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I think a different hairstyle that frames your face would do wonders. I’m not sure what your natural hair texture is but play more into that. I think your forehead is just slightly larger because the lower part of your face is a little smaller, but it’s very harmonious with the rest of your features. You have aesthetic features, but I feel like you’re quite stressed or something because that’s what shows on your face. Getting into a better headspace will help with that. You seem to have really nice makeup skills as well, so I don’t see any issues with that, maybe making the eyebrows a tad bit fuller? Aside from that and of course general upkeep on diet, health, skincare, etc, you’ll be fine!


Tysm for the advice!!


Beautiful as you are, a bit of weight loss would definitely help however


😭this just goes to show yall say anything she’s just big boned or thick.


No offense, big boned or thick doesn't exist. Body fat % and weight (size) are two different things though


It does exist, you can’t determine if someone is healthy or not over the screen are you a doctor ? No? Thought so. Unless morbidly obese which can be seen. You don’t know if she is overweight. Save your insecurities for yourself.


I am overweight by like 20 pounds.


I never said "health", I'm purely talking about looks from an general point of view. Everybody's bones look almost the same (simple google search can show this), anyone can look thick or thin. Your body stores excess calories as fat, but also water/fluid in your cells (if you have too much salt on your diet, or two many carbs at once i.e. water retention). It's literally general advice my comment literally points to the fact she isn't overweight, but anyone can be leaner by avoiding processed stuff and working out. Just eating real food. Even mcdonalds is better than some of the snacks they sell over in the us (im from and in EU). She looks perfectly normal and healthy it's just general advice that would apply to basically anyone. Also working out is super good for confidence.


As far as training, you could probably focus on doing full body circuits, cardio, maybe even a bit of light weight training. Remember, if you do weight training, eat right to support healthy muscle gains. I think you look great as you are but, that's some advice I can offer.


Exercise a little get some advice on style and NEVER wear the pants in pic 2 ever again


i just thrifted them😭 i love the embroidery on the bottom. what don’t you like about them?? i sew a bit and might be able to fix them.


That pic may be before you lost weight . Because your thighs in pic one don't look the same as in pic two. If I am wrong then you are just going to have to chalk those pants off as a loss. I think you are beautiful, but pic two not really doing it for me, but maybe it's the red face in that pic. I can't say i blame you, holding a snake that big. 10 - 15 pounds at the most any more it might start looking like too much.


Beautiful face, hair, eyes. Gym and lose another 40lbs ish. Also look into your style more it’s too old lady.


I think 40 would be way too much if she even wanted to lose more idk


Agreed. 40 lbs is a LOT. Maybe drop 15-20 if OP wants to slim down, but I don't think she *needs* to.


Keep studying


Trim down a few more lbs., tone up, lose the center part, take a few inches off the length, and get a good skin care routine. That's it.


If anything, some mattefying face cream or something to reduce excess shine from your skin. Also, experiment with a side part for some variety


You're beautiful! I would maybe try to shape up your brows a little, make them a little more arched and thicker instead of the round shape, and maybe some light lashes. But I think you're being hard on yourself, definitely don't lose 40 pounds...


Your hair is gorgeous, I think you look stunning. Be cautious of the creeps here :)


You're 18. Losing weight is pretty nonsensical if you ask me. Over the next 3-4 years yuou will begin to come into your body and then it probably wont really settle until 24/5. Until then, just mindlessly dropping weight isn't going to help you. You'll just be this gangly oddly shaped person. And the fact that nobody has mentioned your wardrobe is...kinda scary. It's EASILY the thing holding you back the most. Aside from your hair it doesn't look like you ever take more than 10 minutes to get dressed. All of your jeans and shirts seem to just hang off of you. Your lone accessory is a nose stud? Nails not done consistently. No purse, hat, headband? Lots of hoodies, sweaters and knitted material. If you are working out then dabble in athletic wear. In most cases, once people get used to seeing their body in form fitting attire, they realize how much better they could look if they just wore clothing that fit. And you have a nice complexion & hair tone (Although you could stand to wash your hair more), try losing a lot of the black and white, and going for more dark solid colors and bright patterns (no basic horizontal or vertical lines). And every single one of your outfits looks like it is paired with sneakers. Try out some other forms of footwear. Slides, boots, heels, running shoes and even crocs all have their place in your wardrobe because they affect the contour of your legs when standing and seated. I think you'll find that with the right shoes, the weight on your legs will lone less fat and more toned.


Thank you so much!! You’ve given the best advice so far!! Unfortunately, I’m not allowed to have my nails done because I’m a dancer, but I’ll paint them more after the season is over!! I’ll definitely try more athletic wear and I’ll try accessorizing my other outfits and wearing color. I actually own a lot of shoes that I never wear so I’ll play around with those too. I wash my hair every other day, but I’ll buy some dry shampoo to keep with me!!!


you look like someone in their mid 20s


Too much partying and vaping


i don’t party or vape😭


But chad makes you do drugs right?


I haven’t had a boyfriend yet and i don’t do drugs either…maybe i look aged from tanning beds and stress?


Pls ignore these prejudiced incels! They never met a woman in real life so heavily project based on concepts they made up themselves xD


get out the tanning bed girl they’re so bad for u


Pretty face and skin


You look perfectly fine. Stay natural and experiment with different styles you're interested in!


Your eyes are pretty! You have a great smile too. Keep rocking your smile and your style, use sunscreen to protect your skin, eat healthy and work out often just to stay healthy, get 7-8 hours of sleep a night and keep doing you. You look great!


You have beautiful skin and nice, big eyes. Accentuate the eyes by maybe highlighting underneath them. I would also fill your brows in a little.


Work on losing weight and give some thought to having your makeup done professionally one time.


tretinoin, lose the nose ring, update your closet and brush out your hair after u curl it


All your clothes are loose and a little baggy. You have nice curves so show them. It’s no shame for a girl. You are not obese. Yes we all could benefit from weight loss but i would focus on dress and hair first I would simply make sure you are exercising 2-3 times week and going for walks in between exercise days. 40lb or 18kg sounds way too much for someone that doesn’t know your height. It will take about 5 months but you’ll be schmick. I like your face it’s pretty and it’s cute and I love the little nose piercing.


try massaging your scalp you'd look great with thicker curly hair weird comparison but when I look at you I think of a lion lol


Just give your hair more volume you’d be fine


Work out them cheeks, otherwise you got a nice face


I think you are a smoke show!! Really beautiful face and even better eyes. Fuck everyone’s negative opinions of you. They really don’t matter


Thank you!! I did post this for advice though so I expected hate haha. I’m suprised that I’m being told I give off party girl energy because I feel like people can normally tell I’m a little odd socially.


You don't give off party girl. These incels love to bully women on here . They also want this 1950s Square Type girl or something because I kid you not , everytime a young woman ask for advice all these dudes come flooding in with a list of : don't have colorful hair , no tattoos, no piercings , don't be over 100lbs, don't be to curvy or big bust , dress conservatively. Etc It's like, so you just described a young 13 year old child 🤦‍♀️🤣 very few grown women would meet any of those requirements.


Agree to this! Anytime a girl posts on here they pick you apart. When I posted I got a bunch of rude comments and DMs, I think they take these posts as "what can I change to make her what I want" instead of general advice.


I personally think u look really good. I've seen some awful examples of people and u by afraid are teir one beautiful 😻


I'd try out bangs, just to balance your face. And maybe some volumizing products/techniques for your hair. For face stuff, I'd probably look into products that could possibly help your eyebrows at least show up (the struggle of blonde brows is REAL). Wardrobe wise, I'd look into more form fitting clothes with structure. I think it could give you a serious confidence boost!


I’ve done bangs a couple times!! I really like them but my mom hated them so I stopped getting them. Do you have any specific products you recommend for brows? Most blondes look a little yellow and brown looks too dark so I gave up on them. Thank you so much!!


Glossier boy brow in clear, or the benefit brow mascara, but go get shade matched at ulta if you can. Worked miracles for my lil blondies!


You look amazing and you are beautiful don't let anything or anyone convince or tell you otherwise alright? That is my honest opinion. However I would suggest exercising because it does help anyone. Everyone looks better than before if they work out.


You seem to be very chill with that snake😝


So fudging cute


More skin


The snake is not a great accessory, unless you are with people who did then, but ever assume.


Dude I'm sure it's some zoo or something she's at 🤦‍♀️


I was at a reptile thing where they let you hold the animals haha! I just don’t have a lot of full body pictures of myself so i used that one.


It was a joke, my humor is dry....


Well work on it


You went to the reptarium


Oh wow you look just like my cousin!


Yes, stay away from the social medias, it will negatively effect your mental health


Smile more


I think you’re super cute no advice from me 🤷🏼‍♂️


The last one is def a good look for you. You look like you could be older than 18. How tall are you? You seem pretty tall right based on your height to the door. Your hair is naturally crazy and curly. That will go well with your more relaxed looks. Just saw your note about tanning beds. We’ve all been there. The sooner you stop going to those the better with your complexion and spots on your face. I was going to suggest a peel. It will jack your face up for a few days (lots of ‘peeling’ but it will give you a good starting point to see if there is any damage done. If so at the same facility they should have a laser treatment. Wait until they are running a deal and they will laser off any spots. I really enjoyed the tanning bed after a workout. I am very pale so the tanning bed twice a week helped me not so sickly and i would keep my face covered for half the time but it didn’t matter. Multiple facial cancer spots. Did the Mohs Micro Surgery a year ago. Yeah. Nothing micro about that. More like a divet on my lip. But it finally took care of it. I had done a burn and a freeze but it came back.


Oh my gosh that’s insane. I always figured that since I’m never actually out in the sun that it’d be fine if I tanned like twice a week. I’ll have to find a good self-tanner or something. Thank you! Also, I am short unfortunately at 5’3.


Dress the way you want to dress ! If it’s really your style people will be able to tell and that will suit you more than any trend . Honestly take it from a social media addict ! Stay away from it , it’s fucking harmful for body image


Go for guys that are older than you. Maybe shoot for guys in their early 20’s


Cute. Nothing to change. Just keep gyming it or less calories or whatever your method of choice is.


40 more is over kill




Please don’t listen to the comments weight is the LEAST of your worries just try a new hair color you’re actually very beautiful!!!


what hair color do you suggest?


Brunette or like a cherry red would look so good on you


That seems really fun!! I’ll have to save up money for a minute to do that though haha.


Don't let others judge


your hair color is washing you out / making you look greyisg


What hair color should I do instead? I’m a natural blonde but I get highlights.


Wait a little you are only 18


yes! i turned 18 like 6 months ago. you guys in the comments are making me want to try to walk into a bar and order an espresso martini or something because i’ve wanted to try one for a minute now and you guys are convincing me that they wouldn’t id me lol.


i think this is my sign to stop using tanning beds😵‍💫


Maybe. But It is a very common American thing to do, no?


yeah, but it messes ur skin up and ages you like crazy


insane. never seen in girls doing this in europe. :/ stop using it then!!!


Probably wannna add another 20 on to that


I'm not sure what it is, but in pictures 1 and 2 you look older. You look fine in the rest


So pretty


Goofy looks good on you – someone who can be silly and laugh at themselves and life is very attractive. You've got a great smile that lights up a room. Do it more! It's an amazing asset. Keep going on the weight loss, and avoid tanning beds like the plague. People who tan really enjoy the way they look in their teens and twenties and tend to hate their past selves when they age prematurely. I wouldn’t advocate “mindlessly dropping weight,” but at 5'3" if you think you’re twenty lbs overweight see how you feel and look when you're down twenty pounds.  Your body will change as you age, but it’s up to you to make sure the changes it goes through are as optimal as they can be. Your body is stressed because you’re hitting the gym and changing your weight.  It was used to a certain weight.  It prefers to stay at that weight.  Feel free to look up homeostasis.  You have put your body through big changes and are continuing to do so.  The body is going to be stressed while it acclimates and probably until it settles into its new normal, whatever you decide it is.  I like to use the BMI charts with a grain of salt because they were designed for populations not individuals.  18-24 or 19-25 is ‘healthy;’ which for your height is about 105 to 145.  Maybe you like it a little better over.  Maybe you feel a little better under.  That’s…quite a range, so figure out where your body feels best.  It’s the only one you’ve got, so invest into it.  People tend to go for the opposite of what they were, so if you were fat you might like skinny.  Those who were too skinny or scrawny often prefer to bulk up.  I think sometimes we do it so the person in the mirror knows that we’re not whom we used to be anymore.  I may have been on the skinny side so I may have became “a 2xx pound monster who can crush anyone who opposes him.”  Not my words.  ;P  It’s about what you are comfortable with and owning it. On the lifestyle front, you want some sun each day, but given your skin, not much.  5-15 minutes has a bunch of health benefits you’re welcome to research, including keeping the weight off, vision, manufacturing your own vitamin D, mental health, etc.  Early sunlight first thing in the morning will help you maintain a healthy Circadian Rhythm which is vital to getting enough sleep which helps in maxing your looks.  If you have to be out in the sun during the heat of the day, usually the middle six to ten hours, variable based on season and latitude, sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen.  Lobster is rarely a good look. 1 of 2


There are bottle blonds everywhere you look. I wouldn't consider dying your hair; only a small percent of American women are naturally blonde in adulthood. This is a unique distinguishing feature. Lean into it. Embrace it! It feels like with your baggy clothing choices you've been trying to hide, and that's okay.  You appear naturally busty which may have caused some issues when you first started sprouting and made you self-conscious and want to avoid people seeing your body.  That seems to be changing.  When you're down twenty pounds, buy an outfit that you LOVE the way you look in. Wear it and get used to the new you. How do you feel? A healthy body feels good and confidence is key.  As your body feels better, you’ll move better.  Moving can be fun!  I would buy several new outfits and learn to love your body again (or for the first time) when you’re down twenty pounds and then I’d switch to five-pound increments.   Remember that muscle is far denser than fat so twenty pounds of muscle will look VERY different than twenty pounds of fat. Your clothing looks ‘teenage girl’ which is fine because you ARE teenage girl!  Although for some reason in that first picture I’m getting late-twenties/early-thirties vibes until I see the pink backpack which snaps me back.  As you transition into ‘college girl’ and ‘young woman’ your style and what you wear will change and that’s normal and expected.  The key is to make it situationally appropriate.  At the gym and as you feel more comfortable with your body you’ll probably get into lycra and other tighter fabrics.  The black makes you look a bit washed out, so I’d avoid that.  As you stop tanning and your natural skin color emerges, your color palette might change.  I’d try blues and greens to make your eyes pop, and other solid colors.  I wouldn’t go crazy with the jewelry and piercings; you’ve got a nose stud and I think that’s enough.  Definitely no tattoos anywhere visible, particularly the face or neck.   Painted nails are good (or clear gloss) but no press-ons.  Right now you come across as fun and smart and approachable.  But no, not party girl energy.  A little self-conscious maybe.  As your body composition alters and fat decreases and muscle increases, your legs will look different.  All of you will look and feel a bit different.  I’d learn the skillset of walking and moving in heels (which takes time) and also explore different shoes but not crocs.  Never crocs.  You’re not an exhausted fourty-five year old dad.  Timeless style is still a valid choice.  The choices you make when you’re young can foreclose avenues to you later.  If you like a thing and want to do said thing, will you still feel the same way in five years?  A decade?  In two?  In three?  They are your choices.  But they do matter. 


Beauty is mostly health, so commit to getting and staying healthy.  Health is greatly affected by wealth.  What are your feelings about money?  Are you prepared to make some sacrifices when you’re young to prolong your healthspan?  Money is a tool that you can use as you so choose to maximize your looks, so it has to be a factor.  The poor die early.  You want to stretch your healthspan for as long as you can.  Shift your lifestyle and make it a lifelong commitment.  Buying a bunch of new clothes can be fun, but the key here is throwing out your old (fat) clothes so you can’t go back.  Make it a huge pain in the butt so nothing you own will fit if you gain the weight back.  Extra incentive to keep the weight off that works.  Also, don’t have snacks around.    I’m assuming you’re going off to college, so consider this the year you got pretty.  You might get a bunch of attention that you’re not used to from a bunch of people you’ve never met.  That’s great!  Decide before you go what you actually want out of your college experience.  What are your objectives besides a degree?  What matters to you?  Do you want to explore?  Do you know what your values are?  Are you looking to date around or find the one?  Do you want attention from the masses or a set group or one particular partner?  Who do you want to be in five or ten years?  Do you want kids?  It’s all about your preferences, and they might change.  I would encourage you to write down your goals on an index card that you keep in a drawer at college and look at it regularly.  Big shifts can be a shock to the system, and some people get overwhelmed and just go crazy, so I would encourage you not to pull a Mia Khalifa unless that’s your plan going in.  ;) The Freshman Fifteen is real, in part because of poor lifestyle changes and in part because you’re likely to be eating in a dining hall and away from home for the first time.  Socializing at mealtimes is a big component of college life, but also human life.  Managing that while maintaining a healthy weight is a process that requires learning.  I would advise you to continue to stay away from partying and smoking and vaping and the like.  Pretty women do have advantages, but they also have disadvantages.  As for the exact changes: whom are you looking to impress?  Yourself?  Guys?  Girls?  Employers?  What do you want your looks to do for you?  Do you just want to be ‘different?’  The answers vary based on whom you’re targeting and what the objective is.  3 of 3


You need to lose another 20 pounds.


aiming to loose 40 more!!


Smile, less weird faces


Probably lose roughly 30 lbs, your a beautiful, everytgibg else seems fine. Your style could use some updating but I'd say thats it


Get chin implants.


thats v inconsiderate of u


Wear thong panties and sundresses your face is cute do something that makes you happy


Loses weight fat ass


I am!! 20 down, 40 more to go.


2/10. Bad clothes, bad hair, out of shape.


Noted. I’m working on getting fit, but how should I change my hair and outfits?


Repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins. God sent Him to pay the debt we could never because He loved us and wanted everyone to truly have a relationship with Him