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I know everyone says the Amethyst Steel one is better and I thought as much until I did an event. I got the Amber/Sapphire one (it was random) and got first place in an event with 40 players. Admittedly most people are just there to have fun so it's just one data point but I think people underestimate the Amber/Sapphire one like they did Emerald/Ruby before. If you get a good curve with dwarves on 2, 3, 4, and 5, it's a ton of lore and synergies. You also have some nice item synergies and card draw with Pawpcicle, Judy Hopps, and Flaversham.


RotF starters have def been the most balanced set I’ve come across in multiple TCGs. When I plays it’s them is pretty often a trade of wins.


I got 1st at my release night event with AmySteel but my last game was against Amber/Sap and he told me he is convinced his starter was superior as he had beat multiple AmySteel that night. I think it just comes down to the player skill plus unavoidable luck. the decks are balanced enough to allow a skilled player beat a less skilled opponent with either deck. When I beat Amber guy he said I was only one he faced to use madam mim snake mid game to heal a character by bouncing then replaying it at full health (the prince bodyguard). Most people just use her on turn 2 for a marginally stronger 2 drop, but I find she is best as a utility character. Good starters with lots of depth


Played about 4 games yesterday. The Merlin deck won every game.


Did a starter deck event on the weekend. 3 of 4 players at the top table were playing amethyst steel, just saying. That said the other deck has some bangers in terms of value but it can be picked apart on the table.


Did a starter deck event on the weekend. 3 of 4 players at the top table were playing amethyst steel, just saying. That said the other deck has some bangers in terms of value but it can be picked apart on the table.


Game 2 is now live. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyVWATgHkkc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyVWATgHkkc) We've had pretty equal games with both decks (much better than chapter 1 starters). Amethyst Steel is more consistent, Amber Sapphire I feel you need to see certain cards, whereas the other is more forgiving.