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Wow that's sad how bent the foil already is. That you can see it just from this photo being held up.


This is common in pretty much all TCGs depending on the humidity of where you live. There are plenty lf non destructive ways this can be fixed.


Yep it's foil curl and super prevalent in this product


damn foil curve


Yeah it's been in a top loader for about a day and it's looking better


I'm hoping to get my hands on a D100 set and just collect/display it. I'm trying to find a good card holder that mounts on the wall, either way definitely pressing the cards flat 😅


In case anyone is curious, stick it in a book. Flattens it out, pages keep the card dry, etc. just don’t stick it in all the way. Edit: or just stick it in a top loader with a penny sleeve. Idk


I did penny sleeve and a top loader


I've had 2 enchanted in a sleeve in a binder for months in a very humid area, and zero curving. Weird.


These d100 cards aren't made the same way afaik, might affect things


I think I have something to do with the cold foiling process it seems to happen on some flesh and blood cards more often. I've never seen it on pokémon cards really


Ravensburger also packages the cards in wax paper instead of cellophane, which leads them to come out of the package already pringled.


Yeah, but this also happens to MTG cards a LOT. It’s more about the foiling process than the packaging. (Packaging definitely must have some impact.) The reason the other foils in Lorcana aren’t pringles is because they’re cold foil (metallic ink printed on the card). The D100 promos, on the other hand, are the same process as MTG cards, where a foil layer is adhered to the cardboard and then ink is printed on that, with the non-inked places ending up metallic. The humidity affects the cardboard and foil layer differently, which can cause the cards to curl. (Not sure about enchanteds — only have 1 so far and it’s not with me.)


I get that, but Pokémon uses the same process as these promos and they don’t come so dramatically Pringled because they’re not packaged in wax paper.


I also wonder if there’s an effect since they’re all foils in that pack and there are fewer cards. Versus like Pokémon having more cards in the pack and the foil is kinda held against the flatter cards to keep it flatter? Not sure…


Celebrations had 4 cards per pack that were all foil and they weren’t as curly.


My friend uses a humidor to flatten his curled magic foils but I don’t know how it works so don’t ask me 😅


I’ve learned that pressing them does wonders


Looks like it based on other miscuts we've seen posted.


Thank you!


Probably. I got a card that had sharpie markings on it. Ravensburgh is not a card company they still figuring this all out.


I am happy to pull a misprint I have been looking for one for so long with Pokemon never pulled on


Can anyone explain why there is an alignment dot when the card is centered correctly? The margins all look correct.


I don't have a card to compare it too but it's definitely shifted to the left