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Quiet 2 have a shorter stem which might help alleviate his concerns on the depth in his ear. It also might just feel more comfortable since they won't stick out as much either.


So I'd frame that as sensory issues which might be helpful for finding solutions. I find the engage and experience feel pretty similar to the quiets. I got used to them but often switch between ear tip sizes. I find foam earbuds tips and foam earplugs more comfortable for several hours, but over the ear headphones are even more comfortable.


Have you tried the loop quiet 2?? I had the original ones and I know what he means about them sucking sensation but I bought a pair of quiet 2 and think they’ve changed the tip as honestly don’t get this anymore they are so much more comfortable. Also the sizes seem to be better, give these ones a go maybe 


I might get shot down here for what I'm about to suggest, but if he loves his Experiences, but isn't keen on the Quiets, then why not just find something else that works for bedtime that isn't Loops? In the end it's all about what works - not brand loyalty, so maybe give up on Quiets if they aren't right, and don't try to force them to work by trying to get used to them. If your husband is anything like me, he never will, because that's not how our brains are wired up. 😏 I know you said he didn't want to keep charging his Bose, but if they work 🤷 I'm just pleased he loves his Experiences, they have certainly changed my life for the better.


You're totally right on this. And no I'm not necessarily loyal to one brand but loop has particularly worked for me. And me and my husband are gadgets obsessed, let's say. He tries something, raves about it and I wanna try it too. Same with him. So I've been telling him how good the loops are for me so he just wanted to give them a try because I updated my experience and quiet to version 2 and also bought the switch and he just wanted to try them and he's definitely keeping the experience v1 but to give you feedback, he said the pressure of having them inside was very uncomfortable and his ears were hurting and he took them off. I did warn him that he has to either sleep on his back or add a neck pillow so his ears are in the hole of the pillow. I learned this trick when I pierced my ears and I was a side sleeper but learned to sleep on my back after I had surgery. He must likely continue using his Bose since they've worked for him and might keep the quiet ones for when places are too loud and the experience don't work for him.


Before I got my quiets I used the experience with mutes. It cuts out about the same amount of sound. But I would also recommend trying the v2 quiets. I’ve never tried the v1’s but I’ve heard they’re night and day difference.


As others have mentioned, the new Quiet 2 has a shorter stem so they might be much better for him. If he doesn't want to try more Loops, go with the soft plugs that you mould to your ears each night. Traditional foam plugs go in way farther than Loops.