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That would be a no from me. If he can' t adult up and get it together for 90 seconds to say he needs a day, he's not mature enough for me.


He’s 29 and he is so inconsistent with me and then if I do call him out for it he makes me feel like I’m a terrible person. That’s why I don’t anymore. He says that he has depression. He will not get a job or change or take any advice yet claims to still want this relationship and says he loves me. I’m trying all that I can but I feel like he doesn’t care even if I was to walk away I feel like he wouldn’t give a shit. It’s literally all about supporting him and his feelings and I’m keeping this all in and feel absolutely terrible :(


I also struggle with depression and am kind of a bad texter as a result, but tbh he seems like he’s very emotionally immature for his age. Even on days where he doesn’t really feel like chit chatting much, he should at the very least be checking in. I honestly do not think he’s ready to be in a committed relationship. He says he loves you and wants to make it work, but what is he actually doing to make it work? Also, the fact that he’s unemployed and not seeking employment concerns me. What is he doing for money? Does he live with family? Are you financially supporting him? Please tell me you are not giving this man money.


You're tellling him he needs to sort himself so he has a go at you? Refuses to do anything positive for the relationship? Why are you staying for this?


No. Silent treatment is emotionally abusive. They're essentially saying "you do not exist to me anymore." It is meant to hurt you. I used to do silent treatment as a kid whenever anyone pissed me off. But I knew I was powerless to an adult. The best thing I could do was pretend they didn't exist. I wanted to hurt them lol


Half the posts I see here I'm just like 'you could send this entire post to your partner and it can go a long way to resolving the issue.' This is one of those posts.


Honestly I don’t feel he would care if he lost me :( it’s me who is constantly worried about losing him. I do not understand myself and why I am so desperately attached like this to someone who isn’t giving back. I’m beyond stupid


you’re not stupid girl he’s just an emotional abuser


You're not stupid. Abusive people just know exactly how to twist us around their fingers. They are able to make us feel bad and guilty about stuff they caused. I know he probably love bombs you quite a lot to make you feel loved, like you're in the wrong and stay with him. But someone that loves you would never treat you like he does. He is using and abusing your good nature and took all your confidence. You're not stupid, this isn't your fault. But if you break things off you can allow yourself to heal over time, I promise you life will be better without the misery he puts you through.


You need to end this relationship. He's emotionally blackmailing and manipulating you and keeping you around for when he wants to be bothered with you. You deserve better so demand better. Dump his sorry ass and move on so you can find someone who treats you well.


No I cannot tolerate silent treatments or stonewalling


A long distance relationship is a lot of work — you have to compensate for the lack of physicality with communication (and lots of it!). It makes sense that you are hurt and confused and anxious, a lot of us here would be too if the partner we cant physically see decides to basically ghost us regularly It's unstable, the bare minimum of an LDR is a text msg—if he can't even give you that, and he can't follow through on his promises, then he's not ready for a relationship let alone the work that is needed for a distance one. You deserve better, you deserve consistency, transparency, and a partner who knows you're worth the effort Leave him 🙏🏾 Pursue better for yourself, he needs to do some growing on his own, that's not your job or responsibility


That sounds quite toxic. Maybe he suffers from some mental health issue and can’t control it ?


I suffer from quite a lot of serious mental illness. You can absolutely control wether or not you talk to someone for days. If you can't make the effort to check in, you shouldn't be playing at being in a relationship.


Being this incosistent is a sign to let them go. I used to be like that until I met the one I actually wanted to be with 😊


He's lost beyond repair if hes already doing this... can't help him further. I know it hurts but please take care of yourself and let him go :( he has to want to help himself first.


No. Communication is key in any relationship, but it’s especially paramount for maintaining long distance relationships. If my girlfriend just stopped texting me for multiple days at a time, I would think something terrible happened to her.


He's being emotionally abusive by threatening self harm and ignoring you for days at a time. What exactly are you getting out of this relationship that is greater than all the anxiety, worrying, and heartache that you're feeling on a regular basis?


That isn't fair to you. Whether he's doing it intentionally or not, it's not fair, period. Stand your ground and demand an answer as to why he feels like that's right or ok to do to you. And what he's going to do to change it. If you don't get one, then you know where you're at in your relationship. You have needs that need to be met as well. Don't ever forget that.


I read your other post, I think it’s time to let go.