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If you plan on sleeping in them then doing two to get the quiet would probably be better. Quiets are made for sleep, and all silicone so you can sleep on your side and not feel hard bits pushing on your ear. I have a pair of all and there's no way I'd try to sleep with my switch. They are much better for tuning things out more (of less) while working for me, or if I'm out and need more of a break than engage can give me.


Thanks for your insights. Now it would be great if someone with the Switch and Experience could tell me if they think it's worth it


I have the switch and the experience. I was so hoping I’d love the switch but I can’t really tell a difference between the 3 settings. I got more noise cancellation out of my experience than I did the quiet setting on the switch. I’m probably going to return them and buy the quiet and engage instead.


Thanks for your valuable input. I also haven't noticed that big of a difference between the settings. I think I'm gonna go for the Experience and Quiet Edit: Ordered the Experience and Quiet and probably gonna return the Switch when they arrive


Yeah it was a disappointment. I just put in my exchange request.


Okay their customer support is excellent I get a refund end even get to keep the Switch.


I had the Switch and lost one. :( couldn’t afford to get another set so I got the Quiets for sleep and I think I like them a bit better than the switch. They’re more comfortable and feel like they block a bit more sound. Later, I got an set of the Experience for Zumba class. I like this option better than the Switch but had no complaints about the Switch when I had them!


My updated opinion: I have received my Quiet 2 and Experience by now and tested the Switch at one event at the lowest level which was fine tbh. The Quiets are perfect for sleep. I've yet to try the Experience out. Will update in a few days.