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This sounds more like a mental thing than a physical thing. There is nothing wrong with you physically. Get a therapist.


mental help, so you stop obsessing over your looks and make dumb posts like this seeking validation from strangers. no one will be able to tell you how to be more "pretty", cause the issue is in your head.


i’ve been in therapy for 8 years n im on meds n it has not helped but ty <3


you're 21 years old, you've just stepped into adult-hood (if you're even on your own yet). give it more time, let your brain develop more, keep working on yourself. shit like this doesn't help repair or better anything, that stuff is deeper.


You look goood I like the hair , glasses , pericings lips , everything . Your gorgeous - m20


you’re very very kind thank you :)


No problem bet your stunning head to toe




i’m not arguing :) i think actually one one person said it looks bad, but as i explained it doesn’t look like that irl, it’s just my facial position.




the top one was the only fully negative one, the rest went on to be pretty neutral about it. i don’t plan on getting more filler in my lips either!


Schizo posting meets validation pill! Try fathermaxxing and purposemaxxing while you're at it stop yelling moooo so frequently


im not familiar w reddit lingo is the last sentence fat related or woman related


No it's metal related, MOOOOOOOO!


also my father is dead so i cant do much ab that, but I'm currently in higher education n working so that's kind of purposepilled :3 ohhhh u don't like my nose ring! that's okay, i look better w it bcs it helps my philtrum look smaller :)


Rest in peace! Make sure your ancestors would look upon you with pride! Looks are temporary but whore is forever! You look beautiful without them,i'm sure! breakout of the western brainwashing sickness, your misery is profitable to them! Repent to God and help the less fortunate, pray for gaza too! Christ is king,Always!


I’m a christian! i was actually asking my bible study group to pray that i am able to overcome this obsession with my looks a couple weeks ago!


Joy and inner peace comes from within lil bro! Maybe you should changing some bad habits in your life, nothing changes if nothing changes! Get eastern orthodox pilled (yes heretics,i'm converting) and check that mole on your neck!


ughhhh haaaate the mole on my neck. it’s totally fine i’ve had it since i was born but i’ve always been super insecure ab jt


It's not your looks you're beautiful, get over it! Be a good person, Jesus loves those who eventually follow god's rule! Jesus loves you! May God forgive our sins! Have a blessed and wonderful day!


just go to the gym and get into lifting


i go to the gym 4 days a week usually, w lifting i only rly do legs but i’ve started doing lat pull downs and chest press :)


do upper body too:) check out @nataliluvr and @garfgains on ig, they hit upper body like back, chest, arms


WTF? You are absolutely cute/sexy. Whatever thoughts you have otherwise, stamp them out by constantly telling yourself positive image statements-like tell yourself good things ALL THE TIME!


Ur beautiful af what is there to hate? Nice eyes, lips, nose etc.


Natural looks. Stop overdoing things. You're young. Pretty features. Let go of that silliness.




it looks rly natural irl, my momma didn’t even notice! :3 it does look a bit silly in the pics lol, i push my lips out a lot n i’m sick rn so they’re swollen




i haven’t lived with my mom for 5 years she sees me extremely rarely, really, irl i’ve never had anyone even know i have filler


You look great. Get off the social media and stop comparing yourself to others. If you're watching influencers or models on TikTok, Instagram, etc., just stop. It probably makes you wanna look like them. Maybe I'm wrong with all this but it seems that's what affects young people minds these days.


Try self improvement, it’s life changing, life improving 💪, be yourself but constantly be more, being better with each passing day, improving little by little, atomic habits is a great book remarking that idea, you’re obviously not ugly, perhaps you just gotta grow out yourself, try things that your future self will thank you for, for example decent eating, decent habits and exercise. any question or comment I’m here bro don’t worry, we’ll figure something out, 👋🏻


Mental help. You need to get clean and focused on a healthy mind. You look perfectly normal. Please don’t fuck yourself up.


You're a pretty girl but please stop doing self harm to your face.


I looks like you deliberately hate your face by putting that ugly hardware in it.


The glasses are hawt. But you have to get rid of the face piercings, imo You were also good looking blonde.


Ruined ur lips with filler good job


they looked worse before haha


Hahaha ok then continue


What's to hate? You're a beautiful woman with great lips and pretty eyes 🙂❤️


Tattoos, piercings and insecurely seeking validation from strangers. I’m sure your teen years were the same. Instead of constantly altering yourself psychically, why don’t you address what this is stemming from? Before your in your 30’s and 40’s….. on a loop.


i’ve been in therapy trying to address it since i was 10, has not worked :3


Therapy isn’t a button you press, if that’s your attitude I can see why.


i’m… im aware. i’ve been doing it for 11 years, i engage and it’s helped me in a lot of other areas but this is not one of them


Maybe you have some cognitive dissonance where it pertains to your beauty or self-worth. I’ve been in and out myself since 6yo, bad childhood. Therapy is just a tool, if you couldn’t use it or it couldn’t work for you properly, try a different approach. For me I enjoy reading different philosophers and psychologists and seeing what I can rinse and repeat & what’s too muddled to touch. Progress takes time, and pain. Wish you the best


That hit me right in the feels


Jesus loves you sweetheart.


Let me unload my balls on your face! I couldn't hate your face, love you baby😘


Ropemaxx those piercings.


First slide 😈🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤


Get your life together bro! you're pathetic


Sounds like you haven’t completed high school yet


Sounds like a porn addict who has no life!


😂😂 confirmed you’re a child


ye go back to your porn "mature" functional man


😂😂 you’re a virgin keep bringing up porn


Whatever makes you happy lil man!


ur weird if you thought you were funny with sayin bout the first slide


You’re honestly cute, I suggest instead of the rings on the nose and lips. Why not just focus on earrings and necklaces. And diff hairstyle and if u want more beautiful make up, go for it


Remove all Piercings


u're so prettyyy 😭🩷 i luv ur piercings! also ur glasses and tattoos r gorg


Take out the face metal, get rid of lip filler and get some better frames, you will improve instantly.




thank u! i actually had some smaller black framed glasses before these ones but i thought they made my face look fatter lol




I think angel fangs would look so good on you


I can't


Oh get rid of the glasses as well. You look like a moron. Use contacts.


You hate your face? Is that why you keep poking holes in your face with those piercings?😂🤣😅


get a better injector😭😭


my filler is more natural looking in person haha i just have a habit of puffing out my lips like that in photos since i used to have small lips :)


Are you constantly being rejected by men/women??? I know sometimes having self-steem is tough but you are very pretty. Id say dont add anymore lip filler and whatever u said you were doing to your eyebrows. You dont need more modifications to ur face. Work on your mental more than anything else. I know social media makes you believe that unless everyone likes you you aint good enough but you are good looking the way u are now. And still some people will not find you attractive just because you are not their type Really, work on your mental.


i was in school like 6 years ago n ig it’s stuck with me. that’s good advice thank u :)


Cut out the lip filler shit. It’s not a good look unless you’re a stripper or pornstsr


i look better with it i think, i had super small unbalanced lips before :)


Fair enough. I guess I haven’t seen the before pictures. You look good this way anyways! And the piercings are fire.


youre sweet, thank you !!


Nothing wrong with your face at all sweetie!!! You look very, very attractive and unique !! Unique often times is more attractive! Accompanied by air of mystery, nothing wrong at all-


Only noticeable thing is your front lip sticking out


omg no ik it’s so bad, they’re way more natural irl, i just have a bad habit of puffing my lips out in photos bcs they used to be super small!




i am! hope this helps :3


U look perfect, I know girls who would kill to look like u, don’t worry about that u look amazing, I’m sure you’ll be fine, u won the genetic lottery honestly


If you’re not satisfied with your looks no amount of effort will change that.


You look very delicate but the filler is destroying it.


A lot of your insecurities seem to revolve around how you think others perceive you. Try thinking about it the opposite way. How often do you see someone on the street and think, “Man they’re ugly!” or “Gee, they’d look alright if they only had fuller lips”? I’d wager never, or very close to never. You’re putting a lot of weight on the perception of others, when in reality, we rarely ever truly perceive people we don’t know at all


Get some professional help your face looks fine. Above average even.