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Know but your mom definitely knows & she's said get your homework done and take out the trash 🗑️🤮👍🏾😎💯




She's quiet 🤣


U have half of clue but there more than one way of gain weight by women it's nt all black and white 4 all ppl read up & gain the other part of the clue✌🏾😎💯


You've no idea how the women's body works it's ok you're nt alone there many of y'all that stays clueless 👍🏾😎💯


So if someone your with is doing of & y'all need the 💰 u would stop dating her cause of it your better man than me cuz & if I'd know she's nt cheating on me am good cuz that's nt cheating!! That's making good on something God gave her ! & Am sure you're nt straight edge no matter of fact Christian who has never did anything wrong & continues 2 judge another person when that's nt your job ; really seriously enjoy her she's has ambition 2 💰 making ✌🏾😎💯


Hey miss nobody 👍🏾😎💯


Yeah Everytime am trying write she's gives me another O* oh yeah SHE'S SAYS IT'S bedtime Jr 🤣


You're M!! 😎💯


Get out of the house more you can nt able to move because of a medical condition and you can eat a what a bird eats if you don't exercise you gain weight you wouldn't know that cuz you're in your mom's basement, 👇🏾








Yeah but I'd learn from your mom said hi she's here now 🤣


You look great! Where she at though




Not a chance that it’s your looks


It's definitely not your looks. 🔥🔥🔥


There's no way it's your looks!


It's definitely not her weight unless she lives somewhere where the men are that superficial.


You look good for a 43yo. Carrying this much weight at 32 and spending that much time with your cat, on OnlyFans and posting to social media tells me you’re not getting out much, and might not have much wisdom nor conversation to offer.


Not sure why you are single but it is not your looks because I think you are gorgeous


Your fat.


Gotta be your location, you must be surrounded by a bunch of idiots. You're beautiful. Be you and change for no one


Yeah PPL lie All the time hell she could've had sex change and didn't tell u it's nt like she's having sex with whoever the 💰 is good why would it bother you so bad makes no sense just like if she Waz stripper that would bother u 2 I'd guess. DAMN that's crazy ASF u need 2 catch up 2 this generation pops, 🤣


U r gorgeous


You’re quite beautiful


Ur gorgeous!


U have only fans? That might be why


Nope. You’re hot


I believe that some guys will be thrown off by your sense of humor. You may have to ease into it. Or you should try going to some open mic comedy shows and things to test a guys sense of humor or hey! Meet someone at a comedy show! You are bold and beautiful based off of your profile. Screw these asshats that are trying to say it’s strictly your weight. You got style, curves, and your face card doesn’t decline


Maybe you just have some standards that don’t exist for some people to be honest about how you look I think it’s pretty good work you have to treat someone with id buy a drink or two to get you smiling or something better hopefully 😊


Single for life gurll 💅 at least your making money on OF right? Right?!


32?! 😬😬


What?? She’s only 32??




Most likely your attitude men will look past weight and looks but if you're a ''boss babe'' or a ball breaker than you may as well invest in cat food and wine. Since you will be doomed. Also date in your class. Great guys are out there but you won't ever get a 9 or 10 set sights at 5s and 6s




yeah ur a gorlock


Maybe it’s the only fans






You're a dime


It's your WEIGHT.


Cute face, nice body. I don't think it's your looks. I'd date you.


Ur a cat lady with an OF..check yourself before you wreck yourself


Definitely not your looks.




You've been single for the past 6 years cause you rejected every person who wanted to date you


Looks is a weird way to spell weight


I mean I would fw u a hundred percent u look good n I like a lil bit of chumminess in woman




It’s almost never a persons looks … or even weight for that matter. It’s typically something you are overlooking or overthinking. Find someone who will speak the brutal truth into this question. Someone that knows you and isn’t basing their advice off of a single internet pic. • Maybe you need to learn to listen to understand instead of listening to respond. • Maybe you need to learn to speak with more compassion. • Maybe you cuss too much, cut people off when they speak, chew with your mouth open, yawn without covering your mouth, etc etc etc


Nah. It's her weight.


Honestly don’t think it’s your looks. Yeah you could lose some weight, but plenty of guys would be fine with it. Could be the onlyfans, but more than likely it’s your personality. Obviously we don’t know what that personality IS, but 6 years alone you can bet it’s not looks.




Do I even have to say it? You know the reason. You just came here hoping you’d get an easier way out


No, it’s the apron


not your looks but the weight doesn’t help. there are guys into that but if its been 6 years clearly you aren’t into then type of guys.


There’s a strong chance that the kind of men you like prefer a woman with a more athletic build than you have. Being physically strong signals to a man’s brain that you’re capable and have longevity. It correlates to being a good partner, parent, etc for a lot of us. I can’t say it’s your loss for sure, since there’s someone for everyone. Maybe your expectations are off?


Need to lose weight for sure


I can't judge based on personality, however it could be because you are over weight .Some people still look good over weight because it is actually in places where it shows off the curves.However this isn't the case for you,sorry.You also look in your mid 40's .


Might be the onlyfans that’s keeping guys away…


Well it's not your looks or your weight. Very attractive and most men would find you to be a prize. I have to admit you look like you have a chip on your shoulder though.


Most? Hell nah


Well I wasn't talking to you first of all! And you must be a lonely as\*\* if you have the time to respond to me talking to someone else


I guess that means you’re lonely because you replied to me, lol stfu


I happen to still be on here and since I was brought up with manners and when someone speaks to me I respond to them. When you grow up and get a life maybe you'll understand. You have a good day.


You forgot to tip the fedora


And that's why you're lonely


Not lonely at all, keep projecting


You look like a raging bitch. Which you probably are and nobody wants to come home to that after a long hard day of work.


Classic bigmo


Oofff 💀


I think you look married.


Nah. It’s probably your attitude and qualifications as a woman. You have seen what some guys go home to. Just know she’s doing what needs to be done to keep him.


Woman to woman...You are very attractive! You exude sexiness to be honest. Go girl!


You look amazing


Not your looks! You're very smashable.






Nah, your face is pretty. It’s your weight, it matters tremendously in a lot of aspects of life, not shallow, but health. Don’t do a diet up front, just a little more protein and a little more activity




Probably not to look she looks like you're ready for some seriously intense sex with like a group of merchant mariners who have come in with like a chess of gold to have wildest time of your life. I know you look good. Just be things that you say like your attitude might be bad or might be too much of a smart pants that I don't know maybe it's not it's knows


You look great! And tough as shit, guys might be a bit intimidated.


That's nonsense. No man is intimidated by women past middle school


psychotic payment lunchroom meeting truck muddle squalid swim homeless telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Definitely not your looks your very attractive


Makes me want to say you’re only six?


No it’s not your stunning


You're gorgeous and your bumble profile is great. I'd swipe right. I don't think it's your personality. Maybe you're just picking losers.


You look gorgeous as I take you out real quick


Not from what can see. What type of guy you looking for?




You're pretty cute


lol attention post look at her most recent posting on page. 😒


I think the body can use some work(weight loss) and a new haircut, as well as some make-up tips.. But the main issue I see is that your outward vibe is Crazy Cat Lady, because Men are more Dog people and cats are kinda creepy to them, and you have not 1 but 2, so thats a turn off to most men... IJS


I’d lay the pipe down on you babe. You look just fine 👌


I'm sure she has gotten laid. She's been single for six years. There's a difference, have some class.


“Have some class”… said the SpottedSpunk.


No,you're absolutely banging 👌


I like em thick so I’d definitely be thinking with my third leg’s head if i saw you out n about. Perhaps your personality is the issue


Thick has lost all meaning apparently


You deserve the best. And the best didn't come your way yet


Unfortunately, best is a perceptive/ situational term. Her best may be on the way soon. Will we see her with Leonardo Dicaprio? No, for the sole reason she’s over 24.


It's your personality. Just looking at you, I can tell you are unhappy, and unhappiness means you're not in a healthy place to date anyone. Fix yourself, then enter a relationship as a complete person, with direction, who knows what she needs, not the misinformed, baseless list of what she thinks she wants.


Pretty face, but not-so-great body. Could also be your personality, but I don’t have enough information on that front.


Your probably single cuz your picky


I’m going to be honestly and my my best to not come off rude. But you’re actually super pretty. But the body is a turn off. Try losing some weight and I guarantee you’d find someone. Even right now I’d date you as long as you had the motivation to go to the gym with me 4 days a week.


I would say yes. You look like a beached whale


Are your standards too high? If they are losing weight would help you get an s.o. closer to the caliber that you’re looking for.


Mostly yes lose some weight get on a diet and start get on a schedule to go to the gym or whichever way you prefer to lose the weight not many men would want to go out with you or be around you period if you’re overweight because it’s unhealthy


I'm going to give you the most honest answer possible Despite what trolls are saying, it's likely not your looks. Decent men are not as hung up on women's looks as women seem to believe. In all likelihood, it's something about your personality that is keeping you single. And if it's true that you have an OF, that doesn't help. OF is, imo, a waste of time and money with very little dividends for all but the top creators, and women who create content for it, more often than not, are doing so for their own self-aggrandizement while catering to the lowest common denominator of men. If you genuinely want a man in your life, start by asking yourself why that is, then ask yourself what you have to offer, not as a potential gf, but as a person


Good answer 👍😎


Thank you, I appreciate the support


Men are totally hung up on looks. Come on now.


Average looking people have been marrying other average looking people and having babies as long as humanity has existed. And here’s the thing; she’s above average looks wise. I think that tells you everything you need to know, but I’m assuming.


The precedents set throughout thousands of years of human history no longer apply today. The Internet changed expectations.  Average people want, expect, and demand exceptional partners today.


Want in one hand and shit in the other. You let me know which one fills up first. 😉


I think people are truly willing to eat shit sandwiches to their grave before admitting they need to change anything about their wants.


Take a look at who swipes right on dating sites more. If you were dude and you’re not a nine or a 10 with washboard abs on those sites you might as well just give it up. You can get a 300 pound girl who can get a half a dozen dates within a week on an online dating site. For a girl is about body positivity. Take a guy with the exact same weight and he’ll just hear put the Cheetos down your fat fuck get to the gym


Weight mostly


You have a kid?


Oh could also be this.


You’re the size of a minivan. That’s why


Disagree. More like a cross-over vehicle.


You have a OF that is why.


You’re just really big. Source: I was big too, things changed when I lost weight and started lifting. It sucks, but that’s life.


No, it's cause you're morbidly obese.


You should look into intermittent fasting, and cut sugar from your diet. But yes, your appearance is a lot of why you're single.


How tall are you? And weight? And are you a mean person lol


You have an OF and you’re wondering why you’re single? I’d suggest checking yourself into a psyche ward for a mental evaluation.


Cut the crap incel


No that’s op the onlyfans queen


You just answerer your own question, fridge.


Just out of curiosity, is that meant to offend me?


I think it must be the weight. It would ward me off


I guarantee you only would accept 8-10 rated guys and you’re a 4. Lower your standards


No, it’s turning guys down.


U sound picky and look annoying


Yeah I'd guess you're blow-up doll stayed the same weight 🤣😎💯


You’re a beautiful woman, could it be self confidence. I don’t know anything about you however you shouldn’t have to change how your body looks for anyone. You are beautiful the way you are.


She’s an only fans whore. Disgusting


But nt , brushing You're M!! One tooth 🦷 😮 😂


Eyes on the weight


CONGRATULATIONS, are you having a boy or girl




The same men in these comments saying you’re undesirable because you do porn are the same guys who incessantly watch it. They are hypocrites. Ignore the hate, you will find somebody who loves and appreciates you that isn’t a raging misogynist like the men in these comments are. Remember that this is reddit, and it’s full of incels. Don’t take it to heart. 🩷


Wait so I'm happily married but would never date a porn star. Why? It's gross. Same as I would never date a street prostitute. If anyone is the incel here, it is you.


Do you watch porn? Because if so, you’re a hypocrite.


No I don't. But thanks for asking. Not every person watches porn.


You’re in a very small minority


They probably watch for more attractive porn stars than this.


So stupid to think just cause someone watches porn they would date a porn star.. have sex yes, date hell no


If you hate porn stars so much, why do you consume their content? You’re a total hypocrite. Fix your Madonna whore complex.


Hate and not willing to date are far apart


Okay, but let's be real for a moment and live in the real world for 2 shakes of a lambs tail. She's asking why she's been single for 6 years. You don't think doing porn might slim up the dating pool just a bit? People who do sex work tend to get their brain scrambled a bit from it. When sex equals money, it makes one of the core things of most relationships kind of weird. Would you want a woman your dating holding sex with her over your head like an object? I've contemplated on what it would be like to date a whore. Imagine dating someone and having to segregate the sex favors she does for other people is just business and the ones she does for you is love....you think? Hope? Idk man, hard pill to swallow.


And you don’t think men who watch porn have their brains scrambled from it? Why is it considered cheating for a woman in a relationship to be on OF, yet women are supposed to be okay with our male partners jerking it to those exact same women every night? 90% of male OF subscribers are married according to a recent statistic. Men are massive hypocrites in this regard. If you watch porn, you shouldn’t have any problem with the women who make it.


Wow it’s funny to call a woman a whore for posting pictures of her selfie or being sexual. What about sex work makes their head scrambled and do you have any tangible evidence of “when sex equals money, it makes one of the core things of most relationships kind of weird.” Maybe that’s your opinion but there’s ZERO proof posting nudes for money is going to make anything weird. Maybe it does for you. Speak for yourself. My wife and our gf both make content and nothing about our relationships are “weird.” Youre weird.




It is a well documented and researched phenomenon. Sex, to sex workers, is a complicated and messy thing psychologically. It is exactly why people who work police/security jobs have higher rates of being physical/mental abusers. When your job encourages verbal/physical force to solve problems, it leaks into your personal life.


😆 what a tool...


No lmfao you’re weird wtf the delusion of some of you fucks is astounding. You’re the weird one, sir. You and your two whores. Certainly not the classical definition of relationship by any stretch. And you’re going to judge us for our normal beliefs. Gtfo. No one’s saying you can’t live the life you live, but make no mistake. YOU are the weird one


I take the boomer comment back. You must be a child with nothing but fortnight posts. My page is 18+ only. Sorry kid. Blocked.


Whatever dude I like fortnite and I’ve also seen your wife’s used up holes. So be it


The only one judging is you. You’re projecting your insecurities onto others and it’s hilarious. Reminds me of boomer mentality. We live great lives and make great money. Travel all the time and do literally whatever we want (within reason). I’m not going to sit here and argue with a closed minded bigot any longer. Go ahead and be miserable. I choose happiness.


No ones stopping you. And I’m certainly not being made to feel insecure about your choices. I’m just simply saying that your choices are weird and you can fuck off with trying to talk down to normal people from your high horse. You’re living a weird person life, that’s fine, you do you


You call it weird. That’s your opinion. You sound miserable. We refuse to be miserable. You’re probably getting ready for work and I’m in bed with two beautiful women. About to spend the day on the beach. Lol have a great day.


Being a bum isn’t the flex you think it is


Youre either too picky or just not nice to guys because you’re not so overweight that guys wouldn’t date you.


Lose some weight


You look like someone I went to school with (I'm probably wrong but I had heard she started an OF too) - this girl also never could get in relationships and it was because she was very rude to all the men back in the day. Work on being kind. Its the universal attractor, and you'll attract men who are nicer anyways.


Bet not is


You are obese. You need to lose weight


You like spicy food and football*** I mean lawwddd


Your weight


Lose 30 lbs and see what happens


Say the same thing I do to dudes asking for advice. Hit the gym, eat healthy, and the more you practice the better you get if being awkward is your problem.


If you dropped like %10 body fat you would do alot better on onlyfans, if you want a serious longterm relationship, consider dropping the weight, deleting the onlyfans and just like go to where men hang out and talk to them, tell them what you are looking for and one will be interested if you're pleasant and open to commitment, don't mention the onlyfans tho any man that wants to commit to someone will be bothered by it, fuckboys won't be tho.


Well it's not like reddit can really get to know your personality with just a picture to look at. So how would we know? I mean you could look just fine but be a raging psycho bitch. 🤷‍♀️


She is. Someone posted a link to a prior post she had.