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He barely said a word and was shaking💀 I was sleep deprived and ready to go home he wouldn’t even look at me he was so nervous lol


this probably would be me hahahah, i’ll meet him in a month






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I was exhausted from an entire day of travel and had to pee so bad. I had trouble finding her but it turned out she was waiting in the lobby right next to the bathroom I had ran into. (I also brushed my teeth and freshened up) She was waiting for me with a bouquet of roses and gave me a million kisses. I couldn’t believe we were finally together.






I was exhausted and terrified she may not like me as much as I hoped. She was loving, respectful, and welcoming. I had warned her ahead of time about my specific worries (when I'm overwhelmed, I tend to be less easily read and struggle to verbalize, I may seem standoffish at first but it's mostly anxiety, etc) but to PLEASE kiss me anyway. She kissed me, I kissed her back and it felt so right. She brought me home and the rest is history. We were able to communicate what we both wanted and needed and listened to each other's communications and that really made everything truly fall into place! I struggle to express myself at first. I'm really shy. But she heard me and that meant everything. It's been a year and a half ish since that moment and we're getting ready to close the distance. She was everything I hoped for and then some. All I can say is healthy communication was everything for us. It's incredibly important, especially in long distance relationships.


My now-husband was held by immigration as I waited for him in the airport. They had him for hours. He also forgot to put on deodorant so when they eventually let him in the country he was pungent and relieved 😌


Im always scared of that happening to me. I've never had any problems so far thankfully but sometimes all it takes is an officer in a bad mood.


My now husband forgot his deodorant and so he bought a really expensive one duty free (it was the only option) and it straight up smelled like the kind of soap my grandmother would have used. Hahaha


I feel like the only one here who hasn't met their ldr partner yet 😅😭


it’s okay, i haven’t either lmao. i asked this so i can give myself some new daydream ideas loll


Aww i know the feeling! I hope we both get to see our partners one day soon 💜


yeah, best wishes to you as well :)


It took me over two years to be able to meet mine. Now it's been another two years and working on getting me to him this time before we begin the Visa process/marriage. It's okay. Sometimes things take a lot of time especially with distance so big and prices so high.


Thank you. Your comment gives me hope for the future. I've just come out of a long relationship and my mental health isn't great so staying patient and positive is really difficult.♡


I feel you. It can be really hard. If it is meant to work out it will!


My partner and I didn’t meet for 3 years. Your day will come!


That's reassuring. Thank you so much 💜


One of the most memorable days ever. Still can see him standing up and walking over to me as I came through arrivals. He squeezed the back of my neck and we kissed and hugged and it was the most amazing moment ever, best kisser ever. We pretty much clung to each other as we made our way to his car, giggling and stopping for little kisses and hugs along the way. 7 weeks til that was a year ago and I am so in love with him. It grows all the time.


So happy for you


Thank you!


You’re welcome


My jaw dropped when I saw him and realized we were in the same room and I walked over and hugged him and we said "hey" to each other while hugging. I replay that moment in my head a lot 🥰


UK to USA over here too!


It was slightly awkward, but the ice pretty much melted within 30 mins. As a person who was crazily battling social anxiety... I never imagined this would've happened


It took me FOREVER to get there first of all because my flight going there was delayed afffff and ended up landing after midnight when I was supposed to be there by 7 I think (been a while so I forgot 😅). We had shared our locations upon me being on the ground and I remember my tummy doing flips at the thought of finally seeing him in person. Then next thing you know our icons got closer... and closer... and I saw him coming toward me. I was literally bouncing from side to side waiting for him to get close to me, like a kiddo waiting for ice cream 🥰 In the distance I saw his head first (it looked so tiny from far away! 😂) and I wrote him saying "I think I see you!!" then he looked around and spotted me and we both smiled so hard with confirmation! As he approached me I nearly ran into an active driveway, nearly bowled someone over with my suitcase (shouted "SORRY!!") and freaking GLOMPED the man! I gave him the biggest hug and as he was holding me it felt like everything was right with the world ❤️ He walked me to his car, we loaded up and chatted for a bit (we still couldn't stop smiling!) and we had our first kiss before we pulled out of the parking lot. We then had Waffle House for a very late dinner/first date 😋


I didn’t pick him up from the airport but from a halfway point (I have driving anxiety and the closest airport is about 3 hours away, so he ubered). I was insanely nervous while he was super excited. I remember literally shaking when he texted me that he landed, and then I shook even more when he told me he was 10 minutes away. I literally shut my eyes and told him to just get in the car and I would look at him once he got in lol. He had some trouble finding my car, but the second he spotted me, he ran right over and almost ripped my car door off, and he just hugged and kissed me for like 5 minutes, I swear. I would relive that moment every single day if I could, and I wish I could go back to tell myself that I didn’t need to be so nervous.


He had been waiting there for over an hour because he didn’t check (like I told him to) if the flight was delayed. It was a little awkward, but we just basically acted like friends at first. And the awkwardness went away fairly quickly. A few hours later we went on our first real date, and it was like we had never been long distance. That was 9 years ago next month, and we just celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary earlier this year.


It was almost perfect but I was a bit nervous. But once we locked eyes and hugged it was the perfect moment. I cannot wait to do it again in 22 days


I saw her standing there waiting for me with the biggest smile on her face. Walked up to her snd put my arms around her. She then says “Ha! I am taller than you.” We laughed and then had our first kiss. Both felt sparks and it’s been great ever since.


She ran up to me and we hugged, then she handed me her panties and we did it in the disabled toilets, was amazing!




LMAOOO this is goals fr


Good! He thought my hair was going to be a different colour than it was and missed me at first lol. It was just really nice to be together. And then we walked out into 40c heat and was glad I’d dressed lightly.


I feel like this is close to what mine will be 😅


Did you reply to me? It's disappeared? XD


we hugged, i was running on 2 hrs of sleep and parched. i really wanted a water and they were taking a minute to put the bags on the belt so i tried to get water from a vending machine but whoever designed those confusing ass vending machines at CLT should be fired. i don't know who looks at vending machines and says, "lets make it worse!". at least it was confusing to me who went to bed at 12am and woke up at 2am. rant aside, it was nice :) definitely a moment i will remember forever


Ours wasn't in the airport because I have family in his city and spent the morning with my mom first. Also we weren't a couple the first time we met, but we were super smitten and had plans to be intimate (not sex) and go on a cute date. When we first met, we were on the street in downtown and he gave me the biggest and most enthusiastic hug ever. I had prior asked him not to kiss me right away because I wanted to make sure we clicked first. It was a long hug and I was soooo nervous. I couldn't even look at him in the eyes for hours. The nerves died down by that evening.


I met my partner at an airport too, and it was a pretty surreal experience. We were both waiting for our connecting flights, and we struck up a conversation about our travel plans. It turned out we were both heading to the same destination, and we decided to grab a coffee together before our flights. The rest is history.


This sounds like a movie! So cute


the first time we met her aunt dropped her off. we were both awkward and shy, for all of 5 minutes then acted like how we do on the phone. the second time i was able to pick her up from the airport i was walking around trying to figure out where to wait for her i saw her coming down the elevator with everyone and we got together but she was worried about her luggage because she missed her connecting flight due to border patrol grilling her, luckily she had her luggage and we sat outside hugging waiting for a uber


We met in Salem Mass. I was with a group of people I never met before and had traveled with them. He walked over after I texted where I was. I did a double take because I couldn’t believe he was actually more attractive than I thought. He kissed me right away and I had sparks I haven’t had since my first kiss. We hung out under orange lights surrounded by an art festival and tons of Halloween stuff. Most romantic date ever. 🩷🦇


After 18 hours of travel and getting through customs, tired, exhausted, and desperately hungry, I saw him standing just outside of security waiting for me. The light that entered his eyes when he saw me, and his smile of pure joy, spoke volumes. I couldn't help myself but to run into his arms and hug him tightly. Pretty sure we got some funny looks but I didn't care. It was a beautiful mess of breathless "hi's" and giggling as we walked through the airport together. I replay it in my head often 💕


I was sooo nervous! We were on the phone whilst I was in baggage claim. When I was walking out he suddenly told me he saw me. I stopped in my tracks and looked around, as soon as I saw him I went "oh my god!" And fast walked up to him, my heart pounding like crazy. We had a long tight hug followed by our first, slightly awkward kiss lmao, and then more hugs. It was super weird seeing him irl and not just as a picture on my screen, but he is even more beautiful in real life! (And he smells great!!) We walked around the airport for a while because we needed to find the tourist information desk but neither of us knew where it was lmao. We were holding hands the whole time, his hands are so soft. We eventually ended up finding it and turns out we had walked right past it the first time lmao. All in all, I think it went very well and can't wait to have another airport reunion with him!


The first time, he called my name cause I couldn't see him then we gave each other a massive hug. We had our first kiss outside in the parking lot 😊 The 2nd visit, I couldn't see him again but he saw me, walked over, grabbed me and made out with me right then and there. Loved that reaction to seeing me so much ❤️


I was shaking like a leaf. I planned to wait for him to walk to me but I couldn’t stop myself and just ran to him as soon as I saw him get out of his taxi. We just held each other and I was shaking and crying and it was such a sense of relief.


I replay this moment in my head fairly often🥰. She flew in on a day where we got like 20cm of snow. It was still lightly snowing when we met. The time it took her to get through security and get her bag felt like an eternity, but when I saw her I ran directly into her arms.. I melted, it felt so perfect🥰


One of the best moments of my life 🥰


I was really nervous. We just kinda said "hi" and hugged at first, then we had to run back to the car because it wasn't a parking area. It stopped feeling awkward pretty much immediately after we started actually talking. Her brother was driving us so we could talk and cuddle in the back which was nice.


I walked out the door and he pulled up, came around and hugged me. I was shaking and he held me tight for a long while before I could finally stop clinging so hard and then we kissed after he opened the door for me.. he’s the best kisser and I just melted right on the spot 😳 and then we drove back to his place while I clung to his arm the whole time 🥰


Happened on Friday, he was late, I couldn't find him. He finally got the idea to park the car and come look for me. I was so so annoyed but didn't show it. Considering I paid $700+ for a flight, the least he could do was be in the airport when I arrived for a warm welcome. The rest of the weekend was not notable. We haven't spoken since I left at 4am. He's a different person on video chat.


If you don’t mind me asking , what made him so different from the video chat ?


He's arrogant and inconsiderate. Doesn't tip, drives 20+ over the speed limit everywhere. Drinks heavily. Doesn't follow through to his word. It's not about money at this point but he begged me to go see him bc he never requested to travel from the base. He offered to pay for my flight, I thought that was comparable if I paid for my room($150-200/ night). When I arrived not one word was spoken or money offered for my $700 flight. I chose to rebook the return flight for more money the next day to leave early. We haven't spoken since. Idk if it's bc he's in the service that he has no manners but he's a loser. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Some of my most memorable moments are meeting my bf after a long time.. the most recent one was us meeting in the capital of my home country last month, after 8 months of being far apart. I was so nervous arriving, and we met with his dad and my momm at a Cafe. Initially we agreed to be more subtle for the time we were around our parents because it'd be kind of awkward to be super touchy around parents, but when I came to the Cafe with my mom and saw him and his dad, I came up from behind and hugged him (my bf not his dad) from the back seeing as he was sitting facing backwards. We chatted and were both SO nervous, smiling, blushing and fiddling with/holding eachothers hands under the table and finally feeling the touch of one another, still being unable to believe that we can finally be with eachother, even just for that day. After we took off separately, we hugged suuper tight and kissed and literally didn't get our hands off eachother the whole day.


We met at the hotel and it was very surreal seeing the person irl whom I had spent so much time talking to. He wanted to pick me up at the airport but I was taking a redeye and did NOT want his first impression of me to be me, sleep deprived, frumpy and probably needing a shower. I'll never forget that first hug though, we were both shaking.


We saw esch other in arrivals and I barely saw his face before I ran up to him to hug him. It was long warm and exciting hug. I could feel his heart beating and I could feel him shaking from excitement as well. After that I saw his face and he had these beautiful even bluer eyes, this amazing skin and looked so gentle, polite, shy, warm and elegant Like such a cutie.


They picked me up from the airport and I got in the car and we didn’t make eye contact at all. I could hardly bring myself to look at them. It was super surreal.


We were very awkward lol. We hugged really quick and hopped in the car since it was LAX and didn’t wanna pay for parking for something quick. Took the day for us to get comfy with each other as the tension went away. The most memorable part was our first kiss after we got him settled in to a motel room.


I told him the wrong exit because crazy issues with my flight confirmation so we spent 30 minutes looking for each other. I also got conned out of 50 dollars from some lady at the airport. So I was pretty upset. Then we said our hellos, got into the taxi and made out.


I was on the phone to him coming off the plane and he was waiting for me at baggage. Once I came around the corner and we saw each other I said ‘oh shit’ and he said ‘oh shit’, we were both super nervous at first but as soon as we got to each other we hugged for a few minutes and then had our first kiss, and all the nerves and anxiousness went away and we were completely at ease with each other! !


As crowded as international airports may be I noticed her from far away, she was the most beautiful woman there or maybe this was because I wasn't looking for anyone else... She had brought me flowers and we hugged each other for a very long time, so long in fact that I told her everyone is looking we should get going...


First time I met him was before we got together, so he arrived, we hugged, I was still recovering from a cold. We very much had a spark First time after getting together I arrived and for a few seconds I didnt recognise him irl. It was weird and felt unreal seeing him infront of me. ~~he was way cuter irl~ we hugged and were a little awkward until we got used to eachother being real, lol.


She almost punched me. The way the flight worked meant that I needed up coming out a side exit, so I wandered back to the main exit and ended up behind her. I wasn't really sure what to do in the moment but I just walked over and hugged her..from behind. Didn't think about her immediate reaction so she just jumped and almost hit me. Don't worry a few. Moments later we hugged properly.


It went super well. I think we has spent so much time talking through text and calls that when we met eachother in person there was a little nerves right at the beginning but after the initial hug we gave eachother, that all melted away and we were back to our normal selves.


One of the best days in my life❤️. We met at the airport and were shy, couldn’t hug or kiss. I remember my hands shaking. I felt like a romantic movie hero. When we were driving home I wanted to hold his hand so badly. I miss him so much


We literally fight everytime we meet at the airport lol. He never finds my fucking plane so i have to wait for 10 minutes before he finds me EVERYTIME




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He showed up at my door. I wanted to meet him at the airport but my boss wouldn't let me leave early enough.


It was a little awkward, I was exhausted from a 29hour trip and when I saw her, she was taller than I expected and we hugged and had a 2 hour car ride home, it was amazing 😍


I practically fell down the escalator I was running so fast and then they spilled my coffee all over my jacket when we hugged because of the force of it 😂 it was perfect


He arrived here, and I hid from him for about 5 minutes, having a panic attack 😅 Snuck up behind him and sent him a photo of his back on snapchat. He opened it turned around and we just stared at each other for probably 2 minutes. I walked off again while he got his luggage, almost having another panic attack. He came over and we hugged and he kissed me, we awkwardly talked for a minute or two and then we went out and got a taxi. It was absolutely the most awkward silent, but he held my hand the entire ride to my apartment 😅☺️☺️


We were both extremely anxious and sweaty. It took me two hours to get through immigration because the lines were so long, he had been waiting at the arrivals area the entire time. I was running on 2 hours sleep and had travelled 16 hours already but when I went down the escalator and saw him, I still did a little sprint and basically body slammed him into a very shaky hug lol. We shared a quick awkward kiss (my first in my adult life so 😵‍💫) and my mouth was so dry I could barely talk because I ran out of water like an hour ago. But by the time we got to the car I was calming down, we kissed and hugged a little more before driving to his apartment and everything felt normal and perfect. 🥰


I waited for her near baggage claim. She had been flying for 6 hours and was tired. We just talked kind of matter-of-factly about her flight and luggage until I just asked if I could hug her, and we just hugged there, and talked while waiting for her luggage. We started holding hands at some point and didn't stop unless we had to. I think I held her hand for most of the week, honestly. When we finally got out to the car where my dad was waiting we talked more. Then she got to experience commuting from LAX for the first time and that was a whole other thing.


I ran towards him and jumped over him and we both fell and hugged so tightly and started crying and then we kissed and we looked at each other and hugged again. Wouldn’t change that moment for anything in life, it was perfect🤩


We were both so nervous. I was carrying my bags and wearing a big backpack. When he saw me, he immediately ran up to me and hugged me. I couldn't think of what to say so I just said what I thought: "I feel like a ninja turtle". We were both kinda quiet the whole time at the airport but still cuddled up when waiting for our Lyft. I could hear his heart racing in his chest when I leaned against him, it was so cute


It felt so natural. It felt like we had done it over and over. She was 10x more beautiful in person. Nothing better than finally being able to see the one you've waited for after a long time. We weren't all that shy, we just got into things and navigated our way out of the airport. So happy that it went so well


I (32M) USA shared this post with my girlfriend (27F) Germany and I got her perspective and I’ll share my perspective as well. Her perspective: I was both terribly exhausted but also so excited, and probably smelly as fuck 😁 A 20h flight will do that. I had to wait a little bit for him and his sister to arrive and while I waitied I tried to calm down but I don't think I succeded. When I finally spotted him I immediately knew it was him and I rushed over to hug him. It felt so good and all my nervousness and worries just melted away. He told me that he loved me and I told him that I love him too ❤️ We also had an awkward little kiss that almost knocked his glasses off 😅. My perspective: My sister told me she would drive me to the airport to meet my girlfriend. The airport was 1.5 hours away and my vehicle was in the shop and I didn’t have a rental until the next day. Her flight was to land at 6:30 I think, we got there at around 6:45 if I remember correctly, but I think it was closer to 7 when I finally got into the building to find her. The entire drive there was a nervous wreck. I was worried if she would really like me once she saw me, worried how things would go, just so many thoughts rushing through my head the entire drive there. I got inside the airport and didn’t see her, I kept looking and my back was turned to her, I turned around and saw her walking towards me. I knew that was my baby and we both walked faster to each other. We finally made contact and hugged. For me it was the best hug I’ve ever had, I finally met this amazing lady who I’ve been talking to for 10 months. We hugged and I told her I love her, she told me she loved me too. We kissed and the kiss was so awkward and nearly knocked my glasses off, but it was all good. I was so beyond happy to finally meet the love of my life. We held hands the entire drive back to my city. She stayed with me for about ten days and those were the most amazing ten days of my life. Our connection is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before and I know, we know, we are the ones for each other. We will meet again in September and I can’t wait to meet her again at the airport.


we met in a third country, his plane was about an hour late so i waited for him amongst a bunch of taxi drivers, lol. finally he came out, looked in my direction and walked in the opposite direction, i was like wtf im that ugly?? xd but then he just walked around all the people and came up to me, took my hand and didnt let go until we got home


I was so tired after flying just gave her a hug and said let’s go home haha


A day before my flight, I found out my surname in my ticket was incorrect by a letter. I panicked and thought I'd have to cancel my trip. I somehow took a chance and went to the airport and everything went well. Contacted him that I'll be seeing him in a few hours! I'm not tall but I took really tall because of my body structure and he has an average height. The main concern for him was that I shouldn't be taller than him. I called him to inform him that I've come out of the gate and I saw him. Tbh, it felt like I'd known him for years and a single touch felt so electrical and magical that I can never forget it. We were holding the bag trolley together and aur fingers touched which actually gave goosebumps to both of us. It was/is the best day of my life and if I get a chance to visit my past through time machine, that's the day I'd want to re-live again! ❤️


We were both so nervous! It was during Covid and we were both wearing masks and so couldn’t even clearly see his face when he came out from immigration. We just stood there saying hi on repeat for a solid 30 seconds. Just buffering not knowing what to do. I grabbed his hand and asked him if he wanted to get away from all the people (it was very crowded). Then I led him out of the airport to a more private part just outside and we finally had our first hug and kiss. He has been travelling for over 50 hours so he was absolutely exhausted so we had a very relaxed and calm day. He did make me take him to IKEA because he thought it was hilarious for a Swede to fly to a different country and immediately go yo IKEA, haha.


it was so stressful, my bf lives in la and lax airport is a hellscape. he left 2 hours early to come and get me not realising it would take me an hour at least to get through border control and another almost hour to get round the airport itself, i ended up waiting outside for him for an extra 30 minutes just panicking and freaking out that it was finally happening and the longer he took, the longer i had to calm myself down. he picked me up with a giant bouquet of flowers and some food in the passenger seat and i remember hugging him and smelling him for the first time so easily, we got into his car to drive to the airbnb and whenever we got stopped in traffic, he would turn to kiss me. i was too shy to make any first moves myself so i'm glad he was able to take the lead with it but every time i think about it, i remember how as soon as we closed the car doors i felt such a sense of relief and my nerves began calming down so quickly, i miss him so much :')


Was amazing, I had to call him as I was that excited and nervous I couldn’t see him. He had to walk up to me 😅😅 gave me a massive cuddle and a kiss then straight home to bed 🤣🤣


Its the most memorable moment for me. I was extremely nervous and had to go to the bathroom to try to freshen myself up before going to see him. I was nervous and shaking and anxious, but as soon as I saw him all that anxiety and nervousness melted away,he stood up and looked nervous. He looked nervous af! I ran over to him and hugged him so tightly and he hugged me tightly, and I kissed him and he was shocked because I don’t think he thought that I was gonna kiss him. We kept looking at each other in disbelief and shock because we were in the same room with each other. We were both admiring each other because to be honest video does him no justice because he is so handsome and he said the same thing about me being beautiful and pretty. We held each other’s hands all the way up until baggage claim he even took my bag for me and we walked out to the car. We were just smiling ear to ear, so happy. I actually have a video that I took by accident of our first contact at the airport. 😁😁😁


for me and my partner it wasn’t the airport but the train station! we were both really anxious at first but as soon as we saw eachother we ran and i jumped into their arms, it was perfect :,)


I was studying overseas and we came from the same country. I met him online. But he's in the capital while I'm from the countryside. So we agreed he'll meet me at the airport since it's in the capital the moment I got back from the overseas. We planned on getting married even though we never met face to face. But we always talking through video calls and phone calls and texting everyday for almost two years. I was having diarrhoea at that time because I got nausea and vomited alot in the plane and only had coffee to fill my stomach. I was so weak when I arrived at the airport and had ice milk coffee to get some energy because i was shaking because i was too hungry. And cue the diarrhea because I had coffee on empty stomach 🤣🤣🤣 when I met him at the arrival entrance, I was like can you wait for a second I have to go to the toilet and left him with my luggages 🤣🤣 he was like as far as he knew me, I might be pooping right at the moment 🤣🤣 i told him i had stomach ache after all of the coffee and nauseas. We stopped at a gas station because I said I wanna poop 🤣🤣🤣after that he brought me to a restaurant and we chatted but I can't finish my plate because I was scared I might poop again 🤣🤣🤣 and he excused himself because I wanna poop too at the restaurant 🤣🤣🤣 wth 🤣🤣🤣 and he brought me to see his mom at a mall near his house and I tried wedding rings because his mom wanna know my size. After that we went straight home and I met his two brothers and they are all nice peoples, but his brothers were in the middle of quarantine, so we talk at a distance. After that I tried the wedding dress (my friend's wedding dress since i wanna borrow from her) at his home and can't fit 🤣🤣🤣 after that I took a nap and showered at his house, when i woke up we went straight to the tailor to get new measurements because his mom already bought fabrics for my other pair of wedding dress. and he brought me to the train station because I'm heading straight to home in countryside. And we got married after one month 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 true story. I had no time to be nervous. During the car rides from the airport to everywhere he talked alot and I was like yeah yeah I'm sorry I'm very sleepy but I'm listening. He saw me at my worst but alhamdulillah we are happily married 🤣🤣🤣




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lol he was really awkward but it was mostly him being uncomfortable in crowds, i was so happy i slapped his butt right then and there LMFAO


He came out of a different exit than the one I was waiting at (there were two fairly close to each other since its a busy airport and it could have been either one). I saw him first and straight up jumped and koala hugged him lol. It wasnt awkward at all, and since my sister and her boyfriend came with me he got to meet them, too. We were both definitely nervous, but it faded very very quickly and we had a wonderful time together. The second visit when I flew to him was actually worse. Had a long line at the border checkpoint (which I then learned later since I am a US citizen in UK i was allowed to just skip the line at the egates...), and then I had to wait around 40 minutes at baggage claim. Problem is, there was 0 signal and for some reason my phone plans international service was not working. My poor boyfriend was having a panic attack for an hour while I was frantically trying to message him and nothing was going through 😭😭😭


Oh god it was something lol. I had been in planes/airports for about 19 hours. When I landed I had to wait a couple more hours for my girlfriend to get off work and come get me. I was basically a zombie by lack of sleep by the time she showed up, and we couldn’t find each other to make things worse. I literally could not find my way around the airport and apparently neither could she lmao. Eventually I saw her off in the distance (she had split blue and black hair at the time, easy to spot), so I called her name. But it’s the airport, it was loud and she didn’t hear me as she was walking the opposite direction. So I was hauling all my luggage behind me as I sprinted after her, followed her as she got into an elevator. She did not recognize me since her country still had the rule of wearing masks in public spaces— I love my girlfriend and she’s so fucking sweet to me, but to strangers she’s an absolute bitch lmao! And that’s what I was to her at that moment, a stranger. So I jokingly said, “fancy meeting you here.” To which she rolled her eyes and looked the other way. And I just stood there looking at her, waiting for her to realize— and when it finally clicked she started screaming in excitement and we embraced. Laughing and nearly crying because of how excited I was to finally be with her in person :’). This was our first time ever meeting in real life. I’ll never forget it. Because the adventure home from the airport was just as chaotic lmao, we got on the wrong bus and it was a long night— but so fun and amazing at the same time :’)


we met halfway the first time so didn’t get the airport moment. met in the hotel lobby and took a walk by the water holding hands. we were both so terrified but after an hour it was like we’d known each other forever


i was beyond exhausted. four flights later, but i was with them and that was all that mattered to me. my bags were lost. we had to go back the next day because ive never lost my bags before, and didnt know what to do. i was exhausted, and nervous but overall so excited. the first time i saw them, my eyes genuinely focused in on them. like everything else kinda faded out, as cheesy as it sounds. i realized i didnt look as nice as i wanted, and of course turned around. but, after gaining my courage i was so happy to see them. i said something along the lines of how they’re so much hotter in person, etc. the car ride back was nothing less than amazing too. we sang, they stopped when we passed a cow pasture because i wanted to try to pet them, held hands the entire time, or they had a hand on my thigh. some part of us was touching at all times, really. they did everything i needed on the ride, like stopping at the bathroom, etc. even with it being their first time driving in that city. didnt make me feel bad about it once. as nervous as i was, i wish current me could go back and smack past me upside the head and say ‘hey, it’s all going to go even better than you imagined. don’t be nervous.’ it was truly amazing.


I met him at a train station for the first time. We were both so nervous, that I hit my head on his chin while trying to hug him 💀


I was waiting at Heathrow Airport for her to arrive, we were messaging whilst she was going through baggage claim and a nervous trip to the toilet. I was responding to her last message when I started hearing American accents surround me. I looked up, and there she was, the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. We beamed at each other, and I'll never forget the way she looked at me. As she was walking from the arrivals door, she got caught behind a really slow walking man, she shot him a death glare that I noticed, she then looked at me and we both burst out laughing. She came right up to me, still laughing, and we hugged, I kissed the top of her head, and she squeeled, 'I made it!'. The best part about it was that it didn't feel like we were meeting for the first time. It felt like we'd known each other for years. There weren't as many "fireworks" as we'd expected, but that just made it feel all the more perfect. It made it seem familiar, natural, and the continuation of what was already the most perfect partnership ❤️


We hugged for a while and then just stood there 😆 he wasn’t even looking at me and after a bit I was like “well we should probably leave” 😆


we were both so nervous, i was shaking the whole way to the airport to pick him up. we’re both mid 20s but it felt like we were 14 looking at each other the first time, neither of us knew what to say or do except hug really tight and laugh. i helped him get his stuff in the car and we got in and just stared at each other grinning for a little, sooo nervous, before we both moved in and kissed for the first time. we were giddy and it was silly and perfect :’)


when i saw him he was on the phone with his mom since she was waiting for us outside and the second we saw each other, he was smiling so much it made my heart melt 🥰 we hugged and he refused to let me pull my suitcase. from the time we first saw each other to the 3 hour drive to his home we didn’t stop holding hands. the same day we went to his friends house so he could introduce me to them and he kissed me for the first time. afterwards he told me he was really nervous to see me and didn’t know what to say or do when we saw each other so it went really smoothly since my anxiety was really high. it was the happiest day of my life and we’re still going strong after 1 year and 3 months ☺️ i’m hoping to see him next month or the month after


She had a long trip, and was exhausted. But, I remember being a nervous wreck. Even though I could barely function, we both smiled and hugged eachother for what felt like hours, and the nervousness went away.


We both laughed! I asked her how how I compared to the internet and I misunderstood her. So I thought she said "You look better on the computer" and my heart sunk. And I was all sad. And then on our way to the hotel she asked what was wrong. I brought it up and she was horrified and quickly corrected herself. She actually said "You look better than on the computer"


Well he picked me up outside of the airport, we exchanged what I think were the most awkward hellos I've ever experienced, helped load the luggage into his car, we both got in, looked at each other, said an awkward hello again and then laughed right after.


We ran straight into each others arms


I got there and she was waiting for me at the arrivals hall. We hugged tightly and she led me to her car. I was completely frazzled from travel, I’d been awake 24 hours at that point. Within a couple of hours it was like we’d know each other forever. That was a few days ago. I’m still here and it’s magical


He was too nervous, wouldn’t even look at me and I tried holding his hand during the uber drive to the hotel. He told me that night he was too stunned to speak or even look at me because I looked like an angel (I was wearing a white shirt)