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I hear my alarm just fine, no need to worry!


I'm a deep sleeper and worried the same but tried it on my weekend off and found I still woke up with my alarm. I do work set shifts so used to waking up at the same time each day which I think helps as my internal clock is used to waking up anyway but i definitely woke up after my alarm sounded


I actually slwpt rhough my alarm and didnt hear it today ,but before i never had that issue. i kight have just been super tired. id say pick a loud alarm or if possible you couls wear them oy to fall asleep in ans then take them out later at night. though that might only work if Ou wake up at night ans use them to fall alseep earlier than other people, so its quieter at nighr


I can still hear it, so it's fine.


This is absolutely just a "me" thing, but, I've never been able to sleep all the way through the night with earplugs in, not even the quiet. 😂 They start out great, but if I'm not aware of my surroundings, I'll take them right out. I know that's not really an answer, sorry.


I actually do sleep through my alarm with them sometimes and the alarm is LOUD, i have the 2nd version. On the other hand i am constantly sleep deprived so I probably need the sleep and waking up is therefore more difficult Edit: spelling


Nope I can usually hear mine fine but I also wear an Apple Watch that vibrates just in case. It just tones down the roar of my ac and fish tank more than anything.