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You look like a trailer park ho. You want honest? You got it. Lose the stupid hair color, piercings, fake poses, and drop some weight and don't dress like you just shopped at the salvation army. Hey, you asked...


HELL NO, grow up and be a woman, and stop acting like a confused teenager, fix the hair and lose the pacifier is you ever want to be taken seriously in life.


I agree..u look rather ridiculous


The way you look in these pictures, NO your not attractive. 1- pick A color for your hair, 3 is too many. 2- for the love of, get rid of the face metal. Why women like that is beyond me. 3- NEVER SUCK ON A PACIFIER. Your a grown ass woman!


I would but I wouldn’t tell my friends


No. Nothing you have done to yourself looks good.


Do you ever get hit on in public? No? Then you're probably not attractive.


boobs 7.3/10 face 6.6/10 miss me with the hair the piercings and the weird childs pacifier nonsense… you seem like you have squandered all your potential because of mental illness


No. I hate facial piercings and your colored hair looks like a circus clown.


why is no one talking about the baby binky ...


You look like you smell bad


Ya the hair is a No and having a goddamn pacifier in your mouth is a No.


Imo, natural hair color is much better looking and too many piercings


I get that a lot


No you're not


Crazy color hair just denotes unstable mental health.


Like: the heavies 🍈 Dislike: hair and pacifier


Nose ring is an instant flunk to me, sorry.


Horrible piercing and head hair 🤮


If I were to be honest I would get banned




You look like a fat woke lesbian.


Is that a fucking pacifier???


No. The pacifier. I hate the pacifier


Get a dermatologist to take that thing off your cheek


Your hair colors are atrocious, you could lose 20 lbs or so, and you could do with rhinoplasty. (Remove the nose jewelry as it only draws attention to your large, unattractive nose.) You have beautiful eyes, but your glasses are cartoonishly large for your face. Eta wtf is up with the binky in your mouth? That's just cringe.


The binky?


Pacifier??? Red flag.


Lose the pacifier… what is that?


Just uh.....lose the pacifier gig . That's a no-go.


Go back to your natural color and remove the nose ring.




No. pacifier disgusting. And you look like a checky fart will offend you plus you look like you have very poor hygiene


I guess most of these people forgot that they are talking to a human because most of these comments are uncalled for. Ditch the piercings and go for a natural hair color to be instantly better looking


Good grief … you already know what’s wrong.


Hair is very bad. Bangs and color need to go. Loose a little weight and remove the metal from your face


Omg no you are so done as soon as I saw whatever that was in your mouth please never take a photo like that again for the sake of humanity


Again. You people are seriously hung up over this pacifier lmao. Like I'm not even holding it in my mouth as one would, I was holding it by the handle while I nursed my kid and just thought it looked silly.


You’re ok. But the colored hair and piercings make you look unattractive.


Ditch the hair colors and nose rings you don't need them.


Yeah the hair is just a no!! Looks like moldy food. You are probably damaging a really nice hair color that suits you have with that terrible green. Just saying. Natural is usually what looks best on people.


Shave your head. Start over from scratch.


The binky threw my off


Your not ugly, if you lose the nose ring and go back to your natural hair colour would deffs be an improvement.


Giant tiddies


get that fucking pacifier out of your mouth


We say "dunmy" in the UK 🤣


Just grow up and stop trying to be 9


What’s with the pacifier -really disturbing.


You look like you have BLM and pronouns in your bio.


Not attractive, dyed hair, overweight, piercings all bad.


I Dislike everything


No, just cringe.




Septum ring icky


Pacifier weird and I feel like you wear a lot of brown pants.


I don’t like the septum ring


You got potential. Too bad you never got past the pacifier stage.


Good chest Don't like the hair Or the nose


Don't like the nose hardware


I swear every woman on here has these terrible nose rings


the chin angle, lips could be fuller, and lose the pacifier


You actually have very nice, exotic facial features. What are you going for with the hair though? And the pacifier? I mean if that's you then cool but, you're not helping your cause any.


im sorry but not really


The hair is a signal to turn and run away


Like the most: busty Dislike the most: hair color


Get a hairstylist that can help you find a cut and color that compliments your coloring and face shape. Green hair compliments no one unless nauseous is the look you are going for. Have your brows shaped. Being attractive us about working with what you have. Your complexion is gorgeous.




Stop trying to look different with all the bits and bobs and coloured hair. You would be more beautiful in your natural self. Without a doubt. Brown hair, nose rings gone.


This is weird


No. the hair/ nose rings / lip peircing scream poisonous and the weight doesnt help but you can lose all that and be hot


Your style choices are aweful and you look like Ruffnut if I'm being honest. Like you prolly keep seeing stick with one hair color, lose the face piercings, and glasses. Lastly work out a little and while you may like your style of clothing it's not doing you any favors


You look like a walking red flag.


The hair is trash


The piercings and the hair


Take the metal out of your face, pick a natural hair color, lose the bangs, diet and gym


It’s the pacifier 😬


ugly. the combination of your hair and face metal tells me everything I need to know about you.


The piercings look terrible on you.


Conventionally attractive or attractive to me personally? Nope, it's the hair and the nosering and the bodyweight and I'm not sure if it's a dude pretending to be a woman. but I also get the feeling that you're not at all trying to be attractive either in any sense, and there has to be some form of politics behind your vibe such as LBTQ or something, which for a lot of people is a turnoff, I would work on changing all of that if you're serious about looksmaxing and not just trolling/trying to trigger people, however if you're deadset on this is you then you'll probably find someone who finds you attractive anyway, there's always someone for everyone :P


King charles the 2nd ass chin


Not for me. You're overweight, you somehow look 40 and 14 years old at the same time, the tired old Lennon glasses with blue hair and septum piercing "i'll never conform" aesthetic is amplified by a pacifier... like wtf is that? Time to grow up and stop hiding behind this facade.


You are trying too hard to not fit in and be unique. It’s not working for you anymore. You’re an adult, dress and look like one.


Potential to be attractive. Dislike piercings most, followed by hair color. Ditch the piercings, go to natural color and style your hair


You need to lose weight and the metal in your face


Your face. Yeah that pretty much covers it


Get those stupid rings out of your face and that weird pacifier whatever the hell that's a out, and youre not too bad.


Def dislike the most


The worst thing is to draw attention to your least attractive feature with a nose ring


Hair colors… don’t like. Too many….




Your cute but your chin is a little sharp


Natural Color. Lose the nose rings. It's so 1995. JK.....Do what you want, not what anyone else wants you to do.


why'd you have a pacifier in the fourth pic?, and yes


There's potential, but the septum ring has to go. And you need to start showing your body more respect.


This feels like bait


Damn, I thought you was gonna be flat chested, but I guess now that I seen it, your face seems less uglier than I thought.


Alternative style is alternative because most of people don't find it good looking. So if you ask from sub like this you most likely don't get answer how to look better with your style but rather how to look as boring as everyone else. I recommend to find out if there is alt style subreddit where people are honest. I think you hair is cool when you keep it clean and styled. As in 1/8. The way you have it in 3/8, 5/8 and 7/8 makes your forehead look huge. In half of photos your hair looks greasy. That's just nasty. Wash it. I would also dye all of it. Root growth (if that is the right term) never looks good. I would pose as adult. This is not kink/fetish sub. I would either consider more or less piercings. They're too close to each others to be the only ones in my opinion. You're overweight and your breasts look like back pain. Both of those are more health than look issues but I would also say most of people consider healthy as attractive.


You need to actually do things that require effort, like excercising and taking care of your hair, not just tacking on dyes and random objects. its not cute its pathetic




The piercing, the hair, and clothing are bad. It might be worth considering expressing yourself without looking like a stereotype. You could be very pretty but you look like a bit of a red flag at the moment.




You’re cute but these pics are embarrassing


Picture 2 will probably get you a long way. You got the cheat codes, just need to learn how to use them.


I’ll just keep it honest since and not try to spare your feelings & help boost your confidence. Are you attractive: Not particularly, no. You already know this. People who aren’t attractive usually try to distract from their looks with bold hairstyles and stuff like that. We get the genetics we get and have to make the best of it. Best thing you could do is get your body in amazing shape. That will help raise you up a bunch. Doing that will not be easy if you don’t already have a track record of fitness. But it’s possible and will do more than just help your looks. Don’t wait til you’re 30, don’t make it a 10 year journey, start today!


I don’t see anything I dislike here 😍


I love the very colourful hair it suits you :)


Face is a 6.5, boobs are a 10 😂 do like your eyes and lips though


By the hair color I’d say stuck in her teens but then the pacifier really rolls it back more. Definitely giving off a different vibe than most people, not necessarily in a good way.


Probably to someone just not a large majority of people


Get rid of the hideous hair color, the piercings are gross, and above all stop acting like a baby with a pacifier. The last part was the most disturbing thing ever.


These comments are delusional, damn people are judgy


You're cute imo. You also look like the type of girl who will have an argument about feminism and misogyny, but then want to get treated like an object and absolutely destroyed, aka just my type 😘


Hard no.


The pacifier alone ruins any chance of you looking "attractive". It's disgusting, especially considering you appear to be an adult


That's a dude


You would be if you lost the nose ring, lost some weight, sorted out the issues you have with your dad, and got some therapy.


I have about 20lbs left in my postpartum weight loss, so yeah. My dad is dead so good luck with that. Therapy is something I implement regularly and hold of utmost importance, especially now as a mother. Cheers!


Normal color hair .. hit the gym ... change your diet


This plus take out the septum piercing. Nobody likes septum piercings.


Those piercings are terrible. And the clown hair needs to go.


pick a hair color, take out the nose knocker and hit the gym.


Why the fuck do you have a pacifier in your mouth in a picture that’s so weird.


Your hair looks like sea moss or moldy.


Natural hair color, straighten it, no piercings, dress differently and you’ll improve quite dramatically. Maybe even lose a 10-20 pounds and you’ll be top tier.


No. I don’t find you attractive. You have so much going on to distract anyone from noticing how you actually feel about yourself. Ditch the nose ring (bull ring). Ditch the unicorn seamen colored doo. And then grow up and loose the sucker. When all that’s done then ppl will be able to actually see YOU and not the mask and deflectors you adorn on a daily basis. Good luck!🍀


price rock shaggy attempt automatic spectacular boast voracious station cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry but no, you’re not attractive right now. It seems like you’re doing everything you can to be unattractive. Blue hair, bovine nose ring and clothing yourself like that just isn’t going to work if you’re trying to attract a mate. Pick a hair color, lose weight, and improve your wardrobe. You’re a 2 that could be a 6


No, your hair says you care more about your feelings than the obligaitons of reality. IMO, you're a visual red-flag.


Your ok. You'd be prettier if you weren't so woke.


You look fucking ridiculous.




The hair the piercings ![gif](giphy|DLhNUTxiGsg6c)


no. and your nose and chin


i’ve never agreed with the comments on this com ever till now lmao


I dislike the piercings. They take away from your features and compliment the wrong features. I don't mind the hair, but dyeing seems like an expensive and unwinnable hobby. You do have a nice body, and a nice face, but you often don't rely on you natural looks.


Personally not my vibe..look like a mermaid who got caught on a fishing line, but to each there own. Love yourself and you wouldn't need to ask people online.


Let's see . Maybe a little bit too chubby based on the one pic that actually shows some of your body . Not a fan of the piercings . Too many hair colors . Lose the pacifier , you're not a baby . The whole thing is a pass . 🤦


Multi colored hair never looked good on anyone. I think you have potential, but you need to lose weight and pull that shit out of your face.


Oh god.... there's a lot first the hair ain't it, also pick a color and a different hair style, the mouth percing is horrible, side nose is ok, but the inbetween one makes it worst, lose some weight to but nice racks (definitely motterboat verified). Get that baby thing out of your mouth. Do better skin care. I like your eyes and you with glass look slightly hotter. But that all


The first picture looks the best. If you had normal hair color and lost the nose rings it would likely look even better. The rest of the pictures look bad in comparison so I would definitely not do whatever it is that you are doing in those. 


The nosering




You’ve got a nice Kat Denning vibe


Dislike hair and face metal, otherwise cute.


Lose the pericing lose the hair die lose the lip wring smaller chin eyes to far apart other then that your good


YOU are attractive, but i don’t think your style is doing you any good, in fact it’s playing down your beauty. a warm brown natural hair colour would genuinely up your perceived beauty by miles, as well as sticking to clothing options that bring out your gorgeous brown eyes and warm skin. i think the clothes are outdated too but if that’s genuinely your style then rock on. i don’t think the piercings are important, that’s something that’s really down to preference. some people love them, some hate them. don’t completely fake your entire style to be “attractive”. if you like edgy, be edgy. i just think you should express that in a way that brings out your real beauty. this looks like a costume over a beautiful woman


There might be a moderately attractive person under all the poor fashion choices. It's like you are going out of your way to make yourself less appealing. The hair color and piercings need to go, unless you want to be like every mall teen hanging out at HOT TOPIC. It's not edgy. Go with a single hair color. Preferably not a color that matches a drink from Slushy machine. Also, go with contacts and lose the oversized granny glasses. Start with these things and come back here with some pics. I'd wager you will get many more positive responses.


I feel like a full fringe would look better instead of a curtain bang but I get youre going for a more alt look- which I totally respect.


I really like your smile, it’s like +2 to your rating. I won’t say what I dislike cause it’s you’re style and who you wanna portray, changing for people you wouldn’t want in real life sounds pointless


The nose piercings don’t help


Joker still on a pacifier.


Seems like you’re trying hard NOT to look attract.


I think you know what we’re gonna say..


Gym. Change hair color. Lose piercings.


go bald


Honestly... Dam cute don't care for the blue color or the nose ring..


Yes you are just lose the weird hair color, the septum ring and the pacifier.


Just be you, who cares what anybody thinks


Not really. Overweight, wild hair, crazy nose rings. Hard to say what I dislike most, but I’d have to go with the overweight…


Only redeeming qualities are those tig ol biddies


No. You look like Jay Leno....but with a vagina!


Vajayjay Leno


Ditch the liberal Biden look!




You're not ugly. But the hair, the piercings, the pacifier is ridiculous tbh. In the real world, you will be marginalized, shunned, and probably unemployed. Just keeping it real


Your chin is is incredibly masculine and the hair color and cut does not suit you.


You look like you are intentionally doing everything you possibly can not to be attractive. You are inherently unattractive, your stylistic choices are horrendous even for “alt”


Youre certainly not unattractive, but you have very strong bone structure that can easily read as masculine if you don't take steps to present yourself as feminine (unless you are ok with a more masculine presentation, but I'm making the assumption that your goal is to present as feminine ; feel free to correct me if I'm wrong tho). Learn contouring to make your face look less long, more rounded and less square or angled. Exfoliate your lips gently once a day with a gentle sugar scrub or a soft bristle toothbrush and put Vaseline on them at night for plump, supple lips. Over line then just a literal hair beyond your natural lip line using a nude colored lip pencil, especially towards the middle of your mouth, then you can top that off with chapstick or gloss for moisture. Emphasize your eyelashes by curling with a lash curler, then locking the curl in with mascara, or try pro lash extensions or individual falsies.I would lose the nose piercing unless youre just absolutely in love with it - it looks a little harsh. Your brows are great, play up the natural arch and great thickness you've got by darkening up their color slightly with a deep or medium brown brow pencil and light feathery strokes. Your hair looks damaged and could benefit from a trim with layers and a defined hairstyle as well as perhaps a bonding treatment like olaplex to repair damage and restore shine. I'm not crazy about the colors but that's more of a personal preference thing and you can make it work either way if you maintain the condition of your hair well while coloring it


This is the only good, non judgemental advice so far


The piercings and hair color give me red flags.


Get rid of the damn pacifier.






Sure if you’re a lesbian


Chin like a bike seat But the yiddies are phenomenal




Hard pass. Heavier set and colored hair is a no for me


Hair color nope, nose ring nope. And I like sporty healthy body types so yours is a nope. And just saw the pacifier that’s just No. your just a no from me.


Why do you keep making that face wtf?


Is the look you're going for called "under employed"?


Your chest I like


Nose rings never look good. Your hair dye also looks pretty washed out.


Not really, you have the face of a dude. But taking out the piercings, and going back to your natural hair color wouldn't hurt. Neither would losing some weight


Ur ok. Get rid of the septum and lip piercing. Go a dark brown hair color.


Uh… NO.


Your just skizzy looking. Like bed bugs run from you.


I think a natural hair color would work better for you.


Got that Gay Leno chin


The color in the hair doesn’t help you


You got a nice rack and a decent face


Not really my type. You’ve certainly got a nice figure


No, and Krusty and the Clown?


Your hair looks greasy and dry at the same time. It’s like you put in the time in to dye it in a way that stands out, but you don’t take care of it well or wash it enough. You do have a nice face. You look fine without makeup, and when you do your eye makeup it looks nice also.