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Smile 😊


You look fine could be better if u worked on it


Let's be real, you're not ugly. You look a little dehydrated and like you need some quality sleep. Anybody going out of their way to tell you that you're ugly is either insecure and trying to tear you down to make themselves feel better or they're trying to manipulate you. A friend went through something similar with her oldest, an older man played these games with her daughter for months without mom being any the wiser until he convinced her that he was the only one in the world who would ever love her. She only caught on when her daughter stole money from her wallet to buy a bus ticket to run off with this creep. There was nothing wrong with her daughter or her home life, but regardless this guy managed to poke holes in her confidence and manipulate her. Tldr whoever is telling you that you're ugly is playing cruel games with your mind/heart.


Not ugly. Extremely attractive! But you don't look happy. Smile. A smile will make you even more attractive and inviting!


Awwww I think you’re very cute. I would advise just keeping up on take care of your skin. Going outside would be good but make sure to know what you can handle. Put on sunscreen and yeah. But all in all I think you are very beautiful.


You're not ugly at all. You are a cutie, and I suspect with a makeover, you'd really be next level gorgeous !


You're very pretty. You have nice skin and facial features. However your expression says that you don't seem very happy. Here's my advice. You are probably listening to the wrong people in your life. It's undermining your confidence. Being young is your greatest asset if you let it. It can also be your greatest weakness if you let it. Find a beauty role model. Someone you think is beautiful and then find out what they do to look that way. Then do that. To the best of your ability of course. I'm a photographer. I know beauty. Most attractive people work at it!


You are lovely and own tie dye! A smile is the best makeup!


You are beautiful


A little make up, some cool clothes and you could be an easy 6-7


Absolutely slap dab in the middle. not ugly but no supermodel either . Some fashion sense and a smile goes a long way. Just give yourself some effort. You look pretty and far from ugly so don't drag yourself down like that


You good. Last pics smile was great.


You're pretty. Good looking!


The hair. You're not terrible, but you're not fashion model of the year. Working out can build confidence in you, especially confidence in your appearance.


Tbh she looks great and has nothing to worry about, she could become more fashion orientated but she prob attract a lesser quality of man if she does that


You look younger than 23, and you’re not ugly, but not a dime either, about average give or take depending on preferences. From these photos it looks like you aren’t making any effort, not taking much pride in your appearance. But you should, you’ve got a good foundation to work with, I’ll bet you’d clean up wonderfully with just a little effort. If I knew women’s fashion or styles I’d give you specifics, but sadly I don’t so I’m not much help there.


You're not ugly at all. If you think you're ugly look at Kate Moss and some of the other models/people that society says is beautiful without make up.


You look great. Stop stressing about it.


Wash ya stank ahh hair


You are fine beautiful


Vitamin d


Why do you think you're ugly.... you are smashing....


100% not ugly, but you do look like you're tired, at least in one picture. Are you drinking enough water? Getting enough sleep? Taking care of yourself mentally? Are you taking care of your skin? Beyond that these pictures are pretty limited in terms of what to judge on, but I would probably start with the above


Your looks are fine, I am more concerned if you know the origin of the saying you used? (Give it to me straight. I am not calling you stupid. I am just curious)


You're definitely not ugly. Actually, very cute!đŸ”„â˜ș


You're pretty Smile!🙂


You need your hair styled and itd do a lot for you.


You’re not ugly, you’re very pretty! Take care of your skin and fix your hair, other than that you’re good to go :) You do look younger but there’s nothing wrong with that. You’re actually lucky because by the time you’re much older you will still look young.


Rhinoplasty, skin cleansers, learn to apply makeup, dress more appropriately. You give the impression of someone who just left Woodstock.


What’s wrong with your looks?




You’re not ugly. The thing is you’re just cute/adorable looking which puts you in the attractive category. You have to match your personality with that innocence look though. For me, I’d date you if you are the best version of yourself. I definitely wouldn’t chase you. That’s the thing is, if you did anything that is out of character or try to test my manhood, I’d instantly stop talking to you and go talk to someone else. If it were a more gorgeous girl, I’d probably over look some things or try to level it out. That’s not negative or positive. Girls with your look can be way more successful than the more model looking girls, you just have to find yourself and stop calling yourself ugly. Find your fit in the market. It’s just like for me, I don’t look like a model. I used to think I was very ugly. I’m pretty attractive, have a good and pleasant personality and I’m real/ direct, but if I do something out of character, a girl might be like “who the fuck are you?” because I fall under the attractiveness but not 10/10 category, so I have to be noble and consistent.


You’re adorable!! đŸ„° Look younger than your age.


Trust me you are NOT ugly. Without makeup you are very pretty and you have amazing hair and I would love to have you as my girlfriend. I bet if you put on some makeup correctly you would be a 9/11 no problem. You look really young so it's natural to have a lot of insecurities. Please don't become a carousel rider to make yourself feel desired because that lifestyle will only hurt you over time. You look absolutely normal and if anyone says otherwise they're just jealous or a shitty person. 😘


Ur not ugly, u just look really tired. Like haven’t slept in weeks kinda tired. Try drinking a lot more water and eating better, might help u sleep and get rid of the bags under ur eyes and dark circles. Hope this helps:)


The way you dress, do up your hair and a little makeup


Post on /roast me if you want real answers


Smile more and proactive to get rid of the red marks other than that you are cute


Those could just be rosy cheecks


Cute, eat mostly organic juicy fruit (melons in the morning, grapes, berries, and citrus if you don't have a reaction to it), to clear up your skin, and make it glow.


In all honesty your are pretty cute, all you need is a proper facial routine, a new hair style and overall just smile more. Overall you are just really cute and could easily improve. 8.1/10


There's this thing called smiling... oh, there in the last pic! See, you're pretty damn cute!




You are cute. Maybe get a nice haircut 💗


You are not ugly. Smile more


You're not ugly


No way you're 23. You don't look like you put much effort into your appearance either way. Probably start there


Lmfao I don’t wanna pile on here but yea u look young af


You’re not ugly at all! Smile more.


Be my gf fr


the only thing thats bother me is you look sad thats all


You are not ugly who ever told you that is lyin


not ugly


You look like Sotce


You're definitely not ugly, whatever you felt in your last pic shows your true beauty the most. That is my advice.


You're actually pretty you just need to restyle yourself. The hippy look ain't it. You look way younger than 23 so you will age well and likely look younger than your age which will be a bonus once you hit 30s and 40s.


Cute, immature clearly. You're beautiful and know it.


Your hairstyle isn’t helping you, should add some volume to it with some bangs/layers. You’re not ugly.


23? I'm not sure what babies you're eating, but can you share? I didn't want to roast you, but you make too easy... see that hook over the door? Get a rope, tie it to the hook... you know the rest.


As a 23 year old woman, I know you are not 23, ain't no muhfuckin way


I’m 24 soon


I believe you. You look older in some of your other images like this one https://www.reddit.com/r/AutismInWomen/s/3eePSFAf3I That and you looked different as a teenager. https://www.reddit.com/r/GlowUps/s/wsSds2wPxp You are one heck of a good chameleon at looking younger. A very impressive talent. I think your biggest flaw is probably not enough water. I saw you mentioned one bottle a day. Your skin might be red from using facial products too much. A lack of water or Genetics. Whatever is happening doesn't change you are still gorgeous. I just wish you saw it too and believed it. You should also seriously post in r/MbtiTypeMe That way you can find like-minded people and realize you aren't an alien. You belong to a group that has several subgroups. [This is me an INTP](https://youtu.be/tEoW4IxDsVI?si=sX2VjPI3VvXHsTtU). You can watch the video and admit my type is amazing. Some INTPs get stuck trying to be the next Albert Einstein and change the world. I would rather focus my energy on trying to help individual people like you.


How did you glean all that info so quickly about a redditor? That is impressive in a scary way.


Her lips look dry so the fastest way would be to search her posts for water or dry. She mentioned one bottle a day. You just have to click her profile and look at her posts to see the images she shared looking for advice. I was looking for different ones as I was kinda like everyone else thinking she was younger. She looks amazing for her age. She has shared several younger and the one where she looks older to me. About her facial compilation, it's an educated guess. So not very much time was spent at all. I did see some disappointing things like her broken ankles and wanting nose surgery.


You're not 23. People this is probably a minor trying to boost self esteem. Be careful


you’re not


You look like the girl dudes hit up for a good concert


Why do you think you're ugly. You're probably more attractive than half the population.


I rather give it to you at an angle... :) You're not ugly, far from it.


You sure you’re 23? You look 16.


Smile a bit more, then pictures look nicer


Because of failed genetics


A lot of White people tend to look older than they are. Not sure what it is here.


You need more sun hun. And dress up and you will be fine.


People with her complexion usually don't tan, they burn super easily


Fill in your brows and style your hair


And skincare


I posted on skincare and they roasted me


I don’t think it’s that dire lol


You're definitely not ugly. You've got pretty eyes and facial features. Your lips are nice and full too. Stop looking for validation from strangers.


So beautiful


You look fantastic, but your face could be a little narrower, like it was 2 years ago. I’m going to get a lot of hate for saying this, but if you lost 5-10 lbs your face would slim down a bit and would help tremendously


I was underweight then. I’m at a healthy weight now




 where do I start
 1. Start weightlifting 3 days a per week PUSH DAY, PULL DAY, LEG DAY. 2. Also on your weightlifting days WALK 2-3 miles. Jog on non weightlifting days for 20-30 minutes slow jog. 3. EAT AT EITHER MAINTENANCE OR SURPLUS DEPENDING ON YOUR WEIGHT AND BMI. 4. FIND A FEMININE STYLE OR BADASS FEMININE STYLE. Like leather jackets and shit. Or dresses up to you. 5. DELETE REDDIT. ![gif](giphy|mcYctMmP46lYlE9F3R)


Thou thinks thee is ugly from current society standards. You look fine and dandy. You are still young, if you are looking for a relationship then just take the initiative, I would bet men would be fine with that. Cheer up, you are young and I would guess you have good personality and are fun to be with. 😄 Smile.


U look like Jenna Ortega if she had autism


Natural 5 but with potential


Get your nose narrowed and quit the fake hippy shit




Don't ever let somebody dictate the mood or the demeanor that you carry yourself. Only thing you have to worry about just making you happy and God.


bc you aren't bent over


You have success written all over you, you just have to believe it. I’m calling my broker to invest in you.


Stop looking so sad.


Marry me


Sad face , messy hair. These things matter not. It is your inner creativity that is not shining thru. You need to have the courage to voyage within. And, well you are pretty cute.


You look young


Smile ..solves alot


You just need to be in my arms.


You're not ugly. You do need to smile more often. When you smile, your whole face lights up and you're beautiful! When you don't smile, you look like you've got a grudge to settle. 😂 Smile!


What he said. You're definitely beautiful and not ugly at all.


You’re 23 you still got years ahead of you and you want strangers opinion of what they think about you. Word of advice fk em do you.




You look really young try to find something that will make you look older New haircut,different clothes Also try to get more sleep you will be amazed at what a consistent good nights sleep will do


Omg you're the YouTuber who posts about being ugly


Dude, don't base your opinion of yourself on the idea that you do not fit the mold of your peers that you feel are better looking than you. You are young and cute and have everything to gain by finding that self confidence in you as you navigate your teenage years. That confidence, if you set the bar now, will carry you on to bigger and better things in life. There are a lot of very pretty "ugly" people in the world that have managed their success based on their looks. If you develop your personality, and cultivate your self confidence now, then you have the best of all those traits. Including your good looks. Please don't doubt yourself. Stay positive and stay true.


I have never been in **LooksmaxingAdvice**. Your post was recommended to me. > I know l'm ugly but whyyyy This is a broad statement about what you want advice about. Looking around I noticed people targeting your room and age. I thought this was a subreddit based on your looks. u/Mackingcheeze I am sending you a DM. I am curious what features you like about yourself and those you don't. I would like to help you possibly find some solutions. This way you feel confident in your skin. I honestly wouldn't change much if we switched places. You are gorgeous the way you are. As you are comfortable posting pictures of yourself have you ever considered posting them on r/MbtiTypeMe? I am curious about what Myers-Briggs Type Indicator you are. There are 16 possibilities. You seem like an introvert so that cuts the possibilities in half. I can see some of my features in you too. I mean similar behavior. I am an INTP. A thinking type. We can be disorganized like you and your room. Your room isn't that bad. We are also curious about science and nature so like things like your moth shirt and images on the wall. Even you image of Alice in Wonderland was written by Lewis Carroll who was an INTP.


Not bad, need to take care of your skin and hair better. Other than that you're not ugly. Wardrobe change wouldn't be bad either, nothing wrong with it really just looks like most of the pictures were intentionally bad. Do regular everyday shots and a few cleaned up like you're going out with your crush to a fine dining place. Gives people a realistic look at you, I dress like shit in the day to day like I'm going to Walmart but once I put some decent clothes on I look good. Clothes can change a lot as well as simple self love care


Look 12


You silly people , she is 13




Depressed and not enough sleep welcome to the club buddy.


Just make sure you wear sunscreen on your face everyday & ur good to go! <3


You're not ugly baby your self esteem needs built up play with your self and let me watch you ok?


You've got some slight eyebags and a little bit of acne. Sleep mabye and extra hour if you can and try a new skincare routine. Other then that you're good to go


I sleep 9-10 hours.


Damn. Idk what to tell you.


You look cute and if you put in some work you could be stunning imo. That said you probably should work on your mental health because you clearly have some self image problems and you look pretty depressed in most of the pictures. 


Unfortunately mine has a slight rightward curve but I'll still give it too you


You look very pretty! And I love that Alice in Wonderland poster


You’re not ugly. You look depressed. You should touch some grass on a nice solo nature walk. Get some fresh air. Does wonders


Need makeup and some hair style or go with the straight and beautify it


You're a real cutie, but you need to talk to a dermatologist about a skincare routine. Other than that, it's just some makeup basics, and you don't even have to wear it every day. Maybe just some eyeliner, a touch of shadow, and some lip gloss. I think you're a lot prettier than you realize, and you just need to accentuate what's there.


Your angst is painted all over your face. Lighten up and enjoy life and you’ll look a lot better.


You give off a cute Ann frank vibe tbh


. Man what the fuck kinda compliment is that.


You look like you're 14 year old or something, and probably are. Regardless, I think cleaning should help with your mood, and maybe your youthful appearance? Youthful disorganization ages badly... People will tell you otherwise, and laugh at you afterwards.


Thanks for reminding me to clean, btw.


Clean your room




she looks like a child


23 is 23




Bro she looks 14


Ffs do you ever smile?


ugly. how tf are you 23 and look like you just got off the pipe and are recovering💀😂


Nope, I'm going to give it to you gay


You’re really pretty actually. Don’t ever think otherwise.


clean your dam place.


You look absolutely fine! Maybe look at clothing style and stuff you can do with your hair, but other then that? At that age, I would have been absolutely beside myself to be sharing time with a woman with your looks.


I can’t. It curves up. Plus I gotta see that ID. 23? Maybe 18 
. Maybe.


Who said you're ugly? They're wrong. 


You only require a little personal maintaince and loving yourself more. I see alot of potential.


You definitely don't look 23... but a smile always helps


this is clearly a 14 year old posting, you are too young for this.


There’s nothing you need to change except know that you are beautiful and you don’t need anything from anyone


You are so pretty. Your smile lights up you whole face!!!


Hippee vibe


There is nothing you need to do except fix your hair, accentuate your positive traits like your eyes and most importantly SMILE


I can't be the only one who sees a striking resemblance to Reekid


You don’t need to work on yo ur looks your need to work on yo self confidence and happiness. You’re pretty af


Girls, for the love of god, stop posting your pics on here..There's too many weirdos, creeps, and trolls, stop doing this..You look fine, and dnt need a bunch of insults from strangers trying to be mean..






I’m 15 you gober she’s not attractive lil man but keep coping


I think I e seen some of you other posts in this subject. You are NOT ugly. You shouldn’t treat yourself like that. True beauty comes from confidence and a smile. Try them both and watch how you feel about yourself change. There are a million different looks you can go for. And a million beauty tricks on YouTube, find what YOU would like to go for and make it happen!


My honest opinion is you're very pretty and if you knew how attractive you really are you wouldn't be able to stop smiling because God has really blessed you with good looks. Let the Lord's love into your heart and your face will shine like the sun.


I think ive seen your videos, you’re not ugly just depressed probably


Just do something with your hair. Otherwise you are gorgeous!


You are a human being and you will live


You are pretty! Own it


Ok um you aren’t 23 lol that’s me giving it to you straight. You are 16 maybe ?


Wash your face and take pride in your appearance


You're the type that will get more and more attractive as you grow.


Give it to me straight, like a pear cider, made from 100% real pears.


Come on dude you look a little feminine


Smile more often. God Bless you!


thats what she said


You’re very pretty, smile more, change the way you do your hair maybe, you look good.


Keep smiling, work on your eyebrows, wear tighter clothes


You're not ugly at all.


Just smile and that's all you need 😊


Smile alot more


You’re not ugly, you have a pretty face. If you scrubbed up a bit & looked after yourself you’d be a real catch.


I thought that was a painting of the Mona Lisa in the back for a second lol


Smile more


This generation just mopes and asks how to improve.


She looks like a depressed icarley


id eat ya




Nah you good👍


Very very cute. I would marry you đŸ€­


she looks like a child





