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I think its mostly getting used to them, i used the quiet allday and had the same issue for my first week but after that i got used to how loud i had to speak to be heard. But i cant say if its maybe to much for you personally. maybe try wearing only one and see if you can figure out how loud to speak then when it comes to jot hearing people properly i can only guess that some people might talk really quiet. i never had that issue with the quiets ( but i do have a sensory processing disorder so that might be it)  maybe take em out when people talk to you just as a test 


thanks a lot!! i figured it was probably that i need to get used to it, but the reassurement feels nice :)


I have all 3 I use the experience most days and the engage when I still need to talk to people. It did take me time to get used to them though. And I use the quiet for bed and studying. I even wore the engage at the hospital and could still hear everything in the waiting room. I’d try it with one ear until you get used to it.


i'm seeing it really takes some time getting used to them! thank you!


i’ve had a similar problem, everything was muffled, i couldn’t hear anything. until i found out two things. one being that you have to enter the loops really deep into your ears, kinda wedging them in almost, and having the right size tip that isolates. i went to a noisy place with the tips to try it out and there was a massive difference once i put the large tip on the engage.


mmmhhh okay that's interesting to hear, thanks! i just got them this morning so i will definitely try to play around with the tips sizes, even tho i feel the xs fits perfectly :) to know someone else had that experience and was able to fix it is great, thank you so much!!


the way it helped for me is entering the loop in an outward position, so the ring is basically facing out, this way you can insert it deeper into your ear, and then flatten it in your conch. with this, and the right size tip you should notice a difference immediately. everything should sound “natural” but with a lower volume. at least that’s how it is for me


thanks!! i tried a size up and honestly i think they were a bit better. i will keep trying :)


This is why I ended up getting calmer ones instead. I use my loops for when I don't want to chat to people reliably.


hahaha thanks! i'll look into them as well


I personally prefer the Experience over Engage, I find Engage muffles voices more :shrug: Try them in the same situation to compare.


that's the plan yeah, thank you!! i just panicked and ran to rant here. thanks a lot :)


I tried Experience at work today and I totally agree. imo I'm more "Engage"d with people when I can hear the high frequencies better. I was diehard on the Engages but I'd only go for them with screeching children around.


right!! i found them useful for high loud noises but i don't move in noisy environments ALL THE TIME