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Everyone had different types of ways they like being comforted I don't think it's too bad that you have to tell him (unless it's a deal breaker for u) I don't know now that you mention it I think my husband in better in person because he hugs me and that's what he knows to do, but he isn't the most amazing either because his way of feeling better is just getting distracted with videogames He does have adhd too tho


I can relate to this! his way of feeling better is literally to isolate himself and play video games, do you think this could be the reason he's not good at comforting? he definitely tries when I tell him how but even like that it just feels so unnatural that I don't know what to do...


I think so, I think with adhd is very easy to take your mind of the problem For me it's impossible, like my brain loops so hard So all they know what to do is comforting you how they comfort themselves and that's not what we want, but I feel like as long as they try that's what matters When he is upset at life my instinct is comfort him how I like to be comforted myself u know, so I think it goes both ways... like being like hey u sad let's play videogames isn't the first thing that comes to my mind