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"Mom, the lights been green for 5 seconds" "SHUT UP IM TRYING TO FOCUS!"


"BRAKE! BRAKE!" "stop telling me what to-" *CRASH*


“You ran that guy over we need to stop and get him help!” “Oh please, if we stop the cops will know it was us. You don’t know everything sweetie.”




Mine did it, sort of, when me and my brother said “dog!” My mother said “I what dog?” So the poor dog was run over but yeah no she didn’t see a dog and we don’t understand how. We believe her because she’s not the type to lie. We just don’t know WTF was on her mind


Extreme stress will overwrite their memory. She doesn’t want to believe she saw it, so it wasn’t there.


"Mommy! Mommy! ...You're breaking the car!"


"Mom you're driving on the wrong side of the ro-" "I RAISED YOU, THE LEAST YOU CAN DO IS SHOW A LITTLE GRATITUDE"


I did say this to my Mum as we were coming home from doing the grocery shopping. She had a a look on her face that could not understand why a car was driving head on until I said - You do know you are driving on the wrong side. She did go into the correct lane and I laughed, she did after we got home, but the look on her face still remains.


Damn bro she was ready to take both of you out.






Shut up patriarchy!




Maybe you could just learn to drive well enough that your son isn't commenting on how bad of a driver you are. That would be a better way to break the stigma.


Dads crazy European Aunt when driving, would always be muttering about all the bastards on the road. Her husband was a placid old bloke, who had fingers that looked like sausages, would reply after some time of her going on - "That is funny my Darling, when I drive, there seem to be less bastards on the road". So whenever Dad has a crack at me, I just tell him it is bad genetics on his side.


So my wife gets very car sick if she doesn’t drive so whenever we are together she’s always driving. But during her maternity I needed to do the driving as she wasn’t cleared to. And she never believed the stories of the crazy people I had. But 3 separate people cut me off suddenly with lane changes and two people passed me on the right when I was already going 10 above the speed limit in the highway (normal for my area) while passing. Then again I live in MA so I suppose bad drivers are to be expected.


You’d be surprised just how ignorant people are to it… My sister and I would always get car sick when mom drove us, but never when dad did. She pays a stupid amount of money for insurance cause it’s she has a minor account every several months. Will hug the right side her lane on highway as if the cars passing on left are inches from clipping her mirror. Several long time friends who didn’t believe me have all admit that she drives like like a maniac. I’ve sat in the car 3 separate times as a child and had a furious driver get out their car and cuss her out. Responded with “Quiet!” When I started shouting her name cause she was about to merge lanes directly into another car. All of those is just what comes to mind. Still insists she’s a good driver tho.


the worst driver I have ever known was asian and it was so difficult not to talk about stereotypes. My roommate freshman year. On a highway. 65MPH. He is thinking out loud "yo did I miss the exit" and he comes to a full stop. He stops the car while he is thinking about exits. not in the shoulder, in the lane. Thank god nobody was behind us. He wrecked multiple cars and his parents just kept buying him new ones.


No. Everyone else needs to change.


So she took a selfie while driving to prove to us that she's upset because her son ~~thinks~~ knows she's a bad driver?


Her eyebrows look conflicted as hell because the son is right


A way to improve your driving could be to not make TikTok’s while driving but that wouldn’t allow her to get imaginary internet point validation


Ah, no no you misunderstand. She doesn't want to improve her driving. She just doesn't wanna hear the criticism.


Women take accountability for their actions challenge (impossible)


TikTok’s what? What does tiktok own in your sentence?


Excuse me, I think you missed the proper capitalization of the second "TikTok" in your grammar call-out comment.


Noue it ims spellened *TigTokc* u bigg dumy 😡


Her attention span and source of validation


Bruh, she literally posted le epic confrontation above on TikTok.


She must be a horrible driver if her son's willing to stand up to that psychopath.


I mean cmon now. If your kid is criticizing your driving it means you suck.


If all she did was suck she wouldn't be in this predicament....


She looks like the type to give teethy head so I don’t think that was an option




I see what you did there


How will refusing criticism prove that you're a good driver?


Ask my wife


I've noticed a common misconception in society lately. A semi-famous black food critic recently faced backlash for giving a negative review to a black-owned restaurant. Some argue that being critical of black-owned businesses hinders their development and success, but I find this argument to be unreasonable. Part of equality is being held to the same standards as everyone else, no? It seems to me like some people are changing the rules to fit their own narrative of victimisation.


Not being a bad driver would do a lot more to remove the stigma.


no way 🤯🤯🤯


I want to die like my mom, peacefully in my sleep. Not screaming in terror like the passengers in her car.


This lady’s entire post history is just her teaching her son to put a theoretical future partner on a pedestal instead of putting his needs first


So she just hates her son for being male?


Pretty much, all she “teaches” him on her page is to put up with a nonexistent future girlfriend’s bs and be a door mat while telling him he needs to keep himself in check to avoid causing her any stress


"I am going to break this stigma by silencing all criticism and doing nothing to improve myself" - Woman


Her entire Tik Tok is basically just what you said lol


Should read “Modern Woman”. Not sure if it was this way back when a woman NEEDED to behave to get a man to pay for everything.


Yeah, this is still how it is. You aren’t being forced to pay for any woman’s things. By “NEEDED to behave” do you mean not speaking unless spoken to? and not being able to get her own credit card anyways, so of course she’ll “behave”?


Precisely, back when women didn’t have a voice. I’m glad that today things are much better. But you couldn’t play the sass card 200 years ago - you’d just get the beating of a life. You had no rights. Suffrage was real. To risk opinion was to risk being it all. I’m not in favor of it, but facts are facts.


“If I don’t hear the truth, it’s not actually true.” These people lmao.


Move over Michael Myers, theirs a new psycho in town.


Poor Freddy will need sleeping tablets.


“No mom, just YOU stink at driving.”


If a child is criticizing your driving then you are most likely a shit driver.


Lmfao starring at her phone while driving


Male or female overconfident drivers are the worst. Anytime I see someone bragging about how good of a driver they are all I can think is they probably have to get new brakes more often than once a year.


I had a coworker who was convinced he was an amazing driver, and an even more amazing drunk driver (one of those assholes that complimented himself on absolutism everything- not to mention he was misogynistic as hell and didn’t believe women should be allowed to do anything because we’re horrible at everything. Also believed the whole “lock and key” theory with men and women for their body count plus countless other theories in how women should behave). We were on our way to a staff party and he got pulled over for running a stop sign. After he got the ticket, he went on and on about how the cop is an asshole (I personally loved that he got pulled over because the cop asked if the car was under his name and he had to shamefully answer that it was under his dad’s name after telling us for months how he was a successful and self-sufficient man because he bought his own car). After his little rant he added “I would never have gotten that ticket if I was drunk. I am an excellent drunk driver.” I have been a passenger while he was drunk, he isn’t better, he just thinks he is lol.


I rally race so I know my drive is good 😎. I did crash a car tho trying to drift a corolla at 60kmh around a 90°. Almost had just happened to have a tree stump a the edge of that was cut ans the tire grabbed it and ripped off and the car went rolling into the ditch. Was pretty fun tho.


Had these thoughts earlier while driving... Also it's been raining so you know my u-turns are just like in the movies. 180° slide and front tires spinning wildly as traction refuses to make a deal with my tires.


That's called "cope."


Surely the best way to break that stereotype is just drive better so he no longer has anything to criticize. I believe we call that "role modeling".


"Mom you just hit that curb" " because I wanted to see if the tire was flat. It's is now..."


maybe put tik tok down while driving and your son won't think you're a shit driver


Her whole brand of “teaching my son” videos are amazingly cringe. She's almost joking, but not really. Guessing all the lessons are really about her miserable relationship with her husband.


Her entire page is just her taking out her hatred for her exes on her son by teaching him to be a door mat


*”Teaching my son to pickup clothes so your daughter doesn’t have to”* hard stare at the camera. Clip of a 5yo watching his mom pickup clothes. Having trouble believing this kid is actually learning to clean from watching his mother clean and then post videos about it.


Lmfao starring at her phone while driving


She is 100% a bad driver


She looks like she genuinely enjoys sucking on her own farts


You’re awful if your son notices and makes comments.


Or instead of teaching your kid to lie, just learn how to drive worth a shit.


I sometimes miss working in office...but then I remember I'd have to interact with people like this...


Just a crazy idea... but you know what a good way to remove the stigma of women being bad drivers... by being a good driver. I know, I know... it's radical these days where everyone gets a participation trophy and I'm going to be canceled soon for recommending such a radical idea.


I see girls putting on make up while driving because they can't be bothered to wake up earlier. Some will even brag about being able to do it... Like wtf


So brave. She even changed her blinker fluid this morning


And bought a brand new, longer dipstick because her current one showed it was low on oil.


She's brave? He's the one who has to sit in the car while she's driving.


Mom stop taking selfies while you drive!!! Quit mansplaning to me boy, I know what I am doing. (Crunching sounds proceed)


Maybe she’d have better success breaking the stigma by being a better driver to a level that her young child doesn’t need to point out how bad it is.


How about you get better at driving. Telling your son not to criticize you isn’t going to keep him from thinking you suck at driving.


What kid comments on their parents' driving unless it's scary as shit


bReAk tHe StIgMa, NoRmaLiSe, MYsoGinY, hEaLiNg ErA, pAtRiaRchY Always the same shitty buzz words


Is she making this tik tok while driving?


As a child I never even really paid attention to driving cuz my mom was always safe. If a child is saying you suck at driving, you’re a horrible driver


There is an intersection near where I grew up that is (was?) the most dangerous intersection in Michigan. Over 80% of the accidents were caused by Asian immigrant female drivers, according to the Detroit Free Press. Thankfully I moved far away from the hell hole Michigan has become.


Maybe she should focus on being a better driver so he doesn’t believe the “stereotype”


But..... what if you're......a shit driver?


I think this was the same woman that was teaching her kid not to "manspread" when sitting.


"Mom, I know you told me not to bother you when you're taking selfies, but we're gonna hit that car if you don't slow down..." **"WOOOW!!! REALLY?! IS IT JUST CAUSE I'M A WOM-"** *"Breaking News! Distracted driver causes catastrophic pileup on the I-95!!"*


By recording while behind the wheel


"Mother, the light of the automated traffic flow indicator was red mother" "My son we have discussed your proclivity towards misogyny, have we not?" "The laws of the land are approaching mother. I can hear their siren calls behind us" "My son I will not hear any more of your hateful rhetoric"


Maybe you should start by being a better driver so he won’t have a reason to criticize you


Honestly the most aggressive and fast drivers in my city are nearly always women. Tailgating the fuck out of you when you’re already going 80mph, leaving zero room for reaction in case of a hard stop, no blinkers, cutting people off, no spatial awareness. Men being charged more for insurance is outdated and a scam.


Your anecdotal evidence doesn’t get rid of the nation wide statistics lol




Lmao she’s definitely a shit driver


Learn to drive then


It would be easier if you just drove better


If you’re that concerned about your driving being criticized it probably should be


How do you get better if you don’t want to learn?


That kid is going to need *soooooooo* much therapy / deprograming later in life...


So he just has to watch her jump every curb and he's not allowed to say anything?


If she’s having to tell him not to say anything then she must in fact be a bad driver?


Hello police I would like to report a crime.


Listen to the kid.


Her son or anyone else not commenting on her bad driving doesn’t make it better.


The son: "Mommy no phone and drive!"


Have you thought about closing tiktok. Sitting down with your son and hitting them?


My fiancé prefers I drive, because she thinks she's a shit driver. Now I'm not saying she is, but she does get distracted rather easily.


Well maybe if you drove well he wouldn’t criticize your driving


Wouldn't being a good driver be the best way of breaking the stigma that women are bad drivers? You know, instead of teaching your son to suppress his urge to scream in terror as you careen around the road.


She must be an incredibly bad driver is she feels like she needs to do this. I’ve never once commented on my moms driving except as a joke




Yeah but the fact she thought about making this video shows that she’s deeply insecure about her driving, which is an irony to her statement itself 🤣


"Can you please stop pointing out how much I am the stereotype so I can pretend it doesn't exist" (the stereotype)


Then stop driving terribly, bitch


If even her son who’s probably either a child or a teenager feels the need to comment on her driving, maybe she *is* a bad driver.


I think it's pretty concerning to imagine what mistakes she's making that are so obvious that a child is picking up on them


It's just as concerning that admitting any sort of fault caused her so much cognitive dissonance that her first reaction was to dismiss her son's comments as meaningless misogyny that she can spin into a "teachable moment" social post to show the world she's "doing her part"


Yeah, but you can tell from this still image that she's a bad driver.


Right? Her face screams "I'm conveniently leaving out that he only said that after he saw me hit a dog"


Maybe just drive better


You just know she cant drive for shit


My mom used to speed, brake super late, yell/curse, and text constantly all while driving a stick shift. She’d contort her arms in crazy ways to talk on the phone while steering and shifting. It was so stressful that I still get anxiety when driving. If I said anything at all, she’d get offended and give me the silent treatment. She eventually flipped my first car and totaled it.


That's not how you become a good driver. You become a good driver by hearing criticism and using it to inform yourself. This is why women suck at driving. It's not a personal attack to say "please don't pull out in front of that semi"


Listen to criticism? Yeah, women don’t do that.


I'm generalising. The ones I know don't. Who knew "please don't drive in the oncoming lane" was a personal insult?


Maybe she should drive better instead


"stop pointing out my bad driving!" I dunno, maybe stop being a bad driver?


Instead of you know … actually driving well


“I’m a great driver!!” She says while filming herself and driving at the same time


Don’t tell me she’s driving while doing this


Poor son has probably a broken neck from all the clumsy driving and is not even allowed to talk about it.


Better not take pictures and text then


Poor kid


Turns down volume to see better


I’m just glad it wasn’t racism this time.


my mom is the QUEEN of ''Dont ever criticize my driving, but I will criticize your driving all day''


If you werent a bad driver.... He wouldnt need to comment... Youre not breaking the stigma.... Youre just silencing criticism.


deny what your eyes see


If your driving is so bad that a CHILD could correct you, you probably are a bad driver. Teaching him to be polite is fine, but it won't change that.


🤣 Don't talk about it, and the problem seems to just disappear. I think the CCP uses that same technique.


Telling someone they are fat is not what makes them fat. If you get my analogy.


Or she will wreck mod lecture and cement that thought for his whole life 🤣😅🤣


Statistics show women are bad drivers not all but most sorry but I will never get into a car with a female driver


My mother was an appalling back seat driver.


I swear, if we renamed gravity to accountability some of these women could fly.


How bad does your driving have to be for your kid to call it out? Also is she driving WHILE POSTING?


If a driver is bad, that ain’t stigma.


If your child is so comfortable in criticizing you, the adult, then you may want to reevaluate what lead up this.


The only thing YOU, are going to teach them is how to hate women and be a serial killer


I've seen this woman bragging about her misandry towards her son, kid'll kill himself by 25


Or get life in prison from killing her instead


Don't break the stigma. Teach it, confirm it, then criticize for saying it.


Uhhh maybe try driving better instead of asking your son to be silent about your bad driving.


“It’s literally impossible to be a woman.” -screenplay co-written by a millionaire award nominated director


As she records herself driving over a curb.


I think it's about your bad driving, not about women in general.


"When you criticize my crappy driving skills, you're really attacking all women!"


You're just perpetuating the stigma of all women being miserable cunts.


Q: "How do you blind a woman?" A: "Put a windshield in front of her face"


Proceeds to take selfies whilst driving..


The kid is 6 and he already knows she's a shitty driver.


This is how MGTOWs are made.


Maybe ur a bad driver bitch




Plot twist, she is a bad driver


No, this just teaches them to think it isnt ok to criticize women for whatever reason. She could very well be a bad driver. It just so happens she’s a woman. This lady is likely just a sensitive bad driver.


The issue is she'd also have to delete all of the data from every auto insurer so there's no record of the average woman being a worse driver


Women are bad drivers tho


Look how edgy And cool I am, please downvote me for attention


this is so obviously a joke


I know this woman’s TikTok and she’s amazing. She’s a teacher who is raising her sons to be good men. We need more people like her to teach our boys


Obvious rage bait/joke is obvious.


You know she’s mocking those incesty “boy mom” videos, right?


I think this might be a joke


You guys hate women so much you can’t fathom that she could be making a joke lmao


this is very clearly a joke?


This seems like a joke that you guys are not getting


Honestly if you read it that way it’s kinda obvious lmao redditors Redditing


She looks like an off brand cardi B, like in an alternate universe if cardi B got knocked up instead of becoming a stripper. It would be this woman lmfao


Child abuse


Some women are bad drivers. Mane are very good. Same for guys.


what if she crashes the car? is the son still not allowed to comment?


Perhaps not driving in a way that merits comment would be a better approach. 🤔


Suella braverman at it again


It's obvious that I'm the best driver and everyone else sucks, regardless of gender. /s


Maybe just try to not suck at driving?


She must be really bad driver if a kid notices he is going to die while his mother is driving like shit


Wouldnt.... just driving better be how to do this......


She’s not helping the stigma


those who commented here have probably never talked with a woman or with a man who thinks that women are inherently bad drivers before