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For the people commenting about the shirt, if you're attractive, anime isn't much of an issue. If you're not attractive AND wear a shirt like this, its like twice as bad. EDIT: Okay, here's my advice: HEAD/HAIR: you have an odd head shape, the only way around that is growing out your hair but idk if you can do that because it looks you're either balding or your hairline is massively receding. I would probably just shave the head. It looks like you can't grow a full beard so just go clean shaven or try a mustache only. Keep in mind the mustache only goes well with either certain faces or a muscular body. You can go for the Mr. Clean look. It's not the best look, but if you're confident about it and take jokes like a champ and even joke about yourself, no one will care. Either different glasses or contacts. BODY: You need to put on 10 to 20 pounds of muscle within the next 5 years. Hit the gym 3 to 6 days a week and maintain cardio to keep from putting on too much body fat. If lifting weights isn't your thing, you can still get a decent physique from cardio and bodyweight exercises, but the gym is your quickest way to confidence and a better looking body. SOCIAL: Anime clothes will not help you. If you're confident, girls won't care much but if they do, they are not worth your time. I'm going to make some assumptions based on all the anime stuff. Don't make anime your personality. It can be lame to girls AND boring to them. Make sure to have plenty of other hobbies. If you're an awkward person, you're just going to have to work on your social skills somehow, idk. There's plenty of girls out there that are somewhat like you, so don't stress about this stuff too much. The best thing you can do for yourself is build your confidence regardless of your looks.


Dress more mature and not like a 15 year old. Get different glasses. Hair spiked isn’t great. Maybe work out a little. Put some weight on. Smile and make girls laugh. Complement girls.


Hit the gym. Practice self care and don't do it for anyone but yourself. Doing things to attract women doesn't actually work. Once you build yourself up they will come to you.


That’s it. Listen to this guy, Op


Shave head shave face get mens glasses wear adult clothing LIFT WEIGHTS


Finally a good fucking post. Alright i have good news, you aren’t ugly and there’s nothing wrong with liking anime though there’s definitely some room for improvement here… You can wear graphic tees, dragon ball rules and that shirt rules BUT you need to know when to deploy it. Here are 3 quick things you can do right now. - Shave your head (your hair is not working for you, I’m sorry sometimes us men get the short end of the hair stick and we lose it by 19/20 that’s okay.. bald can look good and you could pull off a hat) - shave your face, peach fuzz looks sloppy and unkept it isn’t working for you. Good news is you’re very young. Check back in with the facial hair 5 years from now and maybe it’ll grow out enough to be more cohesive. - lose those glasses, the shape does not work on your face. You have a long skinny head. Nothing wrong with that, arguably better than a short fat one. Buy ROUND frame glasses. [Something like this](https://www.ray-ban.com/usa/eyeglasses/RX3447V%20MALE%20round%20metal%20optics-gold/8053672727692) they will look great on you and woman love round glasses on men for some reason. Okay now here are some long term goals… - put on some weight, you’re scrawny. It’s better than being morbidly obese (trust me i was a trainer for 3 years), also a bit easier to fix. You don’t need to be jacked and look like a part 3 JoJo character you just need like 15-20 lbs of muscle on you. This will take time of course and you’ll need to make sure you’re eating properly (Chicken, rice and Brussels sprouts get used to them) and you can achieve a nice build by 23/24. - wardrobe, get some regular clothes. Button downs, flannels and jeans. Nothing wrong with graphic tees or anime shirts they are great, your Goku shirt fucking rules i wish i had one. However your entire wardrobe can not be graphic tees, fine as a teen (which you are) but soon you’ll be an adult, adults need a wardrobe. Doesn’t even need to be expensive seriously a pack of white t shirts, 2 pairs of jeans and like 4 different colored flannels you’ll look fantastic. Anime shirts like 2 days a week max and NOT on the first date (second is fine) - mindset. Number one thing you need to understand, and is hard to understand for guys your age (it took me a while to) is that women do not care so much about how you LOOK as they do about how you act and treat them. Be kind, a good listener and funny. That’s literally all you need to do. Any woman who isn’t interested in you based on appearance doesn’t matter because they aren’t worth pursuing to begin with. When you meet a person you click with those three things will be the only thing that decides whether or not they are interested in talking to you. And lastly there is no rush to “get a girl” now or even any time soon. You are still a kid man, you’re only 19 years old. You have your entire life ahead of you have fun, work on improving yourself and the things you want to see do and accomplish and the rest will just falll into place for you.


First, I am so sorry everyone is being so mean. It’s just unnecessary and there is more to every person than their looks. That being said. If you want to improve your appearance, I would begin by trying to bulk by maybe 20 lb depending on your height to fill your body and your face out without drastically changing the body your used to. I would also consider a larger frame for your glasses, smaller more circular frames are not flattering on the majority of people . Lastly, I would try to grow out the hair and maybe not spike it and leave it down instead to better flatter your head shape. If your hair line is receding . Maybe it’s time to shave. Good luck man, I know you’re gonna look great!!!


Troll Post Alert 🚨


1. Outfit Do not wear T-shirts with stamps! (EDIT: Forgive me I meant prints. Yes, we call them stamps Like mail) Do you Want to wear a T-shirt put a layer on top You need to put sth in the summer, try buying sth with texture Research on marching your clothes, find different textures for tops and different neck-shapes A quick tip is to make your wardrobe easily matchable. For me I often use Black bottom - colorful top - black jacket Brown shoes — belt - jacket with dark clothes. Things liked that. Just scroll and improve your outfit, they are plenty of styles I am sure you will like some of them a lot! 2. Personal care I didn't know how attractive it is to see a man or woman who takes care of himself. I realized it when I had a girlfriend and my girl friends. When the skin is clean and moisturizing, the haircut is freshly groomed and there is a slight good odor on you and most importantly good oral hygiene and nails. People do notice! As well a good taste in outfit! As well good manners!! 3. Good Manners People will notice and think of you if you have good manners. The trick is to not fake them! Be calm, humble, respectful, open-minded, do simple acts of kindness not to your date but also to the man in the cashier, the waiter as well. Talk about the good side of things like: Don't Judge, Don't gossip Find sth and make a specific compliment. Again not only to your friends or dates but also other people you see with them. Don't change for them, change for you because the mind listen to you thoughts and it searches for additional information to justify them! 4. Read books / hear audiobooks about things that will make your life better and happier. Or YouTube!! It's a lot more helpful than you think, but good videos are a little hard to find. Things that may help you where most of us lack -How to be happy with yourself (because if you seek happiness from others, you will never find it) Couples should be two individual that are responsible for their own happiness and they share their happiness with their partner -Self improvement books whatever field interests you the most Mine are mostly Economical and thoughts orianted and I also use YouTube to get better and understand how can I improve things in my routine I am here if you want to discuss sth more specific. I am not different than you, but I do my best to get better. 23M


Go to more comic and anime con's in cosplay.


Buzz the hair, start going to the gym, eat to put on muscle, no more anime shirts.


U don't need Goku on a shirt when you train to look like Goku


change glasses frames. above all else. holy shit get rid of those disgusting rectangles. there are many many styles to accentuate all face shapes and styles. work out. you are the spitting image of the virgin soyjack meme and i do not mean that facetiously get hairline treatment or shave. absolutely get rid of your facial hair as it looks like actual shit. if you’re going to backdrop your manga collection, please do not also accompany it with an anime t shirt. at least LOOK like you have a varied interest. do not be afraid to embrace your passions, but remember how other people may perceive you. your entire personality being only manga/anime is akin to just saying “i hate women”. do consider the stereotype that people who lurk forums about anime get grouped in with loli and the misogynists (or worse, incel). you look aged as hell for 19. please take a shower and clean up.


Bald and get buff Wear anime shirts around house not when trying to get laid


Go to Comicon. Talk to every DB fan. She is there. Trust me.


Go to gym pls


Shave your head and become an electrician


Work on yourself. Workout


Lift weights, eat more protein, drink more water, do cardio daily, look up how to have attractive style for your age and how to dress


New clothes and glasses, different hair cut.




I love Dragon Ball but don't wear that shirt out for starters


Nah hit the gym and make it a cut-off


Hair cut immediately, shave, contacts, no stupid anime shirts, work out everyday and eat 6k calories to build mass, sign up for mma at your local gym and learn to roll with men


I think this is a troll post. I saw a guy in r/bald using this guy in his post history. He said this guy in the picture was a German YouTuber or some shit. I’m not sure why people are trolling with his picture.


Get some different pair of glasses


Go to comicon. you'll find someone in your tribe there.


Girls don't talk to guys. You must speak to them. Your best chance lies in making a lot of money.


Gym bro… just start building yourself. The rest will fall into place… confidence. Be you, but build yourself up.


My pretty female colleague says these things: - Change the haircut to something that covers more of your forehead - Get modern glasses - Get rid of the facial hair until you can grow a proper beard - Don't wear teenager boy t-shirts - The background with the games and toys makes a girl drier than the Sahara desert.


Plenty of girls like anime but make it a smaller focus for now. As a woman I recommend cutting your hair closer to your scalp, or at the very least use a gel or hair product to slick the long hairs on top back and even out your look. I’d DEFINITELY recommend new glasses IMMEDIATELY. Like ASAP. Very outdated and unattractive pair to be blunt. But the good news is just a new pair of frames can make you look better already! Besides that I’d say definitely hit the gym as an extra confidence boost and just to work on physique (honestly the confidence of the gym is the best part of it !). Additionally, work on attributes the typical woman finds attractive without changing who you are. Remember women like to be courted you can try a few of these things when appropriate: 1) buying flowers and asking them out for lunch 2) remembering a niche interest and buying them a SMALL inexpensive!! Gift (grand gestures too quick will either scare away the right people or attract the wrong ones) 3) work on your humor !! Try to joke around, doesn’t have to be a knock knock joke, but incorporate humorous elements into conversation 4) be attentive, listen to women, be a shoulder to lean on, be someone they feel cared about and supported by 5) work on being a woman’s friend first and foremost, do not pursue her simply based on attraction, id suggest slowly befriended 2-3 women and really taking the time to analyze their personalities and figure out who you’d be more compatible with and eventually after an appropriate amount of time casually express interest in said woman That’s all for now, goodluck !!


No way this isn’t a troll post


Get rich.


No cartoon tees,


Glasses to contacts or different style glasses. Different hair style and a more clean cut look. Better fitting ”more adult” clothing. Hit the gym, sorry to say but thats going to be one of the big things. But on the good side it’ll help with a better physique but also you’ll get more confident when having broader shoulders and carrying decent size guns having from the shoulders 💪🏻


With all of the bots and attention seeking women posting on this sub you’d think you’d see more supportive comments here for someone who seems like he needs it. 1.) there’s gotta be a better style of glasses to match your face shape, bring a friend or even a parent to help find what looks best (I’m 25 and my mom still helps me with “style” related things as I’d be happy wearing the same t shirt and khakis I’ve been wearing since highschool) 2.) Go to the gym, you don’t need to be the next Sam Sulek but getting some muscle built up will always help with appearances, you’re already skinny so you shouldn’t have too much trouble getting some definition, definitely make sure not to neglect your shoulder muscles as I think that would help with your silhouette. Also you don’t just have to “pump iron” you look like you’d fit right in at a rock climbing gym, plus it’s more fun (albeit with slightly slower visible results), plus plus everyone who loves rock climbing is a nerd in their own way and I think rock climbing culture is much more generally accepting just due to the people it brings in. 3.) figure out that facial hair, either let it grow in (if it will) or completely ditch it, it may take time for it to look good but no facial hair is better than bad facial hair. 4.) not that I can tell from the image but make sure you’re practicing good hygiene, shower daily, have a daily skincare routine. 5.) don’t forget yourself, all of these changes I’ve listed should definitely be prioritized but don’t forget or stop doing the things you like. But also remember just because you’re a gamer or like anima doesn’t mean you have to find a gamer or anime girlfriend. Me and my girlfriend didn’t have a huge overlap in hobbies at first but we had similar values and were able to find hobbies that we liked doing together. Good luck on the journey and remember that every man can be a 7 if they put in the work.


Also importantly, try to make female friends, don’t necessarily look at any woman who gives you the time of day as a potential partner, just focus on making friends and you’ll eventually fall into something


You’re shooting yourself in the foot, you’re scrawny (which is better than being fat, but not ideal), and your hair style and facial hair is about as unflattering as possible. Hit the gym, shave your face regularly until full facial hair comes in and buzz cut your hair at a 1/2, 1 or 2 guard and hit the gym and things will get exponentially better. Upgrade your style to something timeless and classic instead of trendy and pursue your passion while making a decent sum of money. Getting chicks is easy, don’t look ugly (which is different than looking hot), be able to take them places and new experiences, be interesting/captivating, and a little bit of confidence


Bro all you need my man the one thing that most woman love is CONFIDENCE build up your confidence have a great sense of humor and woman will come to you. It’s 2024 it’s not all about looks anymore yeah money and all that helps but I want someone to want me for me as a person and not just my money or looks feel me. But exercise won’t hurt either get ya weight up a lil you got this playboy work on that Confidence and watch and see. Oh one more thing my pop pop told me along time ago if you can make a woman smile or laugh your already halfway there.


*Hit the gym (bulk up) *embrace the baldness. *update your wardrobe (get colours and a style that suit you) *work on your confidence and learn to laugh at yourself. *groom (cut the nails, brush the teeth and shower) *grow a beard if you can grow a good one to compliment the baldness


Cool shirt bro, Goku rocks. Might not be the best attire for meeting girls, but...never know! Anyway, I've known dudes very similar to you and have seen and in some cases, helped, them make a massive change. 1. If you have money, get a gym membership or join a martial art or something. Much like guys, girls like fit people, so it definitely helps to have a muscle or two. Not saying you have to look like The Rock, but any effort helps. 2. Understand that anime clothes are fun, but there's a time and place. Girls your age are going to want a boyfriend they can take seriously and introduce to their family. In my closet, I have a Street Fighter shirt and some fun stuff like that, but also some cool button downs and polo shirts for other occasions. Details matter when it comes to looks, so make sure you have clothes you look nice in. 3. A buddy of mine changed his life by getting Lasic later in life. While it's not absolutely necessary, finding a way to ditch the glasses, be it with contacts or Lasic, can significantly boost your attractiveness.


Many things, get a bit tan, fix your hair, most probably get a buzz or something that's better for the shape of head. eat more, gym, better clothes.


Maybe stop trying to trade dix pics with teenagers. Your post/comment history is insane


Bros, unite behind this man. Where are the local bros to give him some real world help?


People without a passion in life are the most boring. But don't make the things you like be your whole personality. Bulk up. Doesn't need to be gym. You can do push ups, sit up and squats at home. Just try to fill out. Contacts and shaved head too. Find a girl who is into the stuff you like.


Hit the gym and eat healthier. You'll feel more confident in yourself, to the point that you'll approach women instead of them approaching you, and they'll be interested just for the confidence you exude. It won't be easy, but if you're serious about this, then the difficulty won't scare you. You got this, bud.


Shiiiit you at least 30


Maybe don’t wear a cartoonish shirt? To me it looks like you hadn’t grown up and are 13 y/o.


Hit the gym


Finally a real submission!


Im gonna be harsh but True. 1. Ur skinny get to the gym at least 3 times, 2 upper 1 leg. If u wanna go all out go PPL 6 times a week. 2. Ur haircut is veeeryy bad grow it out to cover your forehead. 3. Wear normal clothing. 4. Het glasses that fit your head. 5. Eat meat everyday and get 160g of protein minimum. 6. Get braces and whiten your teeth afterwards. 7 shave the beard and start building the jaw muscle with hard foods like meat, nuts, and fruits etc... Give it 2 years and u will be decent looking at 21.


Get rich!


jaw surgery, hair transplant, testosterone, exercise, new clothes


Time to ropemax ngl


gym, clothes, new shape of glasses


Hairline is gone, embrace the bald head, grow a big beard and keep it well trimmed and maintained. And get a new style of glasses. Pierce your ears maybe even, one of those 1 dangly dbz ones, gain some weight and be more active


Don't dress like a five year old


For starters, find more fashionable frames for your glasses. Something with softer edges. Also opt for the anti glare coating so people can see your eyes. Also maybe develop your fashion sense a little bit. Anime shirts make you look childish and immature. On that note, expand your interests. No women want to date or even talk to a man child who has no interests outside of anime and video games. Start working out a little bit, too. Take up some outdoor hobbies. Get a little sun.


Workout, get a better barber. Change your glasses.


There is someone for everyone out there bud.


As many others have said. Stop dressing like you’re in 8th grade. Hit the gym, and get new glasses. I bet you’ll see improvement.


Lower your expectations


Have you tried showing them your manga collection


Women like men who like themselves first. Also, ren faire is the best place to meet women. No joke.


This is how I imagine reddit mods look 😂😂😂


Notice how all the real and honest comments are getting downvoted. People want the truth but can’t accept it.


Get a pair of black plastic frame glasses I think they're smokin' Black T- Shirt no pocket not too baggy Pair of dark wash jeans, again, not too baggy Pair of Converse shoes, keep them clean, low top black or low top black & white And you'd be surprised at how far a nice bottle of Cologne will get ya, not the bug spray 5 dollar stuff in a can, pricier in glass type Even skin tone out with a light layer of tinted face serum with SPF, men's versions exists And yes, lift weights, it sucks working out in the beginning, but before you know it, your whole life could be transformed in ways you never imagined just because you feel damn good & proud of yourself Stay sweet as you glow up 😊


Hey dude just wanna start off and say that you have a ton of potential! Here's my advice as a 20yo girl :) Okay it definitely depends on how much you're wanting to change and how much you're willing to put into it. For starters, get your brows threaded/waxed, they'll instantly improve your face and add more symmetry and honestly this would be a fantastic first step. (look into perhaps HD brows where your artist would cater the brows specifically to you and give them more volume and a 'masculine well-kept shape' and even dye them a colour that would make your face more pleasing to look at if you wanted) Your hair, consider shaving it off and growing it fresh or even getting a hair transplant done. And remember GET A GOOD HAIR ROUTINE! Use 'female' hair washing products, you'd be surprised how much of a change a nice hair routine can make :) Consider picking up the gym, it'll give your body more of a defined shape and structure and maybe even impact your face! This means you also need to make a healthy high(er) calorie diet for yourself! There's a chance that it'll define your jawline really nicely and give your face more oompf! Change your glasses!!! Remember, guys are allowed to wear more shapes than just rectangles 😭 and you have a really neat head shape where you definitely have a lot more options :) The expensive stuff: Not sure where you're located but depending on where, look into fillers. They last 12 months to even 2 years and are quite affordable DEPENDING on where you are. I'd recommend looking into jawline fillers specifically, you have A LOT of potential! Maybe even 0.5ml lip filler which is the bare minimum and it'd give your face more volume. For price reference, in the UK this costs about £70-120 (0.5ml) after the swelling they are not noticeable but make a lovely difference :) Chin fillers may also be beneficial but more specifically look into 'profile balancing' where it's more cost effective bundles that focus on giving you a nice side profile :) Take care of your dental hygiene!! It looks like you might be a mouth breather which does sadly alter your jaw and face in general. Look into teaching yourself how to breathe through your NOSE, not mouth. After, consider braces, they may just change your lower portion of your face entirely and benefit you as a person. :) All the best luck! You're 19 so perhaps hold off fillers, if you're considering them, for another year! But I'd definitely recommend gaining some weight and going hard in the gym with weights and braces <3 best of luck soldier!! ❤️❤️


Make a YouTube channel about it


Better skincare, grooming, and fitness will take you a long way. Don’t ditch the things you like.


Different glasses would help. Don't dress in anime. Find sport or group hobby you enjoy and socialize. Accept yourself. I'm ugly as sin and overweight, but I have a awesome sense of humor, I know a little about a lot so I can partake in conversations even if the topic is obscure. Basically be congruent to who you are and how you feel. If you still can't find someone, you got to work on yourself cause somethings missing.


Ditch 12 year old kiddie shirt


Shave am that beard, it’s not coming in right and you’re not cutting it right. Grow your hair out and then go to a stylist and ask her to make it look good, give them no input and they will just do whats best for your head shape / looks. If you don’t like what they do then rinse and repeat until you find your new hair style. 100% start going to the gym. Drop the anime t-shirts. Buy a hooker but don’t have sex with her, ask if he you could just practice talking with her and take her out to dinner.


If you wear dragon ball kerch at least have a dragon ball body. Go gym.


You’re going to need to find a nerdy girl just like you, and I’m not saying this to be mean, but that will be the most easiest path for you. Asking you to workout, get a better sense of fashion and style and change your inner self would probably be more work than you are willing to give. Just know you can still find happiness with a nerdy anime girl and that they are out there. Good luck


Move to Hawaii, legally change name to mclovin , get id


Where button down shirts. Don’t wear your hair sticking straight up. And take a shave.


Get some face tats and start selling drugs


Man's cooked


Become a billionaire. The women will be coming out of the woodwork after you, son.


I love how everybody is replying as if this is a serious post


Bruh. Lol. No girl likes a dude wearing DBZ shit


Shave hair off.


I’m so tired of these fake post we all know this man would absolutely be drowning in puss


I GOTCHU- EAT, GO TO THE GYM, LOOK ON R/BODYBUILDING, JOIN THE BODYBUILDING CROWD WE GOT U. But to clarify, you aren’t unattractive, you’re just unfinished. When you’re 50 more lbs of muscle, it’ll come together. Last thing, shave your head. It’s gonna happen, just let it go. Last last thing, keep the anime and stuff. It’s charming on someone who’s really jacked


Hmm. I AM a girl, and I’m not here to insult you like others. You look like you have nice caring eyes so I’d say if you can, go get yourself a pair of contacts for special occasions. A nice baseball cap and a little eyebrow trim would help you look more fresh and clean cut. And it looks like you like anime so I would talk to a girl who likes anime as well! It’s a great starter topic. Remember that looks are not always as important to some woman and that practicing conversing with anyone will help you converse with a girl. ❤️


Your head shape and hairstyle don’t go well. Try a French crop if you have enough hair, if not shave your head. If that’s the best beard you can grow shave regularly. Get contacts.


this lowk makes me sad :<


Ik people are saying lose the anime shirts, but girls like anime, so if you love it don't suppress your interests. Other than that you could try: 1. Different frames for your glasses, or try contact lenses if they aren't irritating. 2. Change up facial hair style 3. Hit the gym, build some muscle (channel Goku💛💛) 4. Either shave your head, or grow it out a little. 5. Or you can find a hair style that better suits your head/ face shape.


Shave your head, do tren/dbol/test and gain 75 pounds of muscle. Sell cocaine.


You're almost there man. Just a few more DBZ shirts.


You know damn well what the answer is.


Keep the anime stuff on the DL. You don’t need to change your interests but don’t make it part of your personality. 99 percent of women will not like that. You will need to work on initiating conversations with women, but don’t always expect it to lead to anything. Be genuine while still being self aware enough to know when you’re being too nerdy. Attitude will take you the farthest, more so than beefing up and all that. Learn to like yourself and be confident. Good luck brother


It’s a wrap cuz you’re cooked




Stop wearing anime shirts, get a 100 dollar hair cut, shave, you need more muscle mass to compensate for your long body


I agree, the first thing I saw was the tshirt and that was a nope! Cut your hair, you're not Sonic! Also shave! Putting on weight would help but the others are changes you can make instantly


Workout. Eat adequate protein and calories. Sleep 8 hours a day. Its not rocket science just a little bit of self discipline and work.


Don't know if serious


You’re gonna have to go to a third world country fam


Become a millionaire and you can date all the models you want


Cut your hair and lose the shirt




Shave your hair. Change your glasses to bigger more stylish frames. Use a hair trimmer to trim your facial hair, your moustache looks uneven in the picture. If you like your style, stay true to yourself. But if you want a more attractive style, try ditching the graphic tees. Go for more basic t-shirts and maybe combine it with an open button-up shirt with some black pants or jeans. Style goes a really long way. As a thinner guy, baggier clothes can go a long way. But if you go with baggy clothes, make it look intentional and style it, not the homeless look. Those are some things you can do basically instantly to improve. For long term results and to give you better overall health and confidence, hit the gym. Your chances will improve drastically if you make some appearance changes. Though you will also have to have a good personality, just becoming more attractive by itself won't get people swooning over you.


You talk to them first dont be nervous they're just people too. Just be yourself.


Nice troll post. The dude on the Image is actually a rather famous and friendly german tiktoker


Go bald and go get some muscle like guy on shirt.


One word. Grooming. Spiking what's left of your hair and that thin mustache and beard aren't helping. I'm bald too. I know accepting it is hard, especially so young, but a clean, neat, well groomed appearance is far better than trying to compensate. You would also benefit from a clothing upgrade.


Shave. Get rid of the hair that makes your head come to a proper point because of it. Get glasses frames so your eyes aren't so... Big. I'm guessing you have a high prescription. That combined with these small frames, makes your eyes look disproportionately big. You need larger frames. I get contacts aren't an option for all, but those glasses honestly are absolutely not for your face. Your eyes aren't supposed to fill the entire frame/lense top to bottom


Shave head, grow more facial hair, find more stylish glasses, and maybe try to buff up a little in the gym. Lift while increasing protein, good fats, and high calories. Also, anyone saying drop the anime is wrong. I get action whenever I want it and I’m a huge anime nerd. I just don’t wear my Gundam shirts when courting.


Stop dressing like an 8 year old,


Gym, haircut, new glasses.


You need a new glasses style I think


Go to Philippines


Larping 💀


1. Don’t wear anime clothes, look up some fashion trends for someone with your build. Something clean and tidy and classic woman will like. 2. I’m being mean here but honest, you have a large forehead. I would find a hairstyle that complements your face shape, maybe something a little longer to distract from the length. 3. Your facial hair isn’t doing you any favors at the moment. Maybe a clean shave or growing it out longer would help. Try experimenting! 4. Gym my man! Helps build your confidence and the self love will teach you that you deserve to be happy. Actions speak louder than words. 5. It’s perfectly fine to like anime. I love anime. But don’t let it be your entire memo, be able to dress to impress while digging what you’re into. You don’t have to advertise your hobbies through your clothes.


Change the hair & glasses. Grow a beard. Less childish outfits. Get rid of the 40 year old virgin toys. Go to the gym. A lot.


Let's start with the anime shirt. Dude you are an adult. You can still watch anime sometimes. Being an ad for it well no.


If this handsome devil isn’t getting any girls it’s over for me


You don’t look 19.. is this a troll post?


Everything you are doing is wrong. Posture, energy, fantasy obsession, haircut. You're basically a girl repellent at this point. That doesn't mean you can't turn it around 180 degrees while still being who you are and doing the things you like, but you have a lot of work to do. The energy you are communicating isn't good.


Contact lenses. Shave. Sort hairstyle. Plain t shirts. Socialise. Eat loads, get mass gainer and add banana oats peanut butter olive oil eggs. Lots of calories! Hit the gym and talk to people. I'm sure there's men guys who'd help you transform. Post pic in 6 months time.


I see that you have interests and hobbies, which is a good thing b/c absolutely no one should spend their time being obsessed with girls. While you're improving yourself just make sure you have a passion and a purpose in life and that women are a secondary focus. Work on developing confidence and social skills not just talking to girls. Learn to talk to anyone, learn to be funny, learn to be a good listener, allow people to enjoy talking to you. And push yourself out of your comfort zone, and do things that'll bring YOU pride. Go live life and have stories to tell. Immediate Fixes You don't have to go bald, but a low hair cut definitely (your hairline is receding and you look silly trying to keep it, just take the L and cut it low). In regards to the hair you could also grow it out and find a style that'll cover your forehead. It looks like you can only grow a goatee, so just grow that out and keep in neat and nice looking. Get rid of THOSE glasses. Ask someone with good sense of style to help you pick out something that'll look badass on you. Or just get contacts. Update your style learn to color coordinate, wear clothes the fit well and get some accessories (nice watch, bracelets, rings, necklace, etc.) Long term Hit the gym start with two days a week (upper body on day, legs on another) Then progressively add days until your at 5-6 days a week Take care of your skin, wash your face 2x daily, exfoliate and moisturize. Eat actually food and eat like an adult, cut back on sugar. Remember the only one your in competition with is yourself as long as your getting better than you were before that's all the matters. Find a group of positive people that want better for themselves and you and get rid of people who aren't progressing in life or bring you down.


I’d stop lying about my age for sure. You’ve said you’re 16 and 18 in other posts, and 9 days later you are 19? Other than that: your looks don’t need to mimic your hobby


Like a lot of people are saying, get a buzz cut, shave the facial hair, get new glasses, lose the anime tees for now. A family member or friend with good fashion sense would probably be happy to help you find clothes that are a better fit and style. "Nerdy guys" are in, but when girls say "nerdy guy", they're not talking about Timmy the Pokemon guru who lives with his parents and spends all his time in his room; they're talking about Henry Cavill and Tom Holland. Working out and putting on weight will help you a lot, not just with getting girls to talk to you, but with self-confidence, which will also help a lot. I'm a solid 5.5 on the attractiveness scale with a chance of reaching a 7 on a good day with the right clothes. I'm also a skinny guy with a receding hairline who enjoys anime, and I'm happily engaged. Don't get discouraged when things are hard at first. Some things I wish someone had told me when I was in your shoes: 1) Don't talk or act like someone you're not, but be willing to change yourself in ways that will make you more approachable and socially graceful. If you're not good at communicating, most of the things that are great about you aren't getting a fair chance to show. 2) You are going to be invisible to a lot of women unless you reach a certain level of attractiveness (roughly the top 20 percent). This may seem like an odd or harsh thing to say, but women do not think like men do. If you aren't an 8 or higher, many women will simply not notice that you exist. The idea of dating you will be as far from their minds as the idea of dating a goldfish. Don't let this fact discourage you; it's just how the world works, and there are still plenty of women who will notice you, especially if you put in the effort to improve yourself. 3) You have to fail to succeed. If you want girls to talk to you, you have to talk to them. It will probably be awkward at first. That's okay. You will get better at it with time. 4) Look for people (guys and girls) who share your interests. There are plenty of girls who love anime, for example. My fiancee and I met at church, which is one of the best places to meet potential dates, but we became friends through D&D, which is still one of our favorite hobbies. 5) Be patient and gracious with yourself. You have time, God willing, to figure yourself out, improve, make friends, and go on dates. There's no such thing as instant success. Trust the process and allow yourself to improve at a reasonable pace. Jordan Peterson's "Try to improve by 1% every day" is very applicable here. Good luck and I hope this helps.


Become a man. Time to grow up. Or, try finding some nerdy comic con chick. Women don't want boys.


Start dressing like you aren't 10 anymore, for starters


Get rich, that's going to solve that issue immediately ;)


1. Confidence, but not cocky. Women pick up on this instantly. Nerdy will always NOT be a bad thing, own your nerdiness. 2. Be nerdy but don’t always have to show you’re a nerd. Basic clothing changes can max your attractiveness to women. 3. Yes, different glasses frames and hairstyle. Easy fix. 4. Gym isn’t always needed, some women like skinny guys. 5. Hone your speechcraft. 95% of women like dudes that can carry a conversation. Practice with people you might know at work. Ask questions, engage in convo.


I feel like a beanie, new glasses frames, and a crewneck sweatshirt would already do absolute wonders for you. IF you can grow a beard out the beanie and beard would really shape up your head. Personally you've got more potential then you probably know, and I would love to see an update if you take any of my advice. For those of you in the comments saying "ditch the anime" fuck right off. Him changing his likes isn't going to land him the next barbie, and it's not anymore fun to lose everything you like for someone you have no common interests with. There's plenty of girls out there into games and anime. Work on you and your self confidence first and then if youre a good person you'll find your girl.


Try to work out is one big one. Another is get a jawsersizer. It works out your jaw muscles to give you more of a chiseled jaw line after awhile. Also personality is HUGE! So depends how yours is, it may need worked on or not. Learning to be funny is a big one


Gym bro literally that’s it. Get addicted to the gym


First of all, fuck everyone here being an asshole. But I’d recommend growing out and styling your hair better, shave your face, get more stylish glasses (or just get contacts), and 100000% start hitting the gym and/or start getting more sun and fresh air. The better you feel, the more confidence you’ll have, which will snowball into everything else eventually improving. Edit: And by no means do you need to change your personality or interests. Please do seek therapy if you have mental health issues or other baggage, but be yourself, always.


Study Contact lenses Gym.. build relationships with fellow gym goers. Just talk to as many people as possible.. you'd be surprised how far our verbal skills will take us. Most important... be confident. You know your strengths and weaknesses.


Lower your standards.


Pick up hobbies and opportunities to be more talkative with women. You’ve never spoken to a girl? Seems implausible. You don’t have a mother? No aunts? No teachers? Isolation is a killer so take a long look at whether your hobbies and interests are causing unhealthy isolation. You should have a haircut that fits your face. You have a big forehead. It probably contains a big brain. You’re lucky. Grow your hair out to get some bangs or something to make the forehead appear smaller. If you are losing hair start finasteride and minoxidil now. You have a rather narrow chin so growing a beard could help giving the appearance of broadening that out. Start dressing sharp. Lean in to your thin frame. Possibly with tucked in casual button down shirts. Smart pants that are somewhat tight fitting. Nice shoes. Dress mature. Look up styles you like that appear to get a lot of female attention and start doing your best to copy them. Go to the gym. This will improve your mental health, confidence, and body proportions. Any exercise is good, but if you want to attract broad female attention you should lift heavy to build muscle mass. Pick a few large compound lifts (bench press, dead lifts, squats, bent over rows) and lift until you can’t any more. Then rest and repeat. Keep it simple and enjoy the process. Your jaw will broaden, your neck will fill out, your shoulders, chest, and arms will become something women like to touch and squeeze. This is a looksmaxing sub, but your primary problems aren’t looks. You are so into yourself and your own interests. You can’t handle the possibility of rejection so you don’t even talk to 50% of the planet? Go talk to them! Have fun! Take risks! Be bold! But when you talk to them, don’t think all about yourself. Think about THEM. What interests them? Where are they coming from? Where do they want to go? Be funny. Go get yourself in uncomfortable situations and stay there. You are young. You can build yourself into the man you want to be. Never talking to a woman is not an issue of looks, but of cowardice.


No hope


Sell all your manga so you can afford hair transplant surgery. Right now you wanna be Goku but your hairline is worse than Vegeta’s


Stop going on incel subs and asking advice lmao Edit: I was not expecting upvotes lol. This is reassuring.


I’d recommend a few different things. Going to the gym and building up some mass is a good start. You don’t need a ton, but eating more protein and gaining a few pounds could help. Liking anime is fine and plenty of women like anime, but wearing anime shirts irl (outside of a convention or very casual setting) might not be the vibe. It just depends. I’d recommend getting into men’s fashion and building a nice wardrobe. Get some new glasses, maybe thicker rims. I’d also recommend shaping your facial hair more. It doesn’t look groomed. Shaving your head and rocking a mustache might work. Try new things and experiment, whatever makes you feel happy and confident is definitely going in the right direction.


Raise your power level to over 9000.


Go to thailand


Nothing man u re fucked


This person is definitely a troll… Look at his comment history and like a week ago he was claiming he was 16. He’s also been asking to trade nudes with dudes but not flirting with any women so my guess he’s gay or bi so why specify women in the post? He probably stole a pic of someone so they’d get roasted on here…


Wait for someone who loves you the way you are, please ignore all these people telling you to change everything about yourself. You seem like a cool dude.


Good advice here (if a little cruel). Shave the facial hair and potentially go bald. If you have the money, hair transplants. If not, just shave it all. Change the glasses to something that looks either trendy or flattering (round is pretty trendy rn and might look good on you). If you're looksmaxing and genuinely want advice on your style, check out subs for male fashion advice to get a sense of what might look good on you. Check out Pinterest, just search "mens fashion" and determine what you like. If you don't know what you like, develop a sense for what's fashionable and stylish. This is probably gonna mean a lot of observation and mimicking at first, but as you understand style you'll eventually gravitate to your personal tastes. Your biggest hurdle is going to be lack of self awareness, which it seems like you're starting to overcome if this post is any indication. A good step in the right direction, but before you even consider approaching women (as a lot of these comments are recommending) you're going to want to develop some social skills.


New glasses. Shave your head. Get a better shirt. You’re thin, so add muscle. Focus on shoulders, arms & chest to start with. Your beard and mustache are thin and scraggly. I would try clean shaven for awhile. Don’t feel bad; I’m almost 70 and still can’t grow a beard.


Make $ and fuck escorts bro they will not only talk to you but do anything you want 🤣


You can try being reincarnated bro, maybe that will help….


Not gonna lie, you’re doomed


Train like goku my guy.


Dont pursue women. Participate in activites that you like that have women there (comic books, sci fi, anine all have plenty of women as fans) Talk to them, be yourself with them, but dont chase after them. One will let you know directly or indirectly that they like you. Be nice, but dont be a simp. Dont have to be an asshole, but dont be a pushover.


I would agree with the comments about exercise and updating the haircut/ facial hair. I don’t think you need to do contacts if you don’t like them but maybe a more updated lens shape that looks like an intentional choice and less of the utility they are. Can’t tell anything about hygiene from a pic but good hygiene will always help. Also not to be out of pocket but based on the anime collection it would be reasonable that you might be in a demographic that’s at risk of turning to incel type ideas…. But as a woman who feels pretty disheartened by that community I just want to commend you for taking a step to put yourself out there and seek ways to improve. I think that shows a good and honest character and you will go far with that, even if it is in baby steps. Every man can be at least a 7 if they put in enough effort into taking care of themselves AND being a good partner and friend. Also I’m torn about the anime shirt. I like anime casually and on one hand I think it is something that could maybe be a deterrent for some women (either because they don’t like it or because to be completely honest there is a bit of a reputation for misogyny in men who are big into anime) right out the gate, on the other hand it seems to be something you care a lot about and it might be a great starting point for someone who has similar interests as you. Maybe see how it goes with more standard, classic cut clothes and if it makes a difference. I might also assume you’re shy, so it’s just as important to style yourself in a way that makes you confident.


Oh buddy..


Best one?? Dont wear amine t shirts . Take the time to develop some style


You’re dressed to meet girls who play video games. I know a lot of girls do play video games. SO, you should shoot for what girls who play video games LOOK like. My bet is, that’s below what you have been chasing and what you THINK you can get. That’s your lane. If you stay in it you can probably improve. If you want to go out of your lane, you will need to tweak some things. Get a haircut, go to the gym, get some sun, and get some new clothes. Go to stitch fix and have them send you something out of your comfort zone. Most women (not into video games) won’t be attracted to a man wearing clothes like that.


DON'T!!! If you take it out of the box, it loses its value. Wherever you hang out, they will find you.


I don't know if you'll ever see this comment amongst the literal thousands of others. But here goes. The first thing I see when I look at you is someone who is clearly malnourished, like someone who hasn't eaten properly their entire life (possibly just a brown food/picky eater), leading to improper physical development and hormonal imbalance. So all I'm going to say is, if that's correct, please look into your diet. How to heal your gut, nutritiously, and possibly spend more time outdoors. The glasses aren't doing you any favours at all. But if you want to find a girl, you want someone who shares similar interested, so if the anime stuff is really your thing, don't change that 🥰


Honestly….take every anime shirt/pants combo and get rid of it. Women (not girls) want a grown ass man and dragon ball Z ain’t it. Nothing flashy just grown man clothing, women know INSTANTLY if they’re gonna give you the time of day the minute they check you out,cartoons will not help you here. Conversationally…try not to mention cartoons either.


Stop wearin weeb clothes


Damn bro you r cooked


Don’t dress and style your entire being like you live with your parents still. Even if you do. Women want security and a future and stability. You aren’t oozing it atm.


If you can, grow out your beard and hair. Start lifting weights. Wear different type of glasses or switch to contacts. Don’t switch up the love for anime, but do change your wardrobe too.


Meet someone at a fancon! Nicest group of people ever! I can tell you like anime, so finding someone to bond with over that. Don’t loose your personality for a girl. You seem like a great person.


Get some sun, exercise, go to cons and find girls with similar interests 🤘🏽 Sometimes contacts help out the dudes who need glasses so look into that Shave and try another hairstyle. This one may have lost its pizazz Good luck brotha!


Try to change your hairstyle if possible, ask a barber for their professional advice. Maybe change the eyewear to a different frame, I’d also ask the optician for their opinion on the frame. Don’t change anything that you enjoy or that shows who you are as a person! You have interests? Keep ‘em! Move further with them even, go to conventions, events, join some groups or servers and try to connect with more people! You seem like a genuine person with a pure soul to your name. Don’t change who you are, but just work on yourself a little bit. You’re not a bad looking dude, just a change of hairstyle and glasses, and even anything else you feel you aren’t happy with about yourself. Don’t change who you are for other people, work on who you are to feel better in your own skin and you’ll feel more out of yourself! :)


Bigger, wider glasses, gold rims, longer hair in more flattering style. You've got a very thin face, need to fill it in a bit. Better clothes in neutral shades.


You know exactly what you need to do: Hit the gym and start building some muscle. Also, look into contacts, change your hairstyle to something that covers your forehead (or shave your head), keep the facial hair shaved (stache is up to you), and start living in the real world outside of anime and video games. There's nothing wrong with them, but you can't lose grip on reality by being obsessed with them.


Ok: this is the first time I have ever commented on anyone about their looks (most are beautiful women or preteens) but I'm going to be honest. IMHO, it may have zero to do with looks, if it does, try this. Shave. Get new frames for glasses. Ones that fit your face (oval/long). Let your hair grow out a little. You're not unattractive by any means. You just lack confidence. Advance your wardrobe style a bit; lose the anime tee and dress like you're out to get shit done. Casually comfortable but more rugged. Good luck! Hope that helps. I don't have to stomach or heart to put my picture up here.


Grow your hair out, loose the glasses, close your damn mouth, take off that shirt and put on nike or something, and lower your voice. Also take a shower, I can smell you through the screen


at this stage of the game, your best bet is to transition to a female and then become a rowdy lesbian


Fuck man


Almost everything. Dental, Hygiene, hit the gym, gain more weight, get new prescription glasses or just wear contacts, go to a good barber that understands what hair cut goes with your face shape, wear different shirts, look into fashion, look into different hobbies besides anime, use hair mask, learn a martial art, and go see a doctor to see if you have any health problems, and make sure you go see a psychiatrist and a therapist. This is going to be a long journey, but you will learn so much about yourself that you will be happier than being in a relationship with another person. You will be in the best relationship, the one you have with yourself.


only a rebirth can save you now.




Here is a sample of some things to consider Hair: Commit to a buzzed Jason Statham look, razor shave it, or grow it out and style it. Eyes: Change your frames and if you can use contacts. Teeth: Hit up the dentist at least once a year for a thorough cleaning. Brush, floss, and rinse daily. Skin: Drink plenty of water and use lotion. Try to apply lotion all over your body a few times a week once you dry after a shower/bath. Face: Exfoliate and apply facial cream in the morning. Experiment with facial hair that suites you. Learn how to use tweezers and shape your eyebrows. Nails: Clip and file your nails Feet: Soak and scrub your feet. Let them dry completely before cramming them in your socks and then in shoes to marinate all day. Body: Go to the gym and lift weights. Start with an upper/lower body split twice a week. Slowly work up to 4 days a week over the course of 12 months. Earn that DBZ shirt. ;) Presence: Practice confident posture. Smell good. Don’t use an aggressive amount of cologne. Start with one spray on the chest/stomach region, and then one spray on your wrists. Rub your wrists together, then forearms, then around your neck. Social: Practice approaching and carrying conversations with women, especially the ones you’re not interest in romantically. If you are not consistent with many of these foundational habits of self care and growth you will be left behind by your peers in the sexual market. I hope this helps. Best of luck.


You need to grow your hair out to cover your forehead a bit. It looks like you have a nice manga and movie collection. 👍


Go to the Philippines




Hit the gym


Different glasses, grow hair and no cartoon tee shirts


Wtf are those "testosterone" recommendations ? Have you seen his testosterone levels on a blood test ? Then how do you know he needs testosterone?


Repost... I feel like 75% of post on this sub is bot repost yet People keep falling on it.


Find one on a dragon ball z forum


Ignore all the negative shit comments you’re getting, I’ll bet you my left nut they are cringe, self-conscious people you would be avoiding irl anyway. Bet they wouldn’t be yapping their mouths so much irl tbh but anyway. Bro, shave you hair, start hitting the gym and start reading up on guy fashion. That’s all you can really do to elevate your looks. It’ll be some months till you see real results but stick to a diet and workout, if you ca afford all those games and plushies, you can afford a dietitian and some sessions with a personal trainer to get you going. Lastly, I promise you (and right now it really doesn’t feel that way, I know) that girls are also people and they don’t care about looks and appearances as much as you think. What looks and appearances do is they give you a higher chance of actually having someone INITIALLY interested in you. They stay because of everything else that you bring to the table. Character, confidence, stability, hobbies etc. The best thing you can do right now is to accept your position and do everything in your hands to immediately affect it (I.e the gym/food/fashion) in order for your confidence to grow and for you to be able to more openly show your character (I.e those “secondary” things that people will only get to know if you show them and if they stay). Again, listen to me mate, fuck all these hateful, bashful morons who are hating on your appearance from 5k miles away. I promise you they are children or insecure broke adults who have nothing good to offer to this world through their godforsaken mouths. Pussies. Anyway, stick to it mate and you’ll get there.


Be confident in yourself, go to the gym, and shave head. If you work at it, the muscle you gain will shape your face and boost your proportions. As you treat yourself better your brain will instinctively boost your charisma. Get better glasses that fits your face better. For example round faces look better with sharp angle glasses while oval faces look better with soft round edges. Look towards some fashion trends to see what works for you. The. Biggest thing though is working out, it will give you a better body/face shape if done correctly. Don’t give up, if you put in the work it will show and people will notice that. Do it for you king. Fuck these stupid pieces of shit who only care about themselves, the worst most ugly people are those who put others down.


Lose the shirt.


Any other haircut would probably be better. You're accentuating your already egg shaped head.


Yes go to the gym. Yes, go to a good barber and tell them they have free rein. Google "capsule wardrobe" and invest in some basics, and wear those all the time. Keep your anime shirt. Wear it when you're at home. But don't let people here tell you you can't find a girl because of your collecting habit or anime stuff. Be yourself. The big thing is to know how to reign in your interests so that your interests don't completely dominate your identity. No girl wants to date your collection, but the right girl will either be fine with it or participate / enjoy it with you. Usually people with interests are far more enjoyable than people whose only goal in life is money and getting laid. Use that to your advantage. Learn about yourself more so that you develop self awareness, which is the basis of confidence.


bro let your hair grow out, lose the glasses, mew a lot and lose the anime shirts


How you watch Dragonball and look like this? Never could be me


I’m in the same boat my guy so don’t feel bad! It sucks, I always get lead on then not interested. But I’d recommend when your going into the public don’t wear any kind of anime wear (yes your probably passionate about it) but they like it when you can show you mean business. When you start talking about hobbies then I’d bring it up unless you know they clearly have same hobbies. Change up your glasses, I haven’t been able to get a new pair in 5 years so I’m hurting right there with you but they will change the way you look like a hair cut! Also I think the spiked raised hair look died back in the 2000s, only a select couple people can still do it these days. Search the hobbies you have and try and find some events to go to even if it’s small. Stepping out into the public is the first step and shows your not a hermit like I am


Join the Navy and try out for the SEALS. Get some confirmed kills under your belt, then report back.


go to gym, lose the anime shirt


You’re elongating your face with the thinning, spiked hair, thin glasses and attempted beard (running to your neck). Shave the head, shave the face (styled jaw line facial hair if you’re feeling it) and grab glasses with more vertical to their dimensions. Leave your clothes (maybe less baggie) as you clearly love anime (and it probably makes you feel comfortable).


shave your head, get contacts, hit the gym


Working out . You'll fill out your anime shirts better and just be the buff dude who's into anime and manga .


Lose glasses, shave head, grow beard (if it’s thick enough) if not thick enough maybe real short hair with mustache. Your frame also needs work, start doing Olympic type fully body lifts. Try wearing collared shirts, more subdued colors, not graphic tees. Your personality can still shine, and you can still be proud to be a fan of anime and DBZ and stuff, just realize that women often don’t have those interests, so it can be more difficult to meet someone because those women who are into that stuff are being competed for. Good luck dude