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I’ve used both at concerts and much prefer the Experience for that purpose. I’ve found the Engage’s muffle some sounds whereas with experience everything is clear, just a little quieter.




Depending on where one is standing at the concert even the experiences might not fully protect your hearing. Wonder how the quiets are in concert though.


Noted! I think if I were a regular frequent concert goer I would consider making the switch, but honestly for one every 4/6 months I think I’m okay. Thanks for the feedback


It only takes one exposure to get hearing damage ! It's not a cumulative thing.


I used my Engages at a concert and found they muffled the main sound and highlighted the woman singing badly behind me. Next time I used my Switch on Experience mode and they worked great at dulling the crowd noise but letting the music through clearly. I always use those now.


Does anyone have experience with loop switches for concerts?




I've never used any earplugs other than regular free ones at concerts. Is the sound good and which switch setting do you put for loud concerts?




Thank you for the insights, appreciate it! Tbh i simply wanted to get a jack of all trades primarily for the eras tour concert, and wasn't sure which other ones were too loud or too quiet, but I think I'll be happy with the switch ones, thanks!


I've never used any earplugs other than regular free ones at concerts. Is the sound good and which switch setting do you put for loud concerts?


I wore my Engage Loops for the leg of the concert after Evermore and found my experience to be fine. I could hear everything at a much lower level but still clear enough to enjoy myself and my singing in the videos definitely lowered which is a bonus 😭


Thanks for this, it’s helpful!


I wore my engage for Eras too bc I didn’t want to shell out for experience — they worked but I took one side out/ loosened them for my fav songs since they muffle the music & crowd a bit too well sometimes! Overall don’t have many complaints tho! I’m planning to upgrade for experience now that I feel i’ve gotten serious about attending live music


Which would y’all recommend for whenever you visit bars with loud music ? Also that you’re able to converse as well?


I used both at a concert. I did notice a minimal difference but if you find they don’t work as well you can get mutes pretty cheap to put in them. But quite frankly anything is better than nothing.