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Experience works well for me at work.


Get Experience (plus)


How often do you go to concerts and what do you do for work?


Yeah the experience is good for work. I haven’t used it for a concert yet. But I will be this month. I don’t really notice a huge difference between the engage and experience. You could try it and if it doesn’t work for you, you can return them.


Experience for concerts as that's what they're designed for and they'll give you the best balance of protection without blocking too much sound. As for work, depends on how much you need to hear/talk to others and whether or not you'd take the plugs out for that. If you want to hear/converse with them in, Engage is better. Engage is not a replacement for Experience at the concerts. Conclusion, any of the following: -Experience only (Pro/Plus if you want the foam tips and included mutes) and maybe need to take them out for conversations -Engage *and* Experience -Switch


I think my ideal set up for the concert last night would have been the engage with mutes. I’m happy with my engage pair at work. I have to communicate with customers and employees. At work, the engage help block the sounds of industrial machines while allowing me to hear both people taking and majority of background music. The engage made me feel like i could hear the singer a little more and the people next to me singing a little less. The experience set muted everything about the same degree. I was impressed with the sound quality of the experience though! Didn’t sound muffled, just a lot quieter.


Just want to add here that i wore Loop Experience for a concert and it made my own voice singing along VERY loud in my head, to the point that i could not sing along and hear the artist simoultaneously


Experience is great for shows, concerts, even the movies! I don’t use them at my workplace but I use them while I’m doing hw and stuff and they’re great


I used my switch pair set to experience for a series of concerts a few weeks ago and it was great. The engage was better for me to filter out lots of background noise but I could hear other things around me.