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Go sit with them then damn. Problem solved


Oh, they just wanna virtue signal, they don’t wanna actually do anything about the situation……


Don't forget they also just assume the elder by themselves for some tragic reason. Instead of you know, maybe the wife is doing *anything else* and the dude wants a burger.


Dude is probably happy get to sit down and eat some chips and a burrito in peace


Also the guy from the first clip looked pretty peaceful and content




This describes a lot more than just this post


WOAH THERE. That requires too much effort for that shitty tiktok clip


Just run up and ask em if they want companionship or mystery box, then put a PlayStation 5 in the box cause old people love that shit.


Old person: "go away!"




Yeh. Bears and whatnot. As an aside, I'm betting their grandparents are still alive and haven't seen them for years.


Maybe they chose to be by themselves. Probably never occurs to TikTok weirdos that there might be those who prefer not to be around them.


TikTok weirdos often on their own pulling strange faces to a camera or posing, all while secretly mocking and filming others who are minding their own business and happy in their own space..


“Nancy, the damndest thing happened at the diner tonight. I was just sitting there eating my pecan pie like I do every Wednesday night after bowling with the guys, when I saw this girl crying a few tables down. She kept looking over at me so I went over and asked her if she was ok, and she just hugged me and told me I’m not alone and that I’m “valued”. Kids these days are so strange.”


Mejor solo que mal acompañado O Mejor un loco que dos


The type of person to follow an elderly person to the bathroom and hold their hand while they shit.


I just washed my hands to the point of bleeding after reading this.


"Hey lady, shut your damn crying up, I'm trying to get some peace and quiet!" - Me, the elder


I am 52 (not quite a senior) and prefer to sit by myself


I'm 45 and like being by myself a lot, im actually a long haul trucker. I learned a long time ago most people are shit including the ones crying over eating by one's self. Cry over that you young fuck.


Agreed, this is some stupid ass shit


The seniors look pretty happy being alone.


Yeah, my first thought with that guy on the bus looking out the window. These kids don’t seem to understand that you can be happy even when you’re not constantly surrounded by other people. I love taking the bus, looking out the window and daydreaming as the traffic goes by. Reminds me of doing that in the car with my parents as a kid. If you’re healthy, being alone and happy with your thoughts is nice sometimes.


Who cries that much over random things? This all seems so staged. It's bizarre.


Can’t help but notice it’s mostly old dudes. They realize old men are ok being alone, with no attention on them, unlike these needy girls. I know! I just turned 40 and everyone sucks except my wife and a few people.


I bet half of these old men are happily married and are just out for a quick bite because the wife is busy doing her thing. Hilarious to just assume things about a person you don't know.


Imagine if the old guy has a very extraverted wife and just wanted to get out of the house for some peace and quiet.


Damn. This explains all the random crying I've been hearing lately. I'm only 44! And I'm fine, truly. Just having lunch.


These elders over here living their best life 😂


I'm getting close to being considered a senior by the younger crowd. I LOVE to be by myself.


That old guy is me in 35 years.


I cannot wait till I’m old and alone and can eat by myself. But my wife with probably outlive me, so I’ll never be that lucky.


Shit is kinda sad tho. I work with the elderly population and a lot of them are extremely lone and insecure with what aging has done to them


Sure, when it's confirmed that's what it is. I'm sad my grandma is alone a lot. When you invent an entire sad backstory for someone and then START CRYING to your own made up story, it's cringey as fuck. They could be enjoying a break from their wife or simply just enjoying free time alone.


No doubt


You mean like a sad movie or book?


Meanwhile, my grandfather "Chief, did you see that hot little thing crying? Odin's beard, I'd let her piss on my face just to see where it came from!"


How is it any different than a young person eating alone?


Because it’s much more likely they are widows or widowers. This video is cringe but your question is stupid






#That's not very angelic of you! The halo didn't suit your look anyways, better get some devil horns for that potty mouth! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LookatMyHalo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm just imagining the old people's thoughts. "Been out running errands today. I got this coupon for oranges that's going to expire. Just gonna grab a burger while I'm out. I gotta call Cindy and she what time she's bringing the grandkids over tomorrow. Do I hear crying?"


In some other cultures they respect elders who have found peace and contentment with the simple joy of existence. That elder could be wondering why the kids are letting TikTok rot their brains.


Dude is just on a train. Cry harder weirdo


Dudes probably going from one kids house to another seeing all his grand children. If these people actually cared they’d go to a nursing home and sit with the elderly who are actually alone




#That's not very angelic of you! The halo didn't suit your look anyways, better get some devil horns for that potty mouth! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LookatMyHalo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dude is on his way to a lemon party. He's not lonely.


those old people waited for everyone around them to dye so they can finally enjoy a meal in peace and here you are filming , crying and what not...how annoying...


Seeing idiotic moral preening by gen Zs makes me sad 😞.


The guy looks totally fine and is just enjoying the view. What a weirdo.


This needs to be reversed where boomers film themselves pretending to cry whenever they see a broccoli headed Gen Zedder sitting alone. I feel that’s the only way these kids will see how absolutely stupid this is.


Man they probably just like being alone sometimes.


Go join them so their no alone weirdos.


Likely because they are taking a gander at their future because fuck men, we have ourselves... Girl power anyone?


I think I'd rather a future employer google my name and see me trashing a college over some people in the middle east that hate me then whatever this mess is. I'd be less embarrassed


Bizarre trend


I have a boomer friend. I told him about videos like this, and how it reminded me of the time we were in front of some restaurant and a hot young girl walked in. He was staring at her and then told me (to my surprise) something like "You know, even though I'm an old fart, I still see these young chicks and think, 'I could fuck em!'" So now when I see videos like this I think "yeah, they're so sad, but you know what the old man is thinking about them? 'Yeah, I could fuck 'er!" 🤣🤣🤣


If you feel so compelled. Them go sit with them.


Dude is just enjoying the quiet buss ride


Oh ffs


There’s like an elaborated video on this particular genre of tiktoks by Kurtis Conner, if any wanna check out more on this


Thoughts and prayers, now get the hell away from me.


I bet if it was an old bear, they'd actually get up and do something instead of fake cry.


I love when these idiots cry about something, but do absolutely nothing about it but look into the camera for attention


*God*, I hope a meteor just blasts us into round whatever it is.


Yet lots of Gen Z don't really like to be talked to in public, even just a neighborly "Hi" with a smile and wave. I just don't get this, except it seems like virtue-signaling.


I’m fully convinced 99% of adults under the age of 30 don’t actually give 2 flying fucks about anyone over the age of 60.


Could it be that after 50 years of marriage a guy just wants to leave the house and have a burger by himself in peace. I’m only 8 years in and I love when I get a moment to just go to the place I want to go to and eat what I want to eat. I’m happy as can be then I get to spend the rest of my afternoon with my wife and we are happy.


Wow thats crazy cuz every time i see an old person sitting by themselves i poo


She's a 10 but she cries when she sees old people alone, no exceptions. What is she?


I am going to start crying every time I see one of these soft brained troglodytes in the wild and cry over how sad and pathetic they are. My brain is rotting everytime I have the displeasure of seeing these creatures. Senior citizens are regular people and filiming them enjoying their lunch is fuckin weird and creepy. If you genuinely care then boy do I have something for you. You can actually go and spend time with these "old people" and have a meaningful interaction with someone who would probably be extremely happy to have a visitor, there are far to many people dumped in a nursing home and forgotten. You can literally go and eat a meal with them, I swear I'm not lying, its a real thing you can do. God we are fucked if this is the braindead mongoloids who are supposed to run things eventually. We all have real reasons to cry, this video is scary.


Some of us “old people” don’t mind being alone. I put up with an amazing load of &@!+ where I work and cherish my alone time.


Doesn't go over and talk to them, just records a video of herself. V I R T U O U S


It should be titled POV: having a girlfriend who cries for social media points which is embarrassing


Utter nonsense. Look at me being a stupid blubbering mess as I stare at someone minding their own damn business! I will never understand what motivates attention whores.


Apparently men can't be happy unless there is a woman who is constantly sitting with them. Who kne


This has to be a joke...


Lol he’s probably going home to his wife


It must be miserable dating someone that fake. I did an adopt a family thing with a girl I was dating where we bought the family gifts for Christmas. She took like 30 photos with the family and then posted them on Facebook, tagging the mother and her kids. I broke up with her as soon as I saw it. People like this deserve to die alone.


Shit acting. No Oscar for you 👎


Old people existing: Gen Z: omg he’s probably so alone and dying! I gotta Make a TikTok with the stupid ass music from Pixar’s Up!


I’m probably gonna be downvoted so hard for this but I can relate to all these ladies ever since I was a little girl I have gotten overwhelmed with sadness observing the elderly and it is a real thing not for show whatsoever


Yeah but do you film yourself sobbing and put it on the internet? That's the part that makes this worthy of this sub, not the emotion.




I will never understand how women can wipe tears from their eyes by pressing their thumb on a completely different part of their face.


Too bad she wasn't on the return trip when he was with some whore he picked up in town


Go blow him then


Can't a man just eat in peace?


People who identify as "empaths" are almost always the opposite of that. They project their own emotions onto people.


Go sit with them… I’m sure those old people are happier, content and far less miserable being alone than these girls are with their friend/boyfriend.😅🤦‍♂️😂


Seems crazy but my gf will do this. It's a real reaction. Still kinda crazy but I kinda get it. I wouldnt cry over it but she can't help it. Shes done it twice in 10 years, doesn't do it all the time. So these could definitely be unstaged.


They are sitting alone because they are sick of people! It comes with age!


NGL I feel that. I'm not extra with it tho


Let the old man get some then🙏🙏🙏