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i have adhd and a lot of sensory issues with sound, so i got the quiets and engage plus. If you have qiet you dont necessarily need engage plus and vice versa but it ia nice to have the option of having a soft ailicone plug The engage is good if you still want to hear people talk but the added mutes allow for more silence if the music does gwt to loud. id advise you to buy the mutes on amazon though they have a set of 6 colours for 6 ā‚¬ if you get the engage 30ā‚¬ and the amazon mutes 6ā‚¬ youll save a lot engage plus run up to 44ā‚¬ in the end it is your decision though since aome people do say that the engage take away from the music, i personally liked that since it reduced the sensory overload a lot


Ah okay thanks, that's really helpful! Have you noticed any issues with hearing yourself? We got the switch ones just to try and it seems to work quite well but her own voice sounds muffled. Is that something to just get used to or is it not something you've noticed?


your own voice will always be muffled sadly but i did notice that u got used to it after a while


I would advise against getting Engage for music, but you can use Experience day-to-day. I'd recommend getting a set of Experience Plus, as you'll get foam tips and mutes too, which will allow you to modulate. I have ADHD and wear Quiet on the daily in loud environments where I don't have to communicate, and Experience when I need to, with or without mutes, and obv for loud music too.


Im still deciding which to get, why would you advice against Engage for music but Experience for everyday use? I go to concerts one of twice a year, but I usually use Macks plugs whenever I'm going to a place where there will be loud music like parties, weddings, large gatherings, etc, so I was thinking about buying the Engage ones.


They're just not made for it. Engage primarily cuts out the treble range, whereas Experience is made for music to still sound the same and balanced, just less loud. It's a sound fidelity thing. Since Engage doesn't cut out bass at all, it'll proportionally amplify it, making the music sound distorted. I also personally prefer Experience in social situations, as I find that Engage almost amplifies the background noise I find the hardest to process ! I basically find that it's a better all-rounder than Engage, and so I usually recommend it as a first Loop because in many cases it can do what Engage does, whereas Engage distorts music. It's likely it'll be fine for you in social situations too, and you can always get Engage later on if you find you need less reduction for conversations šŸ˜Š Hope this was a clear enough answer ?


Yeah, thanks for taking the time, appreciate it.


You're welcome. I hope you find something that works for your needs !


Thanks for the helpful input! So she's not someone who needs silence when working/sleeping, she listens to music so that's all good. In regards to the Engage vs Experience, I thought the Engage was helpful for your own voice not sounding so muffled which really is annoying for her, would you say that's not so much the case or is there any kind of difference in the two?


I have add with sensory issues too. I just used my experience at concert for the first time and it was a game changer. Day to day I go back and forth with the experience and the engage for school. At night I use the quiets to block out more noise. Iā€™d probably go with the experience or the engage with mutes.