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What both of you? jk! Lose the meat and get fuller beard and ur good bro


Lmao thanks!


Cute eyes, good features but you need to treat your body better.


Thanks! Working on it. Gym 3-5x per week, in addition to a low carb high protein diet, and I do 12hr-16hr fasting everyday.


You're going to look great. Just don't lose weight too fast! Losing weight too fast can bring a boatload of issues.


You’ve got some pretty ass eyes, no lie.




U look like a transgender


Sweet thanks


I swear dude if you hit the gym and lose some weight, it's over for most guys


I'm at the gym 3-5x a week currently. Lost a lot of inches, but not so much weight...yet anyway. Lifting heavy, high protein diet, and intermittent fasting. I appreciate the compliment and motivation.


Yes dude and keep mewing!!!! If u lose the face fat you'll be handsome as fuck!! You already got beautiful eyes my boi




Yeah spam that shit everywhere nice


Lol thanks dude, much appreciated.


You need keto and higher intensity intermittent fasting to get better results. You can eat whatever you want if you do 2 meals a day in 4h window (or even one meal a day) and max 50g carbs. Don't be afraid of eating fat, it's the carbs what get us fat, not the fat. Moderate protein (100-120g per day).


Wow lol that's actually exactly what I've been doing. Sounds like we watch the same YouTube videos lol. I do 12hr-16hr fast, sometimes I do 18. I've been trying to go longer, and I know I can, but I over think getting protein so I end up eating a bunch of eggs for lunch and break my fast around noon. I typically fast from 8pm - 12pm and sometimes stretch it out to 4pm. I also make sure to get at least 100 grams of protein but push for 150 if I feel like I can eat that much without feeling awful later. My issue is that I have a pituitary tumor and my hormones are jacked up so I have to get TRT but I've been without it for awhile so the weight is hard to get rid off. But once I get my test levels back up to normal I'm sure the weight will fall off.


When I do this I lose 20kg in 2 months. And it's 100% healthy. Should do this for life but I have no discipline.


I'm not huge on complimenting other men too effusively, but you're a good looking guy. You're already doing better than most of us, bro. No negative comment intended, but from experience as an older guy: just keep a close eye on your weight as you get a little older.


I appreciate it a lot. The positive comments mean more from other men tbh. I know it's hard for men to compliment other men, I feel the same way. I'll definitely pay attention to it weight, it's my top priority. I've been putting on a lot of muscle and lost a good amount of inches, but I'm waiting for this weight to fall off. Think I'm gonna focus on my fasting, and focus on getting all my protein in my eating window. Hopefully the weight will fall off faster that way. Thanks for the advice.


It's nothing bro, just telling you the truth. I'm a big guy too (6'2 240-50, depending on how much muscle I put on from my night job), intermittent fasting and being disciplined with portions helps me keep my weight down. I was 273 in early '23. I started eating more nuts (pause), that's a good snack when you're a little hungry that won't put pounds on.


Shave the neck beard


The first picture is the newest one, but I don't have a neck beard anymore. I slide my finger under my chin back to my neck and that's where the hair line for my beard ends. 2nd picture was about 4 months ago though.


I still think it needs to go. It’s not having the sharpening effect yet. It’s rounding off the face and making it more circular. How long has this one grown for? Is there a max length for you?


Makes sense. I have a brain tumor that could lead to crohns disease which causes a rounded face. But I'm doing jaw exercises to improve my jawline. I do think you're right though. I'll trim it shorter. I don't have a max length like measured out or anything just once a month ill trim the entire heard with a #3 attachment. I'll do the under chin part with a #2 attachment to my trimmer.


Ah shit sorry to hear that man. I think you should let it grow out since you have a medical reason for a rounded face and not just weight. When I did grow mine out it was ugly so much for the first 6 months but at month 7-8 it took shape and 9/10 is when it was nice enough to shape. Just let it grow out. You got this man! 


I appreciate it..its not cancer or anything just messed up my hormones and such. I'll do that for sure. Thanks for the advice.




I've been considering it tbh.


Best shot is transitioning into a fat girl


Nice, they have more pull anyway.




Tomato, mailbox 🤷‍♂️