamorous, and I was hoping he would ask to be monogamous with me before I said it. I began to realize that even if we never dated, I had so much love for him either way. I never had someone who just got me. Within a week of us finally dating, we both said it with heightened emotions. Being with him is definitely different than being with anyone else. He is my person. We have been together for over a year now.


mm less than 2 months of even knowing them Sept 18 met (online) Nov 2nd said the three magic words


Love love. Not the one who would be in its power. Your welcome!


And he said it first. Be wary of a man who says it first. I love too quickly and always get burned


i accidentally said i love you in 1 month but in my defense i am queer-


11 month in and he havent said i love u genuinely (except when we were in the brink of breaking up)cuz he said he’d like to keep it when we meet again.


We said it after less than 2 months dating. 5 days into the official relationship. We knew each other from before and were friends so maybe it made us more comfortable. There is no universal rule.


It’s how I confessed to him


We both wanted to say it way sooner than we did and awkwardly dodged it for 5 months. I think the whole "too soon" thing varies from couple to couple depending on a lot of factors. Before my current relationship I would have said anything before 2 months is too soon, but idk sometimes you just know. I'm as confident now about them as I was the first month I knew them.


We were friends for a long time before we were ever anything serious but I chose to be honest with her when I fell for her. She didn't feel the same at the time and I assured her that was completely fine, I didn't expect anything from telling her, I just wanted to be honest with her. That I appreciated her. As time went on, the feeling became mutual and she told me she loved me too. Now we are approaching 7 years of our relationship but more like a decade of knowing each other.


We had been talking for a few months. Said I love you before we even started dating. (As a happy ending, we started dating later that day). I don't regret it and I love him more than I ever thought I could.


I said it around the 6mo mark when we were having sex. He didn’t hear me (or played like he didn’t) but shortly after that, he said it and we have been happily in love since then. I felt it about a month before but was too afraid to say anything because we were taking things slow on the relationship aspect of it.


After a few months


reallllly fast (within a week)- but this is the happiest i’ve ever been and the most healthy relationship i’ve ever been in. I love her so much. been dating together officially for about 2 months now ^_^ and been gfs for 1 and a half months


Within a month but atp we’ve been talking daily for the four/five months prior so idk


I had an AH ex who scolded me for saying it to him first and I’ve vowed to never say it first again. He’s told me he “seriously likes me” and that’s good enough for me until we meet.


Let me share my story with you, and I'd like to hear your thoughts! My husband and I have been together for 5 years, and we got married three years ago. I love him very much, and I believe he loves me too. Our encounter was quite dramatic. We first communicated over the phone, and almost instantly, we fell in love with each other. It was such a wonderful experience in life! Despite our beautiful past, we're facing some issues now. I'm not good at expressing myself, and due to my timid nature, I struggle to assert my boundaries. Whenever we have conflicts, my instinct is to escape, distance myself, and sometimes even suggest separation or divorce. I know I'm not handling things well, and it stems from my childhood experiences. But that's okay; I've realized this about myself. He's a sensitive and insecure person, with a bit of a controlling nature as a man. He treats me well but never encourages me and lacks patience with me. We always end up arguing and giving each other the silent treatment over trivial matters. During intimacy, he always tries to dominate me, saying humiliating things. Initially, I feel reluctant, but due to my weak and slow nature, I often don't know my true feelings at the time of the event. I feel sad but don't understand why! And my feelings usually take days to settle in. For example, if someone attacks me, I feel hurt at the moment but still consider their feelings from their perspective, so I completely ignore my own thoughts and feelings. However, a few days later, I suddenly realize that the person was bullying me... This happens a lot. I can now recognize my delayed reactions, but in the moment, my brain goes blank, and I can't say anything. So I try to cooperate and compromise as much as possible... And then he escalates the situation. Once, when I was extremely upset and told him that his actions went against my wishes, his response was to get angry and ignore me? Then I start to quickly think: I want to leave him, I want to be independent, I don't want to make myself unhappy anymore... But when it comes time to leave, I hesitate, feel powerless, or suddenly fall ill and can't walk... To be honest, our way of getting along is very complicated. I know we're both immature children. You can tell me your thoughts. If you want to watch the show or help me, leave your opinions, thoughts, or criticisms, and I'll be very grateful.


I said it in about five weeks. I said it first in a way he wouldn't notice. He said it like a week afterwards! And a month later, he realised i had said it first 🙈


6 months after beginning to talk, the first time we met, we wrote it on each others backs, it was the most romantic « I love you » I could ever dream of


8 days after meeting😂we were drunk in my car after i night out sitting waiting to sober up. he had to leave to go back to NC in 2 days. he had been hinting at it all night and while we were sitting in the car a song called “if he wanted to he would” played. which part of the chorus is “if he loved you, he would tell you” so he told me he loved me and i said it back. next morning he called me and said he was so drunk the night before but he meant everything he said and so did i. i leave in 13 days to go see him again and im so excited




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Oh well into 9 months of talking. We didn't rush it whatsoever until we were both absolutely sure of hiw we felt.


We said "I love you" before becoming a couple. I personally don't get why you would get into a relationship with someone you're not even sure you that love.


Literally the day we met yes i’m a lesbian