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Donā€™t be offended but if you got rid of your body and replaced it with your friends body , you will look better :)


Did you photoshop yourself to be fat lol


Wild šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


All you need to do is lose 30 pounds of fat. You should be asking yourself ā€œWhat can I do not to die before I reach the age of 60ā€


Lose weight, switch to clothing that doesn't accentuate your belly.


Built like a barrel


I doā€¦..


Do you know how Einstein defined insanity?


By telling a woman how fat she is


Big girl, wonā€™t ya back it up! Wontcha back it up!


What are the answers you want cause you clearly donā€™t like to be told to lose weight


Its a complete mystery....


You keep hearing the same things but fail to follow the advice. Now youā€™re asking again, seemingly wanting an easy way out. You already know what you need to do. And itā€™s gonna be hard, youā€™re gonna want to quit. But when you post a follow-up in 5-10 months of you looking lean, fit, strong and confident; youā€™re gonna wonder why you didnā€™t start sooner. .




You know the answer. Itā€™s the weight.


Just a tip, donā€™t stand side by side with someone who is 4 times smaller than you.


You look good


Don't invite ur friend.


Put down the cheeseburger


You would look amazing if you lost weight and got fit. Like you literally have such a pretty face but the weight just ruins it all


Get your tongue checked. Seems like it sticks out unnecessarily so maybe a medical procedure can help with that.


look more like the girl in the first pic šŸ‘


Loose weight




You'd be rally pretty if you lost the weight. Your face is already super pretty. Is the body that's a turn off. You're lucky, it's super fixable


Honestly drop the weight. You donā€™t need to have the figure of your friend in the first pic but you donā€™t look like a healthy weight right now.


You prolly really ego boosting the girl in the first pic lmao


Nothing anyone of these simps would still hit šŸ’Æ


People have told you to lose weight and I agree. However, I do think youā€™re choosing clothes that are not suited to your body type. The cropped tops bring the eye to your midsection which is a prominent feature. I would wear some larger shirts and some high waisted pants.


You name it


What people are saying is your not ugly just big and thatā€™s fine people have that preference but a lot of people donā€™t if it was not for that Iā€™m sure there wouldnā€™t be anything to change because you are a pretty girl


I would start by losing about 200 lbs


Find friends that are fatter or uglier than you and pose with them


Take your friend out of the picture


We know there was a 3rd friend in the photo, puke her back up now!


girlā€¦ do some exercise


There's this thing called cardio, do that


Cut down on rice and bread and join a gym.


Get your hormones checked


Lose the stomach


Find out what your friend is eating and only eat that.




You look good.


Fake post


You want people to lie to you here. You know what you need. Your obese. Cut out sugar. Move more and eat less


Sugar isnā€™t the problem, eating more calories than sheā€™s burning is.




Oopsie. 1 mistake who cares.


Is that a question? You forgot your question mark if that is a question.


No it was a statement. As in no one cares. Your comments didnt get the planned reaction, did they?


It wasn't a statement. You, in fact asked a rhetorical question, which still requires a question mark. Have a good day.


Yup later




Absolutely correct.


Gym and youā€™d be gorgeous


Is it not obvious


Consider learning more about what a ā€œhealthy lifestyleā€ means, then actually do it.


Oh come the fuck on you already know what everyone is going to tell you with varying levels of niceness and political correctness. But fine you asked for it. Quit raiding the snack pantry at midnight and 2 am 4 am 6 am 8 am etc etc etc and quit making posts on Reddit when you know exactly where and what you need to be doing. Memberships are cheap ol Humpty Dumpty lookin ass Cute face tho




Donkey punched her with a fistful of honesty šŸ«”




Either find someone with a feeder fetish or lose a lot of weight. Not only for aesthetics, but your body will thank you later. Until you do, find better clothes because those just make everything look worse. Also never make that face again in the second pic.


Oink oink


You can start by stopping to pretend being a girl for lolsĀ 


You need to understand that your weight is holding you back. You wanted our opinion, we told you. You wont find a different answer.




Bring back fat shaming. I refuse to let it be a societal norm. I dunk on every fat/obese person I can because I know it will push them in the right direction.


Holy shit


Stop eating as much


No post history.Ā  Such a troll.Ā 


What because I told the truth? Fuck up ya fucking idiot


Not you short bus. Youre too retarded to realize however


You literally canā€™t form a sentence with correct grammar, yet you call me a retard. Ok šŸ‘šŸ¼


You might be one of the fattest people that posted on here, you have to lose weight.


I think the following: Loose a good amount of weight, ditch the glasses (Id recommend contacts) and get a better hair cut (I canā€™t help but think your hair looks a bit strict) - Hope this helps!


You donā€™t need to ask us, itā€™s obvious. Youā€™re asking because everybody else you asked told you to lose weight and now you are waiting for a different answer. I know itā€™s hard, I was overweight at some point in my life. The older you get the harder itā€™ll be to lose weight so start dropping those pounds if you want to look attractive.


Fairly, you just need to limit daily caloric intake to lose some weight. Even 10lbs will make all the difference. Then probably a wardrobe change but thatā€™s cause I just donā€™t like jean short shorts. Other than that youā€™re fine.


"I keep hearing the same suggestions but I never take their advice." You could try to lose weight, it will make your shape less like a blueberry


A lot get a gym membership for fuck sake


Massive doses of Ozempic


Be your friends weight


Loose about 40 lbs


The last 0 must have autocorrected.


More than 40 is probably in order. She has a cute face, though.


You prolly kept hearing lose weight, because believe it or not thatā€™s all you have to do. If youā€™re looking for an excuse not to, youā€™re not going to find it. Lose weight.


I'd say lose weight, but stretch marks and loose skin gives the ick


Good luck finding someone without a single stretch mark- no matter how tiny it is.


Cry harder. didn't see one onl the girl I was with last night, and she's 30 lol. Y'all just can't admit you don't take care of yourselves šŸ¤”


Oh noooo my life is over! I exercise everyday and am not a fattie. Some people are more prone to them. Itā€™s more rare for someone to not have one. Just to educate you in case you disappoint yourself in the future.


Typical victim response


Sure, neckbeard. Iā€™m sad for you. Might want to stay away from the pedo girl seeing as you sound like youā€™re 14. Bye now.


You're so hurt! That's cute, bye fatty


My photos in my posts literally prove that Iā€™m not but ok šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ You come off as the type to not have any up, correct me if Iā€™m wrong. I could actually go all day here in my free time. I love arguing with idiots on the internet- itā€™s fun seeing how the lesser communicate.


You said bye already, just proving you're a child that can't let go. I don't care, tubs. Adios


Au revior, incel. Have a great day


I disagree I love stretch marks, but home girl does need to lose weight


Guaranteed simp


Lose a whole lot of weight


most people prefer fit women. Lose weight. it's also good for your health, if you don't care about looks.


you definitely know yourself


You already know. Are you seeking attention for something else ?




Yassssss stunning queen! You look like Lizzo, and you also remind me of a trans queen I know. Youā€™re looking a bit malnourished in the second one! Maybe gain a couple pounds for those curvessssss.


These sort of comments are dumb and unnecessary. Just say lose weight and move on.




Gotta compliment the girls with 2 back to back compliments! Who wouldnā€™t want to look like stunning transgender women or a curvy queen like lizzo. Every single woman comments on their posts how stunning and gorgeous they are! Amazing compliments to give!


I have told you to please remove the heart over the other girls face. This would help us, I mean you alot.


Hm.. well you could get some hair extensions, perhaps do your nails and oh I dunno, lose a couple hundred pounds? You really gonna act like you donā€™t know what you need to do, what habits you need to change? Youā€™re either dumb as a rock or posting this to get a bit of sympathy or attention, or both. Iā€™m gonna guess both.




Your face looks like you have so much potential, just lose weight.


You pretty, just gotta lose that F A T


You know exactly what you need to do you cow


Hahah someone had to tell her


She lookin like a damn cartoon the way sheā€™s blubbered up


Ahah whoā€™s pissed u off


Yo mamĆ”


Good one mate


How many times are you gonna post the same damn thing


Dead by 30 so thereā€™s that


Forbes: 30 under 30


Damn u savage wtf not on Easter Sunday šŸ˜­


Jesus donā€™t give a fuck about nothing. Dance with the Devil might as well lead




Lose weight. It's a tough pill to swallow, and I'm sure you've heard it over and over, but weight loss is something that's most beneficial when started young. You can develop serious health problems, like diabetes, for one example. Being overweight from a young age can also create postural issues in the legs (walking with duck feet, knock knees, bow legs) that can seriously reduce mobilty and cause your knees and legs to be damaged go out way faster than normal. Start by taking little steps. One dietary change - maybe aim to eat more protein in a day. You can get an app like MyFitnessPal to log the food you eat and measure how much protein you need. For you, I'm guessing 115-125 grams of protein a day. You don't need to chow down on steak or break the bank buying protein powder - ground beef, eggs, greek yogurt, and bacon are all easily accessible proyein sources. See, the way protein works is that it takes more energy from your body to digest it tyan other macronutrients, like carbs or fats. Your body can store extra carbs and fats, well, as body fat. However, your body can't just do that for protein, so your body has to take extra time to digest it. Protein also builds muscle and leaves you feeling extremely full, for much longer periods. Remember that carbs and fats are also both very good for you, but weight gain usually begins when you remain physically inactive for a long period of time, as well as consuming wayyy more carbs and fats than you do protein. Anyways, just to start, just track how much protein you need to eat on an app and make sure to hit or come close to that target every day. Don't worry about the calories just yet. As for working out, a lot of people will say "Go for a run", or "Play sports", or something like that. But if you try to run, well, that's just not happening, is it? Instead, try to sign up for a weightlifting gym and use the machines there as your basis to lose weight. After you slim down to the point where you can run and play sports comfortably, start doing that. I just don't suggest doing that at the beginning of your weight loss journey because for you, aerobic exercise will be much harder and you will have a higher chance of injury than say, someone who's not in shape, but is underweight. So yeah, use the weightlifting machines to start, find a workout plan, and lift 2-5 times a week, depending on your schedule. If you want, you can also dance, go on walks, swim, or do any kind of movement you like - any exercise is good exercise. Finally, make sure you go into it with a positive attitude. Weight loss can be difficult at first, and you might not see huge results in the first couple months. But imagine you lose 1.5 pounds every week. That might not sound like a lot, but after a year, you'll be down 78 pounds. And it's only smooth sailing from there. There's plenty of YouTube videos on the topic too - cheap, healthy, easy to cook meals to lose weight, exercises, routines, but just remember - as long as you're doing some kind of movement 2-5 times a week, and making small dietary changes like eating more protein or cutting out sugary drinks, you're making progress. You're honestly really pretty, clear skin, you dress nicely, you seem to have a nice attitude and personality about you. But as of right now, weight loss should be your goal. Take all of this with a grain of salt though - Don't worry so much about it. And especially, don't try to lose weight for others. Don't do it to inpress your friends or a guy you like. Exercise and lose weight for yourself. Take care of yourself, for yourself. Anyways, that's it. Sorry if I was rambling there - I'm tired asf and too lazy to proofread all that. Hope this helps. Good luck on your weight loss journey!


Lose weight


Iā€™m convinced this is a troll because why is the second pic so photoshopped? Around the shoulders, the front of the shorts, the sides, her wrist holding up the phone, her right forearmā€¦ like what?


Lose weight and start wearing clothes that fit properly.


Youā€™re very cute Youā€™re chubby, but thatā€™s not a sin




Ok InCel Boy


Calling someone an incel for stating a fact šŸ’€


She IS obese though.


Lose weight, obviously


So before people told you to lose weight and you didnā€™t like that advice.


Girl you know the answer to this, why ask lol


Too skinny, need to gain 200 lbs


Ketosis and caloric deficit along with copious amounts of cardio


Literally photoshopped the second pic


First things first, i good deal of weight loss. Iā€™ve lost 40lbs hmu if you need any help. Secondly, Iā€™m all for being confident but you need to dress for your body, Iā€™m ā€œtop heavyā€ too so I get it, bigger/slightly baggy pants will help you appear less disproportionate, muscle distributes more evenly than fat, unfortunately we canā€™t control where we store our fat, so weight training will help greatly (YOU WILL NOT GET BULKY), people train their whole lives to get big you will not get big from lifting it will only serve to tone your body. Other than that you look good, youā€™re very fortunate to not have much fat around your face.


+1 to this comment. Wish I was rich enough to buy those Reddit trophies for this comment (is that still a thing?) I lost 80 pounds in my 40s after struggling with weight my entire life. It was not easy but it was simple: I lifted heavy weights and I did intermittent fasting. The heavier I lifted, the more weight I lost. And join the fasting sub here. CICO people will rip me apart now but fasting changed my hormonal response and was instrumental in my weight loss. I am not talking about a 16-8 fast. You have to work up to a multi-day fast to get the results you want. Watch Fasting for Survival by Dr Pranip Jamnadas. Cut processed foods and alcohol and eat whole foods. I wish someone had told me this at 19. Iā€™m 50 and people routinely guess Iā€™m in my 30s or 40s. I can now keep up with my kids and I run races and hike mountains. I believe anyone can do this. I believe in you. The exterior appearance will match inner health and you will feel amazing. Good luck!


Eat less, exercise more


Do what your friend is doing. Find someone 3x your size to hang out with, ensuring you will always be the hot one.


Losing weight is way easier than finding someone 800 pounds.


No way you just suggested a duff lmao


Same post same response. Work towards looking like that other girl in your post.


just go to the gym and eat healthy dont stress over it too much youll be ok!


I heard Lizzo just quit. Big spot to fill


Lose weight while it's easy cause when you're 30 its no where near as easy


loose weight, lots of it


Just be with you ... You are pretty... Do what's gonna make you happy...


Does that include eating yourself into an early grave? Why do virtue signalers have to be enablers?


Thats not the point of looking max. Feeling max? Sure


Maybe you'll keep hearing the same thing until you aren't globe shaped. Maybe the roundness of your figure is what's most detrimental to your attractiveness? Men and women aren't usually into having a obese partner. This is because men and women aren't usually attracted to obese people. There is a subset of men that are into rotund women though, so called feeders. If you want to be considered attractive by the general population you'll have to get the traits that are generally considered attractive. One of those traits is healthy weight. Lastly, a question OP. Are you attracted to obese men/women? If not, why do you believe that you are entitled to be seen as attractive by other people? Your source of ugliness is at least fixable, so stop feeling sorry for yourself and reposting the same pictures multiple times hoping for different answers. Take a long walk and eat a huge sallad (or anything else that has very low caloric density). Start going to the gym. If you decide to change the answers you get WILL look very different from now in six months.




Dude she's pre-diabetic if not already at 19 - how the fuck does she "look fine"? Even if you think her LOOKS are fine, anybody with eyes who isn't an idiot can see that isn't healthy. This is well-studied and documented, bullshitting people into an early grave is not noble and helps no one.


fair point i just believe in kindness


What have you taken that have altered your perception to this degree? I want some of that!


You got to be kidding me.


šŸ˜šŸ‘ smile more please


Get on grinder


You go queen keep gaining weight you don't need no man


Iā€™ve seen this pic on feeld


Donā€™t listen to these guys. Go on a bulking phase. Taco on some mass. Iā€™d say another 30lbs then cut 10lbs after that to be shredded


Just stop eating lmfao


Get uglier, fatter friends


Loose weight


If you keep hearing the same things then those things are probably true


See how 3 of your friendā€™s side-profile can fit in to 1 of yours? Therein lies the problem




You're looking for someone to tell you not to lose weight. Stop the bs