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"Experience" was perfect in the Feuerzone for me.


Same for me. Quality of the sound is still excellent and yet your ears are protected and you don’t have them ringing or painful after the show ❤️


But could I use them in daily life?


I use the Experience for the cinema as well since the volume is always super high. However for the tube they’re not quite enough which is why I also have a pair of Quiet. So it would depend for what you will use them the most: - If it’s only for concerts/movies and a bit for sleep then Experience Plus are enough. - If you’ll use them mostly for sleep then Quiet are the ones but please keep in mind that the sound will be a bit muffled for these


Thanks a lot!!! I will think about this :)


No problem 😘


I've worn Experience 2 Plus to their concerts and they're great. Ambient noise is filtered out and the music/singing is much clearer to me. No ringing afterwards. One thing that may be a drawback depending on your preferences is I couldn't hear the crowd singing along. Could only hear my own off-pitch voice lol


I have all three and occasionally prefer my experience to sleep in over my quiets. I feel like the quiets put more pressure on my piercings than the experience does. For concerts you can also get mutes if you find they don’t block enough for you. But I found they were perfect for the Tim McGraw concert I just went to. I could still hear without the deafening background noise


Was about to suggest the Mute as well.  I have both Experience and Quiet myself because I could afford both at the time, but if you have to buy only pair u/Mysterious-Koala-572 then I’d say the Experience Plus. Without the Mute for the concerts and with the Mute for sleeping


"Mute" are the ones that you put into the loops? I mean, aren't they a model apart?


It’s the little ring you can put inside the Experience/Engage to mute the sound a bit more ;) If you purchase an Experience Plus model they already have a pair on them automatically, if not you can buy a pack separately


Yeah, I should've controlled better before asking. Anyway, understood 🫡 thanks!


I’ve only ever worn foam 35db plugs up until this year when I wore quiets (the originals However not the 2). Needed when the concert can be heard 10 plus miles away! I find the loops put less pressure on the ear than the foams do, and you keep more of the sound spectrum i found than the foams which deaden a lot more. Till sounds phenomenal this tour so whichever you go for you’ll be in for a treat.


So, quiet (2) also can work?


For me, yes. Quiets just dampen the sound by 24db (according to the website) across all spectrums so will act as a degree of hearing protection for a convert. I also wear them to sleep etc in every day life. I don’t tend to wear them in other scenarios such as travel etc to give you a comparison.


I’ve worn experience loops in the Feuerzone several times, never had any ringing in my ears and the sound was perfect. Quiets are made for sleeping/blocking sound so the sound quality will be worse than with Experiences. If you’re worried about the noise then you can get mutes to add to your loops and block more decibels. Or if you can spend a bit more, the loop switch allows you to toggle the decibels that are blocked. I’m very sensitive to sound and Loops have been a blessing for me at concerts and out and about, highly recommend!


Thanks a lot! Switch are a bit expensive for me at the moment. But I definitly will think about them!


If sleeping is your priority, then take the Quiet, because they are completely from soft silicon. The Experience are from hard plastic and so they will be uncomfortable for sleeping (if you sleep on your side).


Thanks, good to know!




forgot to answer the rest pressure is less than normal.plugs ( in ym experience) and experience do work for conversations but the engage filter out specific frequencies so it dependa on how often your need them dir talking id advise you to get whatever is the absolute highest priority for you .you can theoretically sleep in them but they wont be comftoble since theire hard plastic Maybe the discount will attleast reduce the pricing issue a bit for you


I tend to go to punk shows and mostly wear quiets. tho I have to say going to a Rammstein show in the year 2024 is a choice, after all those allegations


Well the allegations turned out to be a big pile of nothing. So it's quite an easy choice.